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The Carnegie Herald

Elementary students receive end of year awards

Carnegie Elementary and Keisha Parish in third Leland Satepeahtaw, third Priyam Upadhyay, third DZDUGVZHQWWRSUHNVWX-
School students were grade; Greer Lucus and place. place in fourth grade GHQWV3D[WRQ3HUNLQV 0UV
awarded for their accom- Priyam Upadhyay in fourth POSTER CONTEST and Cutter Whitley, .U\VWDO3HFN DQG.HQGRQ
plishments in an Awards grade; and Jesse Montgom- American Farmers and fourth place in fourth 6LQN 0V$EELH3HFN NLQ-
Assembly on May 14. ery and Kaitlyn Knauss in Ranchers Poster Contest grade; Alexa Chavez, dergarten, Cora Chalepah
The welcome was given by ÀIWKJUDGH winners were Taylor Little, WKLUGSODFHÀIWKJUDGH (Ms. Wallace) and Ellison
Mrs. Lori Graham, princi- SPECIAL OLYMPICS Top 5 in placement; Shan- and Meredith Pye, fourth Lucus (Mrs. Lovenburg); T1
pal followed by the United 6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVSDUWLFL- tel Hernandez and Keyra SODFHLQÀIWKJUDGH Ace Riddle (Mrs. Guo-
KRPDÁDJVDOXWHE\0HU- Mrs. Tammy Robnett to 7RSDQG'UDNH6NLQQHU Earning Six Flags Read Cardenas (Ms. Hammons)
edith Pye. Bella Dietrich Lane Butler, Leo Garza, and Victor Lopez, Division To Success Program cer- and Aislinn Big Boy (Ms.
gave the school creed. 0DND\OD6HOOV.DVRQ,DPV ,,ZLQQHUV7RS WLÀFDWHVZHUH(OLMDK<RUN Montgomery); second grade,
Special music was provid- and Logan Tate. 4-H =D\GHQ<RUN5LYHU3RZ- Kamber Toppah (Mrs. Mar-
ed by Mrs. Rita Sebastian's MUSIC Better all year were third
4-H participation awards ers, Kohen Marshall, Wyatt VKDOO DQG+D]H.X\NHQGDOO
Mrs. Rita Sebastian graders Nevaeh Ahhaitty,
ÀIWKJUDGH were presented by Mrs. Lovelace, Karter Littlecalf, (Mrs. Payne); third grade,
STUDENT COUNCIL presented music awards to $\GLQ%U\DQW&KORH&ODUN
Keisha Nix to third graders, Triston Anderson, Rosalee Tyler Little (Mrs. Pettit)
Student council awards Allison Salazar and Henry $-&OLQWRQ.D\GHQ)OHFN
Nevaeh Ahhaitty, Kayden *XWLHUUH]NLQGHUJDUWHQ and Timber Whitley (Mrs.
were given by Mrs. Linda 3RQFHLQSUHN5RVDOHH Eithan Turnbough, Timber
Gutierrez and Steele Da- Whitley, Kashen Burcum,
+LOO0UV0DQGLH.X\NHQ- Little, Preston Littlecalf, son Pye, Haegan Knauss, Greer Lucus (Mrs. Nix) and
dall and Mrs. Peggy Pettit -RVKXD%HDUERZ,VDLDK
YLVLQNLQGHUJDUWHQ7DUD Lyndee Miller, Gentry 5RNO\Q.HOO\DQG,VDDF6HH Gulian Salazar (Mrs. Hill/
to president Meredith Pye; Ware and Ace Riddle in T-1; Cavaness, Londyn Harris,
Montoya, Reighleigh Ponce, T1/1st grade. 0UV)REHV DQGÀIWKJUDGH
vice president Bella Diet- Lily Alvarado and Moses Roger Lonewolf, Lyndee Ken Whittington (Mrs.
Scout Ridgeway, Kizer ,QVHFRQGJUDGH6HGDU
rich; and secretary Wenzday Miller, Gentry Montoya, Lodes) and Kaitlyn Knauss
%XIIDORKHDGLQÀUVWJUDGH Schneberger, Kuper Schne- Ridgeway, Tripp Moore,
Burcum. Calli Harrison and Brandon Reighleigh Ponce, Kizer (Ms. Nightingale).
berger, Timber Whitley and Elisa Rae Longhat, Michael
Student council represen- Chalepah in second grade; Schneberger and Bradley ALPHA PLUS
Bradley Whittington; fourth +LOHPDQ+D]H.X\NHQGDOO
tative awards in the fourth Gentry Montoya and Hud- Whittington. Teachers receiving Alpha
graders, Destinea Gar- Kamber Toppah, Daelynn
grade were given to Jada son Harrison in third grade; Fourth graders included Plus Awards were Mrs.
rett, Nicholas Garrett, Tjay )LVFKHU'UDNH%XVKDQG
Greer Lucus and Adrien Tjay Gastineau, Taylor 0DQGLH.X\NHQGDOOLQWKLUG
5LOH\'DQH6WHQJHU1LFN Gastineau, Taylor Little, Yaretzi Villegas.
Garrett, Jaycee Kalahan, Satepauhoodle in fourth Little, Greer Lucus, Adriyan grade Math and Reading;
Greer Lucus, Stetson Nix, Third graders were Colten
Stetson Nix, A.J. Satepau- grade; and Zannady Kala- Salazar, Logan Tate, Lane Mrs. Keisha Nix in fourth
Jada Riley, Rishen Ryan, Stuteville, Kizer Schne-
hoodle, Cutter Whitley and han and Weston Burcum in Butler, Jaycee Kalahan, grade Math; Mrs. Tonia
Alexander Sarceno, Angie berger, Kuper Schneberger,
Gulian Salazar. Stetson Nix, Gulian Salazar, Lodes in fourth grade Read-
ÀIWKJUDGH Sarceno, Adrian Satepau- Londyn Harris, Timber
Fifth grade representa- JOM AJ Satepauhoodle, Micah LQJ0UV.HLVKD1L[LQÀIWK
hoodle, Harley Shipman, Whitley, Keisha Parish, Kyp
tives awards went to Devry 6LQN3UL\DP8SDGK\D\DQG grade Math; Mrs. Tonia
-206WXGHQWRIWKH Dane Stenger, Lillian Ware Moore, Preston Littlecalf,
Goergen, Kaitlyn Knauss, Year award students were Harley Shipman. /RGHVLQÀIWKJUDGHUHDG-
Jesse Montgomery, Klay- recognized by Mrs. Hope Fifth graders were Ryan ing; and the Model Teacher
graders, David Anderson, Logan Tate, Alexander
ton Lopez, Karson Lopez, Worthington and they Ahtone, Kyleigh Bearbow, Award to Mrs. Tonia Lodes.
Kyleigh Bearbow, Paxton Sarceno, Jada Riley, Greer
Kyleigh Bearbow, Paxton included Kinley Longhat, Weston Burcum, Alexa STUDENT OF TODAY
Davis, Logan Dudgeon, Lucus and Stetson Nix in
Davis, Weston Burcum, Chavez, Bella Dietrich, Masonic Student of Today
NLQGHUJDUWHQ0DUFR%DUFR Devry Goergen, Celeste the fourth grade.
Alexa Chavez, Taylor and Moses Buffalohead in Zannady Kalahan, Klayton DZDUGVSUHVHQWHGWRÀIWK
,]TXLHUGR.DLWO\Q.QDXVV Fifth graders KateLynn
Satepeahtaw, Sayen Miller- Lopez, Taylor Satepeahtaw, graders Meredith Pye and
ÀUVWJUDGH*OHQGD$K- Sayen Miller, Meredith Pye Sells, Kaitlyn Knauss, Mer-
Stumblingbear. Ken Whittington, Wenzday David Anderson.
KDLWW\+D]H.X\NHQGDOO and Brody Smith. edith Pye and Kevin Galvez.
COMPUTER and Willow Dietrich in Burcum, Jasmin Hernan- The Masonic Teacher of
Computer awards were second grade; Lyndee Miller dez, KateLynn Sells, Colt Today award was awarded
Shortgrass Speech Contest ALL A'S
presented by Mrs. Babb to and Keisha Parish in third Smith, Brody Smith, Jael to Mrs. Keisha Nix.
winners were recognized by Students earning All A's
Juliana Ramos and Kendon grade; Ebony Hayden, Mrs. Lori Graham and they
for the year included third erdo. President's Award For Ed-
Stumblingbear and Sloan honah and Hailey Chalepah PERFECT ucational Excellence awards
Carnegie Elementary Team. son Harrison, Preston Lit-
,QGLYLGXDODZDUGVZHQWWR tlecalf, Keisha Parish, Scout
Ruben Lopez in T-1; Marco Teacher of the Year was Students earning Perfect JHQÀIWKJUDGHUZKRVFRUHG
Londyn Harris, third place Ridgeway, Tyler Little and
Mrs. Stephanie Payne. Attendance for the Entire advanced in reading; Sayen
%DUFRDQG%HQWOH\)OHFNLQ in third grade and Scout Kuper Schneberger; fourth
ÀUVWJUDGH*XQQHU/RYHODFH AG IN CLASSROOM Year were Yasmin Mendez, Miller in Reading; Jesse
5LGJHZD\ÀIWKSODFHLQ graders Kevin Cardenas;
and Sedar Ridgeway in sec- :LQQHULQWKH$J,Q7KH third grade; Stetson Nix for
(OOLV\Q/XFXVNLQGHUJDU- Montgomery in Math; Mere-
ond grade; Roger Lonewolf Classroom Contest was ÀUVWSODFHLQIRXUWKJUDGH Galvez, Sayen Miller, Jesse grade; Lane Butler (fourth Sells in Math; Colt Smith
Montgomery, Meredith Pye, year), fourth grade; Mer- in Math; Ken Whittington
CARNEGIE ELEMENTARY Devry Goergen and Kaitlyn HGLWK3\HÀIWKJUDGH IRXUWK in Reading; Kevin Galvez
Knauss. year). in Math and Reading; and

Top reading and math

B'S OR BETTER CITIZENSHIP Kaitlyn Knauss in Math and
Students earning B's or American Citizenship Reading.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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