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Society for American Archaeology

Integration of Archaeological Phase Information and Radiocarbon Results from the Jama
River Valley, Ecuador: A Bayesian Approach
Author(s): James A. Zeidler, Caitlin E. Buck and Clifford D. Litton
Source: Latin American Antiquity, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Jun., 1998), pp. 160-179
Published by: Society for American Archaeology
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Accessed: 16/06/2014 07:29

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JamesA. Zeidler, Caitlin E. Buck, and Clifford
D. Litton
Archaeological syntheses of western Ecuadorian
prehisto7yhave been hamperedby a lack of
and detailed cultural sequencesfor many key reliable absolute chronologies
areas, one of which is northernManabf
ritory of the Jama-Coaque cultural tradition. Province, knownprincipally as the ter-
This study presents a seven-phase cultural
of northernManabf that spans over 3,600 sequencefor the Jama River valley
calendar years. A statistical model relating the
is established, based on prior knowledge successive archaeological phases
of the stratigraphyand ceramic seriation
the valley. A Bayesian statistical approach from key archaeological sites throughout
is then employed to calibrate 37
estimatingcalendar datesfor the limits of these radiocarbon determinationsfor the purpose of
phases. Apartfrom its contributionto the
theanalysis illustrates the value of a prehistoryof a poorly studied area,
probabilistic Bayesian approach to radiocarbon
minationsrelate to archaeologically predefined calibration, especially when the deter-
phases. It also demonstratesthe dangers of
periodizationschemes to specific sequences of uncritically applying generalized
historical development and highlights the need
chronologythroughmore precise interregional for reassessing Ecuadorian
Lassfntesis arqueologicas de la
prehistoria del occidente ecuatoriano han sido
absolutasconfiables y secuencias culturales entorpecidas por la falta de cronologfas
detalladas para muchas areas claves, una de las
dela Provincia de Manabf, conocido cuales es el sector meridional
principalmente como el territorio de la tradicion
presentauna secuencia cultural de siete fases cultural Jama-Coaque. Este estudio
para la cuenca del Rfo Jama de Manabf
calendaricos.Se establece un modelo estadfstico, de norte, la cual abarca unos 3,600 anos
rivado de conocimiento previo de la
desitios arqueologicos claves por todo estratigraffay la seriacion ceramica
el valle, el eual relaciona las fases
empleaun enfoque estadfstico Bayesiano para arqueologicas sucesivas. Posteriormente, se
la calibracion de 37 fechamientos
fechascalendaricas los radiocarbonicos con el fin de estimar las
Ifmitesde cada fase. Aparte de su contribucion
conocida,el analisis ilustra el valor de un a la prehistoria de un area poco
enfoque probabilKsticoBayesiano para la
mente cuando los fechamientos disponibles provienen calibracion radiocarbonica, especial-
de faves predefinidas arqueologicamente.
groen aplicas; con falta de sentido Tambiendemuestra el peli-
crKtico,los esquemas de periodificacion
desarrollohistorico, y destaca la necesidad de evaluar generalizados a secuencias espeefficas de
nuevamentela cronologfa ecuatoriana mediante
regionalesmas precisas. correlaciones inter-

n e of the principalobstacles to macrore-

Coaque culture a series of complex chiefdoms
{ Xgional understandingof Ecuadorianpre-
with an elaborate ceramic tradition
5 _ history has been the uneven coverage spanning
of some 2,000 years regional time/space
archaeologicalresearchover the past 40 systemat-
ics have been poorly understood until
and the resultinglack of absolutechronolo- quite
for key areas (Feldmanand Moseley 1983).
Although a basic culturalsequence was devel-
NorthernManabi Province, located on the upper oped for this area as early as the late
coast, is one such area. In spite of its 1950s
(Estrada 1957; see also Estrada 1958:7-20), it
renown as the territory of Ecuador's Jama-
was based on limited fieldwork at a few
A. Zeidler * Departmentof Anthropology,
109 Davenport Hall, 607 South Mathews
IL 61801 Avenue, University of Illinois,
E. Buck * School of History and
Archaeology, University of Wales, P.O. Box 909,
Kingdom CardiffCF1 3XU, Wales, United
D. Litton * Departmentof Mathematics,
Universityof Nottingham,University Park,
Kingdom NottinghamNG7 2RD, England,

LatinAmericanAntiquity,9(2), 1998, pp.

Copyright(C)by the Society for AmericanArchaeology


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along the coastal strip and provided only a very appears as an empty "no man's land" or buffer
general cultural sequence lacking both internal zone between the intrusive cultures. Again, no
subdivisionsand radiocarbondeterminations.The discussion of these temporaUspatialsystematicsis
culturalmanifestationsidentifiedby Estradawere provided, nor is the nature of these "intrusive"
placed in the nascent "functional-developmental" occupationsdocumented.
periodization scheme of Ecuadorian prehistory As archaeological research progressed else-
(Estrada 1957:CuadroNo. 2), and their chrono- where in coastal Ecuador during the 1960s and
logical placement on an absolute timescale was 1970s, northernManabi languished while illegal
subsequently extrapolated from absolute looting of archaeological sites continued
chronologies developed elsewhere in western unabated(Zeidler 1982). As a result, many schol-
Ecuador (Evans and Meggers 1961; Meggers arly interpretationsof Jama-Coaqueculturehave
1966). In this scheme, three basic periods were been based largely on studies of looted museum
identified, with one internal subdivision: the pieces that "float"in the untested chronological
Formative period, subdivided into the Early frameworkof the original periodizationscheme.
Formativeperiod (3000-1500 B.C.) and the Late This situationhas fosteredconsiderableconfusion
Formativeperiod (150(}500 B.C.); the Regional and misinformation regarding temporaUspatial
Development period (500 B.C.-A.D. 500); and understanding, developmental trajectories, and
the Integrationperiod (A.D. 50(}1500) (Evans interregional interaction in northern Manabi
and Meggers 1961:149; see also Meggers (Zeidlerand Pearsall 1994).
1966:25). Thus the initial cultural sequence for Without denying the heuristic utility of the
northern Manabi was composed of a Late pan-Ecuadorianperiodizationscheme for general
Formative component, termed "Tabuchila"by purposesof synthesis,ourresultsillustrateits fun-
Estrada,followed by two long occupationscalled damental inadequacy for organizing and inter-
"Jama-CoaqueI and II," correspondingrespec- preting regional prehistories where baseline
tively to the Regional Development and archaeological research has not been imple-
Integrationperiods (Estrada1957:24, 79-11). mented. Although not the intent of its early pro-
Although essentially correct in broad outline, ponents (Evans and Meggers 1961), the scheme
this regional sequence had no absolute chronol- tends to overgeneralize time/space systematics
ogy of its own; rather,it was assumedto sharethe from better studied areas by projectingthem into
temporal placement of comparable sequences areas where they have never been adequately
from other, better studied areas of western tested throughsustainedfield research.The early
Ecuador, particularly Guayas Province to the caveats of Evans and Meggers (1961) in this
south. Confusion in the identificationof cultural regard deserve lengthy quotation and should be
manifestations was introduced in a subsequent contemplated by all current users of the peri-
publication, where Estrada's pan-Ecuadorian odization scheme:
chronological chart (1962:Cuadro No. 1) rele- The acceptance of a chronological frameworkfor the
gates Jama-Coaqueto the Regional Development coast of Ecuador, which consists of three long gen-
period and replaces the Integration-periodJama- eral periods, does not imply that it should be taken
without proof, or that culturalchange progressed at a
CoaqueII with a hypothesizedintrusiveAtacames
uniform rate over this entire area. In the same way
occupationemanatingfrom EsmeraldasProvince that radiocarbondates are approximationssubject to
to the north. No justification is provided, how- errorsof a magnitudethat at times reaches 500 years
ever, for this rather substantial turnabout in plus or minus, the transition between the Formative
Estrada'sunderstandingof northernManabipre- and the Regional Development, or between the latter
and the Integration period, could have taken place
history.This interpretationis repeatedin a subse-
earlier in one area than in another.... It is a fact that
quent influential synthesis of Ecuadorian divisions between periods are somewhat artificial,
prehistoryby Meggers (1966:Figure3), but in this but that does not diminish their utility for the organi-
case a southwardintrusionof Atacamenopeoples zation of archaeological data in chronological terms
into northernManabiis coupled with a northward [Evans and Meggers 1961:151-152; our translation].
expansion of Manteno peoples (Meggers In spite of its early use as a valuable heuristic
1966:Figure 36). Curiously, the Jama Valley device for organizinga wealth of new and rapidly

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162 LATINAMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 9, No. 2, 19981

accumulatingarchaeologicaldata, the functional- originated, while the A.D. 500 estimate only
developmentalperiodizationscheme soon gained approximatesthe time of transitionfor any areaof
general acceptance after its publication by westernEcuador.More recentchronometricstud-
Meggers (1966) and has come to be applied ies conductedthroughoutEcuador,such as north-
uncriticallyto all areasof Ecuadorin popularand ern Manabi (discussed here), Esmeraldas
academic literaturealike. Province (e.g., DeBoer 1996; Guinea 1989;
Four problematic assumptions of the pan- Tolstoy and DeBoer 1989; Valdez 1987), southern
Ecuadorian scheme are notable. It assumes (1) Manabi (e.g., Norton 1992; Norton et al. 1983),
continuous cultural occupation, (2) directional the Guayas coast (e.g., Aleto 1988; Lippi 1983;
and cumulative change, (3) uniform chronologi- Paulsen 1970, 1976), the Guayas Basin (e.g.,
cal placement of period breaks, and (4) uniform Muse 1991; Stemper1989; Zedeno 1985), and the
or parallelsociopolitical developmentimplied by northernhighlands (e.g., Buys 1988; Echeverria
the period nomenclature (i.e., Formative, 1981; Lumbreras1984), consistentlydemonstrate
Regional Development, and Integrationperiods). discrepancieswith the temporalestimates of this
The establishmentof detailed cultural sequences periodizationscheme.
based on calibratedradiocarbonfindings demon- Herewe presentnew chronometricinformation
strates the untenable nature of the first three that clarifies the natureof time/space systematics
assumptions for specific areas such as northern and interregionalinteractionin northernManabi.
Manabi.As we shall see, the sequence is not con- Questions regardingthe fourth assumption(uni-
tinuous but is punctuatedby a series of hiatus form or paralleldevelopment)can then be raised
periods markedby probablevalley abandonment (see also LopezAguilar 1990). By implication,the
and, in some cases, catastrophicchange (three notion of sociopolitical "integration"extending
volcanic airfalls and the Spanish conquest). from A.D. 500 to Spanishconquest can be evalu-
Comparablehiatusperiods also have been argued ated ratherthan assumed. Throughchronological
for the Santa Elena Peninsula during the refinement, the unique historical processes that
Integrationperiod(Paulsen 1970, 1976), although shaped the prehistory of the Jama River valley
in this case they were droughtinduced. Because can be delineatedmore precisely.
of these abruptphase breaks and hiatus periods, Chronology construction is one of the most
no simple directional or cumulative change is fundamentaltasks in archaeologicalresearch,yet
revealedin the archaeologicalrecord.Rather,cul- one thatis never finished. Whethera phase-based
tural change seems to follow an ebb-and-flow chronology, a site-based chronology (Plog 1979;
patternof social complexity throughtime, at least Read 1979), or a continuous chronology (Braun
with respect to regional centralization(see, for 1985; Plog and Hantman 1986, 1990) is being
example, DeBoer 1996). constructed,it is a cumulative process whereby
Chronological placement of the traditional furtherrefinementsin scaling are possible as new
period breaks at 500 B.C. and A.D. 500 also is archaeological evidence and independently
problematic.The beginningdate was extrapolated derived dates become available. Where the latter
from 11 radiocarbondeterminationspertainingto include radiocarbondeterminations,their conver-
the early Bahia cultureof central Manabi (Evans sion to a calendar timescale is not straightfor-
and Meggers 1961) at a time well before the ward.The commonly adopted"interceptmethod"
developmentof calibrationprocedures.The latter for obtaining calibratedradiocarbondates is not
date was based on obsidian hydrationdetermina- always adequate;at best it provides only a tem-
tions that actually span A.D. 500 to 700 (Evans poral range for a given radiocarbondetermina-
and Meggers 1961:151; see also Meggers 1966). tion. The magnitudeof thatrangeis subjectto the
While these estimatedperiod breaksstill serve as vagaries of the part of the calibration curve at
a general guide to major transitions in coastal which the particular determinationhappens to
Ecuadorianprehistory, they must be employed fall. As Bowman (1990:47) notes, "The intercept
cautiously. The 500 B.C. estimate is directly method does not fully utilize the data:it does not
applicable only to the coastal area of central take into account the Gaussiandistributionof the
Manabi where the radiocarbon determinations uncalibratedresult, so that all dates in the calen-

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Figure1. The Jama Rivervalleystudy area,

to tistics to delineate phase boundariesfor the
dar ranges seem equally likely."As a solution for the Jama
calibration methods historicculturalsequence developed
this problem, probabilistic
the River valley on centralcoastal Ecuador.
have been advancedthat attempt"to quantify
distributionof the radiocarbon dates" (Bowman The Jama Valley Research
1990:47) and provide more precise chronological and
As a result of recent archaeological survey
informationon a calendricaltimescale. Bayesian valley of northern
of the site testing in the Jama River
statisticalmethods have proven to be one been
and robust approaches to this cali- Manabi(Figure 1), substantialprogress has
most powerful of a regional cul-
(see Buck et al. 1996). In this made toward the development
bration problem and Pearsall 1994). The
sta- turalchronology (Zeidler
paperwe explore the applicationof Bayesian

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164 LATINAMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 9, No. 2, 1998]

ultimategoals of the currentresearchare to docu- tery of the Mantenoculturedoes, in fact, occur at

ment the intravalley settlement dynamics and a few localities in the Jama River valley during
agriculturalproductionbase of the Jama-Coaque the late Integrationperiod (Muchique 4). Some
chiefdoms and theirFormative-periodprecursors, Atacameno pottery is present as well. However,
and elucidate the spatial and temporalfeaturesof the relatively small quantities of each of these
political centralizationin these differentperiods. pottery varieties appear to represent intensified
Before such questionsof historicalprocess can be regional interactionwith the Jama-CoaqueII cul-
meaningfullyaddressed,however,it is imperative ture rather than a complete population replace-
to establisha fine-grained,reliable, chronological ment by Mantenoand/orAtacamenopeoples as is
framework for the Jama Valley study area and commonly assumed in the literature(for example
adjacent areas of northernManabi so that syn- Feldman and Moseley 1983; Hosler et al. 1990;
chronic and diachronicvariabilityare clearly dis- Meggers 1966; Porras 1980; Willey 1971). The
tinguished in the regional archaeologicalrecord. precise natureand timing of this interactionwith
Seven major archaeologicalphases have thus far neighboringpolities to the northand to the south
been defined, spanningabout 300 to 3,600 radio- remaina majortopic of ongoing research,but the
carbonyears B.P., and theirrelationshipsare well level of macroregional"integration"implied by
understood(Zeidler 1994a, 1994b). Furtherdelin- the traditionalperiodizationscheme seems not to
eation of internalsubdivisionsfor these phases is have occurredin northernManabi.
currently in progress. The nomenclature of the Table 1 provides relative chronological infor-
seven phases is based on perceived differences in mation for this archaeologicalperiodizationand
their associated ceramic complexes (Zeidler and phasing scheme (Harris 1979:82, 89), which is
Sutliff 1994). These are as follows: Piquigua,per- based on regional chronostratigraphic data, quali-
taining to the Early FormativeTerminalValdivia tative ceramic seriation by modal analysis, and
culture; Tabuchila, pertaining to the Late automatedceramic seriationby multidimensional
Formative Chorrera culture; and Muchique 1 scaling (MDS) methods (Zeidler 1994a, 1994b;
through Muchique 5, which pertain to the long Zeidler and Sutliff 1994). The process was initi-
Jama-Coaquetradition. The latter encompasses ated through deep stratigraphicexcavations and
the Regional Development and Integrationperi- the establishmentof a "master"ceramic sequence
ods in the traditionalperiodization scheme and at the San Isidro site in the uppervalley, which is
appearsto extend well into the Colonial period. thought to have functioned as a major regional
Our field investigationsin the JamaRiver val- civic-ceremonial center throughoutmuch of the
ley, and elsewhere in northernManabi,have con- period under investigation here (Zeidler and
firmed the earlier supposition of Estrada Pearsall 1994). On the basis of that provisional
(1957:20, Cuadro No. 2; see also Estrada sequence, the subsequentarchaeologicalinvesti-
1958:7-20) that a long Jama-Coaque tradition gations followed a three-stepcyclical procedure
spans both the Regional Development period and for each successive field season of survey and site
the Integrationperiodin northernManabiand can testing (1988-1991).
be subdivided into separate cultural entities- (1) Site-specific stratigraphicsequences were
Jama-CoaqueI and II, respectively (Zeidler and establishedin new partsof the JamaRiver valley
Pearsall 1994). On the basis of his limited col- study area;(2) these site-specific sequences were
lecting and subsurface testing at sites along the correlatedand groupedacross the valley by refer-
coastal strip,Estrada(1957:20; translationby pre- ence to their artifact content (primarilythrough
sent authors) states that during the Integration seriatedceramics), as well as theirrelationshipto
period, "the Manteno culture apparentlydid not three tephro-stratigraphichorizon markers; and
extend to the northernzone of Manabi.Neither in (3) suitable samples of wood charcoal from
collections from Cojimies (in far northern archaeologicalcontexts on these sites were sub-
Manabi),nor in our excavations at Coaque,Jama mitted for radiocarbondating. In each loop of the
and collections from Tabuchilaand Chone have cycle, improvementwas made in chronological
we observedMantenotraits."In contrast,our own understanding. These improvements took the
researchhas demonstratedthatthe distinctivepot- form of increased knowledge about the relative

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Table 1. PrehistoricCulturalSequence of the JamaRiver Valley.

Cultural Ceramic
Component Phase Disjuncture Period
Campace? Muchique5 Colonial
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique4 Integration
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique3 Integration
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 Integration
Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 Regional
Chorrera Tabuchila Late Formative
Valdivia8 Piquigua(late) Early Formative
Valdivia8 Piquigua(early) Early Formative

chronology of sites in the study area and the deposits (Isaacson 1994; Zeidler and Isaacson
accumulation of ever-increasing numbers of 1997). The potential role of such deposits in
radiocarbon determinations.These radiocarbon archaeological chronology building has been
determinationswere not used in establishing a cogently described by Hart and Steen-McIntyre
relative chronology. Nevertheless, the collection (1983:3>31):
of charcoal samples ensured that calendar dates An airfall layer is deposited in an instant of geologi-
were obtainedfor all segments of the chronologi- cal time. It falls over the whole landscape, heedless
cal sequence. However, withoutcalibrationof the of topography or environment. In excavation it usu-
ally appears as a light-colored band, a "chalk-line"
accumulated radiocarbon information, precise against the darkersediments. If the age of the unit is
chronological placement of the archaeological known, it forms a time horizon that is independentof
phases on a calendar timescale has (for reasons locally-derived radiometricdates .... Once a sample
specified below) remainedunclear. of unworked ash has been identified . . ., an age . . .
can be confidently assigned to artifactsdirectly asso-
Tephra Deposits as Chrono-Stratigraphic ciated with it in the sediments. When the tephra has
Horizon Markers been identified in two or more sites, be they meters or
hundreds of kilometers apart, then intersite correla-
One of the most crucial bodies of data used for tion becomes possible and, for artifacts directly
establishing the relative chronology on a valley- above or below the ash, at a date that can rival the
wide scale consisted of the distinct layers of vol- best radiometricdates for accuracy and precision.
canic ash commonly encountered in our Beyond their utility as "markerdates" (Baillie
excavationsor observedin exposed cuts along the 1991), however, lies the issue of their differential
banks of major waterways. Their utility as time effect on the valley populations existing at the
horizon markers cannot be overemphasized, as time of the threeeruptions,and the specific behav-
they representcriticaljunctures or "stratigraphic ioral response or adjustment to these effects
ruptures"(Gasche and Tunca 1983) in the Jama (Burton et al. 1978). As we shall see, it is these
River valley culturalsequence. The Jamatephras effects and the ensuing humanresponsethatinflu-
do not exhibit the variationsin grain size andbed- ence the continuity or discontinuity of cultural
ding characteristicsthat are found in pyroclastic occupation,ratherthan the volcanic event per se
deposits in close proximity to a source eruption (Isaacson 1987, 1994; Zeidlerand Isaacson 1997).
(see, for example, Hart and Steen-McIntyre
1983). Located some 200 km directly west of The Radiocarbon Data
their probablesource eruptions,the Jama tephras Thirty-sevenradiocarbondeterminationsare cur-
are composed of fine-grained volcanic airfall rently available.lAll but one of these derive from

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archaeologicalresearchin the Jama River valley. the aberrantresults and the high sigma values
Sample HO-1307, processed by the Humble Oil obtained (2 300 years). The two assays in ques-
Company,was recoveredby Ecuadorianarchaeol- tion are listed in Table 2 in uncalibrated
ogist Emilio Estrada(1962) at the Veliz site in the logical orderratherthanby stratigraphic
lower Chone River drainage (Figure 1). It is Conversion of these radiocarbonresults to a
included here as it is the only previous radiocar- calendartimescale can be accomplishedusing
bon determinationfor northernManabi and pro- internationallyrecognized high-precision
vided corroboratingevidence for the datingof the tion curve (Pearsonand Stuiver 1986;
Late FormativeTabuchilaphase. The remaining al. 1986; Stuiver and Pearson 1986).
36 determinationsderive from 16 archaeological undertakingthis calibrationand
sites in the JamaValley, althoughthey are appor- results are less than straightforwardtasks
tioned somewhat unevenly among the seven "thecalibrationcurves are nonlinearand
not even
phases. Key sites having long stratigraphic monotonic"(Naylor and Smith 1988:588).
sequences and multiple radiocarbondetermina- uncalibrated radiocarbon determinations
tions are present in both the upper and lower Gaussianor normaldistributions,this is
no longer
reachesof the valley (Figure 1). For the upperval- the case when these are transformedto
the calen-
ley they include the regionalcentersof San Isidro, dar scale (Bowman 1990; Dehling
and van der
Capaperro,and Pechichal. For the lower valley, Plicht 1993). This problem is especially
they include La Mina, El Tape,La Ladrillera,and when archaeologicalinterestcenters
on groupsof
Don Juan.In selecting charcoalsamplesfor radio- associateddates and, in particular,on
carbonanalysis, high prioritywas placed on sam- "phasing,"i.e., estimatingthe beginning
and end-
ples from tightly controlledstratigraphiccontexts, ing dates for a series of
archaeological phases
preferably from discrete archaeological features (Buck et al. 1991; Buck et al. 1992;
Buck et al.
such as pits, hearths,burials,and the like. Where 1996; Litton and Leese 199; Naylor
and Smith
specimens of this type were not available, care 1988). As Buck et al. (1991:812-813) note,
was takento ensurethatthe samples at least came statisticallikelihood function for
such a problem
from a secure stratigraphiccontext. is usually irregularandmultimodal,"and the stan-
Table2 providesthe laboratoryreferencenum- dardcomputationalroutinesused
to calculate the
ber for the 37 samples, theirradiocarbondetermi- estimates cannot distinguish
between many dif-
nation, and their associated site number and ferent alternative"highly likely"
name, provenience, valley location (upper or ues. In such cases, clear
archaeological model
lower), and phase assignment.Only two of these building coupled with a
Bayesian statistical
determinations (PITT-870/871 and PITT-890), approachcan provide an effective solution
to the
both from the Capaperrosite in the upper Jama problemof archaeological
phasing on a calendar
Valley, were deemed aberrant,in that they post- timescale. Figure 2 shows the
Jama River valley
dated their respective stratigraphiccontexts and radiocarbondeterminations
alongside the appro-
associated cultural materials by a considerable priate section of the high-precision
margin.The PITT-870/871 specimenpertainsto a curve.
Valdivia 8 (Piquigua phase) burial context
(Feature 2), thus the determinationof 2125 + Bayesian Statistics and Archaeological Phasing
300 B.P. is probablysome 1,700 calendricalyears Mostarchaeologists,when
approachingthe inter-
too late. The PITT-890 specimen pertains to a pretationof a new data set,
seek to make use of a
reworkedtephra layer (Deposit 7) that overlies widerange of a priori
information.In the case of
the burial context, but is still clearly within the theJamaRiver valley
Valdivia8 component.In this case the determina- thisprior information
took the form of personal
tionof 1170 + 340 B.P. probablypostdates this field experiences,
experiences of colleagues
context by some 2,800 calendrical years. Both workingin the region, and
the writtenreportsof a
charcoalspecimens were small in size and com- rangeof experts in Ecuadorianarchaeology.To
priseddispersedflecks of charcoal.The natureof makebest use of the radiocarbondata from the
thespecimens undoubtedly was responsible for project,the a priori relative chronological infor-

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Table 2. RadiocarbonDeterminationsfrom the JamaRiver Valley Shown with TheirAssociated ContextualIn

Site Name Site No. Provenience Valley Component Ceramic Lab No.
San Isidro M3D2-001 XII/C11, Dep 31 Middle Valdivia8 Piquigua ISGS-1221
San Isidro M3D2-001 XII/C11, Dep 32 Middle Valdivia8 Piquigua ISGS-1222
San Isidro M3D2-001 XII/C11, F 15 pit Middle Valdivia8 Piquigua ISGS-1223
San Isidro M3D2-001 XX/B 1, Dep 12 Middle Valdivia8 Piquigua PITT-426
San Isidro M3D2-001 XII/C11, Dep 29 Middle Valdivia8 Piquigua ISGS-1220
La Mina M3B3-001 F7 pit Lower Chorrera Tabuchila ISGS-2366
San Isidro M3D2-001 XXXI/A1, F22 pit Middle Chorrera Tabuchila AA-4140
Veliz none Cut B, 40-60 cm Chone R. Chorrera Tabuchila HO-1307
Mocoral M3B4-031 TP2, Dep 10/11 Middle Chorrera Tabuchila ISGS-2377
Don Juan M3B2-001 F7, Burial l Lower Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 PITT-1128
La Cabuya M3B3-009 F1 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 PITT-1125
Capaperro M3D2-065 F2, Burial l Middle Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 PITT-870/8
(unnamed) M3B4-037 F1 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 ISGS-2372
Don Juan M3B2-001 F20 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 ISGS-2376
Don Juan M3B2-001 TP1, F2 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1 AA-4138
(unnamed) M3B4-043 F22 midden Lower Jama-CoaqueI MuchiqueI ISGS-2373
E1Tape M3B3-002 F4 floor Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 ISGS-2367
La Ladrillera M3B3-029 F9 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 ISGS-2370
Jama M3B3-003 F4 pit Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 ISGS-2368
La Ladrillera M3B3-029 F5 oven Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 ISGS-2371
Pechichal M3B4-011 F5-s pit Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 PITT-710
Pechichal M3B4-011 F5-r pit Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 2 PITT-709
E1Tape M3B3-002 60-80 cm (Dep 3) Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 PITT-410
Pechichal M3B4-011 F6 pit Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2 PITT-708
Capaperro M3D2-065 F4 floor Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-869
Capaperro M3D2-065 Dep 7 Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-890c
La Mina M3B3-001 TP1, Dep 4 Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique3 PITT-417
La Mina M3B3-001 TP1, F5 oven Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 AA-4137
E1Tape M3B3-002 TP1, F2 hearth Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 AA-4136
Don Juan M3B2-001 Dep 2/3, Elem. 11 Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-1127
Pablo Munoz M3B4-022 F1 pit Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-711
Don Juan M3B2-001 Dep 3 Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-1126
Pasaborracho M3B3-045 cut-bankprofile Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 ISGS-2375
E1Acropohs M3B3-012 TP1, 40-60 cm (Dep 3) Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3 PITT-1129
Moncayo M3B4-001 F1 pit Middle Jama-CoaqueII Muchique4 PITT-707
La Mina M3B3-001 TP1, Dep 3 Lower Jama-CoaqueII Muchique4 PITT-415
La Mina M3B3-001 TP1, Elem. 1 Lower Campace? Muchique S PITT-414
aISGS= Illinois StateGeological SurveyIsotope GeochemistryLaboratory;PITr = Universityof PittsburghRadiocarbonLaboratory;HO = H
of ArizonaAcceleratorMass SpectrometryFacility.
bThesephase numbersare employed only for purposesof statisticalnotationin our Bayesian analysis and are not intendedas permanentpha
for the JamaValley culturalsequence.All referencesto the latterare made using the correspondingceramic phase nomenclature.
cTheseradiocarbondeterminationsarejudged to be aberrantbased on stratigraphiccontext and associated ceramic material.

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m 3000- ° 9
= 8 \
o \
._ I

ct O <

a, 2000
.; A
c0 # X
wc #l 9
o 1 000- -t

X + W
x >

l l l l
4000 3000 2000 1000
Calibrateddate BP
Figure 2. The radiocarbon determinations from the Jama River valley shown beside the appropriate portion of the
high-precision calibration curve. C]= Phase I, O = Phase II, * = Phase III, # = Phase IV, * = Phase V, + = Phase VI, and
x = Phase VII.

mation had to be synthesized.A coherentframe- about the parameters,both a priori and a posteri-
work was needed so that the relative and absolute ori. Using a standardtheorem (known as Bayes'
dating evidence could be brought together and theorem), we can then combine these different
chronologicalinferences made. kinds of information(priorbeliefs andthe data)to
The Bayesian approachto statistics offers just arrive at posterior probability statements from
such a frameworkin which we can make explicit which inferences can be made.
statements about prior beliefs, collect data, and Briefly, the Bayesian approach to statistics
combine the two in a logical mannerto arrive at requiresthatthe user be able to supply (usually in
posteriorbeliefs. To make use of this framework, collaboration with a statistician) the following
the problem at hand must be formalized to three components:
develop a statistical model that represents our (1) The likelihood a mathematicalfunction,
understandingof the processes that created the representedby statisticiansas p(x I 0 ). This is a
data.Such models have been developed for radio- statement about the probability we attach to
carbondatingand areexplainedin a range of pub- obtainingspecific data values given specific val-
lications including Naylor and Smith (1988), ues of the unknownparameters.
Littonand Leese (1991), Buck et al. (1991), Buck (2) The prior also a function, representedby
et al. (1992), and Buck et al. (1996). statisticiansas p(0). This is a statementabout the
In essence, relationshipsbetween data (repre- probabilitywe attachto obtainingspecific values
sented by x) and what we wish to learn about of the unknownparameterspriorto obtainingthe
(called parameters and represented by 0) are data.
posited. Bayesian statisticiansthen use probabili- (3) The posterior this is what we wish to
ties to make statementsabout these relationships obtain and is represented by statisticians as
that reflect the uncertainty in our knowledge p(0 Ix). This is a statementabout the strengthof

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belief in specific values of the unknownparame- (Zeidler 1994a, 1994b; Zeidler and Sutliff 1994).
ters after obtainingthe data. Pertinentcontextualinformationon the remaining
With the likelihood, prior,and data defined in samples from the 1989-1991 seasons will be pro-
this way, the key to all Bayesian statisticalinves- vided in a separatepublication.
tigations is Bayes' theorem, which can be In the earlierpartof the time spanunderinves-
expressed as tigation, the stratigraphicand artifactualevidence
p(0lX)p(Xi 0)xp(0) indicatesthatthe phases were sequential(Table 1)
where the symbol Ocmeans "proportionalto." and represent three distinct cultural manifesta-
Thus the posteriorcan be obtainedby multiplying tions having markedly different ceramic com-
the likelihood by the prior and then normalizing plexes. Culturaloccupation of the valley began
so that the probabilitiesadd up to one. with a colonizationby Valdiviapeoples in the ter-
To adopt a Bayesian approachfor interpreting minal phase (Valdivia 8) of that coastal
the Jama River valley radiocarbon determina- Ecuadoriansequence (phase I herein). Valdivia 8
tions, we first explicitly statethe natureof the rel- ceramics have been described in earlier research
ative a priori chronological information that is in Guayas and southernManabi Provinces to the
available.In consideringthe details of the a priori south (Hill 1972-1974; Lathrap et al. 1975;
evidence, recall that the radiocarbondetermina- Meggers et al. 1965) and provide strongdiagnos-
tions were obtainedfor this study in the hope of tic markers for this temporal affiliation. In the
estimating the calendar dates for the beginning Jama River valley, this occupation has been
and ending of each of the archaeologically termed the Piquiguaphase (Zeidler 1988, 1992),
defined phases, and not simply for dating the and its associated ceramic complex is well
samples themselves. For convenience here we defined (Jadan 1986; Zeidler and Sutliff 1994).
label the phases I throughVII so that Piquiguais As Table 1 indicates, this relatively short-lived
phase I, Tabuchila is phase II and so on until phase is itself separatedinto early and late sub-
MuchiqueS is phase VII. If we are to gain infor- phases by volcanic airfall deposits that represent
mation about the beginning and ending dates of the first of three such volcanic events in the val-
each phase, then we assume that each phase is ley sequence. The Valdivians seem to have sur-
bounded by two events (the startand the finish). vived the immediate negative effects of the
We label each of these events so that the startof volcanic airfall,as Valdivia8 occupationsurfaces
phase I is Event 1, the end of phase I is Event 2, occur immediatelyon top of the volcanic ash lay-
and so on so thatthe startof phase VII is Event 13 ers at San Isidro.
and the end of phase VII is Event 14. Thus, seven Phase I (Piquigua)activity ceased well before
phases are defined by 14 events where each event phase II (Tabuchila)started(Table 1). The break
is the startor finish of a particularphase. The cal- in occupationis markedby a long temporalhiatus
endar dates for the events of interest are labeled and distinct stratigraphicdisjunctureat the San
tI for Event 1, t2 for Event 2, and so on so that Isidro site (Zeidler 1994a:Table5.1), as well as
the calendardate associatedwith Event 14 is t14. othersites in the uppervalley. This gap also man-
These labels representthe items about which we ifests itself in an abruptchange in the nature of
wish to obtain chronological information using the ceramic complexes above and below the cul-
the radiocarbondeterminations. turally sterile deposits (Zeidler and Sutliff 1994).
In addition to the radiocarbondeterminations Late Formative Chorreraceramics are qualita-
relatingto the seven archaeologicalphases, a con- tively distinct from, and considerablymore com-
siderable amount of stratigraphicand artifactual plex than, those of the Early FormativeValdivia
informationpertainsto the relationshipsbetween tradition.Temporallyspeaking, they are usually
the 14 events under discussion. Detailed treat- separatedfrom one anotherby a spanof up to 500
ment of this archaeologicalinformationis beyond years making up the Middle Formative period
the scope of the present paper. The 13 samples (Lathrapet al. 1975). In the coastal regions of
collected before and duringthe 1988 season have Guayas and southern Manabi, the Middle
alreadybeen discussed togetherwith a contextual Formativeperiod is representedby the Machalilla
evaluationof the radiocarbonsamples themselves culture (Bischof 1975; Feldman and Moseley

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170 [Vol. 9, No. 2, 1998]

1983; Lathrapet al. 1975; Lippi 1983;

Meggers 2 (Zeidler and Sutliff 1994). In spite of the
1966; Norton 1992; Paulsenand McDougle conti-
1981; nuity in overall cultural tradition, however,
Porras 1983; Willey 1971). Curiously, no the
diag- stratigraphicdiscontinuity of the volcanic event
nostic Machalillapottery has been found in
con- presents a plausible reason for a phase brealcat
trolled archaeological excavations nor
in this point in the sequence. Subsequentto
systematicregional survey in the JamaRiver val- phase
III, the transitionsbetween phases overlap
ley, and peoples of thatcultureappearnot to some-
have what. The archaeological evidence for
extendedtheir range into northernManabi. change
from phase IV (Muchique 2) to phase
At the end of phase II (Tabuchila),the break V
in (Muchique 3) is less abruptthan those that pre-
activity before phase III (Muchique 1) is marked
cede it, being marked by no hiatus in
by a second major volcanic airfall and activity,
another only a gradual but discernible change in
abrupt change in the ceramic complex the
(Zeidler ceramic tradition A similartransitionis observed
and Sutliff 1994). The temporal span of
this between phases V and VI (Muchique4) (Zeidler
stratigraphichiatus at San Isidro is unclear, but and Sutliff 1994).
datafrom other sites in the valley suggest that
the The breakbetween phase VI (Muchique4) and
phase breakwas probablyof relatively short
dura- phase VII (Muchique 5) is poorly represented
tion. In any case, it is very likely thatthe in
volcanic the archaeologicalrecord but correspondsto
airfall was largely responsible for the demise the
of arrival of the Spanish in coastal Manabi.
the Late Formative Tabuchila phase We
(Isaacson knowthat these two phases abutat this point,
1994; Zeidler and Isaacson 1997). The and
succeed- thebreakis signaledby a notable
ingMuchique 1 phase representsa complete impoverishment
pop- of ceramic arts and a probabledrastic
ulationreplacementby the Jama-Coaquecultural decline in
populationdue to introduced epidemic disease.
tradition(Table 1), even though a few Chorrera
Althoughthe sample of ceramicsthatdefines this
ceramictraitspersisted(Zeidlerand Sutliff 1994).
terminalphase (Muchique 5) is quite small, it
Since the chrono-stratigraphic evidence for the nonetheless demonstrates certain continuities
Jama-Coaquetradition indicates a duration of
withthe precedingphase and is clearly partof
overtwo millennia, it was importantto the
subdivide Jama-Coaque tradition. It probably corresponds
itinto discreteoccupationalphases.
Ceramicseri- tothe ethnic unit known in the
ation,based on the combined results of postconquesteth-
modal nohistoricliteratureas the Campaces (Table 1),
analysisand multidimensional scaling methods
whoinhabited the coastal hill country
(MDS),was essential in making the initial dis- between
CaboSan Francisco in southernEsmeraldas
tinctionson which the five-phase Muchique and
Cabo Pasadojust south of the Jama River valley
ceramiccomplex is based (Zeidler and Sutliff
northernManabf(CabelloBalboa 1945 [1583];
1994).Seriationresearchis still in progressin
an Carranza 1897 [1569]; see also Alcina Franch
effortto refine the present sequence into
sub- 1979; Alcina Franchand de la Pena 1979).
phases of shorterinterval.
In summary,then, we have extremely
The beginning of phase III (Muchique 1) detailed
marks the onset of the Regional Development archaeological information that relates the 14
eventswe wish to date.This informationis graph-
period in the Jama River valley sequence (Table
1)and ushers in a new and elaborate ically
representedin Figure3 and in mathematical
ceramic formin the next section.
complex. The end of phase III (Muchique 1) is
associated with a thirdmajorvolcanic airfall,but Mathematical Statement of the
time, the ceramic changes in the succeeding APrioriKnowledge
phase (Muchique 2) were much more gradual, In
thissection we explain how the
withthe maintenance of the same basic Jama- archaeological
Coaque information, based on stratigraphicand ceramic
tradition(Table 1). A numberof attributes
ofvesselform and decorative style indicate evidence,is explicitly representedusing mathe-
con- maticalnotation. Following the basic notation
with slight modificationsacross the phase
transition introducedin the previous section, let t2,-1 and t2,
while other ceramic traits typical of
the beginning and ending dates (measured
Muchique 1 completely disappearedin Muchique
of phase j, respectively (1= I, II,...,VII).

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| Piquigua | t Tabuchila | } Muchique 1 1 | Muchique 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

| Muchique 3 |
f9 10

t Muchique4 { Muchique S |
1 1 12 14
T 13

Figure3. Schematicrepresentationof the archaeologicalphase informationfrom the Jama River valley. Piquiguais
the oldest phaseand Muchique5 the latest.

There is sound archaeologicalevidence suggest- Here it is sufficient to note that the analysis
ing thatphase I precedesphase II, which precedes requires mathematical models that relate the
phase III, which in turnprecedes phase IV. As all radiocarbondata(x + cr) to the calendardates of
the calendardates are measuredB.P., this implies the samples in question (0) and, in turn, relate
that these to the calendar dates of the phase bound-
tl, t2> = t3> t4> = t5> t6> = t7> t8(1) aries of interest(t). This can be summarizedas
Furthermorephases IV, V, and VI are such that p(0,tlx,¢2)p(X1 0, 2)p(01t)p(t).

phase IV begins before phase V, which begins If recently developed computer techniques
before phase VI. Moreover, there is strong evi- (explained in detail in Buck et al. [1996]) are
dence that phase IV ends before phase V and that employed, these posterior probability distribu-
phase V ends before phase VI. This is modeled as tions can be computedand the resultsfor the para-
t7>t9>tll,andts>tl0>tX2 (2) meters of interestcan be summarizedas follows.2
In addition, phase VII abuts phase VI. Thus we
t12 = t13 (3) The results obtainedfrom a Bayesian analysis are
Also we have forj = I, II,...,VII usually referred to as "posterior distributions."
t2j-1 > t2j (4) Plots of such distnbutions,in which we represent
since the beginning of phasej is always before its informationfor each of the related events inde-
end. pendently, are known as "marginalplots"; his-
togram-likeversions of these are shown in Figure
Bayesian Approach to Calibrating 4. All of these distributionsare unimodal,but they
Radiocarbon Determinations also are generally skewed and so cannot be ade-
The statistical problem here is to estimate the quately summarizedin terms of means and stan-
beginning and ending dates of the phases (the dard deviations.A better summarymechanismis
tj S) on the calendar scale using both the prior to reportintervalsthat,for a given probability,are
archaeologicalinformationaboutthe tj S and the as short as possible and containparametervalues
radiocarbon determinations. We follow the that are more likely (on the bases of the current
Bayesian methodology as applied to radiocarbon data and priorinformation)than those outside the
dating in Buck et al. (1991) and Buck et al. interval. Such intervals are known as "highest
(1992). The details of the approachused in this posteriordensity" (HPD) regions and are always
particular study are given in Buck et al. reportedfor a specific probability.In Table 3 we
(1996:201-252), where the reader also will find reportthe 95 percent HPD regions together with
explanations of the Bayesian paradigm and its the modal (most likely) values. Note that because
applicationto a rangeof archaeologicalproblems. Event 12 and Event 13 are modeled as having the
Further examples of this methodology can be same calibrated date, their associated marginal
found in Buck and Litton (1995), Buck et al. plot, 95 percent highest posteriordensity region,
(1994), Christen (1994a, 1994b), and Christen and modal values are identical.
and Litton (1995). In additionto the marginalposteriorprobabil-

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L F2



, I

l - l

I __ f

l - b - vs l

I _S W61

[ _@ YX7 1

1f8 _ l

| sv9 _i i

f1o s l

u _ l


fl3 _ |

S814 F;

400() 3()()0 2()()() 1()()0

Calibrated date BP

Figure 4. Marginal posterior density plots for calendar dates of the 14 phase boundary events based on both archae-
ological and radiocarbon information.

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Table 3. The 95% Highest PosteriorDensity (HPD) Regions all of the histogramsdepicted in Figure 4 span at
and Modal Values for the Distributionsof CalendarDates least two centuries,and some of them as many as
Shown in Figure 4. seven centuries. For this reason, it is important
Ceramic Phase Event 95% HPD Modal
thatthe modal values be interpretedin light of the
Phase No. No. Region B.P. Date B.P. span and the form of their corresponding95 per-
1 4270 to 3830 3980
cent highest posteriordensity regions. With these
Piquigua I uncertainties in mind, the modal values can
2 3950 to 3490 3830 nonethelessserve as a basis from which to discuss
3 3680 to 2970 3250 the absolute chronology for the prehistoricoccu-
Tabuchila II pationof the JamaRiver valley. Table4 shows the
4 3000 to 2240 2700
5 2570 to 2050 2190
modal calendar dates for each phase boundary
Muchique 1 III (within their 95 percent HPD regions) alongside
6 2000 to 1600 1860 the archaeological phase information to which
7 1720 to 1400 1530 they relate.
Muchique2 IV On the basis of the modal estimates, the Early
8 1250to960 1160
9 1310 to 980 1070
Formative Piquigua phase (Valdivia 8) extends
Muchique 3 V from 2030 to 1880 cal B.C., an estimatedspan of
10 770 to 520 690 about 150 years. During that time, the first vol-
11 1000 to 550 660 canic airfall (TephraI) blanketedthe valley, seg-
Muchique4 VI regating the Piquigua occupation into early and
12 590 to 330 520
13 590to330 520
late subphases. As mentioned earlier the
Muchique5 VII Valdivians seem to have survived the negative
14 410 to 40 310 effects of the volcanic event, at least for a short
Note: All values are to the nearest 10 years. time, as there is clear stratigraphicevidence at
San Isidro for late Piquigua occupation surfaces
and mound-building activity subsequent to the
ity distributions,we also can provide information volcanic airfall. The modal date for the apparent
about the phase relationships.For phases IV, V, Valdivianabandonmentof the Jama River valley
and VI (Muchique2, 3, and 4), the archaeological is about 1900 cal B.C. They apparentlyleft the
model indicates that there is some overlap of the valley for reasons unrelatedto the TephraI vol-
phases, but does not specify the nature of that canic episode, and their ultimate fate is poorly
overlap. On the basis of the archaeological and understood.In other areas of coastal Ecuadorfar-
radiocarboninformation,there is a probabilityof ther south, a smooth transitionbetween Terminal
about .6 thatphase IV completely precedes phase Valdivia and the succeeding Machalilla culture
V. In addition, it is almost certain that phase IV has been found (Marcos 1989; Staller
completely precedes phase VI; the probability 1992-1993). No archaeologicalevidence for such
that phase V precedes phase VI is just under .5. a transitionor for a succeeding Machalilla occu-
We also can compute the probabilitythat two pation has been noted in the JamaRiver valley.
phases overlap, but that one phase both begins After an occupational hiatus of roughly 600
and ends before the other. For phases IV and V years, the modal date for the start of the Late
this probabilityis about .4, about zero for phases FormativeTabuchilaphase (Chorrera)in the Jama
IV and VI, and just over .5 for phases V and VI. River valley is 1300 cal B.C., andit extends about
Thus, on the basis of the radiocarbonand archae- 550 years to a modal end date of 750 cal B.C. The
ological evidence, we are not able to deduce end of this phase is markedstratigraphicallyby a
whether phases IV and V and phases V and VI second volcanic airfall (TephraII) that has been
overlapped or abutted. We are, however, fairly correlated throughout the valley by chemical
confident that phase IV completely precedes characterizationanalysis (Isaacson 1994; Zeidler
phase VI. and Isaacson 1997). Tabuchila-phase activity
While the modal values are clearly the most apparently continued up until this event. Thus
likely dates at which each of the events occurred, Tephra II serves as a convenient tez7ninus ante

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174 LATINAMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 9, No. 2, 1998]

Table4. The 95% Highest PosteriorDensity Regions (and Modal Values) for Each Phase
Boundary,Shown with the ArchaeologicalPhase Informationto Which They Relate.

Cultural Ceramic 95% HPD Region (and

Component Phase Disjuncture Modal Values) cal B.C./A.D.
A.D. 1540 (1640) 1910
Campace? Muchique5
A.D. 1360 (1430) 1620
Spanish conquest
A.D. 1360 (1430) 1620
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique4
A.D. 950 (1290) 1400
A.D. 1180 (1260) 1430
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique 3
A.D. 640 (880) 970
A.D. 700 (790) 990
Jama-CoaqueII Muchique2
A.D. 230 (420) 550
TephraIII (hiatus)
50 B.C. (90) A.D. 350
Jama-CoaqueI Muchique 1
620 (240) 100 B.C.
TephraII (hiatus)
1050 (750) 290 B.C.

Chorrera Tabuchila
1730 (1300) 1020 B.C.
2000 (1880) 1540 B.C.
Valdivia8 Piquigua(late)
Valdivia8 Piquigua(early)
2320 (2030) 1880 B.C.

quem for the preceding Tabuchilaphase in the estimatethat still falls within the 95 percentHPD
Jama River valley and marks the beginning of a region of our date. On stratigraphicgrounds,this
majordiscontinuityin the culturalsequence. The phase may be longer (by about200 years), but no
volcanic airfall provides a plausible explanation radiocarbondeterminationsexist from the more
for the demise of the Chorrerapeoples in northern recent stratigraphiclayers. Thus, the estimated
Manabi and the short hiatus period of valley ending date and total occupation span should be
abandonmentthat succeeds them. regardedas provisionalat this time.
Following the TephraII event, the Regional Priorto the beginning of Muchiquephase 2, a
Development Muchique 1 phase appearedin the third volcanic airfall (TephraIII) blanketed the
valley and represents a complete population valley. Our modal date for the startof Muchique
replacement and new ceramic tradition. The 2 is 420 cal A.D., and, based on stratigraphicevi-
modal date for the start of this phase is 240 cal dence, TephraIII is thought to date immediately
B.C., and it extends some 330 years, with a modal prior to that time. In the traditionalEcuadorian
end date of 90 cal A.D. The modal beginningdate periodization scheme, the break between the
for Jama-CoaqueI in northernManabi is some- Regional Development and Integrationperiods is
what later than the estimated date usually given roughly placed at 500 A.D. This estimate falls
for the beginning of the Regional Development within the 95 percentHPD region of our estimate
period. According to the traditionalEcuadorian for this break, although no macroregional"inte-
scheme (Meggers 1966), thatperiod begins at ca. gration" should be assumed for the succeeding
500 B.C. in other areas of coastal Ecuador, an phases in the Jama Valley. Muchique 2 extends

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until a modal date of 790 cal. A.D., with an esti- Conclusion

mated occupationspan of some 370 years.
The modal beginning date for Muchiquephase In this paper we have advocated the use of a
3 is 880 cal A.D., some 90 years after the esti- Bayesian statistical approach to probabilistic
mated ending date for Muchique 2. However, no radiocarbon calibration of determinationsfrom
occupationalhiatus can be inferred in this case, archaeological contexts on 16 sites in the Jama
since the corresponding histograms (Figure 4) River valley. Our specific purpose has been to
exhibit considerable overlap. Muchique 3 spans provide calendricalchronologicalinformationfor
an estimated380 years, until a modal end date of the seven archaeologically defined phases. In
1260 cal A.D. using the Bayesian framework to achieve this
Muchique phase 4 has modal beginning and aim, we have been able to combine information
ending dates of 1290 and 1430 cal A.D. respec- from both archaeologicaland radiocarbonsources
tively, with an estimatedoccupationperiodof 140 thathas provedmost useful. We have been able to
years. This phase is believed to have extended up provide 95 percent highest posterior density
to the Spanish conquest at A.D. 1532. However, regions and modal values for the dates of each of
our absolute chronologicalinformationis limited the phase boundaries and have calculated the
due to the paucity of radiocarbondeterminations probability of specific phase relationships that
for the later part of the occupation (i.e., that were left unspecified by the archaeologicalinfor-
immediatelyprecedingthe conquest). mation alone.
Finally, since it is thought to abut the preced- The probabilisticapproachto radiocarboncal-
ing phase at the time of Spanish conquest, the ibrationis preferableto the traditionalapproach
poorly understoodMuchiquephase 5 is assigned whereby a date in radiocarbonyears and its asso-
a modal beginning date of 1430 cal A.D. Its ciated standarderrorare simply assumed to be a
modal ending date is 1640 cal A.D., spanning good representationof the calendar date of the
some 210 years. As is the case with the previous deathof the object in question.It also is more pre-
phase, this informationshould be seen as provi- cise than the commonly used practice of conver-
sional and likely to change in the light of any sion to the calendar scale using the "intercept
additionalradiocarbonevidence that arises from method."The approachadvocatedhere is prefer-
Muchiquephase 5. able as it provides estimates of calendardates for
Althoughit is quitereasonableto base archaeo- the events in questionon the basis of well-defined
logical interpretationof the Jama River valley models. Apartfrom its specific applicabilityto the
radiocarbonresultson the informationprovidedin calibration and phasing problem, the Bayesian
Figure4 andTables3 and4, it shouldbe notedthat approachto chronology constructionalso confers
the sensitivity of the interpretationto changes in anotheradvantage.Bayesian statisticalinference
the data or modeling informationcan be further is, by nature,a cumulative procedure.Thus it is
exploredthroughsensitivity(or robustness)analy- "closely geared to the research process itself"
sis based on the radiocarbonevidence alone (see (Iversen 1984:76), in the sense that accumulating
Buck et al. 1996). This involves relaxing some of data from ongoing research can be continually
the assumptionsderivedfrom priorarchaeological accommodatedin furtherrefinementsof the orig-
informationandthenrecalculatingthe probabilities inal statisticalmodel. As such, it is suited to the
of certain phase relationships. We conducted long-termarchaeologicaltask of chronologycon-
extensive sensitivity analyses of the modeling struction that itself should be driven by other
assumptions made in this study, all of which research questions. Smith (1992:29) has argued
demonstratedthat the results presented here are this point in the following terms:
statisticallyrobust.The only issue highlightedby Chronology-building and chronological refinement
the sensitivityinvestigationrelates to the fact that should proceed in a dialectical fashion with other
thereis only one radiocarbondeterminationavail- research activities.... As new research goals and
issues arise out of the results of fieldwork, analysis,
able for Muchique5; if we wish to increaseconfi-
interpretation,or theory-building, finer chronologies
dence in the chronology of this part of the may or may not be needed.... If the existing
sequence,furtherdeterminationsmustbe obtained. sequence is not adequate, it can be amended,

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176 LATINAMERICANANTIQUITY [Vol. 9, No. 2, 1998]

extended, or even replaced by a more sensitive peri- jointly to Zeidler and Deborah M. Pearsall (University of
odization. For this reason, archaeological chronolo- Missouri, Columbia). Buck's researchwas carriedout at the
gies should not be viewed as final and unchanging, University of Nottinghamand was supportedby the Science-
but ratheras working constructs whose modification based Archaeology Committee of the UK Science and
or abandonment will probably be needed periodi- Engineering Research Council under grant number
cally. GR/G142426. The support of these institutions is gratefully
acknowledged. We thank Evan Engwall (University of
The calendardates resultingfrom the Bayesian Illinois) for kindly providinga crucialradiocarbonsample and
analysis of the Jama River valley radiocarbon contextual informationfrom his dissertationresearch at the
determinationsprovide a regionally specific cul- site of Mocoral site (M3B4-031) and his recent radiocarbon
tural sequence that is firmly groundedin detailed determinationsfrom the Dos Caminos site (M3D2-008). We
priorknowledge.As such it can be profitablycon- thank Marie J. Zeidler for kindly preparing Figure 1.
Radiocarbondeterminationswere providedby the University
trastedwith the generalized absolute chronology of Pittsburgh Radiocarbon Laboratory, the Illinois State
established for the pan-Ecuadorianperiodization Geological Survey Isotope GeochemistryLaboratory,and the
scheme as a means of highlighting the parallels University of Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
and the discrepanciesbetween the two. In terms Facility. We thank the late R. Stuckenrath,J. Liu, and A. J.
of the level of chronological precision currently Hull, of those respectivelaboratoriesfor theirdiligence in pro-
cessing these carbonsamples. However, we alone are respon-
employed (or at least sought after) by most sible for the archaeological interpretation and Bayesian
archaeologistsworkingin Ecuador,the traditional statisticalmodeling of the resultingradiocarbondates. Finally,
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1. After completion of our Bayesian analysis, two additional determinations are provided below along with their corre-
radiocarbon determinations were obtained for the Jama sponding laboratorynumbers,provenience information,and
Valley by Evan Engwall (personal communication 1996). calibrateddates. Calibrationwas carriedout using the prob-
Both derive from Late Formative Tabuchila-phase strati- abilistic calibrationroutine in OxCal, version 2.10 (see note
graphic contexts at the Dos Caminos site (M3D2-008) adja- 2 below), and is based on the calibrationcurve provided in
cent to San Isidro in the middle Jama Valley. These Stuiver et al. ( 1993).

Laboratory Radiocarbon CalibratedDate (cal B.C.)

Number Provenience Determination 68.2% conf. 95.4% conf.
ISGS-3310 TP 3, Dep SA 2880 + 70 B.P. 1127 (1.00) 928 B.C. 1260 (.98) 897 B.C.
875 (.02) 852 B.C.
ISGS-3309 F7 pit 2930 + 80 B.P. 1257 (.07) 1238 B.C. 1380 (.03) 1345 B.C.
1217 (.93) 1004 B.C. 1318 (.97) 913 B.C.

2. The software used to undertakethese investigations was OxCal software package developed by C. B. Ramsey for
custom written and runs on a SunSparc workstation under IBM-compatible DOS-based computers. Details can be
the UNIX operating system. The computation time is very found in Ramsey (1995) and on the World Wide Web at the
dependent on processor speed but is on the order of hours, following address:
not minutes. The specific software used is in a proprietary In addition, we have preparedtwo technical appendixes
form not suitable for use by others. The second author and for this paper that can be supplied on request to the second
colleagues are currently working on making both the soft- named author.
ware and necessary C.P.U. available to others, see In the meantime, those interested in Received June 9, 1994; accepted January 31, 1996; revised
Bayesian radiocarbon calibration should investigate the March27, 1997.

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