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Journal of Research in Ecology ISSN No: Print: 2319 –1546; Online: 2319– 1554

An International Scientific Research Journal

Original Research

Influence of organic selenium and nano-selenium particles on broiler

chicks (Ross 308)
Authors: ABSTRACT:
Journal of Research in Ecology

Zahra Mohammed This investigation was done in the poultry field of Animal Production
Kadhim Al-Jaafari, Department at the College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University. The effect of
Saad Mohsen Al-Jashamy organic selenium and nano-selenium on chicks (Ross 308) utilizing 225 one day old
and Nihad Abdel Latif Ali unsexed chicks was analyzed. The treatments of the investigation were as per the
following: First treatment (control) without including the organic selenium or nano-
Institution: selenium particles to the feed. Second and third treatment: Organic selenium was
Department of Animal
added to the feed (0.4 and 0.5 -1 feed respectively) and the fourth and fifth
Production, College of -1
Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green treatment: 0.4 and 0.5 feed of nano-selenium particles was added to the feed
University, Iraq. with 45 birds per treatment (each treatment had three replicates i.e. 15 birds per
replicate). Various blood parameters and the relative weight of lymphatic organs viz:
Corresponding author: bursa of fabricia, thymus gland and spleen were analyzed and recorded. The reports
Zahra Mohammed demonstrated that there were no significant changes between the experimental
Kadhim Al-Jaafari factors in the blood traits. For lymphatic organs except control, all other treatments
recorded the best relative weight of fabricia and fabricia index, with significant
changes (P<0.05). The fifth treatment demonstrated a significant change (P<0.05) in
the relative weight of thymus gland compared with control, while there was no
significant difference in the relative spleen weight between the treatments.

Organic selenium, Selenium nanoparticles, Blood traits, Lymphatic organs,
Broiler chicks.

Article Citation:
Zahra Mohammed Kadhim Al-Jaafari, Saad Mohsen Al-jashamy and Nihad Abdel
Latif Ali
Influence of organic selenium and nano-selenium particles on broiler chicks (Ross 308)
Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006

Received: 12 July 2018 Accepted: 20 August 2018 Published: 19 Sep 2018

Web Address: This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Journal of Research 1999-2006| JRE | 2018 | Vol 6 | No 2

in Ecology
An International
Scientific Research Journal
Al-Jaafari et al., 2018
INTRODUCTION birds Mahan (1995) and Surai (2002) reported that 0.1
It is the most important traits that are of interest to 0.5 feed of selenium gives great protection to
to breeders of broiler chicks, which should be available animals including poultry. Several studies have been
in the hybrid broiler chicks that showed rapid growth, conducted on the effect of dietary supplementation of
optimal consumption of food and benefits such as, selenium in both production and physiological traits.
weight gain and the efficiency of food conversion, as Payne and Southem (2005) observed in their study of
well as the vitality and its resistance to diseases. One of broiler chicks that there was a significant improvement
the new challenges in the poultry industry is to seek in daily weight gain, feed consumption and dietary con-
about natural additions of water and feed to improve version efficiency to the treatments that selenium is
poultry production efficiency, especially when the Euro- added to the it with a concentration of 0.30 ppm com-
pean Union in 2006 prevented the use of growth- pared with the control treatment.
stimulating antibiotics. These additions are mineral ele- Robert et al. (2008) found significant improve-
ments, which are essential nutrient elements for the ment in the body weight and dietary conversion effi-
growth and production of poultry birds such as selenium ciency in organic selenium treatment with a 0.2 ppm
that is one of the rare mineral elements of high im- concentration added to broiler chicks compared with
portance to human and animal health through its associ- control the treatment. Visha et al. (2017) found that the
ation with selenocysteine. It is present in many proteins use of organic selenium at a concentration of 0.3 -
as selenoprotein which are usually important in en- feed led to the significant reduction of
zymes that interfere with many metabolic pathways in Malondiadehyde (MDA) in serum for broiler chicks
the body, including Glutathione peroxidase, which is compared to control treatment and treatment containing
present in most of the body tissues (Brown and Arthur, inorganic selenium. Nano-selenium has become a new
2001). source of selenium with special properties such as large
Selenium is found in two types: The first repre- surface area, high surface activity, high catalyst effi-
sents organic selenium, which is in the form of selenite ciency, high absorbability and low toxicity (Wang et al.,
or selenate. The other type is organic selenium, it is 2007) compared to organic and inorganic selenium
usually found in combination with the amino acids or (Zhang et al., 2001). which increased the interest on this
with yeast and such as Se-enriched yeast, Selenomethio- element and spread rapidly because of its high biologi-
nine. This type is absorbed into the animal body with cal presence (Zhang et al., 2001). However, there have
high efficiency compared to inorganic diets. In birds fed been few studies of the effect of nano-selenium on poul-
on inorganic selenium, the equivalent of 4.25 try production and physiological performance,
selenium is compared with 22.1 organic seleni- Mahmoud et al. (2016) studied the effect of nano-
um (Payne and Southern, 2005). Selenium is a very im- selenium, with a concentration of 0.3 feed on
portant component of a healthy immune system and a the production performance and on antioxidants and
good immune response, as it plays a role in increasing immunity of broiler chicks subjected to thermal stress.
the immune susceptibility of the body (Kim et al., There was a significant improvement in the
2003). Selenium-rich foods enhance the immune re- treatment of nano selenium in dietary conversion effi-
sponse in poultry (Beek, 1999). Selenium is an im- ciency, immunological traits, glutathione peroxidase
portant component in improving the productive and enzyme, decreased malondiadehyde (MDA) compared
reproductive performance of field animals and poultry to the control treatment when birds are exposed to tem-
2000 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006
Al-Jaafari et al., 2018
peratures at 35°C. Visha et al. (2017) found significant days as shown in Table 1. The treatments of the experi-
reductions in nano-selenium (0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 ment were as follows: First treatment (control treat-
feed) for MDA trait compared to the control treatment ment) without adding the organic selenium or nano-
of broiler chicks. Based on the above, this study aimed selenium particles to ration, second and third treatment:
to demonstrate the effect of adding two levels of organic Organic selenium was added to the feed (0.4, 0.5
selenium and selenium nanoparticles to the ration on feed) and the fourth and fifth treatment: addi-
some blood and lymphatic organs of broiler chicks tion (0.4, 0.5 feed) of nano-selenium particles to
(Ross 308). This study is the latest of its kind in Iraq in feed. The study included the following traits: red and
the use of nano-selenium molecules in poultry ration. white blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, per-
centage of haematocrit, differential white blood cell
MATERIALS AND METHODS count, the ratio of heterophile cells / lymphocytes cells,
This experiment was conducted in the poultry the relative weight of bursa of fabricia, relative index of
field belonging to the Animal Production Department at bursa of fabricia, relative weight of thymus gland and
the College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University the relative weight of spleen. The blood was collected
for the period from 31/1/2018 to 13/3/2018 using 225 during the sixth week of the experiment from six birds
broiler chicks with one day years old chicks (unsex). It of each treatment (2 birds per replicate) randomly and
was randomly divided into four treatments with 45 birds blood was collected after the slaughter of birds where
per treatment, each treatment consisted of three repli- container tubes were used on the anticoagulant Potassi-
cates (15 birds per replicate). Feed was provided freely um EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid) to pre-
for birds, two feeds were provided viz., initiator ration, vent blood clotting. Haematocrit was calculated using
at age of 1-21 days and the end ration, at age of 22 to 42 special capillary tubes containing a coagulant, as indi-

Table 1. The percentage of feed materials in the composition of the initiator ration and the end ration used in
the experiment with the calculated chemical composition of both rations
S. No Feed materials The initiator ration (1-21 day)% The growth ration (22-42 day)%
1 Yellow corn 48.2 58.7
2 Local wheat 8 7.5
3 Soybeans (44% protein) 28.5 20.5
4 Proteins center* 10 10
5 Plant oil 4 2.5
6 Lime stone 1 0.5
7 Food salt 0.3 0.3
Total 100% 100%
The calculated chemical analysis**
8 Representative energy (kCal/kg) 3079 3102.6
9 Crude protein (%) 22.06 19.37
10 Lysine (%) 1.21 1.03
11 Methionine + Cysteine (%) 0.82 0.75
12 Raw fiber 3.54 3.2
13 Calcium (%) 1.2 0.95
14 Phosphorus availability (%) 0.44 0.42
*A protein center with Belgian origin; one kilogram gives 2200 Kcal of energy with 40% crude protein; 8% fat, 3.5% fiber; 25%
ash; 8% calcium; 1.2% lysine; 1.2% methionine; 1.8% methionine + 70 mg; cysteine 2%; 12 mg folic acid; 120 mg pantothenic
acid; 400 mg niacin; 70 mg iron amalgam; 600 mg copper; 600 μg biotin; 750 mg manganese; 5 mg iodine; 1 mg cobalt and 1 mg
**According to the chemical composition as per the analysis of feed materials in NRC (1994).

Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006 2001

Al-Jaafari et al., 2018
cated by Archer (1965). Hemoglobin concentration was

Table 2. Effect of adding two levels of organic selenium and nano-selenium particles to the ration on some blood traits (arithmetic mean ± standard error)

H/L ratio
estimated, according to Campbell (1995). The number

of red blood cells was estimated according to the meth-

First treatment (control): free of any addition; Second and third treatment: Two levels of organic selenium were added to the ration (0.4, 0.5 feed), respectively;
od indicated Natt and Herrick, (1952). White blood cells
Heterophile cell ratio was estimated based on Campbell (1995). the ratio of
heterophile cells / lymphocytes cells is assessed using
glass slides where a drop of blood is placed on the glass

slide and carefully spread to another glass slide placed
above the drop of blood and pulled over the first slide at
a 45°C without pressing strongly and leaving to dry for
10 min. The slides are stained with a mixture of Wright-
Lymphocyte cells

Giemsa stains according to Shen and Patteron (1983).

ratio (%)

The count is done using a light microscope under a


magnification force of 1000 by placing a drop of oil on

Treatment 4 and 5: Two levels of nano selenium particles were added to the ration (0.4, 0.5 feed), respectively.

the slide according to Burton and Guion (1968) method.

The ratio of heterophile cells / lymphocytes cells is then
calculated. As for the lymphatic organs, they were sepa-

(g/100 mL

rated from the body at the end of the experiment at the

at six weeks age.


laboratory of the phaslega (Animal Production Depart-

ment - College of Agriculture, University of Qasim
Green) at six weeks age, which included thymus gland


with all its lobes and on both sides of the neck and bursa


of fabricius and spleen from the carcasses of six birds

for each treatment of experimental treatments after cut-
ting the connective tissue around these organs. It was
White blood

(103 / mm3 )
cells count

weighed by a sensitive balance of four decimal digit. By


calculating the weight of these organs relative to the

weight of the living body according to Lucio and Hitch-
ner (1979) fabricius index was also calculated, it is the
(106 / mm3 )
cells count
Red blood

relative weight of the gland in the experimental treat-


ment relative to the relative weight of the gland in the

control treatment, as reported by Lucio and Hitchner

Second treatments

Significance level
Fourth treatments

(1979). The complete randomized design was used to

Third treatments

Fifth treatments
First treatments

study the effect of different treatments in the studied


traits. The differences between the averages were com-

pared with the use of the Dunkin Multidimensional Test
Duncan (1955) and using SAS Statistical Analysis Pro-
S. No

gram (SAS, 2010).


2002 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006

Al-Jaafari et al., 2018
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION were significantly excelled on the first treatment
Table 2 shows no significant differences be- (control) and the second treatment (adding organic sele-
tween the groups of birds fed with two levels of organic nium with a concentration of 0.4 feed) by
selenium and nano-selenium on each of red blood cells recording them the highest relative weight of 0.109% in
6 3 3
count (10 / mm blood), white blood cells count (10 / the body weight respectively. Followed by the third
mm3 blood), hemoglobin (g/100 ml blood), haematocrit treatment (the addition of organic selenium at a concen-
(%), lymphocyte cells ratio (%), heterophile cell ratio tration of 0.5 feed), where the relative weight of
(%) and the ratio of heterophile cells / lymphocytes cells this trait amounted of 0.106% in the body weight while
(H / L). The results showed that the role of selenium and the first treatment and the second treatment recorded the
nano-selenium molecules in maintaining the stability of lowest relative weight of the fabricia of 0.07 and 0.09%
the body functions, and it seems that the concentrations in the body weight respectively. As for the index of the
used were within the limits of natural and did not affect fabricia gland, it is noted that the second, third, fourth
some of the functions of the body. These results are and fifth treatments significantly (P<0.05) excelled on
consistent with Alidad et al. (2015) which states that the first treatment and the values of this trait were 1.00,
there are no significant differences in the red blood cells 1.31, 1.45, 1.49, 1.48% in the body weight, respectively.
count, haematocrit, hemoglobin and are not consistent As for the relative weight of thymus gland, the fifth
with white blood cell count and the percentage of lym- treatment was significantly excelled on the first treat-
phocytes and H/L ratio, which had significant differ- ment (control) by recording it 0.71% in the body
ences for both treatments of organic selenium and nano- weight. The second, third, and fourth treatments record-
selenium compared to the control treatments. While the ed the values 0.66, 0.66 and 0.68% in the body weight
results of the statistical analysis in the relative weight of respectively. Without having significant differences
lymphatic organs of body weight (%) in Table 3 showed between them and the first treatment on the one hand
significant differences (P<0.05) between experimental and the fifth treatment on the other, there were no sig-
treatments and control treatments at the age of six nificant differences in the relative weight of spleen be-
weeks. For the relative weight of fabricia, the fourth tween the addition of selenium and nano-selenium to the
treatment (adding nano-selenium with a concentration ration compared to the first treatment (control) which
of 0.4 feed) and the fifth treatment (adding nano recorded the relative weights viz., 0.10, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11
-selenium with a concentration of 0.5 feed) and 0.10% for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth

Table 3. Effect of adding two levels of organic selenium and nano-selenium particles to the ration on lymphatic
organs (arithmetic mean±standard error) at six weeks age
Traits Relative weight of Relative index of Relative weight of The relative
S. No bursa of fabricia bursa of fabricia thymus gland weight of spleen
Treatments (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 First treatments 0.07±0.003c 1.00±0b 0.58±0.016b 0.10±0.003
2 Second treatments 0.09±0.007b 1.31±0.113a 0.66±0.021ab 0.09±0.005
3 Third treatments 0.106±0.001ab 1.45±0.079a 0.66±0.31ab 0.10±0.002
4 Fourth treatments 0.109±0.000a 1.49±0.074a 0.68±0.058ab 0.11±0.012
5 Fifth treatments 0.109±0.001a 1.48±0.083a 0.71±0.028a 0.10±0.000
6 Significance level * * * N.S
* The averages with different letters within the same column differ significantly (P<0.05) between them; First treatment (control):
free of any addition; Second and third treatment: two levels of organic selenium were added to the ration (0.4 and 0.5 -1 feed
respectively); Fourth and fifth treatment: two levels of nano-selenium particles were added to the ration (0.4 and 0.5 -1 feed

Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006 2003

Al-Jaafari et al., 2018
treatments respectively. The relative weight of fabricia gland) for broiler chicks with 42 days age. The results
and the relative index of the gland in the selenium and of this experiment were also not consistent with the
nano-selenium treatments as well as the relative im- study of Rao et al. (2013), who did not observe any sig-
provement in the relative weight of thymus gland for the nificant differences between organic selenium treat-
fifth treatment of nano-selenium compared to the first ments and control treatment in the weight of lymphatic
treatment to role of selenium and nano-selenium as an organ (spleen, fabricia and thymus gland) for broiler
effective oxidative agent known as free radicals and chicks with 42 days age.
thus maintain the metabolic processes in the body and
continue to maintain vital functions. It is also maintain- CONCLUSION
ing the physical balance of the body the enjoyment of It is concluded from the present experiment that
birds health, safety from diseases and also has a role in the addition of organic selenium and selenium nanopar-
improving the efficiency of immune system (Sevcikova ticles to the ration can improve the immunity of the
et al., 2006). It also contributes the synthesis of the glu- broiler chicks.
tathione peroxidase (Mills, 1957), which shows that
selenium and nanoparticles have worked to provide im- REFERENCES
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2006 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 1999-2006

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