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Florence, Italy
19th – 23rd July 2009

Flying Sphere image © Museo Ideale L. Da Vinci

Wind action according to the Brazilian Code: a case study

1st A.M.Wahrhaftig, 2nd R.M.L.R.F. Brasil

Department of Construction and Structure, Polytechnic School of Federal University of Bahia – – Rua Aristides Novís, no 02, 5o andar – Federação, Salvador –
BA, Brazil, CEP 40210-630.
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic School of University of São
Paulo – – Av. Prof. Almeida Prado tv. 2, n. 83, Cidade Universitária -
São Paulo – SP, CEP 05508-900.

Keywords: Wind action, Brazilian code, Dynamic of structures, Experimental investigation, Natural


Wind was not a problem for low-rise heavy structures of the past, but has come to be as the
constructions have become more and more slender, using less material. The danger of the wind
causing accidents is particularly significant for power lines structures, radio, TV and microwaves
towers, radar antennas and other such structures, according to Blessmann (2001). Wind effects upon
slender poles and towers are reported by Simui; Scalan (1996), Sachs (1972), Kolousek et al (1984)
and Navara (1969).
Accidents with power lines tower, one of them involving the fall of more than 10 consecutive
towers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were reported by Blessmann (2001). Further, Blessmann
(2001) reports a study on the effect of hurricanes in Miami at 1950 that completely destroyed 11
metal radio towers due to buckling of individual members. Occurrences of accidents with mobile
phone antennas supporting poles in Brazil are reported by Brasil e Silva (2006). In this paper, we call
poles long bar structures with circular or polygonal section. In the other hand, towers are metal
frames, stayed or not.
It is particularly important to investigate the effects of the wind on slender structures. A

Contact person: 1rd A.M.Wahrhaftig, Department of Construction and Structure Of Polytechnic School of Federal
University of Bahia, Rua Aristides Novís, no 02, 5o andar - Federação, CEP 40.210-630, (5511) 3283-9725. E-mail
particularly interesting case are de mobile phone antennas supporting poles.
In Brazil, a profound reform of the legal apparatus of telecommunications allowed for a new
structure for that industry. Previously government owned Telebrás System was sold to private
enterprise 29 of July of 1998 in 12 consecutive auctions carried out at the Rio de Janeiro Stock
Exchange, the largest such an operation in the world to the time.
Brasil and Silva (2006) report that during the implementation of the mobile phone system in
Brazil, more than 10.000 support structures were designed, manufactured and installed. 2000 of those
were reinforced concrete poles. In the early 1990 years, there were not enough experienced
companies and personnel to supply the existing demand. Other products makers had to adapt their
production lines to the telecommunications market. In the other hand, structural engineers specialized
in other applications had to adapt their mathematical models to the analysis of such structures. Some
of those models, according to Brasil and Silva (2006), consider the wind effects as static loads,
neglecting the dynamic aspects.
Nevertheless, for structures whose first natural frequency is under 1 Hz, the dynamic effects of
Wind are important and to consider them static or deterministic in nature is too rough an
approximation. About the importance of considering dynamic effects of wind, Durbey, C. & Hansen,
O S. (1996) wrote that flexible structures could vibrate in different modes when excited by the Wind.
Further they wrote that for slender structures, the dynamic effect of wind might cause resonance.
The Brazilian code dealing with the analysis of structures excited by the wind is NBR 6123/88 –
Loads due to wind upon constructions. The Code provides models to consider the effects of wind to
design structures. All of them consider the real dynamic load as an equivalent static one (Blessmann,
1989). The choice among them is related to the frequency of the first vibration mode.
In the first model, called static model, the influence of the fluctuating part of the Wind is taken into
account by a Gust Factor in the calculation of the characteristic Wind velocity. It is considered that no
resonance occurs.The model that deals specifically with the dynamic responses along the average
Wind, called the discrete model, is described in Chapter 9 of NBR 6123/88 – Loads due to Wind upon
constructions. It considers that the fluctuations of the wind occur in the band of the lower frequencies
of the structure. The procedure starts with the computation of the natural frequencies that are used in
order to obtain the corresponding dynamic amplification factors. Thus, the frequency computation
process is fundamental to the procedure.
To evaluate the procedures of NBR 6123/88 – Loads due to wind upon constructions., we apply
them to a mobile phone antenna support pole. The dynamic computation carried up to the 5th
vibration mode. We considered the geometric stiffness in the procedure, that is, the influence of the
axial loads were taken into account. Mass discretization and modal shapes were obtained via Finite
Element models. Frequencies were computed from the corresponding eigenvalue problem were the
stiffness matrix included the geometric stiffness part, a nonlinear effect. The procedure is used to
linearize second order effects.
Structural data was collected in the field. Local survey indicated the presence of antennas and
other accessories fixed to the structure, which are additional masses and forces.
Field determination of the frequencies of the structure under environmental excitation was carried
out using a piezoresistive accelerometer, with DC response, with high sensibility, capable of
measuring low accelerations. This device was fixed to the top of the pole. Data acquisition was
carried out for 40 hours. The fundamental frequency of the structure was obtained from the time
series via FFT. The resultant value was 0.53 Hz.
Applying the Brazilian Code to compute the resulting maximum bending moment the response of
the so-called discrete model NL is 55.69 % larger the response of the static model. We observed little
influence of higher modes than the fundamental one. These are responsible for 66% of total dynamic
response of the structure.

The basic aim of NBR 6123/88 - Forces due to the wind in constructions (1988) is to define in the
calculations imposed conditions for the forces due to the static and dynamic wind action. NBR
6123/88 presents two possible models of calculation for the wind action in structures, namely: static
forces generated by the wind or static model and discrete dynamic model, that will be described, in
this section.
The consideration of the dynamic effect and extreme vibration of the structures due to the wind
action is described in item 9 of NBR 6123/88. Blessmann (1989) clarifies that the Brazilian code
presents a equivalent static action of the wind, based in the method of random vibration considered
by Davenport. Differs from it in the parameters determination which define this action. The existing
recommendations in NBR 6123/88 for the dynamic analysis take into account the variation in the
module and in the orientation of the average wind speed. The average speed produces static effect in
the structure, whereas the fluctuations or gusts produce important oscillations, “especially in high
constructions”. This model of dynamic analysis of high structures is also commented by Simiu&
Scalan (1996) who associates it with the necessity of the induced vibrations analysis for floating
loads. NBR 6123/88 incorporates these concepts and says that constructions with basic period
superior of 1 s, frequencies up to 1 Hz, can present important floating reply in the direction of the
average wind.

1.1 Static forces developed by the wind or Static Model.

The static forces due to the wind are determined as following. The basic speed of the wind, V0, is
related to the place where the structure will be constructed. By definition it is the speed of a gust of 3
seconds, exceeded in average once in 50 years, measured 10 m above ground, in open and flat area.
The Brazilian norm brings isopleths of the basic speed of Brazil. As general rule, one admits that the
basic wind can blow of any horizontal direction. When it is calculated, the basic speed is multiplied
by the factors S1, S2 and S3 to obtain the characteristic velocity of the wind Vk, for the considered part
of the construction, so:
Vk = V0 S1S2 S3 (1)
The topographical factor S1 takes in account the variations of the relief of the land and the increase
of the wind speed in the presence of mounts and slopes, but it doesn’t consider the reduction of the
turbulence when the wind speed increase. The S2 factor considers the combined effect of the ground
asperity, the variation of the wind speed with the height above ground and the dimensions of the
construction or part of it in consideration. The NBR 6123/88 suggests that the land asperities should
be divided in 5 categories. Regarding the dimensions, the constructions had been divided in 3 classes.
To take in account the height of the land in the calculation of the S2 factor, the Brazilian Norm
establishes formula (2).
S2 ( z ) = bFr ( z /10) p (2)
with p e b given on Table 1. For this model calculation, the wind dynamic action is taken in
account by mean factor Fr specified for open ground in level or approximately in level, with few
isolated obstacles, such as low trees and constructions (Category II). The time that defines the gust
factor is a function of the construction class. It will be of 3 s, 5 s or 10 s, according to the construction
class A, B or C, respectively. The characteristic velocity of the wind is then used to determine the
wind pressure by
q = 0, 613Vk 2 (3)
The component of the global force in the wind direction, drag force Fa, is given by
Fa = Ca qAe (4)
where Ca denotes the drag coefficient and Ae the effective frontal area (area of the orthogonal
projection of the construction, structure or structural element on a perpendicular plan to the wind
direction). The drag coefficient is a function of the Reynolds number, of the dimensions and of the
body forms, given by
Re = 70000Vk L1 (5)
where Vk is given in m/s in (1) and, L1, is the reference dimension. The drag coefficients possess
values prescribed in tables or abacuses of NBR 6123/88 for diverse situations of calculation.

Table 1: Exponent p and parameter b (NBR 6123/88).

Category of asperities I II III IV V
p 0.095 0.15 0.185 0.23 0.31
b 1.23 1 0.86 0.71 0.5

1.2 Discrete dynamic model

If constructions possess variable properties along the height, as normally founded in
telecommunications poles, it must be represented by a discrete model, as shown in Fig.1.





Figure 1: Model for a discrete dynamic mode (NBR 6123/88).

The NBR 6123/88 prescribes that the calculation of the total dynamic response must be considered
as the superposition of the average and floating responses, as follows.
The design speed must be gotten using the expression (6),
V p = 0, 69V0 S1S3 (6)

correspondent to the average speed of 10 minutes in 10 meters of height above the ground, in
category II ground. When it is desired to determine the modal contributions in the dynamic response
of the discretized model, for the degree of freedom i, the total load X i on the wind direction is the
sum of the mean component Xi and the fluctuant component X̂ i , so:
X i = X i + Xˆ i (7)
where the mean load Xi is:
⎛ zj ⎞
X i = q0b C j A j ⎜ ⎟
⎝ zr ⎠
and the fluctuant component X̂ i is defined by:
Xˆ i = FH ψ i xi (9)
ψi = (10)

∑ βi xi
i =1
FH = q0b A0 2
ξ (11)
∑ ψi xi 2

i =1

Ai ⎛ zi ⎞
βi = Cai ⎜ ⎟ (12)
A0 ⎝ zr ⎠

q0 = 0, 613V p 2 (13)

the parameters b and p are indicated in NBR 6123/88; z r is the reference level and again, Vp is the
design velocity, q0 (in N/m2) is the dynamic pressure, zi , x i , mi , m0 , Ai , A 0 , ξ e Cai are,
respectively, the height, the correspondent vibration mode in coordinate i; the concentrated mass in
the degree of freedom i; the reference mass; the equivalent mass for the degree of freedom i; the
reference mass; the amplification dynamic coefficient; and the drag coefficient corresponding to the
coordinate i.
The dynamic amplification coefficients was computed by Galindez (1979) admitting a potential
modal form, and has been transformed into abacuses and included in NBR 6123/88 for the five
ground categories. To use them it is necessary to determine the width of the construction by
∑ Ai
i =1
L1 = (14)
where h is the edification height.
The calculation process is finished by a similar form of the static one, through the superposition of
the intervening variable effect.
When more than one vibration mode is used in the solution, NBR 6123/88 establishes that the joint
effect can be calculated by the criterion of the square roots. Let Q̂i be any static variable (force,
bending moment, tension, etc) or a geometric variable (deformation, displacement, and rotation),
correspondent to a mode i, the overlapping of effects is calculated by:
⎡n ⎤
Qˆ = ⎢ ∑ Qˆ i 2 ⎥ (15)
⎢⎣ j =1 ⎥⎦
Beyond inducing longitudinal vibrations, the random fluctuations of the instantaneous speed
regarding the average wind speed are responsible for structural vibrations in the perpendicular
direction to the average flow direction. NBR 6123/88 prescribes that the resultant in the
perpendicular direction to the wind direction can be calculated computing 1/3 of the effective forces
in the wind direction.
Thus, the final response of the structure developed by the wind actions must obey the rules of the
vectorial calculation. Note that no vortex shedding consideration has being made.


The investigated structure is a truncated cone metallic pole with 52 cm and 82 cm top and bottom
diameters respectively. It is intended for the sustaining of the mobile phone broadcasting system. It is
30 meters high, hollow section. The external diameter (φext) and thickness (t) vary along the height. It
is installed in the city of Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
The structure data were acquired in the field. The diameters were measured with a metallic tape
measure and the thickness with an ultrasound equipment. For a same vertical line, they were carried
out several thickness measurements, obtaining a relative average of the band. The union of the pole
segments is formed by the sussessive fittings, by placing and screw-fastening of the metallic parts.
Each superpositioning band has 20 cm of length. In these joints areas, the thickness of the transverse
section correspond to the sum of the superpositioning bands measures. In Table 2 it can be found the
properties and the discretization used to model the structure. The assessed slenderness of the structure
is 256.
The metallic pole sustains two working platforms, one situated at 20 m high and the other, in the
superior extremity. There is still a set of antennas located at 27 m from the base and attached to the
body of the pole through metallic devices. The platforms and the supporting devices follow the
composition presented in Table 3, where φ designate the diameter of the platform. The local
assessment revealed the presence of microwave (MW) antennas and of radio frequency (RF), that are
listed with the rest of the structure accessories in Table 4.
The data related to the antennas were obtained from the catalogue of the manufacturer. All the
before mentioned devices represent additional masses and concentrated forces to the structure, as it is
showed in Table 5. Table 5 presents the structural parameters and the parameters of the existing
devices, the specific weight adopted for the material of the structure, the localized and distributed
axial load. In Fig 2(a) they are presented photographic image of the pole. The geometry of the
structure and the existing devices are schematically represented in Fig. 2(b).

Table 2 – Structure data and discretization of the model.

Height φext t Height φext t Height φext t
(m) (cm) (cm) (m) (cm) (cm) (m) (cm) (cm)
30.00 52.00 0.60 20.00 62.00 0.60 10.00 72.00 0.76
29.00 53.00 0.60 19.00 63.00 0,60 9.00 73.00 0.76
28.00 54.00 0.60 18.10 63.90 0.60 8.00 74.00 0.76
27.00 55.00 0.60 17.90 64.10 0.60 7.00 75.00 0.76
26.00 56.00 0,60 17.00 65.00 0.60 6.10 75.90 0.76
25.00 57.00 0.60 16.00 66.00 0.60 5.90 76.10 0.76
24.10 57.90 0.60 15.00 67.00 0.60 5.00 77.00 0.76
23.90 58.10 0.60 14.00 68.00 0.60 4.00 78.00 0.76
23.00 59.00 0.60 13.00 69.00 0.60 3.00 79.00 0.76
22.00 60.00 0.60 12.10 69.90 0.60 2.00 80.00 0.76
21.00 61.00 0.60 11.90 70.10 0.76 1.00 81.00 0.76
0.00 82.00 0.76
Table 3 - Composition of the platform and suport.
Platform φ = 2.5 m Mass (kg)
Floor sheet 116
Lateral floor sheet 46
Channel (U) 150 × 12.2 mm – Banister 96
Angle (L) 102 × 76 × 6.4 mm – Banister 68
Angle (L) 102 × 76 × 6.4 mm - Banister 77
Angle (L) 102 × 76 × 6.4 mm – Floor suport 43
Platform lower ring 14
Joints 3
Banister bolts 5
Angles (L) 152 × 102 × 9.5 mm – Platform lower suport 33
Total = 500
Support set for antenna Mass (kg)
Tube φ = 1´ (25.4 mm) 6
Angle (L) 203x152×19 mm 50
Staples U (φ =1´) 1
Top plate 1
Total = 58

Table 4 – Composition of the localized nodal masses.

Mass 1st Plat (20 m) Support (27 m) 2nd Plat (30 m)
(kg/unit) Quant. (kg) Quant. (kg) Quant. (kg)
Antenna RF 2.6 m 19 2 37 3 56 1 19
Antenna RF 1.23 m 4 1 4 0 0 1 4
Antenna MW 19 2 38 0 0 0 0
Platform 500 1 500 0 0 1 500
Support for antennas 58 6 345 3 173 6 345
Pipe φ = 1´ (25.4 mm) (Guide) 6 0 0 0 0 1 6
Pipe φ = 3/4´ (19 mm) (LC) 6 0 0 0 0 1 6
Total (kg) = 924 228 880
(LC = Lightning Conductor, MW = Microwave, RF = Radio Frequency, Plat = Platform)

Table 5 –Localized axial load and characteristics of the devices.

Device Frontal area Height Weight, distributed weight
Pole Variable from 0 at 30 m 77 kN/m3
Ladder 0.05 m2/m from 0 at 30 m 0.15 kN/m
Cables 0.15 m2/m from 0 at 30 m 0.25 kN/m
1st Platform 2.60 m2
20 m 9.06 kN
Antenna of the 1ª platform 1.99 m2
Intermediate antennas 2.11 m2
27 m 2.24 kN
Intermediate supports 0.56 m2
2nd Platform 2.36 m2
30 m 8.63 kN
Antennas of the 2ª platform 0.90 m2
(a) (b)

Figure 2: the mobile phone antennas support pole: (a) photographic image of the
pole, (b) geometric scheme of the structure (centimeters).


For a bending bar, the deformation matrix is formed by the curvature of the bar axis to which the
bending moment is related. In the dynamic solution for eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the nonlinear
geometrical approach is given by the introduction of the geometrical rigidity matrix. The
development of this matrix can be found in Bathe (1996), Clough (1993), Cook (1974), Cook et al.
(2002) and Venâncio Filho (1975). It’s opportune to mention that the introduction of the geometrical
rigidity matrix in the dynamic or static calculations, is recommended by Rutemberg (1982) and
Wilson (1987) to linearize second order effects. Therefore, the rigidity matrix presented in Eq. (16) ,
for a bending bar with three degrees of freedom as indicated in Fig 3, becomes composed of two parts,
one elastic, and the other, geometric, in which E is the elasticity module of the material, A is the area
of the transverse section, L is the length of the bar, I is the section’s moment of inertia related to the
perpendicular axis to the plan that contains the figure and F is the normal force of compression taken
as positive.
The elastic and geometric matrix showed in (16) were developed in the local system of the
element. When dealing with structure with discrete system of generalized coordinates, it’s necessary
to refer them to the system of global reference, following the existing correlation between the
displacements in the two systems. The techniques of this procedure can be found in Cook (2002) and
Bathe (1996).
The structure presented in this work was modelled using frame elements with transverse sections,
constant and variable, depending on the case. To the model were attributed the forces described in
Table 5 with the corresponding masses. The connecting regions were treated as variable section
frame elements of 0,2 m length and thickness corresponding to the sum of the thickness of the
sections immediately above and below the jointzone. In Fig. 4 one finds the model in Finite Elements
with a three-dimensional view, a lateral and the discretization of the structure that count on 40
elements of bar. The vibration modes and frequencies, obtained by the Finite Elements Method, are
shown in Fig. 5.

q2 q3


Figure 3: structural model.

⎡ EA ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 ⎥
L ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ L⎥
[ K ] = ⎢⎢ symmetric
12 EI 6 EI ⎥ F 6
− 2 − ⎢ symmetric − ⎥ (16)
L3 L ⎥ L ⎢
5 10

⎢ ⎥
⎢ 4 EI ⎥ ⎢ 2 L2 ⎥
⎣⎢ L ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ 15 ⎥⎦

(a) 3D (b) Lateral view (c) Discretization

Figure 4: MEF modelling.
Natural vibration modes

1st mode 2nd mode 3rd mode 4th mode 5th mode
Frequencies 0.532 Hz 2.884 Hz 8.654 Hz 16.985 Hz 26.174 Hz
Figure 5: natural modes and frequencies by FEM.


The investigation of the natural frequency of the structure under ambient excitement was carried
out using piezoresistive accelerometers, manufactured by Bruel & Kjaer, with DC response and
sensitivity of 1021 mV/g, provided with integrated cable, suitable to measure accelerations between ±
2g. This device was fixed to the superior extremity of the pole, as seen in Fig. 6.

Figure 6: Structure’s instrumentation.

The acquisition of data was carried out by the system ADS2000, AqDados (2003), from Lynx
Computers, that was connected to a portable computer for the recording of the signals. The
equipments were taken to the pole top, where they were placed on the surface of the working
platform, and protected from the bad weather. The electric energy system of the station was used as
source to feed the electronic equipments. The signals acquisition was carried out at the rate of 50 Hz
and its elapsed time was 40h, 33 min, 22 s, beginning in December 11th , 2007, at 18 h 30 min 23 s.
The acceleration time series can be seen in Fig. 7.
One realized that the structure was under sufficient excitement of wind, having still occurred rain
and strong winds during this period.
The fundamental frequency of the structure was obtained from the time series of the signals
acquisition by Fourier Transform (FFT) in the program AqDAnalysis 7.02 (2004). The obtained
result was 0,53 Hz. In Fig. 8 one finds the analysis of the signal in the frequency domain.

Figure 7: Temporal acceleration series.

Figure 8: Signal in the frequency domain


The experimental field investigation and the numerical computer modelling carried out with the
Finite Element Method, performed to know the fundamental frequency of a telecommunication pole,
allows to conclude the following:
1 the experimentally obtained frequency of the structure is 0.53 Hz below of 1 Hz, therefore, band
where the modelling indicates the resonant action of the wind;
2 the numerical modelling using the matrix of geometrical rigidity and the discretization used to
represent the structure were efficient to capture the geometric nonlinear effect of the system;
3 Applying the Brazilian Code to compute the resulting maximum bending moment (Fig.9), the
response of the so-called discrete model NL is 55.69 % larger the response of the static model. We
observed little influence of higher modes than the fundamental one. These are responsible for 66%
of total dynamic response of the structure.

800 Static Model

NL Dynamic Discret Model - Mode 1
NL Dynamic Discret Model - Modes 1 and 2
NL Dynamic Discret Model - Modes 1 to 3
Moment (kNm) 600 NL Dynamic Discret Model - Modes 1 to 4
NL Dynamic Discret Model - Modes 1 to 5



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Height (m)

Figure 9: wind action.


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