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的制式用語(即英文中的 collocations or formulaic language)。缺乏搭配詞的觀念,


搭配詞並非新觀念,Faith (1957) 將它定義為「經常出現在一起的字」或「字

的朋友」 。英國學者 Lewis (1993, 2000) 提出「字法教學」 (即 The Lexical Approach)
中充滿各種有意義的字串(meaningful chunks),例如:成語、搭配詞和日常用語
(如:How are you? Good morning. 等) 。教學時,教師不應刻意分析解釋字串當
(noticing) 是學習搭配詞的先決條件,教師應引導學生注意文章中的搭配詞並加
Lewis 的搭配詞教學理論受到許多語言學家的支持,例如:McCarthy &
O’Dell (2005), Nattinger & DeCarrico (1992); Nesselhauf (2003), Nation (2001)等
人,學者們認為,搭配詞是一種預先組好的字串(prefabricate chunks),學習這樣
高職學生的英語閱讀能力,本文依據語言教學課程設計大師 van Lier (1996) 所提
出的 3A 教學架構:即語言意識、語言自主和語言真實性(awareness, autonomy,

簡言之,本研究主要建立在 Lewis 的搭配詞教學理論以及 van Lier 的 3A 語


76 名高職三年級的學生參與本研究。其中 40 名學生為實驗組,另外 36 名則為


1. 接受搭配詞教學之前,大多數學生習慣單獨背誦個別的英文單字,極少學生
2. 學生在搭配詞能力測驗的表現相當低落,平均分數是 19.72 分(滿分 40 分),
也就是說只有 49.3% 的答案是對的。他們在第一次閱讀能力測驗的表現也不
盡理想,平均分數是 20.17 分(滿分 40 分)。
3. 統計結果顯示,學生的搭配詞能力和閱讀能力呈現高度正相關,且相關係數

4. 接受整學期有系統、明確的搭配詞教學後,實驗組的學生在第二次及第三次
5. 過去的研究顯示,搭配詞教學似乎只對低成就的學生有幫助。然而,本研究
6. 問卷結果顯示,超過一半以上的學生認為他們學習英文單字的習慣有所改
7. 在搭配詞教學的感想方面,多數學生認為搭配詞教學確實能增進他們的閱讀
能力。有 70%的學生表示,若有機會,他們願意學習更多有關英文搭配詞的

綜合以上的結果,本研究提出以下建議: (1)搭配詞教學應儘速納入高職英
語課程,(2)教師應長期、有系統地教授搭配詞技巧並讓學生反覆練習, (3)教
應、近似字以及輕動詞(即英文中的 delexicalized verbs;如 do, get, have 等)的



Firth, J. R. (1957). Modes of meaning. In J. R. Firth, Papers in linguistics, 1934-1951

(pp. 190-215). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lewis, M. (1993). The lexical approach. Hove and London, England: Language

Teaching Publications (LTP).

Lewis, M. (2000). Teaching collocation. Hove, England: Language Teaching


McCarthy, M. & O’
Dell, F. (2005). English collocation in use. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Nattinger, J. R. & DeCarrico, J. S. (1992). Lexical phrases and language teaching.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nesselhauf, N. (2003). The use of collocations by advanced learners of English and

some implications for teaching. Applied Linguistics 24(2), 223-242.

Van Lier, L. (1996). Interaction in the language curriculum: Awareness, autonomy,

and authenticity. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the Development of Reading
Proficiency of Vocational High School Students in Taiwan


I. Motivation

Much attention has been paid to research of collocation in recent years. However
most of the studies merely analyze the collocational errors made by EFL students.
Few investigate the effects of collocation instruction. The purpose of this study is to
examine the relation between EFL learners’collocation competence and their reading
proficiency. It also aims to investigate the effects of explicit collocation instruction on
the development of reading proficiency of vocational high school students in Taiwan.
Vocational high school English education has received less attention than senior
high school English education. Nevertheless, in addition to general English course,
vocational high school students have to learn ESP courses such as business English,
technology English, and tourism English. These courses include numerous
collocations and formulaic languages. Without sufficient collocation competence,
vocational high school students would have difficulty learning ESP courses. Most of
the vocational high school students are low proficiency learners. It is worth
investigating whether collocation instruction could help enhance their English reading

II. Theoretical Frameworks

Collocation is not a new concept. Firth (1957) defines it as ‘ words that frequently
occur t ogether’or ‘the company that words keep.’Lewis (1993, 2000) is one of the
pioneers who emphasize the importance of collocation instruction. In The Lexical
Approach, he proposes using collocation instruction to bridge the gap between
traditional vocabulary and grammar instruction. According to Lewis, language is full
of prefabricate chunks, such as idioms, collocations, and formulaic usages. Teachers
should not analyze these chunks when giving instruction; instead, they should teach
these chunks as a whole. According to Lewis, noticing is the prerequisite technique in
learning collocations. It is the teachers’responsibility to guide students’attention to
the pervasive language chunks.
Lewis’proposal of collocation instruction is supported by many language

teaching experts, for example, McCarthy & O’ Dell (2005), Nattinger & DeCarrico
(1992); Nesselhauf (2003), and Nation (2001). These scholars believe that learning
collocations could expand vocabulary repertoire and enhance reading speed and
fluency. What is more, having sufficient collocation competence could help make
accurate predictions and improve reading comprehension. Despite these theoretical
supports, few empirical studies investigate how to teach collocations and what effects
collocation instruction would bring to the development of the students’reading
The purpose of this study is to investigate how to apply collocation instruction
into vocational high school English class and whether collocation instruction would
help students enhance their English reading proficiency. The activities and exercises
of this study are designed based on van Lier’ s (1996) 3A interactive curriculum
principle: awareness, autonomy, and authenticity. For instance, underlining, circling
the collocations, and blank-filling are adopted to raise students’awareness of
collocations. Dictionary-consulting and concordancing are utilized to help students
autonomously learn collocations. Match games, translating, error-corrections are
taught to help students use authentic collocations.
In brief, this study is based on the framework of Lewis’collocation instruction
and van Lier’ s 3A interactive curriculum. Lewis’noticing technique is very similar to
van Lier’ s awarenss principle. Both of them stress that students must notice or be
aware of the existence of collocation before they start to learn it. In addition to
examining the relation between students’collocation competence and their reading
proficiency, this study also aims to explore the effects of explicit and long-term
collocation instruction on the development of the students’reading proficiency.

III. Research Design

Totally 76 third-grade vocational high school students in Taiwan participated in

this study. They were divided into the experimental group (40 students) and the
control group (36 students). The two groups had the same English teacher and used
the same English textbook. The experimental group received explicit and systematic
collocation instruction along with their regular English class for a semester, while the
control groups continued their regular English class without special emphasis and
practice of collocation.
Before collocation instruction was implemented, both the experimental and the
control groups took a pretest of reading proficiency. In addition, the experimental
group also took a collocation competence test and filled out a prestudy questionnaire,
which investigated the students’vocabulary learning habits and their knowledge of

collocation. At the end of the semester when the collocation instruction was
completed, an immediate posttest of reading proficiency was given to both the
experimental and the control groups to measure their development of reading
proficiency. Additionally, the experimental group also filled out a poststudy
questionnaire, which investigated their perception toward the collocation instruction.
Then, one month after the completion of the collocation instruction, a delayed posttest
was given to both groups to follow up their development in reading proficiency.

IV. Results and Discussion

Based on the results of the questionnaires, the collocation competence test, and
the three reading proficiency tests, the following conclusions could be drawn.
1. Before collocation instruction, the students’vocabulary learning habits were
ineffective and their collocation competence was limited.
2. The students’performance in the collocation competence test was far from
satisfactory, with the mean of 19.72 out of 40. That is, only 49.3% of their
attempts in the multiple-choice task were correct. Their performance in the pretest
of reading proficiency was relatively low, too.
3. Statistical analysis indicated that a significant positive correlation exist between
the students’collocation competence and their reading proficiency. In other words,
those who scored higher in the collocation competence test also performed better
in the reading proficiency tests.
4. Having received explicit and systematic collocation instruction for a semester, the
experimental group was found to make significantly greater progress in reading
proficiency than did the control group, who did not receive relevant collocation
instruction. The result suggested that explicit collocation instruction was indeed
beneficial to the development of reading proficiency.
5. Unlike the findings of the previous studies (e.g. Lien, 2003; Lin, 2002), which
showed that collocation instruction was more effective to low-proficiency learners
than to high-proficiency ones, this study revealed that explicit and longitudinal
collocation instruction was effective to students in all proficiency levels. Whether
they were in low, mid, or high-levels, the students had all made significant
improvement in the posttests of reading proficiency.
6. After collocation instruction, more than half of the students said that they had
changed their vocabulary learning habits and become more aware of collocations
in readings. For example, they would notice and memorize chunks in reading texts
rather than memorizing words in isolation.
7. In addition, most students held positive perception toward collocation instruction.

The majority of them agreed that collocation instruction had helped enhance their
reading proficiency. More than 70% of the students said that they would like to
learn more about collocation if they had a chance.

The pedagogical implications of this study include (1) adding explicit collocation
instruction to English curriculum, (2) providing longitudinal and repetitive practice of
collocation techniques, (3) designing various activities to raise students’awareness of
collocations, (4) teaching L1 non-congruent collocations, collocations of synonyms,
and collocations of delexicalized verbs, and (5) encouraging the use of dictionaries
and concordancers.
It is suggested that future studies lengthen the instructional time and recruit
learners of more proficiency levels. They may also look into the effects of an
individual collocation technique on the acquisition of certain types of collocations, for
example, comparing the effects of underlining and translation techniques on the
acquisition of L1 non-congruent collocations, or, finding which technique (e.g.
collocation grids, match games, error correction) is most effective to the acquisition of
collocations of delexicalized verbs.

V. Key Words:

collocation instruction, reading proficiency, vocational high school English

VI. References

Firth, J. R. (1957). Modes of meaning. In J. R. Firth, Papers in linguistics, 1934-1951

(pp. 190-215). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lewis, M. (1993). The lexical approach. Hove and London, England: Language

Teaching Publications (LTP).

Lewis, M. (2000). Teaching collocation. Hove, England: Language Teaching


McCarthy, M. & O’
Dell, F. (2005). English collocation in use. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Nattinger, J. R. & DeCarrico, J. S. (1992). Lexical phrases and language teaching.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nesselhauf, N. (2003). The use of collocations by advanced learners of English and

some implications for teaching. Applied Linguistics 24(2), 223-242.

Van Lier, L. (1996). Interaction in the language curriculum: Awareness, autonomy,

and authenticity. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


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