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Module 14


• After this module you should be able to
– identify the most common excavation
– take the steps necessary to avoid those

Safety Facts
• As many as 400 workers die and another 4000
injured as a result of cave-ins each year
• Most deaths occur in trenches 5-14 feet deep
• Cave-ins cause death by: suffocation, crushing,
loss of circulation, falling objects
• 1 cubic foot of soil can weigh up to 140 lbs
• 1 cubic yard of soil can weigh up to 3000 lbs

Excavation Hazards
• Cave-in of a trench
• Contacting underground utilities
• Getting struck by falling objects
• Falling into an excavation
• Hazardous atmospheres
• Equipment rolling into excavations

Competent Person
• Every excavation job must have one
• This person must be trained on and
knowledgeable in
– soils classification
– the use of protective systems
– the requirements of the OSHA standards
• This person must be able to identify
hazards and immediately eliminate them
• Enter excavations only after their approval

competent persons must have the
authority to take prompt corrective action

this 6’ deep vertical-sided trench is
dangerous because it is not protected

Corrective Actions: never enter a

trench like this; notify your supervisor
What is a Cave-In?
• The separation of a mass of soil or rock
material from the side of an excavation
and its sudden movement into the
excavation either by falling or sliding that
could entrap, bury, or otherwise injure
and immobilize a worker

this worker is being exposed to a life threatening situation,
an excavation with no cave-in protection

Corrective Action: never enter a trench unless it is less than 5’ deep

and you get permission from your supervisor or it has cave-in
protection 9

The Theory of Shielding
• Shielding does not actually prevent a
• Trench shields and boxes, if installed
correctly, are designed to protect workers
from the forces of a cave-in
• In order for the shield to do its job, the
worker must stay within the protection of
the shield even when entering and exiting

this trench is not shielded to the trench bottom
properly; these workers are still at risk for a cave-in

Corrective Action: shield the trench

to no more than 2’ from the bottom 12
the same shield is missing

Corrective Action: always install manufactured

shielding according to the manufacturer’s directions 13
this incomplete installation provides little if any protection;
in fact, the panels themselves can become a crushing hazard

Corrective Actions: always install manufactured cave-in

protection according to the manufacture; never skip steps 14
these workers have left the protection of their
trench box; a cave-in could happen at any moment

Corrective Action: never work unprotected, cave-ins

can happen anytime without warning 15

The Theory of Shoring
• Shoring prevents cave-ins
• Trench shoring, if designed and installed
correctly, counteracts the force of a cave-
• In order for the shoring to do its job, the
worker must stay within the protection of
the shoring even when entering and

make-shift, improperly designed shoring does
little other then provide a false sense of

Corrective Action: manufactured shoring should be used;

install the shoring according to the manufacturer 18
manufactured aluminum shoring does little
good either when improperly installed


The Theory of Sloping
• Sloping prevents cave-ins
• Sloping, if done correctly, removes the risk
of cave-ins by sloping the soil of the
trench back from the trench bottom

this is a good example of a properly sloped excavation
providing a safe workplace free from cave-in hazards

this is a good example of a properly sloped excavation
providing a safe workplace free from cave-in hazards

this worker is able to work
without the fear of a cave-in

Ramps, Ladders, and Stairs

the worker in this trench has no safe means of exit

Corrective Action: for trenches 4’ deep or greater, install a ramp,

ladder, or stairs no less than every 25’ from a worker in the trench 27
Additional Concerns
• Underground utilities
• Overhead hazards
• Mobile equipment
• Walkways
• Water in excavations
• Hazardous atmospheres

striking underground utilities can be deadly

this worker has used the one-call system to locate utilities; also, he is
using safe and acceptable means to find the exact location of the utility 29
this worker is at risk of being struck by falling rocks and
excavated materials, in particular this soil spoil is too close

Corrective Action: keep excavated material (spoil)

at least 2’ from the edge of the excavation
overhead hazards can also be the
tools and materials workers use

Corrective Action: keep tools materials and other

project related items at least 2 feet from the edge 31
when mobile equipment is operated adjacent to an excavation, the operator
must have a clear and direct view of the edge of the excavation, or…

… a warning system shall be utilized such as barricades, stop logs, or hand or

mechanical signals; if possible, the grade should be away from the excavation 32
using this method to cross an
excavation can result in a serious fall

Corrective Action: construct a proper and safe walkway

this is an example of a proper walkway

walkways or bridges must have a safety factor of 4, have a

minimum clear width of 20”, be fitted with standard rails, and
extend a minimum of 24” past the surface edge of the trench 34
the presence of water usually means soil that is unstable

excavations must be kept as water free as possible

Corrective Actions: select, inspect, and use water removal equipment

correctly; consider such things as air-quality and personal health issues 36
with the water pump running, a possible
carbon monoxide exposure now exists

excavations greater than 4 feet in depth must be

evaluated for oxygen deficiency, flammability, and toxicity 37
these workers installed a high
exhaust pipe to prevent asphyxiation

compressed gas cylinders are
not to be brought into trenches

trying to keep as many air contaminants
as possible above grade is a good idea

Case Study
• A crew was installing conduit in an 8’ deep
by 2’ wide trench. The equipment
operator had gone into the company
trailer to check blueprints when another
worker informed him of a trench collapse.

Applicable Standards
• 1926 Subpart P Excavations

Your Employer is Responsible For
• Preplanning the work
• Protecting you from cave-ins
• Inspecting the excavation at least daily
and throughout the shift as needed
• Taking prompt corrective action when

Your Employer is Responsible For
• Making sure a ladder is within 25’ of your
work area when deeper than 4’
• Ensuring that excavated dirt, rocks, and
other materials are kept back 2’ from the
excavation’s edge
• Testing the air in areas suspect to
atmospheric hazards
• Responding to and correcting hazards
pointed out by you, the worker

You are Responsible For
• Working defensively
• Following you company’s excavation and
trenching safety rules
• Correcting the hazards you are able to
• Reporting to your supervisor the hazards
you are unable to correct

Always Remember
• Never enter a vertical-sided trench unless
it is less then 5’ deep and you get
permission from your supervisor
• Never enter a trench unless it is laid back,
shielded, boxed, or in solid rock
• If a trench box is used, never leave its
protection while in the trench

Memory Check
1. How many feet must the excavated soil,
your tools, and other supplies be kept
back from the excavation’s edge?
a. 1 foot
b. 2 feet
c. 7.5 feet
d. 25 feet

Memory Check
2. At what depth must a ladder, ramp, steps
or runway be present for quick worker
a. 4 feet
b. 5 feet
c. 10 feet
d. it is never required

Memory Check
3. What is the greatest hazard facing a
worker while working in a trench?
a. hazardous atmospheres
b. falls
c. cave-ins
d. falling objects

Memory Check
4. Unless a competent person indicates that
there is a potential for a cave-in, at what
depth is a protective system required for
a trench?
a. 2 feet
b. 4 feet
c. 5 feet
d. 10 feet


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