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In a contemporary corporate world, training and development has become essential

function to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. A company always needs
innovation to compete in the market and it gives competitive advantage. It is the duty of the
human resource department to train and develop the employees of the company and to make
the plans according to it. Training and development is one of the lowest things on the priority
list of most companies. There is, however, enormous value in organizing proper training and
development sessions for employees. It make the employees to gain new set of skills, sharpen
existing ones, perform better, increase productivity of the individuals and company’s
performance. There are 2 type of training:

1. On the job training( training during work hour to enhance efficiency and effectiveness)
2. Off the job training (formal training to enhance set of skills)

There are several outcomes of the training and development, which make a road to develop
the company:

1. Self-driven:
Trained employees always need lesser supervision and guidance than untrained
employees. It improves necessary skill sets in employees and enables them to address tasks
independently. On a company performance training and development programs can have a huge
impact. In the result the employees work on their own and make the company self-driven

2. Reduction in flaws and weaknesses:

Training and development iron out the flaws of he employees which are hurdle
for the individual or company. In training, the trainer trains how to resolve this issue and avoid this issue
in the future.

3. Enhance performance:

Employee development is a channel for organization to provide new and different

challenges to them. It gives an employee to gain new skills and to work for the betterment of the
employee and organization in the future. It not only makes the employee happy at work, but also
improves the performance of the employee at work. With the right training and opportunities, their
commitment toward the work automatically increases.
4. Increases employee satisfaction and lower turnover intention.
It makes the employee satisfied and to be engaged with the company for the long time.
With the right training and opportunities, his commitment toward the work automatically
increases and also sticks the employee with the achievement of the organization goals and
objectives. When employees gain training well it make them to become happier, confident, and
high satisfied to doing their jobs and when company invest on employee to make it better it
reduces turnover intention of the employee
5. Attracts and retains employees.
According to Ortus, a leading international human resources recruitment firm, the biggest
reason for employees leaving an organization is lack of career development (75 percent), closely
followed by salary (72 percent). As a result of clear training and development, employee got satisfied
and turnover intention reduces and the employee remains with the company for long time and in this
way the company attracts more skilled persons.
6. New Technologies:
While keeping in view the training regarding new technologies, it makes the employee to become
familiar with technologies and make the business competitive in the market and it makes the employees
7. Lower Risks:
Offering specific training in the workplace, such as sexual harassment prevention, can mean less
risk for you when hiring new employees, and keeping the old ones. This has the potential to allow your
business to run more smoothly, with less hiccups or problems in the long run for you.
Impact in selected organization:

Role of HR in training and development objectives:

Human resources specialists often are charged with creating training programs to strengthen
the quality of work within an organization. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that “enhancing
employee skills can increase individual and organizational performance and help to achieve
business results." The role of human resources in training and development includes assessing
training needs, creating training manuals, facilitating instruction and ensuring training objectives
have been met.

People often mistake leadership and management as the same thing but in essence,
they are very different. The main difference between the two is that leaders have people
that follow them, while managers have people who simply work for them. Particularly in
small businesses, for a small business owner to be successful they need to be both a
strong leader and manager to get their team on board with working towards their vision
of success. Leadership is about getting people to comprehend and believe in the vision
you set for the company and to work with you on achieving your goals, while
management is more about administering and making sure the day-to-day activities are
happening as they should.

Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing, but
they are necessarily linked and complementary to one another. Any effort to separate
the two within an organisation is likely to cause more problems than it solves. For any
company to be successful, it needs management that can plan, organise and coordinate
its staff, while also inspiring and motivating them to perform to the best of their ability.



Leaders have a tendency to praise success and drive people, whereas managers work
to find faults. They paint a picture of what they see as possible for the company and
work to inspire and engage their people in turning that vision into reality. Rather than
seeing individuals as just a particular set of skills, they think beyond what they do and
activate them to be part of something much bigger. They’re well aware of how high-
functioning teams can accomplish a lot more when working together than individuals
working autonomously are ever able to achieve.

For both sides to understand what they have to do, and to achieve excellence in doing
it, they need to comprehend the essence of the difference between them. This is a
matter of definition – understanding how the roles are different and how they might
overlap. Managers, on the other hand, will focus on setting, measuring and achieving
goals by controlling situations to reach or exceed their objectives.
Specifi c HR strategies Specifi c HR strategies set out what the organization intends to do in areas such
as: • Human capital management – obtaining, analysing and reporting on data that inform the direction
of value-adding people management, strategic, investment and operational decisions. • Corporate social
responsibility – a commitment to managing the business ethically in order to make a positive impact on
society and the environment. HR Strategies 53 • Organization development – the planning and
implementation of programmes designed to enhance the effectiveness with which an organization
functions and responds to change. • Engagement – the development and implementation of policies
designed to increase the level of employees’ engagement with their work and the organization. •
Knowledge management – creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing and using knowledge to enhance
learning and performance. • Resourcing – attracting and retaining high quality people. • Talent
management – how the organization ensures that it has the talented people it needs to achieve success.
• Learning and development – providing an environment in which employees are encouraged to learn
and develop. • Reward – defi ning what the organization wants to do in the longer term to develop and
implement reward policies, practices and processes that will further the achievement of its business
goals and meet the needs of its stakeholders. • Employee relations – defi ning the intentions of the
organization about what needs to be done and what needs to be changed in the ways in which the
organization manages its relationships with employees and their trade unions. • Employee well-being –
meeting the needs of employees for a healthy, safe and supportive work environment.

Leadership Vs. Management

Implementation of Global HR strategies:

Global Human Resource is a process of procuring, allocating and efficiently human

resource in globally operationalized company. It is a prerequisite to success of the success of the
business. The prime focus of HR strategy is to build skills, motivation and behavior for a successful
business strategy. Due to globalization, the business landscape has been changed. For the globally
operating companies, they must achieve two objectives. It must integrate human resource policies and
practices, so that overall cooperate objectives can be achieved.

Challenges To cross-national HRM practices:

These are the challenges which a multinational companies has to face:

 Economic and technological change

 workforce availability and quality concerns
 Demographics and diversity issues

Economic and technological change:

In the last decade, it is seen that there was decline in job drastically just because of
shifting in technologies. The fast growing world economies has changed the world to a technology
based, now the companies has to recruit only tech-friendly employees and to train the employees
according to new technology in this way, it has effect on economic conditions.

HRM in the new economy have to be human centric with a strong technology focus. We
need to leverage on emerging technologies to better satisfaction and needs of the knowledge workers
and to build a competitive advantage that lasts

Workforce availability and quality concerns:

In the other nations, often there is a shortage of skilled labor to search out to perform
the desired job or skilled labor for example plumbers, engineers, doctors or technical jobs. In this way, it
affects the quality of the products in the host countries and it is also a challenge fot Human resource to
overcome this issue globally.

Demographics and diversity issues:

The workforce has been changing dramatically. It is more diverse racially,

women are in the labor force in much greater numbers than ever before, and the average
age of the workforce is now considerably older than before. More old workers are in the workforce
as compared to new generation.

Ways to manage diversity in chosen organization:

There are several ways by which hr professional can manage diversity:

Cultural empathy:

In MNC a manage has to manage cultural diversity .Each company comes with unique
history and evolution, which shapes its culture and as a employee we must be mindful of it. In this way
the HR manager has to do sensitization of local culture, language and laws.

Cross culture bonding:

Conducting regular formal meetings and informal gatherings is another way of cultural
appreciation. Lot of appreciation towards diverse culture is gained when we understand cultural nuances,
respects it and empathize with it. The Company has created various platforms for its employees, which
allow them to put a face against the name. Formal gatherings, annual management committee meetings,
regional and global sales meet and several periodic meetings across continents make way for not just
bonding but also help understand different cultures.

Community engagement:

Due to globalization, the world has become a global world to live in it. People actively
participate in local celebration and share the experience through the technology (social media). Our
regular interaction based programs are well utilized by our international workforce for constant growth

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