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International Environmental Law

and Agenda 21: Rio Declaration

THE QUESTION arises is there any intema- provided a new dimension to it. These Inter-
tionallaw of environmental protection either national Conferences have become major in-
emerging or already emerged. The answer is struments of evolution of international
neither negative nor affirmative, It has environmental law and policy. The positive
emerged in the world scene and progressed contribution of the Conferences have been:
to some extent in the direction of creating
(i) stimulation of awareness of issues af-
some balance between the needs of man and
fecting aU or most of the nations;
ecology. Intemational environmental law is
to embrace not only legal arrangements (ii) opportunity for hearing grievances and
designed or intended primarily regulating revealing hidden tensions;
pollution or some activity designed to inflict (iii) obtaining agreement among nations-
injury to environment in one way or the stales sufficient to afford a basis for
other. 1 It is to include all legal rules which cooperatives action including research
might be involved in the course of an effort
and institutional arrangement?
either to justify, or to prevent, abate, or obtain
other remedy for an environmental injury. In the Stockholm Conference, 1972, In-
The function of intemational environmental dira Gandhi aptly said:
law is to prevent absolutely the transforma-
We do not wish to impoverish the
tion of the environment into energy and use-
environment any further and yet
ful or enjoyable commodities. In this regard, we C8Mot for a moment forget the
the United Nations Conference on Human grim poverty of large numbers of
Environment known as Stockholm Con-
people. Are not poverty and need
ference,2 1972 gave a basis to emerging in-
the greatest polluters ?
ternational environmental law. Then the
Earth Summit 1992 at Rio-de-Jeneiro, Brazil For instance, unless we are in a
position to provide employment
• Senior Advocate; Vice-President, 11Je Indian Law
Institute and Executive O1airman, International and purchasing power for the daily
Conference on Shaping the Future by Law: necessities of the tribal people and
Cbildren, Environment and Human Health (1994). those who live in around our
1. Editorial Analysis, "Toward An International Law jungles, we cannot prevent them
of Environmental Protection" in Hargrove (ed.), from combing the forest for food
Law luautiom, afltl the Global Environment and livelihood; from poaching and
from despoiling the vegetation.
2. Goldie, MJ)evelopment of An International Environ- When they themselves feel
mental Law:An Appraisal" in Hargrove (ed.),iJ. at 104.
deprived, how can we urge the
3. LK.Caldwell, Intemational Environment
Policy:EmergingDimemiom 55(1990). preservation of animals. 4
4. Address of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi at the The Earth Summit-1992 held in Rio-
United Nations Conferenceon the Human Environ- de-Jeneiro was the largest and most complex
ment, Stockholm, (June 14, 1972).

conference ever organised by the United Na- ces particularly tropical forests and their
tions, system. It was attended by 178 govern- genetic heritage, which need to be managed
ments and there were some 120 Heads of in the global interest.
States at the Summit that concluded the Con- The Earth Summit's, most visible new
ference. institutional product is "UN Commission on
The Conference generated five formal Sustainable Development" which could ac-
documents, viz., treaties on climate change celerate the integration of environmental
and bio-diversity, a statement on forest prin- protection with economic development and
ciples, the Rio-Declaration and the action enhance the quality of life. Agenda 21's con-
programme. ceptual framework recognises the many
ways in which economic, social and environ-
The Action Programme-Agenda 21
mental forces interact. It promotes national
covers almost every conceivable issue con-
strategy to give concrete meaning to sus-
cerning sustainable development. It contains
tainable development and it offers a structure
many useful ideas. The Earth Summit
for organising international policies and
provided an important benchmark in the pat-
programmes relating to issues involved
tern of global relations of power and in-
having regional and global consequence.
fluence between nations and blocks of
Second, Earth Summit acknowledged in
spirit and in practice, that the UN family of
The world has been provided some new organisations is to be supplemented by
faces in the north-south relationship, follow- regional and treaty organisations and that
ing the disappearance of the Soviet Union as major groups such as women and youth will
a power block. The East/West confrontation more and more complement and extend their
is no more in existence and the whole em- activities sponsored by inter-governmental
phasis has ihifted towards North-South organisations.
relationship and bitter division of wealth and
poverty resulted in many acrimonious Agenda 21 provides a tool for mobilis-
debates during the Earth Summit. The new ing and coordinating the efforts of the inter-
North-South relationship can be charac- national system as a whole and establishes a
terised by increasing income differentials framework for other actors to collectively
and by growing southern influence. There is reinforce. The Earth Summit has finally ap-
no question that the new world economic order proved the environment/development agen-
is heavily tilted in favour of the North and da as an essential element and in creating
hence, economic disparities are widening. conditions of stability and well-being which
are necessary for peaceful and friendly rela-
At present the northern consumption of tions among nations. Developing countries
natural resources are responsible for the now look forward to a greater share of
emissions that are gradually poisoning the economic benefits arising from the use of
global environment and causing climate resources within their boundaries.
change, diminishing bio- diversity and reced-
ing ozone layer. But population growth and The prime objective of the Biodiversity
development needs of North-SOuthcountries Treaty is the conserveration of biological
mean that within a generation emissions may diversity, sustainable use of its components,
surpass those of all the North. Northern and fair and equitable sharing of benefits
countries also possess many natural resour- from the use of genetic resources. This is to
be achieved through appropriate access to
S. UN Institutions, New Pal1nerShips lor Sustainable genetic resources, appropriate transfer of
Developmenl: Facing the Future 37{1991}.

relevant technologies and appropriate fund- national opinions and the diverse views of
ing. In addressing technology and sus- nation states. It is not Utopian to believe that
tainable use this treaty goes far beyond the environmental concerns around the globe
existing narrowly defined conservation con- may induce the nations to cooperate more
ventions but some feel that it is also at the rapidly than to rely on the more conventional
expense of a more rigorous treatment of issues of international relations such as
specific actions on global biological diversity. monetary exchange trade investment and
The Earth Summit gave impetus to the human rights. The development of interna-
development of international institutions, en- tional environmental law is closely linked
vironmentallaw which was not keeping pace with the world's economic institutions in
with the world's ever growing interdepen- order to renovate the thinking with regard to
dence of the rapidly deteriorating conditions environmental concern so as to make en-
of the Earth. The environmental threat in vironmental sustainability a reality indeed.
modern world is grave and needs drastic During the Earth Summit most of the
efforts to arrest the fastly deteriorating eco- international legal and institutional proposals
systems. This still necessitates the shaping of received serious consideration for change in
the face of the international diplomacy for the system rather than a fundamental overhaul.
development of cooperative efforts at the A massive document presented detailed work
international level. If this is done it will also plans for sustainable development which
give more strength and teeth to the develop- also includes goals, responsibility and es-
ing international environmental law by en- timates for funding. All the developments in
forcing provisions of the Rio-Declaration in the pre and post Earth Summit era em-
true spirit. The financial and technological phasized on the growth of international en-
aids to the developing countries are also in- vironmental protection law in ample
evitably essential for the growth of interna- measures. The Rio- Declaration on environ-
tional environmental law which is closely ment and development enunciates in prin-
linked with the overhauling and reorganising ciple that human beings are at the centre of
of the U.N. and its system along with other concerns for sustainahle development en-
international institutions. The Earth Summit titled to a healthy and protective life in har-
evolved five "global commons" viz. atmos- mony with nature.
phere, shared water ways, biological diver-
sity, the Antarctica and the global economy The Rio-Declaration's emphasis is on
which endanger such problems as export of health risks from environmental pollution
hazardous waste. The Earth Summit was a and hazards and states hy the year 2000
positive step in the direction of attaining measures should be taken to incorporate ap-
complex ecological unity. The well-being propriate environmental health safeguards as
and survival of life on this planet to a great part of national development programme in
extent depends upon human behaviour that all the countries. All these developments pro-
will prevent the disruption or distraction of vide that there is a pressing need to safeguard
the ecological unity. In clear measure, the the continued existence of mankind which
Earth Summit in terms of ecological unity cannot depend entirely on a global evolution
was designed to interact with the diverse of customary law.
There is world-wide expectation con-
6. News Release, World Watch Institute, Washington
D.C. 4 ( March 14, 1992). cerning the quality of life and the dignity of
7. Gonnley, Human Rights and Environment: A
humankind. Therefore the concept of pure
Need for International Cooperation 223( 1976). and healthful environment will undoubtedly

continue to develop international environ- too few resources". It is desirable however,

mental law for quite sometime, at least by the to add that man must survive with his in-
end of this century. herent sense of dignity under rule of law.
Every man has a right to be guaranteed a
Environmental rights can be effectively
safeguarded by a system of conferences, con- pure, healthful and decent environment.8The
ventions, agreements and international structure of international environmental
institutions' experience and also by govern- policy, law and cooperation is building
ments who are party to the several interna- gradually with growing perception in almost
tional treaties and conventions. The thrust is all countries for common human concerns
directed towards preservation of mankind irrespective of geographical boundaries for
and "man must simply be able to survive as an ecologically more sound world order.
a species and hopefully develop to the point
that all peoples benefit from the world's all

8. u. It 233.

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