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Please send me your feedback about the coding since I am a very beginner.

mistake or run time error occurred please let me know through my email ID

1. I have tested the algorithm on MATLAB Version (R2011b). Hope the
algorithm will work on higher versions for sure and for lesser not guaranteed.

2. Copy all the files (.m files and image files) from the folder
'Number_Plate_Extraction' in the current directory of MATLAB or where MATLAB can
locate in its path.

3. Ten(10) images are supplied for the testing of the algorithm.

4. Run the file named 'numberPlateExtraction' on the command prompt.

5. I have set the image 'car3.jpg' in "imread" function. If the other nine images
are to be tested modify the "imread" command in the "numberPlateExtraction" file as

f=imread('carplate2.jpg'); and so on

If you are testing some other number plate images make sure that the image is not
blurred, no reflection of light from any character, number plate should be
dominant, prominent and distinct in the image. If number plate is from other
(Karachi) city or country then please modify the code as mentioned in the comments
of .m files accordingly. In our city there are '6' characters on every number
plate. If you are running for other than '6' please modify accordingly in
'controlling.m' and 'guessthesix.m' files.
If the character is touching the boundary of plate or each other, extraction will
not be succesfull as with the image "pic7". Plate should not be fancy i.e the
characters should all along a single line. Further more the characters should be
conventional one. For example in the image "carplate1" character '2' is not a
conventional so it prints 'Z' insteadof '2'.
The characters of "pic5" are not evident so program is unable to extract the

The function "readLetter" is modified from the function supplied with the OCR
algorithm found on MATHWORK website.

1. sshz1 Dr. Shahid Hussain Zaidi's car front
2. sshz2 Dr. Shahid Hussain Zaidi's car rare
3. ABH3 Sir Abid Hussain's car front
4. pic4 Dr. Najeeb Sidiqui's car front
5. car3 From MATHWORKS web site
6. carplate1 Downloaded randomly from internet
7. carplate2 Downloaded randomly from internet
8. carplate4 Downloaded randomly from internet
9. pic5
10. pic7 Taxi found outside the department

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