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Daddy Sang Bass A c, I re-mem-ber when I was a lad, times were hard and things were I re-mem - ber af - ter work, Ma-mawould call in all of 1 2. Now a, a bad; But there’s a sil- ver lin- ing be- hind ev - ‘ry doud. us; You could hear us sing-in’ for a coun-try mile, a, ee ae C13 F F7 Bb =3— Co AVS Just poor peo-ple, that’s all we were try-in’ tomake a liv-in’ out of Now, lit- tle Bro-ther has done gone on, — — but I'll re - join__ him. eo, c7 Sc, black land dirt We'd get to- gether in a fam-‘ly cir - cle sing- in’ in a song; We'll be to- gether a - gain up yonder in a lit- tle A, a, a, (© Copyright 1968 by Cedarwood Publishing Co, In. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Ma-ma sang ten- or, Dad- dy sang bass, Bro- ther would join right in there; Sing-in’ seems to help a eee One of these days, and it won't a song I'm gon-na join the fam-‘ly cir-cle at the os gain No, the cir - cle won't be bro - ken,_ wee |— bye and bye, Lord, bye and F FT Bb me and lit - tle Bro- ther will fisjJisnis

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