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International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427

CO2 heat pump systems

Petter Nekså *,1
SINTEF Energy Research, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

Received 23 November 1999; received in revised form 29 February 2000; accepted 8 March 2000

After the CFCs and the HCFCs were deemed unfit as working fluids in refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat
pump applications, there has been a renaissance for carbon dioxide technology. Heat pumps is one of the application
areas where theoretical and experimental investigations are now performed by an increasing number of research insti-
tutions and manufacturers. This paper gives an overview of some of the current activities in the CO2 heat pump field.
Discussed are the important characteristics of the transcritical CO2 process applied to heat pumps, and also discussed
are theoretical and experimental results from several heat pump applications. Provided that calculations and system
designs are performed on the premises of the working fluid, and that test plants are constructed and operated to fully
exploit the specific characteristics of both the fluid and the transcritical process, the results show that CO2 is an
attractive alternative to the synthetic fluids. Competitive products may be launched in the near future. # 2002 Elsevier
Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Heat pump; Refrigerant; CO2; Transcritical cycle; Performance

Pompes à chaleur utilisant le dioxyde de carbone

Depuis que les CFC et les HCFC ont éte´ interdites en tant que frigorige`nes dans les applications frigorifiques, de con-
ditionnement d’air et de pompes à chaleur, la technologie utilisant du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) connaı´t un renouveau.
Des e´tudes the´oriques et expe´rimentales sur les pompes à chaleur sont de´sormais effectue´es par un nombre croissant
d’organismes de recherche et de fabricants. Cette communication donne une vue d’ensemble de certaines activite´s actuelles
dans les domaine des pompes à chaleur utilisant le CO2. Les caracte´ristiques cle´s du cycle transcritique applique´ aux
pompes à chaleur sont de´crites, ainsi que des re´sultats the´oriques et expe´rimentaux obtenus dans plusieurs applications des
pompes à chaleur. Les re´sultats montrent que le CO2 est un frigorige`ne attrayant qui permet de remplacer des frigorige`nes
synthe´tiques, à condition d’adapter les calculs et la conception du syste`me pour le CO2, et de construire des bancs d’essai
permettant d’exploiter au mieux les proprie´te´s du fluide et du cycle transcritique. Les produits compe´titifs seront lance´s
dans un avenir proche. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
Mots cle´s : Pompe à chaleur ; Frigorigène ; CO2 ; Cycle transcritique ; Performance

* Tel.: +477-359-3923; fax: +477-359-3950.

E-mail address: (P. Nekså).
Visiting Researcher at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Tecnica del Freddo,z Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35020 Padova,
Italy and Visiting Researcher at Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica. Vice president of IIR Commission E2.

0140-7007/02/$22.00 # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
PII: S0140-7007(01)00033-0
422 P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427

1. Introduction fully utilise the advantages introduced by the high pres-

sures, for instance in reducing component sizes due to
The Montreal Protocol dictates the abolishment on high volumetric capacity.
the CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HCFC (hydro- The critical temperature of CO2 is 31.1 C. This implies
chlorofluorocarbon) refrigerants (or working fluids), that sub-critical operation, as known from common
known to be harmful to the environment. These sub- refrigeration technology, is only possible when the average
stances have been, and still are, commonly applied in heat sink temperature is rather low. However, when sub-
refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump systems. critical operation is possible it may be stated that the CO2
At present, two main groups of refrigerants are poten- systems compete very well with respect to energy efficiency
tial replacement candidates for the CFCs and the with systems using other refrigerants.
HCFCs, namely, the HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) and At higher average heat sink temperatures transcritical
the natural refrigerants. operation is necessary. A typical one-stage CO2 process
The global warming potential (GWP) of the HFC with internal heat exchange is shown in the T-s diagram
gases are high. Typically, a release of one kilogram of an of Fig. 1. A simplified sketch of a heat pump, with its
HFC gas contributes 1000–3000 times more to global main components and corresponding process points, is
warming, than release of one kilogram CO2. This is the included. Counter-flow heat exchange with a heat
reason why these gases are included in the Kyoto-agree- source and a heat sink, are indicated by the broken
ment as compounds to be regulated. lines. Characteristic for the process is heat rejection at a
CO2 is one of the few natural refrigerants, which is supercritical pressure, introducing a gliding temperature
neither flammable nor toxic. It is inexpensive, widely instead of condensation at constant temperature.
available and does not affect the global environment as Operation of the transcritical process introduces the
many other refrigerants. CO2 has a GWP=1, but the need to control the high-side pressure in order to obtain
net global warming impact when used as a technical gas optimal efficiency. Fig. 2 shows how the heating capa-
is zero, since the gas is a waste product from industrial city, heating-COP and compressor shaft power vary
production. There is a net surplus of CO2 in the world with the compressor discharge pressure. The heating
today which can be used for different applications, for capacity increases steeply in the beginning, then, for
example for carbonising Coca Cola and other beverages higher discharge pressures it flattens out. The com-
or as a refrigerant in refrigeration and heat pump pressor shaft power is increasing almost linearly with
systems. the discharge pressure. Since the efficiency of the system
CO2 is an excellent alternative among the natural (heating-COP) is given as the ratio between the heating
refrigerants, especially in applications where the toxicity capacity and the power input, a maximum of the COP-
and flammability of ammonia and hydrocarbons may be curve can be found at a certain optimum discharge
a problem. The remaining issues are to prove that the pressure. As illustrated in the figure, the variation in
energy efficiency and the cost of the systems are at an COP around the optimum may be rather flat. How flat
acceptable level. depends, among other factors, on the boundary condi-
Different kinds of heat pumps applying CO2 as the tions, the shape of the compressor isentropic efficiency
working fluid are currently being investigated both in curve and the length of the internal heat exchanger. For
theory and in the laboratory. The intention with this example, a small capacity internal heat exchanger results
paper is to give an overview of some of these research
activities, and also to show that both types of activities
yield very competitive performance compared to the
halocarbons — provided they are done correctly. Addi-
tional advantages are also discussed.

2. Fundamentals

The application of CO2 as a working fluid introduces

challenges, but certainly also opportunities and possibi-
lities, compared to off-the-shelf technology. First of all,
components for much higher design pressures are needed,
typically 150 bar maximum operating pressure. When
CO2 started loosing market shares around 1940, the lack Fig. 1. T-s diagram showing the transcritical CO2 cycle used
of such components was one of the reasons for the for water heating.
decline. However, with the manufacturing technology Fig. 1. Diagramme T-s montrant le cycle transcritique du CO2
and the knowledge base existing today, it is possible to utilisé pour chauffer de l’eau sanitaire.
P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427 423

Fig. 2. Variation of heating capacity, heating-COP and com-

pressor shaft power with the discharge pressure for a CO2 heat
Fig. 2. Variation de la puissance calorifique, du COP et de la Fig. 3. Coefficient of performance for the heat pump when
puissance absorbée sur l’arbre du compresseur en fonction de la producing hot water at a temperature of 60 C, at varying
pression de refoulement d’une pompe à chaleur au CO2. evaporation temperature.
Fig. 3. Coefficient de performance d’une pompe à chaleur utilisée
in a more pronounced optimum. For further explana- pour chauffer de l’eau chaude à 60 C, à différentes températures
tion, see Nekså et al. [1]. d’évaporation.
In subcritical operation, the COP is in principal lim-
ited by the highest heat sink temperature. In tran-
scritical operation, on the contrary, the COP is most 3. Heat pump water heaters
often limited by how low refrigerant temperature it is
possible to achieve after heat rejection. Consequently, Nekså et al. [1,7] describe experimental results for a
the lowest heat sink temperature gives the limitation. CO2 heat pump water heater (HPWH) application. The
This must be reflected in the design of the total heat prototype system results show that CO2 is very well
pump system, including the heat distribution system. suited as a working fluid for tap water heat pumps. The
For instance, at a given average heat rejection tempera- energy consumption can be reduced by 75% compared
ture, a heat distribution system with a high temperature to electrical or gas fired systems, when hot tap water is
glide would benefit the CO2 heat pump. supplied at 60 C, with the ambient air as the heat
A common assumption when comparing the energy source. Fig. 3 shows measured hp-COP as a function of
efficiency of CO2 with other working fluids is to assume the evaporation temperature. The tap water is heated
the same temperature approach in the cold end of the from 10 to 60 C, typical Norwegian conditions. Hp-
condenser/gas cooler of the two systems. Most often this COP is defined as the heat output divided by the power
assumption disfavours CO2. A fair basis for comparison input to the compressor motor. The shaft power, rather
is to assume equal mean temperature differences in the than the input power to the motor, has been measured.
heat exchangers, and thus also for assessing the trends in The power input to the motor was obtained assuming a
the temperature approach. The exact values will be design motor efficiency of 0.9.
specific, but it is essential to take the difference into con- The high process efficiency is partly due to good
sideration in order to make a fair comparison to CO2. adaptation of the process to the application, but also
Operation near the critical point offers a good poten- efficient compression and good heat transfer character-
tial for efficient compression [2]. This is due to low istics for CO2 are contributing to the high COP. Fig. 4
pressure ratios and that relatively high valve pressure depicts isentropic and volumetric efficiency for the pro-
drops can be accepted for a given loss in temperature totype compressor at different pressure ratios. The isen-
[3]. The volumetric capacity of CO2 is in the order of 5– tropic and volumetric efficiency at design conditions
10 times higher than for the common alternatives. This (pressure ratio 2.6, heat rejection 90 bar and heat
opens the possibility for compact compressors, even absorption 35 bar), are 0.84 and 0.86, respectively. The
though the pressures are high. Dorin [4] also indicates corresponding pressure ratio for a halocarbon reference
the possibility to run semi-hermetic CO2 compressors at process is about 4, illustrating the favourable pressure
3000 rpm, which of course would give a very compact ratio for the CO2 process. The performance of the
compressor for a given capacity. compressor is quite satisfactory considering that this is a
The heat transfer characteristics of CO2 is very good, prototype under development.
even in the supercritical region. Combined with the high A CO2 heat pump water heater may produce hot
volumetric capacity, this makes it possible to develop water with temperatures up to 90 C without operational
compact and efficient heat exchangers [5,6]. problems and with only a small loss in efficiency.
424 P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427

Fig. 4. Isentropic and volumetric efficiency for the CO2 com-

pressor at varying pressure ratios. Fig. 5. System design for a combined space and water heating
system. The process is also illustrated in the T-s diagram.
Fig. 4. Rendement isentropique et volumétrique du compresseur
de CO2 à différents taux de compression. Fig. 5. Conception d’un système mixte utilisé pour chauffer et
pour produire de l’eau chaude sanitaire. Le diagramme T-s montre
ce processus.

Increasing the required hot water temperature from 60

to 80 C reduces the hp-COP from 4.3 to 3.6 at an eva-
poration temperature of 0 C. The area of application is covered when space heating was not required, in order
thus much larger than for the traditional heat pump to simplify the system design.
systems, often restricted to hot water temperatures A comparison to using R-134a as a working fluid
lower than 55 C. showed favourable seasonal performance for CO2 when
Due to the high volumetric efficiency, leading to small more than 30% of the power demand for space heating
flow areas and the good heat transfer characteristics of were covered by the air heating system. The rest is then
CO2, it should be possible to manufacture the systems covered by the radiator system. A 70/50 C radiator sys-
compact and cost efficient. tem and heat recovery efficiency of the balanced venti-
The market potential for heat pump water heaters is lation system of 60% was assumed. In larger buildings in
large. Roughly 20% of the energy use in residential and Norway, typically more than 50% of the heating demand
commercial buildings goes to water heating, [8]. In is air heating and this percentage is increasing due to bet-
addition, there is a substantial need for water heating in ter insulation and increased air quality requirements. This
industry, where often the tap water heating may be indicates that CO2 may be a promising candidate for this
combined with refrigeration and /or freezing, by utilis- application.
ing the cold side of the system.
Several research organisations are now developing
CO2 HPWH [9–12]. 5. Residential heat pumps

A detailed simulation study on the performance of

4. Space heating HCFC-22 and CO2 in reversible residential heat pumps
gave quite promising results [14]. Evaporator tempera-
The market for CO2 heat pumps would of course be tures were higher in the CO2 system, and very small
extended significantly if the demand for space heating approach temperatures were estimated for the CO2 gas
could be covered efficiently in addition to the demand cooler. The mechanically expanded round-tube heat
for water heating. Schiefloe and Nekså [13] investigated exchangers were designed within the same core dimen-
a system design as shown in Fig. 5. sions and air-side pressure drop in both systems. The
In order to achieve a lowest possible return tempera- effects of pressure drop, particularly in the evaporator
ture from the heating system, radiator and air heating and suction line of the HCFC-22 system and the super-
are connected in series. Tap water heating is indicated heat characteristics of the expansion valve, gave cooling
pre-heated in parallel with the space heating and heat COPs (summer operation) that were similar in both
exchange against hot discharge gas is used to achieve the systems, even at high ambient temperatures.
required hot water temperature. The tap water heating Differences in heating capacity characteristics
part could also be implemented as a separate system or between CO2 and HCFC-22 are important for the
P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427 425

the HCFC-22 unit, whereas in HP mode, the COP

(heating COP) of the CO2 unit is slightly higher than
those of the HCFC-22 unit. In arriving at the com-
pressor power consumption for the CO2 system, the
shaft power is measured, and a motor efficiency of 0.9 is
assumed. The motor efficiency is included in the HCFC-
22 power consumption measurements.
The CO2 evaporation temperatures in AC mode were
3–4 K lower than for the HCFC-22 unit. One reason for
this is water retention. With the flat heat exchanger pipes
Fig. 6. Measured COP, cooling mode. Ambient temperatures running horizontally, and the unit only slightly tilted for-
are 28, 35 and 46 C for AC1, AC2 and AC3, respectively. ward, water is effectively prevented from draining. The
Fig. 6. COP mesuré en mode refroidissement. Les températures result is that water builds up until it reaches a critical
ambiantes sont de 28, 35 et 46 C en mode conditionnement d’air mass, when it is suddenly released in a batch. The water
(AC1, AC2 et AC3 respectivement). condensation rates were more or less the same for both
systems. The CO2 evaporation temperatures in HP
mode were 3.7 K higher to 0.4 K lower than those of
HCFC-22. The measured temperature approach was
between 1.5 and 2.0 K in AC mode and between 7.2 and
15.0 K in HP mode. The relatively large temperature
approaches in HP mode are too high for efficient
operation. The reason for this inefficiency is that the
number of passes through the indoor heat exchanger is
too low. There was only one pass through both the front
and the rear section. More passes are easily introduced
by installing baffles in the headers.
Fig. 7. Measured COP, heating mode. Ambient temperatures In conclusion, it can be said that the overall system
are 2, 7 and 14 C for HP1, HP2 and HP3, respectively. efficiency of the CO2 system in terms of COP is already
Fig. 7. COP mesuré en mode chauffage. Les températures competitive to that of the HCFC-22 system in both
ambiantes sont de 2, 7 et 14 C en mode chauffage (HP1, HP2 et modes of operation. The heat exchanger design concept
HP3 respectivement). applied is neither optimal from a gas cooler point of
view, nor from an evaporator point of view. Water
retention has been a problem, and this has also caused
seasonal heating performance (winter operation), since fluctuating system pressures. In some of the experi-
differences in the need for supplementary heating affect ments, the CO2 compressor has not performed opti-
the total system energy efficiency. The CO2 system was mally, owing to worn out bearings, and leakage through
able to maintain a higher heating capacity than the the stuffing box. Based on the above, there should be
HCFC-22 system at low ambient temperatures, thereby room for further improvements in the performance of
saving supplementary heat of some kind (electric the CO2 system. Details about the work done so far are
resistance heating was assumed). Even though the given in Aarlien and Frisik [15]. More work will be done
heating COP of the two heat pump circuits are similar, to improve this system in the future.
the overall result was a 20% increase in system energy
efficiency (HSPF) for the CO2 system, due to a lower
need for supplementary heat. 6. Air heating systems
To verify the theoretical results, an HCFC-22 unit and
a prototype CO2 system was set up in the SINTEF’s Rieberer and Halozan [16] and Rieberer et al. [11]
laboratory. The capacity of the units is a little larger than made detailed theoretical studies of controlled ventila-
the systems analysed in the theoretical study, and the heat tion air heating systems with an integrated CO2 heat
exchangers applied in the CO2 lab-unit are of the multi- pump. The results look very promising. Fig. 8 shows
channel (parallel flow) concept. Still, the results should overall and hp-COP as a function of ambient tempera-
give a fairly good indication of the efficiency level between ture. Ambient air, preheated in a ground-to-air heat
the two systems. Important is that the heat exchangers exchange system, is used as the heat source. At an
was designed with the same core dimensions. ambient air temperature of 20 C, the air is preheated
The main results from the experiments are shown in to 5 C before entering the heat pump evaporator. The
Figs. 6 and 7. In AC mode, the COP values (cooling overall seasonal performance factor for a Graz, Austria
COP) of the CO2 unit are slightly lower than those of climate is calculated to be in the range 6.15–6.5. This
426 P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427

9. Other heat pump applications

Late professor Gustav Lorentzen has published sev-

eral papers describing the possibilities of using CO2 as a
working fluid in heat pumps and refrigeration systems.
In [21,22] he describes a system design of large heat
pumps for district heating. This is a high-capacity
application where turbo expanders may be possible to
realise a cost efficient manner. Described is also the
possibility to combine refrigeration/freezing and tap
water heating, which will give a very high overall system
Fig. 8. System efficiency and compressor speed. (qtran,-12 C=15 efficiency.
W/m2, ua=0.8 1/h, pcond=70 bar) From Rieberer and Halozan The global warming issue has led to increased focus
[16]. on energy efficiency and heat recovery in various appli-
Fig. 8. Efficacité du système et vitesse du compresseur (qtran, cations. Nekså et al. [23] describe theoretical and
12 C = 15 W/m2, ua = 0,8 1/h, pcond = 70 bars) (fondé sur experimental results for an all-CO2 system for commer-
les travaux de Rieberer et Halozan [16]). cial refrigeration.
Less excess heat in cars due to more efficient motors
corresponds to a seasonal performance factor of the and introduction of electrical cars has led to the interest
heat pump of above 4 (author’s remark). of using the mobile air-conditioning system as a heat
pump in the cold season. Hafner et al. [24] report
favourable features of using CO2 in these kinds of
7. High temperature hydronic heating systems systems.

Enkemann et al. [17] made a theoretical study on CO2

heat pumps for retrofit in typical hydronic heating sys-
tems in Western Europe. A system originally designed 10. Conclusions
for temperatures 70/50 C was proposed modified by
reducing the mass flow rate of water to obtain a 93/40 C Experimental results show that CO2 may be success-
system, which should give a corresponding heat output fully used as a working fluid in heat pumps with very
using the existing radiator system. The seasonal perfor- competitive performance, if the system is properly
mance was then increased from 2.8 to 3.2. In addition, designed.
this system will be able to supply hot tap water without There is a good accordance between theory and experi-
any loss in energetic efficiency. mental results when calculations are done properly, i.e.
Experimental results from two prototype systems for when the properties of CO2 and process characteristics of
this application is reported in Brandes [18]. Efficiency the transcritical CO2 process are fully exploited.
figures in the same range as those calculated were Very promising simulation results exist for applica-
reported. tion areas where experimental results are not yet avail-
able. There are good reasons to continue with
experimental work in these areas.
8. Heat pump dryers With all the benefits of a natural working fluid and
the very competitive performance demonstrated, CO2 is
Another interesting application is heat pump dryers. and will continue to be a viable alternative to the syn-
Steimle [19] reports, based on theoretical considerations, thetic working fluids.
that energy saving is possible due to better temperature
adaptation in the heat exchangers, compared to sub-
critical processes. It is also possible to achieve higher air
temperatures without loss in efficiency, thus increasing Acknowledgements
the moisture extraction rate.
Experimental results from Schmidt et al. [20] reports For the projects reported here that are accomplished
hp-COPs in the range 5.5 and 55% reduction in the at SINTEF Energy Research, I would like to thank the
energy consumption, including fan power, compared to companies Hydro Aluminium, FINSAM Int. Inc,
a traditional electrically heated dryer. The results were Frostmann, OSO Hotwater, STATOIL, Tipro Nova,
achieved after a first optimising of the prototype system Sperre Thermo, Costan SpA and Officine Mario Dorin
and it is hoped that further essential improvements still SpA, in addition to the Norwegian Research Council
can be reached. and the EU commission.
P. Nekså / International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (2002) 421–427 427

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