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Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, de Borst et al (eds)@2001 Swets & Zefttinger, Lisse, ISBN 90 2651 825 0

Concrete modulus of rupture - analytical description of strength, size-effect

and brittleness

CV.Nielsen & N.Bicanic

University of Glasgow, Depariment of Civil Engineering, Glasgow, Scotland

ABSTRACT: An analytical model of bending of plain concrete beams is presented. Applying the fictitious
crack model with a linear softening curve the moment-curvature relationship is obtained. The modulus of rup-
ture is known to depend only on the initial slope of the cr-w curve. Hence, a linear softening model gives suf-
ficient accuracy. The brittleness number, including beam size and softening characteristics, is shown to be the
key parameter through which both small and large-size behaviour is modelled correctly. Comparisons with ex-
isting FEM-based expressions for the modulus of rupture show a good agreement.

l INTRODUCTION yield identical solutions to the problem. The analyti-

cal solution is compared with a FEM based expres-
The modulus of rupture fr measured from three- or sion and it is demonstrated that the analytical model
four-point bending tests on plain concrete beams is agrees with this expression.
often used to assess the uniaxial tensile strength f, of One may of course ask whether an analytical so-
concrete. These tests are easy to perform and there lution i~ needed when FEM based expressions are al-
exist~ several standards for their execution (e.g. ready available. There are several reasons for an ana-
ASTM C78) . However, experimental evidence lytical solution: (i) the solution is based on simple
shows that f, is generally larger than f, by about 25 well-known assumptions, (ii) in addition to the
%, see e .g. Neville (1995). strength, the solution also includes the depth of the
Throughout the past 2 decades several investiga- fracture zone and the stress distribution, (iii) the so-
tions have considered bending of plain concrete lution is born with correct small- and large-size be-
beams by applying FEM with tensile softening mate- haviour and (iv) a better understanding of the impor-
rial behaviour. For a general review see Planas et al. tant parameters is achieved.
(1995) or the recent textbook by Bazant and Planas
(1 998). Alvaredo & Torrent (1987) suggested a ma-
jor simplification of the problem, viz. that the 2 TENSION SOFTENING
modulus of rupture was governed only through the
initial portion of the softening curve. When the tensile stress exceeds the uniax.ial strength
The basic finding of the FEM based investiga- fr concrete starts to crack. In a deformation con-
tions using various softening curves is that/, is size trolled tensile test the complete load-elongation
dependent. However, this size-effect is different curve of a plain concrete sample shows an elastic
from the LEFM-size-effect, where strength is de- phase governed by the modulus of elasticity E, until
creasing proportional to v·112 , where D is the beam fr is reached, followed by a decreasing curve (soften-
depth. ln LEFM the size-effect is linked with the ex- ing) where cracking takes place until the sample is
istence o f cracks/notches giving rise to stress singu- completely separated in two halves.
larities whereas the size-effect on /, is due to the sof- The interpretation of the softening behaviour has
tening zone in the boundary layer, Bazant & Li mainly been divided in two research groups: (i) the
( 1995). fictitious crack model by Hillerborg et al. ( 1976) and
The present paper gives an analytical solution to (ii) the smeared crack band model by Bazant & Oh
the problem in accordance with the technical bend- (1983). In Figure I the two models are outlined with
ing theory. The work is based on previous investiga- linear softening for simplicity. The softening behav-
tions by Chuang & Mai ( 1989) and by Ulfkjaer et al. iour described by the two models is widely accepted
(1995). A general approach is taken, showing that to be identical, however, there are computational dif-
the fictitious crack model and the crack band model ferences.


~er er
k EiCJ
( )

h+ he w


£, =f,IE Wt


~ Ei er


---~~...___~~~~~___;~....; SJ
e, £1
Figure I. Linear softening models. (a) Fictitious crack mode'. {b) Crack band model.

2. 1 Basic assumptions when considering the modulus of rupture. Thus, the

remaining part of the softening curve mainly affects
From Figure I a few basic features for the softening
the post-peak behaviour.
curves are recovered. It is well known that the area
under the er-w curve equals the fracture energy GF.
For the linear softening we denote the fracture en- 2.2 Brittleness number
ergy with subscript 1, GF1 = f,w 112. The area under
the cr-e curve equals the fracture energy per volume In order t~ c~mp~ the two _models further a simple
example 1s mvest1gated (Fig. I). A specimen of
in the crack band, i.e. in order to obtain identical
length h is e longated until f, is reached followed by
fracture energies for the two models it follows
softening either in a discrete crack or in a c rack band
GFJ =.!.f,w, = ~f,e,
of width he (S h). The post-softening elongation of
= the specimen is written as
2 2
= ~ f, (I+~)= he J,2 !J.

2 E E., 2 E e,
Note that the softening modulus E.. is treated as a
positive value, contrary to the usual approach by Ba-
:-Vhere subscript f denotes fracture strain. By insert-
Hillerborg defined a characteristic length Leh = mg the following constitutive relationships
EGJlf,2 as a material property. For the linear soften-

11 (1 -~).
ing curve Alvaredo & Torrent (1987) defined a simi-
lar characteristic length based only on the initial a (w) = (4)
slope of the er-w curve: Wt

and rearranging, identical relationships between the

/. = EGfl = Ew1 = h., E., + E = he ~ (2) localized elongation and the total elongat.ion are ob-
' f,2 2/1 2 E., 2 e, tained:
The initial portion of the softening curve is recog-
nized to be of major importance to the modulus of
rupture, i.e. it is sufficient to apply linear softening


"l _!:f,_J
,Jl = w{l-B)
h E-81 )= 1
. (5) A rectangular cross-section of thickness t and depth
D is analysed and the Bemoulli-Navier assumption
h"l·r (1-.!!._____s_J = h,.c1 (1- B) is applied. The cross-section is subjected to a curva-
h" E.. +E ture K (Fig. 2). Both Chuang & Mai (1989) and Ulfk-
jaer et al. (1995) have solved the bending problem
where the brittleness number B, as defined by Ulfk-
jaer et al. ( 1995), is inserted: analytically. The former used the smeared crack
band model and the latter the fictitious crack model.
h Furthermore, Chuang & Mai applied a general
B=- 0.SB.SI (6)
211' power-law softening curve while Ulfkjaer et al. ana-
lysed a linear curve. Here we adopt the solution
The length h is interpreted as the width of an elastic scheme provided by Ulfkjaer et al. ( 1995) but it is
influence zone around the fracture zone. Ulfkjaer et emphasized that both solutions yield basically the
al. ( 1995) found that for bending of a beam h=D/2 same result despite slightly different normalisations.
gives a satisfactory correspondence with FEM based It is noted that Chuang & Mai (1989) did not rec-
calculations, however, a more sophisticated model is ognize any size-effect on the modulus of rupture be-
suggested later in the present paper. cause they implicitly assumed h=hc in Equation 5
When B=O, the material acts as elastic-plastic and and thus, the width of the elastic influence zone was
when B= I it becomes perfectly elastic-brittle. The treated as a material property.
brittleness number includes both the material frac- The modulus of rupture is defined as
ture energy and the structural size, thus, a high num-
ber is obtained by either small fracture energy and/or f=6M. (7)
large size. ' tD2
The situation B=O corresponds to the total elonga- where Mu =ultimate bending capacity.
tion and the fracture zone elongation being identical. Before the ultimate capacity is reached the cross-
In the opposite situation B=l the material fracture section behaves as linear-elastic in accordance with
zone cannot dissipate the elastic energy and the fail- the following non-dimensional equation
ure is sudden. Note that in case of large values of h
the numerical value of B may exceed unity, which is tD 3
of course meaningless. However, in this case the up- M(K)=-EK ~
per limit B=I is applied. (8)
m(B)= 6M(K) =DK =B
f 1tD 2 2c,

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. Beam cross-scc1ion, (a) Slrains, (b) stresses and (c) geometry. The ha1ching symbolises the fictitious crack.

The above expressions are valid as long as the
fracture zone has not softened completely, i.e. until
Ao in Equation 10 reaches };, correspo nding to

Ile; = f , e> B. = 1+ ..JB ( 13)

'· 2B
When the curvature exceeds 0c the "real" crack starts
to grow, however this solution is not pursued here,
see Chuang & Mai (1989) and Ulfkj aer et al. ( I995).
The following limit cases are found:
For B-+0 one find~ a1 -+ 1-0-112 and 0c-+oo. The
derivative dm/d0 -+ e-312 of the m-9 curve is al-
ways positive.
0 2 4 5 Thus, the peak of the m-0 curve is calculated a~
Normalised curvmurc 0
m(9-+ oo,B=O) = 2(3 - 0 "112) - 3 = 3, being the
welt kn own asymptotic elastic-plastic small-size
Figure 3. Examples of m-0 curves wi1h vurious B. The end behaviour, see e.g. Olsen ( 1994).
poinls of the curves correspond lo 0« 2 For B-+ l one obtains a.j-+O and at the peak mo-
ment it is found numerically that o../( 1-B)-+'A.
Thus, the peak value of m equals l in this case .
3. 1 Softening of the fracture zone These asymptotic values for the modulus of rup -
ture are identical to those applied by Planas et al.
The softening of the tensile fibre starts when m(K)=l (1995).
(i.e. when DK=2s, in Equation 8 and a fracture zone
of depth a1 starts to grow (Fig. 2). For a given curva-
ture, balancing the compressive and tensile stresses 4 MODULUS OFRUPTURE
over the cross-section yields the extension of the
fracture zone. The following equation is ea5ily ob- From the expressions in Equation 12, the bending
tained mome nt versus curvature is obtained . The peak
value of m is by definition equal to the ratio between
~ ~ Il e; aI the modulus of rupture and the tensile strengthf,/J,. It
DK\1- af} -2e, + - a1 = 0, a 1 = - (9)
E D can be found by differentiation of Equation 12, but
where E and e, are given in Figure 1 and repre- no analytical closed form solution has been obtained .
sents the drop in tensile stress at the outermost fibre, From comparisons with FEM based calculations
de fined as on beams under three-point bending Ulfkjaer et al.
(I 995) concluded that h=D/2 is a plausible value in
B order to obtain agreement on the complete load-
Ac; = f,1 -c;(w) = EDKa1 - - ( 10)
·1- B deflection curves and not just on the peak load. Ap-
plying this simple model on Equation 6 the brittle-
where Equations 4 an d 5 are applied . For the crack ness number eq uals
band model !lo reads the same , a~ a result of the
previous definition of B. Inserting Equation 10 in 9 B =_!!_=]._ D ( 14)
the parabolic equation presented by Ulfkjaer et al. 21, 4 l,
(1995) is obtained, which is to be solved for f1.f
In Figure 4 the f,lf; values obtained from the peak
l - B - 2a1 -
(IB-1) = 0, (1 1)
values o f Equation 12 are depicted as a function of
Dll1 defi ned in Equation 14. Furthermore, the exten-
sion of the fracture zone and the normalised stress
where the normalised curvature 0 from Equation 8 is drop is shown. The fracture zone is seen to approach
inserted.. Expressions for utand the bending moment unity for small-size (pla~tic) behaviour and zero for
are taken from Ulfkj aer et al.: large-size behaviour. The stress drop is seen to
increase continuously from zero to f,12 withi n the
same range. This is contrary to what Planas et aL

a1 =l- B- .,/(1- BXl/B - B)
( 1995) reported, viz. !lo increasing with Dll 1 to a
3 maxi mum of approximately f/3 at D/11=0.5 followed
2al_-6a +4 - 3,
m(8) =8 ._ 0 ~ l by a decreasing 6.u.
[ 1- B 1

See Figure 3 for a few examples of the m-9 curves.

3 ~---------- --i+--fits. (12}t{l4)
- - - Fracture 1,0nc
B= l - exp{-.!_D } <=> D =~Hn{I -B} (16)
--- stress drop 4 '· t,
- -FEM-based, Eq. (15) where the correct asymptotic behaviour is main-
tained. T he result of combining Equation 16 with
Equation 12 is shown in Figure 5.
The B-D!l1 relationship of Equation 16 is depicted
in Figure 6. The definition B=h/(21 1) implies that the
slope of the B-D/11 relationship is proportional to the
ratio h/D, i.e. h/D decreases with increasing D .
Planas et al. (1995) also discuss several simpli-
fied expressions having various degrees of accuracy.
Basically these are of the form originally suggested
by Hillcrborg and co workers (Fig. 5):

o~~;!;!:~;:::,.,,~..,_....,mTTT~~....l fr = fJ+ fJ (17)

O.OOt O.ot 0.1 10 f, 0.85 + 2.3 D/t,
D/l 1 ::48
where the constants in the denominator are fitted to
Figure 4. Modulus of rupture, fl/, versus D/11 and correspond- FEM results. Generally these simplified models are
ing et.1 /D and t:.olj;. Note semi logarithmic scale. found plausible for the large-size behaviour and fail
to model the small-size asymptotic behaviour. Fur-
thermore, Planas et al. ( 1995) discuss the approxi-
--i+--Eqs. (12}t{ l6)
mate expression given by Bazant & Li ( 1995) to-
gether with the Jenq & Shah two-parameter-model
- E q. (15)
t! and Carpinteri's multifractal law. However, these
'3 ~Eq .(17) models are not treated in the present analysis.
.....2 2


In the previous sections l 1 is considered to be a mate-

rial property, governed by the initial part of the ten-
sile softening curve. The question is now: what is the
value of l1 for practical concrete mixes?
The CEB-FIP Model Code ( 1991) has recom-
mendations for the tensile properties of concrete.
I +--.--.--r-T.,..,...,....._,......,....,_...,..,..,.,.y.----......,.....,.......,..,..,.~
The Model Code reoommends a bi-linear cr-w curve
O.ot 0.1 10
where the area under the curve depends on the grade
D/11 of concrete and the aggregate size, see also Bazant &
Planas ( 1998). Section 7 .2. Using the initial part of
Figure 5. Modulus of rupture,, versus D/11•
this curve l1 is obtained as 50-60 % of the Hillerborg
Planas et al. (1995) provided a general expression, characteristic length lch·
In Figure 6 the range of Dll1 is depicted for typi-
based on FEM calculations, accommodating both
small- and large-size asymptotic behaviour (Fig. 4): cal beam sizes for two different concretes. If a typi-
cal laboratory beam-size of 100-200 mm is consid-
f , -p+ 3-P+ 99D/I1 (15)
ered, it is seen that D/l1 is above 0.3 corresponding
f, - (1+2.44 D/l, X1+87 D/l,) to the interval where the size-effect is most pro-
nounced, cf. Figure 5.
where ~ = constant talcing into account that not pure
bending conditions exist. However, in the present 5. 1 Code ofpractice
analysis Jl= I is applied. The difference between
Equations 15 and 12 in Figure 4 is mainly due to the Knowledge of the size-effect of the modulus of rup·
rather crude assumption in Equation 14 giving an ture is only included in a few concrete codes of prac-
abrupt change in the behaviour of Equation 12 at tice for design (Fig. 7). The tensile bending strength
D/l1=4 (B= l) whereas Equation 15 models a smooth of plain concrete is of course not used extensively as
asymptotic large-scale behaviour. In order to avoid the beams normally are reinforced with steel. How-
this abrupt change an exponential relationship be· ever, the modulus of rupture is for instance used to
tween B and D/11 is suggested: define the minimum reinforcement requirement by

- - 0uc1ile
An analytical bending analysis of rectangular plain
-e-Brittlc concrete beams is presented. Jt is shown how the fic-

-t+-Eq. ( 16)

titious crack model and the crack band model yield
identical solutions. The conclusions are:

I Expressions for the bending moment and the
-5 400
a. 0.5 depth of the fracture zone arc given, based on the

Bernoulli-Navier assumption. These expressions
depend on a single brittleness number B, includ-
200 0.25 1%1 ing the beam size and the material softening
2 By choosing a simple dependency between B and
the beam depth D, an excellent agreement with
() 0
FEM-ba-ied expressions for the modulus of rup-
0.1 to ture is obtained. Furthennore, the correct asymp-
D/11 totic behaviour for plastic small-size behaviour
and brittle large-size behaviour is obtained.
figure 6. IJ versus Oil,: (a) 1,.ir:600 mm and (b) /,h=l50 mm.
3 The analytical solution includes expressions for
the stress distribution and the size of the fracture
ensuring that the tensile reinforcement is capable of
carrying lhe cracking moment of a beam. The Danish zone.
concrete code of practice DS 41 I ( 1999) uses f ,=2f,
to define th e minimum reinforcement, which is a
rather conservative estimate (Fig. 5). There have REFERENCES
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