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This meditation is perfect for clearing old, thick and stagnated energies within

the energy field, this meditation not only helps clear your over active mind but in
fact guides old energies away and replaces them with light energies that enter the
head and pore into the body ( water energies ) ( to learn more about fire energies
please feel free to subscribe to the Energy specialist course that also includes
very detailed other forms of energy practice ),

As your mind guides the fresh light energies into the body it become very dense but
yet pure, this denseness is the reason why old energies become cleared, as the
light energies come in they push out old energies starting from the top of the head
working down the the toes..

How long should you use this meditation for??? well depending on how intoxicated
with toxins you are will reflect on how long you should practice, an easy way to
determine this is to perform the meditation until you become restless, the mind
becomes over active or any other means that will distract your attention from the
process of this meditation so in other words just perform until you have had
enough, as the days, weeks and months pass you will notice that you become more in
tune with your body and can withstand longer sessions.. please dont think this is
because you have more toxins in your body because its not the reason behind your
longer sessions ( to learn more about this please upgrade to Energy specialist also

please follow these steps to perform this meditation correctly:

Sit comfortably and relax your mind

Start to imagine the body as a bottle filled with black thick putty or tar like
substance and keep this in your mind until you become heavier in feeling ( this is
the old energies being activated and will make it easier for them to leave as when
they are active they are no longer stationary )
Imagine a very very bright white light poring into the tip of the head and
sinking down the body like a white bright smoke, imagine the way it moves down as
if it is a smoky energy that is becoming settled... keep this until you can feel
something inside of you sinking down.
now imagine that the white smoky substance is pushing out the dark old energy
tar like substance until you can feel something pushing down inside ... you may not
understand this sensation but as long as you can feel it that's all that matter.
keep this feeling of something pushing down on something inside of you until
you feel lighter in the entire body, if you only feel lighter in the top part of
the body but heavy in the legs simply carry on with this meditation or do star
jumps or anything that involves vigorous jumping to help it flow out of the body

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