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Names : Lukas Brenning

Diego Del Campo
Juan Pablo Pérez

Subject : English

Course : 1º medium A

Teacher : Francisca Cohl


Index.................................................................. Page. 2

Introducction...................................................... Page. 3

Development............................................. Page.4 and 5


In this work you can inform yourself about Great

Russia, a mysterious country but recognized by all.
Also of everything they have, their flora, fauna and
that they can do with all their power.
Location: Occupies all of North Asia and part of
Europe, is the largest country in the world and ninth
country by population to have more than 145 million
in habitants. Russia contains more than 300 cities but
being the most populated Moscú.

Means: Russia is one of the most important energy

powers in the world, it has the largest reserves of
natural gas in the world. Russia is the second largest
producer of oil. Apart from that, the country occupies
the first places in reserves of many minerals and
metals, and finally it has the largest reserves of forest
resources and a quarter of the world's unfrozen fresh

Military power: Russia is considered among the most

powerful countries in the world, becoming better than
the United States and North Korea in military power.
Today the active troops are approximately 700
thousand men and the reserve 1 million, all the
available men in total amount to more than 2.5 million
Climated: In general, a country that in its most
populated area, has a very cold climate in winter, with
temperatures usually below zero, and cool and wet
summers, with average temperatures of 15 to 20
degrees. The climate to the north of the country is of
radical cold, while in the south, the climate that we
find is desert, very hot in summer, and very cold in
winter. Both very dry.

Russian vegetation: Forests cover 47% of Russian soil,

most belong to the Asian area. Together, the Russian
forest territory constitutes about a quarter of the
world's forests. This forest area is divided into the
boreal forest or taiga in the northern areas and a much
smaller area occupied by the mixed forest.

Studies: The ITMO university, is for now the best of

the Russian education of 2018. The requirements to
enter are simple; have finished basic and secondary
education. And take an entrance exam

From the acedemic point of view, we consider that it is

an excellent place to live, for high academic level
given to students and facilities to study. The vast
majority of people apply for seminars and doctoral
studies, in order to improve.

We consider the tasks of Engineering and military

studies are the most appropriate, according to our
interests, since due to the high secondary performance
the student the student receives facilities.

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