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Padilla 1

Brayan Padilla

Professor Granillo

English 103

30 May 2019

I felt that my major strengths in this multimodal project were focused on my time

planning and my writing skills. The English 103 course has expanded the way of how I think,

write, and analyze the world in order to transmit others my arguments and my viewpoints about a

subject into a comprehensive and well-formatted paper. These were my biggest strengths due to

the fact that I had the entire semester to practiced them so that I became more familiar with them.

My writing skills have become better compared to last year, due to all the discussion boards and

essays that I had to do during the Spring semester.

When I was creating this multimodal project which is a YouTube video, I felt really

comfortable with my linguistic argument; however, there was a couple of times where I felt

challenged by the assignment. I am a really creative person when doing projects, and I always

have crazy ideas to add to my projects. But, sometimes I have no motivation or ideas which can

make me feel stressed. I wanted to create different drawings that expressed my project, but I was

unable to do it since I had no idea what to draw about. So, I found much easier to create a

YouTube video where I able to show my argument and my evidence about the Nike commercial.

This was my first time creating a YouTube video and no other professor asked me before to do

that. I felt really inspired when doing it, and I feel that it will help me in future classes if I have

to create a similar project. The research impacted my project because that helped me to analyze

the video from a different point of perspective.

Padilla 2

I hope that my multimodal project adequately communicated my argument about the

Nike commercial “Dream Crazy,” and that not because a controversial athlete is involved that

means that the commercial is irrelevant. I had no idea that the athletes shown in the commercial

where been classified until I analyzed the commercial through the Marxist lens. Nike is not

promoting classicism instead of that is showing that people may feel classified. My goal is that

people can pay more attention to these concepts so that they can make a positive change. I that

way people may not feel classified and they can become elite athletes more easily.

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