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Karl McBeath

I must confess I dreamt

How could they have done this? They left behind a people who were related to God, as
Fenius Farsaid the godfather of the Scots was a son of Noah. How could they desert the
relatives of God? The Church did this, they left the relatives of god to fend for themselves
against a people who were hell-bent of bringing about the destruction and permanent
extermination of the people of the Scottish race, and they would like to see the people
expelled, the culture killed and the land cleared for more farming. The opposition and the
enemy will keep one as the opposition; because it proves that they are right to the people they
are trying to win the favour. If society had no opposition there would no way to prove that
people are in fact right. Society needs two sides, those in agreement and those who disagree,
and there will always be a separation in opinion based on race and religion, because humanity
sees others as more different, than they are similar. It is an almighty flaw in the structure of
the vision that mankind prides himself upon. Lachlan McLeod was a soldier in William
Wallace’s force, and he was there from the very start of the campaign of Scottish
independence, he was armed with a claymore and stood six mighty feet tall. He was one of
Wallace’s accomplice and fought alongside the gallowglass, the finest and deadliest
mercenaries in all of Europe, and it was his tale that served to inspiration that was never told,
for the stories of Bruce and Wallace were well known, but what of the people who fought
alongside them, and what stories do they have to offer? For an opponent will have no
sacrifices made in the name of their belief if it was not for an enemy, and the hatred of the
enemy will surely only strengthen when there is a disagreement, so there must be preparation
of the argument, and be able to fight the enemy for that argument, because without an enemy
there is no cause, and the strength obtained by loss from the opponent will only harden the
resolve. War is that frustration with the other, manifested onto a battlefield, and there will
always be a clash of ideals because people are trying to prove themselves right based on the
failings of another. They are trying to prove their case that is opposed to the enemy. Without
an enemy, there is no case. For a mutual disagreement can manifest into an almighty battle
that pits people against each other. The mightiest clash of armies can be a result of the simple
disagreement, over anything from the heir or heiress to a throne to religious differences.
Lachlan McLeod had seen his people subject to bloodshed simply by being in existence, for
they had committed no wrongdoing only by being born into a culture far different from their
neighbours, and these minute differences would see the clash of armies go head to head for a
victory. Both leaders knew the repercussions of war, but they had to make a choice, would
they risk the lives of many for their political gains. War is, in fact, the sacrifice for political
gains, where a commander will make sacrifices and moves to win a battle. It is the pitting of
military minds against each other so that they can secure a win against the weakness of their
opponent, but they do not want to expose their weakness.
Through destruction and the complete annihilation of the systems in place will result in a
wake of creativity that will restore the common sense and rationality of mankind. There will
be a coming together of great minds to establish how society in the future will function, and it
shall function well as long as there is the regulation of man’s greed and selfishness, the
human characteristics that are widely accepted as normal. Being accepted as normal is
detrimental to man, because their other various forms of society, one that does not require the
aimless pursuit of profit, include a regulated society. In a regulated society, they look after
the people. This not normal, but it is not as radical as it is made out to be it is superior and
concocted by a great mind. To regulate society is to save it from man’s devilish intentions.
The great revolution will harness the public’s fury because they truly are ferocious but are
bound by trends and not rational thinking. Rational thinkers are academics. To attain man’s
logic lead by intellectuals coupled with intense ferocity know by mankind there will be a
revolution like nothing there has ever been. Once the people who are led by intellectuals
throw the pillars and politicians out of power, there will be a wake where the society should
be structured. The problem with the current society is because it solves problems with the
cheap fix and is not far-sighted enough and coupled with the fact it is in cooperation with the
pillars of society. There shall be an overthrowing of the power base and installing of a new
one. In every society in every world, the liars are governing the masses. In every society,
there are the poor governed by the heads of state, which do nothing but tend to their
greatness. A society will only be worthwhile if the shackles are dismantled, the angry public
overthrowing the power bases and the coming of politics of rationality and the greater good.
Without it, people will suffer until they do not know anything but suffering and they are
gradually silenced until there is nothing but life and death, with the people and masses and
silenced, the powers that be can do what they want without fear of the public, who are the
most ferocious thing to ever live, in realising that they are being shorthanded. The powers
that be will make the lies that will be followed in word till death, whilst the pillars take off
with all the spoils, but they certainly do not live following the values that they preach,
because they are corrupt. The governing body will only do things and take stances that make
sure their image is gaining more public favour. The heads of state only think insecurely, they
are insecure about how they will be seen. There is window-dressing throughout, and anything
that is heavenly and securing them a great image to the public will seem to legitimise their
behaviour. They try to paint their portrait, which is corruption and oppression, behind a veil
of heavenly niceness, as the efforts of labour are not fairly rewarded in their system, it is a
system of oppression and in fact, it is a system which favours only themselves and the pillars.
Society is run by people who only think about themselves and in fact, there is no real verge to
greater good politics. Greater good politics and truth is the only answer to years of oppression
that once becomes silenced, where their life is determined by the cycle of life and death.
Freedom is one of the more curious of beliefs because both sides of the political sphere
remind the world that it is important to democracy, well in the western civilisations that are.
When people warn others that there is no need for politics, that is where they falter, because
there should be furious debate over politics, because politics left without this purveyance of
the great aspect and democracy and the greater good would leave man to his own devices,
and that would ultimately self-destruction for all of mankind. Without furious opposition and
holding a leader to account they can get away with whatever they want, this is why politics is
the greatest single action an individual can undertake if they want to create social change in a
society, for to engage in politics is the greatest contribution a person can make to society.
Because the ideas of the individual and their vision will be acted out in their life, and if they
are holding a grievance or they want more in their life than a sheer existence of a sheep and a
machine that just processes through their life until they die, to engage in politics is the single
greatest step for social change. The politician is a funny sort of person, who pride themselves
of the image, they are deeply insecure and this is the nature of man, as they put a façade on
themselves for them to believe that they are strong and mighty, for man will make promises
he cannot keep and his sole intention of window dressing is to secure a safe and happy image,
with his devilish intentions behind the veil that takes with him wherever he goes in life. For
the Scots were at war with the English for hundreds of years. hundreds of years of fear,
encounters and war and the one thing that could be said is that they knew each other’s
strengths through hundreds of years of encounters, and the strength of the English were their
longbow and knights, for they had decimated the armies throughout Europe to a tee, whilst
the strengths of Scotland were yet to be seen, but they did possess some of the finest
mercenaries to ever live the gallowglass, a foe possessing gigantic weaponry, sometimes
bigger than a fully grown man, and it these weapons could be yielded to great effect in the
heat of battle, for the claymore could easily decapitate someone from on top of their horse,
and they would create this arc when swung around the body. If there was ever a weapon with
so much defensive capability and ideal for one on one combat, where the opponent would
struggle to gain the upper hand by getting inside of this arc that was projected with the
claymore swing, the only drawback, of course, was one needed to be expertly trained to use it
maintain its balance, for it being heavy without holding it firmly or without grasping it
properly, where it could easily slip out of the hands of the bearer the advantage would be lost
and it would simply be a burden, of course, the wielder was well trained as they train them
well up north from a young age, and one individual who demonstrated a great strength of the
upper body would be trained to use these weapons accordingly, for they specialised in
decapitation and to leave even the most highly armoured foe would struggle to receive the
sheer force of the weapon called the claymore.

The religious will treat all people that do not conform to their ideals like a piece of garbage.
If one does not completely uphold the absolute dedication to god, they will be treated like a
sub-par citizen. It is an outrageous scam facing society, where a religious group can have
power and wealth simply by their beliefs, and if they are the dominant group in this society
they will govern and write the rules, for to foray into the world of nihilism is seen as loss of
functioning mental faculty, when it is, in fact, a completely logical step. The other factor is
their prophet Jesus would be outraged that he would be the symbol of the west because he
was a harmless peaceful man and the religious line their pockets through the extermination of
an enemy to keep their social functioning. If refugees from a country that was at war with the
west arrived on the shores of the west they would be completely marginalised and no one
would rush to their aid to settle into a new society because secretly the Church is fuelled by
racism and xenophobia that is absolutely and completely earth-shattering. For the rebellion
for Scottish independence had started, the ransacking of the English control by William
Wallace, and Lachlan was always close by, for they started small but by the time they had
reached Stirling they had swollen in the ranks with men from all over Scotland had
assembled to face off against the enemy, the English. They lined river and has the bridge was
full of knights they had used their long spears which were a Pictish invention, which would
be used throughout Europe for years to come, as the humble pike. This instrument of war
could unsettle any knight. A lone person goes through life at ease, and any barrier to their
freedom, the walls of society that will contain a person against their will and hold them to
account for betraying the system, falling through cracks of the might flawed spectacle. That is
one’s enemy, the barrier of freedom. No person deserves to be caged like an animal, and the
threat to the Scots was, in fact, the English, for they had ravaged the land and sent the people
into turmoil, and a certain select few men were angered, for the public is an angry beast when
pushed. Lachlan was fighting alongside a group of Picts from Aberdeenshire, for the cause
for the freedom of Scotland united many peoples, and as the knights were slain by the pikes,
there was an ensuing fight pitting soldier against soldier, and gallowglass held firm and
repelled the enemy with absolutely massive equipment of war. The claymore smote down son
after son until there was no more, and as the army took after the longbowmen and slaughtered
them, there was a maniacal cry from the Scots who had won the day, they had disposed of the
enemy and they had no more energy, for she had been a long day, with the smell of blood in
the air, the Scots had triumphed over the enemy, for the songs will be sung and every
Scotsman will be celebrating tonight as the freedom that they had fought for at Stirling
Bridge had become true, and as the battlefield settled, and the injured were carted off for
treatment, the Scots were the worthy winners. For the use of the Pictish invention of the pike
won them the day, for how should such a simple device wreak so much havoc over some of
the finest cavalries in the world?


If one was to be rejected by a society based on their existence, then that is their enemy.
Society should be able to fully accept an individual regardless of their beliefs or nationality,
society should not be a place of war and injustice, but an expression of diversity. The state
will keep track of all their citizens whether they were born in the state or not, there only real
means of violence should be overthrowing the tyranny that presents itself. Once the war has
been won the society should develop into freedom and peace. The only warfare that is
legitimate is, in fact, the warfare for a means that is to set people onto a good path.
Commodifying warfare, so the innocent suffer at the hands of the violent, just because they
are different or just because they are in the way of expansion, for it is the pillars with their
ideas about holy land and the righteous place which sets many problems over territory, and
the idea to possess an opponent based purely because they are a different ethnicity or religion
is one of the almighty flaws with the pillars. The fury of the Scots as they swore no other
reason than to live for the state, for she had her sons there to defend her to the death, for the
Scots had arrived, wearing belts and leather garments made out of human skin flailed from
the backs of the wretched bastards, it was to give cruelty a new name a deserving possessor
of the Englishman’s skin, for she had no guardian but Wallace, who was fair and kind to his
people and the absolute embodiment of the scariest enemy the English could ever imagine,
the claymore wielding giant of Wallace. For he was a man’s man and one of the greatest
warriors to grace the world when he swung his claymore he had no other equal, and he was
smitten down the opponent one by one and it did not matter who he would swipe down, be it
an archer or knight, they all had met the maker in Wallace and he would bring the heavy
malice down with contempt for the suffering he has endured both personally and ethically.
For any man who fights for his freedom and other’s freedom and does not see it as different is
an admirable leader, when they can put others first and are inspired by their grievances to
fight for a cause. Wallace was a movement and the Scottish resistance force was a movement
that would change their world, if not the world, for the sweep of revolutions would hark back
to the days of Wallace and Bruce, of how to gain power without sheer meagre resources, and
a dream, a dream that their men shall be free to govern themselves without threat of
interference because they deserved and they would later earn their state, a beautiful thing.
Because if a people want a state, they should have a state for the basic human right is to have
one’s state, and the basic human right is to have one’s society where people can express
themselves, and a state obtained, with violent revolution or election, that will maintain its rule
over the people to protect them, serve them and keep them safe, and when a state fails to
protect, serve and nourish the people it is a failed state, for a state should always put its
people first, and if it does not then it has failed.


A corrupt system will only thrive on its corruption; it is what keeps it afloat and in power.
The lies will only keep their version of reality believed. It is safe to say that the bad aspects of
society keep the power balance. They, a body or entity are only in power if they exert their
wrongdoing, it keeps them afloat essentially. The money will only keep a system of
government in power, they will do anything for money, and it is all based around a cheap fix.
Bad things like the cheap fix and the lies from the pillars are essential in keeping the masses
transfixed and fed. A true individual will see past the lies, and a true person will not be
swayed by the cheap fix, for they see forward in time. The true individual is like Wallace,
always seeking to impose the greater good, and he does not lie, he tells the truth to his
comrades and soldiers, and they respect him as a man of his word, for men of their word are
very hard to come by, for they shall not lie to seek some sort of advantage or foothold over
the others. Society should consist of many peoples celebrating their differences because
without diversity it would not truly reflect the society, and a society that spreads division and
hate is not democratic. It spreads its propaganda that asserts that if someone is different, they
are not normal, it is one way of thinking and it is stuck in one repetitive cycle of demonising
and marginalising different peoples. If one does not fit into the mould, then they are cast out.
It is the same with every religion on Earth; it is destined for troubles are the lies to favour
from the pillars. Society shapes the perspective of the individual, if they are poor then they
are the enemy of the rich, and if they do not believe in god then they are the enemy of the
religious. The society is filled with propaganda that teaches one way of life, one way of
thinking. It is up to the person to determine that they shall remove themselves from all
obligations and expectations, so they are not brainwashed. To boycott the system is
distancing once self from the methods of the pillars. To not participate in the propaganda is
the greatest power of the individual. There must be a global boycott of the cheap fix. There
must be a global boycott of anything that drains the life out of the people and makes them
useless, because the Church has the people by the scruff, whilst it favours some and
condemns the others, they laugh at the people’s failings, and all they do is preach ignorance
and hate, whilst asserting the people that all is fine. All is not fine, because greed and
ignorance have chained the people to live a violent and chaotic life, that lives off the cheap
fix and live in fear of the other. Fearmongering from the religious leaders will segregate the
society, so they live in apartheid. The religious leaders want to play into the minds of the
suffering to fear the enemy, but the enemy doing the damage is, in fact, the Church, as the
prop up the politicians who preach the fear-mongering of the enemy, even though the world
is diverse and the enemy may be in state, listening and in fear, for the Church will preach
ignorance and hate whilst they prop up their elected representatives who only preach the way
of the cheap fix.

As Wallace ventured further south, it had all opened for the taking. Scotland was his and
Lachlan McLeod was nearby at all times, for he was the retainer of Wallace, and urged to
protect him wherever possible, for the time had come, the guardian of Scotland was now on
his way to assert his authority over the auld foe, for these peoples had been at each other’s
throats for many years, all the way back to the Roman ages when the Romans recruited
Angle-Saxons as mercenaries to hold the land for them from the onslaught from the Picts.
The Caledonians before them pillaged many Roman armies and were known as quite the foe;
in fact, the first known Scot was Calgacus that is, recorded in history. For a good king shall
not face any trouble in recruiting soldiers. There should people throwing themselves at a
good king, and he shall face having to force people to fight because to die for a cause is filled
with some quite exciting, the excitement that will get the allure from many soldiers. Dying in
the name of a cause would invoke the spirit of the ultimate sacrifice, to die in the name of a
state. for the enemy of the free thinkers is the propaganda machines, the ones that are in bed
with the Church, and they shall preach their message of terrible division and hatred, and will
cause the displeasure of the free, because the propaganda machines will enslave the people to
lies, and once they awaken, they will see that they have lied because society thrives of all
people believing the same thing and a cast of lies over the public to make them do the same
thing as everyone else. It is a form of social control. The mainstream religions will require
absolute dedication to themselves as a form of normality. The free people who have opened
their minds to social change and human rights, not carnage and hatred, will be marginalised
out of normality, for the free and open-minded people will lead the armies of revolution and
they will have their day at last as the armies march and declare a war on the pillars, and they
shall the demand the heads of the men that have been groomed by God’s word, for the free
know who they are and they shall suffer no more of this. When one has been actively
protesting about an issue for many years with no outcome, then what is the outcome? Should
they vote out a system that has failed their vision? And when that fails what should they, but
display the revolutionary banner for the entire world to see them? Urbanisation directly leads
to violence. Capitalism drives mankind into maniacs, where they are abusive and dangerous
to all sorts of life forms, there is another alternative and that is to stop the abuse of mankind
by working him into the ground. The liberal system creates a hotbed of absolute violence.
There is violence in a state. There is violence outside the state onto the enemy. Just because a
state is technically at war with a nation when they announce they are operating more trade for
peace. It is not working because now in the twenty-first century there are bombings that are
not official wars. There are the liberal alliances that create proxy wars. Just because a nation
is not legally at war with another does not mean they influence war zones with their giant
swathes of imperialism. Gone are the days when a state engaged in some official warfare.

There is no greater sentence of misery than to spend a life in limbo, and the survivors of
persecution for committing only the most minor crime of being born different are subject to a
life in limbo. If one was to picture society, the monarchs would be at the top, watching over
everything and protected, where is at the very bottom of this scale is, in fact, the refugees.
Peoples will swoon over the monarchs but not the most vulnerable and poor because mankind
is drawn to the riches and not the goodwill to help others in need. The great affliction of
mankind, to not think that his direct actions will inhibit others, and to think only of oneself is
a wretched illness strangling mankind, to think of the others and the greater good is the kind
way of thinking. There will forever be this affliction because man is flawed, so the best way
to combat it is to remove the humanity out of power. Do not let one man dictate and rule over
many because he will destroy, there needs to be a law firmly abided, and if there is a
deviation, then by god punish it one must. Because there will be people falling through the
gaps in every society if they are not considered to be helped. Society would become a shanty
town of crime and violence, and only the state can help free the people from that sort of
violence and poverty, for even development can result in violence, as the vagrants are drawn
to the inner city to go about their business. Without community, and mankind left to his own
will there be no hope. For the powers that be lock people up for the smallest of crimes, there
is no hope in this inaction. The pillars will assert that abolishment of their system, which jails
people on minuscule crimes and spreads lies, this abolishment will, in their view take
mankind back to simpler days, but the reality is there is a greater concept that has
substantially more credibility, which is accommodating of all people, not just the lucky few.
Society should be diverse, with many beliefs, because diversity is the true form of
democracy. People should be proud to share their beliefs because there is not wrong or right
because they are all absurd so why should one have a priority over another? The rejection of
another faith, the bigotry, does not see the same point that most faiths are, if not, identical.
There is a heavy soaking of Abrahamic content in all the major religions. The law in place
that criminalises people who slightly fall through the cracks of the system is greatly farcical,
there should be an overwhelming force that governs society, that is assuming that people
have a right to be free and if their right to be free is taken away from them then it is a failed
system. For every state has an obligation look after its citizens. There should be an ideal
world where every person is free, and they have no grievances to others because there are
more similarities than differences. In an ideal world, the state would do its duty which is to
look after the people that are proud to say they are citizens. Lachlan McLeod would fight side
by side with Wallace till the day he dies. Because his whole reason for living and existence
was to aid his nation, because to him, his nation was everything. There can be no other
logical way of living, because to oneself first is flawed.


For a man should live to serve his nation because everything he has does come from the state.
He is one with the state because he is like moss on the trees, completely at one, like part of
the ecosystem he is at once with the state. the only thing he has to lose is, in fact, the state, for
the state shall serve every need he has, and Lachlan would forever remember in his life that
he may die, but his death would be for a cause. When there is the day won, he shall be
remembered with many. It was a simple solution, the mind will obey by the state, and serve it
like it serves the mind, and then when the body collapses and dies it is not the end, because
the body is just a vessel that rots with one like the earth. The mind is for the state so the state
shall remember the mind well because every mental sacrifice made by a person of the state
shall be remembered and valued when the war is one because the physical is just only flesh,
the vessel that houses the mind that strives for the greater good. Every possible aspect of
mankind is the rejection of the logical and the desire to possess; he will make grandiose
errors in his search to exploit. He is a basket case and the values that he should strive to have
are methods of unity and peace, and mostly well-being. The wretched beast, not just one
person, but collectively all people have an impact on the world. They are all guilty, so there
needs to be a change in the system to contain man’s innate desires to possess whatever he
chooses. He must instead of possessing, he must serve his state. Every man is guilty, but to
put a punishment for an action they were not aware, for they have been lied to by the pillars
and the monarchs. Greed will be the undoing of man. Wealth may be promoted but it is
detrimental. So to look after the world there should be less take and more giving, for the
pillars will lead men into absolute service, with no vision of lies of how to be good, in one
hand acting it out, the other hand administering justice. One face of the pillars, like a mask it
shows which is niceness and charity, and it will don its other mask which is oppression and
tyranny over the unbelievers, whilst the believers are brainwashed into thinking what they are
doing is a case of double standards. They let the believers get away with things, but they do
not let the enemy, the believers get away with the same crime. The lies that wealth is good
are fed from the monarchs, they always state that service to them will allow for a better life,
but they reap the rewards and blatantly rip off the people, for the people have been robbed.
There has nothing been done about the world due to man’s stupidity to possess everything.
The world is in tatters, and the aspect flung forward by monarchs to possess everything for
their benefit has damaged the world far beyond repair, that is why there needs to be global
action, starting with the armies to spread peace and plant trees so that the next generations
can live in a hospitable world because there can only be peace if there is a global recognition
that man’s greed to possess has damaged the world, everyone is guilty, they should be
redeemed and there should be a rebuilding process.


It is official, mankind is guilty. The whole of mankind led to its demise, so there should be
redemption, but after redemption there comes the way a man should live, and that is not
driven by greed. There should be a force on man, tight restrictions and laws that will govern
man so he is not driven by his primal instincts, but how the powers that be play god, because
it is in his nature to possess all that he chooses. It is a question of man and his basic traits
which are so abysmal. The science has proved that man has an impact on his self-destruction,
therefore there needs to be radical action to take the man in the right course, to steer the
people for the greater good. But it not radical, how good consideration for the very bottom of
society and man as collective is radical? It is not radical; it is common sense and common
sense is hard to come because common sense should believe reality and think what one’s
actions have a repercussion effect on others and the world around them. For man has been
very so stupid. So, the battle had been won, and Stirling has rewritten the history books. So,
Lachlan and Wallace both have a conversation, and it shall be a conversation that has many
parallels to society. They argued their points, and their points are should there be a violent
action on their enemy or should there be a peaceful action on their enemy. Because the
revolution had been won and all the deeds had achieved freedom from the establishment that
had strangled the life out of them. The revolution had been won, but they continue the
revolution and disperse violent justice, or should there be peace? Wallace had his argument
that there should a violent revolution and then holds the oppressor to account violently.
Lachlan has his argument, that many souls had been lost in the violent revolution, so why
should there be more violence? Both have their right arguments; they are both correct
because after the revolution there shall be peace for the people who were once oppressed. But
the enemy is not a citizen, so should they be held accountable in law. Well, they have no
case, because they represent everything that is the enemy. They cannot be innocent. They
have no case. So after the revolution has been won the state must suppress the enemy with a
means of violence, and holding them to account in a court for war crimes is a form of
violence, because they in their oppression knew the cost that they were oppressing a people
who struggled under their tyranny. So, the revolution was staged because there was no other
choice. Once society and the state had established it, it could function as an entity, it was free.
It had the people at the helm, and it was free. So, the state has its people who are the allies,
and the oppressor which was the enemy. It does not need any allies. It has the state that is all
it needs. It helps its people. They live in freedom and they live in peace. The state can do
anything they want to the enemy be it physical violence, economic violence or holding them
to account in their court. There is nothing above the state. If one citizen was attacked by a
rival state, then the state would look after its citizen that is the role and job for a state to do.


The responsibility of the citizen is indeed kept by the state. A society should not punish one
person for doing the same action, whilst another is not punished. That is deplorable, and it is
the way of the pillars. Society needs representation, balance and fairness. The pillars are an
institution that holds with punishes with one hand and praises with the other. They are a
corrupt entity. Like a participant at a masquerade ball, they wear one mask for a short while,
and then they don another mask to turn into a monster, once a charmer. Wallace and McLeod
were contemplating what they would do with their enemy. Should they punish them so that
they will never be hurt, now the revolution had happened, punish so that there would never be
any more oppression? Or should they jail them? Wallace would give in because he was not a
psychopathic murderer. His main goal was to make sure the nation, being the Guardian of
Scotland, was safe. He gave in to Lachlan and they both settled that the oppressors were
taking orders from the monarch that instilled them with rage to punish a lesser entity. Wallace
may have skinned a man to wear his skin for clothing, but he was not a mass murderer.
Because a death holds slightly a value to an individual, a man may pass away, and it is the
memory of his loved ones who suffer. So, the enemy of the state will jail them because it
does not play personal politics. The jailed people may need service, and there was a duty of
jail to house many men, but that was all possible. For they shall be housed in jail for the rest
of their lives it is so. Always hold an enemy to the doing of oneself. Never dip to their level.
An enemy will always be best dealt with by the law and authority of the state, and they shall
become a prisoner of the state. For a state should have plenty of resources to do this. The
cheap fix is death, and there should appropriate consideration that has to be met, for a state
cannot take the cheap fix in any situation, and only law and the action of law look after its
citizens, and outside of the state’s possession they should be the greater good. Society should
be ruled by compassion as Allah would have meant. For there should nice deeds done to the
people who go out of their way to help those in need, and in a utopia, a person will go out of
their way to help a person in need. There will not be people offering help for window
dressing, for real people of integrity help those in need because they are good. They do not
result for the cheap fix window dressing and they say one thing and do another behind closed
doors. They live transparently to give themselves wholly to the society because people who
hide from doing one and saying another thing completely different are not compassionate.
Leaders have lost their compassion, and they only abide by the cheap fix and not the greater
good of the people, because compassion for the unfortunate should resonate with the free.
Freedom should be granted by the compassionate leaders over the people. For a society that is
loving, free and compassionate, an open society is a vibrant society. A state that listens to its
lovely free people is, in fact, a society that flourishes and is strong.

If people within a society cannot love each other, and they cannot help others in need, and
they punish the wrong people whilst doing wrongs, then society has lost its way. For a society
should work to instil love into society. Where people love another and are not condemned for
it. Where people are not angry, where they show love for others. Mankind must be
compassionate, for he has to spread love and joy and help the others that need it. For there
will be no hope for man and society without respecting others. There shall be a love for the
greater good, but this is not the intent of man. Man has his devilish ways and shall instil
hatred into the people. They people will hate each other, murder each other and the
politicians will promote this animalistic response from man, who is bound to repeat it. If a
man could love his fellow citizen as much as he should loathe his enemy, then there should
be no problem. All citizens of a state should love each other unconditionally. They should
show compassion to others and they shall all seek to contribute to their state for the greater
good because serving the state is working towards the greater good and there cannot be
worldwide peace until every state has gone through the revolution for the people and
installing of a system that puts the people first. Because the people who have a common
sense will strive to fight for the greater good and their state and when each person has their
state they shall have no problems because people will have everything they need for the
greater good and they shall live a prosperous life. For Wallace would seek to help his people,
and in the conversation with Lachlan, he should see the common sense way and the glory of
the greater good, for man shall always seek to give what he must and tend to the poor and
show compassion for his fellow brothers and sisters because a society would not work if there
was no love and peace. All the basic ways a society functions are done by the working class
and they need rights to function. All the bad aspects like the hatred, vitriol and absolute greed
are done by the monarchies and their disciples and they should rot in a torturous hell. For
Wallace had won the nation’s peace, he was the Guardian of Scotland, and he shall create a
world for his sons and brothers where they can prosper and live in peace. For he would start
by installing Robert Bruce as king and there should be a land of peace known as Scotland
where the people live long, and they prosper. The soldiers here are the greatest in the world
and the people look to the science and arts rather than the measly economics and profit. For a
bag of coins never won a nation’s heart. There shall be training in sword fighting at a young
age, and the art of war shall be taught so that every young man has mastered the blade,
because there will never be again the times of desperation where a people were subjected to
trauma, at the hands of the oppressor, where they had nothing and no power. Power can be
attained through and the people opposing logical thought, the greater good and common
sense are so disgusting the most delicate of hearts would not be scared to skewer their hearts
the ends of their swords, for they are despicable.


For the crops will grow and feed the people, and every household will be will well-fed, and
there shall be plenty of food for every person of the state. There shall be land as far and wide
for the people. The quality of life for all people will be exceptional, because before when the
people were subject to villainy the oppressors took all they could and left the people to suffer.
For the state should be about the people, because this is not a sad tale it is a tale woven with
hope and peace. For the oppressors had gone so the peace was returned and the mighty
soldiers could be rewarded with the spoils, for they were good soldiers and shared the
rewards and spoils of war with everyone so that no one should be left behind. In the utopia,
there was more than enough for everyone. The whole society was at peace and could prosper,
so with more resources for the people the quality of life could improve. The quality of life not
spoilt by the oppressor who took all they could and left the people with nothing. The soldiers
fought back that oppression in war and gave the people everything. So, with everything they
could work together because they all loved each other and had no grievance towards each
other, because they were all united for the same cause, a people in a state once under
oppression. Without the oppressor they would not know what being oppressed was all about,
but with the oppressor, they spent an eternity frustrated and abused. So, they became
revolutionary, and the people would strive to avenge their fallen, for without the revolution
they would be oppressed, and man in his nature will strive to abuse and oppress. Wallace had
the rest of his life to envisage a better world for his family, friends and people. First, there
would be an enormous quality of life not just for a select few, but for everyone, because a
state meant opportunities for every person. No one would slip through the net, because the
state looks after every single person and there can be no other way. The stories that would be
told we're not to make people think in a specific way, they were told to enrich peoples live
and make them think as a spectator because all great stories position the reader as a spectator
of the scenario, and all great stories have the writer as objective as possible, and the writer
invites the reader onto a faraway journey where the reader can explore a time and place that
can teach the reader a thing or two. The stories to brainwash an idea onto people with
division and hate are putrid, for they are letting the people down, because there are more
similarities than differences, because society should be a democracy, and there is no other
way to exist. Society has to be balanced and fair and treat every individual like a fair and
honest person. Because every person has their own unique to contribute to society, if there
was one storyteller who only told the same false story, that would lead the people into
repetition and they only believe lies that are given to them. For a story is a reflection of
society. If the story is fair and balanced, well that would inspire the people into being fair and
balanced, and if it was just preaching a specific way of thinking, then there would be a
division where the believers of a story would have superiority over the others who did not
believe that story. And guess what society that would be? Because that society is in fact
societies of Jesus Christ as their saviour, because when there is a society that only benefits
the people who believe their stupid fables, then there is an unfair society.

The ruler must have a strong influence of peace over his or her empire. Because peace is the
unnatural state must be fought for lives because there is an effort towards peace and that is
through war. No effort towards peace was ever made without war. Because the powers that
be need to disengage the conflict through force, because the enemy of peace has no proper
consideration of others. This is the brutality of man, he will not give up his evil ways, and it
is only through violent change will the real triumph of man be found and that is to put others
first before oneself and let others live in peace because the oppressor will not give up to a
whole people, maybe two whole peoples are exterminated from the planet, and he will move
onto others until all people are gone. There can be no other way. Because the evil depravity
of mankind has reared his head so many times before, so there needs to be strong regulation
of what mankind can do. All efforts to stop this evil from the depths of mankind’s existence
has failed, so the state needs to impose absolute regulation over mankind and there must
control over his urges to possess and to inflict suffering. Mankind without regulation of his
greed is an angry beast which will act out violence. There needs to be justice so that each
man will be equal. Without regulation a state will be left to its own devices, it will be left to
the man who is a crazed maniac who will take what he can for himself. Regulation, therefore,
is the ultimate and pinnacle of society as it is known and there can be no other method
imposed to steer society in the right direction. Regulation is genius and it will remain
supreme, so much that there will be people who complain about how their society fell apart,
with massive unemployment and long-term economic vision. The regulation will save society
and there can be no other way. Without regulation, states will collapse. Without compassion
in a society, for the victims who have been held back by one and the people who held them
back allow others to go unpunished, without compassion for people and justice for the small
marginalised peoples in a society, it would collapse. When mankind is most mighty, it is not
when he is dispersing wealth, for there should be an acknowledgement that wealth cannot
buy everything. Many people can live a completely happy life with minuscule amounts of
resources, but there is a level of wealth that needs to be met and it is realistic for everyone to
have the same amounts of wealth. It is not a measure of a man whether he owns one house or
many houses, in the eyes of the state he is one of many. There should be no celebration of the
individual and his wealth because that is not impressive. What is impressive is a massive
mobilisation of the people. That is where mankind is most impressive when he collectively
comes together to solve a problem. There should be a dosage of common sense and there also
should be a gathering together for a common greater good. Only mankind collectively can
come together to solve the world’s problems. So how can the world’s problems get solved
when there is still division in society through religion? The society still locks up the people
who filter the laws and hold the powers that be to account if they are corrupt. There cannot be
any more injustice and division. There needs to be a sparing of the ones who are hurt and
there needs to be compassioned to bring the people together in one entity, then mobilised to
help change the world for the better.

It does not matter what century is analysed, in any society in the breadth of human history,
mankind will not act on his own devices socially. He will do whatever ever he to fit in with
the mainstream and he will regurgitate what the mainstream says or does. People are like
sheep a leader. They will not properly analyse something, and they will just nod their head
and go along with the power base in that society preaches. If one's society and has control of
its channels of communication, then one owns the society and how it acts. To control the
communication channels is how to control a population, and in reading any sort of history
from a time long ago it is important to grasp why this person was writing what they were
writing, what were the circumstances of what was going in the society where the formation
was written, and what were the allegiances and bias of the person taking this snapshot of
history. In analysing history one can grasp the sort of climate of who was in power and what
exactly was going on in society. There could almost be a prediction of an argument based on
the political or religious allegiances of a historian. There needs to be solid research on who
the historian was and what his bias is, and what exactly was he or her trying to achieve in the
publication that shapes the perception of the common people. socially all people can trace
their beliefs from the pillars, so there needs to be a sort of rigorous debunking of what is truth
and what is false and the intellectuals need to delve deeper into what storytellers in society
are hoping to achieve and to remain objective. Radical change in the approach of how people
interact, because basically, the situation in any country is the fact the communication
channels will teach people how to lie, there needs to be a level of honesty and fact-based
approach when it comes to the art of socialisation, for to believe falseness and lies is to live a
lie. People are what they believe in, and the only way to change people’s perceptions is to
radically diverge from false based beliefs to factual beliefs based on further research and
based on the truth. There should be no punishment of the truth. Democracy should be a
process of scepticism, a process that allows public debate over what systems are put in place
to inform the people. There should be radical scepticism over what is believed to be true, and
the only way to have an open debate and to be rigorously sceptical is to allow every person
the freedom to express their point of view, whether it be correct or incorrect. Every single
person should have their say and they should not be silenced. To silence someone is to take
away their basic human right that allows freedom and scepticism. The Catholic system is to
condition every person to confess their wrongdoing like a confession. Whole publics open up
their deep and dark secrets and there should not be this sort of confession, because this sort of
confession is assuming that one has done something wrong, when in fact it is doing wrong in
the eyes of the Church. The whole revaluation of what is right and what is wrong needs to be
addressed, which there needs to be a great deal of common sense applied to the matter
because there cannot be ultimate sacrifice to in fact the Catholic Church.


The sheer scale of the public’s belief system is astronomically appalling. The question being,
if they can believe folly myths about religion, then they should be able to grasp the big
questions that face humanity, like looking forward and proper foresight when it comes to
economic management. So, if they believe false beliefs, then why is it so tricky for the public
to believe real issues? Because mankind does not follow a vision, mankind only resorts to the
cheap fix, and he shall believe falseness to give him the assumption that he is loved, and he is
special. Believing in falseness also guarantees that man will have a thing he lives his life for,
and that is the belief in life after death. That is his big basis of existence is to live a specific
way that guarantees he will die loved and spent eternity in a lovely utopia. The common
reoccurring them is that mankind will believe in this utopia after death, but he will refuse a
utopia in his life, that is real. He lives in a fantasy world where he cannot determine right
from wrong without someone forcing it down his throat and he believes in a utopia should
exist after his death, not before his death. This wild and unimaginative theory plagues man
throughout his life so much that it has become normal for people to think this away, and it
has become condoned. The other strange perception is that man is purely and utterly devoted
to his freedom, but when it comes to people who are different from him, including different
values and belongs to a different institution, then a man will seek to remove the freedoms of
the person because they are different. The plain common sense is lacking when he chooses to
believe in a false utopia over a real utopia and believes only in his freedoms rather than
freedoms of other people, and believes he has the right to take freedoms away from other
people. Man is torn between these monumental dilemmas so much that he is a disgusting,
feeble and ridiculous contradiction that is hell-bent on repeating the same process from
generation to generation and he condones repetition of values and beliefs. He is a terrible
affliction on the planet, and through this inaction and selfishness, he will endanger every
possible person who comes in his way. The crossing dimensions between politics and
economy, and religion and philosophy permeate through society. Every possible person has
their concept of these and is characterised by them, it is the basis of mankind. Of course,
some people may be bigger, or more radiant, some people may be small closer to the ground.
There may be different diets, and there may be different gods worshipped and of course a
different skin tone, but the ever possible person is characterised by their political views, their
religion and that is underlying foundations which society itself is built upon in its existence
and foundation. Society and the state shall be ruled by people, who have a grasp of common
sense for the greater good, and they are called an elected representative, and the people who
work for themselves are called the politician. The people who preach religion in society are
called the pillars and the people with common sense are the heroes of society which shall lead
the people. There is only one way for the society to progress and that is the invention of the
state, which is bolstered up many resources, it has the power to help the people.


Man, in his natural state is a gargantuan brute, and one does not have to look far till they see
his natural ways, for there are atrocities in every country. Man is himself bound to commit
atrocities. Atrocities are a normal sort of behaviour for all of mankind. Atrocities, violence,
murder and selfish greed are all the character traits of mankind. One does not have to look
far, that every single country on the planet contains this sort of behaviour, and the people who
condone this sort of behaviour will have their dirty deeds. The dirty deeds of the pillars will
starve man’s potential, and the pillars will naturally participate in dirty deeds to strangle the
progression out of mankind and leave him a wreck. For the smart individuals who are
targeted by the dirty deeds of the pillars and the dirty deeds of the bastard politicians.
Because thinking outside the box is not as radical as it seems. It is found in the law, that if
someone commits a crime for instance if they willingly commit a crime then they shall be
punished, but if they were driven by voices or another means of manipulation then they are
not punished. Because society strives to eradicate free will. It is punished and there is an
emphasis on conformity. The pillars will go about their lewd conduct, and the politicians who
are some of the only people in the world who are legally allowed to act out violence, well it is
condoned! They will seek to use violence in any way that suits their needs, and that is not the
need of the people who are long-suffering that is the need for the individual. It is one
individual it is the individuals in power. There has been a shunning of the people, for the gain
of the politician, who is not an elected representative but will simply say and do things
because it rewards people who directly reward the politician. If there was a politician who
would stand up for the greater good, then society for most people would be a great deal better
off. For common sense in society should be rewarded and that is to see more similarities than
differences and there needs to be a great deal of compassion and not the division of hatred
and xenophobia that is fuelled by those in power. Compassion politics is a must and not just
society, where the leaders are entwined with the pillars, in these cases a politician will fuel
hatred and division. He will seek to brag about bullying different people. There needs to be a
soft touch, a touch of love and compassion for all peoples, not just the people but the
politicians as well. If man could love as much as he can hate, then the society would be better
off. There needs to be a touch of love to calm the hearts of the victims of brutality. Because
without love mankind will seek to destroy in the name of the religion and the religious
extremism will thrive, it is stoked by the pillars and by the politicians. They are both guilty of
religious attacks and course cases of religious terrorism, for the masses become easily
influenced they do. The main concept of a leader is that they do not open themselves to
become a walking, talking contradiction. If they are found out for saying one thing and doing
another, their credibility will be lost. So, a good leader eats lives with his people. He marches
with his comrades in war and like Wallace, fight with bloodlust with his people and
experience the same bloodlust and action as the people, and allows even the most
disadvantaged in his community, his time and effort.
This is a manual for all young aspiring leaders. Politics is a gruelling and dirty game of deceit
and trickery. For devil is made to look nice, and it is the case that all young leaders must
aspire to be good and best way to become good is to listen and learn from Wallace, that is
William Wallace, for there was never another leader like the man who wore his state on his
sleeve and became the man who leads a nation to victory, where they became champions. It
was his bravery that led to the fight from Robert Bruce to become one of the nation’s greatest
leaders, and it should be noted these monarchs of Scotland went on to govern Britain also, for
they were the leaders of one of the greatest empires in Europe, and without the sacrifice of
Wallace, there would be no great nation called, albeit it was cut short many years later, but
the people still have the fight. This book should be a field manual written during wartime, for
the curious minds on how to lead a nation through turmoil and how to change a system for
the better, for the greater good! And send those bastards to hell for the time of the people has
come and the world will be changed forever, and only the common sense of the greater good
will serve mankind in his quest for peace and overall quality of life will be found through the
sword and revolution, for the time has come very every leader to go out there and guide the
people to a victory that has never been seen. For Wallace and Lachlan lived around each
other learnt of each other for only the word of themselves was the thing respected, and when
they fought off the English they soon grew into the courageous leaders that are known today,
the people that started a revolution to free a people and once more the people who saved a
nation from collapse and extermination at the hands of the genocidal maniacs, for only
Wallace knew how to terrify his opponent, he would do it by donning the skins he flayed of
the back of his opponent and scream the banshee-like moan as he set to free a people and
make a nation that would be admired by all, for he was the claymore wielding Guardian of
Scotland and there could be no other greater for he was guided by genius. The conditioning
of leaders must start at a young age, where people are actively advised by their parents on the
dangers of work, and there should a fundamental understanding of one’s rights. There should
be rights when one is being bullied by another. One has rights to appeal, and one has the right
to live in a fair society where there is justice, for without that many people would be locked
away for years for the most minuscule crimes. Is there no justice for the people sentenced to a
life in hell for committing the most minuscule of crimes? There should be a proper
investigation in every jail sentence because there can be people who are genuinely innocent
and then what? Children need to be taught that they have basic rights. There should be basic
rights for every person who has a right to be free. They should have a right to live in a society
free of violence and oppression and they deserve to be given the same opportunities as their
neighbour, and through this fairness, they will learn not the ways of greed for they shall learn
how to live in peace and harmony, and die alongside one another, not as enemies but as
brothers. Every citizen of the state and under the care of the state should be taken after and
cared for and people should be able to become citizens of a state if they choose and until then
there needs to be peace.


Each foe should be dedicated to the memory of the brothers that have been lost in war, for
their sacrifice was to the greater good and there can be no other greater sacrifice than that of
the soldiers that have laid down their lives to guard the people against harm, as the legitimate
uses of violence should allow violence to be used to protect the innocent and to topple a
government which preys on the innocent. All other uses of violence are illegal and there is no
use for violence than with those services to protect people. Once the revolution takes place
then the resources are spread so everyone lives in harmony with plenty of resources, because
realistically every state has these types of resources, enough food, enough water and lodgings
so that everyone can live in a sense of harmony and peace. Once the people are attended to
the main goal for a state is to have strong security that can ward or deter threats. To coerce
threats and to manage the safety of a state will require a strong and mobilised army. It is only
then when Wallace has his army that he can focus on looking for a peaceful moment for his
state. When the peace has come at last the next main goal is to allow the people to flourish
with their arts and science, because when the society is flourishing and free the society shall
radiate beautiful and engaging works of art. Every point of every sword and scabbard should
be decorated with the beautiful art from every artisan that flourishes in the society that shall
thrust the society forward like thrusting a sword point into the heart of the opponent so that
the foe shall never return the same menace. Regulation of an economy is a terrifying aspect to
the rich because it proves that money cannot buy out the people. It proves that the fact that
money cannot sway the people, for they would rather be having enough money to get by than
have all the money in the world. Because the rich have all the money in the world, and they
think that having all this wealth will give them power, and when it doesn’t it proves that
people are not swayed by wealth and the other fact is that their wealth cannot buy them
complete and absolute power. The wealthy are terrified of a people standing up and dishing
and dealing justice, economic justice to the powers that be. The guillotine is the stuff of
nightmares for the rich, and a man that does do what they want, which is lay down and give
his every last piece of energy in that factory till he lays down and dies. If that man does not
do that which is ultimate lifelong devotion and say he takes control of the wheel to fight for
the greater good, then the rich will shake in their boots with absolute fear. One of the most
puzzling aspects to the Scottish Wars of Independence was that Wallace and Bruce were both
Normans. They were fighting a Norman led English force. French was spoken in English
courts for many years, and the Stuarts later spoke French. It is a funny old game the game of
politics, with each party to gain the upper hand over their opponent so that there will brothers
against brothers over the object of power, for only the Scots were laying claim for their
sovereignty, whilst the English or Normans were trying to steal what was not theirs.


Bruce would inherit the throne by having Gaelic heritage on his mother’s side. This was a
fusion between the original Scots being the Picts and Gaels, fused with the French Normans
who had arrived after 1066. The Scots were being ruled by this foreign group, but they, the
Normans were representing a struggle for independence that had been firmly resisted by
people like Wallace. Because people should not be governed by people who do not have their
interests at heart. They would flog the people to do what they want and take what they want
off the people. For power will do things to people, and the thought of conquest over a country
to drink its resources dry and subject the people to villainy will stir up trouble. To make a
resistance against the oppressor a man must represent the people and their frustrations are
represented in war. Wallace and Bruce put past their allegiances to represent the people.
Wallace and Bruce chose that no they would side with Norman rule for Scotland, they wanted
Scottish rule and it was in their actions of independence that were and revolution came to
Scotland, for the battles would be fought and the people would conquer over the foreign
enemy. The foreign enemy that wanted nothing than to plunder the resources and enslave the
people and the great warriors of the time would want nothing more than a fire to keep warm
by and to sharpen their sword for they fought with the people and for the people. Scotland
was a great example of where the people would triumph in the face of adversity, and the
people would bask in glory of the nation, that had once been mighty but without the sacrifices
of the soldiers, the state would crumble, so it was the hard efforts of all people that were
rewarded and a monarch cannot forget about his people, because his people are the ones that
do the work that is not acknowledged. To acknowledge a people is for a king to ride into
battle and proclaim that he is fighting for the people’s rights and livelihoods because without
the people there would be no cause, and the great warriors would smite down the greedy
bastards with a sword and vent their anger onto the very corrupt so that goodwill prevail
throughout the land. A common reoccurring theme in Scottish history is the fact that the
people were incredibly poor, they were well educated in the arts and wrote incredible stories
about their culture, they persecuted by the English in an almost method of ultimate
extermination. The English wanted Scotland not just to profit from her resources, but they
wanted to exterminate every last Scot. They would not stop, and the period throughout the
history of Scotland is met with peril and absolute carnage. It is very tragic but thwarts with
danger. Not many nations resisted colonisation for such a long time. Whether it would be
dealt with sword or musket, warfare was intrinsic to the rejection of the English colonisation,
for the English as stated before wanted to colonise, plunder and exterminate the Scots. The
world was shaken with the battles that took place in the British Isles by the heavyweights that
sacrificed many for their goal, the goal for England was rapid expansion, and the thing
stopping them was the resistance of the Scots and the way that they resisted was admired
throughout Europe, for the Scots not only saved French towns in later wars but served as
inspiration for revolution.


A state should be strong in her service to the people, and if ever there was a case of someone
falling through the cracks, the state would be there to look after this person. Every citizen of a
country should have security and legal rights for free. Legal representation should be a right,
for there are too many innocent people punished because they are poor or they are outsiders
to a system that does not accept them, so the greatest action someone can do is represent the
poor and the people who have been outcast by society. If someone has been rejected by
society, the pillars do not see their worth and the process of marginalising the society
members takes place. The pillars will spread their word, and if one does not agree with it, and
then they will be cast aside to live a life that is at odds with mainstream society. Once the
person has been cast away by society as an outsider, then they become a victim of the society,
they may harbour grievance, and this will impact their outlook on life. Many people who are
cast out will eventually fall through the cracks of society and live their life as an enemy of the
society because they don’t agree with what is practised and they may not agree with the
system is taking place, they may see past the fact that the society is made for the people at the
very top to fund and receive the benefit of the state. They may see that people will do as the
pillars tell them and if the pillars tell them something and do not agree with it, well then, they
are an outsider. A society will shun the outsider so very much. A society must have a
sceptical and thoughtful public to keep people honest. It is part of the public interest to keep a
fair and balanced society because the man left to his own devices will seek to only serve
himself, and he should serve the people, then he should not imprison his entire population,
but let the population flourish in a wave of artwork. Society as a democracy with people free
will have an enormous wave of creativity. If the state would lock every single citizen up for
minuscule crimes, then it would be a ghost town of society. Everything would be dead, and
nothing would flourish. When the people are free, they flourish, when they are locked up,
they suffer. It is in the interest of the lawyers to make sure every single citizen is represented
so that they all have their say. A citizen must have the state serve them and then they must
have the ability to be free to express themselves because a free people can create art of great
beauty that people can admire, and it will give soft power and prestige to a country, where
people can admire that a nation is so great because they are free to do what they choose.
Other states will look on with envy at a state that has so much cultural capital and influence.
The world over would be impressed. What people do not want is a society where they lock up
their thinkers and artists. A society that locks away their greats is just a criminal state. There
must be served to the people, and there must be freedom. For a state that treats its great
thinkers will be looked upon coldly as the people will suffer under the tyranny of the state.

All people in a society should have a political representation of their people. Too many times
is there a complete bias in society and the rulers of society. The reality of the world is that
people are displaced, and they are cast out by a society that first made them homeless, and
then it wants to kick them back to where they came from. Society should allow the equal
representation of people in society. Once again diverse opinions need to be promoted. There
should not be a punishment of people because they are different. To be different is to be
admired because they are unique. It is up to the job of the members of the society to promote
difference. If society would keep locking away people for being different, speaking a
different tongue or being of different skin colour, then society would not flourish. The pillars
are wholly responsible for spreading hatred to segregate the society in which people live if a
segment of society is different, they are not accepted, and they will be driven into the depths
of the society. Once again, the pillars preach acceptance but fend off with the other hand. A
person is of note not whether they possess great admiration from the public, because some
people who are leaders are well known but do not have admiration, or there is great
admiration for some, it does not matter because a leader should regard acknowledgment in
the public sphere as his purpose. To be liked or to be disliked is based on political preference.
In the public sphere, there are either people who attract the attention of the storytellers, where
they become the people in stories. They have some ability to conduct themselves and their
voices are heard from the objective storytellers. The public sphere and democratic sphere is
not judged by political persuasion, that is left for the role of revolution and election, the
public sphere attracts attention because it exists to keep society open and free. Democracy
will treat a person equally. It hopes to capture diversity and opinion and to remain honest. If a
leader was confronted by someone saying they were not honest, then they would have the
ability to state their case. If they were wrong then it will blow on their credibility, therefore
for a leader to remain credible they must remain honest. The public sphere will treat everyone
equally no matter what their political persuasion is that is why a leader must not lie because
they will be found out. The public sphere acts to spread the truth, for the democracy treats
everyone equal no matter the standing and it will weed out the truth. Therefore for a leader to
not be questioned and uncovered he must remain truthful as possible, for he should cover all
bases because democracy will uncover the truth that is lurking, and the people are an angry
beast, and they will take no prisoners when the truth has been uncovered, for man should be
scared when the people will take control with revolution, for a good and wise man will fear
the public, because they are the angry beast, and once they find out they have been lied to,
then they shall take out revenge and cut the heads off the people who are responsible. The
people scare the rich because they are the angry beast in every society, to gain the side of the
people is to gain respect for the leader’s fairness over the angry beast, and the angry beast
shall be feared.


A good leader should be prepared for the menace of the public and the people that feed them
with stories that keep them captivated, for the people are the masses and they must be
assumed that they are daft because they believe almost anything, and the smart individuals or
routinely check facts will report the facts for the people to digest. There are storytellers
throughout every society, and they will search amongst corruption for the facts and the truth.
A leader may be intimidated by the smart people, but they are not to fear, for the real fear is
the people. Fear the people as one would fear the absolute devil as the people represent the
mighty masses, they are dim-witted and do not understand the subtle things like satire of
irony, but by god can they fight, and it is in the interest of a leader that he shall win the hearts
and minds of the people by remaining as honest as humanly possible and he shall win the
minds of the people by not acting with selfish interests. Remember mankind acts through his
heart and his mind so leaders must win the hearts and the minds of people. Act with the
hearts of many entwined with one’s own heart and there shall be power, act with the mind
and win the respect of the great minds, and power shall be thrust upon one so that the very
intrinsic connection people have is with their heart and it is with their mind. A good leader
shall be bigger than most people and have a massive heart, that beats furiously and he shall
have a massive mind respected by some of the great thinkers throughout the land, and to win
the hearts and minds of the masses one should have a strong heart and mind. A folly and daft
leader does not have a strong heart and mind that can radiate attraction, for to radiate
attraction one leader must have a strong beating heart that brings the tears leaping out of eyes,
and a strong mind that can sway intellectuals. A good leader is born unique and blessed with
the skills that will get him or her noticed from an early age of their radiating beauty, for the
individual who radiates the sound promise of heart and mind will take the world by storm,
and they will seek to help people in need because a leader who helps the most in need is a
busy and trustworthy person. A leader who will go out of their way for another regardless if
they know one another or regardless if they do not agree with one another, a good leader will
always know what is right because having a heart is a true thing, it is not a construct and false
belief, true leaders have hearts that can beat and they are brave, for there is nothing to fear in
this world apart from one’s pessimism. True leaders usually show no fear of their opponent
and the only fear they have is from the self-doubt. For there is nothing to fear but oneself in
the eyes and heart of true leaders and true leaders will radiate their heart to touch the hearts of
many and true leader’s greatest enemy is themselves. For a true leader has the mind that is set
on establishing fairness for the greater good and all intellectuals can acknowledge that there
needs to be addressing of the greater because it cannot be hidden away, it is the reality of a
state, and true leaders will not put themselves first.


As Wallace was pondering what it is that makes a great man, he thought it must show
tremendous intellectual prowess, and ability to master the big concepts. Not the small concept
like what to wear during the day or how to make a fire, the big concepts consisted of the
people and their needs. The ability to look forward into the future and to make decisions for
the long term and the breadth of the people, for the real pressing mater, is the future for the
people, and the pressing question is, will there be a future? For a true leader always thinks
steps ahead of his people, because any threat is like a threat on the battlefield, if one can see it
before it gathers speed and confronts the frontlines, then one can deal with it. All threats are
the same, to see them before they happen is know how to deal with them before they damage
a society and all people must learn to see things before they happen, to plan is the job of true
leaders, and only true leaders can see that far forward, for it is the gift of foresight. A true
leader must be able to face the greatest dangers that could happen, he has to be brave, and to
stare down a cannonball when one is front rank with his soldiers is sheer bravery, and no one
should ever call bravery foolish, because they do not understand. One’s enemy will player
some dirty games and it is us up to the leader to fall into the trap of retaliation, one must
remain because the retaliation would only spur on the enemy, one must remain calm and
think rationally because people dig up pointless barbarity that is their nature. The heart will
make people swoon for a leader who shows great compassion, for he shall win the favour of
many by his way of giving and not taking, to fight for a cause on his chest, for he shall be
popular and be the darling of the society, and he shall be the freedom fighter for love and
compassion because a compassionate king is a brave king. He lives by the truth and emits
bravery in every plight he undertakes so that he wins the respect of others not by good
fortune but by honour bravery and goodwill. To win the minds of the great individuals a
leader must tap into the forward-thinking going on in universities and places of thought, for
to look forward into the future is a great gift, and also the ability to make a basic summary of
events and what is needed to address them. The nature of man and his faults is one, where he
shall lead is people to ruin, and then the steps to lead people to success are the steps admired
by the great minds alike. Where the mind plays with the future and the present, the heart
plays with the past and the present. Mankind can rear his ugly head and seek to use violence
to kill and exterminate people based on their beliefs or their lack of beliefs. It is always in the
favour of the leader to remember to be good when there is so much evil in the world, and his
duty to be goodwill not go unnoticed, and there are plenty of good people out there that will
look on in awe at a good king, for a good king should have a kind heart and it should come
naturally to him.


The problem that the society, is that if anyone falls through the cracks of the support systems
of a society results in the person who has been neglected by the state, then they become
transfixed by hatred for the state, and they may get ideas. Just like a democracy where people
are divided by beliefs when people fall through the cracks of a system of government when
they have fallen out of touch, they become reactionary and revolutionary. The idea of
revolution is the stuff of nightmares for a leader, and the public should always be considered
the angry beast. Politicians will seek to cooperate with the storytellers in the public sphere
and the public to win a battle for popularity. They do not help the people but seek to gain the
favour of the people. They only serve the pillars; the power bearers are the pillars and the
politicians. Politicians can rear their ugly head and send the nicest of gestures to the bin. The
greed of mankind is the evilest trait that is possible and matched with the exclusion that the
pillars preach there is society, and exclusive club for greedy white men, so it is. The
politician is evil and will make any attempt at compassion as an evil gesture, he and his
followers will take a beautiful gesture as complete evil, and they will twist it so so that the
beauty will become an act of evil. Do not doubt the powerful few have the methods of
interpreting beauty with the intention of evil. They will resort to dirty tactics that allow the
persecution of people, and they may be beautiful people. Beauty will be framed as evil in the
eyes of the wicked, for the power they possess is to bully the closest opposition. Wallace was
not afraid to wield the claymore if needed and he should have the right to disperse beautiful
pain onto the victim who would deserve it, the selfish few who wanted to eradicate a people
and gain their resources, few are so cruel, so Wallace had seen the dark times and he had seen
the light, for the light was the nation of Scotland and he shall weep and mourn for its pain for
she was a gutted lady who had been ravaged, and there would be no other saviour than
William Wallace, Guardian of Scotland. The evil in humanity will punish the little people
who have no homes, and they have no laws and they have no states, as to have a state brings
laws and laws must look after people because states and human rights are what is important
in the world, and a man must be kind to his wife, and his family for unconditional love will
last an eternity so that undying love will shatter the world, only a good person shall radiate
respect, and if someone has ahead and they have a heart, then they will be wholly and utterly
respected. A society controlled by the pillars will furiously come down on hard at the people
who do not believe in what they preach, for they intertwine with fascism which is a system
that opposes opposition. Opposing opposition is a series of carnage where the powers that be
flex their legal muscles, and they come down hard on the resistance to their rule. Where once
there was power, it will become an abuse of power, and it will not leave any innocent people
alive, for the pillars and politicians are a ruthless band of individuals that will not stop till all
enemies are deposed.


There must be serious consideration of all citizens of how they treat their fellow citizens, and
they should not play into the politics of hatred and abuse that the politicians and the pillars
push into the public conscience with the methods of harnessing the storytellers as a political
pawn. The stagnant white privileged have found pockets throughout the world, and where the
white people have reached there will be colonialism and that results in the slavery that
supports many empires, the workers that create everything are never appreciated and they
slave away for the white people. The white people crack the whip that assures the coloured
people will suffer, and it is in the best interest that society does not resort to racism, because
racism prevents acknowledgement and is a form of organised legal slavery. It is the weapon
used by the far right to instil their power and there is the ugly side to their power, that results
for poor labour conditions or non-existent conditions for the working class who are the
working class because they are a different group of people, who practise a different culture
and in fact, they have no state of their own because it is the objective of a state to look after
and care in armed protection of its people. If a people are given up by the powerful elite that
rules them for a cash incentive then they have failed their people, their people must have
protection so this is why the ultimate peace argument does not hold credibility because there
is legitimate use of violence and it is the use of an armed body that will seek to protect the
people for the women to carry on raising the next generation. The men should fight.
Compliance with a system is what the people in power want. They want greed and hatred to
be accepted as normal behaviour so strike back at the people who preach hatred and greed
and preach love and opportunities for all people because love will conquer all and is so
powerful. There is greater construction to create peace and love because it requires patience
and understanding, for some people that is too much work because they do not have the
patience to reach out to the most marginalised of the community, and they simply opt to take
the cheap fix route. Where the strong have the heart and minds of exceptional abilities, the
stupid have the cheap fix routine which is not tested, and they have no scepticism for research
and instead base all their information on the surface and they do not delve deep into an issue
to get a better idea, instead, they formulate their beliefs and opinions from lies. Many people
are not exceptional, so they create a society which is a huge lie pulsing and throbbing feeding
the minds of the poor souls. The cheap fix and lack of scepticism are what is destroying all of
man’s progress. Humanity will raise its ugly head to stomp down on opposition because of
the politics of the individual acts out as an individual and man’s primary instinct which is
violence. A man without regulation is a violent beast who maintains his society which is built
of religious bigotry and hatred. Religions like the religions of Jesus only spread lies of
bigotry because it states exactly in the Bible that a religious person can take a foreigner as a
slave. There is no doubting that it is racist and the people who strive to say it is charitable
miss the big picture that it is built of systematic oppression of the soul. Only a good talented
soul will see that he is being ripped and his nature is being ripped away for obedience to a
bigger entity. People are being sold a lie because the nature and customs of the enemy the
followers of the Mahomet are better for oneself. It focuses around the preservation of self and
the religions of Jesus do not preach respect for oneself they require an absolute obedience and
strict adherence to a set of principles which strips the soul away from the people and requires
them to worship a false prophet. Only atheism allows respect for oneself and Islam gives
proper respect for oneself. To have a good heart is to do things based on oneself, and
religions Jesus do not allow freedom of expression. Society will jail good people with crimes
that are not simply crimes. Society will imprison people solely because they do not have fair
rights to a fair process. Having a fair and just process to the law is a human right. Jailing
people for things that are not crimes and labelling enemies of the state is the biggest threat to
human rights.


The great travesty of justice is to jail people as enemies of the state, when they are not in fact
criminals, for the jails are full of people who were simply in the wrong place and the wrong
time. A state does not have a criminal population who are disowned by the state but simply a
state must look after all of the citizens of a state. Citizens of free societies should have the
right to contact a lawyer and have a fair trial for human rights are the most integral aspect to
society and the perfect utopia. Is there not an ounce of decency for man to leave his natural
nature aside and embrace compassion politics for the greater good, for the way forward is to
see that man has more similarities with his opponent than he has differences and all of man
can live in peace if they have a state that spreads the resources because there are enough
resources in the world for everyone to live a sustainable and happy life. The politician’s
greatest asset is to not disprove science but allow science to help the decision making of
governments. There needs to be consideration of the greater good and common sense. The
policies of governments should abide by common sense for the greater good of the world.
States should have a responsibility to let their citizens live in peace and safety and do their
best to listen to the experts that frequently emit a warning. It was all clear to Wallace that to
lead a people was to do something that was not natural because Wallace was a man graced
with brilliance, he would see past the folly of man and do things that help out himself but
other people, for helping people is the best sort of nature. Wallace realised he would take it in
his responsibility to assert his free will and not believe the lies that are spread, he would make
up his mind and he would be sceptical because man is capable of brilliance at his sceptical
best. A man should put human rights at the forefront of the policy because without human
rights there will be no justice in a society, and no compassion for others who need a helping
hand because society should consist of freedom for everybody first and foremost. A state
should look after every single person regardless of their situation and it is in the best interest
for a citizen to have a state and establish a state, because a citizen born without a state is not a
citizen. If the state does not exist a citizen does not exist. They are technically not alive
because a state is the blood and beating heart of the people, the people only exist with a state
and the state exists with the people. To be alive is to simply have a state and strong states
have many people who live beneath and under it. Wallace had seen it all, and he has the good
council of Lachlan at his side to teach him the ways of the highlanders, for McLeod was a
Viking name and they trace their ancestry to the Vikings. For Lachlan would give his advice
where needed, for he had seen nations rise and to see a nation emerge from its slumbers and
atrocities is to be part of something special, to be part of a nation’s rise was to be part of its
struggle and a man lives and breathes within the state and he is so reliant on it. For the Scots
were part of excellence, they had seen their nation crumble and then rise from the ashes, they
had also seen the attempt of absolutes extermination of their people numerous times that led
to the steely resolve that is a shared trait. There is also a trait of seeing things logically as the
Scots had many books and eventually universities and they're simply a great deal of
scepticism that leads to the brilliance of the Scots, for they shall not worship anyone other
than their chiefs who give them their life’s necessities be it land and food.


A man not born naturally sceptical is not born at all, and he should question everything
around him, it is only when he thinks that his brilliance and sceptical mind can stand out he
must use that power to help people for the greater good of the people. It is clear selfishness
and ignorance are man’s prime functions, coupled with the ability to not be sceptical. The
only solution to absolutely abhorrent issues is to enforce regulation of the state and to enforce
a humane approach to human rights, one that looks after the rights of all people, so they are
all given the fair treatment in the eyes of the law, and one cannot simply think that the society
will be just and fair if it was not for justice to prevail for human rights for all and the ability
to have a fair trial, for punishment is severe in some cases that is a fate worse than death, and
one cannot wish death upon even their worst enemies especially if they are citizen of the
same state, and no citizen should enforce harsh brutality on others if they are part of the same
nation-state. Wallace with the guidance of the Highlander McLeod would go on to influence
Bruce and the two paired would establish themselves as being some of the most important
figures in Scottish history and society. For they would be idolised for their bravery and great
use of the mind in establishing Scotland as a dominant force, and in fact, the Scots would go
on influence the French who were basically by the data the most successful fighting force in
the history of mankind. They were wholly influenced by the Scots, and many Scots served in
their armies and protected them. Not only do societies make enemies of their people, commit
a state war on the citizens and lock them away for many years for measly crimes, but they
will also essentially think that criminals are stupid and do not deserve representation or the
capacity to speak for themselves. The whole criminal system is corrupt because it jails
citizens as enemies of the state for petty crimes and it assumes that they are not worthy of
having anything to contribute to society, which means they are worthless and should not be
paid attention at all which is all a flaw. Citizens regardless of their criminal pasts can all
contribute things to society because one should judge a man and not their past actions. One
should judge a man by his mind and heart and not the stereotypes that are attributed to
individuals. Because the pillars will assert a brand of stereotypes to the people that do not do
exactly as they are because the pillars act in obedience. They think their way is the right way
and everything is barbaric. A society which thinks that the cheap fix and the pillars are
valuable to society is simply not a society. The enemy of the greater good is the cheap fix and
the enemy of compassion politics is the pillars and what it preaches. There are always two
conflicting systems, the pillars and the compassion politics fighting with one another and in
the political sphere, there is the greater good politics and the cheap fix politics. There will
always be a reaction between the state and man, and there will always be a dispute between
the pillars and the compassion politics. It is in the understanding of these systems that leaders
can address an issue and look further into the future.

The question on the lips of every reader should be by now is, is there any hope for humanity?
Well, there is as long as there is a method of keeping the right people in power because
politics attracts the corrupt and the vile. Bullies are drawn to politics because it allows them
to use their basic desires to manipulate the world for their dreams and ambitions. The
sociopathic will always look to politics to gain a career in and get something out of it. There
needs to be a process that evicts these maniacs from getting any power in the first place. Only
regulation will save mankind, from how much he spends to how much he avoids spending.
Incorporating regulation into society is the only way. The other social impacts are allowing
people their point of view and democracy requires a plethora of voices to help contribute to a
vibrant and pulsating society. Without all voices being heard society cannot exist because
society was built around inclusion and basic freedoms of diverse people. If it was all the same
then it would not work properly. Society is only society as long as it has democracy. Every
leader of a solid foundation with a sense of his heart and mind will stand out like a pearl in
the earth, for good leaders will shine amongst horrifying brutality. In a government, there
must be a democracy that holds its government accountable and keeps them honest, but this
will be easy if the leader has a good heart because he will not lie and has nothing to be afraid
of. For the greatest fear of a leader should be the fact that the people will rise to take control
of the government, well a leader must think to pleases the masses and the masses react
through capital like a well-fed cow, enrage it and it becomes a bull, but one must feed the
cow well and the argument that there are not enough resources to keep everyone fed like the
cow is folly because there is a sufficient amount of resources to keep everyone fed. One
cannot simply fathom the resources of the Earth. There is enough to keep everyone fed.
Poverty should not be an issue, and with the massive impact on the abolition of slavery and
workers’ rights, there should not be a problem with people not earning enough money to live
a happy life. Slavery should not exist in this century, but some people work a lot and are paid
nothing, or nowhere near as much, but some people sit on resources as a fat cow sits on its
paddock. A people should not sit on resources that are only meant for them, for there should
be sharing of wealth and man will only achieve great feats if there is compassion politics for
it is the basic solution. To stop hate there must be love, and to spread the wealth there must
be good deeds and good deeds can only be done if there are politics of love, and there can
only be politics of love if man can open up his heart and give time and money to the greater
good and to live with compassion for fellow people. A good man will give everything to his
people and not complain, for there are leaders with a strong heart and sound mind and some
leaders are tiny people and they have a syndrome that should be identified as wanting to do
things that are larger for them.


Law has an obligation loo after the citizens of the state that it belongs to; it also has the
obligation to allow every person under the jurisdiction equal treatment and a fair go. It fails to
look after its citizens when it becomes for the cheap fix because a cheap fix will not look
after a torrent of water, which is society. People who do not receive a fair go also are not
given a fair chance because they are not part of the exclusive pillars that protect every one of
the people that it only privileges. There will always be trouble if one thinks of the working
class as savages and untamed, the real savages are in the offices and headquarters of
corporations. The innocent working-class men who work and slave away the days to look
after the state are let down by the people who think they are civilised, which are the real
unlawful and uncivilised group of individuals who administer violence in an economic form.
All acts of violence, well most of them come from extreme far-right individuals who are
fuelled by a hatred given to them by the politicians at large. The big lie told to the masses is
that they cannot partake in acts of violence but acts of violence that create wealth for the rich
elite are good, but in fact, they are against the enemy which is the foreigner. All other forms
of violence are deemed as illegal. There must be great care when dealing with the working
class who fight these wars while the rich live in their humble abodes safe from harm, and
many veterans are poorly neglected because there is no service to the state only for the rich
people who require war to profit. Owner of a business that employs people will send fear into
their employees for compliance, and the same tactics are incorporated into politics and the
same thing applies to society. To send fear into people that if they comply with the standard
there will be consequences. The ugly side of mankind will rear its head and invoke fear and
violence into society. The powers that be instil their policy into society with fear and threat of
violence, which is how they control the masses. Their concepts the greater good and the
cheap fix which are both opposite concepts, and the pillars and compassion politics which
both oppose each other. Politicians will, on both sides, instil fear into the public with the
threat of violence if there is no cohesion. There are many forms of violence be it economic
and physical violence. For someone to get what they want they instil fear of violence. There
is a fear to step outside the society’s rules in case of violence and its repercussions. Mankind
will use his basic abilities for social control which is fear. It is the primal social function of
man. He will also instil violence as a way of punishing the people who do not feel fear, the
brave people of the society. There are brave people everywhere who do not buy into the
fearmongering. They stand up for what they believe in and do not feel fear and are not driven
by fear. to have a strong heart is to not feel fear, and to have a strong mind is to not resolve
conflicts with war, it is to spread peace, but there is a result where violence works and that is
when there is no hope and man has done all he can.

A good leader will regulate the people and cast a watch over his people for he cares for them
immensely and as a state needs the people and the people need the state, without a state the
lifeblood of the people would not exist and without the democracy, the society would not
exist. Similar to this the leader would not lead if he had no people. A leader needs his people
as much as the people need the state, and a leader would not be a leader if he had no people to
in fact lead. Things relying on each other and harmonious balance, and Wallace now had a
grasp of the way that politics work and what is expected from society. So now he knew what
to do and what to do was fight because a soldier and Guardian of Scotland must protect his
people with the sword. There is no other option but to protect his people with the wrath of a
guardian, for in reality of it all, the enemy will not take mercy on his oppressed minions, so
there is the revolution and the revolution will never cease just because peace has come to a
people. A revolution seeks to maintain peace by protecting its state, and a state’s best way of
protection is to fight with sword and protect with the shield because the peace talks had been
made and there was no resolution. For how does man resolve what is completely natural to
him? Lachlan was to meet with his soldiers, for the Guardian of Scotland was command an
army that would eventually meet to face an English army that had ventured north. The Two
sides met and show arrows into the sky to darken the light so much, and as the knights
charged each other they thrust each other with the swords on horse, and the men would fight
and fight they must, because there may be no work for a poet to do during peacetime, but for
a soldier, there is only war and war is his craft. He would surge forward on his horse and
lunge at his opponent so that they would scream in agony at each sword blow, and the dead
piled up and the reserves would arrive and the people would flee as such the dance shall be.
For a soldier does not rest and a state must be protected, so that when the army does win the
day, he has to march again for the state has not won since every fighting man has been
defeated, and it is rare in human history for a people to evaporate from the planet because the
Scots would soon lose their homes many years from now, the state would crumble, but the
people would live and their hearts and minds would live on in the hearts and minds so that a
people would be lost without their nationalism, for men without states are not men and they
are united by nationalism. To have a sense of glory in the state is not a bad thing because the
lives that are laid down are done in the protection of the rights of the vulnerable, and every
life makes the state carry on because without a state the people are nothing, and a people with
nothing have not a hope or chance in hell, with a state there comes the desire for the greater
good and a man must do his duty for the state to keep working and men and women must
fight for their state at all costs.


Wallace and Bruce would lead the Scottish army, which was split in two one side belonging
to each general and they would seek to engage another English force. Battles would rage on
and on the front lines of a conflict, and the soldiers would get very little rest because on the
front line one has to put the past behind them and focus on beating the opposition so that they
can get victory that boosts their morale because an army with a high morale will perform
much better than one who doesn’t. in the primitive age of war, there was less reliance on the
gun to do the job, so the wars were harder than straight-line musket ranks, and to get an
advantage over the opponent any chance and opportunity was taken, because to get an edge
over the opponent in terms of what new equipment or tactic was being utilised the army with
the unique new weaponry would become effective and armies were thoroughly changing
what was being utilised and how wars were won and lost. The main factor in a win was
suitable utilisation of infantry, and they are the backbone to any army. Wallace and Bruce
utilised them in a hedgehog formation and they marched throughout the battlefield equipped
with pikes. The halberd could cut the end of the pike, so all new weaponry was commonly
experimented with during the battle. A claymore could knock a shield out of the hand of the
combatant and chainmail could repel the slice of a sword. Every weapon had their positives
and negatives and a good general must way up the positives and negatives so that they can
counter the weaknesses. All great generals know where to send men and what to engage them
with. A good general would have researched so that they know exactly what to do when the
time comes to charge or to attack the flanks with the light horse, or in fact like the English
have done which is attack the front line of the swordsmen with their heavy cavalry. A good
general sees things before they happen and plays the cards they are dealt with. A good
general will seek to be a brave man and screams the war cry when he is fighting front line
with his soldiers against a foe that would seek to destroy them all. For men of great heart and
mind will thrive in a war zone, because there is wrought to be done and the brightest and the
most gifted will flourish. It is a case of matching the opposition what the strengths of the
army are and there is no doubt that the wise experienced leader will triumph because it is a
psychological battle, where one has to keep the positive spirit within the army. It is a physical
battle where one must become pragmatic where he will be planning morning, noon and night
for the next day of bloody warfare. A good leader must do the planning because without
knowing the land and the opponent there is no hope. A good leader uses what he has to his
advantage and a good leader must use the land to his advantage. Whether it be funnelling the
knights through a bridge to disrupt them, and later on in Scottish history, there was, of course,
the ability to charge down a hill and let the momentum guide the soldier to engage with the
other side with a furious charge that is full with momentum and vigour, for the men with
vigour in their charge will hit hard.


There should be no restraint from imposing immense brutality onto an opponent because he
would do the same thing to oneself. Try telling the victims of incarceration and torture that
one is going to be light on to the enemy because there is no forgiveness. There must be
absolute hostility towards an opponent at all costs because the enemy is a fickle construct.
Eradicating a nuisance is like getting rid of the plague or helping the poor, it is a good deed
and all enemies must be dealt harshly because life is harsh and he, the enemy, would do the
same extreme acts of torture, violence and incarceration onto oneself or others. The enemies
of the state must be dealt with harsh brutality because they represent the evil that will seek to
abuse the innocent and torture the weak. The state must protect the people because man will
not change his behaviour which is natural to him. It is vile warfare and hatred that he emits
like a bad odour. He will not take chances upon the weak and unfortunate and will seek to
deter people from treating the sick and wounded of the enemy. If someone was to allow
medical treatment to the sick and wounded enemies of the state, then that is an act of
compassion but do not let one thing that the enemy of the state would have any remorse of
one because the compassion politics do not exist for enemies of the state. Once one is an
enemy of the state, they will meet in conflict until everyone goes home bloodied and bruised.
The enemy would take no remorse on one, so do not give anything or any space or nice
treatment. With the violence from the right, it is an oppressive sort of violence that aims to
destroy weaker opposition. With the violence of the left, it is violence that will free up an
oppressed people; therefore, legitimate use of violence must be administered when peace
talks have failed miserably. Lachlan McLeod was busy cleaving the enemy with various
weapons, because the front line of the Scottish forces was a situation that would prey on the
minds of the participants so much that they would need all the morale boosts they could get,
and morale is restored when a leader guides them. McLeod was guided by the leader of
Wallace, and Lachlan McLeod would triumph more if he was spurred on by his leaders
because a leader would greatly help the men who needed it. A great leader like Wallace and
Bruce needed to be larger than life, and they were. When the law has been failed and the
people have been driven into a desperate affair of survival, there must be a reaction for to
remove the sword out of man’s hand is to remove his right at protection and the right to steal
his property. When all hope is lost a war must be raged, for there is no mercy and there is no
law to protect the very innocent. When the people are massacred in droves, what then? There
must be some sort of reaction and a good man does not give up hope so he must fight. All
men must converse in the form of warfare available and they must be taught basic methods of
diplomacy. There must be a basic understanding of warfare because there cannot be a risk
because left to his own devices, man will destroy everything till there is nothing left to profit
from. His carnage is fuelled by wealth. The wealth will be grasped by the carnage.


One must confess that they took one to the jails as one was resting. Authority does not have
patience it acts to trap its opposition and funnel toxins into one's bloodstream and torture the
very body, but they cannot jail the mind, the mind will always last as men with great hearts
and minds will last the test of time. The mind is not reliant on the body, there is no
connection. The body is merely a vessel in which the mind-heart belongs to. Death of the
body is not the end and there is much more for an exceptional individual to give to society.
Many men have been tortured for their beliefs and the mind will not get them into trouble it is
fact the flaw of the opposition for they seek to stamp out oppression, but they cannot think
that the written word will live forever. Thucydides the great writer wrote works that are still
being cited many centuries if not millennia afterwards. Never underestimate the ferocity of
the written word, as it can drive many leaders to do great things. Mankind in his quest to tame
the savages and spread the word of god does not realise he is a savage, and his inherent flaw
is that he sees differences instead of similarities and of course his very nature is savage,
unrelenting, abusive and very inhumane. The wounds of the tortured and dead will be
subsequently recovered by the fierce strength of the army that will be bound to protect the
very innocent victims. A state must have an army because without an army there can be no
protection of the truly innocent who need protecting. Man is cursed to repeat history, and his
behaviour of fascist violence will seek to destroy and eradicate a people who need to be
protected. The only solution to the threat of fascism is a legitimate use of violence which is
condoned by the state. Every state must seek to condemn the use of violence on innocent
people and they must use force in eradicating, like the treatment they would have received
from the evildoers, the threat of fascism. It is in the best interest of a state to weed out
troublemakers who intend on dislodging the very safety of the public. There is one threat to
the innocent and polite and that is fascist violence perpetrated by white supremacists and their
allies. Only violence used in self-defence of the innocent will result in safety because man
cannot be trusted with a sword or a gun. Where has humanity gone when it advocates mass
murder as a solution to a problem? Man will be flung in circles in a continuous spiral
thwarting progression, as in every state there is a violence that will mean its downfall, the
violence of the fascist regimes. There is one overwhelming coincidence with the police
forces, far-right politicians and of course the violent vagrants. They are all fascists! Fascism
is violent oppression of the culturally diverse and of course vulnerable to conflict at the hand
of these oppressors, and there will only be oppression. Bearing the brunt of an atrocity will
only strengthen character so that the heart will be stronger and bigger and the mind will be
critical, for only after persecution there will a response so great that it will heal the scars
inflicted by the torturous over the poor innocent people. People will see clearly after
punishment; they will seek for justice and only then would they be resolved.

The oppressor will use fear in society as a form of social control. Fear of punishment will
control people and keep them silent. To speak against unfairness is to question the basic legal
system in the society, which is questioning the pillars, so the powers that be will seek to
punish those who oppose the rule of the pillars with the threat of violence. Violence will be
the ultimate punishment; to murder a citizen of the state is to inflict the ultimate punishment.
The big players in the game of wealth have abilities to dodge the law and they dodge the law
not just on a social level, where there is always going to be corruption in power, and they
dodge their obligation to the state which is tax. So, there is corruption, within the Church,
where an arm is raised to punish the people, and allow the same behaviour to go unpunished
by the other, so then the rich establishment must take after the pillars. There is a relationship
of deceit between the pillars and rich of society. The question arises, of what one does hope
he will achieve at the torture of the enemies of the state. Because one person tortured will
result unrepairable trauma that will affect the person for the rest of their life, and they will not
forgive the people or institution that did this to them, and if there was one way to create an
enemy that will hound them for years with such vitriol that will cause the foundations of the
society to shake because man without revolution is a man that is restrained and weak. To be
strong is to fight. To be strong is to fight for one’s issues, when one walks out the door they
must feel pleasure in bringing pain and suffering to the people that said they would not
amount to anything, and only the revolutionaries will get things done and inspire the little
people of the world. Capitalism is leading everyone one on this self-destructive and serial
killing warpath, and humanity faces an existential threat, not one that can be feared or fought
back, it is not external but internal, because the greatest threat to the thriving of mankind is
only himself. There should be an absolute furore over the jailing of the innocent and the fact
of jailing revolutionaries because there are some other criminals, real criminals in this world
whose behaviour is allowed but the same behaviour applies to someone else and it is deemed
wrong. How can a legal system exist if it is holding one person to account but it cannot help
another? There should be an outcry about jailing people who seek to dislodge a system that is
unfair on the poor because the only real outcome for the poor is take up arms. That is the only
solution and to gain capital in this world one has to be privileged and these people do not
circulate money through an economy. The wealth stays in the family and they shun the poor
as some sort of disease, for they are wrong because the impoverished are the real
superheroes. The ones who circulate their wealth through the community make the
foundations of the poor class strong. Every middle-class person who has the money must
seek to give as much as they can in supporting the poor, and that is not charity but becoming
a good citizen. A state must look not only to its external threats, but to its internal threats, and
a way to gain favour its people is to give them the basics and full human rights of freedom of
expression. Only in the service of the people will a state remove the egos.


Embrace the acknowledgement of the greater good because there are enough resources to go
around for all people. Embrace human rights, for every person deserves proper representation
before the court of law if they are in fact in breach of the law, embrace the love and
compassion of human rights. The bells were ringing, and Wallace had heard the cry for his
name, for an assassin had penetrated the castle grounds, the assassin was after Bruce and
Wallace led the soldiers to chase the assassin. For a good king will always be ready to repel
attacks, he shall hold a knife on him at all times, as wearing a sgian-dubh is symbolic to the
struggle of the highlander for the enemy will not play the rules and capture the king in his
sleep he will, so a king must ready for the assassin at all cost, for time has taught the best of
them that at all costs a man must be ready for attack, because one should not expect an
assassin to play by the rules, so do not play by the rules. One’s enemy hates one, when one
steps out on the battleground, they are merely a soldier. The concept of race and religion
completely goes out of the window in a pitched battle. The threat of colonisation did not play
by the rules, for the gentlemen would fight a pitched battle against opponents, and a coloniser
never allowed the colonised a fair chance in battle. Because the coloniser never played by the
rules. The armies that conquered all the lands known never played by the rules, so a man
must be careful for the sneakiness of his opponent and in doing so will conquer the opponent
who thought they had an advantage, for the enemy does not play by the rules. A good man
will punish the ones who do not play by the rules and it is a great event when the evil will be
punished, for a good man has principles and will not lower himself to the standards of the
oppressor. For one has to take criticism on the chin and bear the brunt of the fact he may be
wrong. But a good king knows he is right and will not force it, his version of what is right,
onto any others, for as long as he knows what is right and wrong he should not lower himself
to the low standards that people bow down to when they are angry, for the angry voice the
angst and they are fools, for the wise will channel their angst into something that can change
the world with a subtle thing, for the world is subtle. Always expect one’s enemy to be
greedy, ignorant, loud and challenging because one’s nature should not stoop to their level.
One’s opponent is revolting, and to oppose them is to bring a level of decency to the world.
For one is decent so one opposes the ignorant in the world, and one is going to change the
world with decency. So do not listen to the people who said that decency would not equate to
anything, because decency will keep the corrupt, greedy and cheating ones in line, for honest
and goodwill shall prevail. For the greater good! So be so hasty as to challenge the bad
people, for the good of humanity is needed and it is a construction not normally seen as good
souls are not the usual type. As Lachlan McLeod made his way across the castle in search of
the elusive assassin he would lock eyes with, her, by chance and he grabbed her hand and the
dagger would be held back and Lachlan McLeod would penetrate the blade deep into the
heart of the wild thing and the blood did seep forwards by a thrust so that the sheer cry was
heard so.
For the assassin was in the arms of Lachlan and they embraced and as the assassin whispered
her last few words, they were warning Lachlan and the rebel Scots that the rebels will meet
their mark, for they, the English Normans will seek to make the Scottish Normans bleed. The
Scottish Normans were not scared as they had been assembling a force, a force so mighty that
it shall shake the world to the core, and the English shall be no more, for the Scots had their
men equipped with the pike, a Pictish invention from the seafaring people of the homeland,
and these weapons would be used in a hedgehog formation that would be like nothing ever
seen before, for when the battle comes to the Scots positioned little clusters of men to move
throughout the battlefield and take the fight to the English, and the Scots were in little
clusters that fought back the English and they ran for the hill as they were not equipped with
the halberd the piece of weaponry that would cut the tops from the pikes, but they had none,
for every general always thinks two steps ahead, and has Lachlan strode through the ranks
wielding a claymore and smiting down opponents were they stood and there would be
nothing standing left of any of the foes because Lachlan was wielding the force that would do
the job. Only Lachlan could have the strength to wield this with such poise and such power.
As the claymore came crashing down on the battlefield near Galashiels, the Gael was at large
and they moved quickly to win the day from the clutches of the oppressor, for only Lachlan
could stroke the sweet tune of the claymore that had met so many foes that very day. Let the
weary tell the tales of old, of soldiers brave and bold and it was Lachlan who would keep the
tales of the old circulating through the stories that were weaved of his claymore he heaved so
great that the people would sing out their battle cries and the great soldiers of the day would
nod, and the great deeds that were done will keep everyone pleased, for there was going to be
another victory for the Scots and Lachlan had won them the day. For they should not pray
because God had given up on them for now, for god would punish the ones who fight against
the armies who fight in the name of God, and God shall be cast into the fire pit and destroyed
whole because without god there would be struggle, so without the opponent, there would be
no victory, so without war, there would be no freedom. The freeman that fights wars will get
what he deserves, a victory that can be held high to lofty heights and the good deeds done by
soldier brave and bold, will settle the scores once and for all that the brave will win the day,
for to go against god’s word is to go against the pillars, and the pillars shall wreck the might
soldiers who challenge the system, for it is always challenging when two armies clash who
are both fighting in the word of god. What should they fight for, but the state? When one
expresses something that is not true, a lie, the great minds will not believe it, and they will
question. For the world is built of people lying to get themselves into power, and the very
foundations of the society that is inhabited by many are built from lies.
It is easy to predict the rise and fall of man’s empires because they require the same
functioning commodity, that which is war. It is no surprise that man would want to engage in
war, and throughout history, there will only be war because that is man’s nature. It may be
over such trivial things like religion which does not make sense because religion is not
different especially the major Abrahamic religions. So, they will fight over different
translations of a text and they will fight over who owns the resources in a state and whether it
is fair. That is economic conflict, external and internal. One cannot rule out the internal
conflict which does not make sense because the people who are opposing the state must not
be getting anything fairly. So, there is this internal conflict which can easily be dealt with,
which in fact give the people resources so they can function better. Only a fool will not please
his people and take the spoils for himself. One must watch for any empire that will wage war
to eradicate from this earth a people and race that is the English to the Scots. The Scots were
an immense threat because they inhabited the same land, and any natural threat to another
nation would be over land where there is no significant sea or geographical feature that
separates the nations. Of course, many of the atrocities by the English towards the Scots were
done by fellow Scots wearing the uniforms of the English, and in the case of Wallace versus
Longshanks, these were two foreigners to the British Isles, they were both Normans, so they
could not even see their similarities, one of overall, man’s worst attributes. The fool will
repeat history and live in the past, for there is no forward-thinking and all those in power still
live in the past, for how can a country go forward when it repeats the things that are safe that
can be relied on. Technological innovation is something that is frowned upon by the fool, and
they shall be the first to be blamed if there is, in fact, no progression for the only man is the
one who is so blighted by seeing the differences rather than the similarities and the cheap fix.
For every professional must assume that mankind is so stupid because there is not much
connectivity going between the brain waves of mankind, so people in power must assume
that mankind is stupid because he believes the pillars and their message and he believes that
one must rely on dinosaur industries for some worthwhile growth. Never deny the fact that
people are composed of a mind which will believe anything if given the gloss and coating in
which they desire and their nature and way of action is to impose violence onto their
opponents to stop the power conflict between two opposing and conflicting forces. A
predictable king will use violence to suppress the opposition in the way he chooses, and a
smart king will always be prepared for his daft opponent to react. As good as a king can be he
cannot change human nature, and human nature seeks to use violence as a tool in which the
power struggle is won, and a good king acknowledges he cannot change human nature, he is
not a god but a mere mortal, so a good king prepares for an attack at all times, and good king
must prepare for his dim-witted and violent enemy.

It is not part of a superiority complex to assume a nemesis and the general public to be stupid;
it is, in fact, the truth. For how would they believe the stories they do if not for they had been
for the manipulation of the pillars on what is believed and of course the solutions and policies
of the rival leaders, only a true of heart and mind will recognise that the people are thick and
they are malleable and can have their perception crafted and fed into their brains. They
believe nonsense and fix everything only just temporarily. It is greatly unfair to think that
science and evidence-based research are only applicable to the intellectual class and not the
working class. The average person in society just does what they are told is acceptable
behaviour; it is because they live in fear of stepping out of the zone of influence of the
institutions of society. The institutions instil fear into society and threaten the people with
punishment if they step out of the zone of influence it is, in fact, the oldest way of social
control, found in every society in the world. More shocking as that the institutions like the
pillars will protect the special ones who do commit crimes. One would not think that they live
in an unfair society where there is a double standard but there is. Double standards and the
cheap fix dominate the societies of the west. Politicians can think they are great economic
managers but they are flawed because keeping the wealth in the hands of the rich and mighty
kings and queens will not aid a society, simply because they do not function with a society,
they function outside the society and are devoid of law and not in touch with the average
everyday people. For the masses will fight back and when one is expressing an opinion about
the masses when one gets challenged by an uneducated member of society they will resort to
violent taunts, it is best not to fall for violence. A man must be always prepared for violence
to be perpetrated towards him as the state will use violence and fear to control the public. The
threat of violence from the state onto its citizens is used in controlling the people and it is, in
fact, the enemy of the people. When the people who are the most important attribute to the
state are subject to violence, then that state has failed. It is important to note that the
politicians control the police and they control the thugs and criminals who use violence
against the people, and it is used against the people to control them because the threat of
violence if in fact, the people step out of line will send fear throughout the people and they
would not want to step out of line and they do as they are told. When a state uses violence
against its citizens, it is failed because the function of a state is to keep the masses well-fed
and nurtured rather than the threat of violence. It can be seen in the liberal model in the
United States of America that there is a form of violence used against the people and it is
police brutality and, corporal punishment which deters the people from stepping out of line,
and in some cases the people have not stepped out of line and were simply in the wrong place
at the wrong time. Such is justice.


A society’s pillars will point the finger at an enemy which they create, and the society will
work to fear, which is funnelled into them and they will fight this enemy that they fear which
is all instilled into them via the communication channels. All it takes is for politicians to
oversee the internal enemy of society, whether it is the poor or the followers of the Mahomet
and the communication channels will pump the society full of information to drive fear of the
enemy of the state into the people. once the politician has used the fear to drive the people
into a scared frenzy, they will seek to profit from a war that is not legitimate and for the
greater of the state like overcoming an evil or in fact, a revolution against oppression, these
wars are designed to benefit the corporations who profit from the resources pillaged from the
war. When is it completely justifiable to murder innocent people whose only crime was the
fact they were different, for the big sacrificial blood bath of the war that wastes young lives
and the only positive outcome are the profiting corporations from the oil reserves and trade
links won by the army? It brings legitimate use of violence into the equation, and when a
people are threatened with violence then they need protection, but when it is utilising
violence to gain resources it is not a legitimate use of violence and in fact, peace would be
much better. The actual war protocols are flawed, and nations need no wars, because they
have the resources themselves, and there is plenty to go around. Only a warmongering
madman would see war as being a legitimate sacrifice of young people to gain some sort of
financial benefit. The enemy is not the enemy to humanity, because mankind is the enemy of
humanity. The lies that have been led sill say that the enemy of humanity is the outsider, but
they are similar than different to society. The enemy of the society is, in fact, themselves and
there needs to be absolute regulation of the people to deter them from the sorts of evil
depravity that is perpetrated by the waste of humanity, which is the real evil, man’s impact on
the world around him, and only man can reverse his impact and he will not gain the sorts of
development by perpetrating wars on faraway soil. He will only gain peace by not using non-
citizen warfare like bombs and use his men to plant trees and spread peace. He will only gain
a development if he cuts ties with the allies and in fact, does not sell weaponry to the states
perpetrating foreign warfare in a land that does not belong to them. Only then will man
realise his people are the most important aspect to a society and a good ruler must put them
first. Society has failed it inflicts violence onto the people, because the people, the masses are
innocent because their nature is minuscule as an individual, and as a collective they are
beautiful. Also, the public is naturally dim-witted so there needs to absolute precaution of
what is channelled to them from the communication channels and discourse onto the public if
one teaches them lies then they will live a life, if one teaches them the truth then they will be
honest and used to the truth, for to instil lies about what is the enemy is promoting basic
denial of truth.


How could a state administer torture to one of its citizens is a remarkable case of bastardy,
and only the absolute bastard would let one of the citizens to slip into poverty, homelessness
and to be tortured. This is the dangers of a conservative government, and conservative
governments have no place amongst the great heroes of society, the people passionately
committed to human rights and in politics for the greater good. That is a good citizen. Not
someone who believes fables and cannot back up their beliefs with solid data. For only a
failed state would live in the past and subject its citizens to violence and economic violence.
Politics should be about the people and the need for a greater good is tremendously
important, this is why politicians should love all their citizens like their children, they should
seek to mistreat them and punish them. A state should have no criminals, and the only
criminals they should have would be the enemies of the state. People who seek to dislodge
the system they have created. Not their citizens. When a state jails its citizens, it is because it
is a failed state. So a state should not jail its citizens, it should also give fairness to its citizens
and justice, and when the pillars allow some behaviour to go unpunished and then punish
another’s action but they have not given their life to the pillars, well then the state has failed
when it gives its greatest position to an institution that is built from lies and built upon lies.
Being honest is not promoted, being deceitful and being greedy is promoted and this is
problematic because as what has been seen, greed has been leading the country to ruin and in
fact, the world that is known is under threat. So, greed is bad, it leads to self-destruction. How
can a society assert that one religion is a religion of hate when one has not read the other
religion’s sacred text? How can they say this when the other Abrahamic religions are like
their religion and, with a few minute differences, they are the same? For compassion politics
are the only hope for humanity, compassion politics are based on love and equal acceptance
of persecuted and desperate people who need help. The writer of this novel has cunningly
disguised a manual for a revolution within the pages of a very strange distortion of Scottish
history, for the reader may be transported to a place far away in the strange northern lands.
To a time that is different and only remains in the pages of books and not in the minds of
anyone still alive. The Scottish nation was born, and it will continue to spread the concept of
questioning power based on fact and theory for only fact and theory will plant the seeds of
revolution in the hearts and the minds of a few. For only people equipped with a strong heart
and mind will analyse the world based on the dependence of one fact on the other, and only
the great people with fine minds and hearts will look to the theories as their source of
inspiration in how a state functions and in fact what to predict in a state and what precautions
and what works when it comes to political sphere, for the writer of this novel as spent many
years observing and taking notes of the way power is dispersed, for the power lies in the


Governments across the world have to stop listening to the demands of the corporate elite and
start listening to the intellectuals, people who are from the working class and the scientists if
they want their society to progress. Now they are living in a decrepit and archaic state. If their
state fails them, if it punishes them and not another and if it commits violence to a person
who is one the citizens of the state, then the people should be up in arms demanding an
explanation because the state would have failed them completely and utterly. When one lives
a vegetarian lifestyle, they would have surrendered the means of violence for as long as they
keep it up, and there should be non-violent alternatives to life, like peace and the strive
towards peace and of course the vegetarian diet. There should be striving towards the pursuit
of the self, and the Muslim diet can lead to a longer life. The reawakening of the soul can be
the denial and rejection of a god and mainstream religion as it is known, and steps in taking a
freedom of the soul would be the Muslim diet and in fact, the atheist beliefs that set man free
from the shackles of religion, for religion requires people to believe fallacy and the fact that
they surrender their whole existence to a god that does not exist and they are granted a place
in the false heaven if they surrender themselves to a religion. It is a shambles and further
freeing of the mind is the promotion of free will and of course, the adoption of the Muslim
diet, for only these steps will lead to eternal happiness, and man must be living in a state of
freedom and peace. The flaw in modern society and its overwhelming weakness is the belief
that racially diverse people cannot exist in harmony, function to the best ability whose
examples is set by the colonial white people and these racially diverse people are deemed
trouble makers by the racist powers that are in control. Sure, people from Africa are tall
usually and possess great strength but they are not troublemakers. They can contribute to
anything they set their mind to. Because of this violence towards the poor who are usually
racially diverse, discrimination to minor religious groups who they are usually racially
diverse. The discrimination, to assume that someone is racially diverse so they must fit into
this certain subcategory that may be based on racial discriminating racially diverse people as
troublemakers is a criminal act. The stereotypes pursued by the pillars and the
communication that racially diverse people as troublemakers are what the failings of the
society comes down to first and foremost. Society has failed because it cannot accommodate
people based on skin colour and where they come from, and it has failed because it cannot
accommodate people based on diet and fact. Racism is the greatest threat to society, and it is,
in fact, the greatest violence that has been known to mankind. The communication channel
that stokes racism and the politicians who promote racist beliefs and fuel the racists into a
storm of infamy, and violence and racism have no worthwhile part. How the oppression of
the violent and reckless is validated, for man is reduced to imprisoning his fellow citizens and
he shall seek to spread the politics of hate throughout society. No society should have
validated the use of violence onto their citizens and in fact, spread hatred.


Politics can bring out maniacal and bloodthirsty nature from people, and it is not a game to be
played for the faint-hearted. One would cop abuse from all sorts of people from all walks of
life, and a good leader wears the abuse like a badge of honour and they will walk down the
streets with pride as they represent a policy, for democracy allows people to protest a law and
hurl abuse at a politician, and if one is hurled abuse at, then they should be proud because
they stand for something and the people have every right to say what they think and it is a
reminder that one belongs to democracy and they would not even have a say of how to run a
state if we're not for democracy, in one hand it holds politicians to account on the other hand
it furiously lets people be free and a politicians should not think that being a politician is an
easy job and they would be on a power trip. Politics should not protect the politicians and
future leader but reveal and part of keeping the people free is being able to be criticised.
Politics is a cutthroat game where the weak will be bullied, and people who would sell off
parts of their deceased parent’s bodies if the price was high enough prosper. It is in the best
interest to stay strong and not let the enemy get to one with words that hope to unhinge one,
and the opponent will try and test the resolve of oneself until it has well and truly been tested
when there is desperation where one has felt the wrath of an entire nation on the back of a
leader, only then will he realise it's worth. As Lachlan McLeod surveyed the battle scene, he
was left with a warm feeling inside, for this was the Scottish history not taught about in
schools it was the Scottish history that was re-imagined, it was not a sad and troubled history
but a proud and triumphant state of history. Politics is for the fighter, for the revolutionary
when one is kicked down and gets up to fight again because people are led by conviction.
McLeod was about to lead his people the Norse-Gaels to the next battle, and the highlands
had mustered many armies to help fight at the front line between the biggest rivals to ever
grace the medieval era, and that was the rivalry between the Scots and the English, and it was
this rivalry that spurred on the troops so that they would make the world theirs and it would
crumble under quite a perfect storm. The English had been hounded by the Scots and their
sophisticated weaponry, for the knights of the English army would not stand a chance and
only the Scots would bring the audacity to equip their troops with armaments that were
invented by the Picts, and the spirit lives on. For the life will belong in those that abstain, and
the power of life lies in the wisdom of the years so that one must learn and experience the
world when they face hardship and grief and only then will they have something worthwhile
to give and a point of view that looks at the subtleties, as life will begin again once the angst
has been well truly faced and the love and tears will flow to enrich life in the hearts and the
minds of a few, for the exceptional individuals possessed of a strong heart and mind will find
the years easy, as they wander to and fro from the myriad of life. For the Norse-Gaels would
smite down the enemy as their claymore slays and blood splatters over the Northumbrian
countryside for the Scots had made themselves heard and nothing was going to stop the
people from triumphing over the auld enemy and Scotland would be free, free to run in the
hills and glens as there was no threat and everyone could have their needs met and the sword
would do the work as the men lived in peace, for they did deter all else.


A politician must always prepare for conflict, and if he treats his people bad, they may rise
against him, for the angry masses are the greatest threat to any power. If one was gaining
their favour it would be giving them what they want, earn and deserve. There is no place for
hoarding the resources away from the people and feeding them lies. That should not be how a
government should work and anyone who thinks this way will be found out. For the angry
masses cannot stand that they are being robbed and lied to. For how to infuriate the people is
to subject them to villainy and wickedness, and lying is the greatest art of treachery, that is
why there needs to be greater democracy with diverse range of opinions and of course
holding the powers that be to scrutiny, for to fear the public is and should be the greatest fear,
and the politicians should watch what they say, for their bubble of protection from the pillars
and the rich will not save them when there are many thousand angry people at their doors
wanting an explanation. For a rebellion needs no mass funding, all it takes is an idea and a
mobilisation of troops, for once they march they will be unstoppable as they shake the ground
and streets, for if one has been lied to and stolen from, they rightly so should be angry and
they need to channel their angst. This novel of the dreamlike state of the highlands and
islands is, in fact, a manual for revolution and change, for the indicator that young general
must make when waging his revolution is the fact has the people been lied to, and the other
factor has to be are there a demographic hoarding every bit of wealth. When an able young
man cannot find work but there is plenty of wealth to go around then there needs to change.
When the law is not on the side of the just and fair folk then there must be change. When the
law favours a class that, there whole protection in society is a fact due to the fact they were
born into an institution, thee the society has failed and there needs to change. It is up to the
young leaders to make the change in their community starting at the very bottom and working
up until there will be a revolution of the young and they shall earnt their place amongst
society’s and history’s greats, because the young need it more than ever, when the defining
characteristic of their generation is failure and disappointment, then there needs to be change.
When they have been lied to and treated like a subpar citizen, then there needs to change, and
when they have had no wealth, serious wealth for years but there is surely plenty to go
around, then there needs to be change and solid change. As McLeod readied his forces, they
were set to fight the battle of their lives, for the Scots would wage war on their auld foe, but,
certainly, an enemy will never be defeated as long as he lives and thrives, his associates will
never give up hope because the Scots never gave up even when their culture was nearly
destroyed, there remains a hope. When conquering a state, the conqueror will conquer it
temporarily he will never wipe out a people without a mass genocide, but this is costly.
Where people remain so does hope.

Not only are human rights violations prevalent, but there is also a lack of compassion, where
one is punished for even speaking out against human rights violations. So has humanity
lowered itself to perpetrate violence and a human rights violation, surely humanity is
hopeless and needs to be radically overthrown? Humanity, if it continues to be barbarically
cruel and utterly void of any love or compassion people will start killing and maiming each
other. If there is condoning of violence against other people as being normalised, surely
humanity will strangle itself and inflict murder on to every person. So, what society should
promote its strength in violating human rights and using violence? A corrupt society does!
And they will label any opposition that is left behind, falls through the cracks to become an
enemy of the society, and they shall shun them so to be left for dead. In politics, corrupt
leaders will motivate the thugs to carry out violence. They regularly promote violence on to
their citizens, and when there is violence played out by citizens, the politicians stoke the fires
that are the heart of the hatred and the harsh and unjust brutality. Politicians who promote
violence should be held accountable, for they should be punished but they protect themselves
from the revolutionaries with means of violence that is legal, they use the police and the
federal police to carry out violence against rivals and people who delve too deep. For the
corrupt have got everything to hide, and they shall take law into their own hands to carry out
violence that seeks to take out their opposition and not let any objection to their rule and a
corrupt and violent state is the enemy of the people. A fascist and authoritarian state is the
easiest of man’s nature to become, fore he shall inflict violence onto the opposition and he
shall shoot down with this violence any objection which should be taking place, and the
objection is questioning the methods of a state, and holding to account the truthfulness of a
state, and if a politician cannot front up to the truth and they hastily hide the truth from the
public, then are corrupt and it should be wise for any questionable citizen to wonder about the
credibility of the powers that be and what they are doing for the people. For a great leader of
good heart and mind will never lower his values to the dregs of humanity’s nature, a good
leader will always put the people first and he will tell the truth. He will fight front line for his
people and he shall win the war, and it is not a war that requires to generals in a pitched
battle, it is a war on the truth and it is a war on the poor, for money should not determine if
someone has a good life or not, money should not drive the state, it should be the people and
the people deserve a quality of life that is not bestowed upon them because if they can afford
it, for a state that fails to give its people the basic privileges is a failed state, and there is a war
on the poor just like there is an aversion to the truth and there is an aversion to the greater
good and governments will launch the decrepit cheap fix economy where nothing lasts and
the system is skewed in the favour of the rich because making everything not affordable for
the everyday person is like saying they do not want them in their society. Who could fathom
that governments will shun and punish the poor as an affliction? Well, the poor are fighting
back, and they realise there is no need for money to wage a peaceful revolution and it is the
only hope.


A leader of strong heart and mind will channel his angst into something worthwhile and it is
the profession of kings that is politics which will capture the imagination of the oppressed in
their endeavour to outperform their opponents and surely the minds of the strong can
determine whether what will last and what will crumble, for a society built on the sweet sugar
shall crumble under the weight of responsibility and all those who crumble will drag their
friends to a premature death, as a dying man will grasp tight his family and drag them into the
demise as well, an all that should be created will be destroyed by the next generation who
learns from the past, for some leaders do not learn from the past, and in fact they shall repeat
the past’s folly and they shall seek to be reminded that the past was not weary of the future,
but the future was weary of the past, so a good leader will look to the past for its mistakes and
hold the fact that is known the scepticism and hold the need for a greater good and that not
one of the cheap fix, for two opposing forces in society and politics, the greater good and the
cheap fix, versus the free will and the pillars, and both are at each other’s throats neck and
neck till there is nothing left but the blood that is left behind for all shall perish apart from
these pages. For McLeod would lead his men, and they were an army that had kept the
outskirts of the nation safe, and they would dish out the various methods of justice, for they
had in their ranks, survivors who harboured grievances and they would strike down the sword
and give the horse a shift in direction, to thrust the pike formation flung deep into the heart of
the knights that would seek to give them tears that flowed directly from the eyes of the weak,
who had suffered the many years and shame that would haunt a culture and people. The light
horse had mustered and were waiting for the call to charge and charge they did, for the people
donning the leather armour and sharpened swords did muster, and they would smite down the
hearts and drink the blood of the ruthless, and all those who would have the strength to say
that they would oppose Wallace as a Guardian of Scotland would drink their tears from upon
the lips of the conquered, for Lachlan had mustered a giant Norse-Gael army and it was one
that would meet the enemy in a battle, for war had yet not been completed and the challenger
must face-off, for no wars are ever won and the frontline of the nation-state is in a state of
fending off challengers to their power one after the other, and a king needs a solid heir to the
arms of the fine state. No war is ever won, and a state must keep itself up to strength to repel
all who wish to cause harm, for the innocent need protection every day and every night. For
the mighty will hold in their heart to look after the weakest parts of the society and a state
should look after the weakest link, for a state is only as strong as its weakest link. McLeod
would sharpen his claymore every day, and every day he would use it on the frontline of the
state, as the Norse-Gaels were not at all bothered by the fact that they had to repel the
invaders one by one at a little trickle that came to dislodge the system of the Scot, and the
Scot would in fact fight till the death to look after the lassie of bonnie Scotland. Settle the
score of the long-oppressed with the blade.

For the armies of Africa, the elephants with the mighty warriors upon them once fought in
Scotland. They were used in the armies of the Romans against the Caledonian Confederacy
under Calgacus. The Scots had seen everything thrown at them, for they were nearly
eradicated from the Earth and it was certainly the intention of the English and the Romans,
but the Scots would linger on because peoples subject to terrorism are never wiped out, their
resolve hardens and they bear the scars to the world and let the world know that they will not
go down. For the people who had fought the hordes of African giants a people would be
forged, and they would not surrender because the Romans wanted their lands and the English
wanted their lands and there was nothing to protect it but the people’s resolve, nothing
standing in the way, but character. What sort of a state would it be if the great guardians of
the land and the people of old and scientific guardians were locked behind bars, well it would
be a shamble and that is the dangers of fascism! For it will leave with the heart. The perfect
state would a state where men would be willing to die for their country, but it is, in fact,
wrong, as the fighting spirit as all but gone and the threat of violence is far away, and the
rouble looms with the use of another form of violence, the economic sort, and this sort of
violence will wreak havoc on the poor and needy, for the enemy is far away and the bombs
have been dropped, and when the survivors come to the door they are turned away, for way
with the cheque book is route of war. When people have nothing but the tears in their eyes,
how then would one say that legitimate use of revolution is not necessary? Revolution will
plant the seeds of change onto a society that has forgotten its people, so a peaceful revolution
would be the catalyst for needed change. Well, the revolution of peace has mustered, and will
the enemy slaughter them? Well yes so, the legitimate use of violence would be delivered and
that would incorporate revolution, a revolution for the mind and the state, for the people have
been wronged and nothing has been done it so has. Behind every revolution there will be a
greater unmasked, for he was drawn to the event of shaking up the establishment, possessing
a kind heart and wanting to make change and this leader will have his glory as he leads the
armies into the fray, and live will live throughout the day as a revolutionary, wanted by many
and in the hearts and minds of many, so much so that his glory will radiate, as every move
has been cunningly thought out and the revolution will be the order of the day for the many
masses. McLeod could not give up on his people, so he would have an heir, which would be a
gift to his many admirers of the clan chief. An heir is a great gift to the people, because an
heir is a guarantee that the leader’s vision and longevity will live on and the people would be
guaranteed a place in the halls of the kings and chiefs, for they were in service to them, and
when a volunteer fights for free, he shall seek to be rewarded and rewarded he shall be with
glory of the army that he has been born into.


Nothing is more heartbreaking than jailing the children, and when a child is jailed and they
spend a good part of their youth or their young adult life in their prime behind bars, then tell
them that one would rather give up the struggle and give in to the opposition because there is
something worth fighting for and it is the common struggle of the oppressed in the face of
villainy and no other words would describe the loss and struggle for freedom and the nation
to be acknowledged in the face of such hard adversity. Violent oppression does not
discriminate, it will take no prisoner and it will assert its authority over the innocent masses
with such force that there will be years before the victim is fully healed, for the scars of the
prisoners of the state are cut deep into the very psyche. For every victim will spur on the
soldiers of the revolution and the sacrifices to the cause will not be forgotten, and it is only
when the revolution is won, because the revolution will win because the people have a just
cause, but a war rages so that the people must put every single piece of energy into waging
the wars that seek to protect their people. The revolution will be won with the goodwill of the
oppressed and a people shall seek vengeance from the powers that be that flung on shame on
the poor boys in the jails. To deliver there is a need for violence, and to create a sense of
justice there needs to be violence, so a revolution shall seek to use the rules of the oppressor
and wage war because it is justified by in fact the powers that be. So why suffer when one
should be playing the game of war that they play. It is a folly system where only violence
shall seek to deliver a message, it is because it reflects man’s nature and that is to be violent,
there is no other way, and man, if he had his way, would destroy every bit of resistance till
there was nothing left, but a war cannot be won it only rages on as the belligerent’s resolve
would be hardened and if someone was to ask for a prediction into the future of what there
would be between two rival states, one wanting to possess the smaller state until there was
nothing left of it, well then, when the oppressed state just wants to enough to live and thrive
on, well, the prediction would be that states may put on a business face, where everything is
lovely for a moment, but at the heart, there is man’s nature rearing its ugly head and that
nature is warlike. To predict the future is to remove every piece that wants to hide man’s true
nature and that is the fact very aggressive and very warlike, for the only man is this much of a
monstrosity. War is never won because the battles will rage on long after the opponents are
dead because they leave a legacy that the others shall take after the soldier dies, for his
children will fight on and on till there is nothing left. The war is never won. If there is no
hope in revolution trying telling the poor wives of the husbands murdered by the state, as the
poor are locked away to cry to no one, for a people shall rise to match the violence of the
oppression, and they shall match it they shall.


Only a tyrant will seek to use violence to enforce hatred into society, so man must react and
there is no other method to use other than violence because man will not listen to science,
rational and scepticism. He is a basket case, so therefore man must rise and triumph over the
tyrant who knows no other means but to inflict violence onto each other. Of course, one could
sit back and watch the spectacle as man is man pitted against man, with the furious swords
clash in an eternal conflict, for the wise man knows that this is about to happen when two
opposing tribes cannot agree to anything, for peace is not reachable for the minor minds, and
man is himself a minor mind, and his glory comes from seeing forward and seeing the
similarities in each other rather than the minuscule differences. The greatest attribute that
someone can give to a prisoner, is to allow their captors to be silenced and the prisoner an
ability to speak, as the free up the prisoners that have been wronged by a justice system that
is hell-bent with racism, it wants slaves and is alongside the sacrificial war machine which is
war, which sacrifices sons, the justice system wants to jail racially diverse people as it wants
to conquer the people who were once slaves. Of course, the Bible is flawed, and it does state
that non-believing infidels must become the slave of the person who follows the word of god.
One can vouch for Islam as being a very peaceful and calm religion, one has only to see the
many types of people who worship Allah and the great things in society Muslims can do, for
the great murdering and barbaric types are the meat-eaters, for they slaughter many animals
for many people to eat. Why are the murderers of animals not brought to justice? It is because
the law is not defending them, the law is put in place to defend the Christian right, and to put
a hammer through the law is to put a hammer through society, for consumption on mass does
not work it has been well publicised that it doesn’t work. It is well publicised that the beliefs
of the religious and western religions are based upon falseness and fallacy and only smashing
the foundations should cause a wake of good. For only a prisoner has seen it all and there is
no other life experience in shaping a view of the world through a prism of desperation, for the
prisons in the western world are not means of re-education to create prisoners who will go on
to become better citizens like they should be doing, instead, the prisons will use humiliation
and punishment to subject the enemies of the state to such dire experiences if anything they
become emboldened and it is essentially making crime worse because the captives are
becoming increasingly opposed to the systems put in place and the way the society works. If
one wanted to create radical extremists it is doing the right thing in dividing a people to
neglect the others who do not fit into the mainstream, where they become desperate and
impoverished, this is great ground for terrorism recruitment and they will become punished
and they will go on to hate the system that is put in place even greater than they before, there
it is, in a nutshell, the perpetual stream of violence in the western countries, and only the
wester are to be blamed.


Of course, the greatest threat to a fair and just society is not the criminals and the various
racially and religious minorities, it is, in fact, the politicians who poke flames in the furnace
of race and religion, setting man against man in a war of neglect and such dishonesty. For the
science should be ground within the society and should reflect the lower denizens, for when
science has betrayed a people only then would the society betray the people. for science
should weed out the great failings in society, ones which the politicians cannot be rid of, for
they do not represent the common person, and the politicians may claim that they are doing
things that are beneficial but they only abide by what is good for themselves, therefore there
should be a thorough screening process in which politicians must be tested and it exists, it is
called democracy. For without democracy there would be no transparency to the public of the
dealings of power, without democracy politicians would be able to stage violent actions and
spread lies without being checked. It is all to reduce the power of the politicians because
politics has the vested interest of the masses, not just the politicians and the people they
directly serve, being the rich. Without democracy, people would steal all they could and it is
about holding politicians accountable for their actions because if it was left down to human
nature, it is not in the interest of the greater good to trust a man in his natural element. For
without democracy the politicians would do as they please and it would always be in the
favour of them, and there cannot be an autocratic rule because man is the fact a pack animal.
He relies on the cooperation of many other people. When there is a career which inflicts
suffering onto the innocent like the career of a soldier or a member of the police force, their
duty is violence, then society has dwindled to all-time lows. It is in society’s best interest to
only use violence where it is needed. Not on the citizens of the state, and only on the enemy
when all else has failed, otherwise peace should be prevalent throughout society and there
should never be any excuse for injustice towards the citizens, and when there is an injustice
to the citizens of the state, it has failed. For how to defend oneself from attack at the hands of
the very violent minions of the basic men is to claim to be religious, and once on has sided
with the enemy one will feel no pain. For society will punish the great hordes of the wretched
unbelievers. In the world of the war, there is no justice, no hand to come down and save
someone. No one is ready to rescue the soldier who finds himself behind enemy lines, there is
only the self, and a soldier must make rational decisions in his plight. For he must use
cunning and quick thinking to overcome the enemy and it is the victor who use his ingenuity
to counter the moves of the opponent, and war is not like chess where each army is given the
same units, war is unfair and is based on the subtle advantage. For when the war is won is
never, and man must strive to set his life aside in the struggle to overcome his enemy and it is
only in this perpetual cycle of conflict will he realise that he must live and fight for other’s
plight to survive.


The war is never won, and it is up to the soldier to continue the fight up until his last breath,
for the war is never won and only the soldier with his other comrades can turn the tide in the
favour of the state. For there should be a perpetual battleground for the quest to have a
peaceful state, and a peaceful must be won in the fiery furnace of the battleground. Man has
his responsibility to aid the people and he must do all he may to protect the innocent people
from the onset and threat of violence. In doing so a man must challenge his opponent to a war
with no equal, there should be an all-out war, for the soldier must realise the war is never
won, and only the war with each other will maintain peace. For his opponent in his very
nature is dead set on exterminating the soldier and his people from the planet, so the war is
never won. It is in man’s nature that he shall exterminate people who are different from what
the pillars preach, and the war is never won it is ongoing and will just not stop. There is in
politics, a system of credibility. Sure, parties who pump propaganda into a society, based
upon the word of the pillars, will seek to divide the society to become a conflict internal to
the state of the mainstream religion versus the other. Sure, the ruling party will come up with
temporary examples of policy, usually the cheap fix. But all these aspects do not come close
to the public image of a party, the basic appearance in real life. For a party that takes a
beating from credible communication, the outlet will suffer to their reputable public image. It
is in the best interest of a warring faction to spread fact-based propaganda about scandals of
the opponent because they would do the same to one, and there would be justice served,
because after becoming a slave and torture victim, one is not left with any respect. Only being
transparent in their dealings with the public will a state be not ridiculed by the exceptional
individuals who will find something if it is hidden, for a state that hides behind a sea of
corruption will be found out. So, a state that does not hide the corruption will be transparent
and there is in nothing to worry about. To stoke, the intellectual class and communications
channels are to play with one’s demise, of course, the regular policy that helps the everyday
person, and not the ruling elite is where the problem lies. The powerful will violently oppress
their opposition to make sure they are kept in power, for no reason only because that is their
duty, to create the innocent individuals as enemies. It is in the role of the state to be violent,
which is what they are there for. They will use their surveillance tactics to identify targets and
they will make them suffer a fate worse than death, for authoritarian dictatorships that preach
propaganda to the masses to make them think a certain way, to themselves and others, is a
threat to democracy, and it is in the best interest of a state to have democracy to keep the
society free and nurtured, because essentially mankind was not meant to be contained, he is
meant to be free to do what he wants and live within the laws, and the laws shall strike down
on the free people.

It is in the best interest of the everyday people that they are serviced by the state, and when
the state forgets about the regular everyday person, and then it has failed. The hope of the
regular everyday person lies in the state and the people who are dying for it, and usually, the
people who are dying for it are the regular everyday person, so the advisers to the politicians
must be grounded in the everyday person and if they are not ground in common sense, the
state will see past the regular people. Lachlan knew that he must give an heir to his people to
keep the state going in the direction he wanted, and he would teach this heir everything he
knew, and the heir would lead the people through conflicts and misery, so the story shall go.
The mission of every aspiring leader is to push oneself to all new limits, nothing is out of
reach because the talented individuals will aspire to the great figures of history, and when the
people shall remember the past they shall remember the great leaders that saw the people
forward. One of the factors that play in the failings of far-right governments is the fact they
wage war on the poor, whilst their whole systems fund the very top and privileged class.
They will wage a war on the very bottom in society and would lock them away forever. There
shall be a world where the scientist is being listened to by the politicians and that shall be a
realm where a state values all contributions, and a state that does not listen to its scientists is
treating the country that it is a business. A state is not a business, only business is a business
and the politician will seek to address everything with the cheap fix alternative until
everything would have been treated with the cheap fix, and it shall all fall apart and the
society and state would crumble under the weight of expectations! For the scientists are well
overdue of some praise into how to maintain a functioning society, for they shall be put up
there in progressive circles as to how to make an explanation of an issue and prediction, such
as the nature of science, the art of prolonging human life. A society without science would
simply be about the politicians, and the politicians are putting pressure on the people to not
listen to science, but only listen to themselves. There can be no functioning society without
the praise of facts because man left to his devices will not believe in fact and he shall be
overwhelmed within fact fallacy, such is man’s nature to not be able to see reality, but instead
escape to a reality because they have no way of coping with their problems, and the illusion
that religion will grant man a future beyond death is overwhelming. Man will see the fallacy
that seeks to prolong death from religion, but he will not see the prolong of death through
science, because such is the nature of man and the society he has created, he will believe
something if it is coated with gold and reward, and if he agrees with the pillars he shall be
rewarded, because they have lots of money. He will seek to believe in prolonged death
through religion, but not science, and will choose the cheap fix to fix the society in which his
hatred has divided it so.


Where is going to end? Man’s inability to act without foresight and his folly concoction of
religion that guides him through his merry life. Mankind needs to keep the level of
authenticity and credibility that keeps him, in fact, an honest and innocent man of his word.
Mankind needs authenticity and credibility in power and he will attain this if there is longer
sight in a policy, he will also attain authenticity if, he faces the angst, which is the fear-
mongering pursued by the pillars, credibility is like an old wooden table, if it was not made to
last for a long period, it would not be made, but say by chance it was made in the cheap fix
solution, then it would need plenty of work to make sure it lasts, time and time again. Only
time will tell of the plight of mankind and his dame, for the world will come to an end, and
McLeod would still be fighting, fighting for his way to live, his way, his culture and language
survived to the day it could be set free with the heir to every man, and when the hardship
comes, it will never come, because it had passed long ago and there was only hope because
the war is never won it is an ongoing affair as man will never learn, nor will he ever win. The
war is never won. Where there is absolute barbarity, the politicians are there, stoking it so it
thrives. Where there is hatred, the pillars are not far. Where there is the neglect of the
scientific fact, the state that is the current political climate, it is because man is suited to
repeating his processes which is seeing himself as some sort of victim to the outsider, who is
probably not the target, but the real target will be himself. For man will point fingers at the
real marginalised sections of the community and say that these people who have been cast
out, for they are the ones who society needs to be punishing because they are filthy or the fact
that they do not add to society, dangerous extremism is seeing the marginalised as some sort
of excuse to which society fails, but they cannot see because society fails because it is fact
like a wooden table, not built to last and the fact that is well aware to many is the wrong
protocols of a sustainable way the wooden table is created was not for it be made to last, it is
a cheap fix to solve the problems. The table instead of being practical as a table should be is
decorated with some outrageously ridiculous artwork based on some paintings of the
religious sort from a church nearby. It is just a table, there is no need for it to be decorated
like that of the religious sort, and realistically only a table. When there shall be a state for the
humanitarian and the greater good, where a man will have his family safe and his wife well
fed, he shall be in a place that where he is free to learn, and free to teach, for he only needs to
work a small bit and all is free. For this is a state where the man can live in harmony, where
his fathers and the fathers before them lay down their lives to allow the others to have
prosperity, for man shall become one with the state in the realms of sustenance.


So the war is never won. So the state must have a task on their hands, and that task is to allow
the people the security they need, and it is in the best interest of the state to have a flourishing
society, and a flourishing society needs peace and to empower the people, not the rulers, for
there shall be plenty to go around this society so that the ones in need get all they can, and
there shall be freedom and peace, for only freedom and peace will keep the people from
harming each other, for the ones that have lost their way are not involved in compassion
politics and they have not been led a good example by the pillars, so the world needs the
common sense of the highly talented and the compassion politics for the only man is
possessed of such beautiful brilliance. A great soldier must sing the songs that are worth
singing, for his conflict with the enemy will create great peace and protect the people worth
protecting, for the war never ends and soldiers need to be mobilised. But that does not make
one a pursuer of warmongering, because one nation can have a large army, but it does not
have to go to war, this can be seen in the Chinese military. A nation can coerce a state into
not going into war, simply by having a dominant presence in the region it belongs to, and a
state when it is weighing up going to war with a state, it must weigh up the facts about how
many losses it will take and what cost will the war have on the nation, it is only then when
facing a larger threat that the state will weigh up the pros and cons of going to war in the first
place, and a big army can coerce other states to not to go to war with them simply by having
a presence as a deterrent for war. An army has many other benefits apart from just war, as
explored in this book, including military careers and the ability to look after the state after a
natural disaster happens, with having this military a state can be well prepared to perform the
duties, peaceful duties and not the ones that would lead to further military conflict, as armies
can cause peace. It is important to note the way like the Scots did for so many years, that they
did not define themselves as a territory but as a people. A people who traversed many miles
across many nations before claiming the land that they possess today, which has been their
homeland for many years which has resulted in them being regarded as indigenous people,
and it is only in their warlike and proud nature did they protect themselves from the threat
that was posed to them by many people, who came and left, but the Scots were hunted like a
stag on a mountainside. It is only in knowing what is known about their plight, that there
should be a development and greater understanding of the indigenous peoples of the world
and the oppression they felt through colonisation. For the plight of indigenous person
persecuted and their path to freedom as becoming a prevalent issue regarding the way
colonialism threatens to destroy diverse peoples and culture. It is in the acknowledgement
that monarchies can have a significant impact on states, not just oppression of their people
but the oppression of other nations simply by being different, and it is the things like religion
which drives man to see differences rather than similarities, and of course man’s very nature
of using violence to settle scores.


Politics needs a dose of the foresight, and the swarming tides of compassion politics would
seem to radicalise the free world, which has long been under the impact of the pillars, and
only compassion politics can create a fair and just society where all people, regardless of race
or religion can live together in a perfect harmony, for compassion politics is highly admirable
for any citizen who wants a change of lifestyle to be a better citizen to the community and
become tremendous asset to the community. Compassion politics is all about human rights
and allowing people to be free, of course, there is the greater good at a political level which
has great foresight but a social and democratic level, compassion politics can lead to people
being great assets to a community and allowing the shared common sense of the attributes of
love and hope to resonate throughout a society. Only compassion politics will bring people
together in warring and divided society. Compassion politics says my enemy is my friend and
there should be no fear of the other because the other can contribute to society to make it
flourishing and lively. Compassion politics will allow the revolution of love to take place and
this revolution of love with bring people together for a shared cause and lead to more stability
internally to a state. In having more stability internally, a society can flourish in the arts and
creative ways in which people can express their love and without compassion politics there
would be no happiness and life would be devoid of the kind of flavour and free and beautiful
love. Compassion politics will lead to longer life, less drunken violence and more unity in a
society, where there is acknowledgement about human rights and human rights is a key
attribute to compassion politics. The ability to look after the people who need looking after,
because racism funnelled through by the pillars into communication channels will only create
division. So, a fair and just citizen should not listen to the lies and treat every person as his
brother, spread the love and be a kind and caring citizen that welcomes people into his or her
state for all people. If there was something to bring people together and not incite hatred, for
instance seeing the similarities of people rather than the differences, and of course the big
factor in society’s communication channels is biased propaganda that feeds the society with
lies. Well, it all sounds familiar because the pillars are reliant on lies that feed the public and
give them extreme and strange views. Spreading the love and harmony within a nation will
only lead to the togetherness that will ultimately save the entire races of people from the
ultimate all-out war against each other because people are all one people. A state does not
want compassion politics, for people converting to Islam and being friendly to Muslims
because it profits from the violence it uses against Muslims, for police would have no job.
Much like the unemployed, for the employment services profit from the amount of
unemployed, and that is the flaw of a state, actually making revenue for people because they
have massive unemployment and of course violence by police because that is their duty, they
perform violence because they profit it from it. There are too many stagnant industries in
society that profit from problems within a society. Man will seek to make quick cash from a
temporary fix, and the temporary fix will be used to great effect because it promises quick
cash to the individual and it takes away the service of the state and instead turns it into a
profit for the rich and a further problem for the next person who needs to fix. It is a fleeing
from the crime scene, which the cheap fix creates. Of course, Islam is not a religion of
destruction it is a very beautiful religion not too different from the western mainstream
religions like Christianity. Islam is a perfectly peaceful religion and should not be persecuted
by so many. Of course, it is the inherent flaws of mankind that he does not investigate things
further, the abilities to become sceptical and research instead of just mindlessly following the
public. The common man will not look into things properly and will become a sheep
mindlessly following the pillars. It is dangerous to spread information like this, lies because it
can lead to a mindless public that does not base their beliefs on facts. Make way for the
compassion revolution, which will transform politics for the future.

The very way that society inflicts violence onto others and their citizens to support it is the
way that the politicians want it. The conservative politicians inflict violence onto his enemy,
and that is the way society functions, it has no other means to support itself. Radical to think
one should become like the enemy, and stop the violence, this should not be radical and is not
radical to any open-minded person. Do not think things as radical and think instead of
common sense with the prevalent message of freedom and peace, because that is a good state.
A folly state will inflict violence onto its citizens and others without a qualm because that is
its nature. It is also a failing of mankind that he shall turn a blind eye to torture and
incarceration when it is happening right in front of his eyes. He shall, like the German
villages nearby Auschwitz, turn a blind eye to a great injustice simply because he has been
fed lies by the great propaganda machine on what subject needs violence inflicted onto them
and of course who is the enemy. For the Nazi party waged a propaganda war on the Jew, and
it resulted in persecution and man nearby did not react, for they had heard everything from
their trusted media outlets, and they gave up caring. For the Nazi party inflicted massive
losses on the people who were Jewish, by the onlookers did not react. This is how dangerous
propaganda can be, the ability to segregate a people and inflict the damage from the state
onto these people and of course, this was done over a long period when people were
desensitised to this violence. The violence would be used on the enemy which is the Jew, and
many states are driven by violence it is in fact how it functions as stated above. A state will
divide the people through propaganda and shall create an enemy. This enemy will become the
enemy of the state and the state will do their thing, which is violence, onto the enemy.
Propaganda machines usually base the message off the ruling elite, and minuscule religions
like Islam, well it is minuscule in the west, and of course Judaism. These religions are
demonised by the propaganda machine of the pillars. A good man with a kind hearts sees past
the lies and shall devote his time to give all he can to these people who are persecuted, all
over silly things like religion, a good man with a strong heart will devote his time to the
oppressed because a propaganda machine is a powerful political machine and is used to make
a political point. This is the enemy, wage the war, which is the most basic attributes of man,
onto his enemy. Man is a basic person who only takes out violence as his basic motive, he
can also not realise when he is being lied to, which is folly. To acknowledge the states is
doing the wrong things takes plenty of courage, and may result in a supreme amount of vitriol
that shall seek to dislodge one’s ability and that takes guts, for the brave man will seek to see
past the communication channels and think for oneself, for free will be rewarded as bravery
and very good for the soul. Islam is also good for the soul. Always think for oneself and the
bigger picture and politics for compassion and the greater good will infuse the self with what
it can do to make society better.


The world shall kneel to compassion politics and politics for the greater good, for that is the
way forward, and only these two things will mankind, the only mankind, from destroying
itself whole, as it is driven by division and drive by these innate acts of violence. When an
opponent steps out on the battlefield they cast aside racial and religious differences and they
become just another soldier, and this scenario could be the same with every competitive state
that mankind himself takes part, as the world does not discriminate, the only man does so.
The two worlds of society, politics and religion, and in the favour of the state that one is
writing from, a liberal Catholic country, then these two forces would thrive on violence and
administer violence to slaves that are not Catholic, as it states in the Bible that there should be
taking of slaves from other diverse religious groups. A state that thrives off violence
administered to religiously diverse peoples is an oppressive state. It has failed its citizens if it
cannot look after them and such is the nature of a failed and flawed state. A state that
punishes variations of religion is discouraging diversity, and diversity is a key to democracy,
thus against democracy, so for a man of the state to be a compassionate person he must
respect other religions, and have the ability not to be so regulated by religion, and see past
religion and treat all people like they should be treated, humanely and fairly, it is in the best
interest for compassion politics to thrive if there is plenty of listening. For a state to function
it needs to stop waging wars, be it economic or violent upon its citizens. Any state that does
this is, in fact, a failed state, because the citizens pay the taxes that fund the country, and the
country would not exist if were not for the politicians. Any citizen of common sense would
acknowledge that there should be greater contributions to the people and not to the rich, for
they make a small amount of the overall population, so why fund something that only applies
to a small percentage. Once a state has lost sight of the duty towards the people it is, in fact, a
failed state. Any state that is fully developed but its people are living in states of poverty and
dire need of resources; it is a failed state. No one can argue that in fact, it is a failed state if it
does not meet the needs of the people. A state cannot exist if it was not for its people, and a
state has failed when it has lost hope in its people, for the state thrives upon its people.
Anyone who cannot see the intrinsic link between the people and the state is delusional. All
people deserve the same treatment as what the kings and queens receive, and none more in a
land where they all trace their ancestry to one person, which is the case for the Scots, for they
all trace their ancestry back to Fenius Farsaid, so in fact, every Scot should be treated like a
king, there is no special treatment in this country! Every man can become king and he shall
be able to live in freedom and the peace that he fights for, so save the state and save the
people for the war is never won!


No other nation on the planet would one find such a strong alignment between its brothers,
where each man will treat his fellow countryman as his brother, but it is also a place that
meant that there would be warring and strife between two brothers, for the harsh brutal reality
was the fact that many Scots fought against each other, and in the battle of Culloden, the
breaking point, many Scots did fight on the side of the government. Scots were loving to each
other, and it could be said wherever they find each other, there is a certain comradery that is
found amongst Scots as they treat each other like brothers, but they can also treat each other
as enemies, and like an elastic band, as one stretches it will always bounce back, for the Scots
were a people defined by war in a rejection of colonisation, where they would reject English
colonisation for many years, probably more than most and it would test the hardship and
resolve of the Scottish kings and also the hardship and resolve of the Scottish people, so
much so that with every defeat they became more and more emboldened by bloodshed, and
this character is well known of the Scots for they will not give up amid horrifying losses and
great traumatic events like terrorism, they would not give up. For they shall be the most
patriotic people in the world, rejecting the basic principles of normality, for this what makes
them so unique, for they shall pave the way forward, in the world at the end of colonisation
and in the time of imperialism, for the Scots pave the way on many issues and as Voltaire
said, it is the Scots which the world looks to for innovation. It is written in the history books
one way, but these books have written history in another way, and only the victors shall write
the history books, for it is up to the public to immerse themselves in the finer things in life, a
good book and a good escape back to the way the world used to be, coarse and brutal for a
person of sound mind, will tell all that the past simpler, but should have a firm understanding
of the past and present, as one should have a firm understanding of everything for all there is
just the past present and future, and the very lucky of us can see all three and is that not a
wonderful thing, when the worlds align, and someone can see the past as it is, brutish and
short, and the present as it is, unfair and obscene, and the future as it is, scary and foreboding.
For all of man can see the failings like they are spread across a floor, with man’s greed and
ignorance captured first and foremost, and the battling of science in its quest for power, and
the kind and passionate souls who will change the world for the better, for Lachlan knew if he
wanted to change the world, he had to disband the pillars and their propaganda, and disband
the cheap fix alternative and put more funding into the things for the greater good. It is only
known that the man can sit back and be passionate for a many with many friends will be a
happy man. The people who he must treat well must be his brothers in arms and his family at
home, for man was bound to create enemies with his beliefs, but it is only with his state that
he shall truly belong, and belong he may, for there is still to state that prides itself on
compassion politics and compassion politics will change the world for the better, for the
world is warring and troubled place, and if man continues to treat his brothers with hostility,
he shall receive hostility, for one only receives if in fact, they give, so to give peace is to be
rewarded peace and to give love is to be rewarded love, and man shall not want anything
more in his wretched life, for all the people in the world, belong to one people and that is that.


It is up to the people to take the state in the direction they choose, and it is only the people
who can forge a clear path forward for the others to follow. The only man rules man, and
though the politicians make the rules and enforce the law, the average man with common
sense vote in the elected representatives, and only elected representatives can make a
difference in society, if the society elects them. So here is a tip for all people, and that is to
simply not elect politicians, but instead only the ones who claim to be elected representatives.
So Lachlan spoke to his people, and he said that all need to love each other and to instil peace
into a community and state is to make sure that everyone must truly love each other, like they
are in fact family, for Scotland was a family. He said that there should not be bullying, but a
celebration of diverse peoples and not the evil tyranny that the pillars preach, for he Lachlan,
wanted to unite the many peoples of Scotland, be they Picts, Angles and Normans, whoever
would be united under one banner of unity and that was, in fact, Scotland, for Scotland shall
be the forerunners of civilisation as it should be known, for no one was sad in Scotland they
lived a carefree existence where there was plenty to go around for everybody, and they were
vibrant with many cultures and preached the arts and loved each other, and were so in love
with one another that they created the most beautiful music, and the most beautiful art, as
Scotland was driven by a wake of creativity from the destruction of the oppressor, the one
who sought to destroy all that was good, and that was the people who had laid their lives on
the line for the peace that is shared and participated in by the many people who call Scotland
land home, for she is a bonnie place that will strive to make the poor heard. For the poor
would need the beauty of the arts to love life, and no one in Scotland hated life, for they
loved it with glee, and it was all they had, was love and life, for Lachlan spoke these words
true, and he also said that the enemy, the one that everyone knew, the English, would do his
best to unsettle his opposition for he wanted the spoils of others for himself, and he, this
English king, the enemy of the Scots, would seek to divide a proud nation and bring it to its
feet, for only Scotland had the prestige to turn hate into love, and though they would be hated
as an opponent who would not give in, they would teach the world a thing or two about the
way the world should be, and it was in this way that they became the envy of the world, for
only Scotland had the society where the poor were well fed and they led the way in arts and
science, only the Scots were the country where the poor and impoverished foreigner could
make a name for himself and the society would welcome him in and give him the resources
he needed and so well deserved, for he was a victim of a war, where so many of the poor and
innocent were killed, killed by the monster that seeks inflict damage on the opponent, that is
not the opponent but the friend, for the friends they are.

For as Lachlan addressed his people as a defender of the realm, he thought to himself, he had
all dreamt this masterpiece, for he was back in his homeland and nothing had happened, for
he did not know who Wallace was because he had not fought the Wars of Independence yet,
it was only a dream. But these nightmares or dreams had a point, for man should not be so
dependent on good fortune all the time, he must rely on his foresight, and in doing so he
would be prepared for the onslaught unto whom this attacks or attacks may happen, for it was
only the ones who are properly prepared can be ready for the turmoil that awaits them, and
only Lachlan would know the secret of how to manage a country that has war oozing from
every point of its blade, as only Scotland had the willpower to resist the threat of colonisation
for such a long time, it was only Scotland that wanted to create a world that could be
inhabited by everyone and it was only Scotland who could last the time under the oppression
of man, to become a force to be reckoned once and for all, for the only man would know how
to run a country, one man, and that was Lachlan. For Lachlan would live the rest of his life
waiting for the day in which he would march to war, and go he must to the place where all
good men must go, back to the glens and roving the way forward for the people he knew and
the family he loved, for the fighting man knew that all was not lost, and if someone knew the
onset of what was about to happen, then they may in fact be the ones who guide those who
need help, for the men who need a leader should not have to look far, for in Lachlan they find
a man with a strong heart and mind, and he shall be the one who guides the Norse-Gaels to
plenty of fights, where they shall expel the enemy with a flick of the claymore, for the men
with honesty and integrity are the Norse-Gaels, and they should be flung to frontline of all
wars and deliver a service that cannot be matched for the Norse-Gaels would be one with
each other, and carry out commands like a good citizen, for every Norse-Gael was not a mere
mercenary, they were in fact these people who fought for every state like they fought for their
own, for they were a people who be used in every conflict, in ever war in Europe for many
years, and it would only be Lachlan’s Norse-Gael that would seek to address the problems
and solve them with the claymore, for it was only them who knew that peace is maintained by
sending a message to the enemy, and it is not to fight with the ones who have seen it all, the
Norse-Gaels. For they knew how to fight a war, and the Gallowglass were the most sought
after of these highland troops, as they could fight for days on end and not break a sweat, for
the Norse-Gaels would seek to deliver justice where its shall be served, it was they who
delivered the claymore blow to each every army who would seek to throttle them so, and it
was the role of the mercenary to take the battle to the foe and prove that obedience could not
be bought, for they fought with vigour and they fought with prowess only that of a highlander
knew, for the highlander would choose which battle would suit his desire, for every great
general can win a war based on the instance they find themselves in and they can read the
body language of their opponent and know exactly how to administer the blow, the blow that
would unsettle the foe, and they would see the landscape and see the weaknesses in it and see
how it shall be gained an advantage of and how the world would know of the troops that
would scream like a banshee and charge to the frontline where the enemy lay and they would
administer lethal blows with their claymore till there was no more foe. Lachlan dreamt of the
charges he would make and the flanking attacks he would use, for only Lachlan knew of the
trouble it brought the enemy he never knew, and it would be the enemy of the free that would
seek to punish his friends, for these were Normans fighting Normans, the resulting chaos that
would ensue, for the Normans families that were granted land north of the border were quick
to draw the attention of the Scots, and they were absorbed as one because that is what
Scotland did and still does, it absorbs the people into their existing society so that there are
peace and stability.


The greatest warriors of all time do not have to raise their arms for their weapons, for they
know exactly how to fight a battle and that is to break the enemy with the reputation they
have and the pose of their stance, for only the greatest warriors will invoke fear into the
society which has known the name gallowglass and quivers in fright. For only the great
warriors will have a reputation to die for, and it was the gallowglass who would seek to be
the ultimate warrior, to win wars without winning them, without fighting, without raising an
arm for a sword. For the battle is won in the talk of the foe, and if they fear so much of the
onslaught they will take then the bastards will know not to pick fights with the best, for they
should all know that the soldiers who fight the best have a reputation that is written in stone
and that is of the gallowglass of the Norse-Gaels. For there is a tiny community of
gallowglass and Norse-Gaels which were led by a brave named Lachlan McLeod, all the
readers will know this name well by now, and he would preach that his people were the
greatest mercenaries to ever grace Europe, for they would stand in armies throughout this
known world and they shall be respected, and on top of this respect, they shall be the ones
who are blessed with the strange ability to win wars without lifting their battle-axe, for their
reputation was so strong in this part of the world, that the very name gallowglass would
reduce a man to tears of fright, such as the name the gallowglass. What a weapon that is to
possess where one can win a battle without raising a blow and they were in fact kings of the
battle-axe and the claymore their two weapons used prevalently during this period, and they
were all proper statesmen of the word of peace, for universal peace shall be acquired by the
ability to coerce an opponent into doing things that he may regret, for he cannot see into the
future and can only see the now, and the now and present and the now and present is the fact
that the enemy is facing up against the greatest mercenary army to every grace the known
world, so he should think twice about who he makes war with, for only the fool will seek to
engage in war with the Norse-Gaels. For the bravest warriors do not have to fight and instead
rely on the weakness of mankind, and that is his inability to see forward, for he shall see a
battle in which he has to make sacrifices, so to gamble with his forces, will either pay off or it
shall not payoff and only the gambler can make a general or it can either break a general. All
good generals constantly play the game of should there be commitment; otherwise, one will
take heavy losses, or shall one not commit and save the troops from certain demise. It is in
the best interest of the state to recruit its soldiers to become a deterrent onto others. The
general instead of fighting wars can get his men to do other things like help out with the
many chores the states need to do. It is only the gallowglass which seeks to fight wars
without fighting them, and they shall reach for the battle-axe and claymore only when
needed, like for instance when their state is under siege from the evil and wicked, when the
whip of colonisation comes cracking, when they, the English want to colonise the state of
Scotland, so shall they not! For the leaders in great inventions, statecraft and arts are
Scotland! They shall be fought back by the great threat of freedom and peace for man is
reduced to a nervous wreck when he sees the perilous threat of the gallowglass.


The basic premise in this novel is to demonstrate how to be a great leader, with strong heart
and mind, and one person who can be called on in times of need, who can make a difference
to community, where one can wage a war that is never won without lifting a sword, where
one can cause a ripple of compassion in an unjust world, for the power of compassion will
turn the world into love, and the world needs plenty of love and guidance, for she has been
battered through hell and only compassion can save the lovely lady that is the world. For one
has to give to receive, and hard work shall always be rewarded, for the wicked will come and
hunt down the good, and with the power of friendship, the goodwill always be protected
when the evil dread has arrived, for man can be good and that is to let those in need have a
voice, for to give people a voice is the greatest gift a man can make to his people and others,
for others are his people and he should be one with the many different types of people who
claim to be his friends. For how many armies can boast that they need not raise a hand to
their sword to win a war? Not many would be able to do so. As the years went by and the
wars came, Lachlan McLeod would eventually meet Bruce and Wallace, and the war would
play out as it did in reality for all the dead were piled and the victors would carry on, the
defeated were taken to the jail cells, and Lachlan one could say has learnt a thing or two
about how to win wars, where the send men to which weakness the enemy shows or does not
show, and how to make the geography to his best advantage and it was only throughout these
visions of the future that he learnt, and was a great asset to the Scottish army. For great men
not only are they blessed with a strong heart and mind, are blessed with the ability to cover
all bases and to see far off in the distance. For their mind shall see very far and they shall
become one with their blade, and if their ability is known throughout the land they will only
ever have to physically fight one war and that is the war to create their credibility, then they
scare every enemy into submission by simply having a reputation, and they can make passive
conflict a way of winning battles, for it is the passive conflict which gets a state to where they
are, for the war is never won and states need to be ready, but when one wins by not raising a
blade one has fought the war, because the war is never won, but the battle has been waged
and the victor is the credible one. For is there any credibility close to that of the gallowglass?
For the enemy will know the name if they have done their research, and the name shall speak
volumes of the fate that one faces if they choose to engage, for the war is never won but the
battle has been waged, and the battle has been won and all have come and gone, for the war is
never won. The great military minds would be smart with a pen because the pen is like the
sword, an extension of the body, and where there is steel there is blood.


The day had been won by the Scots as Lachlan’s foresight had proven the way to win a battle,
for as many things there is no right or wrong way of doing things. Lachlan would serve in the
Scottish army all his life with his favourite battle axe and claymore, he would fight beside
Wallace and Bruce till the day he died, and when Lachlan would die, his body would be
taken to the Norse-Gaels ceremonial burial site and he would be buried a saviour with his
other brothers and sisters. Lachlan was blessed with the dreams that would see his people
victorious, for the dreams paved the way for greatness, and it was the greatness in the clan
McLeod that Lachlan would restore. The battles would be waged, but Scotland had a state,
and it was the state which proved to be the most tremendous attribute to the maintenance of
peace. The working man had a job which could feed his hungry family, which was fighting
for the state, and all that was won was the peace that a state can bring, and it would be done
with the dead in mind, for the dead shall seek to regain what was lost, the sense of dignity
that is won by the brothers in arms, where one has laid down their life for the greater good
and it is the greater good which shall seek to avenge the dead, for each death will grow the
resolve of the living so much so that the dead will haunt the dreams of the living enemies so
much that dead shall linger and all that has come and gone will not rot into the ground, but
the credibility of the fallen shall progress the credibility of the living, such is war, where the
dead are not forgotten, only the sacrifices made by the state who in some cases views life as
dispensable, for the war is never won and the living shall be haunted by the numbers of the
deceased, and the deceased that went down dying with honour, will spur their brothers on to
great heights, for great heights are met with the honour that has been played out, and man can
only wish that his brother would battle alongside him, but they shall linger on in the
memories of a few, and all that remains is the war for a few. For the good king shall bury his
men so that they last in the hearts and minds of the people, for none is lost, for the war rages
on, when the battles have been won, the war rages on. All that is asked of a soldier of the
state is to in fact know that his heart and his mind will not be forgotten, as he makes the
ultimate sacrifice which is the loss of his life, he shall become one with the land and one with
the state to which he has suffered for. Only a nurturing of the land will set mankind free, and
he shall become one with the glens of the hills which he calls home, for when he dies his
memory will spur on the living to great heights and the state that is known shall beat once
more. The state has one enemy and that is mankind, and throughout history, this has been the
case, for without the state a nation of people would be no more, and the people would wage
war on the others who staged themselves above the poor, for the war is never won, it is never


The burial of Lachlan McLeod was met with a jovial crowd, for he would go down in the
annals as one of the greatest warriors of all time. The warrior who could win a battle without
raising his battles axe, and that is something to be proud of, but when he did raise his axe, he,
would settle auld scores with the few who earnt it, for the people who he would meet on the
battlefields in his dreams would line graves in their homelands, for the war is never won, it
has only begun, for a state will remember the few who have given their lives to the greater
good, where they shall for compassion politics and no the propaganda syphoned to them by
the pillars, for only the people who have a hope and heart will give it to the people who
deserve it so and all that shall remain in the hope that will never be lost. Man should linger on
and make allowances for the situation he finds himself in, and the only man will shape the
Earth in the way it needs to go, but he should not forget the struggle he gave for the planet he
sets foot on, and it is only in this respect for the land that the people and man must find
within one another to trample the hatred and the warmongering, for Lachlan would go down
as a warrior, but he was humble and did not want much praise, for all that he could muster
was this claim for peace, for a soldier who claims peace will be a man who goes against what
is expected of him and what his duty. The men of heart and mind will seek for peace and
hope for humanity, so this is a message for all the readers, to do things that go against the
expectations, to shake the little worlds that are inhabited to pieces and demand the basic
things like human rights and compassion. The service of the state to the people needs to be
addressed, for how can one claim they are greater than others when simply their public
services are an absolute disgrace. It is all about public services and the power of the state, for
the man shall not be trusted and the war rages on its does. Lachlan did not ask for much, but a
roof over his head to be acknowledged for his strong heart and mind, for only the great men
of heart and mind can see far off into the future, for the greatest of leaders had advisors,
people who aided them, and they never got any credit because they were not born into
privilege, and many of the great leaders of today are not exactly great, but they were born
into privilege, for they found when they were young, it was gifted onto them, and they soon
became a politician but they lost the ability to represent the people, and there is a difference
in the language and discourse used, for the term elected representatives carries weight for it is
term that denotes service to a particular process, the power to govern. Whereas the politician
is the user of the cheap fix and he shall live in the past for he knows nothing else. He shall
seek to use what he knows best and that is the cheap fix, for this is not politics but folly and it
is up to the wise person to realise that this is no good and man should be kind to his people
because he serves them and is actually in power because he serves the people. An elected
representative would not exist if it were not for the goodwill of the people, for the masses are
daft and taken advantage by the thugs who promote the propaganda that fuels the public, and
any idiot of sorts can see that the influence of the pillars plays a strong part in the
understanding of the world, for communication channels can be overwhelmed with this one
idea and it is very dangerous for one person to simply believe one thing, it is the roles of
democracy to have a vast array of the society. In having a vast array a society can function
better and become a state that promotes difference, which can result in beautiful art and
science, with a neglect of the beauties of life, society can become bland and lose all the light
and hope it can provide. So, go out and love the state like the friend one always has, and be
kind to the people who need the time and help that a compassionate person with a good heart
and mind can offer.

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