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Shelby Galan

Shelby Godwin

Maddie Strawder

Mr. Gross

English 11 B (3)

24 May 2019

Vaccinations for Society

In 18th century Europe, the plague rages through every street and the rotten smell of

death lingers in the air, as carts of bodies are wheeled eerily around every corner. Families are in

despair as they continuously lose their loved ones. The fear of contamination is dwelling on

everyone’s mind. Fortunately, in modern day, society is not experiencing an epidemic at such

lengths due to vaccinations, which are very important to ensure individuals’ well-being. The

threat of being unvaccinated causes harm to others if a person becomes contagious. For this

reason, vaccinations must be required in order to get admittance to public schools. Being

unvaccinated threatens lives and it causes harm to others. However, people who are

anti-vaccinations would argue vaccinations have detrimental side effects, yet the side effects are

rarely life-threatening. Vaccinations prevent diseases and illness in children and adults, are tested

and are safe, and they ensure a healthy society for future generations.

A major problem that individuals who are not vaccinated face is the harmful diseases

threaten lives, and in some cases leads to death. Being unvaccinated makes people susceptible.

“The most common and serious vaccine preventable diseases tracked by the World Health

Organization {WHO} are diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae serotype b infection, hepatitis B,


measles, meningitis, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, tuberculosis, and yellow

fever” (World Health Organization 1). This shows various examples of detritus diseases that can

easily be contracted from being unvaccinated. These diseases are still circulating in the United

States and can be eradicated through vaccinations, yet can be deadly if not treated. “Each year,

about 85 percent of the world’s children receive vaccines that protect them against tuberculosis,

polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and measles. These vaccines save about 2.5 million lives,

and the Hepatitis B vaccine, although not widely used, saves about 600,000 lives. Despite this

success, more than 3 million people die from vaccine preventable diseases each year.

Approximately 1.5 million of these deaths are in children less than 5 years old” (Children’s

Hospital of Philadelphia). It is evident millions of people, among them, young children, have

died because they contracted diseases due to being unvaccinated. “On the morning of Saturday,

February 28, 2004, 4 year old Amanda Kanowitz developed a cough and a mild fever...the next

morning she began vomiting...just four hours later, at 7:30 am., Amanda’s parents found her

lifeless in her bed” (Vaccine Information You Need 1). This specific example shows the horrors

families can face due to diseases affecting young children who are not vaccinated. The illnesses

millions of people are dying from are easily treatable with the injections, which in using them,

would benefit society and save lives, and eliminate the diseases for future generations.

Many harmful diseases are easily spread to children at school and throughout the

community. Because the number of unvaccinated children continue to rise, some vaccine

preventable diseases are making a comeback. The CDC reported that twenty percent of the

nations two year olds are missing one or more recommended vaccinations (CDC: Low

Immunization Rates 1). Because of this the measles outbreak continues to spread in southeastern

Michigan. Measles is a viral disease causing fever and red rashes on the skin. The outbreak

caused by an international traveler, continues to spread into people who have not received the

vaccine. Because families consider vaccinations to be harmful and unsafe, the virus continues to

spread with more and more outbreaks popping up in and around the state. On April 17, 2019, it

was reported there were 43 confirmed measles cases (Michigan Department of Health and

Human Services {MDHHS}1). Measles had been contained for over a decade due to society

receiving the vaccine (Mayo Clinic 1). Yet many families are no longer receiving the vaccine

(1). Oakland and Wayne counties, as well as the city of Detroit, are experiencing the outbreak

with anyone from ages 8 to 63 acquiring the disease (MDHHS 1), proving not only children

should be vaccinated, but adults as well. Measles spreads very quickly and most people will not

know they have it because symptoms take 14 days to develop (Mayo Clinic 1). Therefore, cases

continue to emerge across the state and even in other states. Due to the disease continuing to

spread, it proves how important vaccinations are in both children and adults to prevent the risk of

further spreading. Children who are not vaccinated put others at risk for acquiring the disease.

However, the measles vaccine is proven to be extremely safe, therefore, there is no need for

concern on the vaccine being unsafe (MDHHS 1). Michigan is also experiencing a Hepatitis A

outbreak. Since 2016 there have been 8 total cases in Isabella County and, a total of 913 in the

entire state (1). Getting the Hepatitis A vaccination would limit the number of reported cases and

stop the overall outbreak that continues to spread. The disease rates in the United States are low,

but if un-vaccination continues the potential of diseases making a comeback are extremely high

(CDC: Vaccines and Immunization 1). Therefore, it must be required every child is vaccinated in

order to be admitted into public schools.


People who are anti-vaccination would argue vaccinations have harmful side effects,

however in most cases the side effects are not harmful and are often extremely common. These

common side effects include redness or pain at injection site, elevated temperature, fatigue,

shivering, headache, and muscle and joint pain (NHS 1). There are some side effects considered

extreme, but they are very rare, such as an allergic reaction which could lead to death if left

untreated (1). These side effects pose no real threat to the person receiving the vaccination. If

people are concerned they may have a reaction to a vaccine, it would be beneficial to research or

ask their doctor what the ingredients are in the vaccine prior to receiving it. Vaccinations are

instrumental in society and safe to use due to the research and testing goes into the development

of each vaccine. These vaccinations are tested by the government and organizations such as the

Food and Drug Administration {FDA} and the Center of Disease Control {CDC} for extensive

periods of time. “The FDA requires up to 10 or more years of testing for all vaccines before they

are licensed, and they are monitored by the CDC and the FDA to make sure the vaccines and the

ingredients used in the vaccines are safe” (Center of Disease Control 1). This statement from the

Center of Disease Control explains the meticulous effort that resides in monitoring vaccines and

proving them effective for the public. The vaccines are also used in moderation and are

organically safe for injection. “Ingredients such as thimerosal, formaldehyde, and aluminum can

be harmful in large doses but they are not used in harmful quantities in vaccines. Children are

exposed to more aluminum and infant formula than they are exposed to in vaccines” (Vaccines;

Behind The Debate 1) . This shows how vaccines are carefully calculated doses of important

ingredients to ensure well-being in the individual being vaccinated. Substantial research and

observation is put into the creation of vaccines, ensuring safety for society.

In order to protect the lives of both children and adults, as well as protecting future

generations, people must be informed and educate themselves on the effects that can come from

not getting their child vaccinated. An article from the CDC, encourages parents to know the risks

of choosing not to vaccinate their children, stated any vaccine preventable disease can become

present at anytime (For Parents: Vaccines For Your Children 1). If multiple cases occur in one

area, it makes for a faster outbreak. This means that if a child is unvaccinated he/she will become

even more likely to contracting the illness of disease (For Parents: Vaccines For Your Children

1). There are still many vaccine preventable diseases that circulate throughout the United States,

such as whooping cough, chicken pox, influenza, and even measle, which has had an outbreak

just this year starting in January (Measles: Rubeola 1). These diseases can range from mild to

severe and in some cases life-threatening (For Parents: Vaccines For Your Children 1). Vaccines

for life threatening illnesses and diseases limit the possibility of children contracting diseases and

illnesses and spreading such diseases and illnesses. Being educated and informed on diseases and

illnesses as well as vaccines that help fight such diseases and illnesses will contribute in the fight

of enumerating such diseases and illnesses. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that

“most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease” (Pro Con: Vaccines 1).

The earlier parents start vaccinating their children, the faster these killer diseases and illnesses

can be stopped. This will also affect future generations of children as well as adults. The more

vaccinations society receives means future generations can live in a safe and healthy

environment without worry of life-threatening diseases making a comeback. Before the rubella

vaccine was licensed in 1969, a global rubella (German Measles) outbreak caused the deaths of

11,000 babies, and birth defects in 20,000 babies between 1963 and 1965 in the United States (

Pro Con: Vaccines 1). However, women who were vaccinated as a child against rubella have

greatly decreased the chance of passing the virus to their unborn or newborn children,

eliminating the birth defects (heart problems, hearing and vision loss, loss, congenital cataracts,

liver and spleen damage, and mental disabilities) that go hand-in-hand with the disease. Rubella

is not the only disease eliminated for future generations due to vaccines. Smallpox used to be a

very prominent disease all over the world. However, the last known case of smallpox was in

Somalia in 1977. Ever since then, there has been no known case of smallpox, making the disease

now eradicated (The History Of Vaccines 1). Because of vaccines being introduced to fight off

deadly diseases and illnesses, many diseases and illnesses have been fought off and eradicated.

In order to eliminate deadly diseases and illnesses, society must ban together and keep informing

others on the positive effects and outcomes of vaccinating.

It is imperative that children receive vaccines in order to gain admittance into public

schools and eliminate the harm it can cause to others. Vaccines have been known to eradicate

illnesses like smallpox and closely eradicate diseases such as polio. These illnesses used to be

much more prominent, but due to vaccines, they have been eliminated or nearly eliminated,

creating a healthy environment for future generations. Vaccines have also been tested to ensure

the safety of their usage by the government and the FDA over long periods of time, testing them

fully in order to monitor and understand their capability. This way it can ensure that diseases will

be eliminated and there will be a healthy happy society for all future generations.

Works Cited

CDC, "Frequently Asked Questions about Vaccine Safety,", Feb. 27, 2014

Center Of Disease Control

CDC, “For Parents: Vaccines For Your Children”,, Aug. 3, 2016,

Center Of Disease Control

CDC, “Measles (Rubeola),”,, May 6, 2019,

Center Of Disease Control

NHS Choices​, NHS,

CDC, “Low Immunization Rates | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC.” ​Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention​, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,


Children's Hospital. “Global Immunization: Worldwide Disease Incidence.” ​Children's Hospital

of Philadelphia,​ The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1 Dec. 2014,


Kelley King Heyworth, "Vaccines: The Reality behind the Debate," (accessed

June 9, 2014)

“Measles.” ​Mayo Clinic,​ Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 7 Sept. 2018,



Physician of Philadelphia, “The History of Vaccines”,, 2019,

The History Of Vaccines.

ProCon, “Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?”, www., March 20, 2019.

“The Story of Amanda Kanowitz.” ​Infant and Child Vaccines - Personal Testimonies - The Story

of Amanda Kanowitz,​

“Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.” ​Wikipedia​, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2019,

“You Are HereMDHHS Adult & Children's Services Children & Families

Immunization Info for Families & Providers.” ​MDHHS - 2019 Michigan Measles

Outbreak Information​,,5885,7-339-73971_4911_4914_68359-492981--,00.html.

“You Are HereMDHHS Keeping Michigan Healthy Chronic Diseases Hepatitis.” MDHHS -

Michigan Hepatitis A Outbreak,,5885,7-339-71550_2955_2976_82305_82310-447907--,00.html.

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