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Smart Agriculture

Prepared by Engr. Yoshihiro Itabashi Jr.

Smart Agriculture
• Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing
landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries--that address the
interlinked challenges of food security and climate change.

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Population growth


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Producing More with Less
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing
landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries--that address the
interlinked challenges of food security and climate change. CSA aims to
simultaneously achieve three outcomes:
• Increased productivity: Produce more food to improve food and nutrition
security and boost the incomes of 75 percent of the world’s poor who live in
rural areas and mainly rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.
• Enhanced resilience: Reduce vulnerability to drought, pests, disease and
other shocks; and improve capacity to adapt and grow in the face of longer-
term stresses like shortened seasons and erratic weather patterns.
• Reduced emissions: Pursue lower emissions for each calorie or kilo of food
produced, avoid deforestation from agriculture and identify ways to suck
carbon out of the atmosphere.

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Feeding the world
The agriculture sector needs to be primed to feed the world, Heilandt says. “ For me,
the most striking and important crisis is the missing common understanding that the
agricultural and food sector is not a business like any other and that we need a long-
term vision for agriculture.” While the industry is more pressed than ever to meet the
increasing demand for food, environmental concerns now bring a whole new set of
challenges that make the task even more daunting. Climate risks to cropping, livestock
and fisheries are expected to soar in coming decades, particularly in low-income
countries where adaptive capacity is weaker. A solution proposed by FAO is for the
agriculture industry to become “ climate smart ”. Climate-smart agriculture, as defined
and presented by FAO at the Hague Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and
Climate Change in 2010, is an approach to developing the technical, policy and
investment conditions to achieve sustainable agricultural development for food security
under climate change. With increasing pressure to expand production and protect our
environment, high-tech farming technologies could play a crucial role, Heilandt says.
Furthermore, he adds, “ standards are essential in any production system including
agriculture. Without using standards and best practices, there can be no progress and

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Integrated practices
• Holistic, integrated practices in which a range of stakeholders are involved ensure
greater efficiency in the use of resources and more sustainable management of
natural and human-created processes in the landscape. Integration can greatly reduce
the pressure on the natural resources and minimize the need for external inputs (e.g.
energy, chemical fertilizers and pesticides).
• Integrated practices are interlinked with the Landscape approach which an approach
that should be followed when moving towards CSA. It is the management of
production systems and natural resources covering an area large enough to produce
vital ecosystem services, but small enough to be managed by the people using the
land. Integrated crop and livestock production systems are also efficient, increasing
diversity, along with the environmental sustainability.
• Agroforestry practices such as use of shade trees are another example of an
integrated practice. Shade trees reduce heat stress on animals and help increase
productivity. Trees also improve the supply and quality of forage, which can help
reduce overgrazing and curb land degradation.

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Crop production
• To cope with the challenges of climate change, crop production must adapt (e.g. crop
varietal selection, plant breeding, cropping patterns and ecosystem management
approaches) and become resilient to changes (frequency and intensity). Crop
production can contribute to mitigating climate change, for example by reducing the
use of inorganic fertilizers, avoiding soil compaction or flooding to reduce methane
emissions (e.g. in paddy rice systems) and sequestering carbon (e.g. planting
perennial crops and grass species).
• Sustainable crop production intensification described in detail in FAO’s
publication Save and Grow, provides the possibility to produces more from the same
area of land while conserving resources, reducing negative impacts on the
environment and enhancing natural capital and the flow of ecosystem services.
• Temperature increase, variability in rainfall and its distribution, and the rise in ocean
water potentially have a significant effect on rice production. High atmospheric
temperature could reduce rice yield in tropical climate areas, while variability in
rainfall and its distribution could lead to more frequent and severe floods and
droughts. However, there are many opportunities to address these challenges. Such
opportunities can be found through a number of practices such as Conservation
Agriculture (CA), the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and saving water
through Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD).

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• Livestock can make a large contribution to climate-smart food
supply systems. Options to reduce greenhouse gasses are available along the
entire supply chain and are related to feed management, enteric fermentation
and manure management.
• Livestock’s role in climate-smart practices relates primarily to the
management of organic matter and nutrients. Several CSA practices have
already been implemented. These practices include pasture
management, zero-grazing, grassland restoration and management (e.g.
sylvopastoral systems), manure management (e.g. recycling and biodigestion)
and crop-livestock integration. To share information about livestock and
climate change or learn more from the experts join FAO's discussion forum.

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• Climate change jeopardizes the delivery of goods and ecosystem services
from forests and trees that are essential to livelihoods and food security, to
environmental sustainability and to national development.
• Climate-smart forestry requires more widespread application of sustainable
forest management (SFM) principles that provide a fundamental foundation
for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Mainstreaming climate change
into forest policy and practice enables the finding of synergies and the
management of trade-offs with other forest management objectives.
• CSA in the forest sector entails designing adaptation actions targeted at the
most vulnerable communities and sectors of the population (e.g. Indigenous,
women, youth, elderly) and forest systems (e.g. dryland, mountain, coastal

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Urban and periurban agriculture
• The rapid growth of cities in the developing world is placing huge demands on urban
food supply systems. Agriculture – including horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry,
and fodder and milk production – is increasingly spreading to towns and cities. Urban
and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) provides fresh food, generates employment, recycles
urban waste, creates greenbelts, and strengthens cities’ resilience to climate change.
Practices include Hydroponics and Trees outside the Forest (TOF). Join the ‘Food for
cities’ discussion group to learn more and share information about UPA developments,
climate-smart technology being used and its benefits.
• In an urban setting, there are a number of constraints and issues which need to be
addressed - lack of access to water and other productive resources or competition for
land and issues related to tenure rights. There are food safety concerns regarding
the use of waste water and organic material and the risk of the spread of diseases and
contamination. City planners therefore require technical guidance for the integration of
agricultural activities into urban development and training needs to be provided on
urban sustainable production systems. There is a need to revisit food distribution
systems and ensure resilient urban-rural linkages. For more information see FAO's Food
for Cities Programme and “Climate-Smart” Agriculture Policies, Practices and Financing
for Food Security, Adaptation and Mitigation.

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Genetic resources and biodiversity
• Agriculture, including livestock, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, depends on the
three components of biodiversity: the diversity of species, the diversity within each
species and the diversity of ecosystems. Genetic resources for food and agriculture
play a crucial role in food security, nutrition and livelihoods and in the provision of
environmental services. They are key components of sustainability, resilience and
adaptability in production systems. They underpin the ability of crops, livestock,
aquatic organisms and forest trees to withstand a range of harsh conditions. The first
Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change, held in The
Hague in 2010, identified a Roadmap for Action, which includes genetic resources
among the tools and technologies for climate-smart agriculture.
• At the request of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,
FAO prepared thematic studies on the interactions between climate change and
plant, animal, forest, aquatic, invertebrate and micro-organism genetic resources. The
results of these studies are summarized in Coping with Climate Change – The Roles of
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

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Fisheries and aquaculture
• Fisheries and aquaculture provide essential nutrition, support livelihoods and
contribute to national development. However, the sector is facing significant
challenges in maintaining its crucial contribution to these areas. Increasing global
demand for fish and aquatic foods, ocean acidification and climate variability and
change only adds to these challenges.
Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture require:
- Improved efficiency in the use of natural resources to produce fish and aquatic foods
- Maintenance of the resilience of aquatic systems and the communities that rely on
them to allow the sector to continue contributing to sustainable development
- Effective ways to reduce the vulnerability of those most likely to be negatively
impacted by climate change.
• The ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) and the ecosystem approach to
aquaculture (EAA) are the underlying approaches to developing climate-smart
fisheries and aquaculture.

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Land and water management
• Land and water management is a key element of CSA. More productive and
more resilient agriculture requires a major shift in the way land and water are
managed to ensure that these resources are used more efficiently. Sustainable
Land and Water Management (SLM) includes a broad range of practices and
methods including the restoration of peatlands and degraded lands. SLM also
increases the amount of carbon sequestered in the soil, enhancing the
soils nutrients and its water retention capacity.
• Securing land tenure enables farmers to benefit from the value added on the
land and to encourage them to adopt a long-term perspective. The Voluntary
Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and
Forests in the Context of National Food Security, recently adopted by the
Committee on World Food Security, play an important role. They promote
secure tenure rights and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests as a
means of eradicating hunger and poverty, supporting sustainable
development and enhancing the environment.

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• Other issues to be considered include cultural, environmental and
political factors such as land rights. Secure land rights provide the enabling
environment for the investment in sustainable land management including
the restoration of peatlands and degraded lands and the management of
Grasslands, Rangelands and Forage Crops and water and irrigation
management - a key element of CSA.
• Land cover and soil information including soil mapping are a critical input for
predictive models related to environmental protection, climate change,
biodiversity, land degradation and regional and national food security early
warning systems, natural resources monitoring and management. FAO has
been assisting countries in the Asia-Pacific region to develop an enriched high
resolution/detailed land cover (LC) database and soil information systems
which provide base information for natural resource use planning and

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Proactive drought management
Drought is a complex natural hazard which affects all climates and results in
socio-economic impacts, the extent of which vary depending on several factors
and conditions. Agriculture is the first and most drought affected sector. Direct
impacts of drought include:
• reduced crop, rangeland, and forest productivity;
• reduced water levels;
• increased fire hazard;
• reduced energy production;
• reduced opportunities and income for recreation and tourism;
• increased livestock and wildlife death rates;
• Increased risks of land degradation; and
• damage to wildlife, forests and fish habitat.

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• A reduction in crop production usually impacts the livelihoods of local populations
resulting in less income for farmers, hunger and mass starvation, increased food
prices, unemployment, and migration. Responding to drought after the impacts have
taken their toll is commonly referred to as crisis management. It is known to be
untimely, poorly coordinated and ineffective.
• Today, there is growing evidence that the frequency and extent of drought is
increasing as a result of global warming.
• FAO, jointly with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UNCCD and other
partners, supports countries through well-coordinated national drought policies and
the implementation of the related action plans. These include building the resilience
and capacity of vulnerable sectors and planning emergency responses aligned with
long-term development. This involves effective monitoring and early warning systems
to deliver timely information to decision makers and to carry out effective impact
assessments, pro-active risk management measures, and preparedness plans that
incorporate emergency response programmes. Projects include the upscaling of
climate-smart agricultural practices in drought prone landscapes and incentives for
CSA at national and sub-national levels.

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The drought policy approach
• This is a methodology, a structure and a process for drought preparedness with the
following inherent characteristics:
• Integration, through joint planning by the concerned sectors
• Decentralization as well as participatory planning and implementation
• Synergy between the long-term development and the short-term emergency
response to drought
• Prioritization of mitigation and response measures
• Timed, location-specific short and medium-term actions and measures, before during
and after drought
• Adaptation to climate change through resilience building
• Sustainability of natural resources and environmental protection
• Building on what exists using relevant tools and practices already in place for the
different sub-sectors (crops, land, water, animal production, fisheries, forestry, etc.)

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• Agricultural producers can use energy more efficiently as well as reduce their
dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Well-planned agricultural systems can
also produce energy sustainably without compromising food security thus
contributing to the transition to climate-smart agriculture. This can only happen if
existing examples of energy-smart food systems can be scaled up significantly.
• A safe integration of food and energy production may be one of the best ways to
improve national food and energy security through Integrated Food Energy Systems
(IFES). Integrated energy production can reduce poverty in a climate smart way.
• Synergies between energy-smart and climate-smart agricultural practices can be
created through resource-efficient farming practices that reduce pressures on land
use change. Such practices also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
agriculture and lessen the reliance on fossil fuels enhancing the productivity and
resilience of agro-ecosystems.
• The relationship between bioenergy development, sustainability and food security,
can be explained through FAO’s Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach.

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Food loss and waste
• Food loss and waste amounts to major loss of resources, including water, land,
energy, labour and capital and leads to greenhouse gas emissions,
contributing to climate change.
• Projects such as FAO’s Food Waste Footprint (FWF) project and Save Food:
Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction, demonstrate that
reducing food wastage is a logical priority to establish more sustainable
patterns of production and consumption. Investments in food wastage
reduction can achieve economic, environmental and social dividends, while
contributing to food security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For
more information see FAO's technical platform on the Measurement and
Reduction of Food Loss and Waste.

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Nuclear techniques
• FAO, through its Joint FAO/IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Division and its dedicated Agriculture & Biotechnology Laboratories, uses
isotopic and nuclear techniques to support climate-smart agriculture. This
includes the application of nuclear and related techniques to:
• sustainably increase agricultural productivity,
• adapt and build the resilience of agricultural and food security systems to
climate change
• reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture, taking into account national
and local contexts and priorities.
• Using nuclear and related techniques to assess the impact of climate change
and to promote climate-smart agricultural practices, dedicated technology
packages have been developed. They enhance resource use
efficiency, improve soil fertility, reduce GHG emissions, curtail farming costs
and increase crop and livestock productivity in a sustainable manner.

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Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are
connected in private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable
infrastructure for application, data and file storage. With the advent of this
technology, the cost of computation, application hosting, content storage and
delivery is reduced significantly.
• Cloud computing is a practical approach to experience direct cost benefits and
it has the potential to transform a data center from a capital-intensive set up
to a variable priced environment.
• The idea of cloud computing is based on a very fundamental principal of
„reusability of IT capabilities'. The difference that cloud computing brings
compared to traditional concepts of “grid computing”, “distributed
computing”, “utility computing”, or “autonomic computing” is to broaden
horizons across organizational boundaries.

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Forrester defines cloud computing as:
“A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed compute infrastructure
capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption.”

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Cloud Computing Models
Cloud Providers offer services that can be grouped into three categories.
1. Software as a Service (SaaS): In this model, a complete application is offered
to the customer, as a service on demand. A single instance of the service runs on
the cloud & multiple end users are serviced. On the customers‟ side, there is no
need for upfront investment in servers or software licenses, while for the
provider, the costs are lowered, since only a single application needs to be
hosted & maintained. Today SaaS is offered by companies such as Google,
Salesforce, Microsoft, Zoho, etc.

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• 2. Platform as a Service (Paas): Here, a layer of software, or development
environment is encapsulated & offered as a service, upon which other higher
levels of service can be built. The customer has the freedom to build his own
applications, which run on the provider‟s infrastructure. To meet
manageability and scalability requirements of the applications, PaaS
providers offer a predefined combination of OS and application servers, such
as LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP), restricted J2EE, Ruby etc.
Google‟s App Engine,, etc are some of the popular PaaS examples.

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• 3. Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas): IaaS provides basic storage and
computing capabilities as standardized services over the network. Servers,
storage systems, networking equipment, data centre space etc. are pooled
and made available to handle workloads. The customer would typically deploy
his own software on the infrastructure. Some common examples are Amazon,
GoGrid, 3 Tera, etc.

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Understanding Public and Private Clouds
• Enterprises can choose to deploy applications on Public, Private or Hybrid
clouds. Cloud Integrators can play a vital part in determining the right cloud
path for each organization.
Public Cloud
• Public clouds are owned and operated by third parties; they deliver superior
economies of scale to customers, as the infrastructure costs are spread among
a mix of users, giving each individual client an attractive low-cost, “Pay-as-
you-go” model. All customers share the same infrastructure pool with limited
configuration, security protections, and availability variances. These are
managed and supported by the cloud provider. One of the advantages of a
Public cloud is that they may be larger than an enterprises cloud, thus
providing the ability to scale seamlessly, on demand.

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• Private Cloud
• Private clouds are built exclusively for a single enterprise. They aim to address
concerns on data security and offer greater control, which is typically lacking in a
public cloud. There are two variations to a private cloud:
• - On-premise Private Cloud: On-premise private clouds, also known as internal
clouds are hosted within one‟s own data center. This model provides a more
standardized process and protection, but is limited in aspects of size and scalability. IT
departments would also need to incur the capital and operational costs for the
physical resources. This is best suited for applications which require complete control
and configurability of the infrastructure and security.

• - Externally hosted Private Cloud: This type of private cloud is hosted externally with
a cloud provider, where the provider facilitates an exclusive cloud environment with
full guarantee of privacy. This is best suited for enterprises that don‟t prefer a public
cloud due to sharing of physical resources.

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Hybrid Cloud
• Hybrid Clouds combine both public and private cloud models. With a Hybrid
Cloud, service providers can utilize 3rd party Cloud Providers in a full or partial
manner thus increasing the flexibility of computing. The Hybrid cloud
environment is capable of providing on-demand, externally provisioned scale.
The ability to augment a private cloud with the resources of a public cloud can
be used to manage any unexpected surges in workload.

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Cloud Computing Benefits
• Enterprises would need to align their applications, so as to exploit the architecture
models that Cloud Computing offers. Some of the typical benefits are listed below:
1. Reduced Cost
• There are a number of reasons to attribute Cloud technology with lower costs. The
billing model is pay as per usage; the infrastructure is not purchased thus lowering
maintenance. Initial expense and recurring expenses are much lower than traditional
2. Increased Storage
• With the massive Infrastructure that is offered by Cloud providers today, storage &
maintenance of large volumes of data is a reality. Sudden workload spikes are also
managed effectively & efficiently, since the cloud can scale dynamically.
3. Flexibility
• This is an extremely important characteristic. With enterprises having to adapt, even
more rapidly, to changing business conditions, speed to deliver is critical. Cloud
computing stresses on getting applications to market very quickly, by using the most
appropriate building blocks necessary for deployment.

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Cloud Computing Challenges
• Despite its growing influence, concerns regarding cloud computing still
remain. In our opinion, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and the model is
worth exploring. Some common challenges are:
1. Data Protection

• Data Security is a crucial element that warrants scrutiny. Enterprises are

reluctant to buy an assurance of business data security from vendors. They
fear losing data to competition and the data confidentiality of consumers. In
many instances, the actual storage location is not disclosed, adding onto the
security concerns of enterprises. In the existing models, firewalls across data
centers (owned by enterprises) protect this sensitive information. In the cloud
model, Service providers are responsible for maintaining data security and
enterprises would have to rely on them.

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2. Data Recovery and Availability
• All business applications have Service level agreements that are stringently followed.
Operational teams play a key role in management of service level agreements and
runtime governance of applications. In production environments, operational teams
• Appropriate clustering and Fail over
• Data Replication
• System monitoring (Transactions monitoring, logs monitoring and others)
• Maintenance (Runtime Governance)
• Disaster recovery
• Capacity and performance management
• If, any of the above mentioned services is under-served by a cloud provider, the
damage & impact could be severe.

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3. Management Capabilities
• Despite there being multiple cloud providers, the management of platform
and infrastructure is still in its infancy. Features like „Auto-scaling‟ for
example, are a crucial requirement for many enterprises. There is huge
potential to improve on the scalability and load balancing features provided
4. Regulatory and Compliance Restrictions

• In some of the European countries, Government regulations do not allow

customer's personal information and other sensitive information to be
physically located outside the state or country. In order to meet such
requirements, cloud providers need to setup a data center or a storage site
exclusively within the country to comply with regulations. Having such an
infrastructure may not always be feasible and is a big challenge for cloud

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• With cloud computing, the action moves to the interface — that is, to the
interface between service suppliers and multiple groups of service consumers.
Cloud services will demand expertise in distributed services, procurement, risk
assessment and service negotiation — areas that many enterprises are only
modestly equipped to handle.

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The End
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