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Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

Astronomical Observatory Cluj-Napoca
Str. Cireşilor 19, 400487 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract. There are several integration schemes intended to solve the equations of
motion in problems of celestial mechanics. The Lie-integration method is based on the
idea to tackle systems of ODE via Lie series. It is applied to solve Hamiltonian systems
by giving recurrence formulae for the calculation of the Lie-terms. Here we present
these recurrence formulae, which considerably simplify the linearized equations of
motion. To exemplify, we choose the famous chaotic Hénon-Heiles system. Then the
Lie-integrator is compared with the well-known Runge-Kutta method and the
symplectic integrator for the Hénon-Heiles system. The convergence of the Lie-
integrator can be regarded as a kind of a symplectic integrator, which conserves the
integrals of motion. The Lie-integrator method is found to be very well suited for a
long-time integration of orbits in celestial mechanics.
Key words: celestial mechanics – numerical methods – Lie series – Hénon-Heiles’


The Lie-integration method is a fast integration method for systems of ODE,

especially for the motion equations of celestial bodies (Asghari et al. 2004). The
basic ideas of solving differential equations with Lie-series can be found in
Gröbner’s (1967) book. Recurrent formulae for the solution of the n-body problem
have been derived by means of Lie-series (Hanslmeier and Dvorak 1984; Pârv
1993; Pál and Süli 2007). Via these formulae we have a rapid numerical integration
procedure, used in celestial mechanics to solve systems of ODE (Dvorak et al.
2005). In this paper we derive the corresponding recurrence relations and we
construct the nth order Lie-integrator for the equations of the Hénon-Heiles system.
The famous Hénon-Heiles dynamical system is the simplest Hamiltonian
system which exhibits chaotic behaviour. Since this two-degrees-of-freedom
system of ODE admits only one first integral (the energy integral), hence only one

Rom. Astron. J., Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 49–66, Bucharest, 2010


constant of motion, it is nonintegrable, therefore chaotic. The level of chaoticity

varies with the energy level (Hénon and Heiles 1964; see also Abraham and
Marsden 1978; Arnold 1978; Zhong and Marsden 1988; Marsden and Raţiu 1994).
Lots of authors dealt with the Hénon-Heiles model and with the associated
problems, from the most various standpoints. As a very short digression, here we
limit ourselves to quoting arbitrarily some contributions of the Romanian authors:
Anisiu and Pál (1999); Mioc and Bărbosu (2003a, b); Mioc (2004); Pricopi et al.
(2006); Mioc and Pricopi (2007); Mioc et al. (2008, 2009).
Resuming, in this paper the Lie-integrator is compared with the Runge-Kutta
method and a symplectic integrator (Dormand and Prince 1978; Sanz-Serna and
Calvo 1984; Channel and Scovel 1990; Forest and Ruth 1990; Forest et al. 1990;
Kinoshita et al. 1990; Yoshida 1990, 1993; Feng and Meng-Zhao 1991; Mei-Ging
and Meng-Zhao 1991; Wisdom and Holman 1991; Cartwright and Piro 1992;
McLachlan and Atela 1992; Sanz-Serna 1998; Guzzo 2001; Laskar and Robutel
2001; Stuchi 2002; Butcher 2003; Csillik 2003).
Section 2 presents the Lie-integrator and details the corresponding algorithm
of fourth order (LIE4).
In Section 3 we deal briefly with the Runge-Kutta method, as well as with
symplectic integrators. The Runge-Kutta scheme of fourth order (RK4) is
presented, followed by the symplectic integration scheme for the Lie-integrator
In Section 4, the central section of the paper, we present the Hénon-Heiles
system, then we derive the corresponding Lie operator. We write the approximate
solution of the system in both terms of the Lie operator and in explicit form. To
compare the effectiveness of the methods considered, we resort to numerical
Section 5 surveys the main results of our analysis. The advantages and
shortcomings of the Lie-integrator are pointed out.


Gröbner (1967) defined the Lie-operator D as follows:

∂ ∂ ∂
D = θ1 ( z ) + θ2 ( z ) + … + θn ( z ) , (1)
∂z1 ∂z2 ∂zn

D being a linear differential operator. The point z = ( z1, z2 ,…, zn ) lies in the
n-dimensional z-space, the functions θi (z ) , i = 1, n are holomorphic within a
certain domain G (they can be expanded in a convergent power series).
3 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 51

Let the function f ( z ) be holomorphic in the same region as θi (z ) , i = 1, n .

Then D can be applied to f ( z ) , and if we proceed applying D to f we get

D0 f = f ,
∂f ∂f ∂f
D1 f = θ1 ( z ) + θ2 ( z ) + … + θn ( z ) ,
∂z1 ∂z 2 ∂z n
D 2 f = D ( Df ) , (2)

D n f = D ( D n −1 f ) .

The Lie series will be defined in the following way:

tυ υ t2
L( z , t ) = ∑ υ!
D f ( z ) = D 0 f ( z ) + tD1 f ( z ) + D 2 f ( z ) + …

Because we can write the Taylor-expansion of the exponential function as

t2 2
etD f = ( D 0 + tD1 + D + ...) f , (4)
L( z , t ) can be written in the symbolic form

L( z , t ) = etD f ( z ) . (5)

One of the most useful properties of Lie-series is

THEOREM 1 (Exchange Theorem). Let F (z ) be a holomorphic function in

the neighborhood of z = ( z1, z2 ,…, zn ) , where the corresponding power series
expansion converges at the point Z = ( Z1, Z 2 ,…, Z n ) . Then we have:

F (Z ) = ∑
υ υ!
Dυ F ( Z ) , (6)

F (etD ) z = etD F ( z ) . (7)

Making use of it we can demonstrate how Lie-series solve differential

equations. Let us consider the system of differential equations:

dz i
= θi ( z ), i = 1, n , (8)
with z = ( z1 , z 2 , … , z n ) . The solution of (8) can be written as

zi = etD ξi , (9)

where the ξi are the initial conditions zi (t = 0) and D is the Lie-operator as

defined in formula (1). In order to prove (9), we differentiate it with respect to the
time t:
= DetD ξi = etD Dξi . (10)
Because of the fact that
Dξi = θi (ξi ) , (11)

we obtain the following result, which turns out to be the original ODE (8):
= etD θi (ξi ) = θi (etD ξi ) = θi ( zi ) . (12)
Now we present the fourth order Lie-integrator (LIE4) for a H ( x, y, x, y)
The system of differential equations is written as:

 dx
 x = dt = θ1 ( x, y, u , v) ,

 dy
 y = dt = θ2 ( x, y , u , v) ,
 (13)
u = dx = θ ( x, y, u , v) ,
 3

v = dy = θ ( x, y , u , v) ,
 dt

(where u = x , v = y ) with the initial conditions at time t = 0 :

x ( 0) = ξ , y ( 0) = η ,
u (0) = ϕ , v(0) = ψ .

The corresponding Lie-operator is

5 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 53

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
D = θ1 + θ2 + θ3 + θ4 . (15)
∂ξ ∂η ∂ϕ ∂ψ

For a time (t + ∆t ) , we obtain the solution under the following form (up to
the fourth order):

∆τ 2 2 ∆τ3 3 ∆τ 4 4
x(t + ∆t ) = D 0 (ξ) + ∆τD1 (ξ) + D ( ξ) + D (ξ) + D ( ξ) , (16)
2! 3! 4!

∆τ 2 2 ∆τ3 3 ∆τ 4 4
y (t + ∆t ) = D 0 (η) + ∆τD1 (η) + D (η) + D (η) + D (η) , (17)
2! 3! 4!

∆τ 2 2 ∆τ3 3 ∆τ 4 4
u (t + ∆t ) = D 0 (ϕ) + ∆τD1 (ϕ) + D (ϕ) + D (ϕ) + D (ϕ) , (18)
2! 3! 4!

∆τ 2 2 ∆τ3 3 ∆τ 4 4
v(t + ∆t ) = D 0 (ψ ) + ∆τD1 (ψ ) + D (ψ ) + D (ψ ) + D (ψ ) , (19)
2! 3! 4!


D 0 (ξ) = ξ , D1 (ξ) = θ1 ,
D 2 (ξ) = D1 ( D1 (ξ)) = D1 (θ1 )
D 3 (ξ) = D1 ( D 2 (ξ)) ,
D 4 (ξ) = D1 ( D 3 (ξ)) ;

D 0 (η) = η , D1 (η) = θ 2 ,
D 2 (η) = D1 ( D1 (η)) = D1 (θ 2 ) ,
D 3 (η) = D1 ( D 2 (η)) ,
D 4 (η) = D1 ( D 3 (η)) ;

D 0 (ϕ) = ϕ , D1 (ϕ) = θ3 ,
D 2 (ϕ) = D1 ( D1 (ϕ)) = D1 (θ3 ) = D 3 (ξ) ,
D 3 (ϕ) = D1 ( D 2 (ϕ)) = D 4 (ξ) ,
D 4 (ϕ) = D1 ( D 3 (ϕ)) = D 5 (ξ) ;

D 0 (ψ) = ψ , D1 (ψ ) = θ4 ,
D 2 (ψ) = D1 ( D1 (ψ )) = D1 (θ 4 ) = D 3 (η) ,
D 3 (ψ ) = D1 ( D 2 (ψ)) = D 4 (η) ,
D 4 (ψ) = D1 ( D 3 (ψ)) = D 5 (η) .


In numerical analysis, the Runge-Kutta methods constitute an important

family of implicit and explicit iterative methods for the approximation of solutions
of ordinary differential equations (Butcher 2003). One member of the family of
Runge-Kutta methods is so commonly used that it is often referred to as RK4.
The family of explicit Runge-Kutta methods is given by
yi +1 = yi + h(b1k1 + … + bs k s ) , (24)

k1 = f (ti , yi ) , (25)

k2 = f (ti + c2 h, yi + ha21k1 ) , (26)

k3 = f (ti + c3h, yi + h(a31k1 + a32 k 2 )) , (27)

k s = f (ti + cs h, yi + h(as1k1 + … + as , s −1k s )) (28)

and s is an integer number (stage number); a21 , a31 ,…, as1 ,…, as , s −1 , b1,…, bs ,
c1,…, cs are coefficients. In general, the coefficients c1,…, cs , which characterize
the partition of the step h, satisfy the following condition:

c2 = a21 ,
c3 = a31 + a32 ,

cs = as1 + … + as , s −1 .

They are determined by the condition that the approximate solution xi +1 is equal to
the exact solution corresponding to the first s terms of the Taylor series. The
Runge-Kutta method is consistent if the following relations are satisfied:
7 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 55

i −1
∑ aij = ci , i = 2, s ;
j =1
∑bj =1
j =1

The Runge-Kutta method of fourth order (RK4) is a numerical technique

used to solve ordinary differential equation of the form
= f ( x, y ) ,
dx (31)
y ( 0) = y 0 .

The RK4 method is based on the following algorithm:

yi +1 = yi + h(k1 + 2k 2 + 2k3 + k 4 ) ,
6 (32)
ti +1 = ti + h , i = 0, n ,

where yi +1 is the RK4 approximation of y (ti +1 ) , and

k1 = f (ti , yi ) , (33)

 1 1 
k 2 = f  ti + h, yi + k1h  , (34)
 2 2 

 1 1 
k 3 = f  t i + h, y i + k 2 h  , (35)
 2 2 

k 4 = f (ti + h, yi + k3h) . (36)

The fourth order of the RK4 method means that the error per step is of order
h , while the total accumulated error is of order h 4 .

As regards the symplectic integrators, it is very well known that they have
the following properties (e.g., Yoshida 1990): area preserving, time reversibility,
and constant step-size (this guarantees that there is no secular change in the error of
the total energy).
It is known that for Hamiltonian systems of the form
H = T (p) + V (q) (37)

explicit symplectic schemes exist. In this formula the q variables are generalized
coordinates, the p variables are conjugate generalized momenta, whereas the
Hamiltonian H corresponds to the total mechanical energy ( T and V stand for
the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system, respectively).
Here we dwell on Neri’s (1987) explicit symplectic integrator in terms of Lie
algebraic language. To do this, we begin by writing the Hamiltonian equations in
the following form (using Poisson bracket):
dz ∂z ∂H ∂z ∂H
= {z, H (z )} = − . (38)
dt ∂q ∂p ∂p ∂q

Introducing the differential operator DH (z ) = {z, H } , (38) can be written as

= DH (z ) . (39)
Therefore, the exact time-evolution of the solution of equation (39), z (t ) ,
from t = 0 to t = τ , is given by
z (τ) = exp[τDH ] z (0) . (40)

For the Hamiltonian of the form (37), where DH = DT + DV , we have the

formal solution
z (τ) = exp[τ( A + B )]z (0) , (41)

where A := DT and B := DV are two operators which do not commute. Further, we

suppose that the set of the real numbers (ci , di ) , i = 1, n , satisfies the equality
exp[τ( A + B)] = ∏ exp(ci τA) exp(di τB) + O(τn +1) , (42)
i =1

where n is the integrator’s order. Let a mapping from z = z (0) to z′ = z (τ) be

given by

 n 

z′ =  exp(ci τA) exp(d i τB ) z . (43)
 i =1 
The above application is symplectic because it is a product of elementary
symplectic mappings. We can write the explicit equation (43) in the following
9 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 57

  ∂T 
 qi = qi −1 + τci  
  ∂p p = pi −1
 , i = 1, n , (44)
  ∂V 
 pi = pi −1 + τd i  ∂q 
  q = qi

where z = (q0 , p0 ) and z′ = ( qn , pn ) . This system of equations is an nth order

symplectic integration scheme. The numerical coefficients (ci , di ) , i = 1, n , are not
uniquely determined from the requirement that the local truncation error is of order
τn . If one requires the time reversibility of the numerical solution, one can
determine it uniquely.
In this context, the fourth order Lie-integrator schema is given by the system
of equations (44) for i = 1,4 , where the values of the coefficients (ci , di ) , i = 1,4 ,
c1 = c4 = ,
2( 2 − 3 2 )
1− 3 2
c2 = c3 = ,
2( 2 − 3 2 )
d1 = d3 = ,
2−3 2
d2 = − 3
, d4 = 0.
2− 2


In 1964, Michel Hénon and Carl Heiles modelled the motion of a star within
a galaxy, representing the gravitational attraction of the galaxy by a potential
having cylindrical symmetry (Hénon and Heiles 1964). The chosen potential
energy is given by that of a planar oscillator to which two cubic terms were added:

1 2 1
V ( x, y ) = ( x + y 2 ) + x2 y − y3 . (46)
2 3
Those terms made the problem nonlinear and nonintegrable. This
two-dimensional system has only one constant of motion, hence nonintegrable, in
fact chaotic. Hénon and Heiles found that, for very low values of the total energy
58 Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK 10

( E = 1 / 12 ), the system is very close to being integrable, since the majority of

intersection points are placed along the curves corresponding to the intersections
with the tori. By increasing the energy, the regular curves progressively disappear,
through a phase where they are reduced to tiny isolated zones persists. For E = 1 / 6
the whole area is filled by points generated by a single trajectory. So, at low
energies, the system is practically integrable. Numerical methods could then
provide much help in guessing if a system is very close to the condition of
integrability or not. In the Hénon-Heiles problem, the system, as the energy grows,
becomes a chaotic system, the intersections of the trajectories with the surface of
section thickly fill the area determined by energy conservation. The exponential
divergence of the trajectories is determined by the initial conditions according to
the equations of the system. This fact does not help in predicting the system’s
behaviour, because in practical cases one has to deal with experimental errors.
We introduce the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian in the most general form:
1 2 2 1
H= (u + v + Ax 2 + By 2 ) + Dx 2 y − Cy 3 . (47)
2 3
The corresponding equations of motion are
x = u ,

y = v,
 (48)
u = − Ax − 2 Dxy ,
 2 2
v = − By − Dx + Cy .
For the values A = B = C = D = 1 of the coefficients, we obtain the nonintegrable
Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian:
1 2 1
H ( x, y , u , v ) = (u + v 2 + x 2 + y 2 ) + x 2 y − y 3 . (49)
2 3
The equations of motion for the coordinates and momenta of the Hénon-Heiles
system are given by:
 dx ∂H
 x = dt = ∂u = u ,

 dy ∂H
 y = dt = ∂v = v ,
 (50)
u = du = − ∂H = − x − 2 xy ,
 dt ∂x

v = dv = − ∂H = − y − x 2 + y 2 .
 dt ∂y
11 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 59

The initial conditions for a time τ are denoted as follows:

x(τ) = ξ , y (τ) = η , u (τ) = ϕ , v(τ) = ψ . (51)
To derive the corresponding Lie operator, we use the following system of

ξ = ϕ = θ1 , η = ψ = θ 2 , ϕ = −ξ − 2ξη = θ3 , ψ = η − ξ 2 + η2 = θ 4 , (52)
and the Lie operator is:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
D = θ1 + θ2 + θ3 + θ4 , (53)
∂ξ ∂η ∂ϕ ∂ψ
which, substituting (52), can be written as:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
D=ϕ +ψ + (−ξ − 2ξη) + ( η − ξ 2 + η2 ) . (54)
∂ξ ∂η ∂ϕ ∂ψ
So, for a time (τ + ∆τ) the solution is:
∆τDξ ∆τDη
x(τ + ∆τ) = e , y (τ + ∆τ) = e ,
∆τDϕ ∆τDψ
u (τ + ∆τ) = e , v(τ + ∆τ) = e .
We can write the solution in the following form:

∆τDξ ∆τ2 2 ∆τn −1 n −1

x(τ + ∆τ) = e = ξ + ∆τD1 (ξ) + D (ξ ) + … + D (ξ ) + O ( n ) , (56)
2! (n − 1)!

∆τDη ∆τ2 2 ∆τn −1 n −1

y ( τ + ∆τ) = e = η + ∆τD1 (η) + D (η) + … + D (η) + O(n) , (57)
2! (n − 1)!

∆τDϕ ∆τ2 2 ∆τn −1 n −1

u (τ + ∆τ) = e = ϕ + ∆τD1 (ϕ) + D (ϕ) + … + D ( ϕ) + O ( n ) , (58)
2! ( n − 1)!

∆τDψ ∆τ2 2 ∆τn −1 n −1

v(τ + ∆τ) = e = ψ + ∆τD1 (ψ ) + D (ψ ) + … + D (ψ ) + O ( n ) , (59)
2! ( n − 1)!

where the expressions of Di (ξ) , i = 1, n , are:

D1 (ξ) = ϕ , D 2 (ξ) = D1 (ϕ) ,

D 3 (ξ) = − D1 (ξ) − 2 D1 (ξη) , (60)

60 Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK 12

whereas the expressions of Di (η) , i = 1, n , are:

D1 (η) = ψ , D 2 (η) = D1 (ψ ) ,
D 3 (η) = − D1 (η) − D1 (ξ 2 ) + D1 (η2 ) , (61)

We explicitly write for i = 0, n :

D 0 (ξ) = ξ , D1 (ξ) = ϕ , D 2 (ξ) = −ξ − 2ξη ,

D 3 (ξ) = −ϕ − 2(ξψ + ηϕ) , D 4 (ξ) = ξ + 6ξη − 4ϕψ + 2ξ(ξ 2 + η2 ) ,
D 5 (ξ) = ϕ + 10(ξψ + ηϕ) + 2ϕ(5ξ 2 − η2 ) + 12ξηψ ,
D 6 (ξ) = −ξ − 22ξη + 20ϕψ − 20ξ(ξ 2 + η2 ) −
− 16ξη(2ξ 2 − η2 ) + 4ξ(5ϕ2 + 3ψ 2 ) + 8ηϕψ , (62)
D 7 (ξ) = −ϕ − 42(ξψ + ηϕ) − 8ϕ(15ξ 2 + η2 ) − 56ξψ(ξ 2 − η2 ) −
− 8ηϕ(23ξ 2 − 3η2 ) + 20ϕ(ϕ2 + ψ 2 ) − 114ξηψ ,
D n (ξ) = − D n − 2 (ξ) − 2 ∑ Cnk− 2 D k (ξ) D n − 2− k (η) ,
k =0
D 0 (η) = η , D1 (η) = ψ , D 2 (η) = −η − ξ 2 + η2 ,
D 3 (η) = −ψ − 2(ξϕ − ηψ ) ,
D 4 (η) = η + 3(ξ 2 − η2 ) + 2η(ξ 2 + η2 ) − 2(ϕ2 − ψ 2 ) ,
D 5 (η) = ψ + 10(ξϕ − ηψ ) − 2ψ(ξ 2 − 5η2 ) + 12ξηϕ ,
D 6 (η) = −η − 11(ξ 2 − η2 ) − 20η(ξ 2 + η2 ) + 10(ϕ2 − ψ 2 ) +
+ 4η(3ϕ2 + 5ψ 2 ) + 2ξ 4 + 10η4 − 36ξ 2η2 + 8ξϕψ ,
D 7 (η) = −ψ − 42(ξϕ − ηψ ) − 8η(ξ 2 + 15η2 ) + 20ψ (ϕ2 + ψ 2 ) −
− 16ηψ (8ξ 2 − 5η2 ) − 112ξηϕ − 122ξη2ϕ ,
D n (η) = − D n − 2 (η) − ∑ Cnk− 2 ( D k (ξ) D n − 2− k (ξ) − D k (η) D n − 2− k (η)) ,
k =0
13 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 61

The expressions for Di (ϕ) and D i (ψ ) , where i = 1, n , can be obtained easily:

D i (ϕ) = D i +1 (ξ) ,
D i (ψ ) = D i +1 (η) .

Now the equations of motion of the Hénon-Heiles system can be integrated

numerically with the Lie-integrator method (up to order n; see Pál and Süli 2007).

LIE4: Using (62)–(64), the numerical solutions (56)–(59) of the Hénon-

Heiles system (50) with the initial conditions (51) are:

∆τ 2 ∆τ 3
x(τ + ∆τ) = ξ + ϕ∆τ − (ξ + 2ξη) − (ϕ + 2(ξψ + ηϕ)) +
2 6
∆τ 4
+ (ξ + 6ξη − 4ϕψ + 2ξ(ξ 2 + η2 )) ,

∆τ 2 ∆τ3
y ( τ + ∆τ) = η + ψ∆τ + (−η − ξ 2 + η2 ) − (ψ + 2(ξϕ − ηψ )) +
2 6
∆τ 4
+ (η + 3(ξ 2 − η2 ) + 2η(ξ 2 + η2 ) − 2(ϕ2 − ψ 2 )) ,

∆τ 2
u (τ + ∆τ) = ϕ − (ξ + 2ξη)∆τ − (ϕ + 2(ξψ + ηϕ)) + (ξ + 6ξη − 4ϕψ +
∆τ3 ∆τ 4
+ 2ξ(ξ 2 + η2 )) + (ϕ + 10(ξψ + ηϕ) + 2ϕ(5ξ 2 − η2 ) + 12ξηψ) ,
6 24

∆τ 2
v(τ + ∆τ) = ψ + (−η − ξ 2 + η2 )∆τ − (ψ + 2(ξϕ − ηψ )) + (η + 3(ξ 2 − η2 ) +
∆τ 3 ∆τ 4
+ 2η(ξ 2 + η2 ) − 2(ϕ2 − ψ 2 )) + (ψ + 10(ξϕ − ηψ ) − 2ψ (ξ 2 − 5η2 ) + 12ξηϕ) .
6 24

RK4: The numerical solutions of the Hénon-Heiles system (50), with the
notation x = y (1) , y = y ( 2) , x = y (3) , y = y ( 4) and initial conditions y0( j ) , j = 1,4 ,
62 Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK 14

yi(+j1) = yi( j ) + h(k1( j ) + 2k 2( j ) + 2k3( j ) + k 4( j ) ) , j = 1,4 , i = 0, n ,
6 (66)
ti +1 = ti + h ,


k1( j ) = f (ti , yi( j ) ) , (67)

 1 1 
k 2( j ) = f  ti + h, yi( j ) + k1( j ) h  , (68)
 2 2 

 1 1 
k3( j ) = f  ti + h, yi( j ) + k 2( j ) h  , (69)
 2 2 

k 4( j ) = f (ti + h, yi( j ) + k3( j ) h) . (70)

SI4 (Csillik 2004): Using the system of equations (50)–(51) (notation:

x = q1 , y = q2 , x = p1 , y = p2 ), equations (44) for the Hénon-Heiles system are:

q1j = q1j −1 + τc j p1j −1 ,

q2j = q2j −1 + τc j p2j −1 ,

j = 1,4 , (71)
p1j = q1j −1 − τd j (q1j + 2q1j q2j ) ,

p2j = q2j −1 − τd j (q2j + (q1j ) 2 − ( q2j ) 2 ) ,

where the values of the coefficients (c j , d j ) are given by (45).

A surface of section (SOS), also called a Poincaré section (see, e.g., Rasband
1990), is a way of presenting a trajectory in an n-dimensional phase space in an
(n–1)-dimensional space. By picking one phase element constant (in our Hénon-
Heiles system case: x = 0 ) and plotting the values of the other elements, each time
the chosen element has the desired value, an intersection surface is obtained. The
surfaces of section for the Hénon-Heiles equation (49) with energy E = 1 / 8 ,
plotting y (t ) versus y (t ) at values where x(t ) = 0 , are presented in Fig. 1 (using
RK4 integrator), in Fig. 2 (using SI4 integrator), and in Fig. 3 (using LIE4
integrator). All three integrators are made with MATLAB and MAPLE (Baker 1981;
Lynch 2000; Moler 2004).
15 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 63

Fig. 1 – Poincaré section of the Hénon-Heiles equation (49) using RK4 integrator.

Fig. 2 – Poincaré section of the Hénon-Heiles equation (49) using SI4 integrator.

A Poincaré map can be interpreted as a discrete dynamical system with a

state space of codimension 1 with respect to the original continuous dynamical
system. Because it preserves many properties of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits
of the original system and has a lower dimensional state space it is often used for
analyzing the original system. In practice this is not always possible as there is no
general method to construct a Poincaré map. The Hénon-Heiles system was used to
study the motion of stars in a galaxy, because the path of a star projected onto a
64 Iharka SZÜCS-CSILLIK 16

plane looks like a tangled mess and the Poincaré map shows the structure more
clearly. Comparing Figs. 1, 2 and 3, one can see that Fig. 3 with LIE4 integrator
has more details.

Fig. 3 – Poincaré section of the Hénon-Heiles equation (49) using LIE4 integrator.


The Lie-integrator method appears to be very effective as compared with

other numerical integrators of differential equations. The solution written in the
power series expansions of the independent variable τ can be slightly different for
every step. The Lie-integrator method (LIE4) is quite precise and fast, as has been
shown in our comparative test computations with the Runge-Kutta (RK4) and
symplectic integrators (SI4). Symplectic integrators are very effective when
eccentricities are small; the Lie-integrator is a better choice in studies such as this
one, where very large eccentricity orbits are explored (Pál and Süli 2007). The
convergence of the Lie-integrator can be regarded as a kind of a symplectic
integrator, which conserves the integrals of motion. The desired accuracy can be
fixed and controlled by two different parameters: the time step and the number of
Lie-terms. The only disadvantage is that the derivation of recurrence in the Lie-
terms may nevertheless lead to very lengthy expressions when the right-hand sides
are complicated and lengthy themselves (Dvorak et al. 2005). The Lie integrator is
17 The Lie-Integrator and the Hénon-Heiles System 65

straightforward and comprehensible in its construction; it allows an easy handling.

So, the method is very well suited for the calculation of orbits in celestial
mechanics. Many practical differential equations evolve on a Lie group; it
preserves the geometry of the configuration space.

Acknowledgments. Valuable comments of Dr. Vasile Mioc are duly acknowledged.


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