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Subject Area III - 35%

(Environmental Plan Implementation, Legal Aspects & Administration)

(Q & A courtesy of: EnP Nick Tabungar)

1. A sound Project Feasibility Study (FPS) is composed of the following major parts
and sequential order....
a) Market Study
b) Technical Study
c) Financial Study
d) Socio-Economic Study
e) Environmental Study

A. c,b,a,e,d B. d,e,b,a,c C. a,b,c,d,e D. e,d,a,b,c E. A,d,e,b,c

2. Under the Environmental Planning Act of 2013 or RA 10587, it is defined as the

“multi-disciplinary art and science of analyzing, specifying, clarifying,
harmonizing, managing and regulating the use and development of land and
water resources, in relation to their environs, for the development of sustainable
communities and ecosystems.”
a) Land Use Planning, Environmental Planning, Urban & Regional Planning
b) Environmental Planning, Urban & Regional Planning, City Planning
c) Urban and Regional Planning, Human Settlements Planning, City Planning
d) Master Planning, Comprehensive Planning, Inclusive Planning
e) Human Settlements Planning, City Planning, Environmental Planning

A. a,b,c B. b,c,d C. b,c,e D. None of above E. All of above

3. Based on RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (ESWMA),

there are 24 parameters regarding Sanitary Landfills (SLF) serving as
Guidelines, Standards and Criteria for Siting and Designing Sanitary Landfills
established by the National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC).
Which one is not?
a) Location of facility consistent with overall land use plan;
b) Site is accessible from major roadways and thoroughfares;
c) Site shall have adequate quantity of earth cover materials;
d) Site is not located within 2 kms of an airport runway, since this pose a
bird hazard to aircrafts
e) Facility is not constructed within 100 meters from known recent active fault

A. a B. b C. d D. e E. None of above

4. In Government Procurement Planning under RA 9184, the following are

alternative methods of procurement except:
a) Public Bidding
b) Limited Source Bidding
c) Direct Contracting / Single Source Procurement
d) Repeat Order
e) Shopping / Emergency Purchase
f) Negotiated Procurement /
g) By Administration /Force Account

A. a,b, B. b,c, C. c,d D. a,g E. e,f

5. The Code of Professional Ethics for Environmental Planners in the Philippines

under Article IV – Initiative, Discipline and Responsibility, an Environmental
Planner shall strive high standards of professional integrity, proficiency and
knowledge, and shall take upon himself to:
a) Represent his professional qualifications, affiliations and experience
b) Analyze ethical and moral issues in the practice of his profession
systematically and critically and give due respect to the professional rights of
c) Pursue of program of continuing professional education
d) Exercise independent and sound professional decision/judgment
e) Demonstrate a high degree of moral and professional integrity at all times

A. a,b,c,e B. d,a,c,b C. c,d,b,e D. None of above E. All of above

6. During the pre-hispanic Filipino settlements, the ________________did not

a) Barangays by separate kingship groups settlement
b) 300,000 population of Manila
c) Outpost of Rajah Soliman
d) All of the above

7. The Spanish colonial period had __________________.

a) Compact villages
b) Railways
c) A plaza complex
d) All of the above

8. The method of planning during the American period did not ______________.
a) Concentrate on rural planning
b) Include parks and parkways
c) Develop water ways
d) None of the above

9. The _____________ office was created before WWII.

a) National Urban Planning Commission
b) National Planning Commission
c) People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation
d) None of the above

10. President ______________ created the National Planning Commission.

a) Quezon
b) Roxas
c) Quirino
d) None of the above

11. Environmental Planning is _______________________________.

a) Putting into order the use of land
b) Aiming to optimize the economy
c) Anticipating changes and making a balance
d) All of the above

12. Urban spaces are formed by _________________________________.

a) Activities
b) Physical structures
c) Perception
d) All of above

13. A factor of industrial town growth is _______________________.

a) Infrastructure
b) Biodiversity
c) Population change
d) None of the above

14. ____________________ is an example of global city.

a) Kuala Lumpur
b) New York
c) Armsterdam
d) None of the above
15. Allocative planning is ______________________________.
a) Regulatory planning
b) Imperative planning
c) Development planning
d) None of the above

16. A factor of change in the global system of cities is _____________________.

a) Informational economy
b) Technical change
c) Environment
d) All of the above

17. Demographic imperative is the ___________________________________.

a) Concentration of immigrants in a few major urban areas.
b) Migration from developed countries to underdeveloped countries.
c) Decrease in global migration
d) None of the above

18. The Central Place Theory was authored by __________________________.

a) Rostow
b) Domar
c) Christaller
d) None of the above

19. The Structural-Change Theory is _________________________________.

a) A transformation of economies from agriculture economy to manufacturing
and service economy.
b) An engine of economic growth.
c) An accumulation of capital.
d) All of the above.

20. Environmental planning follows _________________________________

a) A process
b) A technical exercise
c) An allocative mechanism
d) All of the above

21. The Rational model by Davidoff and Reiner looks into __________________.
a) Means identification
b) Value formulation
c) Effectuation
d) All of the above
22. The orthodox view of planning does not consider ______________________.
a) Goals
b) Alternatives
c) Citizen participation
d) All of the above

23. Disjoint incrementalism by Lindblom is a _______________________.

a) Complement to the Rational model
b) Supplement to the Rational model
c) Reaction to the Rational model
d) None of the above

24. An example of goal is ______________________________________.

a) Equal distribution of income
b) Reduction in travel time from origin to destination
c) Construction of a 20-storey building within 5 years.
d) All of the above

25. A theory is __________________________________.

a) Submitted to a searching enquiry
b) Explains a phenomenon
c) A further stage of refinement
d) None of the above

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