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Madison Staat

Ms. Woelke

Pre-AP English 9

21 May 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird ​Synthesis Essay

Censorship has been an ongoing argument between people for years; whether certain

things should be seen by the general public or not. For this reason, Banned Books Week came

about in an attempt to end this controversial predicament. Due to this happening, many points

have been brought to mind from both sides of the argument and the effects of exposing certain

aspects of the book in question, ​To Kill A Mockingbird​. In Source A, it is said that this book has

had “ a long history with censorship” and for this reason many schools have not issued their

students to read this very informative book; in doing this, it is not progressive to their learning or

understanding of different concepts in the world around them. Although censorship made be

necessary in some scenarios, in this case, ​To Kill A Mockingbird,​ should not be banned from

public institutions involving children, because by reading it, it allows them to experience many

diverse topics, informs about the bad connotation linked with such things, and pulls people out of

their comfort zone in positive mannerisms.

In today’s day and age, children are so protected against simple notions, which is not

giving them the knowledge and experience from such things in order to learn and grow their own

morals. In Source B, the writer goes on to explain the “growth” people acquire, “when they are

in situations that make them uncomfortable.” By teaching children about such matters of rape,

lying and degrading word usage early-on, it allows them to receive perspective and awareness
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towards these touchy themes and duraguetory language. They will learn to understand these

concepts and expand their mindset to better comprehend the world around them; just as ‘Scout’

from the book itself learned as a young child of such things. Young minds can be very complex

and by grasping just a hint of what could be going on in their lives or their own it could, “help

students understand and be understood by their peers” (Source B). For youth to have insight into

each other's lives, means the possibility of better communication and less room for accidental

mockery. Better understanding of the people around them and in the end better relationships

because of that. By gaining perspective of these situations it may also inform about the bad

connotation linked with them.

In learning the positives from being informed of these subject matters, it also goes

hand-in-hand with discovering the biased association of them. In Source B, the author goes on to

say how the book is “not condoning this word,” but they are simply “showing the ignorance of

using that word and having this bigotry.” If a person is never exposed to these sensitive topics in

their lifetime the consequences could be detrimental. These children could be utterly blindsided

by these hasty issues causing them to act out ignorantly, not knowing the outcome from their

actions. Some may say, that conversing about fragile subjects early-on could have negative

effects; however, in Source E, it is stated that “these damages can be mitigated or evaded by an

excellent teacher.” If the book in question,​ To Kill A Mockingbird​, is taught correctly by a

teacher with standards, then these dilemmas can be avoided. Censorship leaves us visionless, but

with the help of good teachers, it can prevent the usage of the word in general or future events of

the same notion. In recognizing the bad connotation of the terms and actions in the book,

unbanning it from schools and libraries can pull people out of their comfort zone in the best
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possible way as well.

In most cases, people tend to look for any resort to stay in their comfort zone, when really

lurking outside of it may be the answer; even as simple as engaging in the message in, ​To Kill A

Mockingbird.​ On the contrary, some may say that there is “language in the book that makes

people uncomfortable,”(Source B). However, for one to truly understand the meaning within

they must “embrace that discomfort in order to really appreciate the lessons of prejudice and

inequality,” (Source B). People are scared of being uncomfortable and because of this, they don’t

experience difference situations they didn’t know of before. By being exposed to such things,

means forcing people to metaphorically take off their blindfold and see the truth. In Source C, an

animation is shown stating “The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's

conscience.” said Atticus, “But Atticus, having a conscience makes me uncomfortable.” said

Scout. This cartoon implies that by people becoming comfortless through newly learning of

many concepts means they don’t fully understand the idea of it. People need to get past this

uncomfort and learn this information in order to learn from history and not make these same

mistakes again. All in all, by stretching the mindset of people in their youth, it can benefit them

and take them out their comfort zone in positive mannerisms.

In conclusion, ​To Kill A Mockingbird,​ should be welcomely accepted in all types of

schools, libraries and children's institutions in general, because of its moving messages given

throughout the book. Though some of the subjects may be controversial, it is necessary for the

sake of the lesson at hand. Censoring the new generation from a classic, world-renowned book

may only do damage seeing as the previous generations have thrived. Banned Books Week is a

valid event because it’s bringing awareness to the censorship of a variety of books, and by
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reading them, it prevents the reoccurrence of bad past events and creates a new fresh start for the

future and beyond.

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