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b) To communicate with collectors, Merrythought needs to create first awareness using public relations.

The company can gain useful tips on

effective public relations from Sarah, who was a former public relations consultant. Public relations message on the company and the type of bears
they makes, will target media collectors often use like the internet and vintage fairs. Other potential sites to place the messages are through
magazines, social media networks, and the teddy bear convention. After the collectors show interest by visiting the factory, contacting the
company, or visiting the company website. The company can heighten this interest with advertisement messages of the old and new collections of
teddy bears and their prices. These messages must take advantage of the social networks and online sources for most collectors shop through
these media. Interest in collectors is accentuated with personal selling strategy. This is for those collectors that visit the factory, contact the
company, or visit the company's website. Personal selling will use messages with details of the company history, the manufacture method, and age
of the teddy bears, and the quality assurance. Thirdly, involves the creation of a desire for the teddy bears through promotional strategies and
focused advertisements (Kaur & Sharma, 2009).A sales promotional strategy suitable for this market segment is product-based methods, where
the company offers a discount price on the second purchase of a teddy bear. Focused advertisement involves competitive advertising, which
distinguishes the Merrythought's teddy bear from other teddy bears in the market. This also accompanies the selling of the company's image as a
leading and well-established manufacturer of novelty teddy bears that represent the image of Britain, to appeal to the novelty side of collectors.
Advert isement message must focus on the company's brand name, its year of establishment, famous teddy bears sold since its establishment, and
the current teddy bear trending in the market. The goal of the advertising is to appeal to consumers that collect toys (Kaur & Sharma, 2009). In this
manner, the company through this focused advertisement will attract teddy bear collectors and other toy collectors to its teddy bears. This then
leads to the action stage of the marketing communication strategy. ln this stage, the company creates the advertisement, promotional, media
messages, images, and slogans for each communication step. The company also prepares the packages teddy

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