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The Liver

JOGA MI GRE NA JETRA – Sadhana joga studio

Loving Your Liver with Chinese Medicine

By Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP

Spring is here, and Spring is the time that the Liver flourishes and its energies
are at their peak. Spring is a time of new life and the growth and activity of
plants and animals after a long winter hibernating. The Liver is associated
with new growth and expansive energies, just like plants in Springtime
stretching up and out, reaching for the sun. Spring is the best time to support
the Liver, eating fresh green foods and being mindful to express our

The Liver has many responsibilities in Chinese medicine, as you will see
below, and the Springtime is the best time to treat the Liver, as its energies
are at their full expression. First we will discuss the Liver’s responsibilities in
the body, then, in part two, we will move onto the emotions and in part three
we will discuss the ways that we can keep the Liver healthy and happy
through diet, the emotions and making sure you get to bed by 11pm. :)

What Does The Liver Do in Chinese


Stores Blood

One of the most vital functions of the Liver is that it is responsible for storing
blood. This means that it regulates the volume of blood in the body at all
times, and this serves an important function during physical activity. The
Liver stores the blood when it is not being used by the body, but when we are
active, the Liver sends the blood to the muscles, nourishing and moistening
them. This function also has an important influence on a person’s energy
level. The Liver sends the blood to specific parts of the body, nourishing the
necessary tissues. If the Liver is healthy, we will have energy to do our daily
activities. If the Liver is impaired however, the blood will not get to the parts
of the body that need it and we will become easily tired.

The Livers function of storing blood also directly influences our ability to
fight off pathogens. If the Liver function is normal, the skin and muscles will
be well nourished and the body will be able to fight off attacks by exterior
pathogens. There are other factors that affect our ability to fight off
pathogenic factors, like our defensive Qi and the strength of our Lung Qi, but
it is important not to overlook the Livers role in our ability to fight off

The Livers function of storing blood is also extremely important in

gynaecology and specifically, menstruation. If the Liver is functioning
normally, the periods will be normal. If the Liver is deficient, the periods will
be late, irregular or absent. If the Liver is in excess or has excess heat, there
can be excessive bleeding and pain. The Liver is very important in Women’s
physiology and pathology. Many gynaecological problems are due to
pathologies of the Liver. If there are gynaecological problems, the Liver will
be involved. Because the Liver governs the smooth flow of Qi, the bodies
energies, stagnation of Liver Qi is a common diagnosis and manifests in the
periods as painful periods, per-menstrual tension and clots.

Responsible for the Smooth Flow of Qi

The Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. In
Chinese medicine, illness or disease is seen to be a blockage of the flow. When
things, like blood, are not flowing properly, the results can be catastrophic,
like a stroke. So, the Liver’s function of keeping Qi moving in the body is
important for our health. A blockage of the flow of Qi is central to almost all
Liver disharmonies and is one of the most common patterns seen in clinical
practice. In Chinese medicine, each organ also is seen to have a specific
direction in which its Qi naturally flows. The Lungs Qi flows downwards (a
pathological upward flow causes coughing), as does the Qi of the Stomach
(when it moves up we get vomiting and belching), and the Qi of the Spleen
naturally flows up (when it moves down we get diarrhea). Part of the Livers
function of moving Qi smoothly throughout the body is also to ensure the
proper flow and direction for all the organs. This is a big responsibility as you
can imagine. It is a big job which is why it is so important to have a health,
happy Liver.

The Liver function of ensuring the smooth flow of Qi also has an impact on
the emotional state. If the Liver is functioning normally, the Qi will be flowing
and the emotional state will be balanced. However, if the Qi is obstructed,
there can be anger, frustration, depression and a feeling of being “wound up”
as well as physical symptoms like hypochondriac pain, a sensation of
oppression in the chest, a feeling of a lump in the throat and distension in the

Controls the Sinews

As you can imagine, the state of our sinews affects our ability to move our
bodies freely. Anyone who has ever done a yoga class will be able to tell you
exactly how important it is to have moist, supple sinews as even the ability to
do something simple like touching your toes can be a humbling experience!
The health of the sinews is under the control of the Liver, and specifically
Liver blood. Liver blood nourishes and moistens the sinews, ensuring that we
can move freely and easily. The sinews ability to relax and contract is also
dependent on Liver blood. If Liver blood is deficient, sinews will become dry
and brittle and we can experience symptoms like contractions, spasms,
numbness, tremors and muscle cramps.
Manifests in the Nails
In Chinese medicine, the nails are considered a by-product of the sinews
which are under the control of the Liver and specifically, Liver blood. Liver
blood is responsible for nourishing and moistening the nails in the same way
as it is for the sinews. If Liver blood is abundant, the nails will be hard, shiny
and moist. If Liver blood is deficient, we can see symptoms like dry and
brittle nails, and nails with ridges, spots, cracks and can be dark and have a
withered appearance. So, next time you break a nail, you might want to
consider giving your Liver some extra love!

Opens Into the Eyes

Every organ in Chinese medicine is associated with a sense organ and the
Liver opens into the eyes. The eyes, therefore, are used as a diagnostic tool for
helping to determine the health of the Liver. Liver blood is responsible for the
eyes capacity to see clearly. Psychologically, the health of the Liver can also
determine how clearly we are able to recognize what is actually happening in
our lives and how connected we are to reality. If the Liver blood is abundant,
then we will see clearly, but if it is deficient, we will have eye problems like
blurred vision, dry eyes, myopia, colour blindness and especially floaters.

Because the Liver is especially susceptible to heat, when Liver heat is in

excess we see eye symptoms like red and blood shot eyes and the eyes may be
painful and have a burning sensation. These symptoms are often
accompanied with headaches, ringing in the ears and a bitter taste in the

Controls Planning

One of the other responsibilities of the Liver, and one that is not often
mentioned, it its ability to help us plan our lives wisely. A healthy Liver gives
us the capacity to organize and plan our lives and gives us a clear sense of
direction. A Liver that is out of balance however, affects how well we are able
to plan into the future which we see so often in our society, partially because
of Liver imbalances, and partially because so many of us are simply
overwhelmed with our lives and have a hard time keeping up with our daily
activities. A healthy Liver will help with so much more than your health! It
will literally help you to focus, and plan your life smoothly and effectively.

As you can see, the Liver has a lot of responsibilities so keeping it healthy is
always a good idea. The good news is that there are many, many ways that we
can keep Liver energies balanced and keep this important organ happy and
healthy. We will discuss these as well as the very important emotional aspect
of the Liver (anger) in the following sections.

Part 2 – Loving Your Liver With Nutrition

He that takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the time of his doctor.

~ Ancient Chinese Proverb

In this second installment of the Liver series, we will cover how the foods we
eat can heal and support the liver. The spring is the time when liver energies
are at the fullest, so this is the perfect time to eat foods that support the liver
as well as detoxify, letting go of things we don’t need to make room for the
new things that will nourish and heal us.
In spring we begin eating less than we did in winter, consuming lighter foods
and cleansing the body of the excess fats and heavier foods eaten in winter.
Spring is a time of renewal and growth, a time of expansion and expression.
Spring is when we introduce newly grown greens and sprouts, salty foods and
pungent herbs which support the liver and help to cleanse the body.

Cleansing the body is especially beneficial in spring not only because of the
liver’s function of filtering toxins, but emotionally as well – emotions like
frustration, impatience and anger are associated with the liver and a
cleansing of the body and emotions allows us to clear out old residues and
enables us to see more clearly and move forward in life with renewed passion
and purpose.

Here is a list of things associated with the liver and spring in Chinese

Yin Organ – Liver

Yang Organ – Gallbladder
Season – Spring
Colour – Green
Direction – East
Flavour – Sour
Sense Organ – Eyes
Emotion – Anger
Weather – Wind

Cooking in Spring
Cooking in spring should be of shorter duration and at higher temperatures.
In Chinese medicine raw foods are mostly seen to be cold in nature so some
cooking is always recommended, but of all the seasons, the spring is the time
food is cooked the least for its cooling and cleansing capabilities. Sautéing
with a bit of high quality oil over high heat, or light steaming with water is the
perfect was to cook food in spring and the way your liver will receive the most
Liver Disharmony
Of all the organs, the liver tends to be the most congested, and ironically, is
responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body. A diet high in fatty,
deep fried foods as well as eating highly processed and denatured foods
congest the liver and lead to disharmony, physically, mentally and
emotionally. A person with a healthy liver in Chinese medicine is supremely
calm, has no feelings of stress or tension, easily makes decisions and has
excellent judgement.

Physical symptoms of liver imbalance include many symptoms. The liver

opens into the eyes so many eye symptoms point to a liver disharmony
(bloodshot eyes, floaters, vision problems like cataracts and glaucoma),
tendon issues (contraction, weakness, rigidity and inflexibility), pain and
distension in the sides and rib areas, vertex headaches and outbursts of anger
or frustration are all symptoms of a liver disharmony.

Beneficial Liver Foods

Honey/mint tea
Herbs – basil, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, caraway, dill, bay leaf,
turmeric, ginger, black pepper, horseradish, mint, lemon balm, angelica
root, prickly ash bark
Complex Carbohydrates – grains, legumes, seeds
Vegetables – beets, carrots, watercress, onions, mustard greens, taro
Raw foods – sprouted grains, beans, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables
Fruits – lemon, lime, grapefruit
Bitter Foods – rye, romaine lettuce, asparagus, amaranth, , quinoa,
alfalfa, radish leaves, citrus peel
Liver cleansing herbs – dandelion root, bupleurum, mandarin, milk
thistle seeds, Oregon grape root, chamomile flowers
Liver detoxifying foods – mung beans and their sprouts, lettuce,
cucumber, watercress, seaweeds, celery, millet, tofu, plum, chlorophyll
rich foods, mushrooms, rhubarb root, radish, daikon radish

If you are feeling like your liver might need a little extra love, then try eating
some of the foods listed above, drinking some green juices (dandelion and
milk thistle are particularly good) and go outside, take in the new green of the
growing plants through your eyes, move your body to circulate the qi and
stretch to keep those tendons limber. Your liver will love you for it. :)

Part 3 – The Liver & Anger

Ever see a really impressive display of anger? Someone losing it in the lineup
at the bank, an exasperated parent yelling at a child having a tantrum in the
grocery store, or someone, after being on a plane for a bazillion hours being
told that they have missed their connecting flight and that the airline has lost
their luggage. Yeah, we’ve all seen that. And it is most of our instincts’ to back
a way a few steps because of how powerful that anger can be. That, my
friends, is your liver talking.

Now in the West, this doesn’t make much sense. The liver, we are taught, is
the body’s filter, making sure that we stay clean and toxin free. But in Chinese
medicine, each of the organs has an emotional component, which is just as
important as its physical functions in the body, and the emotion of the liver is
anger. Below is a list of the organs and the emotions associated with them in
Chinese medicine.

The Liver – Anger

The Lungs – Sadness & Grief

The Spleen – Over thinking & Worry

The Heart – Joy

The Kidneys – Fear

Now these outbursts of anger are not the liver in its normal state, they are
obviously a liver terribly out of balance. It is of course normal to experience
emotions like anger, but as we know in Chinese medicine, it is when those
emotions are unexpressed or repressed that things can build up and in the
case of the liver, if left long enough, can cause a Chernobyl like effect. And
nobody wants that.

So how do you not let it get there, you may ask? Well, it is interesting to me
that of all the life skills that are most useful to us, none of them to be taught
in the place where it would be useful to acquire them – school. Emotional
wellness is vital to our health and wellbeing and yet, most of us are at a loss at
how to deal with them.

In Chinese medicine thinking, the emotions are a cause of disease. Now this
may sound ominous, but let me clarify. HAVING emotions is not a cause of
disease and that is an important distinction. It is emotions out of balance, and
they become imbalanced when we do not express them freely, or worse, when
we do not express them at all.

Let me give you an example…

Expressing Your Feelings

Two friends are having a conversation and one says something that is hurtful
to the other without realizing it. The conversation continues with one person
being very hurt and the other having no idea that they hurt the others
feelings. After the conversation the hurt person starts to feel angry at their
friend for having hurt their feelings and not even realizing it. But, once they
have had a few days to cool off they realize that they need to express their
feelings to their friend so they will feel better. After the conversation the
friend who said the hurtful thing unintentionally apologizes and explains
what they meant when they said the thing that the other perceived as hurtful.
The hurt friend sees it from the others perspective and realizes it was not said
intentionally and that anger was diffused and let go. The friends make up and
their relationship is made stronger by the fact that they can openly express
their feelings to each other.

Suppressing Your Feelings

The alternate scenario, and many people do this, is for the hurt friend to be
hurt which turns into anger and never mention anything to the other friend
about it. This builds up over time and every time any other little thing the
other friend does frustrates the already angry friend it just adds to the anger
that is growing and growing. The friend who initially said the hurtful thing,
completely unintentionally, has no idea that their friend is harbouring so
much anger and one day, after a small disagreement, the angry friend has a
complete blowup and all the anger that has been growing comes out all over
the bewildered friend who had no idea that all that anger was in there, and
certainly not that things they had been inadvertently saying or doing was the

Not Expressing Your Feelings

Another scenario is that the hurt friend internalizes the initial hurt, and all
other hurts, frustrations, etc… and never speaks about them. They do this not
only with this particular friend, but with everyone in their life. Eventually this
person becomes sick, despite being otherwise healthy and wonders why. This
is one of the theories about where many cancers come from – a long standing
stagnation of energy, and in many cancers, many believe that there is a huge
emotional component.

Now all that said, sometimes expressing your feelings isn’t easy. We are not
taught how, but it is of vital importance for your health and well being. A lot
of us are taught to avoid confrontation, and many see expressing emotions
that are seen as negative as opening the door to possible confrontation. But, I
can tell you, that if you can speak your mind, and express what you are
feeling, with kindness and compassion, it will almost always strengthen a
relationship, and if it doesn’t, that might not be a relationship you want to

A Healthy, Happy Liver

When the liver is balanced and healthy we are able to move freely because of
the liver’s responsibilities of governing the smooth flow of Qi in the
appropriate directions. You may wonder what happens when Qi flows in the
wrong direction? Well, each of the organs has a natural direction in which its
Qi flows. For example, the Qi of the stomach flows downward, helping to
move food and drink through the digestive system, but when the flow of that
Qi is reversed due to pathogenic factors it causes belching, hiccups, nausea
and vomiting. A healthy liver means a strong immune system because the
liver is responsible for the body’s resistance to exterior pathogens. Because
the liver opens into the eyes, if you have a healthy liver your vision will be
clear and your eyes moist. If your liver is in a state of balance you will have
strong nails, recover quickly from physical activities, your movements will be
smooth and your body flexible. Those with a healthy liver will also have great
courage and resoluteness, and will easily be able to plan their lives wisely and
effectively with a clear sense of direction.

Some Symptoms of Liver Stagnation &

frustration, depression or repressed anger
hypochondriac pain
sensation of oppression in the chest
a feeling of a “lump” in the throat
abdominal distension
women – pre-menstrual tension, depression, irritability, distension of
the breasts
belching, sour regurgitation, nausea, vomiting
bitter taste in the mouth, belching, jaundice
contraction and/or spasms in the muscles and sinews, impaired
extension/flexion, numbness of the limbs, muscle cramps, tremors
dark, dry or cracked nails
blurred vision, myopia, floaters, colour blindness, a feeling of dryness or
grit in the eyes
bloodshot, painful or burning sensation in the eyes
irritability, outbursts of anger, red face, dizziness, tinnitus, headaches
lack of direction in life, feeling of being stuck

As you can see, there are a wide variety of symptoms that can point to a
disharmony of the liver. The liver has a great many responsibilities in the
body, so keeping it healthy and happy is not only good for your physical
health, it is important for your emotional health too. The other thing to
remember is that having prolonged feelings of anger or frustration that are
repressed or unexpressed can damage the liver and the opposite is true as
well. A deficiency in the liver from either external pathogenic factors, or an
internal imbalance can make you more prone to feelings of anger and
frustration. Expressing our emotions honestly and regularly is one of the best
ways we can keep this important organ healthy. You’ll know you achieved it
the next time you are in a stressful situation and you are able to shrug it off
and see the positive instead of going nuclear and destroying everything in
your wake. ;)

Anger and the Liver : Chinese Medicine Living

The Liver in Chinese Medicine : Chinese Medicine Living

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If you would like a downloadable information sheet that will tell you all about
how to live in harmony with the Spring Season in Chinese Medicine, you can
find it here – The Spring Season in Chinese Medicine.

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