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Ariel George

Lesson Plan- Adjective and Adverbs

Date: June 6th, 2019
Grade Level: Second Grade
Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.1.E: Use adjectives and adverbs and
choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Materials Needed:
 Adjective and Adverb PowerPoint which can be found at:
 Mad Libs handouts, enough for 4-5 small groups (this can be found at the end of the
lesson plan)
 Paper and art supplies (scissors, color pencils, crayons, etcetera.)
Objective: Students will be able to use both descriptive adverbs and adjectives as well as know
the correct context for placing each one through a Mad Libs activity. Students will additionally
use these words to add detail to their writing through writing and illustrating their own original
Background: This lesson will be a part of a grammar and usage unit where the second graders
are learning about collective nouns, regular and irregular plural nouns, sentence structure, and
past tense irregular verbs. The growing purpose it to help the students feel confident in their
ability to write descriptively and grammatically correct. Before this lesson, students would have
started to learn about painting a picture visually and using descriptive words to do so. Students
would have practiced these skills by writing about their favorite meal, place, pet, and other
interests through prompts.
Lesson Presentation: I would begin the lesson by pulling up the PowerPoint and asking the
students if they know what an adjective is. Students would brainstorm ideas with a neighbor.
Then the definition would be given that adjectives are words that describe a noun or a pronoun.
Then we would repeat the same process with adverbs learning that its definition is words that
describe a verb, adjective, or even adverb. There will be a brief demonstration of what times are
appropriate for each one. Then I will show an example of a passage from the book Where the
Wild Things Are first without the adjectives and then with them in it. As a class we will discuss
the differences in these examples and how the adjectives help to enhance the writing and paint a
picture for the reader.
Activity: In small groups, we will participate in an adjective/adverb Mad Lib activity. The
purpose of this activity is to further demonstrate the importance of using adjectives and adverbs
in writing. I will tell the students that I have written a story but need help making it more
descriptive. I will then divide the class into four or five small groups and hand out one Mad Lib
worksheet per group. I will first have each group think of ten adjectives and five adverbs and
write them on the paper. Then the students will insert their adverbs and adjectives into the Mad
Lib in the order they wrote them and through using their prior knowledge to know whether they
should insert an adjective or adverb. The class will then come back together as a whole and some
groups will share their new story that they have created.
Assignment: Students will create their own mini eight-page story book. On each page the
student needs to add an adverb or adjective depending on the context. This will total out to be six
adjectives and two adverbs. All the adverbs and adjectives need to be different. The adjectives
and adverbs need to enhance the story and help the reader to better visualize through the writer’s
descriptions. The students can also illustrate their original stories if they choose.
Assessment: To correctly grade and assess each Mad Lib and original story book I would ask
myself the following questions:
 Do the students know when to use an adverb and when to use an adjective?
 Do the adjectives/adverbs add to the story and help to paint a picture in the readers mind?
 Are there at least six adjectives and two adverbs?
 Are all the adjectives and adverbs different in the story?
This assessment is of a formative nature and will help me to know what each student feels
comfortable doing and where they may need further help.
Adjectives and Adverbs Mad Lib

One summer I lived in the ________ house of my Aunt Olga. _________,

she told me that there was a ______ ghost living in the ________ attic. “Don’t
worry” she said, as she ________ stroked her ______ cat. “The ghost is very
“Wow!” I responded, although I didn’t believe my ______ Aunt Olga
because I knew that ghost are not real!
That first night as I lay in my bed I could hear sounds coming from my
closet. I tried to quickly fall asleep, but I couldn’t help the feeling that something
________ was watching me. ________, I got up to see what was in my room. As I
approached the closet a _________ sound rustled inside. ______, I whipped open
the closet door and Chester the cat jumped out and startled me!! I thought to
myself, “_______ old Aunt Olga, she’s just teasing me.” And then I fell asleep
_________ in my bed.

Adjectives: Adverbs: (ending in -ly)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

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