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I am Penny the
projector! Let me
introduce you to
my family
LCD stands for “Liquid Crystal Display.” They can display images,
videos and data and are very popular. They are commonly used in
business meetings, presentation and seminars…

These are my two

cousins, the latest
models; the Hitachi CO
CW302wn lcd projector
and the Panasonic pt CO CW302wn lcd
mz670 l lcd

mz670 l lcd

We work by
using three liquid
crystal panels, a prism, a
lamp and filters to create the
physical image. The lamp provides a
white light that passes through a
filter that accepts certain types of
light and blocks all the other
light trying to come through,
this is called

The mirrors
separate the light
into three primary
colours; Red, blue
and green. There
are lcd panels that
reflect either red,
blue or green
lights when it is
projecting light
This is the
first ever lcd
projector made
by Gene dolgoff Hey
in 1968 kiddo

Hi Grandpa!

Here are some

older types of
projectors that Opaque projector
helped develop us

Slide projector
Some recent and
common models bought by
consumers are the epson
home cinema 5040ub 3lcd
projector, the jvc d-ila
projector, the goodee
projector and the optima
uhd50 projector

Epson home cinema JVC D-ILA

5040un 3lcd

$3,999.99 $3,799.99

GooDee Projector Optoma UHD50

$194.99 $1,799.99
average cost of a
lcd projector ranges
from $2,000-$8,000

manufacturers of Some
lcd projectors are The suppliers are
Electronic World, Visual Shenzhen Joyline E-
Impact, Sarvadnya commerce Co,
Enterprises, Allied Guangzhou Xin Huawo
Enterprises. Display Technology
Co and Enjoy Voice
Electronic Co

Some brands that sell LCD projectors are epson, lg, benq and jvc

Lcd projectors can be bought at your nearest staples or Best Buy

or even bought online via amazon
“How LCD Projectors Work.” N.p., 1 Jan. 2010.
Web. 25 Feb. 2019.

“LCD Projector Prices and Specifications.” Sulekha. N.p., 1

Jan. 2019. Web. 25 Feb. 2019.

“The Evolution of Projection Technology.” N.p., 1 Jan. 2019. Web. 25 Feb. 2019.

Team, eN-touch. “Did You Know? 6 Fun Facts About LCD

Technology - EN-TOUCH.” EN-TOUCH. N.p., 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 25

“IndiaMART.” IndiaMART. N.p., 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 25 Feb. 2019.

“Enjoy Voice Electronic Co., Ltd.” Global Sources. N.p., 1

Jan. 2004. Web. 25 Feb. 2019.

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