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John Mather

Ha rvard Unlvcrrity

July 1970
Thara notea a r o part of rh. flrrt c h p t o r of r marlam of lacturaa
givon b autbor la tb. r p r k d 1970.
t Tha uLLmrta aim of thooo
-tor will bo to prove rha theorom th.t Ch. a r t of topobglcJly a t a b h
mapplngo f o r m a dona. auboot of C ~ ( N , P I for .of f h l t a dlmonriond
mrnLloldr N md P whora N ir compact. The flrat & & p a ri 4 a atldy
of tho Thorn-Wlaltmoy thaory of otrulflod oata rrrd atratlfiad m&pplry..
Tha cotuaoctbn of tho m a t a r i d h theoa mtoo with tbo thaorom on tha
dondty of t o p o b g k d l y .tabla mrpplwa appaare b 4 11, r b o r o wa glvo
Tbom'a .ocond lmotopy lamnu. Thim roa J t glvoa aufflclwlrt comdltbn~for
two a p p i r y r to ba topologkdly oquivdoat.
k t p bo 8 porLHvo numbar p r w , rbicb rill bo h o d throu#hout

thlr chaptar. By lfemooth" wo r i l l mean dlflormtiablo of c l a r r C' .
e)n-mmlfold rlthout boundrr7.

r mmooth (I. 0..

M be 8

mmooth [i. e.,

rubnudfold of M

H mueb t b t for ovary r E X tboro d r t m a coordinate chart ( e , U )

. r e rlll moan . muboot X


of cham cP much that r € U m d flX n Ul = R k rlflUt. for a

.uItabls coordlnata plmo R~ in R' . In th. detlalnon of mubmmlfold,

r e do not amrurne t b t X 1. clorod. Howovar, It foilowm from tho

daRzlltlon of mubmanlfold that X m

l locmllv clomod L. 0. , oach point Ln

S ha. a aai#bborboed U in M much rb.t X fl U 1. clomod in U .

If X l r m r-dlmenrioiml rubmmlfold of M md rEX , tbon

&a tangent rpmes TXs of X rt r I D r p d n t in the Granrnumlan

bundle of r-planar In TMr . In whrt follorr 'konvor#snco" mama

convergence In the rtandard topolon on thlr bundle.

Let X and Y bs amaoth mubrrunlfoldm of M and lot yEY .

Set r = dim X .
( 2. Condltlon b. W I wlU bogla by doflnhg Vhltaoylr cmblUon b

for rubrrunlfoldo of nn . Than wo ertond thlr daflnltloa to rubrrunlfold8

af an arbitrary mmlfold. udng tba doflnltlon In Rn . Wo wlll 81.0 ah-

that condltion b Impliar condltion a .

1f 1.1I and x + y , then tho r n . ~ n t d l 1 donot. tho U.0
w m ~ l o1.2. (Wbltamy { 6 ]) .ht x. y, m doaota coordinate. for
la an whlcb L m pmrallol to tho llao jolnlng and f and palam0
3 Y bo tho m - u d r md lot X k the mat {mx2 - 0) 4th
through tho orlgln. For any I € Rn wo 1dr.h TxR0 dth I. In
the . - d m dalotod. (In Figure 1, wo &va mkotcbod tho LntorrocClon of X
tho rhndard way.
wltb R ~ . m
) en X and Y arm c a m p l n a u l y H c mubnunifoldr of C3 .
It lo 0amL1y mom that (X,Y) ratlrflom cundltion a at .U polntr of Y k t X.Y ba (rrnooth) rubrmnlbldrn of ma. L.t yCY . Lot
u c o ~ tho
t arigtn, and that It doom mt matlwe condltion a tboro. r = dlm X .
Wo wlU may t b t tba palr (X, Y ) ratlrllmr condltlba a If It mrtimflsr DEFINITION 2.1. Y'o ray t b t tho p d r (I(,Y ) rathflom condltlon

condition a a t ovary polnt of Y . b g y If th. follo4afi hold.. L

l rl bo a m.qtlmco of polnt8 In X ,
convarglnn to y -
and f
a mo~ueacoof polnta ln Y , aImo.comarflng

-to y . sumorn.
rl Sl y, for d l

Lot ( X * , Y ') bo a rocond pmlr of mubrrudfoldr of mn , and 1st

y DE Y ' .
Then t h r r r exlrtr a l l n s 1 E nn ,
tha t
p r r l n g through the o t I d n , much that

(X, Y
1 g TY
but 1& T . Slnce 1 C TY
, r o can choorr a r.sumce of polntr

yl € Y ruch thmt yl & x i . yi y and yI x I htrlnce f k r , thir

contradlctr condltlon b . 0. E. D.
Proof: Obvlour.
We ray (X. Y) ratlrfler condltlon b if Lt ratlrfler cond(tlon b mt
Lot M be a manlfold and X.Y rubmaaupldl,
s v s r y polnt yE Y .
- y6Y .
Let W e ray that (X,Y) padrfler condltlon b
- y

morns coordlnato chart (pU) about y , r r b v e that the pair Example 2.5. Let X be the rplral lo EL2 denned the condltlon

( d U 0 X) . P(Vn Yl) ratlaflau condltion b g f l y ) . &at tbe h n p n t of X n u k e r a conrhnt angle 4 t h tho radlal vector. and

let Y be the orlgln. In polar coordlnater, thlr rplral lo glvsn by

In d e w of Lemma 2.2. lf (X, Y ) ratlrfler condltlon b a t y , then
r - 88 = conrtsnt. Then the p l r (X,Y) door not ratlrfy condltlon b .
for e m coordinate chart (0.V) about y , r s have that (T(U0 X I . Ip(Un Y]
For. by deflnltlon, the angle a betrean the llne TXx and the recant
ratlrflsr condltlon b at y .
For the r e r t of thir rsctlon, 1st M be a manlfold and X and Y then tbs tsngentr 'IXy convergrta n Uno T = 9, and
2 n
kL converger

rubmanlfoldr and let y€ Y . to a llns 1 , r h l c h n u k e r an angle Q rlth T .

PROPOSITION 2.4. (X,Y) ratlrflsr condltlon b ~t y than Exampla 2.6. (Yhltney ( 6 1). Let x. y. 8 be coordlnater for E .
It ratlrfler condltlan a y . Lrt Y he the =-art.. Let X be the rat (Y
+ x3 - m * 2 2
a 0) d t h

the 8-axlm deleted. (In F l p r e 2 r e have oketched the lntermectlon of X

Prnof: Slnce both candltlonr a rnd b a r e purely local, we may
rlcb .
R 3 ) It l r earlly rsen that the palr (X.Y) ratlrfler condltlon a.
ruppore that X and Y a r e rubmanlfoldr of lFtn . Let xi be a
and the palr (X,Y) ratlrfler condltlon b a t all polntm of Y except the
requence of polntr ln X ruch that x, - y and TXxl * V . for moms
orlgln and that l t doer not ratlrfy condltlon b there.
TIR" = IRn
. V's murt rhoa that TY 5
T . Suppore otherwire.

PROPOSITION 2.5. Sumore 7E X

--Y (X, Y ) ratlrflar
0 3. B l o w l n ~up. In the next rectlan, r e will glve mn I n t r l n d c

condltlon b fi y . &T dim Y 4 dim X. formulrtlon of condltlon b r h l c h will b e u r d u l Imter on. Thlr formulation

depend. on the notlon of blowing up a mmlfold along l rubmmnlfold, r h l c h r e

ProoZ: It Ir enough to conrlder the c a r e when hl a mm . Slnce
define In thlm rectlon.
y E X , there e r l r t r a nequence x, In Y -Y vhlch converger

to y . By the compactnerr of the Crarnmannlan, we may ruppore, by

Let N ba a nunlfold and U a clored rubnunlfold. By tha

manlfold BUN obtained by blowlng up h' along U, v a wLLI maan tbe rnanlfold
parrlng to a rubmsquence If necerrary, that TqI converger to an r

r mm deflned In the followin# r a y . Am a r a t B UN f r the dlrjolnt unloa

plane 7 (where r = dim XI. Since condItlon b Impllem condltlon

8 (Propoeitlon 2.4). TY S T .
For i rufflclently large, there m
I a
(N U) U % . where Pt+, denoter the projectlva normal bundle of U

polnt yl on Y
whlch miaimlrar the dlmtrnca to xi By parrlng to . In N .
a rubmequence if necerrary, v e may muppome the mecantr
Ry the natural projectlan * : BUN - N , v a mean the mapplng
to a llne 1 57" . Slnce yl mintml=er the d i r a n c e to x
the defined by letting r 1 mu b e the projection of mu on U and lettlng
recant ylxl I m orthogonal to TYyl ; hence J Im orthogonal to TY
. U ~ NU - be the Inclurlon of N -U into N .
Slnce (X,Y ) ratlrfier condltlon b mt y , we have 1 T . We have

rhown TY +L G + and L Ir orthogonal to TY . hence To define the differenttable 8 t ~ c h I r aon BUN , v e flrnt conrider
Y Y @

dim X = dim + > dim T Y = dlm Y . Q. E. D.

the cmre when N fr open In lFtn and U = IRn flN , where R' Ir the
coordlnata plane defined by the vmnlrhlng of the lamt n -r coordinater.

m e n r e have a m a p p h g a : BUN - an r ~ d - ~ : l d e f l n aam

d follovr.


U x mpn*'-l

mn x

d x ) =(r.fl(x)] , where
aIF++, I r the rtandard ldantiflcatlon of
d-'.' . 9econdly. If
B(x) i r the polnt In
x= (7,

!x I €

nn - nr ,

homogeneouo coardlnater -.
( x ~ + ~ . xn 1
A .
It la earily verlfled t b t Ie a cW rubrnrnlfold of

rnx R Pa-:-?# follolr. Let 4 , ,x ) denote the coordlnatr of

mn . Let Xr+Im ,Xn denote the hornogreour soordlnater h r pn-!-' where a : BUN c.N Ir the aahrral proJectlon. the n r r t r h t m m a t I r

For r + 1 S 1c n , l n 2, denote (he n b r o t of R ~ ~ . ~ - l d e f l nby

ed obvlour.

Xl 40 , and let X be the r u l -1ued function X,{ * XJ/XI on Z1.

Ji To prove the renuinla# two rhtementr, r e rot q xi cp and
Then the InterrecHm of dl N rr ZI Ir the rat deflned by
obeervi thmt there e d r t functionr of el. c"-I , for

r +Is1 , a j n , euchthat

Slnce the nupplag a Ir InJecHve, r e may deflae m nunlfold rtructure Thir 10 proved am follo+r. Slnce for r +1 15 n , r e have tbmt
on BUN by pulllag bnck the mmalfold rtructure on a&,N] . vanlrhee on U n N mr ,
fl r e #at that

Nor. l e t N C be r recoad open rubeet of 1", Iet U' = mrn N' ,

end let -
q : (N,U ) (N'. U') be a fl dlffeomorphIrrn. Let

rp+ : DUN -* BUeN' be the Lduced mapplng, deflned by lottlng

' P + I ~ :~Yu be the nupplnl Induced by the dlfferenHm1. and


lettlng p, IN - U : N - U -. N C - U' be the re.trlcHon of p . Then ro that + boldr, where

l r r dlffcornorphlrm of c l r r r .
TO .how thIr, we first obrerve that F, Is blject10n and (?,1-' a (q3-l).
Thetsfota, It mfflcen to n h w tlut , 1. of clrrm d-'. TO ahor ~ i r lt. In view of , e, (7.() n Zk Is the rubnet of
(+I Zk deflned by

I . ennugh to .how t!mt *ye 140f chs. d" . L l i j n , that ( p ; ' ) ( ~ ~I.)
-pan. r t 1 5i n . rnd that XI, cp, I r of clanr c''~ for r +lsf.n md

j d= 1 . Slnca m d hence 11 open. It followm that 7,-1 Zl Ir open. It r1.o follorr from
14. An Intrtndc formdatlon of condltlon b . Let N be a rmooth

m a t f o l d Let AN donot. lh. diagonal In N2 . By tho fat ..urn of N ,

-a -111 maan the mlalfold F(N) obtalnod blmlng up N2 along
&N '

T h e normal bundle W of hN In N2 CBB bo tdentlff ed 4 t h tha

tangent h a d l a TN In a canontcat -.y, am follorr. If x E AN , then by


N o r let X and Y bo rmaath rabm.nIfoldr of N and l e t yEY .

Suppnrr Y I m clorod. la rlw of the p r d o u r p r a g r a p h . r o obbln the

The mapping of TNI Q TNx Into TNr rhlch r m d r vQr to r -r

Inducer an Imomnrphirm of 7
with TNx . We ure &IDIromorphtrm to
PROPOSITION 4.1. 'Iho pair (X.Y) ratloflam condlHon b g y
identify vitb TNI ,
x bo any r q u a n c e of
and only if the follorlnl( condttlon holda. LA fx,)
Frnm thir ldantlffcatlon and the daflnltlan of the procerr nf blaring up polntm In X s d (7,) any requonce of p t n in
~ Y much that x, 4 y, .
8 manihld alnng a rubmmlfold, It follorr that Suppore x - y , y ) - y , ( y I COwOrRe. to l lfne 1s my *

and ( T X ~ ) c o n v o r g e ~(in the Gramrmamlan of r p h n a r in TN .
r h e r a r = d l m X ) t a . n r-&a r s T NY . kT f S T -

where PT(N) denntem the prnjectlve tangent bundle of N . Thua. pointm

nf F(N) a r e nf two klndr: pairm (x,y) 4th x,y € N and x C y

and tangsnt dlrectlnnr cm N .

prove by an argument due to Thorn [ 4 , p.t42].
45. v%ltner pro-rtratlflcatianr. Let W h a rmoath (La., c')
mmibld dthout k n d a r y . Let S bm a rubrmt of M . By a pre-mtratlflcaWon We rkmtch Thom'r argummt for thm two otrata c a r e hmrm. Thm only
8 of S . r e r i l l mom a corer of 5 by p d d w dirjolnt rrnooth non-trivial care i r when the h o rtrata matidy X <Y and the two p o h t r
rubmanifoldr nf M , which llm In S . We will ray &at 8 i r locally x and r' a r e In X . In tblr care X i r clemd and X ?=Y UX .
flnite if each p i n t nf ham a nmlghborhsed whlch meetr at moot flnltsly
For rlmplIclty, r e will ruppore that M Ir compact, though It lw not
many otrat.. We ray 8 rrtirfl.r the condlHon of h e frontierif for mach

rtracum X of 8 itr frontier (Jt - X ) n S 10 a union of otrat..

dlMcult to modlfy the argument to make It work in the carm

M Ir

We r i l l ray 8 10 a Fshlhay prm-rtratiflcatlan If it Ir locally flnltm.

Let N be a rmall tubular nmlghborhood of X In M , let T :N X
ratirfler thm conrHHon of the frontler. amd (X, Y ) watlrflem condition b
(X, Y 1 of rtratm of . be a r m w t h retraction. and lmt be a mrnooth functlon nn M ouch tbat
fnr any p i t 8
~ 1 . 0X 3 (p = 0 ) , and at a point r € X , P Ir non-degmerate on
Let * bm a Whitnwy pre-rtratlflcatlnn of a rubret S of a rnanlfold the normal plane to X In thm renrm t h t the Hmrrlan matrix of p at .
M . Suppore X and Y a r e rtrat.. W s write Y *X If Y 10 in x ham rank equal to the codlrnrnrlon of X .
the frontier of X . In view of ProporlHon 2.5. If Y <X then

dlrn Y < dim X . It f o l l a r earlly that the rmlation "<" definer a partlal
Now let x and xC be two polnts In the rame connectmd component

mrder nn 8 ,
of X . Let vX bm a omooth vector field on X wuch t h t the trajectory

of v rtartlng at x arrlvem at r C at tlme t = 1 .

Remark. Lat M he a manifold. S a clomed rubaet of M . and
8 a Whltney pre-otratlflcatinn of S . Let x and x' be two point.
Fnr c > (r ouMclently omail, the rubret Mc = (P = F 1 of N Ir

In the mame con nected component of a rtraturn of 8 . Then there exlrtr compact, and r :M F X 11 a rubmerrlon. Furthermore, YF = M FCI Y

lm cnmpact, and It follovm frorn condition b that r :Y -. X ir a

a homeomnrphlrm h of M onto l t r d f r h l c h premerver S and 8 F
ouch t h t h(x) r x' . Thlo follnrr frorn Thom'r theory 1 4 1 and wa will rubrnerrlon for oufflclently omall. It follovo emoily that there l r a

prove it below. In the care 8 har only two strata, It IDgulte eawy t o
vector field v on M -X and an rl * fI ouch that v l r tangent
Let M be a manifold and X r mbmmifold.
in the r a n r e that the Hcmrian
non-degenerate on the normal plmna to X

DEFINITION. A tubular neiubborbood T of X in M i r r triple n u t r i r of p at r h a m rank equal to tho co-dlmenslon of X .

(E.c , p J , where r :E - X m
i m Inner product bundle, c ir A pomitiva
If U Ir a rubret of X . the rertrictlon T IU of T to U ir
rmooth function on X , and p 1. r dlffeomorphlrm of B onto An open
c dcfiiadar (E(u, ~ I u ,( P ( ~ I .
m b r e t of k vhich commute. witb the r e r o rectlon of E :
U T = (E, c o y ) sad T* = (E*.
c * . ~ ' ) a r e two tubular nelghborhoodr

of X in M . m inner product bundle iromorphirm 6 :E - E* will be

raid to be an imomorphlrm of T with TI if there exirtm a poaitive

continuour functlon cC on X such that c' 5 rnln(c, c*] and

9' rn dBc- )1%. . Note h a t if thir hold., than rT(pBeC rn mT, (y~eC
pT ( 9 ~= ~pT,- .
We s e t IT ( = @Be) . By the projection armoclated to T . v a mean
and lpBc Y. 8 B ~ Y T a d T' a r e i ~ o m r p h i cU

J ~

the nupping rT r cp - 1 : IT1 - X . By the tubular function arroclated to

write T - T' Lf there edmtr a n 1romorpMsm f r o m T to T'

T , we mean the non-negative r e a l valued function A rmooth mapping f : M -. P will be raid to be a mubmcrmion If

df : TMx - TPf(X, 1m onto for each x E M .

Throughout the r e r t of h i s rectlon, let f : M -. P be a rmooth mapping.
It L l l o v r from there deflnltion. that rT 1
.. retraction of
IT1 on and X a mubrmnifold of M .

X , 1. a. , the compoeltlon
A tubular neighborhood T of X in M will be r d d to be compatible

x -
with f if f . rT I f 1 I. A mapping h of M into ltreU will be sald

1. the identity. Aimo, X i r the 0-ret of

PT the differential of pT
to be compatibia with f if f -h = I . A homotopy H :M x 1 M - of M

vanirhem only on X . and (in tha c a r e p


2) a t a point IE X , pT ir
into itrcif wiil be raid to ba compatlbie with f if

M , we will mean a rmooth mapping

f Ht = f for aii

t E I ( = [O, 1)) . By an irotopy of

H:Mxl-M m8chrh.t Ho=ld:M-Y md Ht:L(-L( ia4 Flrmt, under thr hypothamir b t To and T 1 a r e comptlblm with f
dlffsomorphlrm l o t all t 6 I , If h im l dlffeomatphimm of M iato itreU, and f 1% im l rubmermloa. wr can choora h ~d H to bm compatible d t h
the .upport of h dll mean tb clamuro of {x 6 M : h(x) 4 x ) . Lik~ae, f . Secondly, if To lU - TI lU for mom8 open met U In X , and Z 1.

if H :M xl M i r m imotopl, the m u m r t of H dll m o m tho clorure of clomed'mubmet of M much that Z n X5 U , thea we can choomm h md H
h f M : t € I . Hx,tl+r). to iemva Z point-vlra flxad.

If M * 10 a mecond mrnibld and XC im 4 mubmurlfold of MC , m d

h : (M,X) - (M*,XC) i r a dlffeomorpbimm, thea for any t u b d r r nelghkrhood

The follorlnp proporition impllem theme mtrtarnslltm, m d ham mome other

wrinklen mr well. We dll umm it in ltm full genermlity.

(E.t,pl of X wm deflne a tubular neighborhood h+T of XC by
PROPOSITION 6.1 (Uaiquonemm of hbu1.r noirhborb6adm). Suppome the
t p) .
+ h e , t hml , h
rubnunifold X $ M i r clomad. and fix :X - P i r a rubmermlon.
We d U hegln by mtrthg m d p r o h g a uaiqumemm theorem for tubulmr U be an open rubret of X ,& U' & V' be ciored rubrmtr of X .
nalghborhoodr, and than we dll derlve M eximtence theorem from the V ba m open rubret of M , and muppome U* C U & V' G V .
urriqueaeem thsorem. Thlm procedure of deducing the erimtence theorem lSae Figure 3 . ) LA TO md T, be tubulmr nehhborhoodr of X M
from the unlquenerr theoram wmm ruggemted to urn by A. Ogur. which a r e compatible with f mnd rupvorr there La m ImornorphLam

p0 : T0lu - T,Iu . Then there i r on i r o t o q H :M x I - M . compmtible

11 X
Tha rlmplert unlqusnerm theoram for tubular aeighborhoodr atatem thmt

in clomed and To and T, arm tubular nelghborhoodm of X in M , -

vlth f . l e a v i n ~ X polnt-wire fired. and d t h mupprt in V , much that

h,To JV' u U * 1. u U* *
T ~ ~ V , where h Hi. Moreover. lf N
then there exlrtm a dlffeomorphirm

polat-wlee fixed much that h,TO - . TI

h of

M onto ltrelf which l e a v e

h can be choman mo
nei~hborhoodof the diamonml La M xM . we can choome H much thmt

that tbara 10 an lrotopy H of M with hl = H which ieavea

(Ht(x), x) f N for may tf 1 & xC M . Airo. we can cbomo H ro thmt
there i r an imomorphirm p : ~ , T ~ I V ' U U' T ~ ~UvU.' much thmt
point d m e flxad. We crn generaliae thlm rarult in variour wayr.
9IU' bOIUo
-Proof. Let m = dim M , c c cod X , and p = dlm P . For k <m ,
let mk he mmbeddrd am R x Om-* ln mm , WIU ray tb.t r r a r a

in the local csme when V' i r compact and tharr exlata a diffeomorphlrm

9 of M onto an open rubret of mm . much that #(XI a mrn-' n +(MI , and

l diffeomorphl.m of P onto an open rubret of mP ruch that the

follorrlng diagram cammuter, where r i r dven by r(xi, - - am)= b l P m - * , x)

firdrmrmorm. r e m y 8uppoms arch
i r rmlatlvmly compact. and h t

Then {M - X ) U { w ~ ) i r a covmr of M , ro that there mrirtr a locally

finltr refinement of it. vhlcb wm nrvy taka (a bm of thm form {M - X ) U {W,) .
where ench W
l r contained in W
for romm xi E X . Slncm M ham

There a r e two rtepr in the proof: a countablm b a d r for it* topology, the coUmction {wi) ia coumtablm. Nor

we dlrcard all W
for which Wl n U*4 or Wi n V* 0 , and r e
Step I. Reduction to the local care. From the hypothemla that f IX tr
Index the remaining Wiam by the poriHve lntmgrrr. Than we havm
a rubmerrlon, It foiiovs that for each

W of x Ln M , a diffeomorphirm ex of
x E X there exirtr an open neighborhaod

W onto an open submet of

V 0 ~ U U W i U Q , U - * - and . W EV
foraii i , by r,
x x
Etm much that @(Wx n XI = OWxl n mm-' . and a diffeomorphlrm Ux of n r e can choora clored retr W;' C; Wi nX much thnt

f(Vix) onto an open rubret of EtP much that the foiioving diagram commuter V' sU U W;U W; U ... . S h c e W; C; Wx,i, , m d the latter 10 rmielvely
compact, it followr thnt W; i r compact.
Now r e coartruct by lnductloa a aquence
H ,H .H
z , *. of lrotopiar

of Ld lato i t d f and rtqumce #O.#l,pt,. - of iaomorpblmma of tubular

ml&borhoodr. We let H0 be d a f l r d by :
H * idnuty , 0 5 t 5 1 , and

let qO be am glven in the atatemart of L e propomitton.

For Qe Lnductive rtep, we muppore t b t

H ,H ,.
..Hi-l and
mucb that

Now if it i s true that the rtquence GJx) ia evenbrally conrtrat

'Lbea it follorr from the l o u l care of the prapomitlon that H

and fii in a neighborhood of any poiat x € M , we can eat

can be chorm mo that the coaditionr of tbe Induction a r e ratirfled. For. let

WO be an op- rubmet of Wi much that W; 5 WO ud W: 1. relatirely

1 i
compact in W, , aad let U* be an open neighborhood of
U * U W; U . .U w i In X r h o r e clorure liar In U r m l U Wi
. From the

local care. lt f o ~ o w rh a t we can conmtnrct an imotopy H' of W~ . (since the latter im erentuaUy conrtmnt In l neighborhood of any poht). ~f

:N -M
compatibla with f . leaving X nW i
palnt-vim8 flxed. and with #upport la wa choore N ro that the projection rt
- 14 proper (where '

W: much that
i I-1
begm TOIF; Wl - Tl fl W i ' where hi = Hii . (Thir I D denote8 the pro)*ction on the recond factor). then It l r *arily meen chat

becaure I:i~Ol~;-l n wi - T~I$, n W, u;-,c xP J oreo over. r e may the mequence

Gt(x) m
l eventually conrtrnt In a nelghborbood of m y point

xEM , and tbrt H and $ have tha required ptopartle4.

Tblr C0mpht08 the reduction to the local care. Then there eriatr m unlque porltlve deflnita relf-rdjolnt iinerr mrpplng

H :W 4 W much that H L : V -. V prererver Inner productr.

Proof in the locml care. Let To = ( E O , a O , ~ Oand
) TI = (EI,al,~I .
We will f l r r t conrtruct m lromorpbirm

rhlch e~tOnd8 +0 Iu' .

4 :E
mnd then conrtruct Qe irotopy
-5 of Lnner product bundiem

H to havo the
Remmrk I.

m y lnvertibla rrutrix
It i r emally reen t b t tblr Ir equivrlent to the arrertlon Out

L of r e r l numberr ham m unique decomporltLon

requlred propertlam. L r H-% where H ia a p r l t i v e deflnlte a y ~ m e t r l cmatrix m d U l r an

orthogonrl m t r l x .
The tubular n d ghborhood Ti (i r 0,l) giver a naturrl identificmtion

a, of Ei with the normrl bundle vX of X ln M . Explicitly, if Remark 2. Simllrrly, i t Lr earlly verified thrt there e d r t r a unlque

r E X , the rartrlctlon of a1 to the flber E i r the compoaition porltive definite reU-rdjoint linear nupplng Hi : V -. V much thrt
1, x
L H~ : v - w preserver ~ m o product.,
r m d thmt 5 L"HL.

Let 0 B
% : Eo - El . We may conrider f3 r r r rectlon of
Proof of the lemmr.

barir for V , and let


A a
Let e L1

(a . ) be the m t r i r given by
- be rn orthonormrl

aij (Lat. h j l j .
lro(E E )
0' 1
, &era the l t t e r 11 the bundle whore fiber over r Ir tho {J
Then a La rymmetrlc m d poritive definite. It followr from the rpectrrl
.pace of iromorphlrma of E0,= lnto E
I. r
ln generrl. will not heP ij
theorem for rymmetric p r l t i v e defhlte rnatricer Out we m y choore tho
of c h r r C' , only of clam c'-I ; however, we m y approximate fl

arbitrarily clorely on any compact ruhret of X by r rectlon Dl of clrar

brair el, -- , en ro Out (a.) 11 m dlrgonai matrlr:
iJ U
a = ai6Lj

e. there 8
Lr the Kronccher delta rymboi). Let f1 =Uei)/q . Thm

fim' ' ' ,fn La an orthonormri brria of V . Let H :W - W be given by

To conrtruct # , we will need the followlng well known lemma ln H(fi) a f i / q . Then H ham the required propertler.

Ilnerr aigebrr.
Uniquenerr. If there were t w , H md H* . we would hrve thrt

LEMMA. LA V a s W be vector rpacer, provided with inner

U s (HL) . (H'L)
i r orthogonri. Then uH'L 8 HL ro uH' = H .
product. i snd j . LA L :V W be a vector apace iromorphiam.
h k l n g adjoint.. r e then obMn H'u-' = H ro that H
= H'U- UH* = H
To prove the propomltlon la gsrrrr8l. we take a locally finite f a d l y (W )
FUrthermre, Ln r muULdentiy r m l l i
HI ?O r 5 r (PO r f i 9
nelghborhood of U * U V* . Thum g la an lmomrphlmm of H , + T ~ ~ uU* V*
of open retm In M having tbm follorlng propertlor:

dth TIJu'uvC.

It m
i clear from the conmtructlon thmt H l r compatible vlth f and
lervem X p o l a t - d r e fired. Finally. by cboomlng the function o ured in

thr eonmtruction of G to have rupport in a vary r n u l l aelghborhood of V* ,

we may arrange for H (o be am clore to the identill Iln the compact-open
topology) a r r e like. 0. E. D.

N m we atate and prwm the axlrtence theorem for tubular ndgbborhoodm.

PROWSlllON 6.2. Suppore f i x :X - P Im a mubmerrion. L A U

(b) each
WI im compact, and
be .a open rubret of X and let To be a tubular nei~hborhoodof U &
X . && U' be a mubset of U which m
l clomed ln X . Tben there axlrtr (c) (w, n X ) 1. a cover of X .
a tubular nelghborhood T X M much that T~u'-T~IU* .
Furthermore. we can choore clored retm w; E Wi much that (w;]
Proof. It L m enough to conrider the came when X m
I clomed ln M . i r a cover of X . Since M ha. a countable bad. for itm topology, thm

For, In general. there la an open mubmet Mo ln M much that X Is a family (Wi) i 4 countable. We 411 muppome that It l r indexed by the

clomed rubmet of Mo . mince X Im locally cloned ln M . Clearly a poaitlve integerm. For each porLtLve integer we let UL= U U WI u ...U P
tubular nelghborhood of X in Mo m
i a tubular neighborhood of X In and U* = U * U w ; U - - . U V ~ ; .
We let UO= U md u;= U'.

Now we conmtruct by Induetlon on i m open neighborhood U;' of

The local case of this propomition m

i trivial. U; in X and a tubular naighborhood Ti of U;.' We take To am
47. Cmtrol data. Throughout &lo roctlon. lot h4 be a mmlfold a d
liven. P o t tho inductive rtep, r e mupporo Ul:', and Ti,l beon
8 4 W b l t a q pro-mtrmlflcatLon of a muboot S of M .
ctmotructed. Wo let u," bo any open neighborhood of U; ln X rhlcb

ir rektlvoly compact in Supporo t h t for oach rtratum X of 8 r o a r e given & tubular
Wl ULl
. % : ITX I donoto tho

neighborhood TX or X In M k t X
Sinco U; S Wl - uLl , thoro d o t open met. A and B ln U; ouch
IT~J mbul.r h c H o m
= AU B ,
- c - uim1 B s uC1 .
projection mmmociated to TX rad pX : R tho
that U;' A W and Sinco tho eximtence thoorom
arrociatod to TX .
for tubular ndghborboodm i r true in the Local care, we may choome a tubular

ndgbborhood T; of Wl tl X la IVl . Tb.n r e have two tubular DEFINITION. The famllt { T ~ ) of tubular nelrbborhoodr r l l l bo u l l d

ndghborboodr of U" n W, t l X La M , namely tho rertrlctionr of Ti control d a h for 8 if the follodng( comrnuhtion r t l t l o n a arm m4tirfl.d:
rad Tlml . Sinco An B i r rektively compact In (u: - u;,~) rl V i rl X , -
if X rad Y 4re otreta and X <Y , ht=

we n u y find a dlffeomorphirm b of k o n b ltmoU lemvln~ X pointwime

fhod ouch that II,T,,~A nB - T; IA tl B . hrthermaro. we may muppore h

!r compatible r l t h f .ad h i r the ldontity outrido 4n nrbitrmrlly mmall

ndgbborhood of A
tl B ; ln partlcukr. that b i r the identity in 4
for 4 U m ouch that both ridem of the oqumtlon 4re defined. i. 0. , a11
n o i g h b o r h d of U;, . Since h , T i _ l / ~tl B I. T; JA n B there 10 a
m~ ) r x l n ~T,I ouchthat rylmIE IT%(.
tubular neighborhood Ti of U
: AU B in M much that
If f n4po M into P , then the fmmlly {TX) wtll be 44ld to be
IA IA . .
Ti .
I T; md Ti 16 .- h,Ti,lIB Clenrly Ti im compntibit 4 t h f
compmtiblt 4 t h f if for all X E S and d l m E ITX I . we h4ve
Fbrthermom, Ti - Ti,1 in 4 nolgbborbood of U;-l . It foUorr frX(m)r f(m) .
eamily that there m

T - Ti

in a neighborhood of
4 tubular ndghborhood

U; for alI i
T of X in

, and that thir tubular

M ouch that
PROPOSIT~ON 7.1. f :M - P Ir 4 rubmeraion. then there e d m t ~

neighborhood m
i compstlble with f . Q. E. D.
4 familx {TX) of control &tn for 8 which 10 compatible 4 t h f .
F o r (he proof of tba proporitlon, we will naad Lomnu 7. 3 bdow. 'Ibe rpbare bundla in

T :E - X
E , 1. m.,
denotar the projaction.
Sc. - {v E E :


t *(.(v))}


l a mrnootb manifold
proof of Lemma7.3Qpmadr on L r ~ 7 2 , r b i c bmale (roupbly rperking) that

avary tubular naipbborbood i m locrllv like r m t m b r d axampla. with boundary a ( ~ 1 ~ and

. Intarlor 0
(TIt. . Wa r i l l m.f c Ir

D-INTTLON. By tha mtandard tubular aalgbborhood T

admirrlbla Lf (' cr . l a thlr casa tha tubular ratrsctlon wT : ITI,, - X

m.c Im a propar mapping

noc 5 mm, wanurntbetrl~le ( E . c . ~ )?
.hr E Irtha

t r l d r l bundle over Rrn" d t b flber mC (prodded d t b Itm rtandard LEMMA 7.3. LA X & Y ba dlrjoint mubmanl foldm of M

lunar productl, t = 1 . md o : BC - mm m
i the ramtriction map of the that the palr (Y,XI matlmflar condltlon b . & T ba a tubular

ldantlflcrtlon mapping Rm-' x mC - Rrn . neighborhood of X M . Than thara axirtm a porltlva smooth function

(* 2 X much that tha m r p d n g

More g e n a r r l l l if U la opan in Rm" , the r t m b r d tubular

nelghborbood of U In Rm vlll m a a T
m, c
IU .
LEMMA 7.2. X 4 mubrnmlfold of M . TX 11 8 tubular i r a rubmermlon.

neiahborhood of X .& x E X . then thera r coordlnrte chart

Proof. Lat c be h a rat of yE /TI ruch that the rank of tha
q:U-R , r
& U lrovenln M md xEU, rucbthrt
d X flUl = d U )n Rm" (vbara c = cod X ) and rucb that

at y m
I c dim (R x X ) . The lamma l r aquivalent to the ammartLon chat
Proof. lmmadlate from the daflnltlon..
for any x 6X h a r e axlmtr a neighborhood N of r In H. ruch that

If T = [ E . c . ~ ) I8 8 tubular aalgbborhood of X in M md c* t. N fl & =6. Since thir m

i l purely local rtmtamant. It follorm from

m y rmooth p o ~ l t i v afuactloa on X , we lat ( T I C r= dB( n

BC.) ,
Lemma 7 . 2 that it Im enougb to prova the propomltion when M = Etm .
I?\*. 0 = @B, n B ~ . ) and a 1 ~ 1 =~ p. ( n S(.I
~ ~whcra st. m
i the C'
X = mrn" x 0c , and T m
l tha mbndard tubular neighborhood Tm,
of R ~ In- R~
~ . h &I. care wT 1. the orttmgonal projection of Y <X nor X <Y hold.) , than ITX 1 f l ( T 1 m~ O . To conrtruct tho

mm on mmmC, and pT Ir tho function whlch la glven by TX

on the rtrata of dlmonalon k . we may do lt one rtratum at a dm.,

~ ( y=l d l r t . ( y , ~ m - c ) L . rlnce there a r e no commutation relatione to bs raHofled among the r t r r t s

of the game dlmenrlon. Let X be a atraturn of dlmenrlon k .

Let y E IT( - EtmmC. The kernel of the differeatid of (T
T' T
p I at
y 1. thm o r t h o ~ o l u complemmnt
l of x 0 ~o
1 ywT(yl Ln m e 1 We construct the tubular nelgbborbwda TX In two otepr, a r follorr.

hypbtharlr t b t condition b 11 r a t i f i e d impUsr t b t for y near

I For macb Is k , v e 1st U1 denote the umlon of all 1 for Y <X
MI^^^ x oc1 0 y=T
(11 1. clorr In ~ b a(irarr-mlan of m - c +I plmer and dim Y 21 . We let XI Uf nX . In the firat atop. r e conrtruct r
in m rpnce to a m - c + 1 plane whlch lie8 ln 'I"Y .
Hence for y tubular oelghborbood TI of XI by decremlng Induction on 1 . la tha
near enough to R ~ . - h ~ n that
we ~ my
1. tranrrerral to the k.m.1 lnductlve rtep, we will ehrlnk variou8 ITy I . but W r la pmrmlttad, rlnce

of thedlffmrsntial of (wT,oT1 at y , ro thrt ( r T , o T J 1 ~ la a rubmerrion we do lt only a finlte number of tlmer. Then in tha oscond atop. r m antrnd

at I , LO.. Y C L:. Q. E. D. To to a tubular nelghborbood TX of X .

Proof of Propodtlon 7.1. b t Ik denote the famllt of rtrata of 8 F i r r t rtep. For I =k , we &re 2 0 , r o theto l r nothing to

of dlmenrlon 2 k , and let Sk denote the unlon of all rtrata ln conetruct. For the lnductlve rtep, we auppore L b t TI bar been
Y e vlll rhov by lnduction on k that the proporltlon Ir true for Ik and conrtructsd and t h t the following rpsclrl caaer of the commutntlon

Sk ln place of 8 and S . rmltione r r a ratirfled: if Y <X . dim Y 21 + I . m E tl ( T( ~

For the lnductlve rtep. we ruppore that for each rtratum

and ~ ~ + ~E ( I m
Ty)1 . where +l = T T+l
~ . then
X of

dlmsnrion < k , we a r e given a tubular neighborhood TX of X . and

thir family of tubular nelghborhoodr matlrfler the commutation reltlonm.

By mhrinklng the TX If necemrary, we may ruppore that If X and

Y a r e rtrata of dimenrion <k vhlch a r e not comparable lime, neither . By replrcing

may ruppore thrt for

with a rmrller tubular neighborhood if nOCdr88ry. r e

m E IT1+I 1 there im Z X with dlm Z > I such

To conrtruct T it Im enough to conrtruct T on ITY 1 fl X for
1 1
u c h atralum Y * X of dimenrion I reperately, mince if Y mnd Y'
IT Y (
a r e two rtrata of dlmenrion 1 , we have ITY ( n ITy. 1 0 O . rlnce Y
( V e may have to mbrink

au m~ I ~ , , ~ l n1 ~ ~ 1 . 1
to guarantee that there bqualltiem hold for

and Y' a r e not comprable,

Furtherrnora, by rhrinking Ty further lf necermary, wr mmy

Ihum. we wirb to conrtruct a tubular nelghborhoad TX, of
auppore h t
ITy 1 M who" reatrictlon to lTYI ') XI+l
Ir lmomorphlc to the

rertrlctlon of TI , much that the following comrnutatlon relation Ir

amtlrfled: if m C ITX, 1 fl ITy 1 and r (ml C ITy 1, where

x.y Ir a rubmeralon. The commutation relation that wr mumt verify 11
%,Y Tx. Y '
preclmely tbe condltloa that T

(py. r y I : ITy 1 n XI+, - R x Y

X. Y be comptible 4 t h the mapping
.Therefore from the genermllred tubular

neighborhood theorem, we get thst If 0

XI+1 ia an open rubmet of X

wbome clomure liar In XI+1, than thare e ~ I r t r T which matimflsr the

x. y
By rhrlnking IT Y 1 If nacemmary. we may arrange that If
commutation relatlonm and whore reatriction to IT^ 1 n %I0+l 11 1momorphic
m E ITlt1 1 fl ITy I mnd wf +l(m) E ITy 1, then thir comrnutatlon relation to the rertriction of TI+, . Nor r e replaca TZ for Z cX by smaller
i already ratldied (with In place of r
x. Y ) for the following rearon. tubular ndgbborhoodn Ti much thrt X'I +l E XI0 . where
Sinca mE IT^+^(, thereexirta ZcX with d i m Z > I , mC ITZ[ defined analogourly to XI+1 , but 4 t h T; Ln place of TZ. Then
and rI+L(ml E ( T ~ ( Slnca . rI +i(rn) E ITy rl 1 IT^ I . the lamt named T
x, y ham the required propertisa.
rpace 10 not empty; hence Y and Z a r e comparabie. and by dlmenrlon
rertrlctionr Y c Z . Therefore
Thir completer the firmt atep: r e conclude thmt there exlrtr a tubular

neighborhood To of Xo matidying IbO) for any Y c X .

Second atep. From la0) it follorr that r e n u y armma thrt To ir
48. Abrtrrct pro-rtrrtiflsd ratr. If V Ir r clorrd rubrat of a nunifold
eomprtibls with f . Formby repLcln5 To with a rnullar tubular
M whlcb rdmltr r W M t a o y pre-etrrtiflcalon (In the renrm deflned Ln
nel#hborhood if nacearary. r e m y rrrume t h t if m E ( T o ) , than for roma
Sectlun 5) then r e e m find control &ta for thir prr-rtrrtlflcatlon by tho
Y cX. wahavs me J T and
~ ~r O ( m ) € i T y l . Than
prodour rsclon. Thlr proddam V with conolderrbla r t a c t u r r . ?br

purpora of Lbio ractlon i r b r i o n u t l r e &a wort of o t a c b r a rhlch occurr.

We dapirt only rlightly from Thom'r notion of rbrtrrct rtratlfled rot

Since To la compatibla with f , r e m y extoad a ruitable rertriction
([3 I md I 4 11.
of To to a tubular neiahborhood T of X vhlch lo compatible with

f , by the @enerrllrsdtubular nalahborhood theorem. Than, by replacin# DEFINITION 1. An abatrrct pro-rtrrtlflad met La r triple iv.8. 3)

4 t h poaribly rrmrller tubulmr nalghborhoadm (am in Step 11, r e rrtlrfying the follor*laa rrlomr, Al - A9.
net thrt the compatibility condltlonr r r e aatirfled.
(Al) V 11 r Hrurdorff. locrLly compact bpologicrl rpacr with 8

Thir completar the conrtaction of TX , and therefore alro completer countable brrlr for itr topolow.

the proof of the proporition.

Tlrla rxiom lmplhr t h t V l a matrlublo. For. rlaca V i r locrLly

compact, l t ia r a p b r . ro the metrlsrbillty of V f o l l w r from Uwroba

metriratlon theorem (Kelly [ 1 1). Sbce V i r metrlrable, avow mubrat

X of V i r n o r m 1 (in the ranas that m y two dirjolnt elowad rubratr of

X can be rsprroted by open rat.). We will oftan urns thio fmct without

a q l l c i t vention.

IALI 8 i r r frmlly of locally clorsd rubrstr of V , much that V

t the dimjoint union of the membarr of 8 .
'Ibe memberr of 8 will be called the rtraLloT V , =x.y
Into X md bSyIa a mapping of TX, Into (0.m) .
Of courre, TX, rruy be empty, in whlch caae thema a r e the empty
(A31 Each rtratum of V Ir r t o p o l o ~ c r murlfold
l (in tbe induced

topology). prodded with r rrnoothnemm rtruchrro (of clrmr cC).

(A01 F o r any r t r r t . X md Y the mapping
(A41 The famlly 8 l r locrlly flnlta.
---?r X x ( 0 . eJ)
( T ~ , ~ @ 4 :1T, ~ ~
l , ~
(AS) Tbe famlly 8 ordrfleo the a d o r n of the frontier: If X, Y E 8

and Y ~ % C O ,then Y s z . I, r rmbotb rubmatrion. Thio lmpiier dlm X < dlm Y when TX, 4 .
If Y SF and Y4X , wo wrlte Y < X . Tblm relation ml obvloumiy (A91 F o r any r t r r t . X , Y , and Z , rs bava

tr~mftive: Z c Y and Y <X Imply Z <X .

(A6J J Ir l trlple {{T~I. .

1, {&I) whero for each X E a ,
TX m
i an open neighborhood of X In V , \ ir a contiauous

retraction d TX onto X , and & :X [o,-) i r a contlnuour whmever both rider of tblr equation a r e defined, I. e . , whenever

function. v E Ty, and ry, Z(V) E TX, .

We wlU call TX the tubular nei~hborhoodof X (with reapect to DEFINITION 2. We ray that two stratified r e t r (V.8. J ) @

the givm mtructure of a p r e - r t r a t l f k d met on V) . wX the @

i ( ~ ' ~ 83')
'. a r e equivalent if the foilowina conditionm hold.

retraction of TX onto X rnd pX the tubular functlon of X . (a). V = V* , 8 = 8' , m d for each stratum X of 8 = 8' , tha
NO rrnoothnean rtructures on X given by the two rtratificmtionm a r e

the rame.
If X and Y a r e any rtrata, we let T X , Y = Tx" Y'

wX, = wX I TX, . and PX,Y = fxITx,~ Then

x. Y m
i a mapping
(b). If 3 = {{Tx?, {oxll and Z ' = {{GI,
($1, bill . then

for each mtratum X , there exirtr r neighborhood 7'; of X in

Henca it follwm from Propomitlorn 7.1 thrt m y Whtlnmy pro-mtrmttflad

mot admib the mtructuro of ur mbmtract pre-8tratlfl.d mot.

From tha aornullty of arbitraw mubmetm of a atratiflad met, i t follmm

t h t ray (abmtract) pra-atratiflad oat 18 o q d n l m t b one whlch matlmtiom

the following condieloam '

II (V,1,3 1 m
i a pra-mtratifld mat, V' 18 m y topolofical mpca,
(A101 If X. Y ara mtrmb rad T
x, + 0 , than XcY . and jp : V' - V m
i a homaomorpbimm. them tba mtructura of a mtratified

(All) If X,Y mra mtrmh and TX 0 TI mat on V "pulls back" ln m obdoum way to fivm a mtruchrra
0 . tbaa X and Y are

comprrabla, I. a. , on. of the f o l l o r i n ~boldm: X c Y , Y cX . or X= Y . (v',fl,&] of a rtrattfiad mat on v' .

+0 , if ( ~ * . 8 * ~ 3 'm
) d (V,I, 3 ) mre abmtract pre-mtrrttflsd rstm. than
From (AlOl. it follow. that

from (All) that X .nd Y

X cY if and only if

mta comprmblo if and only if

x, y

n Ty + 0 . a bomaomorpbirm cp : V* - V m
l maid to ba an ioomorphimm of mtrmtifiad

. Note t h t from (A81 It followm tbmt rho relation X cY daflaem a partial

order on 8 . It m
i enough to vorifi XcY and Y c X do not hold Tha uniquwemm ramult that wa rill prova below lmpllam tho followlag:

mIlmrlt.neoumly. But (A81 Impliam X <Y * dim X * dlm Y . if (v,gm3)iml Whitnay pro-mtratiflad met, m d 3 and 3' a r e two

mymtamm of control data, tbon tbo abmtract pro-mtrat1fl.d matm (V.1.3 )

m an eumplo of m (abmtrnct}pro-mtratiaad mat, 1st V ba a mubmet
md (V.l.3) ara lmomorphic.
of a nunifold M mnd muppomo V mdmltm a Y bitnay pro-mtratlficmtion

I , mnd let { T i ) be m family of control &t. for 8 . and let

wX: T i - x and pX:~;-(O,mJ. Sot f = { T X ) Then (V.8.Z)
i m abmtrmct pro-mtrmtifiad mat. In thim way. we ammoclmte vltb any my8hm

of control & h for 8 H'hlmey pra-mtrmHfied mot V , a mtructure of an

mbmtrmct pre-etratlfied met on V .
49. Cantrolled vector fleldr. Throughout thlr rection. we let IV. 8 , 7 ) (2). For my rtratum X , tbero lo a nelghborbood Ti ol X in
be an (abrtract) pro-mtratlfled rot. We mppore p 2 2 . TX much thmt f(v) r fmX(vJ lor all vC T
; .
DEFINITION. By a atratifled voctor Aeld q V , we mean a Note that both the nottonr t h t wo hmve furt introduced dapsad only on
collection (qX : X E 8 ) , where for each rtratum X , we hsve that the .pulvrl.nce cham of tbe pro-rtralfied aet (V.I,3) , 1. o., If (v.8, J * )

% Lm a rmooth vector field on X. i r a pro-rtratlfled net which Lo oqulvrlmnt to (V,I. J ) , thmn a controlled

By rmooth vector fleld we mean a voctor f l d d of clam. cp-' . vector flsld (or coatrolled rubmeraion) with rerpect to one of them0

pro-rtratifled retm i r the rame a r a controlled vector fleld (or controlled

Let $ {{TX), b X ) , {pX)) , and for hvo mtrab X and Y . let mubmermion) with rempct to the other.

Tx,~ T
X,Y ' and &,Y be dafmed am Ln the prevlour mection.
PROPOSlTION 9.1. &! f : V -. P m
i a controlled rubmarmion. then

DEFINITION. A mtratified vector fleld q V vill be raid to be for any mmootb vector fleld c P , there l r a controlled vector field

controlled (by 3 ) lf the followln~control condiHonr a r e matiafied: for m y 7 V much that f&v) c(f(v)) for all vE V .
mtratum Y there d r t m a nd&borhood Ti Y & Ty much thnt
Proof. By Laduction on the dlmenrlon of V (.rhera the dimendon of
for any mecond mtratum X > Y and any vE T
; il X , we have
V 11 defined to be the r u p r e m m of the dfmenrlonr of the rtrata of VJ.

By the k mkeleton Vk of V . we will mom the union of d l rtmta of

- V of dimenoLon k . Clearly Vk h m the rtructure of a rtratifiad met,

(9.1-b) hy'y,X)r+Wa ~ b y m X W )
DEFINITION. J! P Lo l rmooth nunifold and f :V - P &
where the mtrmtm of Vk a r e the rtratm of

tubular neighborboodm mre the intermectlonr with

V which lie in

Vk of t

b tubular

coatinuour mapping, we will may t h t f i r a controlled submerdon Lf

neighborboodm (in V ) of rtrat. in Vk and the local retrmctlonm m d
the followlny conditionm a r e matirfled. a r e the rastrlclonr of the local retractions and
tubulmr function on Vk

(1) f[X : X - P L m a rmooth rubmerrlon. for each mtratum X of V . tubulmr function. on V .

In tha car. dim V = 0 , tha rtatunart of the propodtion Ir trivlal. v.9 hnh.-ora thooaa h. T: a. that T: 18 C I O . ~ ln
~ v -
, -
Haaca. by lnductlon, It ia aaough to r b m tbat If &a proporltlon i r t m a (whera BY denoter tha frontier of Y ) rlnce V bY Ir m a t r l n b l e

wbaravet dim V k than i t l r trua when dlm V k +l . Thur. wa may and tharalora n o m l . and Y la clored ln V dY - .
Finally, we c m
l a Z , than
chooaa &a Ty mo that if Y ia not c o ~ ~ p r a bto
(and do1 aaeume that dim V = k + 1 m d that theta i r a controlled vactor 2 2
TY ~ T ~ = o .

Now conaldar the f o l l d n g coadilonr on a vector flald nX on X :

(9. &ay ). Tha control condilon (9.1) i r ratirflad b r ma).

To construct TJ , It i r enough to conrtruct mapratsly for each vE T y n X .

rtratum X of V much that dim X = k + I , becaura the condition that

a vector flald ba controllad Involver only rtratr Y. X much that Y cX .
V a c h l m L h t there ia a vactor f l d d on X aatlofylng 19.2-b)
Slnce by the Induction aamumption

neighborhoodr Ty1 of Y ha Ty
vk i r -controllad. we can choore
(one for arch rtratum Y s Vk )
and (9.2-a,) for all r t r a h Y <X . To prova thir clalm WIN c l e a r h ba

enough to prove tha proporltion.

ruth that If Y cZ a r e rtratr. than the control condltlonm (9.1) a r e
eatlafled (with 2 In p k c a of X for I
v € Ty n Z , By the arrumptlon Conalder a p l n t vE X . The rat BV of atrat. Y cX ruth that

that f i r controllad. wa m y chooma tbe neighborhoodr T; much that v € T: 1. totrlly ordared by inclumion, rinca if Y and Z arm not

f(v) = fwy(vI for all 1

v E Ty . 2 Z
comprabia than Ty 17 T Z = O .
If SV Ir not a m p y , &m thara h a

hrgemt mambar Y = Yv .
lt l r aarily raan that we may choore neighborhoodr 2
Ty of Y in
(one for each mtrrtum Y C Vk) much that the following holdr: if Suppome for the mombnt thlr Ir the caaa and (9. 2-ay) holdr a t . v
Y cZ a r e rtrata In Vk than Then (9. 2 - r Z ) hold. for all Z € Sv . Z = Y or
For either Z<Y .
In the latter came y ( v ) € T Z (by the choice of the T ) Then -
410. the parameter lroupr. Let v bm 4 topologicd rpace. By l

one-parameter l r o u e of homeomorphlrmr of V , ve mean A coaHnuour

mapping a :R x V 4 V much t h ~ t at+,{v) m atar(v) for d l t, l E R

and d l vE V . Now .uppore V la 4 rtrmcifled met (V, B.3) and a

p r e s s rvea each rtratum. If r) im 4 atratlfied vector n a l d on V . =a

ray that r) generatea a if the followlag condltlon la satlafled. For

any v ( V . the mapping t -at(v) of D lnto V La C' 04. a

mapping into the atratum which contain* v ) mnd

Thum (9. 2 - a Z ) holdr a t v for a l l Z E8
. firtherrnore

Note that thin impller

Thur (9.2-b) holds a t v . It 10 well known that any c1 vector f l d d om 4 compact mralfold

without boundary generatam a unique one-parameter group ( r e e , e. I . .

1) .
Thie r b o r r that to c o n r t m c t matidying 19.2-b) and (9.2-8 ) It im 4 1 ~ 0k n o w that to extend thlr reault to non-compact
[ 2 , p. 66
for a l l Y <X . i t i r enough to conrtruct nX srtiafiing
(9. 2-ayv) a t
manifold., v e mumt genermlize the notlon of one p a r a m e t e r group.
v for all vE X for wbich 8 im non-ernpv, and ratirfying (9.2-b)
DEFINITION. Lst V & a locally compmct rp.ce. A local one-
at v for ail vE X for which 8 i s ernpv. Cieariy, we can construct
v p a r a m e t e r group (on V ) I r a pmir (J.a) , where J I r an open muboet
a vector n a l d in r nalghborhood of each point

the appropriate condition (9.2-a 1 o r 19.2-bJ.

v in X artimfying

Since the met of vector.

of P1 x V rnd e : J - V i r a continuour mrpplng such that the fotlowing

y " -
ratirfying the approprlrte condition in TX i r convex. we may construct

nX globally by means of a partition of unity. Q. E. D.

(b). If vE V , then the met Jv * J n (R x v) C R m
t 4n open interval

(av, by) *

Thlm gmerdisom the ordinarl, notion of v h r t It melnm for a voctor f i d d

to generate 4 local m e - p a n m e t o r group.

Id). For l a y vEV and mny compact 4et KG V , there ozrlmtm
Slnco (V,S,3) 18 8 pro-mtrmdfiod sot. l t m k o a #an00 to L.Ik of 4
e>O ruchtbat dv,tlf K If t E ( 4 V . 4 v + c ) ~ ( b V#-, b y ) .
controlled vector field on V (Soctlon 5).
From n o r on in thim rocdon, we muppome (V,B.3) Im an (abstract)
pre-mtr4tlfid set, and q I8 4 rtratiflod w c b r flold on V . PROPOSlTlON 10.1. q i s a controlled v e c b r flald on V % q

pineratam 4 udqus local one-mramotor nroue 1J.a) .

DEFXMTION. & (J, a ) Ir 4 10-1 one-parameter group (on V) ,
we may q peratem a if the followinn conditlonm 4 - c a r e matisfled. -
Proof. For each atrrtum X , tho romtrtctlon gX of Q to X m

4 mmooth vector Held on X (by tbs definition of mtrrtifiod vector fleld);

(4). k c h atraturn X of v I r invariant under a , i.e.,
hence qX garteratom 4 mmooth local one-parameter group (Jxo%) of
a [ J n (R a X ) ] c _ X .
dlffeomorphlmmm of X . by 4 mtmhrd romult ia differential gsornstv

12, 1V, 4 2 ] . Let 4J.a) be defined by

J = UJX a s UaX

(c). For any v E V . r e have

We amaert that (J.a)

is 4

local one-parameter g r m p generated by q .

I t I r c b r that 8 ,b . and c In the d e h l t l o n of local one-paramatar
by, = %, X(ml)) n,:r x ( a y ~ o c]J
. i r compact (bacaura
group hold, and that lf b: I8 8 local one-paramatar group, then it I 8 .ganrrata

by v . Unlquanar r l a obvlour. A11 that renuinm to be verlfled l r that oY,X(ml) c t y On q i l [ O . el)) , and uv 8 1 . ~ 0in X (by dafinition).
i t follovr from the control condltloaa that
J I 8 open, a Im contlnuoua, and d holdm.

We begln by ahoviag that d holdm. If not, there exirtr vE V and a

compact met K In V ruch that &,v) E K for valuer of t arbltrarlly But thlr contradictr the hypc?herla thrt b:
(t )
- y 88 j - m . Thla

clore to 8
or b V . We m y ruppora that O(t.v) E K for valuer of t contradlctlon prover d .
arbitrarily clora to b
'. the other came i r treated mlmllarly. Then there

exlrtr a requenca
{tl) . convarglng to bv from below. ruch that
Now l e t . W a d l 1 rhow th.t J l r a aelghborhood of 1t.v)
( t , ~ E) J

y = llm a ( t 1 axlrtr and llam In K . Let X (rarp. Y 1 denote the mad a i r contlnuour a t ( t , v ) . Y a dll ruppore t 2 0 ; the other c a r e
v 1
rtratum of V which coataiar v (ramp. y) . la treated rlmllarly. Am bafora, lat X be the rtratum vhlch containr v .
Since ax Lr 8 local one-parameter group, there La a compact
= , QX
If X Y we get 8 eontradlctlon to the fact that m
I a one-parrmate
nelghborhood U of v in X .ad an c >0 ouch that [-a, t t C] x U J .
group. Othedae Y <X . For l a r g e 1 . %, X(uv(tl)) and r
(a (t. 1)
v 1 Let TX danota the tubular aelghborhood of X . rX the local rattaction
a r e defined. and the control conditlona a r e matidled for mi = av( ti ) . of TX on X , and pX the tubular functlon of X . Mnca

ax([-c, t t c] 1 U) l r compact, we may choora an el > 0 ruch that the

Thur, by taking I aufficiantly large. wa may ruppome that there axlrtr

at-t, much that [O,C]GJyl , where yl = uymX(mi), and If Ty ir folloving hold:

tha tubular nelghborhood of Y uy 1. the local retraction of T onto
(a). Let E= {y E TX : %(y) 5 el and r X ( y ) E ax((-c, t t c] x u ) ) .
Y and py 18 the tubular function of Y , then ~ ~ , ~ ( cym on
~ ) c
Then G la compact.
ayi([O,i]) and the control conditlonr for the pair Y ,X a r e ratisfled for

m E toy, = pY, Xlmi)l n,:- ,lt++[O, i 1) n x . Slnca (b). If yE E . then the control conditlonr for the p r l r X. Y hold a t

y , where Y i r the rtratum whlch containr y .

Cloarly, a0 s e t r0 of y e Tx ouch thnt &(Y)S 8, and

rXtyI € U Ir nolghborhood of v in V . If y E EO . it follo=e from

Diagram 10.1
tho control conditionr that

whore r dmnotam the projection on tho rmond factor.


a,, -.., bk . By
forall r f J ruchthrt a ( r * ) € C b r 0 s r C c m . Fromthosefactr Ir
Y Y Conoldor tho coor&nato vector floldo on R
md d ,
ndghborhood of
I t folio-• thmt I-c, t + c) E Co J ; thum J contains a

(t, V ) .
Proposltton 10.1, for u c h 1 . 1 5 i _c Ir , thoro 11 a carrtrolld rmctor field

b; on V ruch that

I h e r r p t a r a d r h - a r m &kJ a n * d+ur obowm thmt if

f i ' . r ? € ( ~ - c , t + c ] r E 0 . thaa y * = o ( t ' , y ) E TX a +(~*)58,, md

wX(y*)= ~ ( f * , - ~ ( y J lHence for an arbitrarily small neighborhood of By P r o p o o i t i ~10.1, mach bi generates a local o n e - p r a m s t a r group

dt.d we may choomo r>0 m d a ndghbrbood El. Hence a la [Jima,) . Clearly t. v)) m flv) t (0. 0, t, 0. -- 0) =her. tho

continuour at (t. v) . Q. E. b. non-nnimblng entry i r la thm Ith phce. ?baa from the rrmumptlm that

f l r proper and condtlon d IP the doflnltion of one parametor group, It


p r o ~ e r ,contrp.l~ed.~ubOmer~1ofi1
meq f
P , be a manifold, and f : V -. P

I 8 a locally trivial fibrathn7

followr that Ji - R x V . Lot h bo glvm by

Proof. It 18 enough to ca~~mider
the care when P =uk and rhow In
thl. came that there 1, a homeomorphlmm h : V Vo x nk , rkre

denote. the fiber of V over 0 , ruch that the following dlrgram commuter:
Let x E Xn W . TO rhov
rE YnW it 10 enough to conrider
From the fact that the

al 'a a r e one-parameter groupr, it followr that

h%. hh ldentlty. Hence h 10 a horneomorphlrm. AD required. Q. E. D.

vhat bppanm in a neighborhood of x . By replacing M with a rufflclsntly

r r m l l open nei~hborhoodof r , we mry ruppore that X i m connected and

Note that ham a natural rtructure of a pre-rtrrtified s e t
Vo clored, and & e r a exlrta a tubular neighborhod TX of X In M much
(VO,IO.JO) . vhere SO and JO a r e defined

(xn v0: x r 8 ) . a x c 8
AD follovr.

x O = x n v Oi r
SO lo the
that .
w n rx .$w n x) . ~ h e r e mX : 1; -x i. the'projectlon
collection and the
aaaoclated to TX . From Lemma 7.3, It followr t h t by cboorlnp Tx
correrpondlnp member of , than we let
IO TXo = fxv0 , ( >0 much that
rufficlently rmrll, we may ruppore that there e r i r t r
.xo a vx l txo and mO pX J T . ~
NO*. ~that .x0 "UP.
T ~ o px < c on TX , where pX ir tbe tubular hmctlon arroclated to TX ,
Into Xo becaure f l r a controlled rubmerrlon. We let Z0 be the
(0, C ) x X
triple .
m x 0 1 {=x0) . (mc0)l .

Z of
(pX,uX) : TX

8 , tbemrpping
i r proper, and where for each rtratum

Furthemnore VO x Etk ha. a o t n c t u r - of a pro-rtratlfied met

(defined in ul obvloum way).

l r a rubmerrlon.
COROLLARY 10.3. h hi. conrtructed a0 In the proof of

Corollary 10.2, ah i m m Iaomorphlrm of pro-rtrrtined metr. ~ e ts* = Cz n (T, - XI : z E . her 8' tm a W h i t n e y


pre-rtratlficatlon of S n (TX - X) . By Ptoporitlon 10.1, there i r a family

- Proof. Imrnedtate from the conrtructlon of h . (See the end of of control data 8 for 8 which l r compatible with (pX,.wX) . Then
Section 8 for the definitlon of lromorphlrm. )
IS n ITX - x),~*.J') i r an abrttact pre-stratlftad met and (%."X) Ir a

COROLLARY 10.4. & M be a manifold. let X be a clomed controlled mubmerrlon. Hence by CoroUaty 10.2, S fl ITX - X) ir a

rubnet of h and let 8 be a Whltnev pre-rtratlfication of S . _Let locally trivial bundle over (0, t ] x X , and by Corollary 10. 3. the local

X rnd Y be r t r a t r 4 t h X <Y .a W be r rubmanlfold of M trivlalirationm respect the atratiflcatlon.

TX (E, 9 a) XI { t, n r R n X: 0 < t < r (n)). Thea tbo bundla
( - X. (px, qx),x, I in locdly trivial and tho ~ oJc trLvl~isatlonrc m
be chooan to rerpoct tha otratUIcatioa
Tho noxt corollary rayr that a pro-rtracifiution which oatirfiao all tba

eondItionr of a Whitney pro-rtratlflcatlon ucmpt the condition of the frontier

alro wtkaflar rho eoadltion d the frontiar. proddad that Itr rtrata arm


COROLLARY 10.5. & M be a mmlfold and 8 be a IocaUv finite

pro-rtratlficrtion d a clooad eubaat V g M whore rtrata a r e connactad

ouch t l u t my p8lr of mtr- eatirfv condition b. msn 8 io a M'hitney


Proof. It euillcae to rhow that the conditioa of the frontlar holdr.

Suppoee X .ad Y arm rtrata mrd Y I1 +a. The proof of C o r o U q

10.4 rho-. tht Y n 'JT 10 opan in Y . Shco Y fi 1. clearly clomed in

Y , and Y ie connactad. thlr prove. Y

X .

The proof of Corollary 10.1 a h 0 ehowr:

COROLLARY 10.6. a M be a mmilold, I a W'hltney

pra-atratlflcrtlon of M . X a rtrahrrn of M . T
a tubul~r

nal~hborhoodof X M such that for any rtraturn Z & 8 , tha

411. ' h a irotopy Iernmar of Thom. In thlr rectlon. vs 4 1 1 state

'hom'm firat and recond irotopy lamnum, We will prove the flrmt and

rkatch m proof of the recond.

Throughout tble section. we let M and P be rmooth manifoldr,

f :M * P a rmooth mapping, mnd S a clorad mubrat of M which We may that f m
i trivial over Z if there edmtr space. Xo and Yo

admitr a Whitnay pro-rtratification. a nupplng fo : Xo Yo nnd horneomorpblamm X 2 Xo x 2 .

Y -' Y 0 x 2 much &st the following dlagrarn of #pacer and mappiagr Ir
Proporition 11.l.lhoaf. flrrtirotopy lammr. Suppors f IS : S P 1.m
proper urd f l : ~X -. P im a mubmeraion for each rtratum X & .
Then the bundle (S ,f , PI m
i locally trivial.

Proof: By Proposition 7.1, we can flnd a rystem of control d a b for

S whlch la compatible with f . ?Wr provider S with a mtructure of

an abrtract mtratiaed met La much r way that f im a controUsd rubmersion.

Than the qonclurion of the theoram 16 ur immediate conrequence of

Corollary 10.2. Q. E. D.
We may f m
i locally trivial over Z lf for any s€ Z . there m
l a

Remark: Thorn conriderad the care P = R . If a, b E R , then neighborhood U of s in Z ruch that ln the diagram

tbs proof of Proporition 10. I conrtructr an irotopy from the fiber

to the fiber Sb , whence the nmme #'irotopy lemma".

The second irotopy lemma m

i an analogour remult for mappings instead

of apacem. Conrider a diagram of rpacer and mappings:

we have that f m
t trivial over U .
L o u 1 W*lrlity of a mapping f over a rpacr 2 bar a conragusnee To rtmte Thomlr macand imotopy lemma, we mumt introducm m o m l r

r h l c h uiU ba very importrat in w h t foUowm. Wa think of f am a condltlon a6 . h t X and Y be rubmaJfoldm of M' and lot y

kmily {fa : a € Z) of mmppingm, where f. : X. - Y8 l r the m p p i n g be a point in Y . Suppore g IX and g J Y a r e of eoamtnat rank.

obtrinsd by rertrictlng f to the n b s r Xa of X over a. If Z We may the p d r (X, Y) ratlmfhm eondltlon -

at y if the follorlng

i r coarrectsd urd f l r locally trivial over Z , them for ~ n y and hold.:

b in 2 , the nmppingr fa md \ a r e oauivalant ln tha ranme t h t

5 .
&era .dmthomeomorphirmr h : X8 -* Xb rad h' : Ya - Yb much
L.t be any rsqwncm ofpointm ln

Suppore that the raquence d p t n e r

X converglmg to
k e r ( d ( g ( ~ * lS~ )T < ~

tht h'f8 $,h. in the appropdate G r a m r m d m

convargem to a plme r s TM&

Thir i r the rahtlon of equlmlenes t h t l r ured in the definition of bundle. men k a r ( d ( g ~ ~ '€1r~

topologicdly atable nmpping, mnd a rtap in the proof that the topologlully matlm8em condition a 0 if i t matlrflsm
We may t h t ths pmir (XI Y)
rtabls nvpplngr form an opun denra rat d l 1 be to mhow t h t eertaln
condltlon a6 at evmry pobt y of Y .
familier of mapping. a r e locally trivi.1 in the mame deflnrd above. by
N w , we return to the mlmtlon of Magram 11.1. We uiU u y t h t
an appllcatlon of Tbom'r rreond imotopy lemmm.
g m
i a m o m mapping (over P)if the followlag condltlonr a r e ratlr8ed.
Now ruppors M * 11 a mmooth manifoid and 5' i r a eloasd

rubmet of M * , whlch admit. a Yfhibmy pro-mtratiflcation 8 . (a) g ( ~ *and f ( S a r e proper.

h t g : M' - M b r a rmooth m p p l n g and ruppome g(S') g S . (b) For each rtrmtum X of S , fIX i r a mubmsrdan.
Thornqr recond lrotopy lemma glvem rufflclent conditionr for tha following
( c ) For each rtratum X* of 8 , g(X') liar in a mtratum X

d l g r a r n to bs localiy trivial:
of 8 , and g : X' X i r a mubmerrion(whance glx' l r of

conrtant rank).
diagram 11.1
(d) Any pair (X',Y') of .tram of 8' matimflar condltlon a B

(which maker aenme in d e w of (c)).

In the came P l r a point, we vlll drop wer P .
for which both aldem a r e deflnsd, 1. s., a11
PROPOSInON 11.2 4 Thorn'r mecond lmotopy lemma). 3 g & holdr f o r all v

Tbom w p v i n a over P , t h s g i s locally trivial over P . v ET n T ~ c a t b t~ ~ c iTx.l

4 ~ . 1

The proof of thA4 requlrem new machine^. Furthermore, Lf g ( X * ) and g(Y') l i e in the r a m s rtraturn
Let {T) be a myrtem
of control data for the atratiilcatlon 8 of S . We need the notion of of 8 , then the cornrnutatlon relation

a myrtem {T') of control data o s {T) for the rtratlflcatlon 8 '

of s* .
hold. for a11 v for which both ride& of thlm equation a r e defined.
CAU'RON: A ryrtsrn of control data over (T) lo not a mystern of
control data a s previoumly d e f i e d . If we were to requira that a rymtern (b) If X' lo a mtraturnof 8 and X l a a rtratumof S which

of control data over a l r o be a system of control data tout court contalnr g ( x * ) , then
then the fundamental existence theorem for control data over
(Propomition 11.3, below) would not be true.

for all v for which both alder of thlm equation a r e defined, 1. e . , f o r

DEFINITION: Suppore g i r a m o r n r n a ~ p i n ~A
. mvatem (T*)
ail v E IT~,J n g
-1 IT,^.
of control data for 8 ' -0 {T) Ir a family of tubular neighborhoods,
indexed by ? , where Ti lo a tubular nei~hborhoodof X M' Note that a 1s weaker than the commutation relation for control

with -
the f o l l o w l n ~propertiem: data in the case g(X') and g(Y*) a r e not in the mame stratum of

P .
(a1 If X' and Y' a r e strata of 3 and X* < Y , then the
PROPOSITION 11. 3. g im a Thorn mappinu then for any myrtem
comrnutatlon relation

(T) of control data for 3 t h e r e e x i r t s a symtcrn IT') of control

data for 8' over IT) .

The proof of thlm m
l rimilar to the proof of the admtsnce thaorem
for Y ' < X* md dlmY'2f. Welet X; = Ui n x'. hesflrrt
for control data (Proporltloa 7.1). Vfe r i l l only outllne it.
mtap, r e canmtruct a tubular ndghbrhood Ti' of X i by dacraaming

Proof (Outllna): Let I ; be the Lmily of aU rtrata of 8 ' of iaduction on f , mhrlnklng mriour T; r h a r a nacerrary.
dlmunmlon s k , and let % dmota L a union of dl rtrata in 8
k *
ThIr mtep m
i c a r d e d out fn a r r s l r t l d ~the ram. m y a 8 the firrt
We rill ahow by h r c t i o n on k that L e propomition i r true for 8 ;
mtep in tha proof of Proporition 7.1. Vfe mbrt the induction at 1 = k ,
and S; ln p k c a of 8 ' and 5' . Thir r i U ruUlce to prova the
d a r e &era i r nothing to prove. For tha fnductlve mtap, we muppors
h m been conrtructad. We obrerva that to conrtruct T i it i r

The care k 0 im trivial. For tbe tductiva rtep. we muppoma enough a conmtruct T*
f on IT^. 1 n X' for u c h atraturn 1 < X'

&at for s a d mtratum X' of 8' ofdlmenmlon < k , w a a r a givun of dimenmion f maparataly. T h a thare a r a two camam.
a tubular ndghborhood TX, of X ' m d thmt thir famlly of tubular

nalghborhoodr utirflam con&tlonr (a) m d (b) abova.

Came 1. If B ( Y *) md g[X*) a r a in the rams rtratum of ,
than the construction i r carried out h the rams m y am the corramponding
By rhrinkbg the if necermary, we mey ruppome h t if conmtruction in the proof of Propomition 7.1. In W r Way r a daiina Ti
X' and Y* a r e rtrata of dlmanaion < k whieh a r e not comparabie. on lTycl n X' mo h t the commutation rebtionm ( a ) hold.

than 1 ~ ft IT,.(
~ ~ = 01 . Toconrtructthe Tx. onthertrata (Note that condition (b) followr from (a) h thir came. )
of dimenmion k , we m y do it one mtratum a t a time, mince the

relationr (a) mnd (b) impoma no con&tionm on pairm of mtrata of the

Came 2. In tha cara g ( y O ) and g(X') ara,not in the name mtratum

mame dimamion. b t X' be 8 mtratum of 8' of dimanmion k . of I , the proof murt be modiflad. Lat X be the mtratum which

containr g(X') and lat Y be the rtratum whlch contains g(Y 'I .
We conmtruct the tubular neighborhood TXO in two mtepm am Than Y <X . By rhrinking ITy.( if nacerrary, we m y muppoma that
foilarm. For each f sk, we (at U; denote the union of all ITy. 1 G(IT,'I) E ITy[ . Let
&.re the flber product i r taken wiEh ramped b tba mrpphgr

'Ibea th. nupplng By daf!nltlon. x' F C if .ad only i f t b i w w i n g ir not onto. Since

i r defined becaura tha fo11ovIng diagram commuter:

i r onto. From condltfan a it foUowr that Y' doer not mast the
clowura of the rat of polntr where tNw rrvppLng 11 mot onto. Q. E. D.

NWWO axtend T; ovar IT^.^ n X' ~ n r u e h a r r y t h . t(a)

holdr (the wamk (a)!) aad (b) holds. W o may do thir by tha gsnarnlirad

by the lnductiva bypotharlr that (b) i r rntiwfled for thora tubular adrtence theorem for tubuiar naighborhoodr m d L a m U. 4.
ndghborhoodr which a r e already defied.
Thia completar the t n d u c t i ~rtsp.
LEMbU 11.4.

i e a rubmarsion.
There adoto

GIN n x'
8 neighborhood N

: N n x* - v
Y* & (3'1 ruch &at
Now the rocand rtap (uxtenmlon of T i from U; over aU of

iw carried out in s u c t l y tha mama way ns In tho proof of Proporltfon 7.1.



The rawt of the p r o d of Propowition 11. Z w i l l be cnrrlad out in

-Prool: h t G be the mat of point. in ITy fl X* vhera tha
thraa stapw. Flrrt, we debna tha notion of a controllad vector flald
dlffaranthl of C 1. not onto. It wufficew to wbm that Y* fl = Q .
and if t(X8) and #(Y '1 a r e Ln the 4amr atrmtum of 8 tbsn r o have
-motfrat controlled vector flald. (WARNING: this i s not 8 mpecld
u r b of the nation of a controlled vector field. ) Thm r e p r w a a lifting

theorem for controlled vector fialda. Flndly. we &OW that evsry

(Note that condition b i r relkmr thn the condltdaa r h t wm Impommd
coatrollad vector flald over another controlled vector fleld gsnar8ter
on l cmtrolled vector fleld Ln Sactloa 9 l a the care g (Y '1 8nd six')
l local one parameter group.
a r e not in the name rtratum of 8 .I
N w we muppora g 11 a Thorn mapping. We nrppore thmt we a r e
PROPOSITION ll. 5. There d m t r a controlled vector a d d on S*
flvm a ayrtem {T) of control &ta f o r S m d a ryrtem IT*)
ovsr 7 .
of ecatrol data for S* over T . &t I) m {qx}xE8 be a

controlled voctor fleld an 5. The proof i r completely malogour to the proof of ProporitLon 9. I,

and r e omlt it.

PROPOSITION 11.6. 11 7' la r controlled vmctor flald on S*

over t ) , t& p' ganeratem a local one parametergrarp. which

commuter with the one-varameter nroup on S generated bv t) .

The proof of thim in errsdtimlly the rrma am tho proof of Proponltion 10.1.

'Iha only rddltionrl rermrk to be nude i r that if X* and Y mrm

(b) For m y X' ,Y' E 8' 4th Y' < X* , there i a a neighborhood
rtrrta of 8 with Y 8 < X' , and g(Y') Ilea in Y mnd g(X')

N~ ' of Y* in ( T ~ . J muchthmtfor y e € J T ~ . { ~ x *r e,h a v e

ller in X , than, in the care Y < X , a trajectory y* of t)'

atartlng a t a poht of X' ccnnot approach Y beemure the Imagm of

y im r trajectory of fl and therefore cannot approach a point of Y .

We omlt the proof.
Proof of Proporition fl. 2. To prove that 6 I# locally trivial over

P , i t ruUlcer to coarider the care P r mP ~d prove tbrt g ir

trivial over P in thim care. By Proporitton 7. l we can flnd a ryrtem

IT) of control &.ta for 8 compaHble d t b f , and by Proporition 11.3

&ere d r t r a ryrtem IT*} of control d.6 for & over IT} .

Let b,.. .'* a ~be the coortflnrte vector nal& on nP. By

P r ~ p o r l t l o n9.1. we CY lift to a controlled vector field

on S .
and by Proporltion 11.5 wa c m lift
S1 to a controlled vector field a1
on 5' over Si .
By Proporitionr 10.1 and U. 6 the vector flaldr gi nnd 5 gemorate

local o m parameter group. pi and

(pi . Since the nupplngr f and

g a r e proper m d bi generater a (global) one parameter group ,

It i. earlly verified that the above diagram conrmtem and Uut h and
I t follow. that and a r e (global) one parameter group..
i h C a r e homeomorphirmr. Q. E. D.

Let So (re8p. s;) denote the fiber of S (reap. 5') over 0 .

To complete the proof, it m

i enough to conrtruct local homeomorphlsmr

h and h* ouch Haat the following diagram commuter.


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