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Grade 10 Science Course Outline

Ms. Nicole Russell – Room 140 Seaford

Welcome to Grade 10 Science! Over the course of the next five months, we will cover
four main topics in science: Chemistry, Physics, Ecosytems and Weather.


1) Dynamics of an Ecosystem – approx. 20 hours of instruction. In this unit, we will

examine the relationships that exist in ecosystems and how they pertain to
sustainability. Environmental issues, population dynamics and biodiversity will all
be examined in relation to ecosystems.

2) Chemistry in Action - approx. 30 hours of instruction. In this unit, we will

discover properties of elements, compounds and chemical reactions. There will be
a focus on types of bonding, naming, acids and bases, and how chemistry is
pervasive in modern society. This unit will have hands-on activities such as labs,
as well as assignments, projects, quizzes and tests.

3) In Motion – approx. 30 hours of instruction. In this unit, we will examine basic

principles of physics that will centre on the automobile. Topics will include
velocity, acceleration, force, braking distance and momentum. Safe driving
conditions will be discussed. This unit will have hands-on activities such as labs,
as well as assignments, projects, quizzes and tests.

4) Weather Dynamics – approx. 20 hours of instruction. In this unit, we will learn

about weather and climate. Severe weather phenomena will be explored as well as
the social, economic, and environmental impact it has on our earth. Climate
change, a hot topic in Canada, will be examined. This unit will have hands-on
activities such as labs, as well as assignments, projects, quizzes and tests.


Tests 35%

Labs 20%

Quizzes, Assignments, Projects, Journals 30%

EXAM 15%
All students are expected to behave in a respectful manor in this classroom. This means
that you show respect to yourself, others, and all the property that is in the room.

Late assignments: If an assignment is past the specified due date, late marks will be

Keep up to date on your work in this class! It’s easy to fall behind, but not easy to catch
up. Remember that there is an exam in this course worth 15% of your final mark. It is a
tough exam and you do not want to be going into the final with a mark hovering around
50%. Do yourself a favour and keep up with your daily assignments.

I offer extra help whenever it is needed. As well, peer tutoring is available in room 140
every lunch hour.

Do NOT be late for class. If the door to the classroom is closed, you are late. Please wait
in the hall until I open the door for you.

Please see classroom cell phone policy.

The classroom website is: and I expect you to check


Good luck and let’s have a great term!

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