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Craig Groeschel

Hey everybody, we are in the middle of a series called Soul Detox. It is based on
my new book, but what we're covering on the weekends and during the week is
actually different content. The title for today's message I want to talk to you
about is The Tortured Soul.

Now, I don't know how many of you when you were kids, you had somebody bigger than
you pick on you or torture you, but I had a kid that lived down the street that
would take me and pin me to the ground, take both of my arms and pin them back, put
his knees on them, tower on top of me, take his knuckle and drive it into my chest
as I would scream like a little girl feeling helpless. How many of you know what
I'm talking about? Anybody ever do that to you? It's horrible! Then I'd be back
fighting and screaming, "Let me up, let me up!"

And then, this very mean bully would actually tower over me and he would spit a
loogie that would go straight down toward my face. And as it would go down he would
whoosh, and it would hover there and then he would suck it back up! I hated that so
much! And so, I did the same thing to my little sister because that's what big
brothers do! I held my little sister down and pounded on her chest and then did the
loogie thing where I spit it out, but I'd never practiced it before and so when I
tried to suck it back up it broke and went in her face. So I just say publicly,
"Lisa, I'm sorry!" I never told anybody that before and I don't really feel much
better! But I did it anyway! And that's not real torture compared to what a lot of
people go through in the world; I mean, there's real torture of Christians
suffering and people in war and such.

But typically, when we think about being tortured we think about physical torture.
What I want to talk to you today is not about physical torture of the body, as much
as a spiritual torture of the soul.

Now, if you weren't with us in the previous weeks, we have a key thought driving
this series. You may want to write this down, we need to understand that:

We are not a body with a soul...

But what are we? If you know it say it aloud. What we really are is we really are:

...a soul with a body.

In other words, we are not really our body; our body is a house for who we are.
When our bodies die we don't die. Our bodies die but we live on eternally. That's
why Jesus asked the question:

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his...

What? Yet forfeit his:


And so many people, we focus on detoxing or keeping our bodies healthy, which is
good; but I want to talk about detoxing, or keeping our souls healthy, because the
tragedy is today you will find so many people who look fine on the outside, but
their souls are tortured. A little bit perhaps like the Apostle Paul in Romans 7,
if you're a Christian, you might be able to relate with his battle. He said:
The things I want to do I don't do, and the things that I don't want to do I end up

And there's this internal battle, there's this torturing of the soul. Maybe you've
done this before where you promise God, I'll never, ever do this again, ever again,
I promise as long as I live! And then boom, you do it again and you're plagued with
guilt and there's a sense of inward conviction. And so, sometimes you cover up that
sin and you don't want anybody to know. And on the outside, you can put on church
face and come in and look good and fool people, "Hello brother, how are you doing
today? Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus, God is good! Hallelujah!" And you can do
that, but inwardly your soul is tortured because of secret sin.

What does Scripture say that actually brings this about? Peter said this in First
Peter 2:11, he said:

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in this world...

He's talking to Christians saying you're not of this world. He said:

...I urge you to abstain from...

What? He said:

...I urge you to abstain from sinful desires, which...

Do what? Everybody say this aloud:

...which war against your soul.

War against your soul. What is it that tortures the soul? Let me give you two
things. The first thing if you're taking notes is this:

1. We're tortured by the sinful things that we've done.

We do something that breaks the heart of God; we feel guilty, we carry our
unconfessed sins and we're tortured by this. David is a great example in Psalm
38:3-4. Feeling the weight of sin he said: bones have no soundness because of my...

What? He said, "...because of my sin." He said:

My guilt has...

Done what? Everybody, all of our churches, let's say this together. He said: guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.

I'm overwhelmed, I don't have the inward strength to carry me because of the weight
of this sin, I'm tortured in my soul.

I'll be very transparent with you. The first time I remember feeling this
tremendous guilt, I was in the fifth grade. I went over to my friend Steven's house
and Steven's parents weren't home for a little while. And he said, "You're not
going to believe this, I found my Dad's stash of Playboy magazines! You have to
look at them with me!"

And I was like, I didn't even know what that was, but it sounded really fun! And
so, Steven got these things out and he started opening the pages up and I felt the
biggest mixture of emotions. There was honestly this sense of, "Whoa...this is

And at the same time there was this guilt. I mean like, "I know I shouldn't be
doing this, turn the page quick and let's look at another one!" And there was this
rush of sinful curiosity and desire, simultaneously with this guilt and sense of
shame. And I didn't realize it at the time, but actually right in front of me I was
losing a part of my innocence and when his parents came home, I ran out of the
house just sensing that I'd done something wrong. I ran all of the way home and I
walked in my house and of all people, my Mom was standing right there! And she was
like, "Hello honey, how's my angel?"

And I didn't say anything, but I thought, "Your angel's bad!" And I didn't tell
anybody, and I had this tremendous guilt, tremendous shame, inwardly tortured.

Why are we tortured in our souls? Sometimes it's because of the sin we secretly
carry. And I'll just say it as gently as I can; there are a lot of you that are
carrying that same sort of secret sin in your soul today. The studies show the
statistics would be close to 50% of the men here today may struggle with that same
sort of secret lust. Studies show that 25 to maybe even 30% of the women have the
same thing and you're looking at stuff you shouldn't look at and you know that if
this got out it could really hurt your marriage, or it could ruin your reputation,
or it could be very, very embarrassing and you're tortured because of it.

Others are living a lie, you've misrepresented yourself or you cheated on someone
or something, and in the back of your mind you know that if this comes out, I mean
it could be really, really, really bad, but you keep it a secret and your soul is

Some it's private sin; maybe the sin of overeating, and you say, "I don't want to
eat so much!" But you fantasize about food and then you take a bite and you're
like, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing again!" And then, some feel so guilty
they go and induce vomiting and then there's more shame.

For some it's overspending. It's this emptiness in this world and so you spend
more, more, more, more, more, and then you lie about your spending.

For others it's an addiction, where you smoke something or you drank something, or
you pop something, and the next thing you know you can't stop. And you know if this
became public it could be really bad for you, and so you try to hide it and you're
tortured because of the secret sin that you carry.

What is it that tortures our souls? Well:

1. We're tortured by the things we've done.

Two, if you're taking notes:

2. We're tortured by lies we believe.

We believe lies that our spiritual enemy, Satan, whispers to us in our souls. John
8:44-45 speaks of Satan, the devil, and says:

The devil was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is
no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for...

What is he everybody? The devil is a:

...liar, he is the father of lies.

He lies to you. And we're tortured because of the lies we believe.

Years ago, one of my favorite stories in our staff, when our church went multi-
site, we lost some of our camaraderie in our staff. So we came up with a game just
for bonding called, Capture the Flag, where we actually had a real flag and
different team members had to devise missions to come in and steal the flag and you
got points. And it was a lot of fun, and even when someone got hurt and had to go
to the hospital it was still fun! And so, we had to devise rules so there weren't
any injuries. And one of the rules was that the missions can't start until 8:00
a.m. when the office is open so there were no like 3:00 a.m. missions where we had
to put guards up all night long and stuff!

So, one morning I came in about 7:00 a.m. and I was going into my office and nobody
else was there, so I thought. And I believe the Spirit of God prompted me that
there was an enemy in our office! Now you may say, "Why the Spirit of God?" Because
that's kind of how things work when you're the pastor! You know, God speaks to you
in that way and all the stop-lights are always green, and just convenient little
things like that for me! And so, I just really thought, "There's someone in here!"
And I walked up to the very first closet, I opened the door and sure enough, Pastor
Kevin Penry was hiding in the closet waiting for the 8:00 a.m. start time to come
out and steal our flag! And so, I just slammed the door on him, put my foot on the
door and said, "You're not getting out, you're spending the day in this closet!"

And I waited for reinforcement. Finally somebody showed up and I said, "Get me a
chair!" I was going to lodge the chair underneath the door, but there wasn't a
chair that fit, so I just lied for a higher purpose, for the glory of God! I said,
"You're locked in here, you're spending the day in here!"

Well, there was no lock on the door, there was no chair, we just told him. And
Kevin started whining, "Let me out, let me out! It's not fair!"

I'm looking at my buddy going, "The door's not locked!"

And he's whining, and he never tried to open the door! And we're busting the gut
laughing! He's all, "Let me out!"

"No! You're spending the whole day!" We were just dying laughing!

When 8:00 a.m. came around, I had a premarital counseling appointment, so I went in
my office. Kevin's still in there, "Let me out!"

He never tried the door! I'm meeting with this couple and in the middle of the
meeting, they were all emotional. I hear something up in the ceiling! Pastor Kevin
had climbed the shelves into the ceiling, we're in an emotional moment, the ceiling
tile pokes up, he looks down, there's two eyes looking down at me, and he never
tried to open the door!

There are so many people who are believing the lies and they're tortured in their
soul and they are a prisoner of something that is not true. Our spiritual enemy
says to you, "If anybody knew your secret, they wouldn't like you anymore! They
would reject you, you can't tell anyone that would be the stupidest thing ever!"
And your enemy lies to you and tries to connect what you did with who you are. What
you did should be a part of your identity; you did that so you are bad. You failed
at something so you're a failure. Well, you messed up once so you might as well
just keep on doing it over and over and over again because you're already used
goods; you can't tell anyone this. And so, you start to believe, "I've got to carry
this secret to the grave." But what you don't realize is, your secret is taking you
to the grave. Your tortured soul, what do you do when you realize you're tortured
by your own private sin?

In the last few weeks, we looked at different people who talked to their souls.
Last week David said, 'Hey soul, why so downcast, put your hope in God.' What I
want to do is encourage you to tell your soul two things, two truths to set you
free. The first thing:

Tell your soul this when your enemy says, "Don't tell anyone, they'll never like
you!" You tell your soul:

1. It's better to confess your sins than to hide your sins.

It's always better to tell the truth. Proverbs 28:13 says it this way:

He who conceals his sins...

Does not what everybody?

...does not prosper...

You hide them it's not good. Scripture says:

...but whoever confesses...

Everybody say confesses, come on everybody work with me. All of our churches, but
whoever confesses and what else...

And renounces their sins...

What do they find? They find:


If you hold it in it poisons you. If you let it out you find mercy and grace and
forgiveness and help in your time in need.

It's a little bit like food poisoning. How many of you have ever gotten food
poisoning? Nasty right? When you take poison in, what does your body immediately
do? What does it do? It rejects it right? I mean violently rejects it. Anywhere
there's a hole your body is rejecting it and it's coming out, right? Don't look at
me like, "That's not true!" It's true, it's like you're on the pot and you're doing
the reversal, you know both sides just as fast as you can go! I know it's gross time I got food poisoning it was so bad I was afraid I was going to die.
Then it got worse, and I was afraid I might not die! Okay it was like bad!

Okay, unconfessd sin is like poison to the soul, that's what it is. Unconfessed sin
is poison to the soul. Never underestimate your spiritual enemy's destructive
power; how he can hurt, steal, kill and destroy through unconfessed sin. It's
poison and you get it out, you reject it, you confess it. And you confess in two
different ways. The first way, if you're taking notes is to God:

1. You confess to God for the forgiveness of sins.

That's why we confess to God. Scripture says this, First John 1:9:

If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.

I would recommend if you're memorizing verses to put that one at the top of your

When we confess our sins God is faithful and He is just and will forgive us all of
our sins.

When you cry out to Him through Jesus, your sins are forgiven. I'm telling you, He
doesn't hold them against you anymore. He forgets your sins; He cast them into the
sea of forgetfulness.

Maybe you're like, "Oh but God, remember when I did this?"

Like God, "No, I don't!"

It's a little bit like an Etch A Sketch. Who knows what that is, an Etch A Sketch?
You know, it's a computer for rednecks, you know what I'm saying? Sorry rednecks,
but anyway! You scribble all over it and when you shake it what happens? It's gone
right? In God's eyes, when you confess your sins they are gone. Some of you right
now, you still feel all guilty about this, that, or the other. You confessed it to
God, He's forgiven you. Let it go! You confess to Him for forgiveness, but there's
another step of confession that so many people don't make, and this is what we must
do to move forward with God. We confess to God for forgiveness, but then Scripture
teaches us:

We confess to people for healing.

We confess to God for forgiveness, but we confess one to another for healing. James
says in 5:16:

Therefore confess your sins not to God, here it says confess your sins to whom?
Confess your sins to:

...each other...

And what do you do? You:

...pray for each other...

Why? So: may be healed.

You confess to one another for healing.

Every time someone says, "Hey Craig, I'm about to tell you something I've never
told anyone before.." I just say, "I know we're about to have a major breakthrough,
we're about to have a major Spiritual breakthrough."

There's healing, that's one of the reasons why I really want every one of you to be
involved in a Life Group, where we do life together, where we open up God's Word
together, where we pray for one another, where there's consistent spiritual
encouragement, where we hold each other accountable, where we confess our sins.
This is one of the most important things in my own spiritual life, is being with
the Body of Christ.

I'm about to tell you something and we know we're about to have a breakthrough. And
in 22 years or so of doing ministry, I can tell you every time I've walked through
some kind of confession with somebody who really brings the weight of something
serious and they look back, almost every time here's what they say, they say, "The
moment that I confessed, it was one of the hardest days and one of the best days of
my entire life." It's hard, but it's one of the best days because I'm no longer
tortured with my private sin.

I told you about when I was in the fifth grade and I looked at porn for the first
time. The second time was in the seventh grade. And for two years man, I carried
the secret weight of this. I was asked to babysit at some friends of my parent's
house, and I went over there. And within like 15 minutes, I discovered that this
dad at that house actually had his own stash of magazines that were like sitting
out in the living room. And immediately I felt that same familiar rush of
anticipation. So, I was looking at these kids like going, "Well 7:30, it's about
that time, time to go to bed!" Because honestly I wanted to look at those and once
I got them to bed, man I went in there and I opened it up and I had that Roman's
Seven kind of struggle. Like, the things I don't want to do I do and I'm looking
going, "Wow! Look at those!" And then, "I can't do this anymore!" So, I put it
aside and then next thing you know I'm going back and I'm looking again, and there
was this battle that went on. And when the dad drove me back to my house I just
felt this tremendous shame, I didn't say anything to him obviously and I walked in
the door and there's my Mom again! "Hello sugar pie, dumpling, you know angel,
you're so..."

I'm like, "No! I'm bad, I'm filthy! I've been looking at girl's boobies!"

You know and she's like, "What?"

And I mean I'm just like, "I have, I've been looking at these..." and she was just
stunned. I mean, I just started crying and I just confessed.

She's like, "What do you mean?"

I said, "Two years ago I was at Steven's house and his dad had these and I looked
at them but I didn't tell you! I felt guilty and then I went tonight and they were
there and I looked and then I didn't look! And then I looked some more and I just

And it was one of the most difficult things, but I'm telling you it was one of the
strengthening moments of my life and I'm so thankful for the wisdom my Mom had. I
wish I could tell you the exact conversation, but it went something like this:

She said, "Well," she said "Did you know that it's a pretty normal thing for boys
your age to be excited about that?"

I was like, "No! I thought it was just me!"

And so she kind of disarmed it and she said, "Well, how do you feel now that you
did it?"

"Bad, bad, bad!"

She said, "Okay let's think about this. So, next time you're tempted, if you think
about the result do you want to feel bad?"

"No, no, no!"

"So, what should you do?"

"I probably shouldn't look!"

And she was leading me and she said, "Do you love your sister?"
I'm like, "Oh yes, I love my sister!" Even though I spit a loogie in her face!
"Yes, I love my sister!"

She said, "Do you love me?"

I was like, "Yes!"

And she said, "Do you think we should look at women as objects like that?"

I'm like, "No, no, no!"

And she said, "Next time you're tempted I want you to think about that." And she
said, "It's not that that's a wrong desire, it's a right desire, it's just not a
desire for now; it's a desire you should save for your wife one day."

And it was amazing how my confession and her help really brought some healing. And
I won't tell you that I was flawless for the rest of my life, but I will tell you
of all my friends, I made it through high school and college probably the least
damaged by pornography and I believe it so much because I invited someone else into
the battle. Hardest day and one of the best days.

What I'm about to tell you I've never told anybody before, we're about to have a
big breakthrough. So you're going to say, "So I need to tell everybody what I did?"
You know, "Hey Facebook friends, I committed adultery on my wife last week, pray
for me!" I'm not saying that, okay; I'm not saying that, I'm not saying that. I'm
not saying that we confess everything to everybody, but we confess some things to

One of the greatest marks of spiritual maturity is a short timespan between sinning
and confessing. I'm going to say that again:

A real mark of spiritual maturity, I'm not saying you're going to be perfect, when
you do sin there's a short timespan between sinning and confessing:

"Oh God, I recognize that was wrong!"

Hey, I call my brother in Christ, "Would you pray for me? Man, I messed up. I
confess this I need help, I'm in a place where I need help."

Satan says, "Don't tell anybody."

Tell your soul, "Soul, don't be tortured, don't be stupid."

It's better to confess your sins than it is to hide your sins. He who conceals his
sin doesn't prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Soul,
there's truth in healing.

The second thing if you're taking notes is this:

2. You tell your soul, "Christ will set you free."

"Hey soul, you don't have to be tortured, you don't have to live this way. There is
a better way, you can be free."

Satan says, "You'll always be this way!"

"Soul, no, greater is the One that is in me than he that's in the world!"

"Hey soul, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, there is freedom!"
"Hey soul, if Christ sets you free you are free indeed."

"Soul, you don't always have to be trapped and tortured in this private sin!"

"Oh, but I'll never get out, I'll never get out, this is just the way I am! The way
out is too painful!"

Paul said in First Corinthians 10:13:

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is...

What everybody? Our God is:


Even if we're faithless He is faithful:

...Our God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a...

What? When you are tempted, our God will provide:

...a way out so that you can stand up underneath it.

Our God always provides a way out. You feel trapped, you feel helpless, and you
feel tortured, "I can't get out!" No, there's always a way out. With Christ there
is always a way out. You don't have to remain in bondage to your unconfessed sin,
there is always a way out.

Just like in the glory days of video games those of you who are around my age who
had the benefit and blessing of growing up when they were anointed of God. How many
of you remember Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede and Galaga. What am I missing? Give
me some help on it! What were the games? Asteroids, you know, Donkey Kong I already
said that. Space Invaders, you know, Frogger! I mean good ole' days you know! You
know it right? Well, they were cheesy but they were fun and I could have sent all
of my kids to college on the money I spent on those games if I had invested it in a
good mutual fund years ago, but I didn't, I spent it on Pac-Man and Asteroids! But
I did get past the ninth key on Pac-Man! And for those of you who know what that is
you're like, "Dude yea!"

Anyway, Asteroids, if you've played it was kind of cheesy. You had the little space
ship and you could turn it around, you could hit thrust and go beep, beep, beep,
beep, beep, and you'd blow up the asteroids. Well, if an asteroid was coming at you
from behind and you couldn't thrust, those of you who remember, there was one
button in the middle of the game that when you were in trouble you could hit it and
your little ship would disappear and appear somewhere else! Those of you who were
blessed to live in that era, what was the button called? It's coming and you hit
the button called hyperspace! Oh glory to God! Those of you who are younger, you
don't know the power of hyperspace! You disappear and appear somewhere else.

Well, I'm here to tell you in the kingdom of God there is another button and it's
not called hyperspace; but this one, when you're tempted there's always a way out
and it's called hyper-grace! God always, somebody needs to cheer because that's
just really good! And if it's not really good it's really fun, and we might as well
have a little bit of fun! And you hit the button called hyper-grace, that our God
always gives you a way out. There's always a way out, you don't have to be tortured
in your soul, there's always a way out. You can be free from your lusting, you can
be from your lying, you can confess your secret sin and God will bring healing. The
door is open; it's open, turn the knob. He who the Son has set free is free indeed.
Christ paid for your sins, walk out the door. Don't stay locked in a satanic lie
anymore. Open the door, be free, be healed, walk out, and be transformed. Christ
will set you free. The choice is yours, I'm telling you, the choice is yours.

So some of you, you're at a crossroads right now, what are you going to do? What
are you going to do? Keep carrying your secret? Tortured soul all alone, or ask for
help? Like I said, it could be a hard day, or one of the best days. You have to
trust God with the consequences when you do what is right.

Here's what Scripture says. I'm going to read this to you and then I'm going to
give you a moment as we're doing every week in this series, to detox your soul.
Just to pause and be still before God and reflect and do business with Him.

Scripture says in First Peter 2:24:

Jesus Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree; He became sin for us on the
cross and died...

Why? that we might die to sins...

I urge you to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against your soul that we
might die to sins:

...and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. For you were
like sheep going astray...

That's what some of us are, we're like sheep going astray:

...but now you have returned to the Shepherd...

Who is the Shepherd? Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but now today you are returning to
the Shepherd:

...and the Overseer of your...


...and the overseer of your souls.

It's time for a little soul detox. He who the Son sets free is free indeed. Let's
take our needs and burdens before God in prayer.

(Time of prayer.)

Our Father, for those who are tortured today I pray that Your Spirit would minister
freedom, that we'd tell our souls that it's better to confess than it is to hide
our sins. We tell our souls that Christ can set us free, that we'd recognize where
the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and there is liberty, that he who Jesus
sets free is free indeed, that no temptation has seized us but that which is common
to man. And when we're tempted God, You are faithful, You will always provide a way
out so that we can stand up underneath it. God we want to avoid sinful desires
which rages war against our soul. God, I pray that there would be healing and
freedom in our souls.

God, I pray that you would give those who need it the courage to confess, confess
to You for forgiveness and then feel the weight of sin lifted, realizing that
therefore now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And God,
not to just confess to You for forgiveness, but to confess to Your family, to Your
people for healing, recognizing that if we could have gotten out of this on our own
we would have done it a long time ago; but we need Your body to encourage, to
sharpen and to pray for us that we might be healed. God, I thank You in advance for
those who would have the courage and the faith to do what is right and to trust You
with the consequences. And God, I pray that they would look back and realize, "Yes,
it was a tough day, but it was unquestionably one of the best, when I did what was
right before God."

Now Father, I pray for those today that are under the weight and the burden and the
guilt of sin, that Christ would truly set them free.

At all of our different churches right now there are many of you that you feel the
weight. David said, 'I'm overwhelmed by the guilt of my sin.' I remember that
feeling so well. I remember just wondering, "Have I sinned too much for God to ever
accept me?"

You ask people today, "Where do you stand with God?" And one of the most common
answers you get:

"Well, I'm not as bad as so and so!"

"Well, I do some good things!"

And we try to justify our standing before God and comparing to others and looking
at our own good works. But the truth is Scripture says, all of us have sinned
before God. None of us, there's not a single one of us whose righteousness alone
merits the salvation of God. Our sin separates us from a Holy God.

Scripture says, 'But Jesus Himself bore our sins on that tree on the cross, that we
might die to sin so we could live for righteousness.'

Jesus Himself, the sinless Son of God became sin for us on the cross, He died and
He rose again so that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord would be saved.
You're under the weight and the guilt of your own sin. As you call on Him today and
turn from your sin and turn toward Jesus He will hear your cry, He will forgive
your sin, He will make you brand new, He will fill you with the same Spirit that
raised Christ from the dead and you will never be the same.

There are those of you, that is why you're here today, it's the day of your
salvation. You turn from your sin, you call on Him and He will make you totally

At all of our churches you'd say, "That's me! I have sinned, I need forgiveness, I
need a Savior. Jesus I give my life to You; change me, heal me and make me new."

As you do you will be transformed by our good God. That's your prayer at all of our
churches today say, "Yes, that's me; I give my life to You. Jesus, save me, make me

Would you lift your hands high right now? Just lift them high in the air, leave
them up if you will, I just want to see you! Right up here, God bless you and right
back over here and around this side as well. I want to meet you in the eye and
celebrate with you. All the way back here and in the middle section, both of you in
the back, praise God for you! And right back over here as well.

Others of you call on Him, "Jesus save me, forgive me!"

Right over here on this side, praise God for you. Sir right here, being
transformed, God bless you!

Others today who would say, "Me too, save me!"

Church Online, you all click right below me, we're going to pray together as a
family of God, worshiping God for new life in Christ.

Everybody pray with those around you. Pray Heavenly Father, save me from my sins.
Forgive me and make me new. I believe that Jesus died for me and He rose again so I
could live for You. Fill me with Your Spirit so I could serve You with my whole
life. My life is not my own, I give it to You. Thank you for new life, now You have
mine. In Jesus' name I pray.

Would somebody cheer, somebody shout, somebody thank God for His goodness, for His
grace, for His new life in Christ.

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