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Value Of College

College plays a vital role in many people’s futures. It creates pathways to success and
opens doors to various dreams. However, much debate is made in present-day, questioning if
college is actually worth it. Many speculate the economic aspect of college or the college's core
values, such as what they are learning, as well as the possibilities of work after completing an
extended education. Some contemplate a different approach to further their education with
community college, while there are those who do not wish to lengthen their education outside of
high school.
An article titled, ¨College Education Linked to Higher Pay, Job Security, Healthier
Behavior and More Civic Involvement: New College Board Report,¨ has given vast amounts of
information regarding the benefits of college.`` The information regarding economic benefits, a
significant factor in the case one chooses to pursue college. A survey included in the article
concluded that i​n 2015, those who acquired a bachelor’s degree and were age 25 and older, with
no advanced degree, working full time earned $24,600. This was 67 percent higher than the
earnings of high school graduates. In addition, many bachelor recipients paid an estimated
$6,900 in taxes, which is 91 percent more than high school students who chose to take the labor
route, as well as took home $17,700 which is 61 percent more in after-tax income than high
school graduates. This proves a greater influx, economically speaking, which is almost always
guaranteed with pursuing a bachelor’s degree.
When pursuing community college, may take into account the economic advantage, this,
of course, being community college being much less expensive than the cost of a four-year.
However, many question the community college “system” . Many get lost in the system and
spend years attempting to finish classes instead of entering and leaving in around two years, as
the system was designed. Despite such issues even if a person drops out of community college,
they are expected to make 10-16 percent more than high school graduates. Such evidence
suggests that the commencement of college is better than that of not starting at all.
Although college is highly valued by many, on the contrary, many choose not to pursue
an extended education and go into the labor force after high school. This same population tends
to argue that the expense of college is not worth the time or effort. However, evidence shows that
is a fallacy. Even with some sort of commitment to even a community college, evidence has
proven that college is useful in the long term despite incompletion.
In conclusion, the value of college is intangible and should not be passed upon and
treated as some small opportunity, but as the gateway to success. It is significant to see this value
of an extended education as it will grant one their dreams, goals and eventually reward you
throughout all the effort, time and sacrifices made for college.

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