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Introduction and presentation go together because the

introduction usually leads right into the presentation phase of
the lesson. They are still separate parts, however, because they
accomplish different purposes.

The INTRODUCTION provides interest and motivation to the

students. It focuses students' attention on the lesson and its
purposes. It also convinces students that they will benefit from
the lesson.
There are many ways to present an introduction. Here are a few:

 Asking questions to get the students thinking about the topic of the
 Showing pictures that relate to the lesson topic.
 Telling a story to show the importance of the topic.
 Bringing in "realia" (real objects) related to the lesson.

The PRESENTATION phase of the lesson is when the teacher introduces new information. The
teacher guides the presentation, but there may be student input or interaction.

The presentation may be...

Inductive (where examples are presented and the students draw conclusions based on them),
orDeductive (where the teacher states a rule or generalization and proceeds to explain or
illustrate it), or

Some combination or variation of inductive and/or deductive. Whichever method is used, during
the presentation phase, the teacher…

 Relates the new material to students' previous knowledge and experiences,

 Checks students' comprehension, and
 Models examples of the tasks that will be expected of students during the practice phase
of the lesson.
Above all, when teaching English to people whose English skills
are limited, it is essential to ensure that students understand the
presentation by...

 Keeping the language simple,

 Illustrating the presentation, and
 Checking students' comprehension periodically.

Keep the language of your presentation understandable by…

 Using short, uncomplicated sentences (but don't resort to "Tarzan

 Using simple, basic vocabulary,
 Speaking slowly and distinctly (without exaggerating, of course),
 Pausing briefly between sentences.

You will have to be sensitive to your particular students (watch their faces, ask them for
feedback, check their actual comprehension) in order to adjust all these factors to the right level
for them.

Illustrate your presentation with…

 pictures (borrowed from a library, clipped from old magazines, drawn on paper or the
chalkboard, etc.)
 realia (objects from the real world, e.g., real carrots and potatoes for a lesson on the
names of vegetables)
 gestures (pantomime, make dramatic faces, etc. as you speak), and
 anything else that helps make the meaning clear.

And perhaps most important of all…

When checking students comprehension, it is not enough to ask, "Do you understand?" They will
usually nod their heads or say, "Yes," even when they are lost. Have them do something to show
that they understand.
For example, here is what an ESL teacher might say during the presentation stage of a lesson on
the pronunciation of /s/ and /z/:

Before going on, review what you have learned in this section by writing down some of the
methods, purposes and techniques common to good introductions and presentations in effective
ESL lessons.

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