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Highest Love - Highest Sacrifice

It is my prayer that as you read this article, you will receive a revelation of the LOVE OF GOD. This revelation
if granted, it will change your life forever!

There is a love that is pure, innocent, organic and holy. A love that is so incredible that you must know, taste,
savor and pursue with everything within you and never look back. This love I have found in Jesus and after I
discovered it I said, “Abba, without a shadow of doubt, I know that you love me.” With His pretty loving eyes,
He looked into mine and said, “Kristieta, My child, My beauty, My beloved beautiful bride, you can say that
you know … but you will never know how much I L O V E Y O U.” I had spent precious moments with the
Lord and He opened His heart to mine; He had let me in to know what was on His heart towards me; He had
shared with me great and mighty things and I was blown away, oh, how much Jesus loves you!!! No words can
describe! With moments like these spent in His presence, I thought that at least I could say that I knew How
much He loved me but He said “For all eternity, your walk with me will never cease to grow; you will never
know how much I love you. My love is deeper than any ocean; wider than any sky, and bigger than the
universe. It is so deep; you cannot rub your mind around it.”

This reminded me of the Hymn ~ The Love of God by Frederick Lehman!

Could we with ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky

Often times, we love people because they are nice and friendly to us. We love them because they treat us right,
when we converse with them we flow together, we share many things in common, we feel comfortable with
them and there are many benefits we receive from them. But the love that Jesus has for you does not depend on
any of that, it does not depend on anything that you have or can offer Him – He is God who owns everything
and is above material things. Jesus loves those who have and those who do not have anything to offer Him;
Jesus loves you regardless of your race, gender, appearance, social status, cleanness, past sin or on anything
you have to offer Him. Jesus loves to the end and never gives up loving us, that even He loved Judas to the very
end even though He knew all along He would betray Him.

When people come and taste and see that the Lord is good, they start loving the Lord and eventually fall in love
with Him. When we receive salvation, deliverance, healing or experience a miracle we fall in love with Jesus. It
is a great thing and is wonderful; however Jesus loves in a greater way. Even before we received salvation,
Jesus loved us. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us.”

Have you seen a woman who is deeply loved by her husband yet an adulteress and a cheating wife? Have you
ever seen a man who loves his unfaithful wife and regardless of her unfaithfulness, the man still loves her and
delivers flowers to her every day and still pursue her and beg her to change and turn her heart towards him?
Jesus is like that Lover but only Greater and Deeper. Jesus loves you so much that even in your sin, His love
for you does not diminish, instead, His heart breaks more because He is in love with you. Sin break His heart in
pieces and eventually sin separates us from Him and if people don’t repent but die in their sins, they end up in
hell. Jesus still loves them however and His heart aches more because his children in hell are forever separated
from Him.

Jesus told me to tell you

“My beautiful children, I went to prepare a place for you because I love you. Because of my love, you will be
with Me in Heaven. I love you more than you could ever understand. I found you in sin, washed you, brought
you to my side not as servants, not as slaves but heirs of God and fellow heirs with Me; I brought you to my
side as lovers. I found you lonely, from alone to loved; from rejected and abandoned to accepted and beloved!
Do you even know the moments I have held you and moments of perfection you have spent in my arms?
I hold you every day,
I love you every day, I fall in love with you every day,
I keep you every moment.
Wake up to know my love.
Do you know how guarded you are?
Do you know how much I keep you?
Do you know how much protected you are?
I watch over you every day and I give you strength to carry on every day
My beloved children, remember how much I love you and saved you from your sin
My beloved children, never forget how much I love you.
I L O V E Y O U!
I L O V E Y O U!
I L O V E Y O U!

I am writing, begging you to not forget this man who loves you so much. To forget is to choose death! To
remember every day is to choose life! I am writing, begging you to wake up and find this Love that is real. A
love that is so strong and so powerful that from Jesus chest, this intense love rumbles as His heart beats for you
– a love that is incredible. A love that is never and will never be “me first” but is selfless and cares more about
you than self; a love that doesn’t seek its own and is always thinking about you and looks for the best for you.
A love that seeks always to bring you joy, a love that is always thinking about you and loves you
extravagantly .

Jesus' love is pure and has no other interest other than to love, deliver and rescue you. It is a love that seeks the
good of others regardless of the price it has to pay. It is a love that cares more for others than for self. It is a
love that does not seek its own but a love that gives up own comfort so that others may be comforted; the love
that chooses to die so that others can live. The love that gives up all things to save others – regardless of how
heavy the price might be. I am writing, begging you to seek to find out about this love. When you grasp how
much He loves you, you will love Him deeply and treat Him differently. Your relationship with Him will go to
another level.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans

This is the Highest Sacrifice and this is the Highest Love. This love from the Father, let us receive and let us
give it away. Let us mimic our father and let us learn to love others the same way He loved us.

Happy Valentine!
Pastor Christine & Blazing Holy Fire Family.

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