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ATOMS AND PERIODIC TABLE 4 types if matter


DMITRI MENDELEEV- PERIODIC TABLE 1. solid- has definite shape
JOHN NEWLANDS- LAW OF OCTAVES 2. liquid- can take the shape of a container and
JOHANN DOBEREINER- LAW OF TRIADS 3. gas- volume quantity of gas is dependent on its
THALES- thought that water is the “primal matter” temperature
ANAXIMENES- air as the primal matter 4. plasma- identified by Sir William Crookes
HERACLITUS- fire as the primal matter
ARISTOTLE- all substances are composed of 4 2 types of properties of matter
elements fire, air, water and earth
1. physical property- can be observed
and measured without altering the
definite composition of the substance
Matter- anything that has mass and takes up space 2. chemical properties- involve the
Atom- the particulate nature of matter ability of the substances to form a new
substance with completely different
- Smallest unit of matter
Molecule- atoms that are chemically joined together 2 changes in matter
Element- only one type of atom is present in the
molecule 1. physical change- one that involves no
Compound- substance formed when 2 or more change in the definite composition of a
elements are chemically bonded together
Substance- a form of matter which has definite
2. chemical change- it alternates the
Mixture- combination of 2 or more substances identities of the properties

2 types of mixture
ELECTRON-carries a negative charge
-discovered by J.J Thomson
1. homogeneous- has a uniform composition - are small and very light
PROTON- carries a positive charge
2. heterogeneous- substances having different -Rutherford
composition throughout its mass - are much larger and heavier
than electrons
Phase changes in matter NEUTRON- carries no charge
-discovered by James
- are large and heavy like

Mass Number- no. of protons and number

of neutrons
Number of protons- number of electrons
Number of neutron- mass number –
number proton

Periodic table- arranged in the order of

increasing atomic mass
Period/series- rows in the periodic table non metal and in between are metalloids or
Groups- vertical columns in the periodic table semi metal.
Ionic bond-metal and non-metal
Covalent bond- 2 non metals Ionization energy- is the energy required to
Metallic bond- 2 metals remove the outer electron from an isolated
Ions- electrically charged particles formed when
atoms loose or gain electrons Electron affinity- is the energy released when
Cation- ion has a positive charge if an atom or a neutral atom gains an extra electron to form a
atoms loose electrons or gain protons negatively charged ion.

-ions with net positive charge Electronegativity- is the electron attracting

ability of an atom.
Anion- ions with net negative charge
Atomis radius- the size of an individual atom is
Periodic trends hard to measure since the electron cloud
surrounding the nucleus has no definite
A periodic trend is a property that changes as boundary
you move across a period or down a group of
the periodic table.

Note: review you learners module also..

1. Atomic radius increases as you move

down a group and decreases as you
move across.
2. Ionization energy is the energy needed
to remove an electron to form a positive
3. Electron affinity is the energy change
that occurs when an atom gains an
electron to form a negative ion.
4. An element’s electronegativity reflects
its attraction for electrons in a chemical

Elements on the left side of the periodic table

tend to be solid or metallic. The right side are

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