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Waterway Calculation for Major Bridge

Bridge Site Details

1 Section = NGP-SEGM
2 Bridge No. = 807/1
3 Chainage = 46865 m
4 Km CH. 0 from CSTM = 807.435 Km
5 Existing Opening 8 x 18.3 Steel Girder
- No. of Span = 8
- Length of Span = 18.3 m
6 Proposed Opening-PSC Girder 1 x 9.15+8 x 18.3+1x9.15
- No. of Span = 1 8 1
- Length of Span = 9.15 18.3 9.15
Design Data
1 Name of HydroMeterological Sub-Zone = 3f Lower Godavari
2 Name of Tributary Kistana River
3 Shape of Catchment Fan Shape
4 Location - Latitude = 79° 0'36.00"E
- Longitude = 20°54'5.13"N

Physical Characteristic of the Catchment

1 Catchment Area (A) = 834.2 Km2
2 Length of Longest Stream Course from = 62.49 Km
source to the Bridge Site (L)
3 Length of the Main Stream from a point = 19.13 Km
opposite to the Centroid of the Catchment
Area to the Site along the Main Stream (Lc)
5 Height of Farthest point above the point of= 168.795 m
interest along the river (H)
6 Nature of Soil = Black Cotton Soil

Bridge Parameters
7 Average Bed Level = 251.205
8 OHFL as per Bridge Site = 259.985
9 Existing Bottom of Slab/Girder = 260.395
10 Proposed bottom of Slab/Girder = 260.395
11 Existing Formation Level = 261.705
12 Proposed Formation Level = 262.575
13 Existing Rail Level = 262.395
14 Proposed Rail Level = 263.313
Equivalent Stream Slope (Se)
Ref. CWC report of Lower Godavari(3f) para

Distance Reduced Li x
from Level Length [D(i-1) +
of each Height D(i-1) +
Sr No. Bridge D1]
river above D1
segment Datum
Km m (Km) Di (m) m Km x m
1 0.000 251.205 0.000 0 0 0
2 6.020 257.000 6.020 5.795 5.795 34.886
3 7.100 264.000 1.080 12.795 18.590 20.077
4 9.100 267.000 2.000 15.795 28.590 57.180
5 10.850 275.000 1.750 23.795 39.590 69.283
6 15.050 283.000 4.200 31.795 55.590 233.478
7 18.700 295.000 3.650 43.795 75.590 275.904
8 21.900 299.000 3.200 47.795 91.590 293.088
9 37.800 328.000 15.900 76.795 124.590 1980.981
10 40.160 333.426 2.360 82.221 159.016 375.278
11 49.310 374.000 9.150 122.795 205.016 1875.896
12 52.300 448.000 2.990 196.795 319.590 955.574
13 56.900 480.000 4.600 228.795 425.590 1957.714
Total ∑
= 8129.338

Se ∑ Li x [D(i-1)+Di] 8129.338
= L² 3905

Se = 2.082 m/Km
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Parameter
Ref. Table 3.2 . From page no 12 of FER for 3f

Length of Longest main stream along

L - = 62.490 Km
the river course
Statistical Stream Slope Sst - = 2.082 m/Km
- L x Lc / - = 828.530 Km2/m
Peak discharge of Unit Hydrograph 0.454
tp = = 7.353 hrs
per unit area 0.348 x ( L.Lc/ )
Time from center of unit rainfall 0.804
qp = 1.842 / (tp) = 0.370 Cumec/Sq.Km
duration to peak UH
Width of UH measure at 50% of
W50 = 2.353 / (qp)1.005 = 6.391 hrs
peak discharge (Q) ordinate
Width of UH measure at 75% of 0.992
W75 = 1.351 / (qp) = 3.622 hrs
peak discharge (Q) ordinate
Width of rising side of UG measured 1.047
WR 50 = 0.936 / (qp) = 2.651 hrs
at 50% of peak Q ordinate
Width of rising side of UG measured WR 75 = 0.579 / (qp)
= 1.571 hrs
at 75% of peak Q ordinate
Base Width of unit hydrograph TB = 4.589 x (tp)0.894 = 27.311 hrs
Time from the start of rise to peak
Tm = tp + tr/2 = 7.853 hrs
Peak Discharge of Unit Hydrograph Qp = qp X A = 308.654 Cumecs

SUH Co-Ordinate from above formulae

X-Co-Ordinate Y- Co-Ordinate
0 0.000 0 0.000
Tm - WR₅ₒ 5.202 Qp x 0.50 154.327
Tm - WR₇₅ 6.282 Qp x 0.75 231.491
Tm 7.853 Qp 308.654
Tm + W₇₅- WR₇₅ 9.904 Qp x 0.75 231.491
Tm + W₅ₒ- WR₅ₒ 11.593 Qp x 0.50 154.327
Tᴃ 27.311 0 0.000
Volume of 1 cm direct runoff depth over the catchment Q=(A x d/ti)
Where A= Catchment area in , D= 1.0 cn depth, ti= 1hr
So Q= 2.78 A cum/sec = 2.78 x 834.2= 2319
Estimated volume of SUH
= Sum of discharge ordinates (qi) of unit graph at ti=1 hr. interval multiplied by ti(=1)
In case Ʃ(qi ti) for unit graph drawn is higher/lower than theoretical volume of 1cm, the falling limb of
hydrograph may be suitably modified without altering the points of synthetic parameters

Estimation of Design Storm

Ref. Clause no. 5.2 step-2 of FER for 3f
Design Storm Duration (Td) = 1.1 x tp
= 1.1 x 7.353
Td = 8.088 hrs
Say Td = 8 hrs

Point Rainfall
Plate 8 of flood estimation report . 50 yr 24 hour Rainfall map f India
50 Year 24hrs Point Rainfall = 220 mm 220
50 Year 8 hrs Point Rainfall = 155.1 mm 0.705 Reduction factor
Ref. fig.10 of CWC
Point to Areal Rainfall Ratio for 8 hrs Storm duration

Ref. Annexure4.2 or fig -12(a) /12(b) of FER

Area Km2 8 8 12
500 79.83 79.830 82.5
834.2 76.63 76.630 77.90475
900 76 76.000 77
Point to Areal Rainfall Raio = 0.766
Areal Rainfall for 8 hrs = 155.1x0.766
= 118.8066 mm

Time Distribution of Design storm

Ref.Annexure 4.1 or Fig- 11 of FER for 3f
Time in hrs. x 100
Td hrs Time Distribution =

Td hrs
Td hrs Td hrs
Time in Storm Distn. Hourly
time Storm Distn.
hours Col3x130.91 Storm
Distrn. From Table
cm cm
0 0.00 0 0 0
1 12.50 41 4.871 4.871
2 25.00 65 7.722 2.851
3 37.50 76 9.029 1.307
4 50.00 83 9.861 0.832
5 62.50 90 10.693 0.832
6 75.00 94 11.168 0.475
7 87.50 98 11.643 0.475
8 100.00 100 11.881 0.238

Design Loss Rate

Ref. Page No 14. Para 3.5 of FER for 3f
Design loss Rate = 0.4 cm/hrs

Base Flow
Ref. Page No 14. Para 3.6 of FER for 3f
Design Base Flow = 0.05 cumecs/sq.Km
= 0.05x834.2 cumecs
= 41.710 cumecs
Computation of Critical Sequence of Rainfall
Ref. Page no. 21 step -4 of FER
Hourly Rainfall Rainfall
Time in SUH increment Constant loss Rainfall Excess Peak Excess in
direct ruoff
hours Ordinates of rainfall rate excess value for Critical
(cm) peak Discarge Order
(Cumes) (cm) (cm/hr) (cm) S.U.G. cm
0 0 0 0 0 - - 0.907
1 8 4.871 0.4 4.471 4.471
2 20 2.851 0.4 2.451 2.451
3 40 1.307 0.4 0.907 0.432
4 75 0.832 0.4 0.432
5 140 0.832 0.4 0.432
6 210 0.475 0.4 0.000 0.432 90.646
7 290 0.475 0.4 0.000 2.451 710.894
8 308 0.238 0.4 0.000 4.471 1377.090
9 275 0.907 249.390
10 222 0.432 95.825
11 175
12 132 Total 2523.845
13 100 Base flow 41.710
14 75 Q50 2565.555
15 58
16 45
17 34
18 27
19 22
20 17
21 14
22 11
23 9
24 6
25 4
26 2
27 0
Computation of Design Flood Hydrograph
Ref. Page no. 22 item (b) of FER
Total Design
SUH Direct Surface RunOff(DSRO) in m3/s due to rainfall Excess increament in cm Base Flow
Time Surface Flood
Flow Hydrodrap
Hrs 0.000 0.432 0.907 4.471 2.451 0.432 0.000 cm m3/s h Ord.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13
0 0 0.000 0.000 0
1 8 0.000 3.453 0.000 3.453 41.71 45.163
2 20 0.000 8.633 7.255 0.000 15.888 41.71 57.598
3 50 0.000 21.582 18.137 35.769 0.000 75.488 41.71 117.198
4 80 0.000 34.532 45.344 89.421 19.611 0.000 188.908 41.71 230.618
5 148 0.000 63.884 72.550 223.554 49.027 3.453 412.467 41.71 454.177
6 210 0.000 90.646 134.217 357.686 122.568 8.633 0.000 713.749 41.71 755.459
7 290 0.000 125.177 190.443 661.718 196.109 21.582 0.000 1195.030 41.71 1236.740
8 308 0.000 132.947 262.993 938.925 362.801 34.532 0.000 1732.198 41.71 1773.908
9 275 0.000 118.703 279.317 1296.610 514.785 63.884 0.000 2273.299 41.71 2315.009
10 222 0.000 95.825 249.390 1377.090 710.894 90.646 0.000 2523.845 41.71 2565.555
11 175 0.000 75.538 201.326 1229.544 755.018 125.177 0.000 2386.604 41.71 2428.314
12 132 0.000 56.977 158.703 992.578 674.124 132.947 0.000 2015.328 41.71 2057.038
13 100 0.000 43.165 119.707 782.437 544.202 118.703 0.000 1608.213 41.71 1649.923
14 75 0.000 32.373 90.687 590.181 428.988 95.825 0.000 1238.055 41.71 1279.765
15 58 0.000 25.035 68.015 447.107 323.579 75.538 0.000 939.275 41.71 980.985
16 45 0.000 19.424 52.599 335.330 245.136 56.977 0.000 709.466 41.71 751.176
17 34 0.000 14.676 40.809 259.322 183.852 43.165 0.000 541.824 41.71 583.534
18 27 0.000 11.654 30.834 201.198 142.179 32.373 0.000 418.239 41.71 459.949
19 22 0.000 9.496 24.486 152.016 110.311 25.035 0.000 321.345 41.71 363.055
20 17 0.000 7.338 19.951 120.719 83.346 19.424 0.000 250.778 41.71 292.488
21 14 0.000 6.043 15.417 98.364 66.187 14.676 0.000 200.686 41.71 242.396
22 11 0.000 4.748 12.696 76.008 53.930 11.654 0.000 159.037 41.71 200.747
23 9 0.000 3.885 9.976 62.595 41.673 9.496 0.000 127.625 41.71 169.335
24 6 0.000 2.590 8.162 49.182 34.319 7.338 0.000 101.591 41.71 143.301
25 4 0.000 1.727 5.441 40.240 26.965 6.043 0.000 80.415 41.71 122.125
26 2 0.000 0.863 3.627 26.826 22.062 4.748 0.000 58.128 41.71 99.838
27 0 0.000 0.000 1.814 17.884 14.708 3.885 0.000 38.291 41.71 80.001
28 0.000 8.942 9.805 2.590 0.000 21.337 41.71 63.047
29 0.000 4.903 1.727 0.000 6.629 41.71 48.339
30 0.000 0.863 0.000 0.863 41.71 42.573
31 0.000 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
32 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
33 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
34 0.000 0.00 0.000
Discharge Q50= 2565.55 cum/sec

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