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The Scientific Secret for YOUR Success.

I have a homework assignment for you. I want you to right now, go back and re-read
Lesson No 3. This is very important! Here is the link for that if you've already deleted your
last Lesson's email:

Here is the last paragraph of that Lesson to refresh your excitement:

"You see, when you set your goal, at that time, it doesn't even matter whether you believe
you can reach it. But what you do in the first thirty days after you set your goals is
absolutely critical. Scientifically! More in your next lesson!"

I hope the importance of the information in that last lesson has formed substantial new and
strong neuron connections and neurode patterns in your brain! (translation: "sunk in!")

After you learn the neuroscience basis for your UNLIMITED capacity to achieve, and we
then teach you the 9 Science for Success Techniques, each of them is critical for you to
achieve high levels of permanent self-motivation.

Science for Success Technique # 3, deals with goal setting. (More about that in a future
mini-Science Lesson) Once you set your goals, you will need to train your nonconscious
brain to learn how to bring up to you at the conscious level of your brain, your best ideas to
reach your goals. This is called 'learning'. And remember, in the beginning it doesn't even
matter if you consciously believe your goals to be the truth! Your nonconscious brain can't
tell the difference yet. That takes about 30 days!

We learn new things in three ways:


So if you want your brain to 'know' what is important to you; if you want your brain to point
out to you everything that it can think of to help you reach your goals; even things you are
not currently consciously thinking about: you must help your brain get things on to your
"Important List" (IL).

Once things get there, and you sure know about how long that takes by now! 30 days!
Once things get to your important list, your nonconscious brain (your NC) will constantly,
all day and all night, be trying to bring you whatever it is that it has learned is on your IL.

The way you get things on that list is by repetition, association and the use of emotions.
The more often you repeat something, the more neuron DSP connections are being
formed in your brain. The more you associate your goals with other memory connections,
the more neurode patterns will be formed in your brain that will fire and remind you of your
goals. And if you are emotional, passionately so, about your goals, the neuron
connections will be stronger, last longer, and fire more easily. (see our "Motivation
Automation" System of 8 CDs for more information on how this works)

Let me give you an example of how this works, and how it has already worked for you, you just
didn't know it. Think back to when you bought your last brand new car. That was exciting wasn't
it? Beautiful dark blue SUV. Great stereo. Great interior. You love it. You got the only one like it.
Bang! From the day you got it, didn't you start to see tons of other dark blue SUVs on the road that
look just like yours?! You didn't even have to be consciously thinking about, or looking for them did
you? But your nonconscious brain made sure you got the message every time! How did that
work! You automatically told your NC that Blue SUVs are on your Important List. You have a
function in your brain, located near the back-base of your brain, called the Reticular Activating
System (RAS). Every neuron impulse that comes in to your brain or originates in your brain
(thoughts), passes through the RAS. The RAS acts as a relay station. If an incoming impulse is
important....on your Important List...your RAS will send that message to your top floor! Your
conscious brain! For you to take notice and take action.

If the incoming impulse is not on your IL, the RAS will send it down to your basement, the
nonconscious brain, and you don't even notice it.

Wouldn't you like to notice EVERY signal about your goals? All of them? All of the time? We can
teach you how to do this; without having to buy a new car every time! By learning and using our 9
Science for Success Techniques. And it has been proven, that if you learn this properly, your RAS
will keep things on your Important List for over 25 years. (See our more in depth system, "Mastery
of Advanced Achievement" for details) Now that's pretty close to Permanent!

All right then! If all this is true, and it sure looks like it from all the neuroscience research that has
been written about in just the last 4 or 5 years, (See our Annotated Bibliography) then what is the
exact scientific secret for your success. Well here it comes. I wish it were simple and not
complicated, but listen up. You can learn this. You can learn to apply this by using our 9 Science
for Success Techniques:

The Semi-Big Secrets

1. If a human brain is stimulated, no matter what your age, it will physically grow more
protuberances on each brain's tentacles (DSPs), and these protuberances will increase the total
number of connections within your brain, AUTOMATICALLY!

2. The more you send a message down the same neuron pathway, the easier it becomes for
messages to go down that same neurode pattern again, and again, AUTOMATICALLY! (The firing
threshold is decreased with each repetition, and the synaptic connections are strengthened-

3. The nonconscious cerebral cortex region of your brain contains 5/6th of your brain's power. The
nonconscious brain, operates AUTOMATICALLY, perfectly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and
follows your instructions exactly. THEREFORE:


Thoughts have biochemical electrical properties.


They are real! You can see them. You can touch them.

Your thoughts at the nonconscious level of your brain, contain 5/6th (83%) of your brain's
POWER! And your nonconscious thoughts occur AUTOMATICALLY.

Learn to control your nonconscious thoughts, and you can control your

Scientifically! More in your next lesson!


If you don't know that you probably won't....

Now you know. Knowledge is light!

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