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Assuming that you have computed an cllcct size measure, how should it be interpreted?

Table 3.5 provides gu idelines for interpreting the size of the " ciTcct" for live common
eiTect size measures based on Cohen ( 1988).
Note that these guidelines arc based on the cllcct sizes usually found in studies in the
behavioral sciences. Thus, they do not have absolu te meaning and arc only relative to
typ ical findi ngs in these areas. For that reason, we might suggest using larger than typica l
instead of large, typ ical instead of medi um, and smaller than typica l instead of small. The
guidelines will not apply to all subfields in the behavioral sciences, and they definitely
will not apply to fields where the usually expected effects arc either larger or smaller. It
is advisable to examine the research literature to see if there is infonnation about typical
cll'cct sizes on the topic.

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