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Process of giving a class(please don’t miss every step, as it is important)

1. Introduction(about 1-3 min)

 Make sure that everything is well (video, audio…)

Courtesy greeting is very important to our students

eg: Hi good morning/afternoon [use hand gestures/wave]

Can you hear me? can you see me?

 Introduce yourself

eg: I am teacher…, what’s your English name?

eg: Can you tell me something about yourself?

How are you today?

What are your hobbies?

How’s the weather today?

 Assess the student's goal in learning English

eg: Why do you study English?

 Acknowledge and let them know that you're the best teacher that could help them in
developing their skills

eg: I understand that you…

No worries, I will

2. Covering the Teaching material (about 20 min)

 At the first beginning:

-Verified if the student can see the learning material:

“so before we start our discussion do you have the copy of the lesson?”

-if they don't have a copy of the book

A. Send the link

B. Send file

C. Screenshot

D. Share screen (last option)

-Confirmed the Lesson # / Unit # / Title # :

For our lesson for today it’s about [name of the book] [lesson number and title]

-Send the learning material to the student when necessary

 In class:

-Started/Left the class on time

-Covered the whole textbook within 25 minutes

-Asked / Answered the student's question clearly and accurately

-Provided appropriate pronunciation and grammar corrections

-Ask leading questions to the topic.

-Think of different possible questions.

-Avoid asking personal questions (age, marital status, religion, politics, etc)

example: Topic: Music

-Catered to the student's individual needs when teaching

-Avoided reading or asking the student to read the whole textbook without any guidance
-Utilized the chat box for corrections:

Please always use the chatbox to send NEW VOCABULARY, EXAMPLE SENTENCES, CORRECTIONS

3. Summary & feed backs (about 1-3 min)

-Made an oral class summary before ending the class

-Asked if the student has any additional questions before ending the call

-Once the class is over please offer a feedback to the student, you can give your assessment
about how the student performed during your class give advises on how to improve their English.
(Give some tips for further improvement. (Give website to use) Ask is there

anything else.)

-Leave a detailed and guiding remark in time in the system after class

-Say goodbye politely to the student before ending the class

Some Common Questions

1. How to explain a word?

-use definition, example, actual stuff, or even translator

-You can also open a dictionary website: so that you can search
words’(or phrase’) definitions, example sentences, synonyms or antonyms while teaching.

2. How to check the student’s comprehension?

-ask questions when you pass every page and do it in the summary part:e.g. Do you have any

3. How to interact with students?

-Be lively,

-Keep eye contact,

-keep friendly smiles,

-use obvious facial expressions,

-use obvious gestures(important!!!),

-ask related questions,

-let them make some sentences,

-do the role play,

-asking interesting questions(don’t ask unusual questions which students cannot answer), etc.

4. How to extend ideas of a word or sentence?

-extend some extra pictures(search on the internet and put it on the chat box),

-use synonyms or antonyms

5.Others:(please remember these details, they can help you to improve so don’t ignore them
while teaching, you have form this habit)

-Often correct students' pronunciations,

-Often use chat box to ask question or type the words which students made mistakes,

-Summarize the whole classes and give feed backs of the students(pros and cons)

-Avoided long silences during the class


The teaching material is always changing and you can only use the highlighted one. So please

prepare all those materials. If there are too many materials, you can use the materials appear
30 minutes before the demo and prepare this one. Even the material changes in these 30
minutes, it is fine that you still use this one, so don’t worry. And don’t be scared as this situation
may happen in your future class. Even you are unfamiliar with the material, you have to do the
above details, and scores of those parts would be given, then you may be able to pass.

When you get the material, have a quick look of the whole material and think about how you
should arrange time on every part in 25 minutes. And then, do your best, show that you are
really confident.

Advice: Ask some people to be your students and practice more and more materials before your
demo. Ask them to check if you do well in every criteria given below. When you are familiar with
the flow of giving a class you can give classes no mater what materials are given to you.

TL Criteria

Common gestures such as:

You can add more gestures and more facial expressions to attract your student’s attention.

Links for Top Tutors’ Videos

(if you really really have no idea about teaching, then imitate them step by step!)


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