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Bayesian Estimation vs Fuzzy Logic

for Heuristic Reasoning

Michel de Mathelin: Christiaan Perneelj and Marc Acheroyt
* Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890.
t Electrical Engineering Department, Royal Military Academy, 30 Renaissance avenue, 1040 Brussels, Belgium.

Abstract 1 General assumptions

In this paper, Bayesian estimation theory and fuzzy logic are
used to derive knowledge combination rules for heuristic search The following assumptions are made about the problems
algorithms. Such algorithms are typically used with expert considered in this paper
systems. Heuristics are used to select candidate solutions or 0 A solution t o the problems is made of N different
partial solutions of a complex problem whose solution space is levels of increasing knowledge. Level 1 is the initial
too large to be f d y explored. The information coming from level of knowledge of the solution in the search pro-
the various heuristics and from observations made during the cess. When the search algorithm reaches the next
search must be combined. Combination and decision rules level in the search process, some more information
are first derived based on a probabilistic approach. Then, a about a candidate solution is generated. A candidate
fuzzy logic approach is followed and compared with the first solution consists in values for N predefined charac-
teristics or sets of characteristics one per level). A
candidate partial solution up t o eve1 i consists in
values for i predefined characteristics or sets of char-
acteristics. Level N is the last level of knowledge in
Introduction the search process where a possible solution t o the
problem can be proposed.
Expert systems are usually designed t o solve complex
problems with numerous candidate solutions. Generally, 0 At each level i, a t most Ri new possible partial so-
the brute force approach consisting in exploring all the lutions or, equivalently, new branches in the search
possible solutions t o the problem is unpractical. Further, tree are proposed. The n; new candidate partial so-
uninformed search methods like depth-first or breadth- lutions consist in a candidate partial solution up to
first (cf. Nilsson [l], Chapter 2) which aIe exhaustive level (: - 1) combined with some incremental knowl-
methods for finding a solution are also often infeasible. edge under the form of a possible value for one or
Typically, the knowledge of an expert is required in order more predefined characteristics of the solution. Con-
t o guide the search toward the solution in a more efficient sequently, the size of the candidate solution space
manner. This knowledge takes the form of heuristics and
a search procedure using information of this sort is called
sI n:, ni.
heuristic search. At any given time in the search process 0 A t each level i , mi different heuristics give a rating
all the possible paths are evaluated with the help of the t o the ni new candidate partial solutions of level i .
heuristics and the most promising path according to the These ratings must be combined t o give a global rat-
heuristics is selected. The heuristics are designed based ing to the partial solutions. The rating functions of
on the knowledge and the experience of the expert. The the heuristics return a rating for each partial solution
main difficulty in this approach resides in findin an ap- based on some measurement or observation made on
propriate way t o combine the knowledge coming &om the the data of the problem.
heuristics into a unique evaluation function. Furthermore,
as the search of the solution progresses, new paths must
be compared with paths abandoned earlier. However, new 2 Bayesian reasoning
paths are usually much more advanced in the building of a
solution than old paths and it might become very difficult The expert system must at any given time follow the most
t o find a common ground for comparison. probable path t o the solution based on the observations
The aim of this aper is to study and compare a prob- that can be done and based on the candidate partial solu-
abilistic (Bayesianr approach and a fuzzy logic approach tions which have been already explored. Of course, there
t o the design of an evaluation function for heuristic search is always some uncertainty about the validity of the solu-
procedures. In other words, Bayesian estimation theory tion path currently explored. So the expert system must
and fuzzy logic are used t o combine knowledge used in be able to evaluate its chances of success for all the possi-
decision algorithms for expert systems. ble paths that can be followed. Then choose the most

01993 JEEE
0-7803-0614-7/93/$03.00 944
probable one. This is done by combining information Then, the functions h!, can be logically considered
given by heuristics. Based on some measurements or ob- as density of probability functions. Therefore, the
servations, heuristics evaluates the chances 1.0 be on the following relationship could be assumed
right path.

2.1 Modelization P(pl, 5 p 5 PtJ + 61Y, = 9,) = l,,


The following assumptions are made for modeling uncer- P,, = Pl,(Yt)
which links the conditional probability of a measure-
0 T h e characteristics which define uniquely a solution
(cf. Section 1) are represented by random variables
ment being between pl, and p, 6 given a particular
partial solution y,. If 6 is sudciently small, the fol-
or random vectors. Let X, be the random variable lowing approximation can be done
or vector receiving a value at level i. The X,’s are
discrete random variables or vectors Liking values +
P ( p t , 5 p 5 PI] ‘IK = yl)
in a finite set of size S, where S, 5 n;=,
nk. The
Characteristics defining a candidate partial solution

Finally, the different heuristics and measurements

are assumed t o be independent from one another.

up to level i will be represented by the random vector Also, the a priori probabilities P ( x , = Z s k l X - 1 =
y l - l ) of level I are assumed t o he independent of the
heuristics and measurements at the previous levels
(< 0.
Given a measurement p, a typical heuristic rating func-
tion, h(p) may look like in Fig.1, where
Therefore, a complete solution will be a sample value
of the randorii vector Y N .
0 Suppose that the n, values {z,k(y,-l)’+ are all the
possible values the random variable f:,
can take,
given that the previous levels random vector K-1
takes the value y,-1. Then, i t is assumed that for
each level i, a heuristic gives an estimate of the fol-
lowing U priori probabilities
P ( X , = Ztklyt-1 = Y l - I ) = f:(Z,k,Yt-1)
2,k = Z,k(Y,-l)
with k = 1 , .. . , n,. Obviously,

Figure 1: heuristic rating function

&(X. = 2 , k l y t - - 1 = y,-1) == 1

If such a heuristic does not exist, a constant distri-

bution will be assumed, i.e., f , ( z , k , ~ ~ - 1=) lfn,. Hrnin = Hmax/a a >1
0 There are m, different rating functions ,it level i (one h(P) = 0 V P < PO and p > p5
per heuristic). Let hIJ(P,,) be the 1-thi rating func-
tion of level :, where the measurement P,, is a ran- The rating is maximum for a measurement around a ref-
dom variable depending on Y , . Given a candidate erence value, p’, and decreases linearly outside this area.
partial solution up t o level i, Y , = y l , a measure- A similar result could be also obtained with a Gaussian
ment P,, = p,,(y,) is made and the .r-th heuristic density of probability function.
returns a confidence rating h,,(pl,(y,)). T h e con- By playing with the shape of the heuristic rating function,
fidence rating, h,, (plJ(yl)), represents somehow the it is easy to make a heuristic more or less discriminating
confidence, the expert system has in the candidate and more or less assertive. This is a simple way t o put
value y,, gwen the measurement p l J ( y , ) . more emphasis on some heuristics. For example, in Fig.
0 Without loss of generality] i t can be assumed that
the rating functions, h , J , are normalized, so that
1, distance p4 - p1) and (pg - pz) are small the
heuristic IS more iscriminating. If a is very large the
heuristic will certainly reject candidates whose observa-

1, tc-
hSJ(p)dp =
tions give a measurement < pl and > p4. If a is close t o
1, the heuristic is less assertive in its rejection of a can-
didate. Therefore, a should he somewhat proportional t o
the reliability of the heuristic.

2.2 Rating function Clearly, all the terms in the numerator are known
or can be computed at level i. However, the values
Since the expert system, in its search of a satisfying so- {Zii(W(i-l)k # yi-1)) are not necessarily known, since
lution, cannot materially estimate all the possible solu- only the ath defined by K-1 = yi-1 may have been ex-
tions, a heuristic search strategy is followed. In the sense plored. $herefore, most probably, the denominator can-
that, at any given step, the most promising path is cho- not be computed.
sen. To do so, a global rating function must be defined. It is logical to use these a posteriori probabilities (mea-
This global rating function must be able to compare can- suring the plausibility of a candidate solution or partial
didate partial solutions a t different level as well as a t the solution), for the design of a rating function. Therefore,
same level. Furthermore, this ratin function must obey the rating functions wdl take into account the conditional
to common sense by giving alwaystigher ratings to the probabilities { P ( X = yil{Pij = pij(yi)}, .. . ,{ P l j =
most probable paths. As a startin point, let's compute
the conditional probabilities for eaca candidates given the p l j (Yl)})}.
values returned by the heuristics
Level 1: Using Bayes' Theorem (cf. Papoulis [2], c h a p 2.2.1 Level rating function
ter 7.) and the fact that the heuristics are independent, Since the denominators of the conditional probabilities are
the probability that the characteristics of the solution de- identical for all the candidate solutions at the same level,
scribed by the random variable X1 takes the values Zlk i t is natural to choose the followin level rating function to
given the measurements {plJ(Zlk)}l j = 1,. . . ,m l compare candidate solutions at t%e same, level. Suppose
that y; is a candidate solution up to level I, (i= 1,. . . ,N)
P(X1 = Z l k ) { P l J = PlJ(21k))) =
n?=l1 mi ml

P(Plj(zlk)<P<Plj(flk )t61X1=flk) P(Xl=Zlk)
lima-o 1J ,,.l Ri(yi) = n h i j ( P i j ( y i ) ) . .. n h l j ( P l j ( Y 1 ) ) (fi(Yi). .. f i ( ~ 1 ) )
P ( p l i ( z l r ) ~ P ~ P l j ( Z l l ) + ~ I x ~P =
( X~l l=~z )l l ) j=l j=l

is the rating of yi at level i. Generally, for numerical

reasons the logarithmic form will be used instead

- nJmll ~ ~ J ( =I k ))
h l(P f l ( =1k )
1lJz1h l J ( p l J ( z l r ) )
k-1 j=l

This rating could be normalized and different weights

It can be easily checked that could be attributed to the different levels to emphasize
"1 more critical levels
c P ( X 1 = Zlkl{PlJ =PlJ(Zlk)}) = 1

Given the assumptions made in section 2.1, these condi-

tional probabilities can all be computed at level 1. However, these level rating functions are unable to com-
Level i: Similarly, using Bayes' Theorem and the as- pare candidate partial solutions at different levels. To do
so, a global rating function must be used.
sumptions of section 2.1
XI = Ztk(YI-l), x-1 = yI-1I{plJ = P:J(Ztk(Yt-l), yI-l)}t
. .. I
= PlJ(Y1))) = 2.2.2 Global rating function
The conditional probabilities { P ( x = yil{PiJ =
pij(y!)}, . . . , {?I = pij(yi)})} allow US to compare two
candidate partid solutions at the same level. Therefore,
to compare two candidate partial solutions at different
levels, the rating of the candidate at the lowest level of
the two should be extrapolated up to the highest level of
the two. In other words, an estimate of the rating, that
the candidate at the lower level could possibly obtained
at a higher level, must be found. Furthermore, to be able
to compare candidate solutions at every possible levels,
the rating of every candidates should be estimated up to
the highest ossible level, i.e., N . Therefore, assume that
y, is a c a n J d a t e partial solution up to level i , then an

estimate of

fihk3(n,(yk)) and fk(Yk) k = i t 1 , .. . ,N

'T Based on these estimates, the global rating function is
yk = [ y: I (unknown subvector)T defined the following way. Suppose that yi is a candidate
solution up to level i
must be found. Let's define E{hk3}(yl and E{fk}(yl),
k = i 1,. . . , N as these estimates. J h e n , they could mN m.+l
be computed different ways depending on what type of
behavior is desired for the expert system search1 algorithm. R(yl) = nE{hN3}(Y')"' E{h(ltl)J}(Yt)
3=1 3=1
1. Best case approach: For each of the heuristics and m.
a priori probabilities to be estimated, the maximum
value is always assumed

Ethk,)(Y,) = maxhk,(P)lY.=:y,

EtfkHYI) = maxfk(Y)lY,=!,, is the global rating of yi. Generally, for numerical reasons
the logarithmic form will be used instead
This is a very cautious approach. Indeed, the can- N m r
didate partial solutions a t the lower levels are ad-
vantaged with respect to the candidates ,tt the higer
levels. Most probably, the expert system in its search
of the solution will backtrack more often to explore
paths at lower levels which have not been selected
2. Expected value approach: The expected value is k=l ,=1
used for the heuristics and the a priori probabilities
to be estimated under the assumption that the can- This rating could he normalized and different weights
didate is the solution. Given the assumptiion that the could be attributed to the different levels to emphasize
heuristic rating functions h k j are density of proba- more critical levels
bility functions for the measurements and that the
rating functions fk are probabilities, the expected
values can be computed (when possible) the follow-
ing manner

E{hk3}(yt) = 1: h:,(P)lY,=Y, dP

E{fk}(Ya) = fk2(rlk)lY,=y,

For example, in the case of the heuristic rating func-

tion, h ( p ) , described in Fig.1:

3 Fuzzy reasoning
The heuristics rate the candidate solutions based on some
measurements or observations. Very often, the range of
However, most often, E{fk}(yl) cannot bfecomputed the measured variable is more important than its exact
this way. Therefore, the only remaining option is value (see for example, the heuristic in Fig.1). The mea-
to use the mean values computed from several test surement can be often classified in simple cate ories de-
runs. This could be done also, when needed, to com- scribing how well it fits the hypothesis that t i e candi-
date is the solution t o the problem. For example, Good,
pute E{hk3}(y1). Suppose that yk,, k := 1,..., N , Average, and Bad could be the categories or linguistic
I = l , . .. , M , are the partial solutions found in M
different runs and that yI, is compatible with or equal terms describing how the observation fits the hypothe-
to y, V I , then sis. Furthermore, the transitions between these categories
(i.e., Good and Average or Average and Bad) are of-
M ten blurred. Therefore, there must be also a smooth tran-
1 sition in the rating of the different candidate solutions.
E{hk~}(yl) = ;i? x h k 3 ( P k ~ ( ! / k , ) ) Logically, fuzzy logics seem to be a promising approach
1=1 for handling this type of uncertainty and fuzziness.

3.1 Modelization the following rule

The following assumptions are made for modeling uncer- Economy rule: Cf,!(zik) 5 1 Vi,k
tainty and fuzziness (based on the terminology used in,
e.g., Bellman & Zadeh [3] or Mamdani [4].
0 The values which define uniquely a solution (cf. Sec- Furthermore, if it is assumed that the linguistic
tion 1) belonq to nonfuzzy support sets of universes terms span all the possible degrees of fit, then the
of discourse like, for example, the k-th characteris- following rule applies
tic or set of characteristics of the solution . Let Xk
be the set of possible values for the characteristics Completeness rule: f,!(Zik) 2 1 v i, li
of the solution receiving a value at level k. Then, 1
the xk’s are the nonfuzzy support sets, having a fi-
nite number, s k where sk 5 flfZl
n i , of elements, of Consequently, if the three rules apply
the universes of discourse “k-th characteristic or set
of characteristics of the solution”. Based on these
definitions, the characteristics defining a candidate
partial solution up to level k will be represented by
the nonfuzzy support set Finally, by default if the a priori degree of fit is un-
known, a constant membership function will be as-
sumed, i.e.,
Therefore, a partial solution up to level i will be an
element of Y , and a complete solution will be an el-
ement of YN.
k =
0 Suppose that the n, values
lk Yi-l)},
1 , . . . , m i , are all the elements epending on yi-1
which belongs to the nonfuzzy support set XI,where
yi-1 is an element selected in the previous levels non-
fuzzy support set, X-1. Suppose that there exist M fi(zik,Yi-l) = [ 1, 0 , 0, ]
different categories or linguistic terms (e.g., Good,
Average and Bad, M = 3>, for describing to what 0 There are mi different rating functions at level a (one
degree z i k fits the Characteristics of the solution r e p per heuristic). Let hf,(p,j) be the j-th membership
resented by X i . These linguistic terms define Euzzy function of level i associated to the linguistic term I,
subsets of the universes of discourse “i-th character- where pi, is an observation depending on the charac-
istic or set of characteristics of the solution”. Then, teristics described by Y,. Let hij(pij) be the vector
for each level i , there exists M membership functions
(one per linguistic term) of M membership functions hfj(piJ). Given a candi-
date partial solution up to level i, yi E Y,, an obser-
vation pi,(yi) is made and the j-th heuristic returns
a fuzzy subset, hi3(p;,), describing how the observa-
tion p,,(yi) fits the hypothesis that yI is the solution
up to level i.
Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that
the. membership functions, hi,, are normalized, so
which define fuzzy subsets associated to the linguis- that
tic terms I , describing to what degree the values max hf, (p) = 1
(zik(P-1)) belongs or fits a priori the i-th char- P
acteristic or set of characteristics of the solution Furthermore, it is assumed that the Economy rule
represented by Xi. Let’s define the vector f i as applies
the combination of these M membership functions,
{f,!}, in one vector. For example, if the linguistic V i , j and V p
terms are (Good, Average, Bad), the fuzzy sub- Chfj(p) 5 1
set [21,z2,23] = f,(zi$ expresses that z i k belongs
a priori to the Good t category with a factor 21,
to the Average fit category with a factor 2 2 , and to Given a measurement p and assuming that M = 3,
the Bad fit category with a factor 23, for the char- with linguistic terms (Good, Average, Bad), a typical
acteristics of the solution represented by Xi. heuristic membership function, h ( p ) , with an overlapping
Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that the factor of SO%, may look like in Fi ure 3.1, where The
membership functions, f,!, are normalized, so that observation p belongs to the Gooi fit category with a
factor 1 around a reference value, p * , then slowly starts
to belong to the Average category and finally to the Bad
Normality rule: max f,!(z) = 1 category outside this area.

3.2 Rating function

Furthermore, to minimize the number of linguistic A global rating function must be defined to follow an
terms and avoid redundant categories, it is assumed opportunistic search strategy. This global rating func-
that the M linguistic terms describe different (but tion should logically reinforce candidate partial solutions
possibly overlapping) degrees of fit. Conse uently, if whose heuristics give mostly a Good rating and should
the degree of fit of one category is 1, then &e degree disadvantage candidate partial solutions whose heuristics
of fit of the others must be 0. This translates into give mostly a Bad rating.

3.2.2 Level rating function
Now, the individual heuristic ratings must be combined
for each levels. Suppose that y, is a candidate solution up
I Bad Average Good AverageBad t o level i , the level rating function is the combination of
the m, heuristic rating functions h,, and of the a priori
rating function f, where all these rating functions repre-
sents fuzzy subsets. A classical approach in fuzzy logics
(see! e.g., Bellman & Zadeh [3 ) consists in taking the
minimum of the different mem ership functions, i.e., if
the fuzzy centroid defuzzification scheme is adopted
Figure 2: Heuristic fuzzy membership function, h ( p )

3.2.1 Heuristics rating functions

Each heuristics return a fuzzy vector of size M , the num-
ber of different linguistic terms. This fuzzy vector is made
of the membership values for each of the M different lin- , minimum inference
guistic terms. Now, these M different values must be com-
bined in one unique value which is the ratin!; given by the
heuristic. This operation of transforming the fuzzy vector i = 1 , .. . , N . Unfortunately, as it was pointed out by
h(p) in a unique nonfuzzy rating value is called defuzzifi- Kosko in [5],this type of combination rule is often too pes-
cation. This is usually done by assigning to each linguistic simistic, since the rating is always based on the heuristic
giving the worst rating, even when all the other heuris-
term, I , a rating membership function, g' r , where r is
the nonfuzzy rating value, obeying t o the CI lowing rules
tics give a good rating. Much better, in our opinion, is
the weighted sum approach where a weight, tulj, is given
e 91: R + [o, 11. t o each heuristics according t o its reliability and where a
weighted sum of all the different membership functions is
e V r, the rating must increase when the linguistic term done
expresses an improvement and must decrease when R1(Yr) =
the linguistic term expresses a worsening. For exam-

gGood(r) gAverage( r ) 2 gBad(r) vr product inference

e Assuming that the rating values must belong to the
interval [h"in, K,,,] then g'(hrrnin)=: 1 if 1 is the C lJ-'," r(W8 rnln(,f(Y,),sl(r))+c~~, W Z J m'n(h!J(p,J(Y,)),g'(r))) dr
"worst degree of fit" linguistic term an,d g1(
1 if 1 is the ubest degree of fit" linguistic term.
= cl J:(w
minimum inference
~ ~ l i ~ ~ ( f ! ( y , ) , s ' (w~I j)min(h!~(p,,(y,)),gl(r)))
) t ~ ~ ~ ~ dr

Once the rating membership function have been defined, i = 1 , .. . , N . This rating function does not take into
given an observation, p, given a heuristic with heuristic account the rating obtained at the previous levels (< i).
membership functions, h'(p), where 1 spans all the possi- Only the heuristics of the current level are combined in
ble linguistic terms, we can define the cumulated rating this manner. We propose different methods t o take into
membership function, gc(r), as account the ratings from the previous levels: either a
weighted sum of the different level ratings, or a global
!IC(.> = Csl(r)hl(P) product inference centroid of all the different levels, or even the minimum
of the different level ratings. Assuming that the minimum
I inference is used
gc(r) = min(g'(r), \h'(p)) minimini inference 1. Weighted sum level combination

Now, the simplest defuzzification scheme is t:he mozinrum-

membership dejuzzificotion scheme defined as

R = arg maxgc(r) =
4 arg maxy( g1(+'(P))
product in erence

arg , m a x r ( q l min(d(r), h ' ( ~ ) ) )

minimum in erence
However, this scheme has two important iinperfections.
First, R is not always unique. Second, most of the infor-
mation in the shape of the rating membership functions,
g', is lost. A better alternative is the well known fuzzy
centroid dejuzzificotion scheme defined as

' cl h'(p) :J-' rs'l r) dr

C lh ' ( P ) J-+1
g'(r) dr
product inference

clJ_'," rInin(gl(r),h'(p)) dr.

E,:s'- min(gJ(r),hl(p)) dr
i minimum inference
Which method should be selected depends on the applica- 3. E x p e c t e d value approach: Ofcourse, if the prob-
tion. For example, if it is critical to find the exact solution
at each level and if the level have the same importance,
ability distributions of the observations Pkj, k = : +
1,. . . ,N, are known for a partial solution equal to yl (like
the minimum combination is the most suitable method.
However, if the different levels have different importance in the Bayesian approach), then the expected values could
and if the different level characteristics Xi, i = 1,.. . , N, +
be directly computed. So, let dkj(p)lyi, k = i 1,. . . , N ,
are poorly related, it is much better to use the weighted be the corresponding density of probability functions,
sum method. Finally, if the different level characteristics then
X i , I = 1 , . . . ,N are very interdependent, then the cen-
troid combination method is better. The corresponding
rating functions in the product inference case can be eas-
ily deduced from (2), (3),
As in the Bayesian approach, t).
and t ese level rating functions
are unable to compare candidate partial solutions at dif-
ferent levels. Based on these estimates, the global rating function is
defined the following way. Suppose that yi is a candidate
solution up to level i, and minimum inferences are used
1. W e i g h t e d sum level combination
3.2.3 Global rating function
To compare two candidate partial solutions at different
levels, the rating of the candidate at the lowest level
should be extrapolated up to the highest level. In other
words, an estimate of the rating that a candidate could
possibly obtained at a higher level must be found. There-
fore, to compare candidate solutions at every possible lev-
els the rating of every candidates should be estimated up
to the highest possible level, N . Assume that yi IS a can-
didate solution up to level i, then an estimate of

+ 4
must be found. Let's define E { h k , ) yi) and E { f k ) 6 y i ) ,
k = i 1,. . . , N as these estimates. hen, they coul be
computed different ways depending on the type of hehav-
ior which is desired for the expert system.
1. Best case approach: For each of the heuristics and
a priori ratings to be estimated, the maximum value is
always assumed. For example, if the linguistic terms are
(Good, A v e r a g e , Bad)

This is a cautious approach. Indeed, the candidate partial

solutions at the lower levels might be advantaged with re-
spect to the candidates at the higer levels. However, the
advantage is usually not as important as in the Bayesian
case where the maximum rating for a heuristic is reached
less often.
2. A r b i t r a r y value a p p r o a c h : If a less cautious ap-
proach is desired, expected values should be used. Unfor-
tunately in the fuzzy logic approach, they are no method
to evaluate the expected values as opposed to the Bayesian
approach (this is an important advantage of the Bayesian
approach over fuzzy logics). Therefore, the estimates
must be selected arbitrarily and then later tuned for the
application. This is probably the main draw-back of the
fuzzy logic approach. For example, if the linguistic terms

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