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PROPRIETARY CONTRACTS COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Engage CFD analysis to prevent and resolve your heat exchanger issues ‘Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is ‘one of the most successful methods of solving familiar heat exchanger problems. HTRI uses CFD simulation effectively in its research and for customers worldwide, FD studies can assist in the design stage to identify lems as well as resolve o al issues after the exchanger is in service. HOW WE CAN HELP Co dn UAC Detailed low velocities and temperature ea eats Pky eens peer er eed ee See ed Epes ee fee Cor Poco bad rere roan cree Flow maldistibution and eee eee ro reread Senet Pee eee pes ree Coney Eee eter ced eae ieee) ee Peery Saute ‘per aC eee en eee eee UCR evaluation of your problem Cee rem ecu e ena) Pree en gac et PC Cd ene cen Rees act Pacer cay PU necee wearin are familiar with geometry and eee eau PO Recs ae mur Pe ee twee uate) Cre eacce — eww

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