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1. parasympathetic cut. To eye.

Either inability to lift eyelid, or occulomotor

2. VTM: heroin releases glutamate from where
3. Hypoglassal pre-olivary sulcus
4. Angiogram: pointing to ACA: loss of motor to contralateral feet
5. CT: alcoholic: loss of mass or internal bleed
6. AMPA still depolizes when NMDA is blocked
7. Analagia ipsilateral face and contralateral body: symptoms that would occur
in wallenberg
8. Vets given test and see if acceding branches make you smile. (James –L)
9. Warm water in right, and eye moves where it is supposed to. So left slow. No
10. Pupillary CN3 messed up on right and then given pics
11. Stimulate the anterior hypothamus: body temp increases
12. A shit tone of ventral horn questions:
13. X next to the horn and says were does it end. Ventral horn
14. Anterio, medial, ventral
15. Left visual field is out  R PCA
16. Sup quad is out  opposite temporal
17. Spinal cord compressed: only hypoarms and no feet prob
18. Caudal midbrain answer: eye is abducted and motor problems
19. Another symptom of wallernberg: dysphagia dyarthia
20. Picture of babiski: also would have hyperreflexia in that leg
21. Internal capsule: where would a lesion that affect lower contralateral face be
22. Picture of pons: from back of book. Messed up CN 7 where is it messed up
23. Person kept bumping into things cuz his left visual field was out.
24. 1a goes to all three of the interfusal spindles
25. gamma activates intrafusal, which activates 1a  contraction of muscle
26. Guillian question: points to nerves
27. Degeneration of a cord. All the other answer choices had mylenation and it
was with ALS
28. ALS not lead
29. Spryringomelin question:
30. L3-L4 patellar reflex
31. C8 dermatome of pinky
32. Choreatic moves give dopamine antagonist
33. Huntingtons: striatum degenerating
34. Asked that twice
35. Gaves symptoms of PD: BRAM
36. What would you take out to help PD: ablative surgical of the subthalamus
37. East  west: worst jet lag
38. pinching inbetween the fingers: reticulospinal
39. give anti-psyc meds  side effect = tremors
40. lesion in the brain. Both eyes go to affected side
41. lesion in the brain. Both eyes go to affected side. and arms are flexed. Because
it was above the midbrain: gave a picture with the entire internal capsule
42. if you cant make new memories; you have a problem in the hippocampus
43. person has decerebrate posture: lesion was after the midbrain and before the
vestibular nuclei
44. cerebral puduncle: contralateral motor loss
45. you had a pineal tumor: and the caudal end was pushing up on tectum what
nerve? CN3
46. Curaue works at motor end plates: blocking ACHR
47. anesthesia works on Na
48. MS is also at motor end plate
49. Estradiol critical period,
50. SDN times 2 same size as males
51. Contracts muscle by alpha
52. cerebellum same side of body problems
53. thiamine def
54. midpositioned pupil: in the midbrain
55. stages of AZ
56. stages of PD
57. Glasgow scale: 2 ( extention to pain)
58. Locked in syndrome- pons- basilar
59. Cl-channel- myotonia congenita
60. Old person has loss of Delta waves
61. Decreased rem in older person (20% in REM): answer was 50y.o
62. Gave symptoms of person. Said that they didn’t respond to painful stimulus
and that they weren’t around. They were in a coma
63. didn’t have supraoptic nuc: loss of ADH: peed a lot and always thirsty
64. kid presents with cerebellar problems: cerebellar astroycoma Gradual
65. noradrenaline was an answer to something about increase in heart rate..oo
yeah alc withdrawl.
66. Damaged structre of peripheral nerve: answer was axon: they are more
67. Had a pic of the midbrain: and gave symptoms like messed up eye and
induces parkinsons problem: it webbers (gave pic of midbrain,pons and
68. Tabes Dorsalis: sensory problem
69. gave a pic of the eye and asked what as messed up either: macula prob or
nasal prob. Cuz it was the left yee
70. myopia: elongated eye
71. global aphasia: couldn’t understand and couldn’t speak
72. amydala; fear
73. arm was flexed: messed up rubrospinal
74. one was talking about motor: either precentral gyrus or anterior paracentral
75. webers lateralized to the left AC=BC=0 : patient had a right CN 8 problem
76. picture where they should should the webers and rinnes; lateralized to the
left and BC>AC for left = left conductive hearing loss.
77. Diplopa answer to a question: same question that was in the back of the atlas
78. smelled vanilla and had a seizure: temporal lobe
79. cant repeat and had motor problems: front lobe
80. spinda bifida  folic acid
81. middle menigial question: biker hit his head on the side after falling off his
82. schizo pt; rule out LCD
83. Guillian Barre: conduction problem

asked to point out the facial nuc: gave corneal reflexes and then had to find out that
the left facial was out and then pick where the facial nuc was localized

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