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A woman by the way she speaks can be a joy to her husband, children and to all who know her. Or
she can make life miserable for all who come within the sound of her voice. Such as: Nagging,
complaining, a sharp and loud voice and making everyone unhappy (PROVERBS 20 VS 19). Good
Deeds of a woman are the set of doings she displays such as submissiveness to their husbands,
keeping their bodies clean, cleaning their surroundings and making their houses look tidy for their
husband and visitors, washing and ironing their clothes, cooking nice meals, always organizing
praying sessions for the family, going to church on time, bringing peace and unity into the family and
being hard working. Remember that children who are raised under this kind of influence in the house
tend to follow the same pattern when they are married or establish a home of their own.
What is beauty?

The Word of God gives the answer of beauty in the eyes of the Lord. Beauty is not found in perfect
measurement, you do not get it in the gym, or beauty salon. It is not by plastic surgery or change of
skin color or even by weight loss. Instead it is found in God’s school of beauty. It is living to please
God, which is shown in our conduct and character. Beauty has to do with excellent spirit. It is the
beauty of Jesus Christ within. It has to do with a certain kind of spirit.
What is beauty in conduct and Character?
Every woman has a spirit within her and this spirit testifies of her to others by bringing out the
character, attitude or manner that is within her whether it is good or bad. This spirit leaks out the
beauty of the woman. People either get attracted to this behavior or repel (keep away) from the
behavior. The spirit can’t hide nor keep our character within us; instead it makes it visible through
our eyes, facial expression, disposition, communication (talking), through attitudes and body

Character in people comes from different angles:

Home training: PROVERBS 22 VS 6. Some parents have trained their children in the ways of Lord.
Some other parents have trained their children best to their own knowledge known to them.
Habits borrowed from friends and from environment: Some traits or a character of women comes
from the company of friends they have kept in the past or from the environment which they grew up
in. There is a saying that reads “Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Tell You Who You Are”. Some
women who grew up in lousy environment tend to have traits of talkativeness, gossiping, arguing,
complaining and so on. While those who grew up in the peaceful environment tend to be quiet, nice
and good. You notice that some people who grew up in praying environment are prayer warriors.
This is also applicable to each and every environment, household and places. So if you have been
influenced by any of the negative factors, ones you become born again and continue in faith you
would be able to live a life that pleases God. 1Cor 5 Vs 17.

We should learn to be peaceful. A cheerful attitude and kind loving words of a woman can have a
great influence upon the family. We should learn to keep our mouth closed until there is need to talk
and if you are opportune to talk, talk with wisdom. Women should use the time for negative talking
into prayers and into their quiet time.
Remember women should learn to be truthfully, loyal, have dignity and show the virtues of
womanhood in them. All these beautify a woman in eyes of the Lord. PROVERBS 31 VS 26,
1Pet 3 VS 3 – 4.

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