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Banana is tropical fruit. Banana shape oval. Banana have taste sweet when ripe.Thanks
to the nutritional composition of bananas, you will be able to protect yourself from anemia. This
disorder arises because of lack of iron in the blood and causes a person to be weak and fatigued.
The fact is that iron deficiency causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells and
decreases our hemoglobin.
Bananas are rich in iron, which is useful for increasing the number of red blood cells.
Also keep in mind that these fruits contain vitamin B6, which can regulate blood sugar levels.

If you start eating at least two bananas a day, your digestion will improve. These fruits
are easily digested and do not irritate the digestive system.
Bananas also encourage the growth of good bacteria that benefit the microflora in the
intestine. If you suffer from gastritis, heartburn or have just had diarrhea. Bananas will help
overcome this problem well. Banana too easily affordable material, the taste can be varied
snack’s for anyone Affordable price .

How To Make:
Tools :

 knife
 spatula
 pan

Materials :

 banana 2 combs
 cooking oil 500 ml
 water to soak
 salt sufficiently
 seasoning powder 1 pack

 Peel the banana then cut it thin

 Then soak in salt water to remove the banana sap


 First, heat the cooking oil in the pan

 Second,fry the banana until browned

 Then lift and drain the banana

 Next, give seasoning powder

 Finally , banana wrap as desired

Budgeting :

Materials Unit Price

Banana 2 combs Rp 17.000,-

Oil 500 ml Rp 6.000,-
Seasoning powder 1 pack Rp 5.000,-
Plastic 20 pack Rp 3.000,-
Total Rp 31.000,-

Product Produced = 20 Pack

Selling Price = Rp 3.000,-/pcs

Initial Capital = Rp 31.000,-

Total Sales = Selling Price x Product Produced

= Rp 3.000 x 20 Pack

= Rp 60.000,-

Benefits Obtained = Total sales – Initial Capital

= Rp 60.000 – Rp 31.000

= Rp 29.000,-

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