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Rooftop gardening is similar to other types of container gardening with some

notable exceptions. The first is the wind conditions that are inherent to such
locations. Unlike ground-level spots like patios, rooftops see considerable gusts
that can cause damage to all but the most sturdy growers. Higher rooftops will see
considerably more wind than lower locations. When scouting your rooftop for the
best place for your garden, avoid spots that are exposed to the direct wind in open
expansive areas. The most ideal locations will be in close proximity to some type
of shelter or wind block.

Rooftop gardens are likely to be exposed to more intense sunlight than those at
ground level. Such light is less likely to be filtered by trees or other covering,
potentially generating heat levels that can be dangerous to growing plants. If this
proves to be the case, it may be wise to invest in a thin shade cloth or netting to
provide some protection to your crops. The surface of the rooftop also becomes
especially important as dark materials will absorb most sunlight and create a very
hot, arid environment.

Hot, sunny conditions on rooftops can quickly

cause plants to dry out. There are several means to
address this. Perhaps the most important point to
promote good water retention is through the soil.
Rooftop gardens should be grown in a lightweight
medium that has good water retention. To improve
water retention, soil can be amended with a small
amount of vermiculite. Self-watering containers
are another means to keep your plants moist. Such
containers typically need less attention than
traditional watering, and provide a source of water that simulates patterns in
nature. To protect from moisture loss at the surface of the soil, a layer of mulch can
be evenly spread over the surface of the soil

Ideal crops for rooftop gardening should be durable, and capable of resisting
wind and other potentially inclement conditions. Plants with thin, 'crisp' stems
should be avoided. Root vegetables, including carrots, beets, turnips, and
rutebegas, are well-suited due to the absence of a thin central stem and their
relatively low growth. A thick root also helps to anchor the plants into the
ground, providing resistance to wind. Low growing greens, including lettuce
and spinach, are also well-suited to rooftop growing, as are some varieties of
climbing beans which can withstand consistent exposure to wind.

For best results, vegetables grown on rooftops

should be started in flats or similar containers
under screens or netting that will prevent soil
from drying out. Amend growing medium
with plenty of water high-quality organic
constituents, such as compost; and spread a
thin layer of mulch around plants upon
transplanting. These measure will help to
retain moisture. Ideally, starts should be
transplanted into larger containers on cloudy or slightly overcast days to
prevent sun and heat shock.

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