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NOTES 1. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with
A. Domination C. Restraint
B. Authority D. Check and Balance

2. Who is the author of a pamphlet entitled Common Sense?

A. John Locke C. Thomas Jefferson
B. Voltaire D. Thomas Paine

3. Which of the following refers to the period in which far-reaching changes occurred in the
arts, intellectual life, and ways of viewing the world?
A. Renaissance C. Age of Exploration
B. Middle Ages D. Protestant Reformation

4. The following are causes of Renaissance EXCEPT;

A. Revival of Trade C. Fall of Constantinople
B. Rise of Middle Class D. Corrupt Practices within the Church

5. The following are famous artists during Renaissance Period EXCEPT;

A. Francois Rabelais C. Michelangelo Buonarroti
B. Raphael Santi D. Leonardo Da Vinci

6. Who led the early development of Renaissance Humanism?

A. Niccolo Machiavelli C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. Francesco Petrarch D. Thomas Moore

7. Which among the cities is the cultural center of Renaissance Italy?

A. Milan C. Florence
B. Venice D. Ferrara

8. Who among the following early leaders believes that a ruler should do whatever was
necessary to gain and keep power?
A. Niccolo Machiavelli C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. Francesco Petrarch D. Thomas Moore

9. Who is kNown as “The Magnificent” in the Medici Family?

A. Beatrice C. Cosimo
B. Isabella D. Lorenzo

10. Who among the following early leaders wanted the Church to return to the simple
religious devotion of early Christianity but did not agree with the leaders of the
Reformation who were breaking away from the church?
A. Niccolo Machiavelli C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. Francesco Petrarch D. Thomas Moore

11. Who said that the Bible, not the Church should be regarded as the supreme source of
authority for Christians?
A. Wycliffe C. Erasmus
B. John Huss D. Henry VIII
12. Which of the following refers to the belief that man or individuals was capable of great
A. Liberalism C. Humanism
B. Secularism D. Classicism

13. The following are effects of Renaissance EXCEPT;

A. Increase of the power of Monarchs
B. Advances in Science and Technology
C. Role of women in society improve
D. Growth of democracy

14. A book that describes an ideal community written by Sir Thomas Moore.
A. Decameron C. The Prince
B. Utopia D. The Praise of Folly

15. A work by Giovanni Boccaccio containing a hundred tales supposedly told in ten days by a
party of ten young people who had fled from the Black Death in Florence.
A. Decameron C. The Prince
B. Utopia D. The Praise of Folly

16. A book that pointed out rulers often lied, broke treaties and killed in order to gain and
keep power.
A. Decameron C. The Prince
B. Utopia D. The Praise of Folly

17. Which refers to the time when the Europeans began to explore the rest of the world?
A. Renaissance C. Age of Exploration
B. Middle Ages D. Columbian Exchange

18. Which refers to the massive exchange of plants, animals and diseases?
A. Age of Exploration C. Protestant Reformation
B. Columbian Exchange D. Counter-Reformation

19. What do you call the reform movement that began within the Roman Catholic Church as
a reaction to the Reformation?
A. Protestant Reformation C. Counter-Reformation
B. Commercial Revolution D. Counterrevolution

20. Who believes the idea that one could achieve salvation by faith in God alone, not through
good works?
A. Wycliffe C. Martin Luther
B. Francesco Petrarch D. Ulrich Zwingli

21. A belief that certain people were chosen by God for salvation is called ____________.
A. Simony C. Indulgence
B. Secularism D. Predestination

22. It refers to the selling of Church offices.

A. Simony C. Indulgence
B. Secularism D. Predestination

23. It is where papal pardons for the reduction of the time spent in purgatory.
A. Simony C. Indulgence
B. Secularism D. Predestination
24. The following are causes of Protestant Reformation EXCEPT;
A. Evils in the Church
B. Conflicts between the popes and the princes
C. The teaching of Wycliffe
D. Discontent in the religious world brought by Heresies

25. Which is NOTa reason of Henry VIII why he made the Church of England independent?
A. To make him powerful C. To stop the flow of money to Rome
B. To divorce his wife Catherine D. The 95 theses

26. The following are effects of the Protestant Reformation EXCEPT;

A. Humanism C. The Counter-Reformation
B. Religious wars D. An end of Religious unity in Europe

27. Which among the following insisted that only worthy people could enter the clergy,
ordered the establishment of seminars to train the clergy?
A. Revolution C. Counter-Reformation
B. The Council of Trent D. Protestant Reformation

28. The following are the motives for the Age of Exploration EXCEPT;
A. Gold C. Government
B. God D. Glory

29. Which treaty divides the known world between Spain and Portugal?
A. The Treaty of Paris C. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
B. The Treaty of Tordesillas D. The Treaty of Nanking

30. Where did Britain establish its first colony in America?

A. Pennsylvania C. Georgia
B. Virginia D. Carolina

31. Which treaty turns France’s North American empire to Britain?

A. The Treaty of Paris C. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
B. The Treaty of Tordesillas D. The Treaty of Nanking

32. What do you call those whose parents were European and Indian?
A. Mulattos C. Mestizos
B. Illustrados D. Natives

33. What do you call those whose parents were Europeans and black Africans?
A. Mulattos C. Mestizos
B. Illustrados D. Natives

34. Who wrote the book “Leviathan (1651)”?

A. Jean d’Alembert C. Voltaire
B. Denis Diderot D. Thomas Hobbes

35. According to Locke, the purpose of government is to protect what he called the
A. Social Contract C. Natural Rights
B. Freedom D. Government
36. Someone like Rousseau, who was leading social critic of the Enlightenment, was known as
a __________.
A. Scholar C. Caudillo
B. Nationalist D. Philosophes

37. What do you call the practice of stopping the publication or distribution of works that
may seem to threaten established institutions?
A. Calvinism C. Simony
B. Indulgences D. Censorship

38. What do call the famous work of Voltaire?

A. Leviathan C. Encyclopedia
B. Candide D. Two Treatises of Government

39. According to Montesquieu, this would prevent any individual or group from gaining
absolute control of the government. This refers to ____________.
A. Separation of Powers C. Checks and Balance
B. Censorship D. Natural Rights

40. Who is the chief editor of the Encyclopedia?

A. Montesquieu C. Denis Diderot
B. Voltaire D. Thomas Hobbes

41. How many colonies do Great Britain established on the Atlantic coast of North America?
A. Thirteen Colonies C. Fourteen Colonies
B. Twelve colonies D. Fifteen Colonies

42. What do you call the feeling of devotion to one’s country rather than the feeling of
loyalty to a ruler or a small group?
A. Patriotism C. Nationalism
B. Self-determination D. Braveness

43. Which revolution ended feudalism, absolute monarchy ant the special privileges of the
nobles and clergy?
A. Industrial Revolution C. French Revolution
B. American Revolution D. Scientific Revolution

44. What do you call the political philosophy based on the desire to preserve traditions and
long established institutions?
A. Liberalism C. Classicism
B. Conservatism D. Humanism

45. What do you call the political philosophy based on a belief in individual freedom, equality
under law, and freedom of thought and religion?
A. Liberalism C. Classicism
B. Conservatism D. Humanism

46. Who among the following stressed inward spiritual experiences and did not believe that
people needed the guidance of church or clergy?
A. Puritans C. Quakers
B. Pilgrims D. Boer
47. Which among the following countries is not a colony under Great Britain?
A. Massachusetts C. Rhode Island
B. Connecticut D. Swede

48. What do you call the Act which shut down Boston Harbor?
A. The Coercive Acts C. The Townshed Act
B. The Stamp Act D. The Quebec Act

49. Act granted more rights to French Canadian Catholics and extended French Canadian
Territory South to the Western borders of New York and Pennsylvania?
A. The Coercive Acts C. The Townshed Act
B. The Stamp D. The Quebec Act

50. What do you call the Act issued by Parliament in 1767 which levied series of taxes on
lead, paints and tea?
A. The Coercive Acts C. The Townshed Act
B. The Stamp D. The Quebec Act

51. What do call the event wherein sixty men disguised as Native Americans and dumped the
entire shipment of tea into the Harbor?
A. Second Continental Congress C. First Continental Congress
B. Boston Massacre D. Boston Tea Party

52. What proclamation forbidding American Colonists to settle on native American Territory
unless native rights to the land had first been obtained by purchased or treaty?
A. Proclamation of 1764 C. Proclamation of 1763
B. Proclamation of 1737 D. Proclamation of 1736

53. Which among of the following refers to the taking over and controlling of other lands?
A. Revolution C. Exploration
B. Imperialism D. Nationalism

54. What do you call the settlement of people in a territory outside their homeland but still
bound to the parent country by government, trade or culture?
A. Colony C. Protectorate
B. Concession D. Sphere of Influence

55. What do you call the form of Imperialism wherein a country protects the other country
against rival states or foreign invasion?
A. Colony C. Protectorate
B. Concession D. Sphere of Influence

56. Which refers to a grant by one country to another of special trading privileges, facilities or
access to resources?
A. Colony C. Protectorate
B. Concession D. Sphere of Influence

57. What do you call the limited area of a country in which another country gains the right to
control politics or government?
A. Colony C. Protectorate
B. Concession D. Sphere of Influence
58. The following countries were the East India Company’s most important settlement
A. Calcutta C. Bombay
B. Madras D. Pondicherry

59. A narcotic drug made from poppies that had been used for centuries in China as medicine
is called ___________.
A. Opium C. Shabu
B. Meperidine D. Codeine

60. What treaty ended the war between Britain and China and established a new pattern for
European trade with Asia: the “unequal treaty” system?
A. The Treaty of Paris C. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
B. The Treaty of Tordesillas D. The Treaty of Nanking

61. What do you call the coastal center of trade in China where Westerns were allowed to
carry on business?
A. Deterrence C. Bloc
B. Treaty Port D. Détente

62. A peasant revolt that was suppressed by the Manchus with the aid of the Western
powers refers to ___________.
A. The Boxer Rebellion C. The Taiping Rebellion
B. The Industrial Revolution D. The French Revolution

63. Which among the following refers to the final attempt by the Chinese to get rid from
Western influence?
A. The Boxer Rebellion C. The Taiping Rebellion
B. The Industrial Revolution D. The French Revolution

64. Which among the following is NOT a principle of Sun Yat-sen?

A. Peoples Livelihood C. Democracy
B. Absolutism D. Nationalism

65. Which among the following countries remained independent by 1914 during the Age of
Imperialism in Africa?
A. Algeria and Egypt C. Algeria and Ethiopia
B. Egypt and Liberia D. Ethiopia and Liberia

66. What do you call the policy of glorifying war and promoting the build-up of military
A. Militarism C. Absolutism
B. Liberalism D. Conservatism

67. Which country remained neutral at first during WWI but made a secret agreement with
France and Britain and made a promised territory in Austria and Africa in 1915?
A. Japan C. Italy
B. Russia D. Germany

68. What do you call the payment made by one nation to another as compensation for
property destroyed in a war?
A. Armistice C. Isolationism
B. Reparations D. Mandate
69. Which country is NOTBELONG to the Axis Powers?
A. Japan C. Italy
B. Russia D. Germany

70. What do you call the basis of the cold war policy which is known as containment?
A. The Marshall Plan C. The Truman Doctrine
B. NATO D. Iron Curtain

71. What policy is discouraging an attack by making one’s opponent fear a counterattack?
A. Deterrence C. Bloc
B. Treaty Port D. Détente

72. What agreement provided, “an armed attack against one or more of its members in
Europe or America shall be considered an attack against them all?”
A. Warsaw Pact C. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

73. What country remains as the center of cold war tensions?

A. Japan C. Italy
B. Russia D. Germany

74. Which of the following limits the number of sites from which missiles could be launched
and froze stockpiles of nuclear arms of existing levels?
A. Warsaw Pact C. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

75. Who was the leader of the Red Army and the first president of the People’s Republic of
A. Ho Chi Minh C. Chiang Kai-sheks
B. Mao Tse-tung D. Sun Yat-sen

76. What is the meaning of the Greek word “kusmos”?

A. Earth C. Country
B. Space D. World

77. Who gave the name “United Nations.”?

A. Douglas Mac Arthur C. John Nance Garner
B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt D. John Kennedy

78. The cradle of the world’s oldest existing civilization was _________.
A. Africa C. Egypt
B. China D. Russia

79. The Egyptians worshipped many God, is called _________.

A. Brahmans C. Polytheism
B. Osiris D. Ra

80. What does Islam means?

A. God is great C. the unity of God
B. Sutras of hymns D. submission to the will of God
81. The Priest of Muslims is called _________, who lead the public prayers and gives sermons
on the Moslem bay of Assembly
A. Akbar C. Imam
B. Kaaba D. Simna

82. During the rise of Christianity about 4 B.C. Jesus of Nazareth was born. When he reaches
manhood he was Baptist by John the Baptist in the River of _______
A. Jerusalem C. Nazareth
B. Jordan D. Red Sea

83. Catholic recognizes three sources of faith. EXCEPT;

A. decrees of Popes and Councils C. Traditions
B. the Bible D. the Cross

84. Who was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity?

A. Constantine the Great C. Domitian
B. Diolectian D. Nero

85. The breakdown of Feudalism started first in _________.

A. England C. Hungary
B. France D. Russia

86. Why were the Christians persecuted by the Roman Authorities?

I. They refused to worship Roman Gods
II. They did not want to serve in the Roman armies.
III. They were reluctant to pay taxes to the pagan Roman Government
IV. The Christians refused to recognized the divinity of the Roman Emperors
V. They lived together in one community with their strange customs, morals, and religious
beliefs, thus they were believed to be anti-social.

A. V only C. I, II, and V

B. I, II, and III D. all of the above

87. What were Babylonians contributions to the World civilization?

I. Lunar Calendar
II. Code of Hammurabi
III. Sexagesimal System of Arithmetic
IV. Manufactured of textiles, pottery and metal objects

A. I and II C. I, II and IV
B. III and IV D. all of the above

88. What are the factors of unity among the Arab nations?
I. Arab language and culture III. Hatred of Jerusalem
II. Arab nationalism IV. Islamic Faith

A. I and IV C. I, II and IV
B. II and III D. all of the above
89. What were the religions in the Middle East before the time of Christ?

I. Judaism III. Roman Catholic

II. Graeco-Roman IV. Zoroastrianism

A. I and IV C. I, III, and IV

B. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV

90. Romanticism influences the development of _________.

A. Conservatism C. Nationalism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism

91. Lyrical Ballads was the first important book, of what Era?
A. Ancient C. Renaissance period
B. Classical period D.Romantic period

92. The following are the Korea’s contributions to world civilization. EXCEPT
A. Iron warships C. simplified phonetic alphabet
B. metal printing types D. knowledge of the magnetic needle

93. Who was the first human being to set foot on the moon, that he spent twenty-two hours?
A. Edwin Aldrin C. Neil Armstrong
B. Michael Collins D. Richard Nixon

94. The longest river in the world is the _________.

A. Amazon C. Mississippi
B. Congo D. Nile

95. Thailand: “Land of the Free” Korea: “Land of the Morning Calm”
Burma: “Land of the Golden Pagodas” Philippines: “_________”
A. Land of smiles C. Land of Hope and Glory
B. Land of the Rising Sun D. The Pearl of the Orient seas

96. Who was the Viking discoverer of the New World?

A. Christopher Columbus C. Vasco da Gama
B. Ferdinand Magellan D. Viking Traders

97. Where did the Renaissance Era started?

A. France C. Italy
B. Germany D. Portugal

98. The following are definitions of Renaissance. EXCEPT

A. rebirth of classical ideas
B. advancements in art, but isolated
C. The achievements of individual human being.
D. A time of creativity and change in many areas.

99. The English philosopher who first set down the system of check and balance as followed
by the United States constitution was _________.
A. Adam Smith C. John Locke
B. David Hume D. Thomas Malthus
100. He is a German monk, who believed in Justification by Faith?
A. Francesco Petrarch C. Martin Luther
B. John Calvin D. Sir Thomas Moore

101. He is an English Humanist, who became an important leader of the Renaissance and
he wrote the Utopia.
A. Francesco Petrarch C. Martin Luther
B. John Calvin D. Sir Thomas Moore

102. Who was the famous Enlightenment thinker who believed in natural laws and natural
A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau C. Montesquieu
B. John Locke D. Mary Wollstonecraft

103. The belief that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be damned,
was commonly called_________.
A. Clergy C. Justification of Faith
B. Indulgences D. Predestination

104. What is the title of the book that contain or the background was “a lack of unity among
the various city-states, which were often at war with one another.”?
A. Decameron C. The Prince
B. In Praise of Folly D. Utopia

105. The protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther began in _________.

A. Britain C. Germany
B. England D. Italy

106. The following are the similarities of Roman Catholics and Protestants believes EXCEPT
A. believes in the Trinity
B. believes that the Bible is the one and only source of faith
C. believes in the fatherhood of God and the son ship of Christ
D. believes in founding the church for the salvation of men and the guidance of their

107. The following are the effect of Protestant Reformation. EXCEPT

A. Religious War
B. The council of Trent
C. The increase of the power of Monarch
D. The decrease of the power of the Catholic Church

108. What were the results of the Fall of Constantinople?

I. It tolled the end of the Byzantine Empire
II. It marked the end of a great in history (the Medieval Period)
III. The ottomans were feared and disrespected by the Western nation.
IV. It heralded the rise of the Islamic Ottoman Empire as a World power.

A. III only C. I and III

B. I and II D. I, II and III

109. When did Portugal attain her Golden Age?

A. 16th Century C. 18th Century
B. 17th Century D. 19th Century
110. Who was the first monarch of Brazil after winning her independence Portugal?
A. Denis 1 C. Prince Henry
B. Pedro 1 D. Tome Pires

111. In Columbian exchange, the following are common New World Diseases. EXCEPT
A. Encephalitis C. Polio
B. Measles D. Syphilis

112. Where was the Industrial Revolution Began?

A. Britain C. England
B. China D. France

113. The 18TH century came to be called the Age of Enlightenment, because of the
A. decline of the Aristocracy C. emphasis on reason
B. decline of the Monarchy D. emphasis on the creative arts

114. What is the meaning of Intellectual Revolution?

A. the Intellectual awakening of Mankind
B. It arose as a culmination of centuries of gradual changes in the life of Mankind.
C. To light new facts about the physical world in which he lived and climaxed into the
D.A quiet but profound movement that changed man’s concept of the universe and
his role in human affairs.

115. Intellectual Revolution did not come suddenly, there are various factors caused its
emergence these are _________.
I. Discovery of Speech III. Invention of Writing
II. Invention of Paper IV. The Renaissance
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. I and III D. all of the above

116. From poverty to riches, what has caused the sudden prosperity of Saudi Arabia?
A. cotton C. oil
B. gold D. palm oil

117. Why is the Middle East significant in world affairs? EXCEPT

A. rich in mineral that is needed by all nations in time of peace war
B. it is the battleground of two clashing global ideologist democracy and Monarchy.
C. The Middle East is the cradle of World religions and cultures which are of great
interest to scholars of all countries.
D. The Middle East lies strategically on the crossroads of the East and the West, and
astride all land, sea and air routes between Asia and Europe.

118. The war between _________ and _________ was the turning point in the relationship
between Britain and the thirteen colonies.
A. America and Britain C. Britain and France
B. Austria and Prussia D.Concord and Lexington
119. This is an act passed by the Parliament to punish the Bostonians during colonial in
A. Intolerable Act C. Quartering Act
B. Iron Act D. Stamp Act
120. What was the Triangular trade mean?
A. System that rests on the open exchange of capital.
B. System of Trade between Europe, Africa and the America.
C. System of Trade between Europe, Asia and the New World.
D. Slave trade as the main focus of Europe’s relations with Africa.

121. In 1815, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain agreed to Act together in the future to
preserve peace in Europe and to maintain the territorial settlement of the Congress
of Vienna. Their agreement was called _________.

A. Balance of Power C. Metternich system

B. Holy Alliance D. Quadruple Alliance

122. King Louis XVIII issued a so-called “_________”; that protected many of the rights
gained by the peasants and bourgeoisie in the French Revolution.
A. Balance of Power C. Separation of Power
B. Constitutional charter D. Special privileges

123. A political philosophy based on the desire to preserve traditions and long-established
institutions, is called_________.
A. balance of power C. legitimacy
B. conservatism D. Metternich system

124. This is a secret organization of revolutionaries dedicated to seeking the independence

and unification of Italy, this secret society was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini in 1831.
A. Carbonari C. Young Italy
B. Risorgimento D. Metternich system

125. Shortly after the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453, a civil war erupted in England
between two rival families, the House of York and the House of Land Caster, this war
was popularly called the _________.
A. Invincible Armada C. The Battle of Bosworth Field
B. War of the Roses D. Yorkists and Lancastrians War

126. War between England and France raged again during reign of King Edward III. This war,
called the Hundred Years War, was the longest in History. The causes of this War
I. French did to the Scots during their war against England
II. England’s desire to recover over lost feudal possessions in France
III. Claim of King Edward III to the French throne on the ground that he was a
grandson of King Philip the Fair, who had died without an heir.
A. III only C. II and III
B. I and II D. all of the above

127. The following are the contributions of the Filipino to America. EXCEPT
A.contributed to the material prosperity of the United States
B. by acquiring the Philippines, America emerged as an Oriental power
C. the Philippines served as America’s military and naval base in the Far East
D. A number of American adventurers, businessmen, and industrialist will not acquire
lucrative jobs and fortunes as well as valuable experience in the Philippines.
128. Who saved France from the English invader during the Hundred Years War?
A. Dauphin or King Charles VII C. King Philip VI
B. Joan of Arc D. Louis XI

129. After the seven years’ War between Americans and Great Britain, the American gain
their Independence because of the _________ a peace negotiations among the
United States, Britain, France, and Netherlands.
A. Treaty of Paris (1763) C. Treaty of Tilsit
B. Treaty of Paris (1783) D. Treaty of Versailles

130. What government did Napoleon Bonaparte established in France after over throwing the
A. Consulate C. Monarch
B. Czarism D. Republic

131. How did Napoleon the Great begin the unification of Italy?
A. He brought the ideals of “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.”
B. He drove away the Austrians and the petty Italian princes from peninsula.
C. He abolished the remnants of Medievalism, in quality before the law, and
D. He transformed Northern Italy into the Kingdom of Italy while Southern Italy was
formed into the Kingdom of Naples

132. What are the causes of Napoleon’s Bonaparte’s downfall?

I. Continental System III. The Duke of Wellington
II. Nationalist uprising IV. The Russian Campaign

A. III only C. I, II and IV

B. I, II and III D. all of the above

133. The period from 1870 to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, is commonly called
A. Age of Exploration C. Age of Reason
B. Age of Imperialism D. Dark Ages

135. What were the African grievances against white man’s rule?
I. Economic exploitation III. Loss of African Freedom
II. Racial Discrimination IV. Few education opportunities

A. I and IV C. I, II and IV
B. I and II D. all of the above

136. The take over and control of other land is called _________.
A. Colony C. Imperialism
B. Concession D. Protectorate

137. This form of Imperialism, the foreign nations was given a special trading privileges or
access to natural resources in a certain territory.
A. Colony C. Protectorate
B. Concession D. Sphere of Influence

138. These two countries were rivals for colonies and trade in several parts of the world.
A. British and American C. British and India
B. British and French D. French and England
139. Who is the sickly president of Camelot, who rescued several crewmembers when their
patrol boat PT 109 was sunk in the pacific in 1943?
A. George Washington C. Vincent Van Gogh
B. John Kennedy D. Oliver Cromwell

140. The first United States city to publish a regular weekly newspaper was _________.
A. Boston C. New York
B. Charleston D. Philadelphia

141.During the American Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg was fought in _________.
A. Georgia C. South Carolina
B. Pennsylvania D. Virginia

142. This settlement was the first in America to separate the authority of church and state
and to allow its people religious freedom, is what now the _________.
A. settles in Connecticut C. settles in New England
B. settles in Massachusetts D. settles in Rhoda Island

143. What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)?

A. to plan for a Revolution
B. to restore traditional ways
C. to work out a peace settlement
D. to undo the changes brought by the French Revolution

144. How did the India act of 1784 change the role of the East India Company in India?
A. limit the trading activities of British
B. It worsens the lives of the people in India.
C. increases the trading post of British in India
D. the East India Company does not have any privileges or access to the natural
resources of India

145. S/he was declared as the “Empress of India.”

A. Lord Curzon C. Robert Clive
B. Queen Elizabeth I D. Queen Vitoria

146. The following are the causes of World War I. EXCEPT

A. Economic C. Nationalism
B. Militarism D. rival Alliances

147. What were the results of World War I?

I. It disrupted World economy.
II. It failed to bring lasting peace in the World.
III. It gave birth to many new republics in Europe.
IV. It brought about the downfall of three world empires.

A. I and II C. I, II and IIV

B. I, II and III D. all of the above

148. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?

A. China C. Hiroshima
B. Japan D. United States
149. What new machines were developed after World War II?
I. Adding Machine III. Electric Brain
II. Atomic Power IV. Jet-propelled plane

A. II and IV C. I and III

B. III and IV D. all of the above

150. The first Asian country to win their Independence after World War II was the_________.
A. Ceylon C. Pakistan
B. Indonesia D. Philippines

151. What international organization is regarded a man’s last hope for lasting peace?

152. Humanists were scholars who advocated

A. Better legal protection for woman and children.
B. reforms in the monarchy.
C. cheaper book prices.
D. reforms in the lives of the clergy.

153. An indulgence
A. forgives sin. C. Forgives the penance due to sin.
B. allows a person to sin without D. reserves a church position for
guilt. candidate.

154. Luther’s doctrine claimed that

A. good works were needed for salvation along with faith.
B. faith alone was sufficient for justification.
C. clergy and lay people were very different.
D. the Bible was to be interpreted through church tradition.

155. John Calvin’s doctrine emphasized

A. prayer. C. the sacraments
B. reading the Bible. D. predestination.

156. This treaty ended the religious wars in the Holy Roman Empire:
A. Cleves’s Accord C. The Peace of Vienna
B. The Paris Accord D. The Peace of Augsburg

157. His ships first sailed around the world:

A. Magellan C. Dias
B. Drake D. Da Gama

158. He gave his name to the Americas:

A. Vespucci C. Balboa
B. Magellan D. Elcano

159. The Reformation in Scotland owes its success to

A. Elizabeth. C. James V.
B. Mary, Queen of Scots. D. John Knox.

160. The bourgeoisie are people who belong to

A. the nobility. C. the French Protestant
B. the clerical class. churches.
D. the urban middle class.
161. Copernicus placed the center of the solar system
A. in the Milky Way. C. at the sun.
B. on the earth. D. in Jerusalem.

162. One of the goals of seventeenth – century merchants was

A. the privatization of the C. to secure a landed estate
economy. and title.
B. the use of gold as D. to obtain a place at court.

163. The largest number of people in seventeenth – century Europe were

A. Poles and Russians. C. English and Irish.
B. Spaniards and Portuguese. D. French and Germans.

164. The largest cities in seventeenth – century Europe were

A. Berlin and Vienna. C. London and Dublin.
B. Paris and Lyons. D. London and Paris.

165. The economy of Spain depended on

A. an annual supply of bullion from the Americas.
B. a tax on merchants.
C. an income tax.
D. the king’s private wealth.

166. The largest concentration of Jews in the world lived in

A. Spain. C. Russia.
B. the Holy Roman Empire. D. Poland – Lithuania

167. Mercantilism determined that wealth was principally found in

A. natural resources C. manufacturing.
B. gold and silver. D. agriculture.

168. The Scientific Revolution’s first advance was in

A. Physics. C. geography.
B. mathematics. D. astronomy.

169. Thinkers of the Enlightenment found truth in

A. quoting authorities. C. church doctrine.
B. the laws of a nation. D. reason and nature.

170. Baron de Montesquieu believed that good government came from

A. a strong king. C. a centralized economy.
B. a wise foreign policy. D. separation of powers.

171. The idea of Rousseau was

A. the polished gentleman. C. the well – mannered lady.
B. the scholarly clergy. D. the noble savage.

172. The Encyclopedia was a work that promoted

A. Pietism. C. freemasonry.
B. Protestantism. D. enlightened thought.
173. Much of women’s time in Aztec society was spent
A. grinding corn. D. attending religious
B. carving jewelry. services.
C. shopping in the market.

174. Cortẻs gained these Indians as allies:

A. the Tlaxcalans C. the Chichimecs
B. the Maya D. the Mississippians

175. In their occupation of Mexico City, the Spaniards were aided by

A. fierce storms. C. demoralization of the Indians
B. the spread of disease. population.
D. their superior numbers.

176. A land granted in New Spain was called

A. an encomienda. C. a fief.
B. an audience. D. a plantation.

177. The Portuguese base on the Chinese coast was at

A. Canton. C. Beijing.
B. Shanghai. D. Macao.

178. Entry into imperial service required

A. years of prior military C. passing examinations.
service. D. the knowledge of several
B. relatives who had influence. languages.

179. The wearing of a pigtail was a sigh that you were

A. Laotian. C. Chinese
B. Korean. D. Manchu.

180. European merchants in China were primarily

A. importers of European C. exporters of Chinese
goods. products.
B. importers of Indonesian D. exporters of Indonesian
goods. goods.

181. The native religion of Japan was

A. Buddhism. C. Hinduism.
B. Confucianism. D. Shinto.

182. A samurai is a Japanese

A. ruler. C. prime minister.
B. religious leader. D. soldiers.

183. Chinese emperors claimed their right to rule came from

A. Heaven. C. hereditary succession.
B. election. D. nomination by the army.

184. A native kingdom in South Vietnam was

A. Hue. C. Annam.
B. Hanoi. D. Angkor Thom.
185. The largest desert in the world is the
A. Sahara. C. Mojave.
B. Kalahari. D. Gobi.

186. The major river of central Africa in modern Congo is the

A. Nile. C. Niger.
B. Zambezi. D. Congo.

187. This insect carries sleeping sickness:

A. the horse fly C. the mosquito
B. the house fly D. the tsetse fly

188. A stone city in the southern Africa was at

A. Mogadishu. C. Madagascar.
B. Mozambique. D. Great Zimbabwe.

189. The first Portuguese fort in North Africa was called

A. the Cape of Good Hope. C. St. George of Mina
B. the Senegal. D. St. James of Compostela.

190. The principal impetus for slavery in South America developed out of a need for slaves
to work
A. on sugar plantations and in silver mines.
B. on wheat farms.
C. on ship that carried bullion to Europe.
D. on pineapple and cocoa farms.

191. The Asiento gave the British

A. the right to sell slaves to the Spanish colonies.
B. mining rights on Africa’s west coast.
C. title to the gold mined in West Africa.
D. a monopoly on Africa ivory.

192. European slave traders usually

A. led expeditions into the interior to find slaves.
B. bought slaves from pirates of the North African coast.
C. bought slaves from the Muslim coastal cities.
D. bought slaves from the rulers of West Africa coastal kingdoms.

193. The bullion shipped to Europe was used in Spain

A. to pay for the Habsburg C. to set up a social security
armies. system.
B. to build churches. D. for public works.

194. Creoles were always resentful of the

A. English laws. C. churchmen in New Spain.
B. peninsulares. D. Indians.

195. The French in America were especially interested in exporting

A. grain. C. silver.
B. furs. D. bourbon.
196. The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution were called
A. the Bill of Rights.
B. the Bill of Attainder.
C. the Charters of Liberties.
D. The Articles of Confederation

197. The Inca was considered

A. an absolute ruler. C. divine.
B. a descendants of the sun D. all of the above.

198. The single richest silver mine in the world was in

A. Peru. C. Argentina.
B. Bolivia. D. Brazil.

199. The great agricultural wealth of Brazil went into the production of
A. cotton. C. sugar.
B. cattle. D. tobacco.

200. The privileged classes of France were

A. nobility and clergy. C. courtiers and soldiers.
B. bourgeoisie and clergy. D. soldiers and nobility.

201. The Catholic bishops in France formed the

A. First Estate. C. Third Estate.
B. Second Estate. D. all of the above

202. Lawyers and doctors were to be found in

A. First Estate. C. Third Estate.
B. Second Estate. D. none of the above

203. The storming of the Bastille symbolized

A. the failure of the Estates C. the weakness of the king.
General. D. Reaction to Britain interference
B. the rise of the bourgeoisie. in France.

204. Napoleon’s original title was

A. First Consul of the C. General of the Army of
Republic. Flanders.
B. Director. D. Minister of Public Safety.

205. Napoleon capitalized on this emotion that drew upon the legacy of the revolution:
A. liberalism C. conservatism
B. democracy D. nationalism

206. Napoleon settled the religious opposition to the revolution through

A. the Treaty of Rome.
B. A Concordat with Pope Pius VII.
C. persecution of the church.
D. reaching an agreement with the Archbishop of Paris.
207. Napoleon’s defeat in Russia was caused by
A. Superior arms of the C. Tsar Alexander’s victory at
Russians. Borodino.
B. winter and lack of supplies. D. Alexander’s victory at
208. Napoleon’s first place of exile was
A. St. Helena. C. Vilnius.
B. Elba. D. Warsaw.

209. The victor at Waterloo was

A. the Duke of Wellington. C. the king of Prussia.
B. the Marquis of Portugal. D. Tsar Alexander I.

210. Someone who thought that “government that governed least, governed best” in the
nineteenth century was known as a
A. nationalist. C. liberal.
B. conservative. D. communist.

211. The intellectual leader promoting a united Italy was

A. Cavour. C. Mazzini.
B. Garibaldi. D. Louis Napoleon.
212. In Russia attacks on Jews were known as
A. soviets. C. pogroms.
B. dumas. D. mirs.

213. Before there could be an Industrial Revolution there had to be

A. an agricultural boom. C. the end of mercantilism.
B. devaluation of precious D. a Scientific Revolution.

214. Before 1780 this was the most efficient form of mechanical energy:
A. the windmill C. the sail
B. the water wheel D. the raft

215. credits for building factories came from

A. bank loans. C. selling stock.
B. selling bonds. D. all of the above.

216. Watt is given credit for

A. improving the steam C. discovering the screw
engine. propeller.
B. inventing the steam D. Discovering electricity.

217. Before the railroad became the major means of transportation within Europe there
A. canals. C. mule trains.
B. caravans. D. clipper ships.

218. The credit for inventing the railroad belongs to

A. Watt. C. Goodyear.
B. Newcomen. D. Stephenson.
219. Economic liberalism wanted
A. government regulation of factories.
B. standards on production.
C. monopolies on essential products.
D. no government regulations on business.

220. The Communist Manifesto blamed poor working condition on

A. the government. C. the army
B. religious leaders. D. the bourgeois class.

221. The Great Depression’s most obvious effect was in

A. jobs.
B. investments.
C. inflation.
D. devaluation of currency.
222. A new interest in the learning of ancient Greece and Rome that began in the 1300’s.
A. Renaissance C. Modern Period
B. Middle Ages D. Medieval Period

223. A renaissance identical in meaning to the Elizabethan Period.

A. American Renaissance C. English Renaissance
B. Carolingian Renaissance D. Harlem Renaissance

224. The Homeland or the birthplace of Renaissance Period.

A. Europe C. France
B. Italy D. Germany

225. The first humanist of Renaissance and led the early development of Renaissance
humanism by leading the rediscovery of the classical literature.
A. Erasmus C. Giovanni Boccaccio
B. Francisco Petrarch D. Niccolo Machiavelli

226. The following are the causes of Renaissance except?

A. Invention of new printing press
B. Rise of middle class who became patrons of the arts
C. Revival of trade
D. The selling of indulgences

227. The following describes the Renaissance Art except ?

A. Art was heavily religious
B. Emphasis on unrealistic details
C. Foc
D. us on the human form
E. New artistic techniques

228. Which is not TRUE about Renaissance period

A. An age of transition
B. Marked the rebirth of the Greco-Roman humanism
C. Interest in worldly matters, accompanied by a growing emphasis on human life and
D. Improvement in ships and navigation make long voyages possible

229. He was raising funds to build St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome by selling indulgences
which is the most controversial practice during the reformation period.
A. John Calvin C. John Tetzel
B. John Huss D. John Wycliffe

230. The movement within the Catholic Church o try to slow the spread of Protestantism.
A. Protestant Reformation C. Counter Reformation
B. Calvinism D. English Reformation
231. The Protestant Reformation began when he posted the 95 theses on the door of
castle church in Wittenburg, Germany.
A. Henry VIII C. Martin Luther
B. John Calvin D. Ulrich Zwingli

232. The period starting in the early 15th century and continuing to the 17th century
during which Europeans explored Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania.
A. Age of Exploration C. Age of Industrialization
B. Age of Enlightenment D. Age of Reformation

233. Which is not the reason why Europeans explore the world?
A. Europeans seek gold and spices
B. Improvement in ships and navigation make long voyages possible
C. Merchants acquire power and influence
D. Prince Henry of England encourage expedition

234. An economic policy that stressed the accumulation of gold and silver, the founding of
colonies and profit from foreign trade.
A. Calvinism C. Commercialism
B. Capitalism D. Mercantilism

235. An economic system that is based on a free market and open competition.
A. Calvinism C. Commercialism
B. Capitalism D. Mercantilism

236. Why is Portugal pioneer to exploration?

I. Because of its Geographical location
II. Because of its advancement in Technology
III. Because of its economic resources
A. I only C. I and III only
B. I and II only D. I, II and II

237. A new interest in worldly matters accompanied by a growing emphasis on human life
and ideas.
A. Humanism C. Conservatism
B. Secularism D. Mercantilism

238. He is known to be the “Renaissance Man” and use the light and shadow in his works.
A. Giovanni Boccacio C. Francesco Petrarch
B. Thomas Moore D. Leonardo da Vinci

239. He believes that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be
A. Henry VIII C. John Knox
B. John Calvin D. Ulrich Zwingli
240. A massive exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the new and old
A. Columbian Exchange C. The Council of Trent
B. Slave Trade D. Diet of Worms

241. It is known to be as the “Age of Reason” and the extension of Scientific Revolution.
A. Age of Exploration C. Age of Industrialization
B. Age of Enlightenment D. Age of Reformation

242. A major characteristic of Capitalism wherein capital belongs to individuals who are
free to decide what to do with it.
A. Private Ownership C. Market Economy
B. Profit Motive D. Joint-stock

243. Which of the following is not a cause of the age of exploration and commercial
A. Africa becomes the center of world trade
B. Knowledge of the earth increases
C. New kinds of foods are grown
D. Increase of the world’s Population

244. The major change of Commercial Revolution in which the way of living is depended
on buying and selling goods and services.
A. Private Ownership C. Market Economy
B. Profit Motive D. Joint-stock

245. An enlightenment thinker who believed that a powerful government like an absolute
monarchy was best for society, it would impose order and compel obedience.
A. Baron de Montesquieu C. Jean Jacques Rousseau
B. John Locke D. Thomas Hobbes

246. This man created the separation of powers - division of authority among the 3
branches of the government to avoid abusement of political power.
A. Baron de Montesquieu C. Jean Jacques Rousseau
B. John Locke D. Thomas Hobbes

247. An enlightenment thinker who believed that the social contract was the path to
freedom and people should do what is best for their community.
A. Baron de Montesquieu C. Jean Jacques Rousseau
B. John Locke D. Thomas Hobbes

248. He is known for his concept tabula rasa and proposed the idea of natural rights.
A. Baron de Montesquieu C. Jean Jacques Rousseau
B. John Locke D. Thomas Hobbes

249. A political philosophy based on the desire to preserve traditions and long established
A. Conservatism C. Nationalism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism
250. A political philosophy based on a belief in individual freedom, equality under law and
freedom of thought and religion.
A. Conservatism C. Nationalism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism

251. An English humanist who wrote the book Utopia that describes an ideal community.
A. Francisco Petrarch C. Thomas Moore
B. Giovanni Boccaccio D. Erasmus

252. The following are the effects of the Renaissance Period, except;
A. Advances in science and technology led to European exploration of the world
B. Secularism lead to Protestant reformation
C. Humanism encouraged the growth of democracy and fight for human rights
D. New kinds of foods are grown

253. Which of the following is/are the causes of Protestant Reformation

I. Evils in the church
II. Conflicts between the popes and princes of civil rulers
III. Discontent and unrest in the religious world brought about heresies
IV. Rise of middle class who became patrons of arts
A. I only C. I, II, III
B. I and II D. I, II, III, IV

254. The selling of church offices during the Protestant Reformation.

A. Indulgences C. Selling of Indulgences
B. Simony D. Heresies

255. He is the leader of English Reformation.

A. Erasmus C. John Calvin
B. Henry VIII D. Ulrich Zwingli

256. The first man who first round the world.

A. Bartolomeu Dias C. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Christopher Columbus D. Vasco da Gama

257. He is known for his famous work called Leviathan.

A. Denis Dedirot C. John Locke
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Thomas Hobbes

258. This philosophe worked 25 years to produce a 28 volume Encyclopedia.

A. Denis Dedirot C. John Locke
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Thomas Hobbes

259. He is the inventor of the printing press that helped Luther spread his theses and
writings throughout Germany.
A. Johann Guttenburg C. Michel de Montaigne
B. John Knox D. William Shakespeare
260. The following are the causes of imperialism in Africa, except;
A. Because of Gold C. Because of Pearls
B. Because of Diamonds D. Because of the lands available for plantation

261. What do we call the division of Africa that causes tension between countries?
A. Scramble of Africa C. Pie of Africa
B. Suttee D. Cake of Africa

262. A form of Imperialism that establishes its own institutions.

A. Colony C. Concession
B. Protectorate D. Sphere of Influence

263. A form of imperialism that protects the state against rival states or foreign invasion.
A. Colony C. Concession
B. Protectorate D. Sphere of Influence

264. The take over and control of other lands.

A. Commercialism C. Mercantilism
B. Imperialism D. Nationalism

265. She is known to be the Empress of India.

A. Queen Elizabeth C. Queen Victoria
B. Queen Victorina D. Queen Saturnina

266. They are the Indian soldiers in British service.

A. Boers C. Khoi-san
B. Jahangir D. Sepoy

267. He is a French leader and emperor who conquered much for Europe In the early 19
A. Benedict Arnold C. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Charles Cornwallis D. Paul Pevere

268. The England’s first permanent settlement in North America.

A. Connecticut C. New York
B. Massachusetts D. Virginia

269. Which of the following is/are the causes of the American Revolution?
I. Economic policies of Britain
II. The Stamp Act of 1765
III. Inspiration of Natural Rights philosophers
IV. Representation in Parliament
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II, III, and IV

270. He discovered America on October 12, 1492

A. Amerigo Vespucci C. Leif Ericson
B. Christopher Columbus D. James Smith
271. The New World was named as “America” in honor of ?
A. Amerigo Vespucci C. Leif Ericson
B. Christopher Columbus D. James Smith

272. An act which placed a tax on printed materials.

A. Declaratory Act C. Stamp Act
B. Quartering Act D. Townshend Act

273. A system of government in which power would be shared between the central
government and state governments.
A. Capital System C. Federal System
B. Commercial System D. Liberal System

274. The treaty that ends the war among the United States, Britain, France, the
Netherlands and Spain.
A. Treaty of Boston C. Treaty of Tordesillas
B. Treaty of Paris 1783 D. Treaty of Versailles

275. An agreement to work a certain number of years for the person who paid one’s
passage to America.
A. Chibaro C. Polo y Servicio
B. Indentured Servants D. Shaka

276. The only African country that successfully resisted European imperialism.
A. Cape of Good Hope C. Pakistan
B. Ethiopia D. Sierra Leone

277. Which of the following is/are the features of the Age of Enlightenment
I. Fuelled democratic revolutions around the world
II. Applied reason to the human world
III. Stimulated religious tolerance
IV. Taught that our rights come from natural law not the government
A. I and II C. I and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III, IV

278. He was a Scottish economist who is the father of capitalism

A. Adam Smith C. Jean Jacques Rousseau
B. Denis Dedirot D. John Locke

279. Which of the following is/are the causes of French Revolution

I. Ineffective leader
II. Oppressive government
III. Federal System
IV. Increase of bread price
V. The common people were economically discontented
A. I, II and V C. I, III, IV, and V
B. I, II, IV, and V D. I, II, III, IV and V
280. What is Triangular Trade?
A. System of trade between Europe, India and America
B. System of trade between France, Germany and Africa
C. System of trade between Europe, Africa and America
D. System of trade between Germany, Africa and Europe

281. An act which levied series taxes on lead, paints and tea
A. Declaratory Act C. Stamp Act
B. Quartering Act D. Townshend Act

282. It is one that promotes sense of belongingness, pride and love of country
A. Conservatism C. Nationalism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism

283. A political philosophy that calls for government, rather than private individuals, to
own factories, banks and businesses and to run them for the whole society.
A. Conservatism C. Nationalism
B. Liberalism D. Socialism

284. It is the most important movement of the Catholic Counter-Reformation wherein the
purpose of it is to condemn and refute the beliefs of the Protestants.
A. Diet of Worms C. The Revival of Spirituality
B. The Council of Trent D. The Society of Jesus

285. A new Catholic order set up to serve the church and spread Catholic teachings
founded by Ignatius Loyola
A. Diet of Worms C. The Revival of Spirituality
B. The Council of Trent D. The Society of Jesus

286. They are called the Dutch farmers.

A. Berbers C. Samori
B. Boers D. Sepoy

287. A colonial policy wherein European government officials replaced African leaders and
European laws and other institutions were established.
A. Assimilation C. Direct Rule
B. Dissimilation D. Indirect Rule

288. A colonial policy wherein Africans would eventually be given self-rule but needed to
be prepared to govern themselves.
A. Assimilation C. Direct Rule
B. Dissimilation D. Indirect Rule

289. Unable to tolerate British Rule, the Boers decided to leave Cape Colony so they
travelled northeast on foot and in ox-drawn covered wagons, across the Orange River
into Natal. This move is known to be the
A. The Great Boer C. The Great Scape
B. The Great Journey D. The Great Trek
290. A type of business arrangement wherein investors purchased shares of stock that
gave them part ownership in the business.
A. Private Ownership C. Market Economy
B. Profit Motive D. Joint-stock

291. An agreement wherein Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain agreed to act
together in the future to preserve peace in Europe and to maintain territorial settlement.
A. Europe Alliance C. Group Alliance
B. Holy Alliance D. Quadruple Alliance

292. A form of Imperialism wherein colonist has a limited area which they controlled
politics and government.
A. Colony C. Concession
B. Protectorate D. Sphere of Influence

293. Which of the following is/are the effects of Imperialism in Africa?

I. lost control of their land & independence
II. many died of new diseases
III. breakdown of their traditional cultures
IV. broken family
V. exploitation
A. III only C. I, II, III, and IV
B. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, IV, and V

294. Which of the following incidents processes the American Revolution

I. Boston Massacre
II. Boston Tea Party Prank
III. First Shot for American Freedom
IV. The Great Trek
V. Treaty of Paris 1783
A. I and II C. I, II, III and V
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, IV and V

295. “I do not agree with a word you say but I will defend to death your right to say it”,
this quotation is from?
A. Dedirot C. Rousseau
B. Locke D. Voltaire

296. How many colonies did the England settlers established?

A. 12 C. 14
B. 13 D. 15

297. This is transitional period from Medieval to Modern times.

A. Age of Enlightenment C. Renaissance
B. Age of Exploration D. Enlightenment
298. Which of the following is/are the impact/s of Spanish Colonization?
I. New form of Government
II. New religion was introduced
III. New language was introduced

A. I only C. II & III

B. I & III D. I, II & III

399. The following are the strategies in colonizing EXCEPT

A. Sending Missionaries for Religion
B. Sending their people to those places
C. Granting privilege to their subjects and colonies
D. None of the Above

300. Which of the following is an impact of Commercial Revolution?

A. Fall of Middle Class
B. Start of Mercantilism
C. Decrease in Commerce and trade
D. New commodities or products were traded

301. Who is the Mistress of the Sea?

A. America C. Portugal
B. England D. Spain

302. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Spain decline?

A. Unwise economic policies
B. Lost her invisible Armada
C. Colonies were properly governed
D. Resources were exhausted through extravagance

303. When was the principle of Capitalism started?

A. Age of Exploration C. Age of Enlightenment
B. Commercial Revolution D. Renaissance

304. Which of the following is not a feature of Mercantilism

A. Favourable balance of trade
B. The wealth and power of nation depends on gold
C. Colony is important because it provide raw materials to their mother country
D. None of the Above

305. Which of the following Continent is not involved in the triangular trade?
A. America C. Africa
B. Asia D. Europe

306. Who helped Christopher Columbus in his voyage towards westward across Atlantic?
A. Prince Henry C. King of Portugal
B. Isabel of Castille D. None of the Above

307. Who proposed the separation of power?

A. Diderot C. Rousseau
B. Montesquieu D. Voltaire
308. A person who believed in all powerful God, but not in the power of church.
A. Atheist C. Polytheist
B. Deist D. Monotheist

309. During the cold war the Soviet Union build their missile on what country?
A. Dominican Republic C. Turkey
B. Cuba D. Guatemala

310. The cold war was a war between what two superpower countries?
A. Brazil and America C. Iraq and Iran
B. Japan and Cuba D. USSR and America

312. Which of the following is not true about world war II?
A. Largest war in human history
B. It lasted from 1935-1945
C. Involves countries, colonies and territories around the entire world.
D. None of the Above

313. Which of the following is the cause of World War II?

A. Appeasement C. Rise of Totalitarianism
B. Treaty of Versailles D. All of the Above

314. What country/ies followed military dictatorship during the World War II?
A. USSR C. Germany and Italy
B. Japan D. America and France

315. What country/ies followed fascist dictatorship during the World War II?
A. USSR C. Germany and Italy
B. Japan D. America and France

316. Who led USSR during the World War II?

A. Adolf Hitler C. Josef Stalin
B. Hideko Tojo D. Benito Mussolini

317. Who led Italy during the World War II?

A. Adolf Hitler C. Josef Stalin
B. Hideko Tojo D. Benito Mussolini

318. There were three estates in France prior to the French revolution.
A. True C. Either A or B
B. False D. Neither A or B

319. Which of the following gave way to French revolution?

A. Age of Enlightenment
B. High Dept of the Monarch
C. High tax imposed to the third estate
D. All of the Above

320. Who were responsible on the reign of terrors?

A. Jacobins C. Both A and B
B. Robespierre D. None of the Above
321. This was used to execute prisoners during the reign of terror?
A. Gun C. Hanging
B. Guillotine D. No answer

322. In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte became an emperor.

A. True C. Either A or B
B. False D. Neither A or B

323. The members of the first estate in France were the ____________.
A. Clergy C. Slaves
B. Commoners D. None of the above

324. Who started the national assembly during the French revolution?
A. Monarch C. Commoners
B. Clergy D. Nobles

325. This was an agreement between a person who paid one's passage to America and the
British Parliament that mandates the person to render a number of years as a servant before
becoming free.
A. Indentures C. Stamp Act
B. Servant Contract D. Both A and B

326. The British Parliament passed laws to regulate colonial trade to Indian's advantage.
A. True C. Either A or B
B. False D. Neither A or B

327. In 1763, what country defeated the France in the French Indian War?
A. America C. Germany
B. Britain D. USSR

328. The British Parliament passed this act to lower the tac on imported molasses in hopes
that fewer colonies would smuggle it in to avoid the tax.
A. Navigation Acts of 1600 and 1663 C. Sugar Act of 1764
B. Iron Act of 1750 D. Stamp act of 1765

329. This act placed a tax on printed matter like newspapers, licenses, deed and other legal
documents and advertisements.
A. Navigation Acts of 1600 and 1663 C. Sugar Act of 1764
B. Iron Act of 1750 D. Stamp act of 1765

330. An act that imposed new taxes which raised the prices of many everyday items like paint,
glass, paper and tea.
A. Townshend Act of 1767 C. Intolerable Act of 1774
B. Tea Act of 1773 D. Hat Act of 1732

331. The following are the motives of the Europeans in the Age of Exploration EXCEPT:
A. God C. Glory
B. Gold D. None of the Above

332. An act imposed by the British Parliament in the Indians which removed taxes on Britain's
import of iron ore from the colonies.
A. Navigation Acts of 1600 and 1663 C. Sugar Act of 1764
B. Iron Act of 1750 D. Stamp act of 1765
333. Which of the following is/are not a pioneer/s in the Age of Exploration and Discovery?
I. Britain
II. France
III. Portugal
IV. Spain
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and II D. III and IV

334. The following describe Renaissance EXCEPT

A. Age of Faith
B. Importance of Individual
C. There were changes in arts and intelligence
D. Renowned appreciation for the arts and learning of ancient Greece and Rome.

335. Who is considered as the navigator?

A. Christopher Columbus C. Prince Henry
B. Bartolomeau Diaz D. Vasco da Gama

336. Who discovered the new world?

A. Christopher Columbus C. Prince Henry
B. Bartolomeau Diaz D. Vasco da Gama

337. Which of the following is the effect of age of exploration?

A. It was proven that the world is not flat
B. The discovery and rediscovery of new lands
C. Europeans were able to get new products/ spices from Asia
D. All of the Above

338. In 1488 he rounded the Cape of Good Hope.

A. Prince Henry C. Bartolomeau Diaz
B. Vasco da Gama D. Ferdinand Magellan

339. Rinascita which means rebirth was coined from __________.

A. Latin C. France
B. Greek D. English

340. What was the center of economy during the Renaissance period?
A. Italy C. Spain
B. France D. Portugal

341. Which of the following is/are NOT a thriving city/ies of Italy during the Renaissance
I. Florence II. Milan III. Genoa IV. Venice

A. I only C. I,II and III

B. I and II D. None of the Above

342. Why did Renaissance started in Italy?

A. Scientific pursuits
B. Opportunities for education
C. Rise of wealthy merchants
D. All of the Above
343. Which of the following are the features of Renaissance?
I. Humanism
II. Reasoning
III. Classical learning
IV. Focus of after life
A. I and IV C. I,II and III
B. III and IV D. I,II,III and IV

344. Who is the Renaissance Man?

A. Francesco Petrarch C. Michael Angelo
B. Thomas More D. Leonardo da Vinci

345. Which of the following is the work of Michael Angelo?

A. Equestrian Statue C. Mona Lisa
B. Last Supper D. Sistine Chapel

346. Who is the Father of humanism?

A. Francisco Petrarch C. Niccolo Machiavelli
B. Giovanni Boccaccio D. Sir Thomas More

347. He wrote Decameron - a collection of hundred tales.

A. Francisco Petrarch C. Niccolo Machiavelli
B. Giovanni Boccaccio D. Sir Thomas More

348. He is known for his "Utopia" ideal society?

A. Francisco Petrarch C. Niccolo Machiavelli
B. Giovanni Boccaccio D. Sir Thomas More

349. He said that "the ends justify the means".

A. Moore C. Rousseau
B. Maciavelli D. Voltaire

350. Where does the Medici Family came from?

A. Florence C. Milan
B. Genoa D. Venice

351. This revolution brought tremendous changes in economics.

A. Commercial Revolution C. Economic Revolution
B. French Revolution D. Scientific Revolutiom

352. This symbolizes the power and grandeur of Spain but it was defeated by British.
A. Astrolable C. Christianity
B. Armada D. None of the Above

353. Which of the following is/are NOT a cause/s of Protestant reformation?

I. Corruption of the Church
II. Selling of Indulgence
III. Conflict between the Monarch and Church
A. I only C. I,II and III
B. II and III D. None of the Above
354. The selling of church offices is called ___________.
A. Simony C. Selling of Indulgences
B. Papal bull D. Both A and B

355. Who is the Pope that lead the rebuilding of Saint Peter's Basilica?
A. Pope John Paul X C. Pope John Paul XVI
B. Pope Leo X D. Pope Leo XVI

356. Who wrote the 95 theses?

A. Martin Luther C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. King Henry VIII D. John Calvin

357. He preached the idea of predestination-a belief that some people had been chosen by
God for Salvation?
A. Martin Luther C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. King Henry VIII D. John Calvin

358. He established the Church of England to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon?
A. Martin Luther C. Desiderius Erasmus
B. King Henry VIII D. John Calvin

359. The following calls for Reformation EXCEPT

A. Desiderius Erasmus C. John Hus
B. Tycho Brahe D. John Wycliffe

360. The movement of the Catholic Church in the 16th-17th c.e that sought to revitalize the
A. Protestant Reformation C. Catholic Reformation
B. Counter Reformation D. Religious War

361. Which of the following is not a protestant teaching?

A. Justification by faith alone.
B. The church and he bible are the sources of truth.
C. Salvation comes only through faith in Christ.
D. People can read and understand the bible themselves.

362. Who introduced the printing press?

A. Tycho Brahe C. Johannes Gutenberg
B. Isaac Newton D. Donato Bramante

363. The following is the positive impact of printing press EXCEPT

A. Luther's idea spread quickly with he help of print press.
B. Luther's supporters were able to distribute copies f his speech and essays far and
C. Millions of people sided with Luther against the Roman Catholic Church
D. None of the Above

364. Who introduce Calvinism?

A. John Calvin C. Jan Hus
B. Martin Luther D. King Henry VIII
365. A catalog that was published by the Roman Catholic that listed bokd considered
dangerous to faith and morals.
A. Index of books C. Collection of books
B. Index of forbidden books D. Collection of forbidden books

366. What is the ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church during the Protestant
A. Council of Popes C. Jesuits or Society of Jesus
B. Council of Trent’s D. None of the Above

367. The following are the steps of the Church to counter the Protestant Reformation EXCEPT
A. Jesuits
B. Election of new Popes
C. The formation of the Church of England
D. Published a catalog which listed the books that are dangerous to faith and moral.

368. Which are the effects of the Protestant Reformation?

. The increase in the power of Church
II. The increase in the power of Monarch
II. End of religious unity in Europe
IV. Religious War

A. II and II C. I,II, and III

B. I and III D. II,III and IV

369. Nicolas Copernicus introduced this theory wherein the sun is the center of the universe.
A. Geocentric theory C. Earth centered theory
B. Heliocentric theory D. Both A and C

370. This symbolizes the resistance of Indians to the taxation by Great Britain.
A. Tea tax C. Boston Tea Party
B. Boston Massacre D. None of the Above

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