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TEE Eouse of Rapre_

aeDtatives hae releseerl
g!f! qrchest solon
i: "*9.:X:'y.r9-e0* The tbird dcrlesr HouF€
through its website a
summar5r of its nembetC
Btat€Dents of a.sset& lia-
bilities aud Det worth
(SAIII), ahat
Pacmaa parfiz-list Ren-
Mich.sel "Mikee" Rome.
"-Jm.ff"#?,fl ffiffiffi-::
rro nemains the richeet sd"frry,E# HffiRHr,H#i.
congr€.frq- with a net
worth of PZ.8S8 bilion-
X"ilffitrdff* n*it"t"o"'''*ainsr.di
According to the SAI_N

*;+":"",n",ffi{+i1ri'ffiT;if *rS#
of tbe 2gl-FtroDg House of
It€presen tatives in the out_
going l?th Coneress as of
December 81 of last ver"
j{:"1'iifl "-B:;'o:llli,i,l",*ilil.'It:
Romero s wealth balloonei
by P56? millioD from his
P7.291 billion net worth in
December 2017 to PZ.8SB n'dffi*l#ffitrfffr.
billioa last December.
FcnDeqber 2olg Rme
Io, Fesideat of tle s4ejoDg

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