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aDd continue in exploit- Health

hg peop^le's, hard-edrned 'We are.well aware

CITIZENS Baftte Elt"tr fi,#i.1"1T3

Eg tupteEeDled.
we are While last year, tbe
Again6t CorruDti.'n De.
(CIBAC) parr-y,lisr f-T"1'fr,"#oil"rri,l_oaii,:,llH"h.,"to"ff
Itepreaentetive_elect r,{.,- cecure urat iDose tLl_ Do pDeu6oltia *lt
Itro. Eddie Villaaueva rprDoa wbo are truly iD plo biltioD waseDidemin
yeaterday slammed neeo ot govenuent ser- philHealtb to b6spitaii oaid hw
the alleged lack of
checks aDd balance -ln ;u.'".T0*''rguor'#iyil"u"o'"t"0;l"ll;il,ii:l:
the Departtnent of iiff
Eealth (DoE) to Dre- "o'"with ,'_ r!" il;1":ijT"s"#:""3:?::
vent pot€Dtial giaft rule 01 la.wr r,ve cgll for thai phuder. -
sD(t corruptiou in the an Dve8trg.atiotr to lale
aound uae of govern_ ptace reg,arding this scam Healtb "St:ealing froE ph Brd. Eddie

Dent'6 health-insur- i;'w;"s" ii;" As head of the De-

aDce fuDds. l9.tb{ go;" responeible pluader! Every centavo partnoent of
pre nCjltuily-put behi_Dd ;toleD "a"prioioi (DoII), Health
Villalueva. founder bar,s. wS wil- Dot sllow another -"a""
p""soo,."--iif? Duque also sereei
and leader of the Jesus chair of the
rs Lord Cburch World, ;:'i"f, f, "x,:,Tl'; trh,ffi:sf,i:
wide -(JIL), condeEDed ano. medrcal
otucrals of the PhiliDDine
treafEeDts phjlHealth p"isoon"i L)uque - It waswas reported that
onp ^f
Healtb Insurance. e;rD- gH,cT;.::: WelMed vice presideni
If"6,Tf""f f"T ffi:l,*S*""'*g Brya! Christo;her Sv.E
S"oriin""i'Ho,i**."ifl I :'i?:vE-J.;:. n#;m"::"j wedding godfithers in
who tr1ight be involved a "i'
retated .'"':"' out tbg nie[""t
p""Jti"! 2014.
ln the alleged p800-mil- _ -,lD .develop_ Sy along with nine
lroD "ghost dialysis" others were chareed br
clauna_ t-be Bureau of Nationdl
"It i6 important to file Iavestigation (NBI) with
c].rllr]nal actionE assinst gflTt".f9.^.i6 nor iso- e*tafa sDd Glsifi cation,of
the people wio hdwins_ ratec. cttiog-tbe opDeu_ "ri .iia "n"rgJa t" p-r* documeDts before the
ty. or uaknowj-ogly allo-w rbonra,6ca6" tbat_has vctrt future occurreDces Llepartment of Justice
of tli" (DoJ) in aa6".1ioo *;t6
rhls problemto take place Deeo ptaguing the p!il- fensor "ut*u.; ""ii-ii] the alleged dialysis sc€ro.


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