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If you have a business, sooner or later you must resort to transporting products to
reach more customers, for that you must choose the right vehicle and the ideal

Choose the ideal mode of transport

To choose the ideal mode of transport, we must take into account the budget that
will be spent in certain modes of transport, also take into account whether the
products are perishable or not, in case they are perishable choose a means of
transport fast but Keep the product. It is important to verify the dangerousness, if it
is high you should contact the dangerous products branch of the transport
department. If the product is of great value or considers traveling by sea, it is good
to buy insurance either on the product or maritime, in this it must be agreed if the
buyer of the insurance is the buyer or the seller. If the product is valuable you can
use a tracking system to have the vehicle located. It is very common to damage the
cargo in the trips, in most cases the person in charge is the supplier, who must verify
that the product travels with the lowest risk of possible damage.

Transport mode

Choose the correct transport mode depending on the product and your risk of
damage to the trip.


Road transport is cheap and flexible, but it is not environmentally friendly and may
present delays. The height, weight and length restrictions must be taken into account
on the product on the road. If the product is transported outside the UK or Ireland,
you need to know the CMR, international road transport contract

Another option is rail transport, but this can be expensive. To send products by rail,
it is better to buy packages from rail freight companies. To be economical, the
transport of products must pass the 300 tons and the 150 miles of travel, that is why
we must take into account the costs of each trip.


Air transport is the fastest way, but at the same time it is not ecological and also
expensive, air cargo is done in cargo planes and in commercials with people
accompanying. The load by air is charged by weight, in addition to all legal, taxes,
airport charges. The cargo agents are hired to organize all the details of the air
transport, as well as the packaging and the packaging of the products, therefore,
they must get the product in good condition and in the required time. When you hire
a freight forwarder, be sure of the agency's experiences and travel, that it is legal
and that it is covered by liability insurance, finally See legal pages of transportation
agencies in each country and international


Sea freight is cheaper, slow and inflexible, in addition there are few ports, transport
ships are used as they are: container ships, cargo ships, bulk carriers, oil tankers,
roll-on roll-off balls. Also in the shipment we find the regular line ships that work with
fixed schedules and vagrant ships, they operate according to the demand


Messengers are fast and reliable, but can be expensive, and the weight of the cargo
is very limited. They are profitable over short distances.

Air: Aire Packages: paquetes

Branch: rama Perishable: perecedero
Budget: presupuesto Profitable: rentable
Business: negocio Rail: Carril
Buyer: comprador reach: alcanzar
Carriers: portadores Reliable: de confianza
Cheaper: más barato Resort: recurso
Choose: escoger Risk: riesgo
Courier: mensajero Road: La carretera
Customers: clientes Sea: Mar
Dangerousness: peligrosidad Seller: vendedor
Delays: retrasos Shipment: envío
Environmentally: ambientalmente Ships: naves
Forwarder: promotor Should: debería
Friendly: amistoso Spent: gastado
Great: estupendo Supplier: proveedor
Insurance: seguro Taxes: impuestos
Insurance: seguro Tracking: rastreo
Insurance: seguro Traveling: de viaje
Keep: Mantener Vagrant: vagabundo
Maritime: marítimo Valuable: valioso
must: debe Weight: peso

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