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Lesson 1 3 Listen, point and say.

@ Z
a Point to the picture of the balloons.Tell the class to listen
Words and point to the correct balloon, then say the number.
Play the recording, pausing for the children to flnd the
correct balloons and repeat the numbers.
I ntroductions; Nu mbers Point to the balloons in random order and ask children
around the class to sav the numbers.

Making introd uctions; Recog nizing n umbers; Cou nting Optional activity
. Play a game in rolling pairs around the class. The
children take turns to say a number, in order to count
Present simple statements; Questions and answers with from one to twenty. lf a child says the correct number,
'be' (m ...;
What's your name?; How old are you? he or she stays in the game. lf a child says the wrong
number or can't remember the next number, he or she
is out of the game. The last child left in the game is the
See the wbrdlist on pages 108-109 of the Student's Book

4 Find and say the numbers with your friend.

(nc:kinn P:rt< I R,5 . Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
out the example exchange.Tell the class to find the
numbers and say them in the correct order.

@ t-z . Act out a few example exchanges with children around

the c\ass, then a\\ow the chi\dren to carry out the activ\ty
in pairs. Move around the classncom as the children work
Warmer and help if necessary.
. lntroduce yourself to the class Say Hello! My name's (your . Invite children to count to twenty in pairs or individually.
name). Encourage children around the class to introduce
themselves in the same way. Optional activity
. the children to write flve
Play a game of BingolTell
numbers from one to twenty in their notebooks. Call
. Ask the class to say any numbers they remember in
out the numbers in random order (keep a note of the
English. Write their answers on the board in number and
numbers which you have called out).lf a child has the
word form.
number you call out, they can cross out that number
. Point to the numbers and ask the children to sav them, in their notebooks.The first child to cross out all their
first chorally, then individually. numbers wins the game.
1 Listen and read. @ 1

. Ask children to look at the pictures. Say Ihrs is Lucy and this
is Sam.
. Play the recording for the children to listen and follow in
their books.
o Invite pairs of children to read out the dialogue, then tell
the children to make similar dialogubs about themselves
The children can act out their dialogues for the class.

2 Write. Then ask and answer.

. Ask chlldren to look at the picture. Read out the questions
in the speech bubble, then point to the gapped
sentences.Tell the children to comolete the sentences
about themselves in their books.
. Askthe questions in the speech bubble to children
around the class. Encourage them to read out their
completed sentences to answer the questions.
. Tell the class to practise asking and answering the

questions in pairs, then invite pairs of children to act out

their dialooues for the class
Hello! Lesson 2 2 How many are there? Lookand write.
. Point to the Dictures and ask the children to name the
Words items. Ask What is it? Whot ore they?
o Point to the flrst picture and read out the example. Tell
the class that they should count the items in each picture,
then write the correct number, as in the example.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
book. Move around the classroom as the children work
and help if necesSary.
. Invite children to point to the pictures and read out their

a one b three c seven d ten e nine f fourteen

g two h eleven i six j thirteen
Optional activity
. Tell the children to work in oairs and ask and answer
questions about the pictures in Activity 3:
A How many (ice creams) are there in this picture?
B There's) one (ice cream).
. Write sets of four numbers from one to twentv on the
board in jumbled order (e.9. 7,4,6,5).
o Invite a child to come to the board and write the numbers
In sequence.
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like, giving
sets of numbers to children from each team in turn and
awarding one point for each correct sequence.

Draw a number ('l-20) of simple objects (balls, flowers,
apples, etc) on the board. Ask children around the class to
count the objects and say the correct number.
a You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

1 Draw lines from the pictures to the words.

a Read out the words underneath the oictures.
a Ask children to look at the pictures and say the correct
Point to the example line and tell the class to draw lines to
match the rest of the oictures to the correct words.
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
Check answers by asking pairs of children to point to the
pictures and say the correct words.

1 ice cream 2 boat 3hat 4tree 5flower

dog 7 cat kite l0 apple
8 elephant 9

Optional activity
. Play a game of Pictionary with the class.
. Divide the class into two teams.
. Draw pictures of the items in Activity 1 on the board (or
invite children from each team in turn to come to the
board and draw pictures forthe rest of the class).Tell
the class to try to guess the word before the picture is
. The first team tb guess the correct word wins a point.
Hello! Lesson 3 sgp6*
2 Now
. Play
say The AtPhabet RhYme.
the recording for the chlldren to listen.
@ +

. Playthe recordlng again forthe chlldren to trytojoin in

with the rhvme.
. lnvite children to say the alphabet chorally, then
Letters lndividually.

Transcript @ 4
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S;T, i.,I,
," '
Recognizing letters; _qlP!gq-e!!p-.[qg ,-_ Now you know your A, B, C, you can say it along w'ii^ -:
Optional activity
. Write words from Activity I on the boa rd, one .-- I - - -
Write each letter of the word slowly.Tell the cla.. -:
the letters as you write them, and to say tne 1"':': ::
See the wordlist on pages 108-109 of the Student's Book soon as they know what it is.
. You can play this as a game in two teams if ;'c-

a Play a game to warm the class up and revlse numbers.
o Wrlte sets of four numbers from one to twenty on the
board with one number missing @.9. t+,15,- 1n
Invite a child to come to the board and write the missing
You can play this as a game in two teams if you like, asking
chi/dren from each team in turn to compJete a number
seguence and awarding one point for each correct

. Draw simole oictures of the lexical items from the

previous lesson on the board (elephont, apple, hat, ice
cream, boat, flower, tree, cat, kite, dog). Ask children to say
'the words.
. \sk chr\dren around \he c\ass \o say t\ rhey knor"l w\ich
letter each word begins with.

1 Look at the fetters. Listen and say. @ 3

. Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the
and read out the words.
. Point to the picture ofSam and read out the speech
bubble.Tellthe class to listen and repeat the letters
. Plav the recordino narrsino after each line for the

Chlldren tO liSten 3pql rono;t tho ipttorc firct rhgrSily, thgn


Optional activity
. Divide the class into two teams.
. Say a word from Activity 1 (e g lorry) to a chlld from
Team A Tell the child to ooint to the correct oicture in
his/her book and say the letter (e.9. L)
. Repeat with children from each team in turn, awarding
one ooinl for each correct letter.
Lesson 4 Optional activity
. Point to or hold up objects from around'the classroom
Words and ask Whot colour isif? Invite children around the
class to answer, e.g. lts blue.
. Encourage children to ask and answer about other
oblects in oairs.

2 Look and write the colours.

o Point to each of the pictures and ask What's this? What
colour isir? Invite children around the clasS to answer.
. Tell the children to look at the pictures and read the
sentences, then complete the sentences with the correct
colour words.
. Move around the classroom as the children work and helo
if necessary.
. Ask individual children questions aboutthe pictures, for
example What colour is (the ha)?fhe children answer bv
reading out their completed sentences.

I . grey and white

2 yellow and brown
3 blue and purple
4 red and green
a memory game to warm the class up and revise
5 orange and grey
and letters.
6 purple and yellow
numbers one to twenty on the board, jumbled up.
tre class to look at the numbers for a minute (or less), 3 Put six things on your dqsk. What colour are
tell the class to close their eves. they? Point and say.
tvvo or three of the numbers from the board.Tell . Read out the rubric, then point to the picture of the
to open their eyes and say which numbers are grammar characters and read out the speech bubbles.
. Demonstrate the activity by putting six items on your
tne game as many times as you like, then repeat it desk, then pointing to each item and saying what colour it
more times using the letters of the alphabet is, as in the example.
play this as a game in two teams if you like, asking o Tell the children to do the activity in pairs, telling their
team in turn to say the missing numbers of letters partner about their six things. Move around the class as
awarding one point for each correct answer. they work and help if necessary.
. Ask individual children to show their six things to the class
and say what colour each thing is.
lhe children to take out their coloured oencils.
me (red). and ask the children to hold uo the
Children's own answers

at the colours and draw lines. Optional activity

to look at the paint palette and say what
. Play a memory game. Ask a child to show the class their
they can see. six things. Tellthe class to look at the things and try to
remember what colour each item is.
out the colour words and ask the children to ooint
correct colours in the picture.
o Put the six things in a bag, then say true or false
questions to children around the class, e.g.The pen is
the children time to look at the picture and draw
blue.The bookis red.fhe children answer yes or No.
h their books to match the colours to the words.
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
drildren to point to the colours in the picture ano
awarding one point for each correct answer.
correct words.

2 purple 3 orange 4 white 5 green

7 black 8 yellow 9 pink 10 red ll grey
Lesson 1 ':
1 Write the words.
a Ask children to look at the oicture.
Words a Read out the words in the box and ask the children to
point to the correct animals in the pictuie.
Point to the animals in the picture and ask the children to
Animals; Colours saythe correct words.
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Tell them to copy the words exactly and check that
ldentifiTing animals; Finding animals in a picture;Asking they have spelt each word correctly.
and answering about colour; Spellinq Check answers by pointing to the animals in the picture
and asking the children to say, then spell, the words.

Present simple questions with'be' (Where's the ...? What

colour's the ...?); This is ...
I cat 2 bird 3 sheep 4 cow 5 horse 6 goat
7 duck 8 chicken 9 fish l0 mouse 11 froo
12 dog

See the wordlist on page 109 of the Student's Book In Part 3 of the Starters Reading and Writing
Test, learners should count the number of letters they
need to write for their answers. They shou ld check that
Reading and Writing Parts 1, 3 & 4, Speaking Parts 1 & 3 they have written the correct number of letters for their
answer (one letter on each line).

19 p:!gt: Optional activity

. Slowly write the letters for one of the animal words on
Warmer the board, pausing after each letter. The children try
. Play a game to warm the class up and.revise colours. to guess the word before you have written the whole
. Ask children to tell you what colours they can remember word. When a child guesses the word correctly, they
from the previous unit. Wrlte the colours they say on the should spell the rest of the word for you to complete it
board. on the board. You can play this as a game in two teams
. Hold up coloured pencils and ask the children to sav the if you like.
colou rs.
. Divide the class into two teams. Hold up a coloured pencil 2 Ask, point and say.
to Team A and ask What colour isifi Repeat with each . Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
team in turn and award one point for each correct answer. nr rt thp ovamnlo avrl.
The team with the most points wins. . Ask children around the class about some of the other
. In a more confident class, children from each team can animals in the picture in Activity.l, as in the example.
hold up pens and ask the other team questions. Encourage the children to point to the correct animal and
. . Children ask and answer about the animals in pairs. Invite
Write the followlng animal words on the board: horse,
some pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the
chicken, cat, duck, sheep, cow, goat, mouse, frog, fish, dog,
e lass.
bird and the following colour words: red, blue, green,
brown, black, white, yellow, orange, pink.Write the words in 3 Do the speaking activity.
jumbled order (colours mixed with animals) on one side . You will need one copy of the worksheet per child, with
ofthe board. either Child A or Child B instructions. Cut the roo or the
. Draw a table on the other side of the board, with two bottom off the worksheet accordingly.
headings: animals and colours. . The children work in pairs, A and B. Give out the
. Invite children to say an animal word and a colour word. worksheets so each child has the correct instructions.
Say Say an animal. / Say a colour. . Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and re-ad out the
. Write the words in the correct columns of the table. example exchange. Both children in each pair can colour
Repeat until all the words are in the table. the horse brown.
. Alternatively, invite children to come to the boaro ano . Children colour in their sections of the worksh'eet, then
write a word in each column of the table. ask questions to find out what colour the other items
should be.
I Lesson 2 . Check answers by asking pairs of children to read outthe
sentences ano answers.
1no 2yes 3yes 4no 5no 6yes

Optional activity
. Make more false sentences about the animals in
Activity l, page6, for example,The cow is purple. Ask

true children around the class to correct lhe sentences, for

ntatt rrac. example, No!The cow is black and white.

2 Colour and say.

o Point to the pictures and ask What are they?
. Tell the children to take out their coloured pencils. Say
Show me (blud.fhe children hold up the correct colours.
. Tell the children that they can colour the animals any
colour they like. Allow the children time to colour rne
. Read out the example speech bubble. Invite children
around the class to point to their pictures and make
sentences, as in the example.
. As an extension,the children can ask and answer
questions about their pictures in pairs (A:What colour is
rhis (fish)? B:This (fish) is (red).)

Colours are tested in allthree levels of the

Young Learners Tests, so it is important for learners to
understand both the written and spoken forms of all the
of Hangman to warm the class up and revise
colours that appear in the Starters wordlist.
and colours.
Clvide the class into two teams. Draw a line for each letter
h your chosen word on the board. . 3 How many are there? Look and write.
o Invite children from each team in turn to guess one of the
. Point to the pictures and ask the children to name the
missing letters. lf the team correctly guesses a missing animals. AskWhat is it? What are they?
letter, write the letter on the correct Iine(s) on the board. . Point to the first picture and read out the example. Tell the
fthe team guesses a letter which is not in the word, draw classthat they should count the animals in each picture,
the first part of a simple picture
(a flower with five petals, a then write the correct number and one of the words from
stem and two leaves / a house with three windows, a ooor the box, as in the example.
and a chimney). . Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
o lf a team guesses the.word before you have completed books. Move around the classroom as the children work
the picture, award them one point. lf not, continue the and help if necessary.
game with another woro. . Invite children to point to the pictures and read out their
3 Tell the children to look athe picture in Activity 1, page
Say true or false sentences about the animals in the
I one sheep
2 two sheep
ltture, e.g.The cow is pink.The duck is yellow.lnvite
3 one mouse
around the class to answer Yes if the sentence is
4 six mice
and No if the sentence is incorrect.
5 one duck
play this as a game in two teams if you like 6 four ducks
7 one fish
at the picture on page 6 and read. Write yes
8 five fish
children to look at the picture in Activity 1, page 6. Optional activity
out the sentences in Activity 1, page 7 and show the . Tell the children to work in pairs and ask and answer
the example. Tell the children to read the sentences questions about the pictures in Activlty 3
decide whether each sentence is true or false. A How many sheep are there in this picture?
the children time to complete the activitv B There's one sheep.
Unit I l.esson 3 Optional activity
. Divide the class into two teams. Tell Team A t'o practise
Story&writing and try to remember Ann's lines and tellTeam B to
practise and try to remember Nicks lines.
. Allow the class time to trv to memorize the lines of the
Anlmals; Locatlons
. Invite a child from each team to come to the front of
their class without their books. The children should
Understanding and acting out a story; Completing
act out the story as far as they can remember. The rest
sentences with one word; Understandinc location
of the class can follow in their books. When one child
forgets a line, another child from their team can come
and take their place to continue the story.
Present simple sentences and questions with'be' (Wheres

2 Look and write. Listen and check. @ 6

o Point to the pictures and ask Who\ thii? What's this? Where
is he/she/it?
109 of the Student's Book
. Point to the first picture and read out the example.
Show the children how one word has been written as an
Parts 1 & 4
. Tell the class to look at the rest of the oictures. read the
queitions and complete the answers with one word.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Move around the classroom as the children work
and help if necessary.
Warmer . Invite children to read out the ouestions and answers in
. Play a game of Bingo to warm the class up and revise parrs.
animals and colours.
o Listen to the CD to check their answers.
. Tell the children to write five animal words in their
notebooks. Call out the animal words in random order
(keep a note of the words which you have called out).
'l dog 2 boat 3 cat 4 goat 5 tree
. lf a child has the word you call out in thbir notebooks, they Transcript @ 6
can cross out that word. The first child to cross out all their 1 Nick Hi Ann. I can't find Sam. Where is he nowT
words wins the game Ann Look! He's next to the dog!
. Repeat the game using the colour words. Ann Look at that frog, Nick!
Nick Where is it?
Ann Look . . . it s there. On the boat.
. Revise prepositions of place by holding a book and a pen Nick The frogs on the boat? Really?
in different positions (with the pen in / on / under / next Ann Yes!
to / behind / in front of the book). AskWhere's the pen? Nick Theres a mouse there, Ann!
Encourage children around the class to answer Ann Where? | can't see itl
. You can playthis as a game in twoteams if you like. Nick Look it s there, next to the cat.
Ann The mouse is next to the cat? Oh dear!
1 Listen and read.Then act. @ 5 Ann Look at that bird, Nick!
. Ask children to look at the pictures in the story. AskWhat's Nick Where is it?
this? Who's this? Where is Lucy / Sam? about each picture. Ann Look... it's there. On the goat.
. Play the recording for the children to lis'ten and follow the Nick The bird's on the goat?
story in their books. Ann Yes!
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for Nick And where's Lucy?
the children to listen and repeat, flrst chorally, then Ann I can see her!
individually. Nick So where is she, then?
. Divide the class into pairs and allow the children rtme ro Ann She's in the tree.
practise acting out the story. l{ick No she isn't!
r Invite pairs of children to aci out the storv for tne crass.
Ann Yes she is! Look ... there. Shes waving!
Nick Oh yes.There she is. r
In Part 5 of the Starters Reading and Writing
Test, learners will be asked to complete a sentence with
one word. Tell the children to make sure that thev onlv
write one word answers.
UnitlLesson4 SBpaeee Optional activity
. Divide the class into two teams
lenguage practice o Write five animal or colour words on the ooar:
a nvite a child from Team A to come to the bca.: i,
r- -ais; Colours three of the animal / colour words on the board. -r- =
child ooks at you while you say the words, then tur-:
Functions ,
to the board and circles the correct words on the bc.':
Repeat with children from each team in turn, using a
. .' animals; Understanding senfences; Co ouring
:- different set of words each time,
-.-[e according to instrL]ctions
Awa.d rne noint for ear[ 6611p611y e irrled se'of wrf u,
(or one point for each correct\y circ\ed word),The rearr
r':sent simple sentences wlth'be'(Ihe with the most points wins.
dogs are yellow.) I

: -ral nouns
2 Read and colour.
. Write the words dog, duck, sheep, horse, fish, mouse on tl
board. Ask the children to say the plurals of each noun
Write the plurals on the board
. Remind the class that regular plurals take s, but irregular
plurals are different. Ask the children to say which of the
plurals on the board are regular (dogs, ducks, horses) and
which are irregular (sheep, fish, mice).
-^ ^ rrod nonril< . Point to the animals in the picture and ask What are these?
. Tell the children to take out their coloured pencils.

aarmer . Read out the sentences and ask the chl dren to ho d up
a -: Temory game to warm the class up and revise tne correct colours.
i ano colours. . Allow the children time to read the sentences ano cotour
.- -^: animal words on the board, iumb ed uo the picture in their books: Move around the classroom as
Tell the
' . : cok at the words for a minutb (or less), then te
the children work and help if necessary.

- ::s to close their eyes. . Ask individual children questions about their pictures, for
. -':i- .,',,o of the words from the board.Tellthe class to example What colour are the dogsTThe children point to
- _:-.retr eyes and say which two animals are missing the correct animals in their picture and answer
. :
=: =:: the game as many times as you like, then repeat it
The dogs - brown
. - ::n playthis
as a game in two teams if you like, asking The fish - orange
::-^ team in turn to say the missing words and awarding The mice - grey
- 30int for each correct pair
of words The horses - pink and blue
The ducks - yellow and red
rad-in The sheep - purple and green
. ::. se animals and colours by writing the animal words
- - -ne board using different coloured penci s,
In Part 4 of the Starters Reading and Writing
. --r i.rt to one of the words and ask a child What colour is it?
Test, learners will need to recognize the djfference
between singular and plural nouns. practise telling the
-' What animal is it?
difference between singular and piural nouns with your
a tr:peat with other words and
other children class.
a :u can play this as a game in two teams if you like.
What animals can you see? Circle the words. Optional activity
a -sk children to look at the picture and say what animals
. Write the slngular or plural forms of known nouns
^?y can see. on the board, one at a time. Ask the children to say
whether each noun is singular or plural (and wnetner
- cw the children time to look at the picture and circle
each plural is regular or irregular). you can play this as
:^3 correct words in their books a
game in two teams if you like.
^ rite children to read out the circled words.

:- icken, cat, goat, frog, mouse, cow

Starters practice test . Tell the children that they should listen, flnd the correct
birds, then colour them, as in the example.

Reading &Writing, Part 1

. Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
. Check answers. AskWhat colour is the bird (in the hai:
. Point to the animals in the picture in activity 1 , page 6 The bird in the hat - pink
and say true or false sentences, e.g. Ihis is a (cow / goat The bird on the sheep - yellow
/ mouse). Ask children around the class to say yes if the The bird in the tree - brown
sentence is correct and tVo if the sentence is incorrect. Ask The bird next to the cat - green
the children to correct the false sentences The bird on the kite - red

Starters tip Transcript @ 7

. Teach learners how to out ticks or crosses to indicate Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look.There is ore
whether something is true or false.This may not be the examote.
usual way for them to do this. Woman Hello. Do you like this picture, Ben?
Boy Yes - there are a lot of birds in the picture.
Look and read. Put a tick (/) or a cross (x) in the Woman Yes, can you colour them for me?
box.There are two examples. Boy OK. Look!There's a bird next to the girl Can I colour
. that bird?
Tell the children to look at the examole. Point to the
Woman Yes, OK. Colour that bird orange.
pictures anp read out the sentences. Ask the children to
Boy Orange? OK then.
say whether each sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No).
Presenter Can you see the orange bird?This is an example-
. Show the class the example tick (r'; and cross (r). Remind
Now you listen and colour.
the class that we use a tick to show that something is Woman Now look.There's a bird in a hat. Can you see it?
correct and a cross to show that som.ething is incorrect.
Boy A bird in a hat? Yes, I can.
. Tell the children to look atthe pictures, read the sentences Woman Well, colour that bird.
and decide whether each sentence is true or false, then Boy OK. Shall I colour it pink?
put a tick or a cross in the box. Woman Pink's a good colour .. yes.
. Allow the children time to comolete the test in their books. Boy And look ...there's a bird on that sheep there.
. Check answers by reading outthe sentences.and asking Woman On the sheep? Oh yes, that's right. Can you colour
children around the class to say Yes or iVo. that bird yellow?
. Ask children to correct the false sentences. Boy Yellow? OK... shall I do that now?
Woman Yes, please.
Woman Now, there's a bird in the tree too. Can you see it?
1r' 2r' 3r 4* 5x Boy A bird in the tree? Oh yes ... there it is.
Woman That's right. Well can you colour that one brown?
Listening, Part 4 Boy OK . . .l'm colouring it brown now.
Woman That's very good.
Boy Can you see the bird next to the cat?
. Revise prepositions of place by placing two small objects Woman A bird next to a catl Oh dear
two pens, two pencils, two rubbers) in two different
Boy Yes ...can you see it?
positions, / on / next to / behind / infrontof / Woman Yes, I can.
under a larger object, such as a bag, box or pencil case. Boy Can I colour it green please?
. lnvite children to find the correct small object. Say Find the Woman Green? OK then.
pen (next to) the (box). Boy I like that. lt's a nice colour.
Boy Look at that boy. Hes got a kite and there's a bird
Starters tip on rt.
. In Starters Listening Part 4, teach learners to look at Woman A bird on a kite?
the picture and to notice which thing appears several Boy Yes, look ... there!
times (in this case, the bird).They should think about Woman Oh yes ... well, colour it red for me.
where each of these things are in the picture and the Boy Red? OK.... l'm doing it now.
prepositions that will help them to find the correct items. lilfoman That's a really nice picture now!
Boy Thankyou!
Listen and colour. There is one example. @ 7
. Ask children to look at the picture. AskWhats this? Who's
this? Where is this bird? about the items in the picture.
. Tell the children to take out their coloured pencils. Say
Show me (red).The children hold up the correct colours.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
track while the childr-en look at the example in their books.
1 . Act out a few example exchanges with children around
the class, then allow the children to work in pairs. Move
around the class as children ask and answer and monitor
their performance.
. Check answers by inviting pairs of children to ask and
answer and point to the items in the picture.

1 window 2 wall i mirror 4 picture j bookcase

6 door 7 television I lamp 9 sofa l0 table
11 mat 12 armchair

2 Look at the picture. Complete the words and

write the numbers.
. Point to the example. Show the class how the missino
letters have been filled in to complete the word television.
Ask the class to find the television in Activity 1, and say the
number (7).Teltthe class to write the number in the box.
. Allow the class time to complete the activity in their
books.Tellthem to make sure they spellthe woros
correctly. Move around the class as the children work and
help if necessary.
. Check answers by asking children around the class to soell
out the words and say the correct numbers. Write their
answers on the board for the rEst of the class to check.
. Play a memory game to warm the class up and revise the
words from Unit 1. television 7, picture 4, mat 1 1, window 1, sofa 9, lamp g,
. armchair 12, door 6, table 10, bookcase 5, wall 2, mirror 3
Ask children to tell you what colours they can rememoer
from the previous unit. Write the colourithey say on the
. 'Tell the class to look at the words for one
minute, tnen
close their eyes. Erase two or three of the words from the
. Tell the class to open their eyes and say which woros are Optional activity
missing. You can repeat the game a few times, erasinq . Divide the class into two teams. Write one of the woros
different words each time. from the lesson on the board with one spelling mistake
o Repeat with the animal words from Unit 1. (e.9. bokcase/tellevision / miror). Ask children from
team in turn to come to the board and correct the word,
by writing it conectly under the incorrectly spett word.
. Ask the class to say what words they can remember to . Award one point for each correctly spelt word. The
describe a house. Ask them to think about rooms ano
team with the most points wins.
furniture. Write their suggestions for,rooms on one side of
the board and their suggestions for furniture on tne other
side of the board. 3 Draw and colour a picture of your tiving room.
. Ask questions to children around the class. Say What,s in
Talk about it.
the (bedroom)? Where3 the (bath)? Encourage children to . Hand out sheets of paper to the children. Explain that they
answer, using the words on the board. should draw and colour a picture of their livinq roo.m at
1 Ask, point and say. . Allow the children time to complete their pictures. ,
. Ask children to look at the picture. . Ask children questions about their pictures, for example:
. Read out the speech bubbles, then read out the words in Whots this? Is this the television? Where3 the sofa? Which is
the wordpool and ask the children to point to rne correct the ormchair? What colour is the lamp? to encouraqe the
items in the picture. children to talk about their pictures
. Point to the items in the picture and ask the children to . Invite children to talk about their picture for the class.
say the correct words
Untt 2 Lesson 2 box - in front of the door
computer - on the desk, under the window
Listening & speaking radio - behind the doot on the floor
clock - between the window and the door
cupboard - on the wall next to the picture
cat - under the bed

Transcript @ 8
l{irk Look Ann!This is Sam's ioom. Wheres the box?
Ann lt's in front of the door.
Nick In front of the door?
Ann Yes.
Nick And theres a comouter on Sam's desk.
Ann Where?
Nick On Sam's desk. . . under the window.

Ann Oh, OK.

Ann But where's Sam's radio?
]{ick Oh, its behind the door.
Ann Pardon?
Nick lt's behind the door.
Ann Really? On the floor?
Nick Yes, thats right. On the floor, behind the door.
Ann Oh, OK then.
Nick There's a clock between the Window,and the door
Ann Between what, sorry?
Nid< Between the window ... and the door?
Ann Oh yes, there is!
Warmer tlid And ... on the wall next to the picture, there's a
. Play a game of Hangman to warm the class up and revise cuoboard.
the words from the previous lesson (see page 7). Ann Really? And is there a lamp under it?
Nid Er...yes, there is!
Lead-in Ann OK.
. Revise prepositions of place by holding a pen and two t'lid And look!Theres Sam's cat, Chippyl
books in different positions (with the pen in front of / Ann Where is it, Nick?
under / behind
a book or between two books). AskWhere\ Nick Under the bed.
the pdn? Encourage children around the class to answer Ann Where?
Nick Look . .. under the bed.
1 Where's Sam's cat? Look and write. Ann Oh yes! | can see it.
. Ask children to look at the oictures and ooint to Sams cat Ann lt's a very nice bedroom!
in each one. Nick Yes it is!
. Read out the words in the wordoool. Tell the children to
In Part 4 of the Starters Listening Test,
look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the
learners are asked to colour things in a picture. However,
words in the word pool.
they are not being tested on their ability to colour well.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity.
lf they have used the correct colour on the correct items,
. Check answers by asking Where's Sam's cat? about they will get a mark. Remind your class not to worry too
each picture.The children answer by reading out their much about colouring, but to concentrate on using the
comoleted sentences. correct colour on the correct item.

I in front of 2 under 3 behind 4 between 3 Do the speaking activity.

2 Listen and draw these things in the picture. @ 8
. You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair of
children, cut in half.
o Point to the main picture and ask What roomis rhrsi Point
to the small pictures and ask Whaft this?
. Put the children into pairs, A and B, and give each child the
relevant part of the worksheet. Tell the children to choose
. Tell the children to listen and diaw the items in the correct
colours and colour in the objects in their bedroom picture.
places in Sam's room.
. . Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
Playthe track, pausing for the children to draw the correct
example dialogue.
items in the correct olaces.
. . Children take turns to ask about the small objects [elow
Play the track again for the children to listen and check
their pictures.They should find out where each one is and
their answers.
what colour it is.
Unit 2 Lesson 3 jB,paser4

. Dlvide the class into two teams. Tell Team A to practise

Story & listening and try to remember Mum's lines and tellTeam B to
practise and trv to remember Sam's lines.
Allow the class time to try to memorize the lines of the
Invite a child from each team to come to the front of
their class without their books. The children should
-r-,derstanding and acting out a story; Completing act out the story as far as they can remember. rhe rest
sa p pe d
rd,sJ qlq!1 s *q$ e l_Q ptgluies of the class can follow in their books. When one child
forgets a line, another child from their team can come
and take their place to continue rhe story.
r':sent simple sentences and question s wtrh'be' (Where\
I ls it ...?, /13. .),. Prepositions of place
2 Look and complete the words. Listen and draw
lines. @ tO
a Point to the pictures and ask Whatsthis?/Whatarethey?
a Tell the class to look at the pictures and complete the
words with the missing letters.
: Check answers by asking children to spell the words for
='Jing and Writing Part 3, Listening Parts 1& 4
tRe ctass.
Play the recording for the children to listen and draw lines
to n atch the objects ro the correcL places.
. Check answers by asking Where's the / Where are the
? ?

flarmer and inviting children around the class to answer, using /n

the ...
. I :.v' a game of Pidionary lo warm the class up and revise
--'riture and household items.
. L ide the class into two teams. 1 flowers < garden
. I -3w a picture of an item of furniture 2 picture d kitchen
or a household item
3 desk a dining room
:- ihe board, or invlte children from.each team in turn
4 radio b living room
.: :ome to the board and draw pictures for the rest of
,-= class. Tell the class to try to guess the word before the Transcript @ lO
: ::ure is finished. 1 lucy This is my house
. '--e first team to guess the correct word wins a point Nick Are there trees in the garden?
Lucy Yes, there are some trees, and there are some flowers
Lead-in too.
. ::, prepositions of place by asking questions about
se Nick That's nice. I like flowers.
-= cicture in Activity
2, page 13. Ask Where's the (clock)? ls lucy Yes, we've got a nice garden
-- : :omputer)
under the deskl Encourage children around 2 Lucy And look, theres a nice picture in the kitchen.
:-= :lass to look at the plcture and answer Nick Where's the picture?
' :, .an play this as a game in two teams if you Jike. Lucy In the k,tchen.
Nick Oh...OK
'l Usten and read. Then act.
@9 3 Nick ls there a desk in the living room?
o --:r ;f ilf psn to look at the pictures in the story. AskWhat's Lucy In the living room, Er .. no, there isn't
-- :: ,Uho'sthis?Where isSam? about each picture Nick So where's the desk?
:he recording for the children to listen and follow the 'Lucy 1t's in the dining room.
. in their books. Nick There's a desk in the dining room, then?
:he recording again, pausing after each line for Lucy Yes, that's right.
:hildren to listen and repeat, first chorally, then 4 Nick ls there a radio in your house?
.;dually. Lucy Yes, there's one in the living room.
. I . le the class into pairs and allow the children time to Nick There's a radio in the living room?
Lucy Yes, there
: -:::ise acting out the stQry. is.

. - . -: pairs of chlldren to act out the story for the class.

location lt doesn't matter if the line cuts through objects

in the picture The lmportant thing is for the line to be
clea r.
Unit 2 Lesson 4

Language practice 3 chair

5 window
8 lamp
l0 desk
12 mouse

1 duck
2 radio
4 picture
6 door
7 wall
9 mat
1l Sam

Optional activity
Warmer . Divide the class into oairs.
. a
Play game. of Bingoto warm the class up and revise the r Tell the children to make a crossword for their oartner-
words f6r furniture and household items. They should draw a grid and picture clues.
. Tell the children to write five furniture / household . . You can set a limit for the number of clues if you like.
item words in their notebooks. Call out the furniture,/ . Tell the children to count the number of squares for
household item words in random.order (keep a note of each word carefully before they give their crossword to
the words which you have called out). their partner.
. lf a child has the word you call out in their notebooks. thev . The children then complete each others crossworos.
can cross out that word. The first child to cross out all theii
words wins the game. Optional activity
Lead-in . Play a memory game with the furniture / household
. Revise animals and furniture / household item
item words.
a sorting game.
by playing
. Say ln my living room, there's a sofa.

. Draw a table on the board with two headings: Furniture

. Encourage a child to add another item to the list, e.q. /n
/ my living room, there's a sofa and a television.
. Say an animal or
furniture word from Units I and 2 to a
. Continue around the class, with each child addinq an
'child and tell the child to say the correct word (furniture item to the list.
anima| or point to the correct column in the table. Write . lf a child forgets an item in the list, he or she is out of
the words in the correct column (or ask children to write the game.The last child to remain in the qame is the
the words in a more confident class). wtnner.
o You can playthis as a game in twoteams ifyou like. . When the list becomes too long for children to
remember, start a new list about a different room.
In Part 3 of the Starters Reading and Writing
Test, learners should count the number of letters tnev
Optional activity
need to write for their answers. Tell the class to count the
number of squares for each word in the crossword to help
. Divide the class into pairs. Tell the children to write five
rooms and five items of furniture / household items in
them flnd the answers and write the words in the qrid
their notebooks, in two columns.
r Tell the children to ask and answer in pairs to flnd out
which rooms each item is in in their partner,s nouse:
1 Complete the crossword.
A ls there a sofa in your living room?
. Ask children to look at the pictures and say what animals
/ B Yes, there is. Are there trees in your garden?
household items / items of furniture / characters thev can . The children draw lines to match the items to the
see. Ask What's/Who,s fhrsZabout each picture.
rooms and circle any items which their partner does
. Allow the children time to look at the pictures and not have in their house.
complete the crossword in their books.
. Copy the crossword grid onto the board. Invite children to
come to the board and flll in the words in the crossworo.
practice test . Tell the children to take out their coloured oencils.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
ng &Writing, Part 2 track while the children look at the example in their books.
. Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
balls, then colour them, as in the example.
to items around the classroom and sav true or false . Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
fnces, e.g. There's a radio on the bookcase.There ore . Check answers. AskWhat colour is the ball (in the tree)?
books on my desk.There's a computer in front of the
. Ask children around the class to sav Yes if the

is correct and tVo if the sentence is incorrect. The ball next to the ducks - brown
The ball behind the girl - yellow
In Part 2 of the Starters Reading and Writing The ball in front of the door - green
teach learners to read the sentences carefullv and The ball on the wall between the horses - orange
that all parts of the sentence are true. lf all parts of The ball on the sofa - pink
are true, they should ansWeryes. lf any part
sentence is incorrect, they should answer no. Transcript @ tt
Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look.There is one
and read.Writeyes or no. Man That's a nice oicture!
the children to look at the example sentences. Point to Gid Yes, look... theret a boy in the house. He's waving at
picture and read out the sentences. Ask the children the girl. And there are lots of balls in the picture!
say Vvhether each sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No). Man Yes ... there's a ball in the tree.
the class the example answers 'Gitl A ball? Where?
the children to look at the pictures, read the sentences Man Look ... under the cat.
decide whether each sentence is correct or incorrect. Girl Can I colour it red?
wtite yes ot no. Man Yes, red's a good colour for a ball!
the children time to comolete the test in their Presenter Can you see the red ball?This is an example.
Now you listen and colour.
Man Now then.... Can you see the duck?
answers by reading out the sentences and asking
Girl Yes ... there are three ducks.
around the class to sav )'es or No.
Man That s right and there's a ball next to them.
children around the class to correct the false
Gid A ball next to them? ...Oh yes.
Man Can you colour it brown, please?
I Girl Brown. OK ... there!
2yes 3yes 4no 5yes ilan And look!There's a ball behind the girl.
Gid Behind the girl? Oh yes. lcan see it Shall I colour it
Part 4 yellow?
ilanYes, colour that ball yellow.
Gid OKthen.
Revise prepositions of place by drawing six simple Gid Oh looklTheres a ball in front of the door.
pictures on the board, showing a ball in / on / under / in Man Where is it?
fiont ofl behind a bbx and a ball between two boxes. Giil In front of the door. Can I colour that one green?
fuk questions to children around the class, for example: Man Yes, OK. Green's a nice colour.
Where is / Can you find the ball (under) rhe box?The child Man Now ... can you see the horses?
points to the correct picture on the board. Gid Er... Yes. There's a ball on the wall between them.
Repeat with other children around the class. Alternatively, Man That s right. Well, colour that ball orange.
you can play this as a game in two teams. Gid Orange?
Man Yes olease.
In Starters Listening Part 4, remind learners .5 Man And theres a ball in the living room. Can you see it?
that there are seven objects that are all the same in the Giil No, where's that ball?
picture. For example, in this test, there are seven balls. One Man Look, it s there ... on the sofa
ball is already coloured in as an example, and they will Girl Oh yes.
need to colour flve of the other balls. One of the balls is Man Colour it pink, please.
not mentioned in the recordinq and thev will not need to Gid Pink? OK.
colour it. Man Well done!That's a really nice picture now!

and colour.There is one example. @ t"t

Ask children to look at the picture . AskWhat's this? Where is
this ball? about the items in the oicture.
Lesson 1 Sam's family: (left to right) Sam, Sam's mother, Sam's
father, the baby, Sam's sister, 5am's cat
Words Lucy's family: (left to right) Lucy's father,. Lucy, Lucy's
mother, Lucy's brother, Lucy's dog, Lucy's grandmother,
Lucy's grandfather

2 Ask and answer about Sam's family and Lucy's

' Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
out the speech bubbles. Explain that the characters are
talking about the photos in Activity"l.
. Act out a few examp\es w\th chi\dren around the c\ass.
Point to people in the pictures and ask Who's that?
. Ask the children to work together in pairs. Move around
the class as the children ask and answer, and monitor their
. lnvite pairs of children to act out a few exchan.o. fnr thc

There are almost always questions about

Warmer family members in the StartersTests. lt is therefore
important that learners are confldent about using words
. Play Odd One Out to warm the class up and revise the
for familv members.
words from Units 1 and 2.
. Write three Furniture words and one Animal word in a line
Optionaf activity
on the board, in any order. For example, cupboard, sofa,
sheep, bookcase.
. Tell the children to draw a picture of their own family.

. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why.
. The children can then work in pairs, asking and
answering questions about their pictures, as in
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words (using
Activity 2. For example:
Animal, Furniture, Colour and Number words).
'You can play this as a game in two teams if you like. A Who's that?
. B That's mv father.

. Ask the class to say what words they can remember for
family members. Write.their suggestions on the board.
. Draw a simple family tree (with spaces for grandmother,
grandfather, mother, father, brother and s6ter) on the board.
Ask children to come to the board and help you complete
the family tree by writing the family words in the correct

1 Look at the pictures and draw.lines.

. Ask children to look at the Dictures. Explain that these are
pictures of Sam and Lucy's families.
. Read out the words at the side of each picture. Ask the
children to point to the correct people.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Move around the class as children work and helo if
. Check answers by inviting children to point to the people
in the pictures and say who each one is, for example Ihis rs
(Lucy's mother).
Invite pairs of children to act out the dialogue for the class.
3 Lesson 2 a

o Write the word dogs on the board.Tell thg class to make a

& listening new dialogue about Lucy and practise it in pairs.

Invite pairs of children to act out the new dialogue
A How many dogs has Lucy got?
B Shes got one.
A Whats his name?
B His name's Bouncer.
story;Asking and
In the Starters Tests, learners will often be
for specific
asked to talk about their families and answer questions
about how many brothers / sisters they've got, what their
family members'names are and how old the members of
their families are. Practise asking and answering about this
kind of information with your class.

3 Listen and write a name or a number. @ tg

a Show the class the gapped sentences and explain that they
-1 I O of the Student's Book need to complete each gap with a number or a name.
Before you play the track, tell the children that they will
usually hear the numbers mentioned twice and that the
Part 5 names will always be spelt out for them.
. Tell the children that they will hear the recording twice.
They should try to write all the answers when they listen
for the flrst time, then check their answers when they
listen for the second time.
. Play the track twice for the children to complete the activity
. Ask children to say the completed sentences.
of Bingo!to warm the class up and revise the
forfamily members.
children to write five words for family members I two 2 Jill 3 12 4 Kim 5 Chippy
notebooks. Call out the fantily words in random
Transcript @ tl
a note of the words which you have called
Boy Has Sam got a brother?
Giil No, he hasn't.
has the word you call out in their notebook, they Boy No brothers? Oh!
out that word. The first child to cross out all their Girl But hes got two sisters.
wins the game. Boy How many?
Girl Two.
Girl Yes ... theres Jill.
sive pronouns by asking questions to
Boy How do you spell Jill?
around the class. AskWhat's my / your / his / her
Girl .J-l-double L
Encourage children around the class to answer
Boy And how old is she?
fuf f sentences (Your / My / His / Her name is . . .).
Girl She's twelve.
play this as a game in two teams if you like Boy Twelve?
Giil Yes.
and read.Then act. @ lZ Girl And then theres Kim
ren to look at the pictures in the story. AskWhat's
.Boy How do you spell Kim?
thlsZ about each picture. Girl Oh, that's K-l-M.
track for the children to listen and follow the story Boy Thanks.
books. Boy And how old is she?
track again, pausing after each line for the Giil Oh, shes a baby!
to listen and repeat, flrst chorally, then Boy A baby?
Giil Yes.
the class into pairs and allow the children time to Boy Oh!
acting out the story Girl But Sams got a cat.
pairs of children to act out the story for the class. Boy Oh. What s the cat's name?
Girl lt's Chippy.
answer about Lucy. Boy That's a funny name! How do you spell it?
out the grainmar characters'speech bubbles. Gid C-H-l- double P- Y
Boy I like cats!
the dialogue with a couple of children, then allow
2 Look at the pictures and circle the words.
Unit 3 Lesson 3
Look at the pictures and tell the children to chpose the
correct word from the box below each one, as in the
Reading and speaking
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Move around the class as children work and help if
Check answers by inviting children to point to the pictures
and say the correct words. You may wish to model the
correct pronunciation.

1 big 2 sad 3 old 4 small 5 happy 6 young

7 funny

the Starters Listening Test, learners will

hear or read adjectives to describe people in pictures' lt
will also be useful for them to be able to use adjectives
to qive extra information about their family and
the Speaking Test. Practise using adjectives with your
to help them to become familiar and confldent with a
variety of adjectives.

3 Draw pictures of two of your friends. Talk about

your pictures.
Warmer . Point to the picture and read out the speech bubble. Ask
' Invite pairs of children to act out the story from the the children to say who is close to us in the picture (Iony)
orevious lesson in front of the class. and who is far away (Jil/).

. Hand out a sheet of paper to each chi\d and tellthe
children to draw a picture of two of their friends.
. Introduce a few children to the class. Say Ihis is (childs
. Tell the chi/dren to think about how old their friends are,
name). Hes/Shes (childs age).
how close they are to them in the picture and which
. Encourage children around the class t0 introduce thelr
adjective best describes each friend.
partners to the class in the same way.
. Invite children to tell the class about their picture.
1 Lookand read.
. Pbint to the picture of Nick and Ann, then point to the Children's own answers
picture of the grammar characters and read out the
soeech bubbles. Optional activity
. Remind the children that we use Ihis to talk about people . Tell the children to talk about their pictures with a
or things which are close to us and lhat to talk about partner, then swap pictures and tell the class about
people or things which are far away. their partner's picture, e.g.This is Emma. Shes John's
Act out the dialogue with a couple of children, then allow friend. She's ten and she's funnv.
the children to practise the dialogue in pairs.
Invite pairs of children to act out the dialogue for the class

Optional activity
. Divide the class into oairs.
. Tell the class to think about two other children in the
class and make a dialogue about them, like the one ln
Activity 1.Tell the children to think about whose friend
the child is and how old he/she is.Tellthem to use Ihls
if the child is close to them and lhot if the child is far
. Allow the children time to practise their dialogues
in pairs, then invite pairs of children to act out their
dialooues for the class.
4 I How many of each thing can you find? Write your
. Ask children to look at the picture and say what animals
/ household items / items of furniture / people they can
see. Ask What/Who's rhrsTabout various items in the
. Read out the words below the picture. Remind the
class that these are plural nouns. Ask the class to say the
I singular form of each noun.

. Read out the numbers at the top of the picture.Tell the
children to look very carefully at the picture and count the
I different items, then write the correct numbers.
. Allow the children time to look at the oicture ano
complete the activity in their books.
. Check answers by asking How mony (clocks) arethere?ro
children around the class.

two clocks, eight fish, four boys, six houses, thirteen

windows, ten doors, seven trees, three horses, five goats,
4 twelve mice, eleven girls, nine babies

Optional activity
. Play a memory game.
. Tell the class to look at the picture for one minute, then
close their books.
. Ask How many (horses) are there? tochildren around
table with two columns on the board. Draw a stick
a the class. The children try to answer from memory. lf
man at the top of the first column and a stick figure they answer correctly, they ian stay in the game. lf they
at the top of the second column answer incorrectly, they are out of the game. The last
child to come to the board. Say a family member child left in the game is the winner.
and ask the child to point to the correct column
write the words in the correct column, if the child is 2 Do the speaking activity.
enough). Write the words in the correct column . You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair, cut in
board. half.
with other family words and other children. o Put the children into pairs and give one half to each child.
y, you can play this as a game in two teams. o Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
example exchange.

numbers by playing a game of Bingo!with the

. The children ask questions to complete the missing
information on their worksheet, and answer their oartner's
Tellthe children to write six or eight numbers in their
rntebooks. Call out the numbers 1-20 in random oroer
. Remind them to soell out each name.

fteep a note of the numbers which you have called out).

. Act out a few example exchanges with children around
a child has the number you call out in their notebooks,
the class, then allow the children to carry out the activity
in pairs. Move around the classroom as the children work
can cross out that number. The first child to cross out
dl their numbers wins the qame. and help if necessary.
. Invite some pairs of children to act out exchanges in front
In several parts ofthe StartersTests, ofthe class.
s will need to look carefully at scene pictures and
about what they can see. The following activity is
to help learners practise observing detail in busy
Starters practice test Listen and draw lines.There is one example. @ t+
. Ask children to look at the picture . AskWha.* rhls? about
Reading &Writing, Part 5 the items in and around the oicture.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
Starters tip recording while the children look at the example in their
. Teach learners to distinguish between question words. books.
For example What's / Who\ on the sofa? or Where3 the . . Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
sofa? Learners often misread these in Part 5 of the items outside the big picture, then draw lines to the
Starters Reading and Writing Test. correct places in the big picture, as in the example.
. Play the recording twice for the children to complete the
Lead-in test.
. Ask questions about people or objects in the classroom. . Check the answers as a class. AskWhere is (the frog)?
For example: Who's next to (John)? Where is (my bag)?
Wha* (in front of ) (the window)? Ask children around the
Thefrog is in the bath
class to answer.
The clock is between the mirror and the window
The phone is next to the tree
Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write
The duck is under the cupboard
one-word answers.
The radio is in front of the chair
. Tell the children to look at the examole ouestions. Point to
the pictu6e and read out the questions. Ask the children to Transcript @ tS
give one word answers. Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look.There is one
. Show the class the example answers. eiample.
. Tell the children to look at the pictures, read the questions Woman Can you see Sue? She's in the bathroom! Can you
and complete the answers with one word. put the cow on the mat?
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their Boy Put the cow where?
Woman There, on the mat please.
. Check answers by reading out the questions and asking
Boy Oh, OK.
Presenter Can you see the line?This is an example. Now
children around the class to answer.
you listen and draw lines.
I Boy Sues got a nice green frog!
1 sister 2 picture 3 behind 4 bedroom 5 father Woman Yes. Can you put it in the bath?
Boy Where shall I put the frog?
Optional activity Woman In the bath, please.
. Ask more questions about the pictures. For example: Boy OK.
(Living room) Where is the girl? What's on the table? 2 Woman Good! Now can you put the clock between the
. Where is the book? Who's next to the girl? What colour is mirror and the window?
the armchair? (Bedroom) How many goldfish ore there? Boy Between the mirror and the window?
What's on the wall? Where is the doll? Who's next to the Woman Yes, thats right.
bed? Boy OK then. l'm putting the clock there!
. Ask children around the class to look at the picture and 3 Woman Good. Now put the phone next to the tree.
answer. Boy Sorry? Put the phone where?
Woman Next to the tree, please.
Boy OK. I can do that.
Listening, Part 1 4 Boy Thats a nice yellow duck!
Woman Yes, it is. Do you want to put it under the
. Revise prepositions of place and prepare the class for the
Boy Underthecupboard?
listening test by drawing a box and d ball on the board. 'Woman Yes. Put the duck there.
lnvite a chlld to come to the board. Say Put the ball (in)
5 Woman Great. Now, Sues got a radio. Can you put it in
the box.Tell the child to draw a line from the ball to the
front of the chair?
correct place.
Boy Where? In front of the chair?
. Repeat with other children, practising the prepositions Woman Yes, put it there.
in, on, under, in front of, behind, between (two boxes). Boy OK, l'm putting the radio there!
Alternatively, you can play this as a game in two teams.

In Starters Listening Part l,learners will hear

the word for an object outside the big picture first. Teach
learners to identifiT the object. They can point to it with
their finger or pencil while listening for the place they
must draw the line to in the picture.
. Check answers by pointing to the items in the picture and
asking the children to say, then spell, the words.

1 abanana 2 anorange 3 apineapple

4 awatermelon 5 amango 6 lemons 7 pears
8 grapes 9 limes 10 an apple

Optional activity
. Slowly write the letters for one of the words from
Activity I on the board, pausing after each letter.The
children try to guess the word before you have written
the whole word. When a child guesses the word
correctly, they should spell the rest of the word for
you to complete it on the board. You can play this as a
game in two teams if you like.

2 Ask, point and say.

o Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
out the example exchange.
. Ask children around the class about some of the other
items in the picture in Activity 1, as in the example.
Encourage the children to point to the correct fruit and
a memory game to warm the class up and revise the
words from Unit 3.
. Remind the class to think abo'ut whether the nouns are
the family words on the board.Tellthe class to look
singular or plural, and whether the singular nouns begin
words for one minute (or less), then close their eyes.
with a vowel or a consonant.
two or three words from the board. Tell the children . Children ask and answer about the fruit in pairs. Invite
their eyes and say which words are missing.
some pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the
the game, erasing different words each time. You class.
play this as a game in two teams if you like.

the class to say what words they can remember for

Write their suggestions on the board.
ind the class that we use a before a singular noun
ng with a consonant and an before a singular
beginning with a vowel
to the words on the board and ask children around
class to say a or an.

Remind the class that, in Part 3 of the

Reading and Writing Test, they should count the
of letters they need to write for their answers.
should check that thev have written the correct
of letters for their answer (one letter on each line).

lEomplete the words.

children to look at the picture. Read out the speech
Read out the words in the box and ask the children to
point to the correct items in the picture.
bint to the items in the picture and ask the children to
say the correct words.
Alow the children time to complete the activity in their
Tell them to copy the words exactly and check that
Copy the crossword grid onto the board. Invite children to
Unit 4 Lesson 2 come to the board and fill in the words in the crossword
Ask children around the class to say the words in the box
Words &writing witha/an/some.

2 rice
3 potato
5 coconut
7 tomato

1 bread
3 peas
4 onion
5 carrot
6 beans
Optional activity
. Divide the class into pairs.
. Tell the children to make a food crossword for their
i:artner.They should draw a grid and picture clues.
. You can set a limit for the number of clues if you like'
. Tell the children to count the number of squares for
Warmer each word carefully before they give their crossword to
. Play Hangman with the food words from the previous their partner.
tesson. . The children then complete each other's crosswords.
. Divide the class into two teams. Draw a line for each letter
in your chosen word on the board. 2 Look and write.
. Invite children from each team in turn to guess one of the . Ask children to look at the pictures and say what foods
missing letters. lf the team correctly guesses a missing they can see. Ask What this? / What are these? about each
letter, write the letter on the correct line(s) on the board. Dicture.
lf the team guesses a letter which is not in the word, draw
. Read out the example question and answer.Tell the class
the flrst part of a simple picture (a flower with flve petals, a
that when we want to accept an offer, we say Yes, please and
. stem and two leaves / a house with three windows, a door
when we want to refuse an offer, we say tVo, thanks. Write
and a chimney).
these phrases on the board. Practise making and accepting
. lf a team guesses the word before you have completed or refusing offers by asking children around the class Would
the picture, award them one point. lf not, continue the you tike (an apple / on onion / some peas)? Encourage the
game with another word.
children to accept or refuse according to their likes / disliker

In the Starters Test, learners will need to be

. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
able to recognize singular and plural nouns and use the book. Move around the class as children work and help if
appropriate articles. Help learners to practise using o and necessary.
an with singular nouns and some with plural nouns. . Check answers by inviting children to ask and answer the
questions in pairs.

. Draw a table with three columns on the board. Write 4 an 1 Would you like, Yes, please 2 you like, No, thank you.
and some at the too of the columns. 3 Would, like, potato, Yes, please. 4 Would you like,
. Write a singular or plural noun from the previous lesson onion, No, thank, you
on the board. Invite a child to come to the board and
Optional activity
copy the word into the correct column.
. . Tell the children to think of a food they like and a food
Repeat with other words and other children. You can
they don't like, then tell their partner. They should then
play this as a game in two teams if you like, awarding one
act out a dialogue making, accepting and refusing
point for each correctly copied word.
offers of food:
1 Look at this food. Complete the crossword. A Would you like some (rice)?
. Ask children to look at the pictures and say what foods
B Yes, please.
A Would you like some (carrox)?
they can see. Ask What this? / What are these? about each
B No,thanks.
. o Invite pairs of children to act out their dialogues for the
Allow the children time to look at the pictures and
In Part 5 ofthe Starters Speaking Test,
learners will be asked to talk about themselves and will
& listening often be asked about their routine, likes and dislikes.
Encourage your class to talk about themselves as much as
possible and to personalize any new language they learn.

Optional activity
. Ask the class to work in pairs and use their answers
-.derstanding and acting out a story; Asking and
from Activity 2 to make a story like the one in Activity l.
'^swering about food and meals; Listening for specific Tell them that the child playing Lucy can say Sam,s
mum's line from the story.
. Remind the children to replace the names and foods in
the story with their own names and food preferences.
--est ons and sentences wlth the present simple (What
,, /ou eat for breakfast? | lrke . .)
3 Lucy's mum is at a shop. Listen and circle the
things shebuys. @16
::e the wordillt o! pqg,e I 1 0 of the Student,s Book
o Point to the pictures and ask the class to name .ihe roods.
AskWha* this? / What are these? about each picure
. Te\\ the class that they w\\\ hear Lucy's mum ta\ktng to a
rt5 .shop assistant. Explain that the children might hear ali
of the food items mentioned in the recording, but they
should only circle the items which Lucys mum Duys
. Tell the children that they will hear the recording twice
They should try to circle all the correct pictures when they
listen for the first time, then check their answers when
they listen for the second time.
. : ey a game of Bingolto warm the class up and revise the . Play the recording twice for the children to complete the
.,,:.ds for foods.
. -= :le children to write six or eight words for food in their .
-,::=:coks. Call out the food words in Check answers by asking Does Lucy's mum buy (chicken)?
random order (keeo and inviting children around the class to answer yes or No.
: -':-e of the words which you have called out).
. - :hild has the word you
= call out in their notebooks, thev
cross out that word. The first child to cross out all theii Circled items: sausages, burgers, rice, watermelon,
=^ pineapple, onions, breao
. ,,.:rds wins the game.

Lrad-in Transuipt @16

. :s< the class about their favourite
things. Say What,s your
Shopassistant Good morning Mrs Hall. How are you?
-;, curite day / animal MrsHall Oh ... great thanksl
/ colour / food? Encou raqe ch ild ren
Shop assistant And what would you like today?
'':und the class to answer, using full sentences, e.e Mv
-;icurite (colou0 is (blue). Mrs Hall l'd like some sausages please, and some burgers.
Shop assistant And would you like a nice chicken, or some fish?

I Usten and read. Then act. @ 15 Mrs Hall Er... no thank you. Not today. But can I have some
. :erind the class of the words for
meals (breakfast, lunch,
rice, please?
:':er). Ask the class What meal do we eat in the morntnq / Shop assistant Yes... here you are.
Mrs Hall Thank you ... now... some fruit. Have you got
-:.noon / evening? watermelon?

- !:< ihe children to look

at the pictures in the story. Ask
Shopassistant Yes, here it is.
r, - tt's this? Who's this? What meal isrhrsi
about each picture. MrsHall Thanks. And t'd like a pineapple, please
- )e, the track for the children
to listen and follow the story. Shop assistant OK And would you like some pears?
- :'e.. the track
again, pausing after each line for the children Mrs Hall No thanks. The children don,t like them.
:: sten and repeat, first chorally, then individuarry. Shopassistant Oh, I see.
. l','de the class into groups of three and allow the Mr Hall Have you got onions? I can,t see them.
:- f ren time to practise acting out the story. Shopassistant Yes, they're here.
. n..:e groups of children to act out the story for the
Mrs Hall Can I have some, please.
Shop assistant Yes, of course.
I ltite answers to the questions. Ask and answer. Mrs Hall Oh thanks ... and one more thing. Can I have some
- -€:J outthe questions and tell the children tothink bread please?
r'rJt themselves and what their favourite meal is.
Shopassistant Yes, brown or white?
o r, ,3,',, the class time to write their answers in their books. Mrs Hall Brown, please.
:'.':: pairs of children to ask and answer the Shopassistant Here vou are.
to put their hands up when they have found all ten
Unit 4 Lesson 4 differences.
. lnvite children around the class to talk about the
Language practice differences between the two pictures.

In Picture 1, there's a lemon on the floor next to mum's

chair. In Picture 2, there's a mango on the floor next to
mum3 chair.
I location; Spottlng In Picture 1, Sam is eating a burger and beans. In Picture 2,
two slmilar plctures; ComPleting a he's eating a burger and Peas.
In Picture 1, Jill is eating chicken and carrotS. In Picture 2,
she's eating chicken and Potatoes'
In Picture 1, there are some apples on the table' In Picture
2, there are some oranges on the table.
In Picture 1, there's a tree outside the window. In Picture 2,
there isn't a tree.
In Picture 1, Dad is eating sausages and carrots. In Picture
2, he's just eating sausages.
In Picture 1, there is some bread on the table. In Picture 2,
there is some rice on the table.
In Picture 1, there's a mirror on the wall' In Picture 2,
there's a clock on the wall.
In Picture 1, the baby is eating watermelon. In Picture 2,
the baby is eating a Pear.
In Picture 1, the cat is next to Jill. In Picture 2, the cat is
next to Dad.

Optional activity
. . Play a memory game. r
Invite pairs of children to act out the story from the
previous lesson in front of the class.
. Tell the class to look at the pictures in Activity I for one
minute, then close their books.
Lead-in . Ask questions about the two pictures, e.g.What\ next
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One to Sam\ chair? Whats Jilleating in picture / / to children
Out. around the class. The children try to answer from
. Write three food words and one furniture word in a line on memory. lf they answer correctly, they can stay in the
' the board (in any order). For example pineapple, cupboard, game. lf they answer incorrectly, they are out of the
game. The last chlld left in the game is the winner.
watermelon, potato.
. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why.
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words (using 2 Do the speaking activ:ty.
food, animal, furniture, colour and number words). a The children play in groups of four. You will need two
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like. copies of the worksheet per 9roup, cut up so that there
are two cards for each item of food. Make sure there is
In several oarts of the StartersTests, learners only one copy of the ballcard.
will need to look carefully at scene pictures and answer Give out six cards to each child and put the other cards in
questions about what people are doing and where the middle of the table.The aim is to find all the pairs, and
people / things are. The following activity helps learners not keep the ball card.
to thlnk about the location of different items / people and The children sit in a circle, holding their cards so that their
what people are doing in a scene. friends can't see them.
They go round the circle asking in turn, Would you like a
1 Find ten differences. Talk to your friend about (banond?fhey can only ask about an item which they
the pictures. already have.
. Ask children to look at the pictures and say what foods the child they ask does not have a banana card, play
/ household items / items of furniture / people they can passes to the next child. lf the child they ask has the other
see. Ask the children to say what the people are doing in banana card, they can accept the card, and make a pair,
each picture. which they place down in front of them.
. Tell the class that there are ten differences between the After each turn, each speaker puts down one oftheir cards,
two pictures. The children work in pairs to find and talk and picks up another one. lfthey have the ball card, they
about the ten differences. Tell them to look very carefully can try to get rid of it this way.
to flnd them all. This goes on until all the cards are paired up and on the
. Move around the class as the children carrv out the card at the
practice test . Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
recording while the children look at the example in their
&Writing, Part 3
. Tell the children that they should listen, choose the
Teach learners to check their spelling when correct picture, then put a tick in the box next to the
have finished an activity or practice test. This will help correct picture, as in the example.
in the Starters Reading and Writing Test, as they will . Play the recording twice for the children to complete the
marks if they spell words incorrectly. test.
. Check the answers as a class. Ask the questions and invite
the children to answer with the correct letters.
fuod words from the unit to children around the crass.
children to spell the woros. rc 2B 3B 4A
F the letters on the board as the children say them.
the rest of the class to say whethier the word is spett Transcript @ 17
tL or not. Presenter Look at the pictures. Now listen and look.There
is one examole.
the pictures. Look at the letters. Writ6the Presenter Which is Mrs Green?
I Girl Can you see Mrs Green? ls she in the kitchen?
tZ Boy No, she's in the living room.
children to look at the example. Point to the
?nd the jumbled word. Show the class how the Gill Oh!What's she doing? ls she eating an orange?
have been written in the correct order in the Boy No, she's eating a banana.
Presenter Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick

class to look at the pictures and the jumbled

the box.
then write the letters in the correct order. Remino 1 Presenter What's Pat's favourite food?
to check their spelling when they have finished Man Do you like chicken, Pat?
the words. Girl Yes, I do.
Man And do you like sausages?
children time to complete the test in their
Giil They're OK but burgers are my favourite!
Man Oh
answers by asking children around the class to spetl 2 Presenter What does Dan eatfor breakfast?
Woman What do you eat for breakfast Dan?
Boy Well I like eggs, but not for breakfast!
2 breakfast 3 sausages 4 pineapple Woman Oh, so what do you eat then?
Boy I have bread.
Woman And do you have fruit?
Part 3 Boy Yes I do.
3 Presenter Wheres Sue's ohone?
Girl Where's my phone, Mum? ls it in the living room?
t question and answer forms by asking Woman No it's in your bedroom Sue, on your desk.
around the class to answer questions about Gid Well, it's in my bedroom, Mum, but it's under my desk,
in activity 'i , page 27 . AskWhot s (Jitl eatinq)? not on it!
the cat)? Which (picture has got a mango in it)? Are Woman Oh Sue!
on the table)? ls there (a lemon on the ftoor)? 4 Presenter Which isTony's house?
boby got a pea)? Woman Tell me about your house,Tony.
around the class to look at the pictures and Boy Well, it's very nice. There are two trees in the garden.
Ahernatively, you could play this as a game in two Woman Two trees? That's nice.
ayvarding one point for each correct answer. Boy And it s quite big. There are four windows.
. Woman Four windows? Great! Do you like your house?
In Starters Listening Part 3, learners may Boy Yes, I love it!
the options for each question mentioned in the
so they need to listen very carefully to decide Optional activity
snows the correct answer. Teach learners to . Ask the children questions about the pictures in the
check their answers carefullv. Listening Test. For example: ls Mrs Green inthe liviig
room? ls she eating in orange? Does Don eot eggs for
tick (r'; the box. There is one breakfast? What does he hovefor breokfast? ls Sue,s phone
in the living room? Where
Otz is her phone? How many uees
are there inTony's gardenl Invite children around the
to look at the pictures. Ask them to sav what class to look at their book and answer.
see,where the people / items are and what the
Lesson 1 Tell the class that, in Part 3 of the Starters
Reading and Writing Test, they should cross out the
Words jumbled letters as they write them to make sure that they
have used all the letters (and that they have useo eacn
letter onlv once).

I shirt 2 watch 3 dress 4 glasses 5 handbag

6 skirt 7 socks 8 jacket 9 shoes 10 hat
ldentifu ng items of clothing and accessories; Ask,ng ano
answcrino ahnr ,t rlorhes and accessories
ll trousers 12 T-shirt
Optional activity
. Write the clothing words on the board, one at a tirne,
with two or three letters missinq from each word
. Ask children around the class to call out, or come to tJ=
board and write, the missing letters.
See the wordlist on page 1 10 of the Student's Book . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

2 Ask, point and say.

a Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
out the speech bubbles.
Remind the class that we use lt's a / an. . . with sinqular
Play Pictionary to warm the class up and revise the food
nouns and They're (no article) . . . with plural nouns. Tell
words from Unit 4.
class that, when we put an adjective in front of a singub
o Divide the class into two teams. noun, we use a / an depending on whether the adjectire
a Draw a picture of a food item on the board (or invite begins with a vowel or a consonant. (e.9. an orangeT-sfi
children from each team in turn tocome to the board and / a purple handbag)
draw pictures for the rest of the class). Tell the class to try Ask children around the class about some of the items in
to guess the word before the picture is finished. .l
Activity , as in the example. Encourage the children to
The first team to guess the correct word wins a point. point to the correct picture and answer.
Children ask and answer about the pictures in pairs.
some pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the
Ask the class to say what words they can remember for
clothes and accessories. Write their suoqestions on the
Point to the words on the board and ask children arouno
the class to say whether each word is a singular noun or a
plural noun.

1 Look at the pictures and the letters. Complete

the clothes words in the boxes.
Ask children to look at the pictures and say the words for
each item of clothing / accessory. '
Point to the puzzle grid and ask the children to say now
many boxes there are in each line.
Allow the children time to complete the activitv in their
books, using the jumbled letters to make the correct
words.Tell them to make sure they have written one letter
in each box and to check that they have spelt eacn word
Check answers by pointing to the items in the pictures
and asking the children to say, then spell, the clothes and
accessories words.
lhit5Lesson2 sBpasil , Optionalactivity
: . Play a memory game Tellthe class to lookatthe picture
$aking & listening , in Activity 1 for one minute, then close thejr books
. Ask questions about the picture (e.g Where ts Ann's hat?
- - L>
Whats on the mat?) to children around the c ass The
l'::^es; Furniture; Household items I children try to answer from memory. lf they answer
, correctly, they can stay in the game. f they answer
, incorrectly, they are out of the game. The last child left
rs.'rg and answering about clothes and location; ir the Oame i;_th.e wirner
- r:aing for location
2 Put Nick's clothes in his bedroom. Listen and
draw lines. @ 18
. ,: . ons of place; Where is / cre I
. Ask chiidren to look at the smail pictures and the main
picture and say what they can see
I ocabulary
a Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
.. .-: r,vordlist on page 1 10 of the Student's Book
recording while the children look at the examp e in their
Starters practice
Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
. ^g Part 1 , Speaking Parts 1, 2, & 3
items outside the big picture, then draw lines to the
-o'ract olares n the hio nict. rre :s in thp evamnle
'' --v
Play the track twice for the children to complete the
. Check the answers as a class, AskWhere (is Nick's bag)?
' ' .: .^e clothes words in jumbled order on the ooaro,
-::,3 tlme His hat is on the mat.
His jeans are underthe chair.
' - -' -- dren around the class to say the correct word, then His bag is between the mat and the bed.
: - , - the letters in the correct order, or write them on His shirt is on the bookcase.
: -_,i^_.! tl
His socks are in front of the window,
jacket on the floor, next to the chair.
fit* S,-"." i;;; br;;; *lt to His is

Nick krowl Mum Your hat,s on the mat
' :-: ..,3pensand a bookin various positions(on/rn Nick Onthe mat?
- ,- next to / in / behind your desk / bag or between Mum Yesl And there are,vour jeansl
- :=:s) AskWhere ts my book? and Where are my pens? Nick My jeans?
-= _^ dren around the class to answer. Murn Yes.They're under the chairl
- lsk and answer about the clothes in Ann's Nick Lnder the cra r?
Mum Pickthem up, Nickl
Iiroom. Niek Oh, OK Mum I can't find my bag, Mum
-- r':n to look at the picture and say what clothes / Mum Your bag? lt's there ... between the mat and your bedl
, : : r' es tney can see Ask What's this? / \,Uhat are these? Niek Between the mat ... and my bed? Oh yes ... thanks
:-- -. .re items in the picture Mrml
-:t the example dialogue Ask the children to point fu1urn And your shirt's on the bookcase!
-=-s mentioned. illiek My shirt's where?
Mum On the bookcase, Nick... lookl
-- .'., ,,example exchanges with children around
- : : --^ le the chi dren to practise asking and Niek Oh yesl

. _ : -: -: -: :he tr,rords in the box Mum Now your socks,They're in front of the window, Nickl
. - _: j ._ i., aut thetr dialogues for the class
Niek Are my socks really in front of the window?
l'4urrn Yes they are . lookl
lliek Oh yes, you're right Muml
.i j,'-:'es her handbag? Murn I know lam Nickl And your jacket's on thefloor nextto
i :. cetween the door and the desk. Where are ner the chair
Nick On rl'e i oor?
. --:., re in front of the door. Where! her T-shirt? fidum Yes, nexttothe chair Can you pick it up please \ :.:
I :' 3n the bed. Where,s her hat? Nourl
Unit 5 Lesson 3 3 What is Sam wearing? Listen and colour. @2O
. Askchildren to lookatthe oicture. AskWhat\ fhrsZabout
Story & listening the items of clothing / accessories in the picture.
. Tell the children to take out their coloured pencils.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
Clothes; Accessories; Colours track while the children look at the example in their books
. Tell the children that they should listen, flnd the correct
items, then colour them, as in the example.
Understanding and acting out a story; Asking and . Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
answering about clothes; Colouring a plcture according . Check the answers as a class. AskWhat colour (is Sam\ shirt)?
to instructions

trousers - blue, shirt - green, shoes - brown,

Present si m ole with'l ke': Present contin'uous
socks - yellow, bag - orange, grapes - purple, watch - red

Tell your class that, in Part 4 of the Starters

Listening Test, they can add a small dot of colour to each
See the wordlist on oaoe 1O of the Student's Book item at first, then listen again and check before colouring
the items comoletelv.

Listening Part a, Speaking Parts 3 & 5

Transcript @ 2o
Girl.Oh look, there's Sam.
tan Where?
1 9-20, Colou red pencils Gid Look ... there, he's wearing blue trousers.
llan Blue trousers ... Oh yes, I see him.
Gid ls he wearing jacket?
. Play a game of Hongmon to warm the class up and revise
[an No, it s a shirt ... it's green.
Gid So he's wearing a green shirt?
the words for clothes and accessories (see page 7).
Man Thats right.
Lead-in Gid And what colour are his shoes?
. Ask the class about their favourite clothes. Say What are
Man Oh ... hes got brown shoes.
your fovourite clothes? Do you like jeans / T-shirts / shirts? Gid Brown?
Man Yes.
Encourage children around the class to answer about
Girl Hes got some yellow socks on too.
Man Yellow socks? | like that colour!
1. Listen and read. Then act. @ 19 Gid Yes, Me too.
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask Man Doyou really?
What's this? Who's this? What is she wearinq? about each Girl Yes! And what's he holding?
Dicture. Man He's holding an orange bag.
. Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
Girl His bag's orange?
Man Yes, it is.
story in their books.
Girl And he's holding some grapes too.
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
Man Oh, what colour are they?
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
Girl They're purple.
Man Purple grapes ... very nice!
. Divide the class into groups of three and allow the Girl And is Sam wearing his watch today?
children time to practise acting out the story (there Man Yes he is.
doesn't need to be a child to play Lucy - Ann can say the Gid What colour is it?
last line on her own). Man lt's red.
. Invite groups of children to act out the story for the class. Girl Red s a good colour for a watch.
Man Yes it is!
2 Say what Lucy and Ann are wearing. Gitl l'd like a nice new watch!
. Ask the class to read the story again, then say what Lucy Man Would you?
and Ann are wearing. Encourage the children to answer Giil Yes!
using full sentences.
4 Write about what you're wearing.
Lucy is wearing blue jeans and a green T-shirt. She's
. Ask the question to children around the class. Invite
holding a purple bag and is wearing a watch. Ann is the children to say what clothes / accessories they are
wearing blue jeans and a green T-shirt. She's holding a
wearing and what colour each item is.
purple bag. . Allow the children time to write about what they are
wearing in their books, then invite children around the
D 5 Lesson 4
rut Colours: pink, grey
Things in the house: hall, bookcase
I practice
Animals: goat, mouse
Clothes: jacket, dress
he Family: mother, brother
ool. Food: fruit, meat
Optional activity
EsL . Ask the class to think of as many words as they can for
,.o? search; Categorizing vocabu lary; each of the headings on the board (from Activity 1)and
write them under headings in their notebooks.
. The children can then compare their lists with their
-red partners and see who has got the most words.

ts Describing what is happening in a scene,

dt and what people are doing / wearing, helps to prepare
rxl learners for Part 3 of the Starters Speaking Test. You can
ist on I lO of the Student's Book
provide extra practice by asking your class to bring photos
or magazine pictures to the lesson and describe them to
the class.
Parts I &3

2 Do the speaking activity.

photocopiable 113 . You will need one copy of the worksheet for each child.
. Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
example exchange.
pairs of children to act out the story from the . Children work in pairs. They agree on colours for all the
lesson in front of the class. clothes, and colour them in. Eqch item should be coloured
differently, e.g. the two boys'shirts won't be in the same
the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One . After this, each child will have a complete set of clothes
which is the same colour as their oartner. Children then
three words from one vocabularv set and one word choose and dress one figure each - one dresses the girl
adffierent vocabulary set on the board (in any order). and one dresses the boy.
to say which word is the odd one out and why. . They then give instructions to their partner so that the
with other children and other sets of words (usinq other figure can be dressed in the same way, e.g.5he3
food, animal, furniture, colour and number words). wearing a pinkskirt and a red hat.'
play this as a game in two teams if you like. . At the end, they compare their figures to check that they
are correctly clothed.
at the pictures. Find and circle the eleven . Invite some pairs of children to act out exchanges in front
rtd write them in the word groups. of the class.
to look at the pictures and name the
the class that the word for each oicture is
wordsearch. Show the class the example in the
and ask them to point to the correct picture.
around the class as the children flnd and circle the
words. Help if necessary.
children to put their hands up when they have
all eleven words.
out the headings in the table and tell the children
the words from the wordsearch under the correct
Tell them to copy the words carefully and check
they have spelt them correctly.
the table onto the board. Ask Which words are
?and invite children around the class to answer.
their answers under the correct headinqs on the
Starters practice test Read the question. Listen and write a name
or a
numberThere are two examples,,@Zt
Reading & Writing, part 4 . Ask children to read the questions. Ask tllem
whether they
will need to write a name or a number for eacn question.
. Say words for clothes
. Focus aftention on the examples. play the first part
of the
accessories from the unit to children
track while the children look at the examples in
around the class. Ask the children to spell the woros. their book.
. o Tell the children to listen and answer the questions.
Write the letters on the board as the chjldren
. Invite the rest of the class to say whether the
say rnem. . Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
correcfly or not.
word is spelt . Check the answers. Ask the questions and invite
children to answer with the correct narhe or numoer..
Starters tip
. In Part 4 of the Starters Reading and Writing Tesr, 117 2Grace 38 4Mango 515
teach learners to look carefully at.the text and
whether the missing word is a singular or plural noun. Transuipt @21
The picture prompts will then help them to Presenter Look at the picture. Ljsten and write
choose tne a name or a
correct word. number.There are two examples.
Man Hello, what's your name?
Pat lt's pat.
Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write
the Man And how do you spell pat?
correet word next to numbers l_5. There is
one Pat P-A-T.
example. . Man Right. That's a very nice namel
Pat Thanks.
Man 5o ... how old are you, pat?
Pat l'm twelve.
ilan Twelve?
Pat Yes, thats rightl
example. Prcsenter Can you see the answers? Now you
listen and
write a name or a number.
I llan And where do you live?
Pat I live in Hill Streer.
Man OK, and what's the number of your house?
Pat lts seventeen.
. Allow the children time to complete the test in
Man So that's seventeen, Hill Street?
oooKs. Pat Yes.
. Check answers by asking children around the
class ro
2 Man Thats a nice photo. ls that you in front of your
say, then spell, the words. lf you like, you Pat. Yes, l'm wearing a red dress _ and
can ask children that,s my friend
around the class to read out sentences from tne with me.
Man OK, what's her name?
Pat Grace.
I jeans 2 bag 3 home 4 windows 5 door Man ls that G-R-A-C-E?
Pat Yes.
Listening,Part2 3 Man There are some dogs in the picture. Are
they your
Pat Well, the white dog s mine. But l,ve got eight
. tions: What,s your name? you knowl

mber ofyour house? How Man Eight?

Pat Yes - my dog, a cat, ... five fish ... and a
Man You've got a horse too! Wow!
4 Pat Yes, but my dog s my favourite animall
Man ls he? And what,s his name?
Pat Mango. you spell it M_A_N_G_O!
Man That's a funny name for a doq!
Pat Yes!
o Repeat
Ronarf rarith
with other -L:rr-^
^+k^. children 5 Man And how old is your dog, pat?
around the class.
Pat Hes fifteen now.
Man Fifteen? So hes an old doq then?
Pat Yes, he's a very old dog ... but I love him.
Man Oh that's nice!
boofs, 1
Picture 1: eight apples; Picture 2: eight pears
Picture 1: a sun; Picture 2: no sun
vocabulary, grammar and test skills from Picture 1: green door; Picture 2: orange door
it5 Picture 1: seven flowers; Picture 2: six flowers
Picture 1: a grandma and grandad; Picture 2: grandma
Picture 1: two birds; Picture 2: three birds
Picture 1: yellowT-shirt; Picture 2: purpleT-shirt
Picture 1: no glasses; Picture 2: glasses
Picture 1: boy has a bag; Picture 2: boy hasn't got a bag
Picture 1: chair and table; Picture 2: two chairs, no table

of Hangman to warm the class up and revise

4 What's in Sue's bag? Listen and draw lines. @ ZZ
from Units 0-5. . Play the flrst part of the track and point out the example.
. Tell the pupils that they should listen, flnd the correct
items outside the big picture, then draw lines to the bag.
headings Clothes, Food, Animals,Things in the . Play the track twice for the pupils to complete the activity.
utdColours on the board. Ask the class to sav
for each heading. Write their suggestions on
In Sue's bag: skirt, shirt, socks, banana, orange, glasses.

words on the board. Ask children around the Transcript @ ZZ

saythree words from one of the groups. Sue l'm going to Lucy's house now, Mum!
Mum Oh, but have you got all your things, Sue? What's in your
at the picture for one minute. Listen to your
and write the answers. Sue Oh ... well ... a skirt ... anda shirt
to look at the picture for one minute, then Mum Good ... and some shoes?
their books. Sue No Mum. l'm wearing my shoes!
ions about the picture. For example: Where is the Mum OK, some clean socks then?
ccln / pig / cat / horse / goat / frog / fish / duck? Sue Yes, Mum, my blue socks are in the bag.
children to write their answers in their notebooks. Mum And these purple trousers?
Sue No thanks, Mum!
Mum Well some fruit then? Put a banana in your bag.
is on the wall.
Sue A banana? Oh, OK.
b between the tree and the house.
Mum And some grapes, Sue.
under the window / in front of the house.
Sue No Mum. I don't like grapes!
b on the house.
Mum Well, an orange then.
is behind the house.
Sue OK, Mum. I like oranges.
is next to the horse.
Mum Oh ... and your glasses, Sue!
is in front of the pig / in the pond.
Sue Yes, they're in the bag!
b next to the frog / in the pond.
Mum Good. And your watch?
is behind the fish / in the pond.
Sue No, I don't want that!
at the pictures. Do the crossword. Mum This dress is very nice!
Sue Oh Mum, no.That dress is very bigl l'm going now! Bye!
the children time to look at the pictures and
Mum Oh, OKthen. Bye Sue ... And Sue!
the crossword in their books.
Sue What now Mum?
Mum Have a great time!
Sue Oh ... thanks Mum
3 hall 4 garden
5 Look at the picture. Write the words.
2 kitchen 5 living room . The children work in pairs.They write the time when they
start the activity, then find and complete the words below
bn differences. Talk to your friend about the picture. When they have completed all the words, they
write the time when they finished, then put their hands up.
to look at the pictures and say what they can

tte class that ihere are ten differences between the

I flowers 2 wall 3 door 4 dad 5 lanip 6 mirror
7 bookcase 8 table 9 fruit 10 dog 11 skirt
The children work in pairs to find and talk
12 sofa 13 chair 14 shoes 15
Starters Speaking preparation . Tell the children to use the prepositions of
words in the box to write sentences about wher
58 page 39
partner should put the different foods (in the
Activity 2).
. Allow the children time to write sentences in their bookl
Topics coveredin Hello!unit to Unit 5
then invite children around the class to read out their

unit to Unit 5
Children's own answers.

2 Tell your friend where to put the things. Listen

and draw lines.
. Tell the class that they are now going to work in pairs and
tell their partner where to put the different foods. They
should use the sentences they wrote in Activity 1 . Their
Warmer partner should listen and draw lines from the smaller
. Ask children around the class questions about themselves. pictures to the main picture in his / her book. Then the
For example: What\your name? How doyou spellthat? How children should swao roles.
old are you? What's your favourite colour? . Move around the class as the children carry out the
. Tell the children to make short dialogues asking and speaking activity in pairs, Monitor their performance and
answering questions about themselves, then invite pairs help if necessary.
of children to act out their dialogues in front of the class. r Invite children around the class to talk about where each
item is in their completed picture.
. Ask the class to say what words they can remember for
Children's own answers
food. Write their suggestions on the board.
o Point to the words on the board and ask children around 3 Tell your friends about: your house; your
the class to say whether each word is a singular noun or a favourite food; your family.
Dturat noun. . Ask children to think about their house, their favourite
food and their family and decide what they want to tell
Teach learners how to ask for reoetition
the class.
or clarification in English.This will make them more
confident if they don't understand something during the
. Ask the children to work in groups and practise talking
Starters Speaking Test. Teach them phrases such as I don't about the three topics together, then invite children to tel
understand. I don't know. Sorry? Pardon? Con you say that the class about one of the tooics.
again, please?
Children's own answers
1 Look at the picture in Activity 2. Write sentences
about where to put these things. Optional activity
. Ask children to look at the picture in Activity 2. Ask
. Tell the class to work in pairs and tell their oartner about
their house.
children around the class to say what they can see in the
. The children should then report back to the class,
. Read out the words around the picture.
telling the class about their partner's house.
. Tell the children to work in pairs. Point to the boxes in
. Repeat the activity with children talking about their
partners family.
Activity 1 and explain that one child in each pair should
write sentences in the flrst box (Child A) and the other
child in each pair should write sentences in the second
You can now do theTerm 1 Speaking test
box (Child B).
with the children individually. See pages 101 and 102for
full instructions, and pages 103 and 104for the test.
Point to the different parts of the aliens body and ask the
children to say the correct words.
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books.Tellthe children too look carefully and decide
whether each gapped word is a singular noun or a plural
noun. Tell them to copy the words exactly and check that
they have spelt each word correctly.
Check answers by pointing to the parts of the aliens body
and asking the children to say, then spell, the words.

Tell the class that, in Part 4 ofthe Starters

Reading and Writing Test, they shoLild cross out the words
in the box as they write them to make sure that they have
le used all the words (and that they have used each word
tt only once).
/ 1 of the Student's Book
'l head 2 eye 3 ear 4 mouth 5 arm 6 body
) 7 tail 8 foot t hair 10 hand 11 face 12 nose
13 leg 14 feet
Optional activity
: . Start writing the words for parts of the body on the
board, one at a time. Write each letter slowly.
. Ask children around the clasi to call out the word when
they can guess what it is. Ask the children to call out the
of Hangman to warm the class up and revise remaining letters to spell the word.
br clothes and accessories. . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.
into two teams. Draw a line for each letter
word on the board
2 Do the speaking activity.
from each team in turn to guess one ofthe
lf the team correctly guesses a missing
. Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
example exchange.
the letter on the correct line(s) on the board
guesses a letter which is not in the word, draw
. Hand out copies of the speaking activity (one copy for
3 of a simple picture (a flower with five petals, a each child).
L two leaves,/ a house with three windows, a door . Explain to the class that they need to draw and colour
( a picture of an alien in the first box.They can use the
I the word before you have completed pictures around the edge for ideas.
award them one point. lf not, continue the . Then they tell their partner how to draw and colour the
another word. same picture.Their partner listens and draws the alien in
the second box.

. Allow the children to carry out the activity in pairs. Move
class to say what words thgy can remember for around the classroom as the children work and help if
dthe body. Write their suggestions on the board. necessary.
, simple outline of a person on the board, with facial . Let the children compare their pictures.
. Invite some pairs of children to show and describe their
to come to the board and draw lines from oictures to the class.
for parts of the body to the correct part of the

play this as a game in two teams if you like, saying

to children from each team in turn and awardino
for each correct matchinq line.

the words.
to look at the oicture of the alien.
the words in the box and ask the children to
Unit 6 Lesson 2 Tellyour class that, in Part 5 of the Starters
Reading and Writing Test, they will encounter different
Story & writing tenses in the questions. Remind the class tcj read the
questions carefully and think about what tense is being
used in each question.

2 Look at the story and read the questions. Write

one-word answers.
Understanding and acting out a story; Describing . Ask children to read the questions. Ask them to say
appearances; Answering questions about a story
whether each question is in the present simple or present
continuous tense.
. Tell the children to look at the story and write one word to
Present simple with'like'; Let's .. ; has got (questions and answer each question.
affirmative statements)
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
. Check answers by asking children to ask and answer the
See the wordlist on pages I 10-1 11 of ttrc Snrderr3Took
ouestions in oairs.

Readingpnd Writing Part 5, Speaking lbrt 5 I four 2 game 3 purple 4 black 5 trousers
6 monsters
3 Choose a person in your family. Write about his/
her hair and his/her eyes.
. Ask children around the class ouestions about members
Warmer of their family, for example Has your mum got long hair?
. Play a game of Bingo to warm the class up and revise the Has your brother got blue eyes? Has your dad got red hair?
words for parts of the body. Encourage the children to answer Yes, he / she has or No,
. Tell the children to write eight words for parts of the body he/ she hasn't
in their notebooks. Tell them to only use singular nouns. . Explain the activity to the class.Tell the children to think
. Call out the words for parts of the body in random order about their chosen family member and complete the
(keep a note of the words which you have called out). sentences in their books.
. lf a child has the word you call out in their notebooks, they . Allow the children time to write their descriotions
can cross out that word. The first child to cross out all their individually.
words wins the game. o Invite children around the class to read out thelr
. descriptions to the class.
. Ask the class about their aooearances. Optional activity
. Draw a face with long hair and a face with short hair on . Ask the children to think of a oerson in the class and
the board. make sentences about his/her hair, his/her eyes and
. Ask children around the class Have you got long hair (point what he/she is wearing. Invite children to describe their
to the first picture on the board) or shorr hair (point to the person to the ciass.The rest of the class try to guess
second picture on the board)i who is being described.
. Ask Have you got brown / black / red / blond(e) hair?
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
. Remind the children that we use the word blondk) to talk
with children from each team in turn describing a
nar<n fnr tha nfhar,., fz
.eam to guess.
about yellow hair. ^

a Encourage the children to answer Yes, lhave or No, I haven't.

1 Listen and read. Then act. @ ZZ

a Askthe children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
What s this? Whos this? Has she got long / short / brown /
blonde hair? abour each oicture.
Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
storV in their books.
Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
individ ua lly.

Divide the class into groups of four and allow the children
time to practise acting out the story.
Invite groups of children to act out the storv for the class.
lltit 6 Lesson 3 Sam Can you see the tiger?
Lucy Which is the tiger?
Sam Well, it's orange and brown and it's got four legs and a tail.
& speaking
f:! Lucy And is it smiling?

_i Sam Yes, it is. But which is yourfavourite toy?

Lucy Oh ... I don't know.
Sam Well, I like that animal there.
lucy Which animal?
Sam That brown and yellow animal there with the long tail.
tor descriptions; Describing appeara nces oral ly
lucy Has it got long arms too?
Sam Yes, it has.
tucy Oh that's a monkey. Yes I like monkeys. That doll s very
beautiful, isn't she?
Sam The doll? Where?
|et Lucy Well, she's wearing an orange dress and she's got long
brown hair.
wordlist on es 1 1O-1 1 1 ofthe Student's Book Sam ls she sleeping?
lucy Yes, she is.
Sam I don't like dolls!
Part 5 lucy OhlThe robot doesn't look very happy.
Sam lsn't he smiling?
lucy No he isn't, he's sad ... and he's grey!
Sam I don't like that colour.
lucy No . but he's got nice purple eyes.
Sam Mmm, they're OK. Oh... I don't like spiders,
E': lucy Don't worry! That s a very happy spider - it's smiling at
ir? h-e groups of children to act out the story from the us and look, it's pink!
ir: Fvious lesson in front of the class. sam Has it got eight legs?
Aj lucy Yes it has.
Sam That alien's nicel
t-. tthe children to describe their pictures of aliens from
Lucy Oh, but its green and orange and its gotone eye. lt
frson to the class. looks ugly.
Sam I think it looks very funny.
In the Starters Listening and Speaking Tests, it
lucy But it s got four ears!
learners if they can understand physical descriptions.
Sam Yes ... I know!
lClowing activity helps them practise listening for
lucy I like that elephant
Sam Which is the elephant?
Lucy lt's the grey animal with the very long nose.
hr and Lucy are talking about the toys. Listen Sam Oh ... yes, so do l!
lines. @z+ lucy And I like that green and orange snake!
E the children to look at the picture. Read out the Sam You mean the animal with the very, very long body?
Sech bubble, then read out the words around the main Lucy Yes. And do you like the yellow and orange duck?
pure. Ask the children to point to the correct items. Sam lt's OK, but ducks are for babies!
b trte track twice for the children to complete the activity Lucy No they aren't!
Sam Yes they arel

2 kite 3 spider 4 alien 5 elephant 2 Which toy don't they talk about? Write about
7 robot 8 doll 9 tiger 10 monster that toy.
& 12 snake . Tell the class that there is one toy which Sam and Lucy
didn't talk about. Tell the children to look at the picture
@z+ and find the extra toy, then complete the description.
'}ese toys are very nice! Which is the frog, Lucy?
$ - that's the green animal. . Invite children to read out the completed description.
r-btt/ many eyes has it got?
? - two. It's a kite. lt's yellow and it's got purple eyes.
ltas it got a long tail?-
\o-.. frogs don't have long tails! 3 Ask and answer.
'1,.. - I can see the frog. . Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
rook at that monster there! out the speech bubbles.
&hich is the monster? . Ask children around the class about their favourite toys.
:-mk ... it s very ugly - it's pink and it's got three eyes! Encourage the children to describe their favourite toys.
Ard two legs? . Children ask and answer about their favourite tovs in oairs.
2 Write the words.
Unit6Lesson4 sBpase43

language Practice Tell the children to complete the box with

the rest oi --=
words from Activity 1, writing the words beginning
vowels in the first column and the words beginning "'
-:.. s; Parts of the bodY
consonants in the second column'
. the box onto the board lnvite children around tne
class to say words for each column

an: elephant, arm' ear, eYe, alien

a: snake, leg, sPider, robot, face
a / an; nas got
3 Write the words.
the wordlist on pages 1 l0-1 I 1 of the Stuclent's BcoK
. Point to the box and read out the examples.
. Tell the children to complete the'box with the rest of the
words from Activity 1, writing the parts of the body in the
first column and the toys in the second column.
Reqdiry afd _Wlillng fartg 3, 4_& 5, _Listening Part 3

body: a \eg, an arm, an ear, an eYe, a face

Warmer toys: a snake, an elephant, a spider, an alien, a robot

. Play a game of Slmo n Says ro revise the part of the body. 4 Find the children's toys. Listen and write t for
. Give instructions to the class, for example Simon says Lucy, 5 for Sam, A for Ann and /V for Nick. @ 25
touch your head / move your legs / touch your feet / put your . Ask the children to look at the pictures and say what to\:
nan0s up.
they can see.
. Tell the class that they should only do the action if you say . Tell the children that there are eight pictures, but they
Simon says before it. only need to write letters next to four pictures (one for
. lf a child does the actlon when you did not say Stmon says, Lucy, one for Sam, one for Ann and one for Nick).
they are out of the game.The last child left in the game is . Play the track twice for the children to complete the actir'':
the wlnner. . Check the answers as a class. Ask the class to point to thg
Lead-in pictures and say l3 (Ntck\ spider).
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One
Out. 1 sleeping doll (L) 2 monsterwith long tail (S)
. Write three words from one vocabulary set and one word 3 elephant without a tail (A) 4 happy spider (N)
from a dlfferent vocabulary set on the board (in any order)
Transcript @25
. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why
1 Man Where are your toys, LucY?
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words (using Lucy I don't know, but l've got a beautiful do
parts of the body, toys, clothes, food, animal, furniture, Man ls she wearing a purple dress?
colour and number words). lucy Yes and she's sleeping now.
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like Man Oh, I can see her
2 Man Now, Sam. Whlch is your favourite toy?
1 Look and write the words. Sam Oh,, that's my monster. lt's got four feetl
. Ask children to look at the pictdres and name the items lr4an Real y?
Tell the class to write the correct word for each plcture. Sam Yes and a very long tail!
Remind the chlldren that they should count the number 3 Man Ann ..Which isyourtoy,Ann?
of lines and write one letter on each line. Ann Well, can you see the blue elephant?
. Check answers by asking children around the class to say, Man Yes, it's a very funny elephant. lt's gotthree eyes!
then spell the words. Ask the children to say which words Ann I know!
are parts of the body and which are toys. Man And it hasn't got a tail!
Ann I know! He is ugly ... but that's my elephant!
I spider2 ear 3 eye 4 elephant 5 leg Man OK.
6 snake 7 alien I arm 9 robot 10 face 4 Man So, what's your favourite toy then, Nickt
Nick Oh ... I like my spider - it's got eight legs!
Recognizing which words take a and Man I can see that!
which take on will help learners find the correct words to Nick And it's very happy!
complete Part 5 of the Starters Reading and Wriring Test. Man Yes, it is!
practice test people are doing. PIay the first part of the recording while
the children look at the example in their books.
&Writing,Part2 Tell the children that they should listen, choose the
correct picture, then put a tick in the box next to the
correct picture, as in the example.
to items around the classroom and sav true or false o Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
e.e.There's comDuter on the desk.There ore a Check the answers as a class. Ask the ouestions and invite
bags under the desk.There's a poster next to the door. the children to answer with the correct letters.
children around the class to sav Yes if the sentence is
and tVo if the sentence is incorrect.
rA 2B 3C 4C
ln Part 2 of the Starters Readinq and Writinq
remind learners to read the sentences carefullv and
Transcript @ 26
Presenter Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There
that all parts of the sentence are true. For example,
is one example.Which is Bill's favourite toy?
ce The boy is standing in front of the elephant
Gitl Do you like your robot Bill?
true if the boy is standing (not doing any other
Boy Yes, he's OK but I really like my monster a lot!
and is in front of (not in any other position)<he
(not any other object).
Giil Oh ... and do you like your toy horse?
Boy lt s OK.
Presenter Can you see the tick?This is an example. Now
an{ read. Write yes or no. There are two you listen and tick the box.
Presenter Which is Anna's father?
the children to look at the example sentences. Point to Girl Where's Daddy?
pieture and read out the sentences. Ask the children Woman Oh I don't know ... is he in the kitchen eatino his
whether each sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No). breakfast?
the class the examole answers. Giil No, he isn't.

l- the children to look at the picture, read the sentences

decide whether each sentence is correct or incorrecr.
Woman Wel,l, is he watching television in the living room?
Girl No, look... hes in the living room, but he's sleeping!
t" write yes or no. Woman Oh yesl
)J Presenter What's May's sister rrriearing?
the children time to comolete the test in their books.
answers by reading out the sentences and asking
Man What's your sister wearing today, May?
Girl Oh ... shes wearing a blue skirt.
around the class to say Yes gr No. Man And a jacket?
children around the class to correct the false Girl No, a T-shirt.
es. Man Oh I can see her now. She's holding a handbag!
Girl No, she isn't!
2no 3yes 4no 5yes Presenter What does Ben want to eat?
Boy Can I have sausages for dinner please, Mum?
li Woman No ... have some chicken, Ben - it's very good for
hs more true or false sentences about the oicture. For you.
The birds are happy.The girlis wearing o green Boy But I don't like chicken, Muml
Woman Oh, OK then, sausages . .. but with some nice
ca rrot5?
children around the class to look at the oicture and
Boy No, with potatoes please!'
Presenter What s Alex doing?
Woman Dan, where's Alex? ls he in the living room?
Part 3 Boy No, hes playing a game in his bedroom.
Woman Oh! ls he playing with his new robot?
Boy No, he's playing with his toy snake!
different question and answer forms by asking
around the class to answer questions about the Optional activity
on page 44. AskWhat's (the girlwearing)?Where (is . Ask the children questions about the pictures in the
? What's (in the tree)? Listening Test. For example: ls Bill's favourite toy a robot?
children to look at the picture and answer. Is Ana's dad watching TV? ls May's sister wearing o jocket?

Whot does Tony want for dinner? ls Alex in his bedroom?

In Starters Listening Part 3, teach learners not Invite children around the class to look at their books
box untilthey have heard all of the dialogue for and answer.
. You could play this as a game in two teams, awarding
one point for each correct answer.
and tick (r') the box.There is one
to look at the
Lesson 1 Optional activity
o Write the words for classroom obiects on the board,
Words one at a time, with two or three gapped letters in each
Ask children around the class to call out, or come to tne
board and write, the missing letters, then say the word'
You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

2 Complete the sentences.

. Read out the words in the box. Tell the class to look at
the picture in Activity 1, then complete the sentences in
Activity 2 with the words in the box.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books, then ask children around the class to read out the
1 1 1 ofthe Students Book
comoleted sentences.

1 on 2 under 3 in front of 4 next to

Optional activity
Warmer . Say sentences about items In the picture in Activity 1

. Play a memory game to warm the class up and revise the (or items in your classroom) without naming the item.
words for parts of the body. For example lt's next to the door.They're under my desk.
. Write the words for parts of the body on the board.Tell . Ask children around the clEss to look and name the
the class to look at the words for one minute (or less), then item(s).
close their eyes. . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
. Erase two or three words from thq board. Tell the children saying sentences for children from each team in turn
to open their eyes and say which words are missing. and awarding one point for each correct answer.
. Repeat the game, erasing different words each time. You
can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

. Ask the class to say what words they can remember for
classroom objects. Write their suggestions on the board.
o Point to items around the classroom . AskWha* this? or
What are lhesel Encourage children around the class to
answer lt's (a compute). or They're (pencils).

1 Look and write the numbers next to the words.

. Ask children to look at the picture of the classroom. Ask
children around the class to say who / what they can see
in the picture
. Read out the words and ask the children to point to the
correct items in the picture.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their

. Check answers by reading out the words and asking

children around the class to say the correct numbers. Ask
the children to say wfrether each word is a singular or
olural noun.

I board 2 teacher 3 book 4 bag 5 ruler

6 keyboard 7 computer 8 mouse 9 pen' 10 pencil
1l page 12 rubber
7 Lesson 2 . Read out the question below the picture of tne grammar
characters.Tell the children to look at the picture and
reading write the correct name in their books.

Who's holding a ruler? Bill

Who's holding a pen? Grace
Who's holding a picture? The teacher
Who's holding a bag? Sam
Who's holding a book? Ben
Who's holding a banana? Anna
Who's picking up a pencil? Alex

2 Lookand read.
. Point to the picture of the grammar characters and ask the
class to read the text in the speech bubbles.
. Point out the difference between a lot of/ lots of and
some. Demonstrate the different meanings using simple
classroon objects, in the same way as the grammar
r Invite children to read out the speech bubbles for the
class. In a more
confldent class, they can subsitute the
. items for other objects in
the classroom.

3 Read, draw and colour.

. Tell the class to take out their coloured oencils.
o Pointto the picture ofthe bag, board and desk.
n9 game to revise the words for classroom . Tell the class to read the instructions, and draw and colour
Think of an object in the classroom and invite the correct items in the picture.
[E around the class to ask questions to try to guess . Move around the class as the children read and comolete
I the picture. Help if necessary.
k that they can ask about the colour and . Ask children questions about their completed pictures. For
ofthe object
example What's in the bag? (Lots of pens and pencils.) What
you can only answeryes or no, so the children colour are the pencils? (Blue and pink.) What's on the board?
ls it (red / next to your desk)?and not What colour (Lots of letters and some numbers.) Wha* on the
desk? (Lots
is it? of rulers and rubbers.) What colour are the rulers? (Green,
orange and yellow)

children to choose an object from their desk or Optional activity

hold it up. Ask questions to children around the . Do a picture dictation with the class. Describe a
example, What's (Anna) holdinq?
classroom scene slowly for the children to draw ano
play this as a game in two teams if you like, colour. For example This is a classroom.There,s a boord
questions to children from each team in turn ano on the wall.There's a big desk in front of the board.Theres
one point for each correcr answer. a bag under the desk.The bag is blue.There are three
pens on the desk.-[he pens are red. There,s a ruler next to
the pens.The ruler is green.There are lots of letters on me
board. There's a clock on the wall next to the board. The
clock is orange.
. Invite children around the class to describe their
flnished pictures to the class.
d answer questions about the picture on
children to look at the picture in Activity 1, page
out the words in the box and ask children to
to the correct items in the picture
to the picture of the grammar characters and reao
speech bubbles.
ut a few exchanges with children around the class,
allow the children time to ask and answer questions

some pairs of children to ask and answer in front of

Unit 7 Lesson 3 Optional activity
. Divide the class into two teams. TellTean A to practi-
Story & reading and try to remember Mum's lines and tellTeam B to
practise and try to remember Jill's lines.
. Allow the class time to trv to memorize the lines ofth'
Activities story.
r lnvite a child from each team to come to the front of
their class without their books. The children should
;Talking about act out the story as far as they can remember-The rcrl
of the class can follow in their books. When one chiU
forgets a line, another child from their teain can corE
and take their place to continue the story.

2 Read and write yes or no.

. Point to the picture. Ask the children to say what people
they can see in the picture (onewoman/teacher,one
four girls and four boys).
Tell the children to look at the example sentence. Pointo
the oicture and read out the sentence. Ask the children m
Listening Parts 1 &4, say whether the sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No).
a .Show the class the example answer.
a Tell the children to look at the picture, read the sentencc
and decide whether each sentence is correct or incorrect'
@zt then write yes or no.
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
Warmer book.
. Play a memory game to revise the words for classroom Check answers by reading out the sentences and asking
objects. children around the class to siy Yes or tVo.
. Tell the class to look at the picture in Activity 1 , page 46 Ask children around the class to correct the false
for one minute. then close their books. SenIences.
. Ask questions about the picture (eg.Where is Pat? What's
in the box? Who is holding a ruler? Who's sitting on the mat?) Words for people (boy, girl, man, woman, eld
to children around the class.The children try to answer appear in many parts of the Starters Test. lt is important
from memory. lf they answer correctly, they can stay in the for learners to be able to recoqnize them and use them
' game. lf they answer incorrectly, they are out of the game. correctlv.
The last child left in the qame is the winner.

Lead-in 1 yes 2 yes 3no 4yes 5no 6no TYes

. Mime various activities. AskWhat am I doing? lnvite 8no
children around the class to guess the activity (You're
eati ng / sleepi ng / wal ki ng). Optional activity
. Divide the class into two teams. Invite children from each
. Say more true or false sentences about the picture' For
team in turn to mime an activity for the other team and example, The teacher is writing on the board. One girl is
askWhat am I doing?The children from the other team wriilng.Two boyi are pointing at the man, A boy is picking
guess the activity. up a rubber.
. Repeat with children from each team in turn and award
. Ask children around the class to look at the picture and
one point for each correct guess. answer Yes or No. Ask the children to correct the false
1 Listenand read.Thenact. @ Zl . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
Whats this? Who's this? What is hdshe doinq? about each
. Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
story in their books.
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
. D\vide the c\ass into paits and al\ow the chi\dren t\me to
practise acting out the story.
4r Optional activity
. Write the headings three letters, four lettefs, five letters, six
letters, seven /efters and eight letters on the board.
. Ask the class to think of words for each heading.
. Alternatively, divide the class into two teams. Point to
and read out one ofthe headings for each team in turn.
Children from that team have to say a word with the
correct number of letters. Award one ooint for each
correct answer. You can ask the children to spell the
word for an additional ooint.

Remind learners to speak in English as much

them to become more confldent
as possible, in order for
for the Starters Speaking Test. For example, when they are
carrying out the speaking activities; encourage them to
use phrases such as Tha* right!Well done!Your turn!

2 Do the speaking activity.

. Put children into pairs, A and B. You will need one copy of
the worksheet oer oair of children.
. Hand out the relevant section of the worksheet to each
. Tell the children to cut out the cards. They can colour in
the cards with the prompt What colour? at the top, or all
children to act out the storv from the the cards, depending on the time available.
in front of the class. . Show the flrst card (the girl picking up the book) and
point out the question prompt on it. Point to the picture
of Lucy and Sam in the Students Book and read out the
ry learnt so far by playing Odd One Out
example exchange.
. Each player places their own cards face down on the
pictures. Write the words in the table.
. Children take it in turns to reveal a card and ask their
b look at the pictures and name the items. partner a question. lf their partner can answer correctly,
on the board. Ask the children to sav how he or she can keep the card. lf they can't answer, the card
there are in each word on the board. goes to the bottom of the pile so someone can have
another go.
form the board.Tell the class to look at
and complete the crossword with the correct
. The winner is the person with the most cards at the end. think about the number of letters . Act out a few example exchanges with children around
Point out the example. the class, then allow the children to carry out the activity
can work in pairs if they like. Move around in oairs. Move around the classroom as the children work
the children comolete the crossword and helo and help if necessary.
w the class to find the set of words wlth onlv one
(7letter word: teacher), then find the space for a seven
Invite some pairs.of children to act out the activity in front
of the class.

e and letter word in the crossword qrid.This will helo start them
rlse off.
answers by asking children around the class to say,
e. soell. the words in the crossword.

3 pencil 7 rice 8 box 10 rubber

chair 12 page 13'red

rd 2ruler 4eye 5 teacher 6 door

12 pen
I Starters practice
Reading &Writing, Part
,. Listen and draw lines.There is one exampb.
. Ask children to look at the picture. AskWhc:: -'='
the items in and around the plcture.
Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
recording while the children look at the example in their
. Point to the pictures in Activlty l, page 49 and say true DOOK5.
or false sentences about each object, for example, Ihis ls Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
a (cupboard /
teacher / bath / door). Ask children around items outside the big picture, then draw lines to the
the class to say Yes if the sentence is correct and No if the correct places in the big picture, as in the example.
sentence is incorrect. Ask the children to correct the false o Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
sentences. a Check the answers as a class. AskWhere is (th-e mango)?
There might be a few things on the Starters
wordlist (food items like limes, for example) which learners The sock is between the children
are unfamiliar with. lt is imoortant to make sure that The mango is on the elephant's body
learners recognize these things in pictures. The goat is under the horse
The monkey is on the horse, next to the girl
Optional activity The shoe is on the (waving) girl's foot
. Write a tick (r') and a cross (r) on the board Remind
Transcript @ ZA
the class that we use a tick to show that something is
Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one
correct lnd a cross to show that something is incorrect.
. Tell the class to draw a tick and a cross in the air. Bdy Hello.That's a nice picture!
. Point to items in the classroom and say This is a Woman Hello . . . yes it is. Can you see that man there? Hes
(compute). Make true or false sentences about various wearing a hat.
items and ask children to draw a tick in the air lf the Boy Oh yes.
sentence is correct, or cross if the sentence is incorrect. Woman Well, put the fish on the man's hat.
Boy The fish? On the mans hat? Really?
Look and read. Put a tick (/) or a cross (t) in the Woman Yes please.
box.There are two examples. Presenter Can you see the line?This is an example. Now
you listen and draw lines.
. Tell the children to look at the examples. Point to the
pictures and read out the sentences. Ask the children to
1 Woman Now out the sock between the children.
Boy Where shall I put the sock?
say whether each sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No).
Woman Well, can you see that girl there? Shes pointing at
. Tell the children to look at the pictures, read the sentences
the elephant.
and decide whether each sentence is true or false, then
Boy Oh yes ... you mean put the sock next to her? OK ...
.put a tick or a cross in the box next to each sentence. l'm doing that now.
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their books. 2 Woman Greatl Now can you put the mango on the
. Checkanswers by reading outthe sentences and asking e\ephant's body?
children around the class to say Yes or No. Boy On the elephants body?
. Ask children around the ciass to correct the false senrences. Woman Yes please.
Boy OK, l'm putting the mango there.
1r' 2* 3./ 4x Sr' 3 Woman Now let's see ... put the goat under the horse.
Boy Put the goat where?
Woman Underthe horse, olease.
Listening, Part 1
Boy Right.
Lead-in 4 Boy And where shall I putthe monkey?
. Revise prepositions of place and prepare for the listening
Woman Can you see that girl. Shes on the horse.
- Boy ls she standing on one leg?
test by asking about the location of items in the classroom.
Woman Yes she is. Put the monkev behind her.
Point to items around the room and ask /s (the clock between
the board and the door)? Where is (the computel?
5 Boy And shall I put the shoe on that girls foot?
Woman Which girl?
Learners should check their answers when Boy Look! 5he's sitting there and shes waving.
they hear a recording twice. The first time they hear Part .l Woman Oh yes. OK, put the shoe on her foot then.
of the Starters Listening Test, , they can write 7 next to Boy OK, l'm putting the shoe there.
the first object outside the picture and another I in the
correct place in the picture (then a 2 next to the second
item, and so on). They can draw lines the second time
they listen, when they can check their answers are correct
tennis, badminton, hockey, table tennis, baseball, football,

2 Write the sports from Activity 1 under the

. Read out the words from Activity I and ask the children to
point to the correct pictures in Activity 2.
. Point to the pictures in Activity 2 and ask the crass to sav
the correct words.
. AJJow the children tirne to write the correct words under
the pictures in their books, then ask children around the
class to read out the words.

rs one 1 basketball 2 tennis 3 hockey 4 football

5 baseball 6 badminton 7 table tennis

e? Hes
3 Ask and answer.
o Point to the picture of the grammar characters and read
out the speech bubbles.
. Ask questions about different sports to children around
the class. Encourage the children to give shorr answers, as
in the examole.
. Children ask and answer in fairs. lnvite some pairs to ask
and answer questions in front of the class.
memory game to warm the class up and revise tne
for classroom objects. f{DllErfilri To give learners practice in spellinq words
the words for classroom objects on the board. Tell which they ftnd difficutt, ask individua/ learners t6 write
to /ook at the words for one minute (or speltns on smail cards.
/ess), then
teY Ld
nvelope and take them
or three words from the board. Tell the children out and look at them from time to tirne. Ask learners to
their eyes and say which words are missino. look at the cards, then turn them face down and write
the words. They could also write sentences containino
fte game, erasing different words each time. you
the words. They can then check their spelling againstihe
this as a game in two teams if you like.
; words on the cards.
F to say what words they can remember for Optional activity
;t their suggestions on the board. . Ask the children to say words which they have difficulty
r to mime a sport for the rest of the class to spelling.
l'r first child to guess correctly can mime another r Write the words on the board, one at a time, with
jumbled letters.

sports and colour them. Use different

. Invite children around the class to call out, or come
the board and write, the letters in the correct order.

raldrento take out their coloured pens / pencils

hy Show me (green).The children hold up the

puzzle and tell the children to colour the

each sport.They should make each sports word
t colour. Do the flrst item (tennis) as an examole
then ask the children to find six more words.
children time to complete the activitv in their

uers by aSking children around the class to

the sports words.
Unit 8 Lesson 2 Man Yes.
lucy Well, his names Ben.
listening & speaking Man Ben?
lucy Yes, and he can play badminton!
Man BadmintonT
Sports; Clothes; Food; Appearances lucy Yes.
Man And who's that girl there?
lucy The girl with the long dress?
Man No, the girl with the short dress.
Matching people to activities; Listening for descriptions;
Lucy Oh thats May.
Completing a speaking activity
Man May - she's very young! Can she play a sport?
lucy Well, she can play table tennis.
Man Table tennis? Wow!That's good.
Present continuous; Present simple; con lucy lt's OK.
Man And that girl there. What's her name?
Lucy Which girl?
See the wordlist on page 1 I 1 of the Students Book Man The girl with the orange skirt.
lucy ls she wearing a hat?
Man No, but she's got long hair.
Speaking Parts 3, 4 & 5; listening Pafts l, 2 & 4 luq Oh yes, that s Grace.
Man Grace?That's a nice name . And what sport can she play?
Luq Oh, she can play basketball.
Speakirg activity Man Basketball? Really?
@ ZS; ffrotcqiable I 16
Lucy Oh yes! Shes verygood.
lltan And whos that boy?
Warmer Lucy Which boy?
. Play a game of Hongman to warm the class up and revise Man The very tall boy, there.
the words for soorts. lucy ls he wearing grey trousers?
Man No, b\ue trousers
In several parts ofthe StartersTests, learners lucy Oh ... thats Alex.
will need to understand descriptions of people. Practise Man Alex? And can he play basketball too?
describing people and understanding descriptions with Lucy No ... he plays football.
your crass.
Man Football? Right.
lucy Look that s my friend, Tom!
Lead-in Man Where?
. Ask a childto choose a person in the room and describe him lucy Look ... there with the hat on.
' or herto the class without saying their name.The child can Man Oh, is he holding a bag?
make sentences about hair, eyes, clothes and accessories. lucy Yes he is And you know ... Tom can play hockey
. The rest of the class try to guess who is being described. Man Can he?That's a great game!
Lucy Yes. And can you see the boy there, with the red jacket?
. The first child to oless the c^t?ct nerqnn ran take a turn
Man Oh yes ... you mean the boy with the banana?
to describe another person in the class.
lucy No, the boy holding an apple, not a banana!
1 Listen and draw lines. @ 2g Man Oh ...yes, I can see him now. So what's his name?
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in Activity 1 . Ask
lucy Well, that's Dan. Hes funnyl Dan can play baseball!
Man Baseball? | don't know that qame.
them to describe what the people in the pictures are
l-ucy Don't worry I can show you.
wearing / doing.
Man Oh... OKthen.
. Explain that the children need to listen to match the
lucy And thats Pat. 5he can play tennis. Shes really good.
people to their names by drawing a line, then they need
Man Tennis. Right! Butwhich is Pat?
to draw another line to match each person to the sport
lucy Oh, sorry. Shes standing there. Shes got short hair and
tney can play.
she's wearing her new hat.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the Man Yes, I can see her. So yourfriends can play lots of sports-
track while the children look at the examole in their books. lucy Yes they canl
. Play the track twice for the children to complete the activity.
2 Do the speaking activity.
8 Ben, badminton 6 Tom, hockey
. You will need one copy of the worksheet per child. Child A
has Story I complete and Story 2 cut up. Child B has Story
3 May, table tennis 7 Dan,baseball
2 complete and Story 'l cut up.
1 Grace, basketball 5 Pat, tennis
4 Alex, football . Tell children to look carefully at the events in each card,
and use them to tell the story.
Transcript @ Zg . Children take turns to tell their stories, then listen and put
Man Hello. Are these children your school friends, Lucy? the other storv cards in order.
3 1 Listen and read.Then act. @ 30
Unit 8 Lesson :sBpases{
. the chlldren to iook at the plctures in the story Ask
What's this? Who\ this? What is he/she dotngT about each
Story & writing picture.
. Play the recording for the chlldren to listen and foliow the
, r'ts; Actions story in their books
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
:unctions the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
'r.rstanding and acting out a story; V/:itlng acout ind ividua lly.

-. lrs nappen ng now . Divide the class into groups of three and allow the
children time to practlse acting out the story.
Grammar . lnvrte groups of children to act out the story for the class
I -:sent contlnuous; Ccn
Optional activity
. Ask the chi dren to work in their groups of three and
See the wordllst on page 1
1 of the Students Book make a new dialogue abouL a differenr sport, using the
story as a mooer.
o Invire yo'o. tns of childrpn to ,a.t or rt their nersonalized
d for the class.

2 Look and complete the sentences.

g:o o Polnt to the picture Ask the children to say what actions
they can see in the picture
rYarmer . Tell the children to look at the example sentence. Point to
thtr ni(^-. rre and rpad OuI f he SentenCe
' ,'ite the sports words on the board one at a time, with
.. o or tnree gapped letters In eacn word . Read out the words in the box and tellthe children to look

' - .'ite children around the class to cal out, or come to the rt -he
JL and ror^'^*^
.. L nir-tr
VrLLurLrre +L^ '^''
^r rL^
I pICLC t lC lq)L Vl '^ntences witl'
Ll lq )E

::ard and write, the missing letter. the correct words.

' rJ can play thls as a game in two teams if you like, . Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
.' +i^^ ^^^^^! vvuru)
ur9 9dPPcu ' ^-t^ on the board for each team ln turn DOOKS.

. Check answers by asklng chi dren around the class to read

Learners will encounter a variety of verbs -^n I Lva !rru
n' I lhtr !v, ,r'ad canLe.CeS
- --e St,rrlprsTes* Pl;rr mimirn
,,, ,:J o:n
y", c( r^rirh vn rrclass to
--.^risp .ecoonizino and rrnrlprctend.nn differ^nt verOS
1 kicking 2 hitting 3 riding 4 walking
5 running, bouncing
' ,'te the words bounce, throw, catch, kick, run, vtalk, ride, Optional activity
- . cn the board Mime each of the actions and tellthe . Tell the class to look at the picture in Activity 2 for one
-^ Cren to call out the correct words. minute, then close their books
' : = . game of Simo n Says using the actions words on the . Ask children around the class questions about the
picture. For example ls Lucy hitting a ball? ls the girl with
' - : - 5Lructions to the class, for example Srmon says walk the bag running? ls one girl riding a bike?The children
- - -: t :tlt / ride a bike / catch a ball. answer /es or,\o from memory.

= : ass that they should only do the action if you say . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like,
-.' :tys before it. as(ing questions to chi/dren from each team in turn
.- { ovvo
. . ..^:^ - ur-^^rc puil
' :-- : oes the action when you dld not say Simon says, or ru uil rg ^^i^,rL fOr
rur cclLr
COrfeCI dt
LUrtcLL anS\l/ef.
)vvtj. 'i
: :'i oUt of the game.The last child left in the game is
: -lef.
Unit 8 Lesson 4
Picture 1: Sam is playing baseball; Picture 2: he is playirg
Language practice
Picture 1: there is a sun; Picture 2: there isn't
Picture 1: the mouse has got a short tail; Picture 2; the
mouse has got a long tail
Picture 1: the frog is on the ball; Picture 2: the frog is nefi
to the ball.
Picture 1: the ball is yellow; Picture 2: the ball is purple
Picture 1: there isn't a book next to Lucy; Picture 2, thee
a book
Picture 1: there is one chicken on the wall; Picture 2:
are two chickens on the wall
Picture 1: there isn't a spider in the tree; Picture 2: there b
a spider
Picture 1: Sam is wearing a black hat; Picture 2: he is
wearing a brown hat
Picture 1: there are four pears on the tree; Picture 2: therc
are three pears on the tree
Picture 1: 5am has a watch on his right arm; Picture 2: he
has a watch on his left arm

Optional activity
Warmer . Play a memory game.
. Invite groups of children to act out the story from the
previous lesson in front of the class.
Tell the class to look at the pictures in Activity I for one
minute, then close their books.
Lead-in . Ask questions about the two pictures, e.g. What's on tlr-
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One tree in picture | ? / Where is the mouse in picture 2? Whot

Out. colour is the ball in picture l? Io cfrildren around the

. Write three words from one vocabulary set and one word
The children try to answer from memory. lf they answ€t
correctly, they can stay in the game. lf they answer
from a different vocabulary set on the board, in any order.
incorrectly, they are out of the game. The last child left
. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why
in the qame is the winner.
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words, using
Sports, Actions, Classroom objects, Parts of the body,Toys,
Clothes, Food, Animal, Furniture, Colour and Numoer
2 Write the things from the picture in Activity 1.
. Pointtothe pictures and askthe children to namethe
. You can playthis as a game in twoteams ifyou like.
items. Ask the children to flnd the same items in the
picture in Activity 1.
1 Find ten differences. Talk to your friend about . Show the children the jumbled letters.Tell them to write
the pictures. the letters in the correct order to spell the woros.
. Ask children to look at the pictures and say what things . Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
/ animals / people they can see. Ask the children to say books. Move around the classroom as the children work
what the people / animals are doing / wearing in each and help if necessary.
picture. Look at the bat which is circled as an example. . Invite children around.the class to say, then spell, the
. Tell the class that there are ten more differences between woro5.
the two pictures.The children work in pairs to find and
talk about the ten differences.
I 2 pear 3 watch 4 spider 5 chicken
r Move around the class as the children carry out the 6 hockey
activity and monitor their performance. Tell the children
to put their hands up when they have found all ten
. Invite children around the class to talk about tne
differences between the two pictures.
. Playthe track twice for the children to complete the test.
. Check the answers as a class. Ask the questions and invite
&Writing, Part 5 the children to answer with the correct letters.

sentences about people and objects in the

1C 28 3B 4A
on the board. For example John is weailng a red Transcript @ Z'l
e has got a green _.There's a computer on Presenter Lookatthe pictures. Listen and look.There is
There are _ pictures on the wall. one examole.
around the class to say, or come to the board Presenter Whats Kim taking to school?
the missing words. Woman Have you got some pencils for school, Kim ... and
a rubber?
pictures and read the questions. Write Girl Yes Mummyl
answers. Woman And some fruit Kim? you've got that?
Gid Yes. Mum.
Woman Good. And yourjacket?
Gid No, Mummy - | dont want it. l,m OK, thanxs.
Woman OK.
Presentel Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick
the box.
children to look at the example questions. point ro 1 Presenter Where's Ben's dad?
and read out the questions. Ask the children to Woman Where's your dad today, Ben? ls he eating his
rd answers. supper in the dining room?
Boy No, he isn't. ls he in the bathroom, Mum?
the class the example answers.
Woman Well, I can't see him there.
children to look at the pictures, read the questions
Boy Oh look! Hes in the hall. Hes talking on the pnone.
the answers with one word. Woman Oh, OK.
the children time to complete the test in their 2 Presenter What s Tony's favourite sport?
Girl Do you like tennis,Tony? '
answers by reading out the questions and askinq Boy No, l'm not very good at it.
around the class to answer. Girl Oh, well, do you like badminton, then?
Boy lt's OK, but ... can we play basketball? | really like that.
It's my favourite!
2 dress 3 snake 4 sleeping 5 dog
Giil Oh ... OKrhen.
3 Presenter Which is Grace's new toy?
Part 3 Boy ls that a new toy, Grace?
Girl Yes ... do you like it? lt's my pink monster called
question and answer forms bv askino
Boy But its only got one leg and one foot!
around the class to answer questions about the
in Activity 1 on page 55. For example, askWhat's
Girl I know! And it's got a nice face, hasn,t it?
Boy Well, I don't know. lts got six eyes - that,s a lotl
Where is the spider? What's under the bail?
Gid lknowl
around the class to look at the picture and
4 Presenter What does Alex want.for dinner?
Alternatively, you could play this as a game in two
Woman Would you like chicken for dinner, Alex?
one point for each correcr answer.
Boy Er... can I have a burger please, Mum?
tick the box. There is one Woman OK ... do you want potatoes and carrots with it?
Boy Er ... no thank you. Chips and peas, please Mum
Ogr .Wonan Oh ... OK!
to look at the pictures. Ask them to sav what
see, where the people / items are and what the Optional activity
doing . Ask the children questions about the pictures in the
on the example. Play the first part of the Listening Test. For example: ts Kim taking her jocket to
the children look at the example in their books
school? ls Ben in the bathroom? Has Grace,s monster got
that they should listen, choose the six eyes? What does Alex want for dinner? Does Tony tike
then put a tick in the box next to the table tennis? Invite children around the class to look at
as in the examole. their books and answer.

Remind learners to listen carefullv, because

. You could play this as a game in two teams, awardinq
'all three pictures mentioned, one point for each correct answer.
but onlv one
8 Lesson 2 58 paqe 59

- Ask the children to work in their pairs and make a ne\.

Story & writing dialogue about their favourite hobbies, using the stor\
aS a ff\O(Ie.\.
o lnvite pairs of children to act out personarize c
dialogues for the class.

2 Read and write your answers. .

Understanding and acting out a story; Agreeing or . Point to the pictures and ask the class to say what the
disagreeing with statements ncnnlc:ro doinn
. Read out the sentences in the speech bubbles. Te/l the
class that they shouid write Me too!5o do ll or ah, ldon't,
.=-"terb+ ing to show whether they agree or disagree with each
. Allow the children time to complete the activity by
',:rdlist on pages 1 1 l-l 12 of the Student's Book writing the phrases in the speech bubbles.
. Check answers by asking children to read out the
qpntpn.pq in thc cnccrh hrrhhlps in n:irs

Children's own answers

Optional activity
. Tell the class to work in palrs. They should write five
sentences about hobbies or things they like.
rre cne of the hobbies phrases. Ask the children to . The children should then read their sentences to their
ers. 'rvhat you are dolng. partners, one sentence at a time. Their partner should
--€ ='st chlld toguess the hobby correctly can mime a respond to each sentence with Me too! So do l! or Oh,
'ccc_, for the rest of the class to guess. / dont depending on whether they agree or disagree

with the sentence.

Learners should feel confident about . lnvite pairs of children to act out exchanges in front of
their opinions, agreeing and disagreeing with
-r=-ssing the class.
:-:-ents.This will help them in Part 5 of the Starters
-.s=-'rg Test.
Optional activity
hlin . Tell the children to think of three activities which they
like doing.
- a-:: the phrases Metoo! So do l! Oh, ldon't. on the board.
. The children should work in pairs and take turns to
r:e :1e chlldren to say whether each phrase(s) show(s)
mime an activity for their partner to guess.
4:--ment or disagreement.
. .ia. sentences about things you like, e.g I love fishing I like
. The children then write down all three of thelr partner's
activities, and tell the class what their partner likes
. n,.:e children around the class to choose and say a
:r'ase from the board to show whether they agree /
:-gree with your statement.

I listen and read.Then act. @ lZ

. r.< the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
t', nct's this? Who\ this? What is Lucy doing in the photo?
each picture.
- --3!'the recording for the children to listen and follow the
::ory in their books.
. r :y the recording again, pauslng after each line for
:-: children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
. livide the class lnto pairs and allow the children time to
a'actise acting out the story.
. ^vite pairs of children to act out the story for the class.
Unit 9 Lesson 3 Transcript @ 33
Teacher Hello Sam!
ilff Listening & speaking Sam Hello!
Teacher Can you tell me what you really like doing?
Sam Oh ... well, I really like riding my bike!
Teacher Have you got a good bike?
Sam Yes I have!
Sam But you know my friend, Nick? Well, he enjoys riding
horses. And hes got a really big horse!
Teacher Really? WowlThat s great!
Sam Yesl But he also likes fishing with his dad.
Teacher Oh ... OK. And what about your sisters, Sam? What
do they like doing?
Sam Oh, well, theres Jill, she loves playing the guitar! And
she enjoys school too! She likes learning English.
Teacher Well that s very good. And you've got a baby sister
too, haven't you?
Sam Yes ... you mean Kim. Well, she likes eating cakes. Yes,
she loves cakes! Babies don't really have hobbies, but she
likes playing with her dolls. Shes got lots and lots of them. I
really don't know what she likes about them!
Teacher So you don't like dolls then?
Sam No! | like my toy tiger - he's great!
Teacher That's very nice. Thank you, Sam.
Sam So, can I go and play now?
Warmer Ieacher Yes, ofcourse you can ... bye Sam!
. Invite groups of children to act out the story from the Sam Bye!
previous lesson in front of the class.
Teacher Now Lucy, tell me about the things you like.
Lucy Oh I don't know really ...
Teacher Well, do you like eatin'g cakes?
. Write the hobby phrases on the their base form Lucy Er, no, but I like eating ice creams.
(fly kites / read stories / listen to music / make cakes).
Ieacher Do you?
. Invite children around the class to make sentences about lucy Yes, and, er, I really like reading. I read lots of stories.
themselves, e.g. I like / love / don't like flying kites. Teachel In class, you mean?
Lucy Yes, and at home with my mum.
In the Starters Listening Test, learners will
Teacher Thats really nice, Lucy. And you've got a brother
often hear the wrong answer mentioned before they hear
haven't you?
the right one.Teach learners to listen carefully and to wait
lucy Yes, his names Tom.
until they have heard the full dialogue before completing
Teacher Thats right! Now what does he like doing?
their answers.
tucy Oh, well, he really likes swimming in the sea. You know
he's very good.
1 Listen and draw'lines. @13 Teadrer OK, and what does he like eating? Does he like ice
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in Activity 1. Ask cream too?
them to say who the people in the main picture are and lucy No he doesn't, but he really likes eating fish and chips.
what activities they can see in the small pictures. Teacher I like eating that for dinner too.
. Explain that the children need to listen to match the people Lucy Yes, so do l.
to the activities by drawing lines. Play the first part of the Teacher Well thank you, Lucy. You can go to class now.
track while the children look at the example in their book. Lucy Oh , OK... bye bye!
. Tell the children that they will need to draw two lines from
2 Do the speaking activity.
each person, to match each person to two activities.
You will need one copy of the worksheet for each child.
. Play the track twice for the children to complete the activity.
Hand out copies of the speaking activity.
. Check the answers. AskWhat does (Nick) tike doing? a Point to the picture and read out the example exchange-
. As an extension, ask children to say which of the things in a Working individually, children complete the column
Activity 1 they like / love / don't like doing.
headed'Me'with the hobbies and activities they like.They
can use the pictures to give them ideas.
Sam: riding his bike, his toy tiger Children then talk to three other friends, and write their
Nick riding horses, fishing names at the top of the other columns.They tell their
Jill: playing the guitar, learning English partner what they enjoy. The other child replies 5o do /,
Kim: eating cakes, playing with dolls Me too, or Oh, I don't. Children record the resoonses.
Lucy: eating ice creams, reading stories Invite some pairs of children to act out the speaking
Tom: swimming in the sea, eating fish and chips
activitv in front
9 Lesson 4 Tell the children to put their hands up when they have
completed the activity.
Language practice Wr\te the head\ngs Bill and Sue on the board. \nvite chi\dren
around the class to say words for each person, or corne:c
the board and write words under the correct headingr
covered so far

s riding Bill: ball, banana, burger, bird, book, baby (6)

5ue: sausage, sheep, shoe, skirt, spider, snake (6)
ts;Spelling; Counting
2 Spell the things that Sue likes and the things that
Bilf likes. Listen and check. @ E+'
rm? What
simple wirh /lke . Remind the class that, when we write llsts of things, we
put a comma after each item in the list apart from the last
two. After the second to last item, we write and, and afle:
the last item we put a full stop.
lby sister wordlist on 1 I l-l 12 ofthe Students Book
Write sets of three to five words on the board , e.g. apples
akes. Yet pears lemons limes.
but she &Wri Parts 3,4 & 5 lnvite children to come to the board and write the items
of them.l in a list, e.g. Apples, pears, lemons and limes.
. Point to the items in Activity 1. Ask children around the
class to say the pluralforms of the words.
. Focus attention on Activity 2.Tell the class to complete
the lists with the items from Activity 2. Tell them to use the
plural forms of the woros.
Hay a game of Bingo to warm the class up and revise the
phrases for hobbies.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
kllthe class to write six sentences about hobbies they
Ae in their notebooks. Tell them to write full sentences
. Play the track for the children to listen and check their
eg- I like playing the guitar. spelling.

Say sentences using l like + the hobbies phrases Make a

. Invite children around the class to read out the comoleted
rUe of the hobbies phrases as you say them. lists and spell the words.

Ja child hears a sentence which is in their notebook,

tlry can cross it out. The first child to cross out all their Sue likes sausages, sheep, shoes, skirts, spiders and snakes.
nntences wins the game. Bill likes balls, bananas, burgers, birds, books and babies.

Presenter Can you write the words for me please? Listen.
the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One
O/t Here are the things Sue likes. Now you listen and write:
You know Boy Sausages. You spell that ... S-A-U-S-A-G-E-S
lrite three words from one vocabularv set and one word
Girl Sheep. You spell that ... S-H-double E- p
e like ice
bn adifferent vocabulary set on the board (in any order).
Boy Shoes. You spell that ... S-H-O-E-S
ftk a child to say which wordthe odd one out and why.
is Girl Skirts. You spell that ... S-K-t-R-T-S
rnd chipc hpeat with other children and other sets of words (using Boy Spiders. You spell thar .:. S-p-l-D-E-R-S
]bbbies, Sports, Actions, Classroom obiects, parts of the Girl Snakes. You spell rhat ... S-N-A-K-E-S
bdy,Toys, Clothes, Food, Animal, Furniture, Colour and Presenter Here are the things that Bill likes.
'low. Xrmber words). Boy Balls. You spell thar - B- A- double L-S
bu can play this as a game in,two teams if you like. Girl Bananas.You spell thar... B-A- N -A- N -A-S
Boy Burgers.You spell that... B- U - R-G- E- R-S
Iird the things that Bill and Sue like in the Girl Birds.You spell that.., B - | - R- D - S
ch child Write. Boy Books.You spell that... B -double O - K- S
ftk children to look at the picture and say what things Girl Babies. You spellthat... B-A-B-l-E-S
:xchang'e- tey can see. Ask the children to say what letter (B or 5)
umn eech thing starts with. Optional activity
y like.They Read out the sentences in the boxes. Tell the class to took . Divide the class into pairs, and give each pair of children
orefully at the picture and wrire the things beginnrng a letter.
rite their
rith I under the heading Bil/ in their notebooks and the . Tell the children to write as many words as ir=:. -_J
lltheir beginning with 5 under the headinq Sue in their think of beginning with rheir letter in rl-,e'. ^::=:,:,:
; So do', without showing their partner
'rses. around. the class as the children carry out the . The children can then compare lists ,.,:':^
ty. Help if necessary and see who has got the most v/ords.
Starters practice test : or,
Read the question. Listen and write a name or a
numberThere are two examples. 35
Reading &Writing, Part 4 . Ask children to read the questions. Ask them to say
whether they will need to write a name or a number fc-
Lead-in orrh nrroctinn
' Yv!JUvi

. Ask the children to think about gardens and tell you what . Play the flrst part of the track while the children look at
you can see or do in a garden. examples in thelr books.
. Play the track twice for the complete the test'
The text in Part 4 ofthe Starters Reading and . Check the answers as a class, Ask the questions and invite
Writing Test is written mainly in the first person singular.
the children to answer with the correct name or numDer.
Learners may find this strange because the text is usually
Ask the children to soell the names
about an animal, a place or an object. lt is important for
learners to understand that this is a kind of guzzte.
lMay 2Anna 314 4Alex 58
Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the Transcript @ 35
correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and write a narrt
example. number.There are two examples.
. Tell the children to look at the example. Point to the Woman Hello! What's your name?
picture ofthe garden and read out the text up to the Ben My names Ben. Ask the class to look at the pictures and Woman And can you spell'Ben'?
words in the box and find the word house. Show the class Ben Yes - its B-E-N.
how the word house has been chosen from the box and Woman Great! And how old are you Ben?
written on the line as an example. Ben l'm seven.
. Tell the class to read the text and Iook at the picture, then Woman You're seven?
chose the word from the box which fits in each gap (1-5). Ben Yes.
Remind them to look for verb-noun combinations. Presenter Can you see the answers? Now you listen rl
. Tell the children to cross out the words in the box as they write a name or a number.
use them. Remind them to check their spelling when they Woman That's a nice photoBenl ls that you with yor
have flnished writing the words Mum?
. Allow the children time to comolete the test in their
Ben Yes, it is!
Woman So, whats her name?
Ben lt's May.
. Check answers by asking children around the class to say,
Woman ls that M-A-Y?
then spell, the words.
Ben Yes, that's right.
Woman Have you got brothers and sisters, Ben?
1 flowers 2 ball 3 jumping 4 stories 5 meal Ben l've got one sister.
Woman And whats her name?
Listening,Past2 Ben Oh ... she's Anna.
Woman ls that A-double N-A?
Lead-in Ben Yes, that's right, Anna.
. Ask a child the following questions: What's your name? 3 Woman Now, you're holding a robot in the photo. is 1l
How do you spell that? How old are you? How many brothers your favourite toy?
/ sisters have you got? What's your mother's name? How do Ben Yes it is - but l've got lots of robots!
you spellthat? Woman Have you? How many?
. Write the child's answers on the board Then ask another Ben Well ... l've gotfourteen now!
child questions about the first child. Ask: What's his / her Woman FourteenlThat is a lot of robots!
name? How do you spellthat? How old is he / she? How Ben I play robots with my friend!
many brothers / sisters has he got? Wha* his mother's name? Woman Really? And what's his name?
How doyou spellthat?The second child should use the Ben lts Alex.
lnformatlon on the board to answer the questions. Woman Can you spell Alex for me?
. Reoeat with other children around the class. Ben Yes, its A-L-E-X.
Woman Welldonel
In Part 2 of the Starters Listening Test, all Woman And how old is your friend, Ben?
names must be spelt correctly. They are spelt out letter by Ben Oh he's eight.
letter on the recordinj. All first names will come from the Woman Eight?
names on the Starters wordlist (see list on page 1 17). Ben Yes.
Woman And is he a good friend?
Ben Yes, he's a very good friend!
ftn I bed 2 radio 3 school 4 lessons 5 breaKast
6 football 7 book 8 television 9 dinner l0 park
2 Draw lines and make five sentences about you.
FI .

Frl Read out the words in the four columns.
. Exolain that the children should draw lines to match the
words and ohrases and make five sentences which are
true for them. Tell them to use a word or phrase from each
column in each of their sentences and tell them to try to
use a different verb in each sentence.
. Allow the children time to link their sentences in their
book, then ask children around the class to read out their

Children's own answers

Optional activity
. Tell the children to write five more sentences about
their daily routines in their books, then compare their
sentences with their partner to see whether they do or
don't do anv of the same activities at the same times.

Hangman to warm the class up and revise the Optional activity

for hobbies. . Tell the children to write three sentences about things
they do in the morning, three sentences about things
they do in the afternoon and three sentences about
the class to say what words they can remember for things they do in the evening.
routines. Write their suggestions on the board. . The children should work in pairs and take turns to ask
the children which things they do every day and and answer to flnd out what their partners do in the
they do them. morning,/ afternoon / evening:
A Do you have breakfast in the morning?
In Part 3 of the Starters Reading and Writing
B Yes, I do. Do you ride your bike to school in the morning?
teach learners to look at the pictures and try to think
A you . . . etc.
No, I don't. Do
words which match each picture and how those words
spelt, before they look at the sets of jumbled letters.
. The children can then tell the class what their partner
way, they will have an idea of what they are looking does in the morning, afternoon and evening.
when they look for the correct set of jumbled letters.

I at the letters. Write the words under the

I to the pictures and ask the children to say what each

to the jumbled words above the pictures. Tell the

T to unscramble the letters and write the words below
l correct oictures. Remind the children to cross out the
as they write them to make sure that they use all
r letters and that they use each letter only once.
l, the children time to complete the activity in their
F Move around the class as the children work and
if necessary.
I answers by asking children around the class to say
r spell the words.
2 Write about your daY.
Unit 1O Lesson 2 child n lo
Read out the sentence beginnings. Tell the
think about what they do at different times in th day
Story & speaking complete the sentences about themselves.
Move around the class as the children work. Help if
o lnvite children to read out their completed sentences-

Children's own answers.

Optional activity
. Ask ouestions to children around the class, using
a variety of structures. For example: Can you swim?
Have you got brown hair? Do you have breakfast in the
morning? Do you like playing tennis? Has your mum got
blue eyes? Can your dad play football?
. Encourage the children to give short answers using the
appropriate structures.
. As an extension, ask the children to write flve questions

Warmer for their partner, using different structures. The children

can then ask and answer questions in pairs.
. Say /n the morning evening, I ..., then
/ afternoon /
mime one of the phrases from Activity 2, page 64. Ask
the children to guess what you are doinq and make a 3 Do the speaking activity.
sentence, e.g.ln the morning, you have breakfasl. . Put the children into pairs, A and B. You will need one
. The first child to make a correct sentence can start a copy of the workheet per pair. Give each child part A or
sentence and mime a daily activity for the rest of the class Dart B of the worksheet.
to guess. . Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
example exchange.
Lead-in . Explain that the children should look at their pictures,
Asli questions to children around the class. Say What do which show what their character, Bill or Anna, does in a
you do in the (morning)? day.
Encourage children to answer about themselves. They can . The children should make sentences to describe each
look at the activities on page 64 to help them. pictures, saying what Bill or Anna does in the morning,
afternoon, evening, and at night.
Listen and read.Then act. @ lO

a Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask

. Then they listen, and complete the information about the
other child.
What's this? Who's this? What are the boys doing? about
each oicture.
. Act out the example exchange with children around the
class, then allow the children to carry out the activity in
. Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
pairs. Move around the classroom as the children work
story in their books.
and help if necessary.
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
o lnvite some pairs of children to act out the activity in front
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
of the class.
. Divide the class into pairs and allow the children time to
practise acting out the story. In the morning Anna has breakfast. Then she walks to
o Invite pairs of children to act out the story for the class. school. In the afternoon she plays hockey. In the evening
she plays board games. At night she reads a book.
Optional activity In the morning Billhas bieakfast.Then he has lessons.In
. Ask the children to work in their pairs and make a new the afternoon he talks to his friends' In the evening he
plays football. At night he sleeps.
dialogue about what they do in the morning, in the
afternoon, in the evening and at night, using the story
as a mooel.
. Invite pairs of children to act out their personalized
dialogues for the class.
that's right. We have three lessons in the morning.
Lesson 3 Lucy Yes,
Man And do you like your teacher, Lucy?
Iucy Yes, I do.
Man That's great! OK ... and then what do you do?
Lucy Well, then I eat my lunch and ...
Man Do you like having meals at school?
Lucy Yes they're very nice.
Man Then, do you have lessons again?
[ucy NolThen I play games with my friends ih the playground.
Man What a nice morning, Lucy!
Iucy Yes!

2 Sam is talking about what he does in the

afternoon and evening. Listen and tick (/) oJ
cross (r). @ ge
. Ask the children to look at the picture.s in Activity 2.
. Explain that they should listen, tick the things Sam does
and cross the things he doesn't do.
. Play the first part of the track while the children look at
the examples, then play the track twice for the children to
complete the activity.

'l write in a book in class / paint a picture in class r

2 ride bike home / walkhome x
3 watch TV x eat dinner /
of children to act out the storv from the 4 pfayfootball / play basketball r
lesson in front of the class. 5 play a game on the computer * play a board game /
6 read a book r have a bath /
to which the answer is likely to be negative,
Transcript @ ge
Man So, Sam, tell me what you do in the afternoon and in
bvou hove breokfast at niqht? Let the children answer
the eveningt
and correctyou: No,l don't.l have breakfast in the morning
5am OK, well, I have lessons in the afternoon.
1 Lucy is talking about what she does in the Man Yes ... do you do these nice paintings in the afternoon?
Sam No, we don't paint at schoollWe write in our books!
morning. Listen and write numbers in the
Man OK, and what's your favourite lesson, Sam?
boxes. @ Et
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in Activity 1. Ask
Sam Oh, it's English!
Man Really?
them to say what Lucy is doing in each picture.
Sam Yes. And then after school I go home.
. Explain that the children need to listen and number the Man Do you walk home?
activities in the order they hear them. Sam No,ldon't. I ride my bikel
. Play the first part of the track while the children look at the Man Oh, thaf3 nice.
example in their books. Sam Yes, it is. I enjoy riding my bikq..
. Play the track twice for the children to complete the activity. Man And then what do you do, Sam?
Sam Well, I dont watch W I eat my dinner! I love eating
From leftto right:4, 1,6,5,3,2
Man And then?
Transcript @ ll Sam Well, then I go to the park and play with my friends-
Man So Lucy tell me about your day. What do you do in the Man So, do you play basketball there?
morning? Sam No, we play football. lt's great!
Lucy Well, I have my breakfast. Man That's good.
Man And what do you have for breakfast? Sam Then I go home again, and I play games.
lucy Er... an egg and some fruit. Man On the computerT
Man That's very good!Then what do you do, Lucy? Sam No, I play a board game with snakes on it, with my big
lucy Oh well, then I say goodbye to Mum and I go to school. sister!
I walk to school with my brother,Tom. Man Wow! That s very nice. And do you read a book in the
Man Do you like walking to school? evening?
Lucy lt's OK. Then . . . I get there, and I talk to my friends in Sam No, I don't like reading! And then, at night, I go to bed.
the playground . Man Do you have a bath?
ftlan That's nice. What do you talk about? Sam Yes, I dol I love having bathsl
Ucy Oh ... lots of things! Man Great!Well .. . thanks for talking to me Sam. Bye now!
Unit 10 Lesson 4 I food 2 sport 3 toys 4 school 5 horses
6 clothes
tanguage practice
2 Read. Tell your friend about the stories
. Ask the class to read the text in the speech bubbles, then
ask a pair of children to read out the speech bubbles for
the class.
. Tell the children to think about what kind of stories thev
like reading.
. The children work in pairs and practise a dialogue about
the stories they read, using the dialogue in their book as
a model
. Invite pairs of children to act out their dialogues fortfn

Optional activity
. Tell the children to make a puzzle like the ones in
Activity 1. They should write a gapped sentence, with

a space for each letter in the missing word, then draw

Warmer ' ' pictures of items beginning with each letter in the
missing word.
. Play a game of Simon Says using the phrases for daily
. Tell the children to swap puzzles with a partner and try
to complete each other's puzzles.
. Give instructions to the class, for example Simon says walk
to school / eat dinner / watch TV / Iisten to mujc / have a
bath. Optional activity
. Tell the class that they should only do the action if you say
. Play a memory game.Tell the children to look at the

Simon says before it.

pictures in the Activity 1 for one minute and try to
. lf a child does the action when you did notsay Simon soys,
remember as many as they can.'
they are out of the game. The last child left in the game is
. The children close their books. Ask children to name
Ine wtnner. the vocabulary items they can remember. Write their
suggestions on the board, and see if the class can
Lead-in remember all of the items.
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One o Alternatively, you could play this as a game in two
Out. teams, awarding one point for each correct answer.
. Wiite three words from one vocabulary set and one word
from a different vocabulary set on the board (in any order).
. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why.
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words (using
Daily activities, Times of day, Hobbies, Sporrs, Actions,
Classroom objects, Parts of the body,Toys, Clothes, Food,
Animal, Furniture, Colour and Number words).
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

1 What are these stories about? Write the first

letter of each word in the pictures and find the
. Ask children to look at the pictures and say what things
they can see on each book cover. Ask the children to say
what letter each thing starts with.
. Read outthe gapped sentences.Tell the class to look
carefully at the pictures and write the letter which each
thing begins with.Tell them to arrange the initial letters ro
make a word to complete each sentence.
o Move around the class as the children comolete the
activity. Help if necessary.
. Tell the children to put their hands up when they have
completed the activity.
. Ask children around the class to say and spell the missing
Starters practice test sBpases6$&6e
. Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
frogs, then colour them, as in the exqmple.

Reading & Writing , Part 4 . Play the track twice for the children to complete the test
u read.
. Check the answers as a class. AskWhat colour is the froa (in
Lead-in the tree)?
:s, then
: 3s for
. Ask the children to think about babies and teli vou wfiat
babies can / can't do.
The frog next to the boy's father: blue
)s they The frog under the chair: pink
As correct spelling is required in the Starters
Reading and Writing Test, encourage learners to write
The frog in front of the ducks: orange
about clearly lt may be better if they p'int rather than use joined
The frog between the cows: red
ooks as up writing.
The frog behind the fish: green

Transcript @ lg
)r the Read this. Choose a word fromthe box. Write the Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look.There is one
correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example.

--l example.
. Tell the children to look at the example Point to the
nirtr rrc of thc hahv and read orrt the text lJn to the word
Boy That's a good plcture of a park!
Woman Yes it is, but can you see that frog in the tree there?
Boy I can seeapples in thetree... ohyes... and afrog
\^/ith toolThat's funnyl
hair. Askthe class to look at the pictures and words in the
:iraw Woman Yes, well can you colour it yellow, please.
box and find the word hair. Show the class how the word
hair has been chosen from the box and written on the line Boy A yellow frog? Yes, OK.
as an example Woman Great!
l1d \ry . rellthe Presenter Can you see the yellow frog in the tree? This is
to read the text and look at the picture, then
an examole. Now vou listen and colour.
:hose the word from the box which flts in each gap (l -5).
Boy Theres a boy in the picture. Hes fishing with his father
. ell the children to cross out the words in the box as they
Woman That's right. And there's a frog next to his father,
-:: them Remind them to write clearly and to check their
,-: -
_: ..
-:-:1ey have finished writing the words.
Boy Next to his father? Oh yes. Can I colour it blue?
- - - -= :^ rdren time to complete the test in their Woman OK, colour that floq blue then.
Boy l'm doing that now!
- l-:_.. answers by asking children around the class to Woman And look at the boy's Mum. She's reading a book.
-1. .^en spell, the words. lf yog like, you can ask children Boy Yes, and I can see a frog under her chair.
=': -^d the class to read out sentences from the text. Woman Under her chair? Oh yes ... I can see it!
Boy Shall I colour lt pinkr
' dress 2 sad 3 letters 4 doll 5 school Woman Pink? Yes, that's a nice colour
: CI
Woman Do you like the ducks? Look, there's a mother du:<
and two babies.
lbtening, Part 4
Boy Yes, and there's a frog ln front of the ducks?
Lead-in Woman In front of them? Yes, there is. Well colour that
. :: zise preposltions of place by drawing a box on the frnn nrenno nlor<o
::ard and drawing two balls in different positions (e.9. Boy OK then l'm colouring it orange now.
:-: ballon the box and one ball behind the box).Invlte Woman That's very gooc.
Boy Thanks!
-^ ild to come to the board. Say Colour the ball (behind) the
:rx The child should colour the correct ball. Woman And there's a froq between the cows tool
. ::peat with other children and other simple pictures, Boy Where?
Woman Look ... between the cows ... there!
:-::tising the prepositions on, under, between, next to, in,
' lont of and behind. Boy Oh yesl Please can I colour it red?That's my favour -=
Remind learners that they will hear each Woman OK. Red's a very nice colourl
:=': of the Starters Listening Tests twice, so they don't Woman Now, can you see the frog behind the fish?
-::d tr rarnrrv if rho,, r:r1'1 AnSWtrf a OttcStiOn the
L' flfSt Boy Behind the fish . . no I can't!
_ tc Woman Look again.
Boy Oh yes - lcan see it now. Shall lcolour it greer,?
Woman Well ... I don't know ...
Listen and colour..There is one example. @ Zg
Boy Oh ... but it's a very good colour for a f.ogl
. rsk children to look at the picture. AskWhats this? Who\ Woman Oh I know ... OK, colour that one green the-
-his?Whereisthisfrog? aboutthe items in the picture Boy lt's a really nice picture nowl
. --ellthe children to take out their coloured pencils.
. )lay the first part of the track whlle the childi.en look at the
example ln their books.
Grace Shes bouncing a ball ... look ... there!
Revision 2 Mum I can see a girl, but she's catching a ball
Grace No, not her. Look, she's wearing a hat!
Mum Oh yes, who's she?
Revising topics, vocabulary, grammar and test skills from
Grace That's my friend Anna.
the Hello!unit to Unit 10
Mum Anna?
Preparation lor a]l pa11of the StartersTests Grace Yes, that's right. Look Mum, there's a boy there, whos
playing a game with his friend.
t{tum W\th h\s fr\end? Oh yes . .. hes p\ay\ng baseba\\!
Grace No, he's playing basketball, Muml His name'sTony-
Mum Tony?
Warmer Grace Yes
. Tell the children to write one parts of the body worii, one
Mum And which boy is Dan?
Grace Oh, he's there.
animal word, one furniture word, one family word, one
clothes word, one food word, one sports word and one Mum Does he like playing football?
Grace Yes, he can play football very well, but today hes
classroom word in their notebooks.
playing tennis. Can you see him?
. Play Bingo to revise words from Hello!to Unit 10 (see page 7).
Mum Yes... sothats Dan?
Lead-in Grace Yes, thats right.

. Write the headings Clothes, Food, Sports, Classroom objects,

Mum There are a lot of children in the school hall, Grace.
Grace Yes, can you see that girl there?
Animals, Family, Things in the house and Colours on the
Mum ls she playing the piano?
board. Ask the class to say what words for each heading.
Grace No Mum, she's listening to music ... there.
Write their suggestions on the board.
Mum Oh yes ... lcan see her... whats her name?
. Erase the words on the board. Ask children around the
Gnce That's May.
class to say three words from one of the groups.
Mum May? That's a nice name!
Grace Yes
1 Read and colour the monster.
Mum And is this your classroom, Grace?
. Point to the different parts of the monster's body and ask
Grace Yes Mum
the class to say the correct words.
Mum And that girl there, what's her name?
. Ask the children to take out their coloured pencils, and
Grace Which girl?
colour the monster according to the instructions. Mum Well, she's asking the teacher a question.
. Invite children to talk about their finished pictures. Grace You mean the girl with the long hair?
Mum Yes.
2 How many things can you find in the picture? Grace Oh, that's 5ue.
Write the words. Mum Sue?
. Allow the children tim€ to look at the picture and write Glace Yes.
the words in their books.
4 Look and read. Write yes or no.

chair, ruler, cupboard, doot desk, mouse, computer,

. Focus attention on the example sentences and answers.
pencil, board, rubber Ask the children to say why the second sentence is false.
. Tell the children to look at the picture, read the sentences
3 Grace with her mother. She's talking
is at school and write ves or no in their books.
about the children. Listen and d'raw lines. @ qO . Read out the sentences for children to answeryes or no-
. Play the first part of the track while the pupils iook at the Ask thechildren to correct the false sentences.
. Telithe pupils to listen, find the correct names and pictures,
lyes 2no 3yes 4yes 5no 6yes Tyes
then draw lines to match the names to the pictures.
. Play the track twice for the pupils to complete the activity. 5 Write the words.
. Askthe class to lookat the pictures and say what the
Anna: bouncing a ball (a);iony: playing basketball (f); nennlc rro dninn
Dan: playing tennis (c); May: listening to music (g); . Read out the words in the box and ask the children to
Sue: asking the teacher a question (j) ooint to the correct oictures.
. The children write the correct words under the pictures.
Transcript @
Mum Now, who are allthese children in the playground, Grace?
Gnce Well, can you see that girl there? 1 riding 2 bouncing 3 catching 4 kicking
Starters Speaking preparation A Blue. What's in the box?
B A robot. the girl smiling?
A How many snakes can you see?
Yes, she is.
B Three. Where's the monster?
A lt's under the window.
Revising toplcs, vocabulary, grammar and test ski ls from
the Hello!unit to unit l0 2 Ask your teacher for the object cards. Take turns
to tell your friend where to put things.
. Tell the class that they are now going to work in pairs and
rs for all parts of the Starters tell their partner where to put the object cards.
. Hand out copies ofthe object cards to each pair of
children. You can use the object Cards from the Term l
orTerm 2 Speaking test on pages 1 04 and I 06 ofthis
Teacher's Book. lf you prefer, you can make copies of the
smaller cards on page 1 1 2 or 122.
Warmer . Read out the speech bubbles and act out a few example
. Ask children around the class questions about themselves,
exchanges with children around the class, then let the
children work in pairs to place the objects in the picture.
for example: What's your name? How do you spell that?
How old are you? How many brothers and sisters have you
. Move around the class as the children carry out the
got? What s your favourite food? Who is your best friend? activity. Monitor their performance and help if necessary.
What does he / she look like? . Invite children around the class to act out exchanqes for
. Tell the children to make short dialogues asking and tne class.
answering questions about their best friends, then invite
pairs of children to act out their dialogues in front of the Children's own answers
3 Now tell your friend about the people in your
Lead-in family.
. Ask the class to say what words th'ey can remember for . Ask children to think about their family - how many
toys. Write their suggestions on the board. people are in their family, what their family members look
. Ask children around the class to say what toys they have like and what their family members can do.
got, what their favourite toy is, and what it looks like. . Ask the children to work in pairs and practise talking
about the people in their families together, then invite
Use greetings such as Hello, Bye, Good
children to tell the class about the people in their family.
morning / afternoon / evening with learners, so that they
use them naturally. lf they use them in the Starters
Speaking Test, they w.ill create a good impression. Children's own answers

Optional activity
1 Look at the picture. Ask and answer these
. Tell the class to work in oairs and tell their oartner about
what sports they can do, and their favourite sport.
. Ask children to look at the picture and say what they
. The children should then report backtothe class,
can see in the picture, where each item is and what the
telling the class about their partners abilities and
children are doing.
favourite sport
. Read out the questions and tell the children to work in
pairs. One child in each pair asks Student A's questions
You can now do theTerm 2 Speaking test
to his / her partner and the other child asks Student B's
questions to his / her partner. They should take turns to with the children individually. See pages I0'l and 102for
instructions, and paqes 105 and106 for the test.
ask and answer questions.
. Allow the children time to ask and answer their questions
in pairs. Move around the class as they carry out the
activity and monitor tl-ieir performance.
rto o Invite pairs of children to ask and answer questions in
front of the class.

I What are the cfrildren doing?

! They're playing a board game. What colour eyes has the
Lesson 1
1atrain 2 aplane 3 alorry 4 ahelicopter
Words 5 aboat 6 acar 7 a bus 8 a motorbike 9

2 Write the words.

a Read out the words in the box.
a Explain that the children should write the
the correct pictures. Remind them to copy the vr/or6
exactly and check their spelling when they have
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in
books, then ask children around the class to read
adjectives for each picture.
. As an extension, ask further questions about the nrit
picture (e.9. /s rhrs car dirty?) and encourage the
answer (e.9. lVo, it isn't. Ift clean.).
. Play a memory game to warm the class up and revise the I open 2 closed 3 angry 4 new
phrases for daily routines.
. Say ln the morning,l have breakfasr. Invire a child to add an
Optional activity
activity to the sentence, for example In the morninq, I hove
. Tell the class to look at the picture in Activity 1 for
breakfast and walkto schoot, minute, then close their books.
. Invite children around the class t r Ask questions about the picture, for example WhereB
list. lf a child can't remember the out of
the boy on the bike? Are the children on the bus hopry?
How many shops are there in the picture?
the game.The last child still in th er.
. Repeat the game with another long sentence about /n fhe Encourage the children to answer from memorv.
afternoon / evening. . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like
asking questions to children from each team in tum
Lead-in and awarding one point for each correct answer.
. Ask the class to say what words they can remember for
means of transport. Write their suggestions on the board.
. Ask the children which means of transport they use and
when they use them.

1 Look and write the numbers next to the words.

. Point to the picture and ask the children to say what thev
can see.
. Point to the words below the picture. Read out the words
and tell the children to look at the picture and write the
correct number next to each word.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Move around the class as the children worK ano
help if necessary.
. Check answers by asking Wh-ats number (l)? Encouraoe
children around the class to answer, e.g. tts (a train).
. As an extension, ask the children to ask and answer
questions about the picture in pairs.
& writing
\\s \r\\\n\e pai\ rs irdrn g\\sb\\e. .
The person in the green jacket is flying a helicopter.
Four people are sitting on the bus.
The women in the park are looking at the du&-
Two children on the bus are waving at a girl.
The man next to the house is cleaning hii car.

2 CtTc/e and wr/te about whatyou're danTzgr w/t/t

your friends in class today.
. Focus attention on the gapped text. Explain to the class
that they need to circle some words to make the text true
for their class, then complete the gaps with other words
about their class.
. Allow the children time to complete the text in their
books. Move around the class as the children work and
help if necessary.
o Invite children around the class to read out their
completed texts.

Children's own answers

Help your learners to personalize all new
vocabulary and grammar so that they can use the
game to warm the class up and revise the
language they learn to talk about themselves. This will
means of transport.
help them in Part 5 of the Starters Speaking Test.
words for means of transport on the board.Tell
to look at the words for one minute (or less), then
Optional activity
. Tell the children to draw a ptture of themselves ano
or three words from the board. Tell the children
their family or friends doing different activities in the
their eyes and say which words are missing.
park, house or garden.
the game, erasing different words each time. You . The children can then write a short text about what
this as a game in two teanis if you like.
is happening, where the people are and what each
person is doing in the picture.

activity for the class, e.g. ridng a motorbike,flying

. The children can read their texts out to the class, or
a car, cleaning a car, reading a book. AskWhat
you can display their pictures and texts around the
7 Encourage the children to answer You're (iding

around the class to mime doino an activitv.

/ she / they doing? Encourage the rest of the
is he
guess and answer using full sentences.

the picture on page 74 again. Draw lines

children to look at the picture in Activity
1 on
74.Say The man next to the house cleaning a car.
the children to point to the correct person in the
Repeat for the sentence The children on the bus are
ot the girls.
lEntion on the example. Show the class how lines
drawn to make sentences.Tel the dass to
the rest of the sentence parts with lines to make the
the children time tGcomplete the activity
in their

ck answers by asking children

around the class to read
Inerr sentences and point to the correct
people in the
on page 74.
ln like, you can a5k the children to
write their
/- in their notebooks.
Unit 11 Lesson 3 ,,sB:piqer6 Remind learners that in the Starters
Listening Tests they wil/ often hear simiiar pieces of
Story & fistening information.They have to learn to listen carefully and
decide which piece of information is correct.

Shopping; Actions happening now 2 Listen to Lucy and tick (/) or cross (x). @ 42
. Askthe children to lookatthe pictures in Activity 2. Ask
them to say what the people are doing in.each picture.
Understanding and actlng out a story; Matching people . Explain that the children need to listen and tick the
to the acrivities they are doing actlvities which Lucy's friends are doing and crQss the
activities which Lucy's friends are not doing.
. Focus attention on the example. Play the first par. -':-=
Present continuous track while the chiidren look at the examp/e in their boor.'
. Play the track twice for the children to complete the
!9-e,tiv-ry-o1$!i:t-o!P"9-s911?91!!l",!tv9e!.S-qo,9f - . Check the answers as a class. Ask Are Alex and Ben : '
on computers? Are they with their teacher? ls Ann reading '
book? ls she in the library? Are Bill and Nick eating lunch? ls
Listening Parts I &3 Nick eating a burger? ls Lucy drawing a pictureT ls the train in
front of the helicopter in her picture? Encourage the children
to glve short answers.
. As an extenslon, ask children around the class to use their
answers to talk about what the people in the pictures are
Warmer oorng.
. Tellthe chlldren to write six words for means of transport
in their notebooks 1/t 2x/ 3x/ 4{x
. Play a game of Bingoto warm the class up and revlse the
words for means of transport Transcript @ 42
1 Teacher Hello Lucy. Now, what are you doing here? And
Lead-in where are your school friends?
. Write the followlng words on the board: book shop, clothes Lucy Oh, well, Alex and Dan are in the computer room.
shop, shoe shop, sweet shop, music shop They're working on the computers there.
. Teacher Oh good ... are they with their teacher?
Ask the class to say what you can buy in each shop.
Lucy Er .. no.
1 Llsten and read. Then act. @ +'t 2 Tearher And where's your friend Ann?
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask Lucy She's reading a book.
lA/ha* thisT Who's this? Where are they? What are they doing? Teacher Oh, good. ls she reading her book in the library?
rhnr ri oerh nirtr rra lucy No, she's in the playground.
. Play the track for the children to listen and follow the story
Teacher Oh!

in their books.
3 Teacher And what areTony and Nick doing?
Lucy Well, they're eatlng lunch.
. Play the track again, pausing after each line for the chi dren
Teacher Oh, what are they eating?
to listen and repeat, first chorally, then indlvidua ly.
Lucy Tony's eating a burger and Nick's eating chicken.
. Divide the c ass into groups of three and allow the Teacher OK
rhildren timp t^ nrr.tico:rtinn thtr (tnrv
nr rt
4 Teacher And what are you doing in class, Lucy?
. Invite groups of chlldren to act out the story for the class lury Oh, l'm drawing this picture. Do you like it?
Teacher Yes that's a very good helicopter - and is that a

i Optionalactivity a traln next to it?

. Divide the class into three teams. Tell Iean A to practise Lucy Yes, that's right!
and try to remember Mum's lines, Team B to practise Teacher That's great, Lucy .. but can you go and find your
and try to rememberTom's lines and Team C to practise +^--L^"
LCdLr rcr ruvv,
^^.., prcd)c:
and try to remember Lucy's lines. Lucy OK then!
. Allow the class tlme to try to me"nor ze rhe lines of rl^e
. Invite a child from each team to come to the front of
their class without their books. The children should
1-r UUr
oLL ^' '+ +A^
I rE .+^",, -. f-.
>LUry d) -. +A^,,
rdr o) --^ I .^-^-A^"
L, rcy Lo rcr rcr rucr TL^ .ac+
| | rr rr\r

of the class can follow in their books When one child

forgets a line, another child from their team can come
and take their place to continue the story
. Ask children around the class to point to the pictures,
Unitll Lesson4 say the matching words and say whether each word is

singular or plural.
Language practice
Optional activity
. Write some more nouns with irregular plurals on the
42 ropqcs g9r1q1eQ 19-la-r;feo-91"glQ
plVf t: board. Write the singular forms jumbled up on one
2. Ask side of the board (e.g. mouse,fish,foot, man,woman,
ctuIe. child, person,tooth, sheep), and the plural forms on the
opposite side of the board, a)so iumb\ed up te.g.
fish, feet, men, women, children, people, teeth, sheep';'
s the
. Divide the class into two teams.
nof the o lnvite children from each team in turn to come to tne
o{ o\ace
he\r board and draw a \ine to match a singu\ar noun to a
e the plural noun. Award one point for each correctly placed
nn n2rrtr 11) of -h.,c Sr,rdent's Book

2 Do the speaking activitY.

Writing Parts 2 & 5; Listening Parts 1 & 4;
. Put the children into pairs, A and B. You will need one
tte copy of the worksheet per pair. Hand out the relevant
1 ,2, &3
het section of the worksheet to each pupil.
. Working individually at first, children colour their picturer
o u9e You can also tell them to think about where things such as
icrurs ble 1 19
the tree or the car are positioned in the picture.
. Point to the picture of Lucy and 5am and read out the
example exchange. Explain that children should ask and
of children to act out the sto(y from the answer about the position of the items in their pa(tner's
lesson in front of the class. orcture.
Act out the example exchjnge with children around the
class, then allow the children to carry out the acttvity in
rocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One palrs. Move around the classroom as the children work
and help if necessarY.
words from one vocabulary set and one word Invite some pairs of children to act out the speaking
vocabulary set on the board (in any order) activitv ln front of the class.
to say which word the odd one out and why.

other children and other sets of words (using

transport, Adjectives, Daily activities, Times of
Sports, Actions, Classroom objects, Parts of
Toys, Clothes, Food, Animal, Furniture, Colour
playthis as a game in two teams if you like.

Remind learners that, in many parts of the

they will need to be able to recognize words
pple (mon, woman, child, person) and their

the lines from the pictures to the words.

the words in the boxes. Ask the class to say
each word is a singular noun or a plural noun
children to point to the correct picture for each

to take out their co\oured pencr\s.Te\\

different-cdours to co)our the ))nes from the
the correct words.
around the class as the children complete the
rtivity. Help if necessary.
hllthe put their hands up when they have
cnpleted the activity.
Starters practice test
The jeans are between the planes and thg shelf.
Reading &Writing, part 3 The socks are under the desk.
The snake is on the mat, between the bus and the lorry.
Remind learners to write clearly, so that their The tiger is in the monster's hand.
answers can be read easily. This will help ensure that they The shirt is on the floor, in front of the guitar.
don't lose marks for incorrect spellino.
Transcript @ 43
Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and look.There is one
Say words for means of transport from the unit to children Boy Hello. Do you like this picture? Look, the boy's playing
around the class. Ask the children to spell the words. a football game on his computer.
O Write the letters on the board as the children say them. Woman Yes, it's very nice, but could you ptrttfie
a Invite the rest of the class to say whether the word is spelt the bed for me, please?
correctly or not. Boy Where shall I put the mirror?
Woman Next to the robot on the bed olease.
Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the Boy OK then.
words.There is one example. Presenter Can you see the line?This is an example. Now
. Tell the children to look at the example. point to the you listen and draw lines.
picture and the jumbled word. Show the class how the I Woman Now put the jeans between the planes and tlre
letters have been written in the correct order in the shelf.
example. Boy Where?
. Tell the class to look at the pictures and the jumbled Can you see the planes? And look, there,s a
letters, then write the letters in the correct order. Remind on the wall. Put the jeans between them please
them to cross of the jumbled letters as they write them Boy OK ... l'm putting them there, then.
and to check their spelling when they have finished 2 Boy What shall I do now?
writing the words. Woman Er ,.. can you see those socks there? Well, put
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their
them under the desk.
Boy Where shall I put the socks?
. Check answers by asking children around the class to soell
Woman Under the desk, pleas'e.
Woman Now let s see . . . there's a mat on the floor.
the words.
Boy Yes and theres a toy bus and a toy lorry on it. Can I

put the snake between them?

I boat 2 lorry 3 train + motorbit<e 5 helicopter Woman Yes, OK. Put the snake on the mat, between the
bus and the lorry.
Listening, Part l Boy Rightl l'm doing that now.
4 Boy Oh look! Theres a monster there ... on the comouted
Lead-in It's a bit ugly! lts got one big eye and one small eye!
Revise prepositions of place and prepare the class for the Woman Yes, and it s only got one arm! Can you put the
listening test by asking about the location of various items tiger in the monster's hand?
in the classroom. Point to items around the room ano asK Boy OK, l'm putting the tiger in the monster,s hand then?
ls (my bag in front of my desk)? Where is (the ctock)? etc. ls that right?
Invite children around the class to answer. Woman Yes that's greatl
5 Boy I think that boy can play the guitar. Look there,s one
next to his bed.
Woman Oh yes, there is. Can you put the shirt in front of it?
Boy You mean put the shirt on the floor in front of the
- Woman Yes please. Well done!That,s reallv oood!
Listen and draw lines.There is one example. Boy Thanks!
@ +E
. Ask children to look at the picture. AskWha* thrs?about
Optional activity
the items in and around the picture.
. Play the first part of the recording while the children
. Play a memory game. Tell the children to look at tne
look picture in the listening test for one minute and think
at the example in their books.
about where each item rs.
. Tell the children that they should listen, find the correct
. The children close their books. AskWhere is the (shiril?
rtems outside the big picture, then draw lines to the
correct places in the big picture, as in the examole.
/ What s (under the desk)? and invite a child to answer
from memory.
. Play the track twice for the children to complere
tne test. . Repeat with other children around the class.
. Check the answers as a class. AskWhere is (the snake)?
1 Sam is seeing his grandparents today. Look at
the picture and write the words in the boxes.
. Point to the picture and ask the children to say ryhq 9r
what they can see, and what the people are doing.
. Read out the words in the box and ask children to say
wh a t kin d o f wo rds th ey a re (ad/?czi.el, *qds tt fu/
transport / family / animals, etc).
. Focus attention on the gapped text.Tdl the d6sflattt€y
need to look at the picture, read the text and drose md
copy the correct words to complete the texL
. Allow the children time to comBlete the activity in ilreir
books. Move around the class as the children workand
"-'r if" nprcq<:

. Check answers by asking children to read out sentencg

from the completed text.

in, car, mother, father, sister, jacket, trousers, dress, house,

flat, next to, horses, sheep, boat, on

Optional activity
. Ask the class about their grandparents. Ask Do your
grandparents live in a house? What's next to their house?
to warm the class up and revise the words Whats behind their house? lMhen doyou visityour
grandparents? What do you do when you visit your
class into two teams. Draw a line for each letter
word on the board.
. Tell the children to write a short text about visiting their
grandparents.They can use the text on page 80 as a
from each team in turn to quess one ofthe
lf the team correctly guesses a missing
the letter on the correct line(s) on the board.
. Fast flnishers can draw a picture to illustrate their text.
guesses a letter which is not in the word, draw
of a simple picture (a flower with five petals, a
leaves / a house with three windows. a door

the word before you have completed

ayvard them one point. lf not, continue the

headings on the board: Clothes,

Animals, Adjectives.
to say what words they can remember for
Write their suggestions on the board under

from beneath the headinqs.

around the class. Invite the children
board and write their words under the

as a game in two teams if you like

learners that in Part 5 of the Starters

Test,the picture above the text will
the questions. Tell learners to look
for clues about the missinq woros
Un(t12.Lesssn2 Op\rona\ actrrr\\y
. Play a memory game.Tell the class i: :_. l. -=
Speaking & words for one minute and try to remember the lines
. \e\\the \o c\ose\heu books
. Divide the class lnto two teams.
V\s\ting gr andparents; Ad\ectives
. Nska ch\\d\rom1eam \to sa\ \he\tts-. '=
\romJeam B \o sav \he second \\ne, '- : . --

U nders\andrnq and acting out a stor5', \(atch\ng

. lf a chi\d can't remember the nev-- ''= : :
ad1e ctives to_th e\r op,pos\tes the other team. Award one oo\ntic'==--

2 Draw lines from the words to their

a Ask the children to look at Lhe plctu':: :- r

Focus attention on the examSl:
t-': - -- --- -
seq,tlg ryg9ti:! ptr pl99.l,tz {!,r'e s,t_uQe1!,1 Bo9[, need todraw linesto match :^: .',:'l: .- -:'
thelr opposltes on the right.
A//ow the chi/dren rirne to complete tne a.: .
Adjective practice will prepare learners for all parts of the books, then check answers by asking children to sa.' :E
Startefs Tests words and their opposites in pairs.

1d 2c 3a 4b
i Optionalactivity
. Wrlte some more adjectives (e g big, tall, short, dirty,
beauriful, fast, gooClon one side of the board and write
Play a game of Bingo to warm the class up and revise
their opposit es (e g small, short, long, clean, ugly, slow,
bad) on the other side of the board, jumbled up.
a Tell the children to write six adjectives in their notebooks
. Divlde the class into two teams.
a C,all or.t uvJ!
adiectives in randorn nrder tkeen a note of the
!r' v !J
. lnvite chlldren from each team in turn to come to the
words which you have called out).
board and draw a line to match an adjective to its
lf a child has the word you callout ln their notebooks, they
opposite. Award one point for each correctly placed line
can cross out that word. The first chlld to cross out all their
words wins the game

Ask the children to think of three ad jectives to describe
their grandma, grandpa, mum, dad or best friend.
Invite children around the class to use their adjectives to
tell the class about thelr family / best friend.

1 Listen and read. Then act. @ qq

o Askthe children to look at the pictures in the story Ask
Whats this? Who\ this? Where are they? What are they doing?
2l-\n I rt a2ah niatr rrF

Plav rhc rerordino for the children to listen and follow the
':J ',"', '"
srory in their books.
Play the recording again, pausing after each llne for
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
ind ivid ua lly.
Divide the class ,nto .r"or Inq of (,iv rnd :llninr -l'p childrer'
time to practise acting out the story.
lnvite groups of children to act out the story for the c ass
fhit 12 Lesson 3 ,,:rBpase82 Allow the children time to complere the activity in their
books. Move around the class as the children worK ano
Speaking & writing help if necessary.
\nv\te ch\\dren around\he c\ass\o sa),\hen spe\\,fhe
Topics completed words.
ramily members; Actions happening
now;Things in tt e
In the kitchen: cupboards, door, window, clock, radio
ln the dining room: picture, table, chairs, burgers, children
In the living room: armchair, lamp, mirror, phone,
Asking and answering about family members; Asking and television
answering about actions happening now; Categorizing
r5 things ln the house In the Starters Test, learners must spetl
words correctly. Learners often lose marks because they
do not check their spelling. Practise looking at words that
Present simple; Present continuous are often misspelled (e.g. clock, cupboardland correctinq
these with learners.

Optional activity
!gg!1" rygtq[:-t g!f,9,s-u I ] 2 of the student,s Book
. Tell the children to draw a picture of a room in their
house, then write six gapped words (for six items in
reading apd W11ing, Pgll: 3 q 4; their picture) underneath it.Tell them to make sure that
Speaking parrs t, 2, 3 & 5
there is one line for each missing letter in each gapped
o . The children should then swap pictures with a partner
nvite groups of children to act out the story from the
and complete each others gapped words
crevious lesson in front of the class.
. Once they have completed their partner's words, the
lead-in children should swap back again and check each
. 'evise the words for family. Draw a simple family tree with
other's answers and spellirlg.
:oaces for grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother
sister on the board.
. 'rd
r,sk children to come to
the board and help you complete
-re family tree by writing the family words in the correct
:laces. You can play this as a game in two teams if you
. :ach the words aunt, uncle and cousin by adding these
-mily members to the family tree.
| fuk and answer about Sam,s family.
. :sk the children to look at the picture. point to the picture
:'the grammar characters and read out the speech
: rbbles.
. =.plain to the class that they need to work in pairs and
::< and answer about the people in the picture.
. r- out a few example exchanges with children around
:-: class, then allow the children time to ask and answer
:-estions in pairs.
' ','lve around the class as the children carry out the
=::'vity. Monitor their performance and help if necessary.
. - , te some pairs to act out exchanges
in front of the class

2 l.ook at the picture and complete the words.

. -::us attention on the headlngs in the table. Ask children
-: )uggest some things that you
can find in eacn room.
. i- lw the class the gapped words in the table Tell them
.-:: each of the items is in the picture in Activity l. Tell the
-:)s to look at the picture and complete the words with
-: .nissing letters.
Unit 12 Lesson 4
[anguage practice


Transcript @ +S

117-120 of the Student,s Book

Man And does he wear glasses?
lucyNo, he doesn,t.
Man ls he at home today?
lucyYes, he's in the kitchen. He,s eating his
4 Man Oh, and is your Mum at home today Lucy?
Lucy Yes, she is.
Man ls she in the kitchen, too?

. Play a memory game. Tell the children
to look at the
picture of Sam s family on page 82 for one
minute, then
close their books. lucy Er ... blue jeans and an ofd yellow shirt. Look _ hes
. Ask q picture to children around the
very dirty nowl

class g? Where is Grandma? ls there a 2 Do the speaking activity.

clock . You need one workheet for each group of four
. Encourage the children to answer from memory.
Cut out the individual cards, or ask the children
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you
like. but don't cut them into smaller sections vet.
to do so,

Ldad-in Ask the children to colour the cards in their groups,

so eadr
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One
item of clothing has a distinct colour. They look
at tnese arr
try to remember what each character is wearinq.
. Write three words from one vocabulary set ano
one word
Then they cut each picture into the three secttns
-board marked, so they have 2 i cards. The aim is to match
from a different vocabulary set on the (in any order) up the
complete characters.
. In groups, they deal out all the cards except
one, which
should be put face-down and not looked at
until the end.
. lf there are different nu roup, still remove
just one card. lt doesn,t hildren don,t start
with the same number
. You can playthis as a game in twoteams
ifyou like.

. Ask the children to identif,/ the differences

between the
three pictures in each set. '
. Tell the children that they should listen
and circle the
correct pictures.
. pe
The winner is the e most complete
r. to
the children activiry. matched
: a class. Ask the
incomplete characte
r isthe persori with the
Inr ro of how many peopte
nd say where th nd they have.
h set rters practice test Iell the children that they should listen, choose the
correct picture, then put a tick in the box next to the
correct picture, as in the example.
ng &Writing, Part 2
a Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
lead-in a Check the answers as a class. Ask the ouestions and invite
o Point to items around the classroom and say true or false the children to answer with the correct letters.
sentences, e.g.There's a bag on my desk.There are some
pictures on the walLThere's a clock next to the window. Remind learners to listen carefully and not
to choose an answerjust because they have heard one
Ask children around the class to say Yes if the sentence is
orrect and No if the sentence is incorrect.

In Part 2 of the Starters Readinq and Writinq

remind learners to read the sentences carefully and
lA 2B 3C 4A
that all parts of the sentenceEre true. For example, Transcript @46
sentence The boy is standing in front of the elephant
Presentel Look at the pictures.Now listen and look.There
only true if the boy is standing (not doing any other
is one example.
ty), and is in front of (not in any other positfon) the
Presenter Which is Ben's grandfather?
(not any other object).
Gid ls that your grandfather there, Ben - with the grey
end read. Write yes or no. There are two Boy No my grandpa hasn't got hair!
aamples. Girl Oh ... well has he got glasses then?
. Tell the children to look at the example sentences. Point to Boy Yes he has. Look ... there he is!
the oicture and read out the sentences. Ask the children Presenter Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick
fing,p the box.
to say whether each sentence is correct (Yes) or not (No).
. Show the class the example answers. 1 Presenter Which is Mr Green's Car?
Boy Look there's our teacher, Mr Green in his car!
-aL . Tell the children to |ook at the picture, read the sentences
Girl Where? Do you mean in the red car?
and decide whether each sentence is correct or incorrect,
Boy No. Look he's in the green car.
- he's then write yes or no.
Gid Oh yes. He's got a very clean car!
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their book. Boy No he hasn't. lt's really dirty. Look again!
. Check answers by reading out the sentences and asking Gill Oh yes! | can see it now. You're right!
children around the class to say Yes or No. 2 Presenter Which is Grace's favourite fruit?
o Ask children around the class to correct the false sentences. Man So .. . what's your favourite fruit, Grace? Do you like
do so,
Giil Yes, but they're not my favourites. I really like grapes.
so each lyes 2no 3yes 4yes 5no
Man Oh yes, they're very nice, aren't they? And what
rese and about pears?
Listening, Part 3 Girl Oh no! | don't like them!
lead-in Man Oh!
up the 3 Presenter What sport does Dan like playing?
. Revise different question and answer forms by asking
Woman So Dan , you play a lot of football, then.
children around the class to answer questions about
rkh Boy Yes I do, but I don't really like it.
the picture in Activity 1 on page 84. Ask What's (the boby
e end. Woman Oh ... so do you llke playing baseball, then?
doing)? Where (is the cat)? What's (under the toble)?
Boy Yes that s a really good sport.
nove . Invite children around the class to look at the picture and
Woman Greatl And do you like playing basketball?
t start
answer. Alternatively, you could play this as a game in two
Boy Not really, no.
teams, awarding one point for each correct answer.
They 4 Presenter How does May go to school?
€r Listen and tick (r') the box. There is one Man Do you go to school on the school bus, May?
,-brown example. @ qo Girl No I don't. I like walking to school with my brother.
Man That's nice. And you don't like going on the train with
ls. Other . Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask them to say what
your friends?
;their they can see, where the people / items are and what the
nonnlo aro dninn Gid No, I don't do that. My house is next to the school.
Man Oh. I see!
rall . Focus attention on the example. Play the first part of the
Erts up recording while the children look at the example in their Optional activity
;a turn.
books. . Ask the children questions about the pictures in the
Listening Test. For example: Has Ben's grandfather got
glasses? ls Mr Green's car clean? Does Grace like grapes?
th the
Does Dan like playing football? Does May go to school on
rple thetrain?lnvite children around the class to look at their
books and answer.
Unit 13 Lesson 2 , 87 children around the class, then allow the chi:0,:^ - -= -,
talk about the places in pairs.
Words & writing . Move around the class as the childre n caly out r:r3
speaking activity. Monitor their performance anc r. : =

o invite some pairs to act out exchanges in front of tne c a_..

The following pictures and words should be joined by

alking about what you can do in different places;
giraffe - zoo
basketball - school
dresses - shoo
riding bike - park
sleeping - home
having bath - home
:=: the woldlil ol page I l2 of the Student,s Book writing-school /home
taking photos - park
buying fruit - shops
You can see a giraffe / take photos / eat lunch at the zoo.
You can choose shoes / buy a book at the shops.
W.rr", You can have a bath / write stories at home.
. )lay Hangmdn to warm the class up and revise the words You can ride a bike / fly a kite / take photos at the park.
'cr wild animals. You can write stories / play basketball/ eat lunch at
. livide the class into two teams. Draw a line for each letter school.
'r your chosen word on the board.
. rvite children from each team in turn to guess one of the Teach learners to express their own
-rissing letters. lf the team opinions, using phrasessuch as l'd liketo ..;t tike .,
correctly guesses a missing
-.tter, write the letter on the correct line(s) on the board.
I want to .
; I don't like ...; I love'.. .. . This will help them
'the team guesses a letter which is not in the woro, oraw in Part 5 ofthe Starters Speaking Test.
:re first part of a simple picture (a flower with five petals, a
s:em and two leaves,/ a house with three windows, a door 2 Read and write answers.
a chimney). . Read out the questions and the example answer. Tell the
. -a team guesses the word before you have completed children to think about themselves and what they want to
:re picture, award them one point. lf not, continue the do in each of the places in the questions.
' 3ame with another word. . Tell the children to write sentences about themselves in
their books. Move around the class as the children work
and help if necessary.
. ,Vrite the following words on the board: Zoo, park, School,
. lnvite children around the class to read out thetr
-ome, Shops.
. :sk children to say what you can see or
do in each place.
'children have difficulty answering, askWhere can you
'ave lessons / see elephants / ptay football / buy clothes Children's own answers
'cve dinner / ride a bike / see monkeys / tatkto your teacher?,
and ask children to say the correct place.
Optional activity
. Tell the children to think of five activities and wrrre
I Match the pictures and wordq.Say. questions about them, using the questions in Activity 2
. rsk the children to look
at the pictures and say what they as examples

-an see and what the people are doing in each picture. . The children can then ask and answer questions in
. rcint to the picture of
the grammar characters and read patrs, e.g.
:rt the speech bubbres. A Would you like to play football?
. lplain to the class that they need to draw lines to match B Yes, please. I like football. / No, thanks
:re activities to the pictures, then work in pairs and talk football.
:cout what you can do in each place. Tell them that they
::n do some of the activities in more than one place.
. read outthe prompts
in the box.Tell the class thatthey
:an use some of these words to help them talK about
,','hat they can do in each place.
. lnce the children'have drawn lines to match the activities
-3 the places, act out a few example exchanges with
Unit 13 Lesson 3 SB page 88 Optional activity
. Play a memory game. Tell the class to look at the
Story & speaking for one minute and try to remember the lines.
. Tell the class to close their books.
. Divide the class into two teams.
. Ask a child from Team A to say the first line. Ask a
from Team B to say the second line, and so on.

o^ .+^.\,
)LUry/ T^ll,;^^
icr\lr9 -F.^,,+
. lf a child can't rememberthe next line, play passesto
the other team. Award one ooint for each correct line.

2 Lookand say.
. Ask the children to look at the Dictures and name the
. Point to the picture of the grammar character. Read out
the speech bubble and ask the children to point to the
correct Dicture.
. Point to each picture and ask the children to say whethe
the animals are close to Lucy / Sam / Nick or far away.
Remind the class that we use lhese for plural nouns whidr
are close to us and Those for plural nouns which are far
away from us. Tell the class that we use here to talk about
things which are close to us and there to talk about thirgo
which are far away from us.

. Read out the verbs in the box and ask the children to

. Play a game of Bingo to warm the class up and revise the

point to the correct pictures.
Invite children around the class to talk about the oictures
words for wild animals.
Tell the children to write six words for wild animals in their
notebooks. Look at these lizards here. Are they ste"pingZ
Call out words for wild animals in random order (keep a
Look at these hippos here. Are they drinking?
note of the words which you have called out). Look at those giraffes there. Are they eating?
Look at those crocodiles there. Are they swimming?
lf a child has the word you call out in their notebook, they
can cross out that word. The flrst child to cross out all their Optional activity
words wins the game.
. Ask the children to draw a oicture showino two animab
Lead-in close to them and two animals far away.Tell thern E
Ask the children to describe a wild animal without naminq draw each pair of animals doing a different activity,
then write sentences about the animals in their
it, for the rest of the class to guess.
using the sentences and questions in Activity 2 as
a You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.
1 Listen and read.Then act. @48 r Invite children around the class to show the class thei
pictures and read out their sentences.
a Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
Whot s this? Whos this? Where ore they? Whot ore they / is it
doing? about each picture.
Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
story in their books.
Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
the children to listen and repeat, flrst chorally, then
Divide the class into groups of three and allow the
children time to practise acting out the story.
Invite groups of children to act out the story for the class.
Unit 13 Lesson 4 SBpaqese
2 Find the animals.
. Tell the children to look at the pictures,next ro tne
Language practice wordsearch and say what animals they can see.
. Tell the children thatthe word foreach animal is hidden in
the wordsearch.
. Allow the children time to find and circle the words in the
. Ask chi)dren around the c)ass to showyou the d
' . , ^rocabu/ary /earn( so far, Comp/eting p s, words rn their books.
' - _eand accepti-g z re'usirg s JggesL or s:
: 3t ng a speaking activity
Circled words:
(Down) tiger, cow, hippo
(Up) spider, horse
(Across) giraffe, elephant, monkey, fish, crocodile

i- the wordllst on page 1 1 2,of the Student's,Book

example I want to see tigers and giraffes at the zoo.

. Invite children around the class to add an animal to the
list. lf a child can't remember the whole list or add an
:nim:l rhorr e'p nr rt nf thp n,rme Thp l:ct rhild Still in
the game is the winner.

flarmer 3 Do the speaking activity. :trpiqe12r

. ^ ,'ite
groups of children to act out the story from the . Hand out one copy of the worksheet per child.
:'evious lesson in front of the class. . Point to the picture of and Sam and read our the exanpre
. Tellthe children to go round the class interviewing their
. levise the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One friends about each of the activities shown in the pictures
across the top of the table. They should use the question
. Write three words from one vocabulary set and one word Would you like to (read a book)?
+cm a different vocabulary set on the board (in any order)
. They should write the names of the children they
. - j( a child to say which word is the odd one out and why. interviewed in the first column, and record their ansln,ers
. Repeat with other children and other sets of words (using . Act out a few example exchanges with children around
Animals (wild and other), Adjectives, Means of transport, the ciass, then allow the children to carry out the activity
Daily activities, Times of day, Hobbies, Sports, Actions, Move around the classroom as the children work and helo
Classroom objects, Parts of the body,Toys, Clothes, Food, if necessary.
Furniture, Colour and Number words) . Invite children to report back on what they found out
. "r! can play this as a game in two teams if you like about their friends
' Write the answers to find the animal.
. -sk the children to look at the pictures. Ask them to name
.re items and spell the words out for the c ass
. :ocus attention on the puzzle grid
Tell the chi dren they
should write the words in the grid and find the mystery
:nimal word in the shaded squares,
. low the children time to complete the puzzle in their
cooks. Call out the numbers and ask children around the
:lass to say the correct words, then ask the children to say
:nd spell the mystery animal word

' sock 2 robot 3 coconut 4 hockey 5 keyboard

-: badminton 7 pineapple I leg 9 bread
11ystery word: crocodile
Starters practice test Tell the children that they should listen, find fre
fish, then colour them, as in the examole.
ilil Reading &Writing, part 5 . Play the track twice for the children to complete the rpq

FilfillilifillE In part 5 of the Starters Readinq and

. Check the answers as a class.

Writing Test, learners will need to answer different kinds

of questions, for example Who is . . ,? Whaft . . .? Wheres The fish next to the hat: pink
...? Which ...? How many ...? What cotour is ...? What is The fish between the ducks: red
.., doingT Help learners to become familiar with tnese The fish under the shoe: yellow
The fish in front of the girl: green
question forms.
The fish in front of the boat orange

Lead-in Transuipt @49

. Ask the class questions about people and objects in the Presenter Lookatthe picture. Listen and look.There
classroom. For example, What colour is John's bag? Where's examole.
the clock? What's Kate wearing? How many posters are there Man Hello Anna. Would you like to colour this picture?
on the wall? Anna Oh, yes please!
. Ask children around the class to answer the questions. Man OK. Can you see the flsh under the helicopte?
Anna Under the helicopter? Yes!
Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write Man Well can you colour it pink?
one-word answers. Anna Pink?
. Tell the ihildr.n to look at the example questions. point to Man Yes please.
the picture and read out the questions. Ask the children to Presenter Can you see the pink fish under the helicooter?
give one word answers. This is an example. Now you listen and colour.
a Show the class the example answers. Man Now can you see the man? Hes fishing.
Anna Yes - but look! He hasn't got a flsh, he,s got a hat!
Tell the children to look at the pictures, read the questions
Man Yes, but there's a fish next to the hat, can vou see?
and complete the answers with one word.
Anna Nexr to the hat? Oh yes, I see.
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their book.
Man Well, can you colour that fish blue?
. Check answers by reading out the questions and asking Anna Blue! OK.
children around the class to answer. 2 Man Now, theres a fish between the ducks.
Anna Where?
lred 2behind 3eight 4frog.5purple Man Can you see it? Look . . . between the ducks - there.
Anna Oh yesl
Optional activity Man Well, colour that fish red.
. Ask more questions about the pictures. For example, Anna OK. l'm colouring it red now.
. Picture 1: What is the girl wearing? What colour is the Man Great!
man's bag? Where is the mother giraffe? picture 2: Where 3 Anna Can I colour the fish under the shoe now?
is the hippoT Which animab are in the tree? What colour is Man Underthe shoe? Oh yes - OK.
the snake? Anna Shall I colour it yellow?
Man Yes, yellow s a nice cotour.
Anna Thanks!
Listening,Part4 4 Anna That girl s nice. And shes got a fish in her hand. Can I
colour that one?
Man No, can you colour the flsh in front of the girl?
. Revise prepositions of place by asking the children questions Anna ln front of the girl? Oh yes, OK. Can I colour it green?
about the pictures on page 90. For example:Where,s the Man Yes, green's a great colour!
girlin picture | ? Where3 the frog in picture 2? Wheres the babv 5 Man Now there's a very nice fish under the sun. Can you
giraffe in picture 2? Where's the snake in picture 2?
.see it?
Anna Under the sun ... er ... yes.
In Starters Listening part 4, teach learners
Man Well would you like to colour that fish oranqe?
to look at the picture and try to find all seven of tne same
Anna Yes, I like the colour orange!
items (in this case, the fish) before they start listening and Man Good.Thats a beautiful picture nowl
Anna I know I like colouring!
Man I can see that!
Listen and one example.
@ +S
. Ask children to look at the picture . AskWhats this? Whos Optional activity
this? Where is this fish? about the items in the picture. . Play a memory game. Tell the children to look at tne
. Tell the children to take out their coloured pencils. Say Show
picture in the listening test for one minute and think
me (orangQ.fhe children hold up the correct colours. about what colour each fish is and where fish is.
. the first part ofihe track while the children look at the
Play . The children close their books. AskWhat colour is the
example in their books. fish (under the shoe)? / Where is the (red) fish? and invite a
1 Learners will need to listen for names in all
parts of the Starters Listening Tests. Make sure they are
confident about recognizing first names and names for
familv members.

2 Listen and write the numbers of the presents

next to the names. @ so
. Read out the grammar character's speech bubble.
. Ask the children to read out the names.Tell the children to
listen and write the numbers of the presents in Activity 1

next to the correct names in Activity 2.

. Play the track twice for the children to complete the activity.

Lucy 2,Grandpa 3,Jill 1,Sam 8, MummyandDaddy 5,

Grandma 7, Mum 6,Dad 4

Transcript @ SO
Iom lt's my birthday. l'm eight today!
Woman Yes I know. Happy birthdayToml
Tom l've got lots of presents.
Woman Yes you have! But who are they from?
Tom Well, look at this watch here. lt s from Lucy.
Woman Thats great!
Tom Yes
Woman And what about that guitar? Who's that from?
Play a memory game to warm the class up and revise the Tom Well that's from my grandpa. I can play music on it!
lrlloman That's nice!
words for wild animals.
Tom Yes, and this camera's great. That's from Sam's sister, Jill.
Write the words for wild animals on the board. Tell the class
Woman Wowl That s a really nice present.
look at the words for one minute, then close their eves.
Tom Yes ... I can take some good pictures with it today.
frase two or three words from the board. Tell the children Woman Yes, you can!
open their eyes and say which words are missinq. Iom And do you like my toy lizard?
Repeat the game, erasing different words each time. You Wonan Well ... I think its ugly really!
can also include words for other animals (cow, horse, sheep, Tom Oh ... l think its reallyfunny.
duck, chicken, goat, cal, dog, frog). Woman But whos it from?
Iom lts from my friend, Sam.
Woman Great ... and what's in that box there?
6sk children around the class to say how old they are ano Tom Oh that's my big present from Mummy and Daddy.
their birthdays are. Ask them who they get presents Woman What is it?
from on their birthdays and what presents they want to fom lts a new comouter!
on their next birthday Woman Wow!
Tom Yes and it's got a keyboard and a mouse with it too!
plete the words.
Woman Thats really great!
to the picture ofTom and read out the speech Tom I know! Look, l've got some chocolates here. Would you
le. Then point to the pictures and ask the children to
like one?
the items.
Woman Yes please. Can I have that one?
aftention on the gapped words beneath each Tom Yes you can ... they're from Grandma, you know.
the class that they need to look at the pictures
ure. Tell Woman Oh .. . well thanks! That s a lot of presents, Tom.
write the correct letters to complete the words. Tom Yes, and Mum's making me a cake tool lt's for my party
k answers by asking children to say, then spell, the this afternoon.
S. Woman That s very nice . . . and there are lots of balloons in
the dining room. Who are they from?
Tom Oh, they're from Dad. Well, he put them there. Do you
2 watch 3 guitar 4 balloons
like them?
mouse, keyboard 6 cake 7 chocolates
Woman Yes I do. Have a great party then Toml
l'Jnit a4l-esson 2 2 Read
ihis wilh
are piciures-
your friend- Say words where I
YYords - Focus attention on the cloze text
. Exp\ain to the c\ass that each p\cture \n the text represents I

a m\ssing word.
. Tell the children to work in pairs and read the text
toge\het, say\ng the wotds for each picture'
. Move around the class as the children work and help if
g necessary.
a".,tiryi n g d ri n ks; Revl si n g food voca bu la ry; Com
pl eti n

a cloze text with picture prompts o lnvite children around the class to read out sentences
from the text.

Present simple; Present continuous; Prepositions of place; kitchen, cake, dining room, balloons, food, drinks, table
There is /There are
3 Talk about the Picture.
. Use the picture to have a class discussion and revise key
See the wordlist on paqe 1 12 of the Student's Book vocabulary. For example, askthe children, WhereisTom?
(Behind the door.) Whereis NickT (ln front of the table.)
What colour are the balloonsl (Blue, green, yellow, red,
purple and pink.) Where is the radio? (On the shelf .) What
food can you see beqinnning with C? (chicken, chips, cake)'

. You can ask questions to the class as a group, or ask them
to talk in oairs.
. Play Bingoto warm the class up and revise the words from
the orevious lesson. Optional activity
. Tell the children to write six words from Activity 1, page92 . Play a game of Pictionary.Divide the class into two
in their notebooks. teams-
. Call out the words in random order (keep a note of the . Draw a picture of an item from this unit on the board,
words which you have called out). or invite children from each team in turn to come to
. lf a child has the word you call out in their notebooks, they the board and draw pictures for the rest of the class.Tell
can cross out that word. The flrst chlld to cross out all their the class to try to guess the word before the picture is
words wins the game finished.

. The flrst team to guess the correct word wins a point.

.' Write the words A Birthday Partyl on the board' Ask the
class to think of as many words as possible connected to
Optional activity
birthday parties. Write their suggestions on the board.
. Tell the children to draw or write one of the words from
. Activity 1 on page 92 on a piece of paper and write
Alternatively, build a spidergram on the board with
A Birthday Partyl in the centre and branches for Food,
their names underneath.
Clothes, Ga mes, P resents.
. Tell the children to fold their pieces of paper up and
pass them around the class. You can play music as they
1 Here are some drinks forTom's party. Match the pass their pieces of paper around if you like.
words with the pictures. . Say Stop, or stop the music.The children should open
. Ask the children to look at the plctures. Ask them if they their pieces of paper and say l've got (a guita) lt's from
know what the different drinks are. (John) l've got some (chocolater.They'refrom (Anna).
. Read out the words and ask the class to point to the . The children can fold their pieces of paper up aqain and
correct pictures. repeat the game as many times as you like.
. Explain to the class that they need to draw lines to match
the words to the pictures.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books, then ask children around the class to point to the
pictures and say the correct words.

1 lemonade 2 orangejuice 3 milk 4 water

Teach learners to recognize picture prompts
and say the words for the things they see in a picture. This
will helo them in all parts of the StartersTests.
rfiere 14 Lesson 3 58 page 94 Optional activity
. Play amemory game.Tell the class to look at the story
& writing for one minute and try to remember the lines
. Tell the class to close their books.
; Possessions
. Divide the class into two teams.
. Ask a child from Team A to say the flrst line. Ask a child
from Team B to say the second line, and so on.
nd help if
ding and acting out a story;Talklng about
. lf a child can't remember the next line, play passes to
the other team. Award one point for each correct line.

2 Look at the pictures and write.

nks, tabb
. Read out the possessive pronouns in the box.
. Point to the numbered pictures on the right and ask the
classto say which possessive pronoun they think each
I revise .,:rdlist on 1I 2 ofthe Students Book oicture reoresents.
.lere 15 . Read ou\ \he ques{rons and \he examp\e ansv.rer f e\\
he tabb) the children to complete the answers with one word.
llow, red and Writing Parts 2,4, & 5 They should use the picture which corresponds to
shetf.) each numbered sentence in order to work out which
chipl possessive pronoun they need.
l. or ask . Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Move around the class as the children work and
help if necessary.
game of Hangman to warm the class up and revise
. Invite pairs of children to ask and answer the questions in
'lto t\ o patrs.
from the unit so far
the class into two teams. Draw a line for each letter
) come to
chosen word on the board. 1 mine 2 his 3 hers' 4 ours 5 theirs
the class. Td hvlte children from each team in turn to guess one of the
missing letters. lf the team correctly guesses a missing Optional activity
e picture is
letter, write the letter on the torrect line(s) on the board. . Divide the class into two teams.

ts a pornt.
lf the team guesses a letter which is not in the word, draw . Tell a child from Team A to ask a question about
the first part of a simple picture (a flower with five petals, a something belonging to a child or children in his/
stem and two leaves,/ a house with three windows, a door her team. For example, the child points to or holds up
and a chimnev). the ruler belonging to a boy on his/her team and asks
. lf a team guesses the word before you have completed Whose ruler is this?
the picture, award them one point lf not, continue the . Team B answers /r3 hls.
game with another word. . Repeat with children from each team in turn asking
questions for the other team to answer. Award one
point for each correct answer. The team with the most
e Ask questions about possessions around the class. Say points wins.
Whose is this (pen)? Whose are these (books)?
o Invite children around the class to answer lt,s/Thev re mine
/ yours / his / hers / ours / theirs.

I Listen and read. Then act. @ 51

. Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
Wha* thisT Who's this? Where are they? What are they doing?
about each picture.
o Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
story in their books.
r Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
r Divide the class into groups of five and allow the children
time to practise acting out the story.
o Invite groups of children to act out the storv for the class.
fhit 14 Lesson 4 : Optional activitY
. Tell the children to thlnk of a message for their partner,
llguage practice and make a coded message like the one in Activity 1
Tell the children to draw one clear, simple picture for
Birthday parties; Topics covered so far the message.
. The children can then swap messages with their
partners and decode each others messages.
Revising vocabulary learnt so far; Completing a puzzle
lcm pl eti n g 9 spg,qk1n,g, 9llivily Optional activitY a

. Write more words from the unit on the board with the
letters in jumbled order.
hove got . lnvite children around the class to call out the letters in
the correct order, or write the words correctly on the wc
See the wordlist on pages 1 12 of the Student's Book . You can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

Readlng and Writing Parts 3 & 4; Speaking (aLl parts)

2 Do the speaking activitY. ,1 ; l.1

. Inthe children's own language, say that there is a party,

and the children have to imagine that they all have things
to bring to it They have to remember what everyone is
!p_"q!llg u gUtty p-iL9!9,c-qpj,u{s ) zz
bringing to the party.
. The game can be played in large groups of eight to ten
Warmer children - try to have an even number where possible.
. Invite groups of children to act out the story from the . You will need one set of object cards for each group, cut up
previous lesson in front of the class.
. Each child takes three object cards, and places the cards :
Lead-in face down on the table in front of them. -
. Revise the vocabulary learnt so far by playlng Odd One
. Each child in turn turns over a card and says, l've got a
(watch). / l've got some (balloons) GI
. They go round until all the cards have been turned over
. Write three words from one vocabulary set and one word
from a different vocabulary set on the board (in any order). and described, then everyone turns thelr cards back over.
. In pairs within the group, the children work quietly to
. Ask a child to say which word is the odd one out and why.
. make a list of all the children's names, and things they are
ReBeat with other children and other sets of words (using
bringing to the party. :'
Blrthday party items, Animals (wlld and other), Adjectives,
Means of transport, Daily activities,Times of day, Hobbies,
. The winner is the pair with most correct objects in their
Sports, Actions, Classroom objects, Parts of the body,Toys, list, which are spelt correctly.

Clothes, Food, Furniture, Colour and Number words). . You can give more cards to each child to make it harder,
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like or, if the cards aren't all used, there can be more than one
game.Take out the simple cards and replace them with
1 Write the first letter of each word to find the new ones.
. Ask the children to look at the pictures. Ask them to name
the items and say the first letter of each item
. Show the children that there is a line for each letter in the
secret message. Tell them to look at the'pictu res a nd write a
the first letter of each word on the line below the picture.
. Show the children the picture of the birthday invitation. I
Tell them that this is a clue about the subject of the
. Allow the children time to write the letters in their books
and decode the message.
. Write the spaces for the letteis in the message on the
board. Ask the children to call out the letters to complete
the message.
Come to a birthday party.
. As an extension, you can ask children around the class to
practice test . Focus attention on the examples. Play the first part of the
\\r\trn9,Dart3 .\N\e\n\\en\ar\ey\o\\\rstenanianswer\e
questions, as in the examples.
. PJay the track twice for the cd)dren to comp)ete the test
words for birthday party items from the unit (cake, . Check the answers as a class. Ask the questions and invite
present, balloons, sweets, burger, lemonad'e, etc) the children to answer with the correct name or number-
around the class. Ask the children to soell the Ask the children to spell the names..

on the board as the children sav them.

17 2Beany 36 4Alex 513
rest of the class to say whether the word is spelt
not. Transcript @ 52
Presenter Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a
pictures. Look at the letters. Write the number.There are two examples.
is one example. Man Hello. Are you Anna?
lren to look at the example. Point to the Anna Yes, thats right.
the iumbled word. Show the class hoi, the Man Can you spell your name for me, Anna?
been written in the correct order in the Anna Yes. lt's A-N-N-A.
Man Great.Thanks. And where do you live, Anna?
to look at the pictures and the jumbled Anna In an apartment! Er ... in 16 Park Street
write the letters in the correct order. Man 5o that s Park Street . . . number sixteen?
children time to complete the test in their book. Anna Yes, that's right.
Presenter Can you see the answers? Now you listen and
by asking children around the class to spell
write a name or a number
'l Man And you're thirteen, Anna?
Remind the learners to check their spelling Anna Yes it's my birthday today!
have finished the practice test and to make Man Really? So how many presents have you got?
they have used each letter in the jumbled words Anna Er ... six. No, sorry .. . seven!
Man Seven? Wow! That s a lot of oresents!
Anna I know!
2 Man 5o what's your favourite present then, Anna?
2 juice 3 present 4 b'alloon 5 chocolate Anna Oh thats my toy monster - he's very ugly, but I love
Part 2 Man Great ... and what's his name?
Anna lt's Beany.Thats B-E-A-N-Y!
Man That's a great namel
child the following questions: What's your name? 3 Man How many people are there in your family, Anna?
you spellthat? How old areyou? How many people Anna Well, theres me and l've got two sisters and one
in your family? How old is your brother / sister? brother. So that s four . .. oh no .. . there's Mum and Dad
his / her name? How do you spellthat? too so that's six!
Man Six?Thats a big family!
the child s answers on the board. Then ask another
questions about the first child. Ask: What's his / her Anna Yes - and its a nice family!
How do you spellthat? How old is he / she? How many
Man Good!
ore there in his / her familv? How old is his / her brother
4 Man And what's your brothers name?
;- Anna Oh... itsAlex.
? Wha* his brother's / sister's nameT How do vou soell
I Man Can you spellthat?
second child should use the information on the
) Anna Yes, it's A-L-E-X.
)r C to answer the questions. ' Man Welldone!
i with other children around the class.
5 Man And how old
F is vour brother?
n Part 2 of the Starters Listeninq Test, Anna He's seven.
t i

have to answer questions about the names Man Seven?

i Anna Yes, hes very youngl
I or places. These names are spelt out in the
and must be spelt correctly in the learners' Man OK!Thanks for talking to me, Anna. Goodbye!
Some supportiqg words like Sfreer or Mrs are Anna Thats OK. See vour
on the answer paper.These words are not spelt
in the recording.
Optional activity
. Tell the children to work in pairs and use the
information in the Listening Test to make a dialogue
the question. Listen and write a name or a about Anna.
There are two examples. @ 52 . The children can practise their dialogue in pairs, then
Ask children to read the questions. Ask them whether they
act it out in front of the class.
Lesson 1
beach, sand, sea, water, shells, camera

Words 2 Canyou find these things in the picture?

Complete the words.
. Point to the picture and ask children around the class to
say what they can see, and what the people are doing, in
the oicture.
Focus attention on the gapped words around the picture.
Tell the class that they need to look at the picture, flnd the
gapped words, then complete the words with the missing
Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books. Help if necessary. Tell the children that the words
in the orange bubble are things you can play / play with,
the words in the pink bubble are things you can eat, the
words in the blue bubble are means of transport and the
Words in the green bubble are clothes / accessories.
Check answers by asking children around the class to say
and spell the completed words and show you the correct
part of the picture.

. Play amemory game to warm the class up and revise Orange bubble: badminton, kite, ball
the words for birthday party items (sweets, chocolates, Pink bubble: ice cream, bananqs, lemonade
balloons, presents, party, burgers, lemonade, iuice, food, Blue bubble: bus, bike, boat
drink). Green bubble: dress, trousers, handbag
. Write the words for the birthday party items on the board
Helo learners to become more observant
Tell the class to look at the words for one minute (or less),
and good at spotting small details in scene pictures by
then close their eves.
playing games like the one below.
Erase two or three words from the board. Tell the children
to open their eyes and say which words are missing.
Optional activity
Repeat the game, erasing different words each time. You
can play this as a game in two teams if you like.
. Divide the class into two teams. Ask questions about
the picture in Activity 2 to children from each team in
Lead-in turn, e.g. Where are the sunglasses? How many boats ore
there? Where is the ball? What's next to the radio? How
Ask children around the class to say how often they go to
many ice creams are there?
the beach and what they do there.
Ask the children to say as many words as they can
. Award one point for each cQrrect answer. The team
remember connected to the beach. with the most points is the winner.

Write their suggestions on the board, then ask children

around the class to make sentences usinq the words on
the board.

1 Draw lines from the words to the pictures.

a Point to the picture of Lucy and read out the speech
Ask the children to look at the pictures. Ask them if they
know what the different items are.
Read out the words and ask the class to point to the
correct pictures.
. Explain to the class that they need to draw lines to match
the words to the oictures.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
books, then ask children around the class to point to the
pictures and say the correct words.
Unit 15 Lesson 2: w
. Explain to the class that each of the people in the pictures
has got a different item to use on the beach.
Words & listening . Play the track for the children to listen and joor at tne
examples in their books.
. P\aythe record\ng twice for the chi\dren to \isten and
- :, .tities; Possessions draw lines to match the people to the items.
. Check answers by asking Whats (Lucy) got? and invitjng
children around the class to answer (Shes got a bike.).
ldentifyin g activities a nd possessions; Revisin g o Point to the example answers in the Students Book. Say
::abulary eafnt so_ far;-Ialking about purpose Sam has got a hat to wear. Write this sentence on rne
board. Write the words a hat, a bike, a book, some fruit, some
lemonade, a ball, a kite, a radio on one slde of the board and
rresent lnfinitive of purpose; has got; Can the words to ride, to eat, to drink, to listen to, to wear, to fly,
to play with, to read on the other side of the board. Invite
children to come to the board and draw lines to match sets
iee the wordlist on page I l2 of the Student,s Book of words, then say a sentence, e.g. I've got a ball to play with.

1 wear) 2 Ann, radio (to listen to) I Jill,

Sam, hat (to
Reading and Writing (all parts); Listening part 1; Speaking read) 4 Bill, kite (to fly) 6 Nick, lemonade (to
book (to
(all parts). drink) 7 Lucy, bike (to ride) 8 Kim, fruit (to eat)
Transuipt @53
Dad Look at the children. They're really happy, aren't rhey?
Mum Yes Lucy's got a really nice red bike to ride! Shes very
good at it.
Dad Yes and Sam's sittinq on the beach.
. Play a game of Hangman with the words from Activlty 2, Mum He looks hot!
page 98. Divide the class into two teams. Draw a line Dad Hes got a hat to wear.
for each letter in your chosen word on the board. lnvite Mum Oh yes, he has. Whats Kim cioing on the beach now?
children from each team in turn to quess one of the Dad Oh Kims got some fruit to eat. She's very happy.
missing letters Mum ls she?
. lf a team guesses the word before you have completed Dad Yes she is. And look at _Jill, there - she's got a book to read.
the picture, award them one point. lf not, contlnue the Mum Oh yesl That s good. She likes reading stories.
game with another word. Dad Yes, she does.
. When a team guesses the word, ask the children on that Mum Now what's Ann doing? ls she happy?
'team to find the word in the picture and make Dad Oh yes. Shes come with her radio, so she's got some
a sentence
about where the item is for a bonus point, e.q. Ihe nice music to listen to.
lemonade is next to the radio. Mum Oh that s very good Now is Tom OK? What's he doing?
Dad Yes, hes got a ball to play with, so he's having a gooo oay.
Lead-in Mum Oh, yes, he's kicking it now. Oh, that's greatl And Nick.
. Ask the class to think of activities which you can do at the He looks very hot, doesn't he?
beach. Invite children around the class to make sentences Dad Oh don't worry. Hes OK. Hes got some lemonade to drink.
wirh can, for example, you can fly a kite atthe beach. Mum Oh OK then. And what about Bill? He doesn,t know all
of the children, does he? Do you think hes OK?
I Draw lines from the pictures to the words. Dad Yes, hes got a kite to fly. Hes running on the beach with
. Ask the children to look at the pictures. Ask them to name it He looks very happy.
the items and suggest activities you can do with each item. Mum Oh good. So, all the children are having a gooo oay
. Read out the words and ask the class to point to the then?
correct pictures. Dad Yes, they are. Don't worryl
. Tell the children to match the pictures to the words
to drink - lemonade to fly - kite
to kick - ball to read - book
to wear - hat to.ride - bike
to eat - fruit to listen to - radio 3 Talk about the children.
2 What are the children doing on the beach this . Read out the grammar characters' speech bubores.
morning? Listen and draw lines, @ SZ . Ask children around the class to make sentences about
. Focus attention on the pictures. Ask the children to say the people in Activity 2, as in the examples.
who they can see and what items thev can see. . Children talk about what the people have got in pairs

Unit 15 Lesson 3 Optional activity

. Divide the class into two teams.TellTsn
Story & writing and try to remember Dad's lines and
practise and try to remember Lucy's lines.
. Allow the class time to try to memorize the
o lnvite a child from each team to come to the
\ex t\ass sr\\su\rh€x bsoks f \e c\r\dres
act out the story as far as they can
of the class can follow in their book. When
forgets a line, another child from their team
and take their place to continue the story.

2 Write the words in the boxes and

Point to the pictures and ask the class to say
can see and what the people are doing in
Read out the verbs in the box. Ask the class to
correct oictures.
. Tell the children to complete the speech bubbles
the words in the box, then complete the gapped
each soeech bubble.
. Allow the children time to complete the activity in their
Warmer book. Move around the class as the children work and
. Divide the class into two teams. help if necessary.
. Say a word to children from each team in turn (e.9. hag o Invite children around the class to read out the co
bike, comero, ball, radio, burger, story). speech bubbles and spell the completed words.
. The children use their word to make a sentence, sucn as
I've got o hot to wear.
1 We're playing tennis. 2 We're jumping in the sea.
. Award one point for each correct sentence. The team with 3 We're eating burgers. 4 We're finding shells.
the most points wins.
Optional activity
Lead-in . Divide the class into two teams.
. Ask pairs of children around the class to mime an activity
. Ask a child from Team A to think of a noun and a verb
for the rest ofthe class to guess. The rest ofthe class
beginning with the leIIer C (chair, clinb)/ D (dog, drink)
should make sentences, such as They're playing badminton.
/ E (elephant, eat) / F (frog, fly) / G (grapes, go)/ J (juice,
. You can play this as a game in two teams if you like, jump)/ K (kite, kick)/ L (lemonade, Iook)/ M (mango,
with pairs of children from each team in turn miming an move)/ P (piano, play) (radio, ride) / S (spider, sleep)/T
/ R
activity for the other team to guess. (train, talk) / W (window, walk).

1 Listenand read.Then act. @ S+ . Repeat with children from each team in turn. Award
. Ask the children to look at the pictures in the story. Ask
one point for each correct answer (or one point for
each word, giving a total of two points for each turn).
Whats this? Who's this? Where are they? What are they / is he
The team with the most points wins.
/ she doing? about each picture.
o Play the recording for the children to listen and follow the
story in their books.
. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
the children to listen and repeat, first chorally, then
. Divide the class into pairs and allow the children time to
practise acting out the story.
. Invite pairs of children to act outthe storyforthe class.
Tell the children to use appiopriate gestures for the words
here and there.
4 Optional activity
. Tell the children to think of three more tive-letter words,
then make a puzzle for their partner like the one in
Activity 1.
. Tell the children to draw three simple pictures of their
five-letter words, then give two letter options for each
letter in the word.
. The children can then swap messages with their
partners and complete each other's puzzles.

2 Do the speaking activity.

. Put the children into pairs, A and B. You will need one
worksheet for each pair. Give out the relevant section of
the worksheet to each child.
. Point to the picture of Lucy and Sam and read out the
example exchange.
. Working individually, children first colour their picture.
You can also tell them to think about where things are
. . Explain that in both pictures, the sun, the tree and the bird
are in the same place.

' Children ask and answer to flnd out where the other items
are in their partner's picture, and draw them. Then they
ask about colour, and complete this.
groups of children to act out the story from the
lesson in front of the class.
r Act out a few example exchanges with children around
the class, then allow the children to carry out the activity
I in pairs. Move around the cla3sroom as the children work
r the vocabulary learnt so far by playing Odd One
and help if necessary.
. At the end, children can compare their pictures to check
F' a
three words from one vocabllary set and one word
different vocabulary set on the board (in any order). .
their answers.
Invite some pairs of children to act out the speaking
f, drild to say which word is the odd one out and why. activitv in front of the class.

with other children and other sets of words (usinq

items, Birthday parry irems, Animals (wild and
Adjectives, Means of transport, Daily activities,
of day, Hobbies, Sports, Actions, Classroom objects,
of the body,Toys, Clothes, Food, Furniture, Colour
Number words):
can play this as a game in two teams if you like.

and circle the letters to find the words.

the children to look at the pictures. Ask them to name
items and spell the words for the class.
the children that there is a row of letters for each
.The pictures for each row aie placed alternately at
I beginning or end of the numbered rows.Tellthem
at the pictures, think of the words and choose
t correct letters in that row to spell the words, as in the

r the children time to complete the activitv in their

,, Move around the class as the children work and
>a them if necessary.'
!( answers by asking children around the class to call
the correct letters for each word, then point to the
picture for each word.

2 hippo 3 board 4 mango 5 piano

Listen and draw lines.There is one example. @ 55
Starters practice test . Ask children to look at the picture . AskWhat's rhls? about
Reading &Writing, Part 1 the items in and around the picture.
Play the flrst part of the recording while the children look
leadjn at the examole in their books.
. Point to the pictures in Activity 1, page 101 and say true Tell the children that they should listen, flnd the correct
or false sentences about each object, for example, This is a items outside the big picture, then draw lines to the
piono / beach / mango / train. Ask children around the class correct places in the big picture, as in the example.
to say yes if the sentence is correct and tVo if the sentence o Play the track twice for the children to complete the test.
is incorrect. Ask the children to correct the false sentences. a Check the answers as a class. AskWhere (are the beans)?
Remind learners to use a tick to show that
something is correct and a cross to show that something The beans are between the crocodile and the lizard.
is incorrect. The chocolate is behind the monkey.
The balloons are on the tiger's tail.
Optional activity The potatoes are next to the pink bird. .
. (/) The watch is in front of the flowers.
Write a tick and a cross (r) on the board.
. Tell the class to draw a tick and a cross in the air. Transcript @ ss
. Point to items around the classroom and say sentences, Presenter Lookat the picture. Listen and look.There is one
such as This is a (clock). examole.
. Make true or false sentences about various items and Woman Look that man's in the jungle! He's taking a
ask children around the class to draw a tick in the air if phoiograph. Can you put the orange juice next to his bag.
the sentence is correct or draw a cross in the air if the Man Where shall I put the orange juice?
sentence is incorrect. Woman Next to the man's bag Please.
. You can playthis as a game in twoteams if you like.
Man OK.
Presenter Can you see the line?This is an example. Now
you listen and draw lines.
Look and read. Put a tick (/) or a cross (r) in the I Woman Now, put the beans between the crocodile and
box.There are two examples. the lizard
. Tell the children to look at the examples. Point to the Man Between the crocodile and the lizard?
oictures and read out the sentences. Ask the children to Woman Yes, put the beans there.
say whether each sentence is correct (Yes) or incorrect (No). Man OK then.
. Show the class the example tick (/1 and cross (r). 2 Man LooklThat monkey's got a coconut. He's throwing id
. Tell the children to look at the pictures, read the sentences Woman Oh dearlWell ... er ... can you put the chocolae
and decide whether each sentence is true or false, then behind that monkey?
out a tick or a cross in the box next to each sentence. Man 5o ... l'm putting the chocolate behind the monkef
. Allow the children time to complete the test in their book,
Woman Yes olease.

. 3 Man Oh dear! Look!Theres a tiger there! lt's looking at

Check answers by reading out the sentences and asking
children around the class to say yes or /Vo.
Woman Yes it isl But can you see the tiger's tail?
. Ask children around the class to correct the false sentences. Man Er ... yes I can.
Woman Well, can you put the balloons on the
1/ 2t 3r' 4/ 5rc please?
Man On the tiger's tail? OK, I can do that
Listening, Part 1 Woman Can you see the pink bird in the picnrel
Man Yes, I can.
Lead-in Woman Good! Put the potatoes in the water, nd
Revise prepositions of place and prepare the class for oink bird.
the listening test by asking about the location of various Man OK, l'm putting the potatoes there.
things and people in the classroom. Point to items around Man And now can I put the watch in front of tlrc
the room and ask, (there a bag under my desk)? Where Woman Where do you want to put the watch?
is (John sitting)? What\ (on Kate3 desk)? Man In front of the flowers, please.
lnvite children around the class to answer. Woman OK, do that then!Well done!

Remind learners that they may hear Optional activity

instructions which seem quite unlikely in Part 1 of the . Play a memory game.Tell the children to look
Starters Listening Test, so they shouldn't be surprised if picture in the listening test for one minute ard
they have to put items in unusual places. about where each item is.
. The children close their books. AskWhere (is
/ What\ (next to the pink bird)? and invite a chiU
answerfrom memorv.
Revision 3 . Tell the children to look carefully at the pictures and think
rt about what people they can see (boys or girls, one person
or two people, etc).

EsL i-- --^h r^-t 9t^-^--^r

lL), vuLduurdr y at l ta and tesr s<i s from
I I 1He's riding his bike. 2 They're choosing dresses in a
t? It to Unit 15 shop. 3 We're cleaning the car. 4 She's jumping in the
sea. 5 The children are walking to school.
3 Colour the picture to find the animals.
. Ask the children to take out their coloured pencils. Look at
the letters in the grid, and ask what they mean.
. Look at the key on the right of the grid. Explain that they
Warmer have to colour the picture according to the key, and if they
. Play a memory game to warm the class up and revise the colour the letters correctly, they will find six animals.
words from the course. . Ask what animals they can see in their completed picture.
o Write the vocabulary set from one unit on the board.
. Tell the class to look at the words for one minute, then close a monkey, a snake, a hippo, a tiger, a lizard
their eyes. Erase two or three of the words from the board.
. Tell the class to open their eyes and say which words are 4 Read,listenand cficle. @56
missing. Repeat a few times, using different vocabulary sets. . Ask children what they see in the pictures Play the first
part of the track while the pupils look at the example.
Lead-in . Teil the pupils that they should listen, find the correct
. Write the headings Sports, Classroom, Family, Parts of the pictures, then draw circles around the correct pictures.
body,Wild Animals, Birthday party, Beach andTransport on . Play the track twice for the f upils to complete the activity.
the board. Ask the class to say what words they remember
for each heading.Write their suggestions on the board.
. Erase the words on the board. Ask children around the
IA 2B 3B 4A
ngid class to say three words from one of the groups.
Transcript @ SO
After completing this book, learners will
1 Sam Which is my dad s motorbike?
Man ls that your dad's motorbike there, 5am?
be familiar with all the types of task in the StartersTest.To
nkey? Sam The yellow one? No, my dad s motorbike is red.
give them confidence in competing the test papers in the
time allowed, it is a good idea to give them at least one Man Oh ... and is it clean?
atdE complete practice test before the day they take a Starters Sam Er ... no ... it's dirty and verv old!
Ann What does Lucy want on her birthday cake?
Lucy That's a beautiful cake Mum!You can make really
good cakes!
1 Complete the adjectives crossword. Mum Thanks Lucy. But what would you like on the cake?
. Tell the children to look at the oictures and write the Lucy Oh . . can I have a girl'with balloons, please?
adjectives in the crossword, making sure they write the Mum OKthenl
correct letter in each souare. lucy And Mum, can she have a blue dress?
. Copythe crossword grid onto the board. Invite children to Mum OK Lucy ... and Lucy?
come to the board and write the words in the crossword. Lucy What, Mum?
Woman Happy birthday!
lsoss:2 closed 4 beautiful 6 young 7 new lucy Thanks Mum!
I happy 10 dirty Nick What is 5am's favourite drink?
lown:l big 2 clean 3 old 5 ugly 9 angry Man Do you like milk, 5am?
Sam No, I don't.
2 Make sentences. Write numbers next to five of Man Lemonade then?
the pictures. Sam lts OK, but I really like orange juicel
o Ask children what the people in the pictures are doing. Man Oh, me tool
r* . Lookat the jumbled sentences.Tell the children to write
Lucy What is my teacher doing now?
Mum ls that your teacher, Tom? That man there who's
the words in order, then match each sentence to one of the
writing in the books?
dtr pictures and write the number next to the picture.
Tom No Mum, that isn't him. Look he's there ... hes
teaching the children.
Mum ls he teaching them about animals,Tom?
What colour is the car?
Starters Speaking preParation A: Three.
B: Red. What colour is the ball?
A: Blue.

2 Look at the picture again. Ask and a'nswer

these things.
Ask the children to look at the small pictures in
and find the same items in the picture in Activity l-
Tellthe children to work in pairs again' One child
ask about Student As pictures and the other
ask about Student B's Pictures.
Tell the children that they can ask about what
things are, where things are, how many of each
there is or what People are doing'
. Allow the children time to ask and answer in pais
o Invite pairs of children to ask and answer
Warmer front of the class.
Ask children around the class questions about themselves'
For exa m ple: What's your name? How do you spell that? How A: What colour is the dog?
old are you? What do you do in the morninq / afternoon / B: Brown and white. Where is the helicopter?
eveningT What's your favourite sport? A: Between the sun and the birds. How many
Tell the children to make short dialogues asking and there?
answering about their daily routines, then invite pairs of B: Two. What is the boy in the car doing?
children to act out their dialogues in front of the class' A: He's waving. Where are the suitczses?
B: They're on the car. How many houses are there9
Lead-in A: Three. Where is the Plane?
Ask the class to say what words they can remember to talk B: lt's above the boats. What's the woman under
about the beach. Write their suggestions on the board. umbrella doing?
Ask children around the class to say what you can see at A: She's reading. How many children are in the
the beach and what you can do at the beach' B: Two. How manY boats are there?
A: Three.
Remind learners to speak in English
throughout the Speaking Test. Encourage them to speak 3 Ask your teacher for the object cards.
English as much as possible in class. Teach them how to to ask and answer.
ask to go to the toilet, to ask for a pen, etc. Use greetings Tellthe class that they are now going to work
naturally at the beginning and end of the class. ask and answer questions about the object calG'
Hand out copies ofthe object cards to each pair of
1 Look at the picture. Ask and answer these You can use the ones from page 1.04, 106 or 108 of this
questions. boo,k, or if you want more, you can use the smaller ones
. Ask children to look at the picture and say what they can page112or122.
see, where each item is and what the people are doing. Point to the grammar characters in Activity 3. Read out
. Read out the questions and tell the children to work in the example speech bubbles and act out a few example
pairs. One child in each pair asks Student As questions exchanges with children around the class, then let the
to his / her partner and the other child asks Student B's children work in pairs to ask and answer different questions
questions to his / her partner.They should take turns to lnvite children around the class to ask and answer
ask and answer ouestions. ouestions about the cards in front of the class.
. Allow the children time to ask and answer their questions
in pairs. You can now do theTerm 3 Speaking test
with the children individually. See pages 101 and 102for
instructions, and pages 107 and 108 fortheTest.
A: Where's the kite?
B: lt's on the car. Where are the shells?
A: They're behind the boy/on the beach. What's the man
on the beach doing?
B: He's sleeping. How many children are there on the beach?
-- : : a summary of the contents of the Starters Speaking test

Main skillfocus Input

out UndersLanding ard folrowing spoken
I instructions )cene ptcture Point to correct part of the prcture

nderstanding and following spoken

, rnstructions
Scene picture and elght small place object cards
on the scene picture a
object cards djrected
Understanding and answering
, spoKen questions Scene picture Answer questions wlth short answers
Understanding and answering
spoken questions Three object cards Answer questions with short answers

Understanding and responding tp

personal questions No visual prompt Answer questions with short answers

Class activities
to prepare for the Practice for parts 4 and 5
Starters Speaking test
--e speaking activities in the book will all help
to prepare
:-;,dren for the Starters speaking test, but
here are a few
;::itional ideas that you might to ,re.

hactice for parts I and 3

. Other questions can be,yes/no,questions, e.g.

Have you
got a ...t Do you like ...? Can you ...? Again,
make sure you
only include structures that children are already

. Ask the ch
ctctures, e.
,Uhat's the
- the children to use the present continuous
what people or animals are doing. Make . Make sure all children are given the opportunity
to answer
7- hild is given regular opportunitieito answer a question over the course of several lessons.

hactice for part 2 Term 1 Speaking test


Part 1 (scene picture)

t, The examiner can first familiarize the
child with the picture
tl t
and then ask the child to point out certain
items on the
I scene pictu re, e.g. 'Where s the horse?,
. Show the child the scene picture. Ask the
-t followrng
questions: Where's the plane? Where,s
the horseT Where,s the
girl? Where are the flowers?
kt 6cne picture and object cards)
2 Part 3 (scene picture)
The qniner can ask the child to put the object cards in . Focus on the scene picture again. Ask the following
vaftrus locations on the scene picture, e.g.'Put the shell questions: How many people are there? t
underthe tree.' to the computer). What's the teacher weaing? Whot m
r Give the child the cards and give the following the board?
instructions: Put the frog on the chair. Put the radio under the . Note that in the real test the examiner will also ask abo.t
tre- Put the kite next to the girl. Put the burger on the table. the colours of objects in the picture.

Part 3 (scene picture) Part 4 (object cards)

The examiner can ask questions about two of the people or . Hold up the watch card and ask What'sthis?
things in the scene picture, e.g.'What's this?'(Answer:shoe) . Then ask Have you got a watch?
'What colour is it? (Answer: pink) . Hold up the banana card and askWhat'sthis?
. Focus on the scene picture again. Ask the following . Then ask Do you like banana?
questions: How many people are there?.What's thls? (point
to the ice cream). What's the girlwearing? What's in the tree? Part 5 (personal questions)
. Note that in the real test the examiner will also ask about . Ask the child the following questions: What doyou eot
the colours of objects in the picture for breakfast? Do you like ice cream? What's your favourite
sport? Do you like playing in the park? Can you play tennis?
Part 4 (object cards) (substitute another sport if tennis is their favourite spor0
The examiner asks questions about the object cards, e.g.
'What's thls?'(Answer: a bike) and 'Have you got a bike?'
. Hold up the robot card and ask, What's this? Term 3 Speaking test
. Then askHaveyou gota robot?
a Before you start the test, cut out the eight object cards-

. Hold up the pineapple card and ask Wha* this?

a lf possible, find time to examine each child individually.
lf this isn't possible, you could see two children at a time,
. Then ask Do you like pineapple?
letting them take turns to speak. Start the test by greetirg
Part 5 (personal questions) the candidate and checkinq his/her name.
The examiner asks questions about the child, e.g.'How old Part 1 (scene picture)
are vou?'
. Show the child the scene picture. Ask the following
Ask the child the following questions: How old are you? questions: Where's the helicopter? Where's the lorry? Where\
What's your favourite colour? What are you wearing today?
the girl? Where are the ducks?
What colour are your shoes? Have you got any brothers or
sisters? Part 2 (scene picture and object cards)
. lf the child simply says Yes, prompt him/her to give you . Give the child the cards and give the following
. more information, e.g. by asking How many brothers? How instructions: Put the monkey on the mat. Put the motorbike
manv sisters? in front of the bicycle. Put the sweet next to the apple. Put the
present on the lorry.

Term 2 Speaking test Part 3 (scene picture)

. Before you start the test, cut out the eight object cards. . Focus on the scene picture again. Ask the following
. lf possible, find time to examine each child individually. questions: How many people are there? Whats thisl (point
lfthis isn't possible, you could see two children at a time, to the balloon). What s the girl wearing? What's next to the
letting them take turns to speak. Start the test by greeting water?
the candidate and checking his/her name. . Note that in the real test the examiner will also ask about
the colours of objects in the picture.
Part 1 (scene picture)
. Show the child the scene picture. Ask the following Part 4 (object cards)
questions: Where's the teacher? Where's the computer? . Hold uo the camera card and askWhat's this?
Where's the pen? Where are the books? . Then askHave you got a camera?
Part 2 (scene picture and object cards) . Hold uo the ball card and askWhat's this?
. Give the child the cards and give the following
. Then ask Do you like football?
instructions: Put the spider on the cupboard. Put the lamp
Part 5 (personal questions)
under the board. Put the ruler next to the teacher. Put the
guitar on thewindow.
. Ask the child the following questions: Have you got any
animak at home? What's your favourite animal? Can you ride
a horse? Do you like listening to music? Have you got a TV in
vour bedroom?

('-l ^


'__/a \
Term1. Speoking

(t ><e/


^^_v o

Term 2 Speoking
l- -T


Term 3 Speoking





Term 3 Speoking
r-- -T I

.trttf t,,_,tt=


nit l speoking

the sun oronge the two chickens geLLow

the ice creom pink ond brown the frog green
the three flowers PurP[e ond green the two fish bLue
the cot block the sheep bl.ock ond white


two trees green ond brown a the two ducks oronge ond getlow
kite pink a the cow block ond white
boot red a the two mice greV ond Pink
dog brown the goot brown
Unit 2 Speoking
chitd A
. Colou r gou r bed room pictu re.
. Now tel,[ gour friend where things ore ond whot colour theg ore.

chil,d B
. Cotou r gou r bed room pictu re.
. Now tel.l. gourfriend where things ore ond whot colour theg ore.

\_-/ b
Unit 3 Speoking
Ask questions ond write onswers.

Nome: Groce Nome:

Age:7 Age:
Brothers: 1 Brothers:
Sisters: 2 Sisters:
Mum's horn€: Mog Mum's hoffie :

Dod's nome: Bi[[ Dod's hoffie:

Bedroom: gellow Bed room:
Animo[s: dog ond cot

Nome: Tong Nome:

Age: L3 Age:
Brothers: 2 Brothers:
Sisters: 3 Sisters:
Mum's nome: Ii[L Mum's floffie :

Dod's nome: Don Dod's florrle :

Bedroom: !f r€en Bed room:

Animo[s: horse ond three fish Animo[s:
Unit 4 Speoking

',/ /

l (


\l I


Unit 5 Speoking
'\l \r
,l\ tl
\l r
7. tl I

I f!-=./, tl-l_-- '.==-4 t?--


Unit 6 Speoking

1 Drow ond coto ur a picture of on otien. Use the bodg ports.

2 Listen qnd drow gour portner's olien.

Unit 7 Speoking

wrl"t I a"i^g? - | who.t fwrotJ I


F r -l- | - -1
How mong? How mong?
, Whot colour? ,,

Wh( oLour?
| ,,n 't''^ I"' -4>>

-) I


tl I

t- P
L t_l-

t- :,.1
I who t / doing? where?
| ' where?
,wh I

I l/'

l-z) _*
t\. G>-
\\\\ Z,---:-
rl l -W I

F L l:;-l-
+ Whot | -l
WI colour? , colour? , How mong? How mong? , I


rl ]

/\ l

Unit 8 Speoking

I Unit 9 Speoking
Our hobbies

28t r
4 (.t

Unit 10 Speoking
chiLd A
I Tel,l gourfriend whqt Bil[ does in the morning, ofternoon, evening
ond of night.

2 Complete the sente nces obout Anno.
In the morning, Anna has breakfast.Then she

In the ofternoon she

In the evening she

At night she

chil,d B
I Tel,L gourfriend whot Anno does in the morning, ofternoon, evening
ond of night.

Morning Morning Afternoon

2 Complete the sentences obout Bi[[.
In the morning , BilI has breakfast.Then he

In the ofiernoon he

In the evening he

At night he
t Unit 11 Speoking
chil.d A
. Cotour Uourtown picture.
. Now teLL gour friend where things ore qnd whot coLour theg ore.

. Co[our gourtown picture.
. Now te[[ gourfriend where things ore ond whot colour theg ore.

Unit 12 Speoking
I Look of the people.
. Whot ore theg weoring? . Are theg old or goung?
Trg to remember.
2 Cotour the cords ond pLog the gome.

tl ll
tl tl
_t L IJ
tl tl ll I

ll tl ll I

ll ll tl
ul r -tt- -lt- J

tl ll ll. I

ll tl tl I

tl ll tt I

ll tl tl I

L.- J L J L J L J

ll tl I

tl tl I

_tl _tt_ _l
ll tl I

tl ll I

tl tl I

_tl tt_ I

tl ll
tl tl
tl tl
tl tl
Unit Speoking

Unit 14 Speoking
t- l-
r( )r(


t, .I
\t\ I

) )l
i( ,/l

tr )l




tl I





l6 At
//l '

L _l
Unit 15 Speoking

chitd A
. Colour.
. Listen, drow ond colour.

.*o t
. Colou r.

. Listen, drow ond colour.

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