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Focus area Graduate level Course work: paragraph of Course work: your current Evidence Placement: description of Placement:

current Evidence Placement: description of Placement: explanation of

your understanding of this strengths in relation to the artefact the piece of evidence and how the evidence
standard focus area at a focus area at the graduate the context in which you demonstrates your teaching
graduate level and why it is level and the context that collected it capabilities at the graduate
important and relevant you have experienced this level
1.1: Physical, social Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge
and intellectual and understanding of physical, social and
development and intellectual development and characteristics
characteristics of of students and how these may affect
students learning

1.2 Understand how Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge

students learn and understanding of research into how
students learn and the implications for
1.3 Students with Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge of
diverse linguistic, teaching strategies that are responsive to
cultural, religious and the learning strengths and needs of
socioeconomic students from diverse linguistic, cultural,
backgrounds religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

1.4 Strategies for Graduate level: Demonstrate broad

teaching Aboriginal knowledge and understanding of the impact
and Torres Strait of culture, cultural identity and linguistic
Islander students background on the education of students
from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
1.5 Differentiate Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge
teaching to meet the and understanding of strategies for
specific learning differentiating teaching to meet the specific
needs of students learning needs of students across the full
across the full range range of abilities
of abilities
1.6 Strategies to Graduate level: Demonstrate broad
support full knowledge and understanding of legislative
participation of requirements and teaching strategies that
students with support participation and learning of
disability students with disability.

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