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Davao congressman. engaged the Prest-

Rody leaves Speaker bet hanging Rody,.. dent's daughter in a '\rord war."
Frcm Al . But outside the ruling party, Leyte
Reo. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez, a
ByMacon Ramos-Araneta nexl speaker were informed by lv1aj. Cormie De Imn se- hriver and intemational banker, is being
"Acceptabilify is very significant. Af- nior aide Drerte, thd Dugte had a visitor.
oeJeived as the stonsest force to recko;
AITER Presidenr Rodrigo Durene on ter all. lhe candidate wili bejudged "Si PRRD daw ang tatawag kay Sena- with in the soeakershi-p.
Sarui-day lailed ro name ihe panido np on hrs pcrsonaiity and the motivation tor Manny Pacquiao bukas [Sunday] o Aside fiom the soid support of bis
nemokartikong Pilipino-Labaa ng pilil
Ibr his rLurning. Lessons &om rhe recent Monday though viber, Joson said. own Dartv. beins the president of the
pino's "main bet" for the House Speaker_
change of House leadersfup are mate_ At that time. he said" Pacquaio was at
;kas'-Cl;b, he
has the backing of
sh.ip race_in the l8th Congress, the ruling
nal-that House members are inclined the Ninoy Aquino lntemational Airport lawmakers who comprisJ 20
party said ir will announce jt anytime unl
to support a leader'who knows well his
";;-listof the Uouse of Reuesentatives'
waiting for his flight to the United Staies 'o".c'ent
til Mondav members their needs atd sentiments. for a boxing bout with I6rft Trumman in
membenhip and the Visayan bloc.
Jake son, special aide of Senator Someone and rhal they can always confde Las Vegas on July 15. House Minority Leader and Quemn
Manny Pacquiao^ said the presiclcnt was In wtthoul political Duterte told Pacquiao during a meet- R;. tanilo Suarez and Albay Rep. Joey
baniers or consider-
supposed to come out with the name of ations,
Leachon said. ing in General Santos last Thunday night SJ" Sut""au said they weie sure that
the paity's would-be contender for the ' Joson said pacquiao that he would relay to him his choice on with his penuasion skilis and economics
nexl Speaker had it not been for the
and president
the the speakership race. backprormd. Romualdez could effective-
arrival ofa
"visitor" were about to The President said it was up to Pac' tv lei'd ttre incoming l8th Congre* and
Meanwhile, House lead- quiao to make a public announcemert ensure that president Durcne's priority
talk about the
ers believe the chanee in
speakership on his ':chosen candidate" !o contest the lesislation would be oassed.
the House leadersi'ip
whqn rhel House's highest post since he [Pacqliao] 'S*,said Romualclez, also Philip-
Iast year would be a t was designated by the party's president. pine Constitution essociation presidant,
Senaior Aquilino Pimentel, to do the job. i"us th.rnort
guiding factor in the Next paqe
and Competent
Iawmakers' choice of Pimentel asked reporters to ioterview c;didate who"*perienced
could readily emerge vic-
the most acieptable '
Pacquaio, the party's campaign manager torious in the speakeiship race.
House speakpr who in the last midterm elections, on all mat- ie atso saii the retuming congress-
will can'y out the re- ters coflceming the speakership. _ man was a verv credible leader wlio had
forms Of President I
PDP-Laban has three aspirants for the ,""*"i oitii,
PT- it- ":;t-i"':;;tment
. Rodrigo Duiefte. speakership- Davao del Norfe Rep. ; heb president
Orienial . I'.,Iir1d{ro taleon Alvarez, Mindanao R"p A.Tllg .rp""iuirv in approving vital
Rep. . Paulino Salva- Umali Gonzales and Marinduque R.p out".t",
;iil;ft"t;; qu6.,i*, 5,L." Ua.
dor Leachon, Deputy Lord Alan velasco'
Speaker aiid Sulu Rep.
-. .
Being a close friend !f_ Presiden-
on the other hand' Salceda, senior
,rJ_"r,J-* ,n"-Houie- Co-mitt"e
Munir Arbison, House
Majorityl$ft. eader and B1l.HEiff ,""""13"'.";?$:ru'ffi
i1;":11y:+;:;l;iR;ffi ;;;
was a sftong conlender in the battle for
Capz Rep. Fredenil party's bet for the next speaker. the next.speaker due totris knowledge of
Casho, Negros Orien- 'Vr*." rt"rp"J irithe campaign of
tal Rep. Arnolfo Teves "rc" ,"notoriu'utJ, e19nomi9;.an{ nnayial markets He said
the administration-bu"t"o
ifu;tg ng this would be beneficial for.the countrv'
Jr, arid bamiguin Rep. ;";;A th. ;r*.
Xayier Jesus Rornualdci ;;;;;;-il".;;;;" "r
fifi .;ffff.ffi;ffi1ffl:;"ff#:
said acc€ptability was campalgn sorfies.
as far th9 country's 6rn'
a rnajor part in the On the other hand, Alvarez was oust€4 diu"lopment 31
r lawmakers' decision- $;A;; the day the Pre$- nor9ic tq."c"".9'1a--u-usTfsleaders are
I making,process on ^;;;;**
A""i t"'a.ii*. his SO\1A after tlie concemed, he said' Wlth Rto N' Arajr
\ nzac*lf PAq- ',
who would be the

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