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MoNDAY / JUNE 17,2019


showsoff performance
despite budget delays
By DJ Yap and determination of lawmak- open oir luly 22 under a new
@49919)'34!a : ers in passing vital socioeco- leadership.
nomic measures that will ben- In her sine die adjournment
The leadership of the House efit the present and next speech, Arroyo said she had set
of Representatives patted it- generation of Filipinds,". a her principal objectives as
self on the back for its pro- statement issued by Arroyo's Speaker to push for the legisla-
ductive performance in legis- office read. tive agenda of President
lation in spite of sme major Arroyo, whose final term as Duterte, especially the passage
political hiccups, such as the Pimpanga representative will of priority bi s that were high-
monthslong delay in the pas- end on June 30, gave her lighted in his 2018 State of the
sage of the 2019 budget dur- farewells to colleasues on the Nation Addiess.
ing the yearlong tenure of last session aav o<f tfrt lztfr
oritgoing Speaker Gloria Congress onJune 4. 'Tiieless work
Macapagal-Arroyo. She lauded the House
Under Arroyo's speaker- Political wrangling ' members for their "tireless
ship, the chamber ap,proved But her stint as the leader work and dedication which re-
9o9 measures, 25o of which be- of the House wilt likely best be sulted in genuine milestones
came laws-82 national in remembered for her and her that will benefit Filipinos now
scope-based on a report of allies' unceremonious ouster and in the future."
the House rules committee. of the previous Speaker, Pan- Among the new laws
Forty-four measures .i"ere taleon Alvarez, in July 2018, passed under Arroyo's watch
transmitted to President Duterte and the political wrangling be- are measures institutionalizing
for approvat while r5 were lati- 'tween the House and the Sen- Pantawid Pamilyang
fied by the two houses after a bi-
ate that delayed the enactment Pilipino Pro$am and the
rcameral conference comnittee, of the P3.7-trillion budget law Magna Carta of the Paor.
the report added. of 2019. The House apirroved 387
This, according tothe The House and the Senate bills onthird and final reading,
House leadership, amounted had traded accusations about including Resolution of Both
to 2,505 measures processed the former's last-minute Houses No. 15 proposing the
in 54 session days, or an aver: changes to the spending bill, Revision of the 1987 Constitu-
age of 46 measures per ses- 'leading
tion and authored by Arroyo
to a standoff that last-
sion day. ed months and'set back the herself. The measure, howev-
The House performance country's economic growth, er, lacked concurrence rdith
lshowed therhard work, fotus The 18th Congress will. the Senate. INq

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